page mo Quality and Charm Distinguish 1 i HU2 "The most Deliciimis Tta you can buy" The Daily Iews PI1INCG RUPERT - BRITJSffl COI.UMHIA ' Published Every Afternoon,, except Sunday, tlio Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau pf Circulations. DAILY KDJTIOM 98 86 "riday. March 0, 1025. Reaching Interior Points By Air. There undoubtedly will Ik? a great Meal of exploratory work done in this north country by the air runic The vision of Leu Rell is bound to become a reality snnru'day. Hunting and tourist parties will penetrate to tin' alniosl'uuknowii wilds by means of air boats and they will use I he same, means lo prospect for gold or oilier valuable mineral;.. AsJiir transportation becomes cheaper and more reliable it will hejtiseri more. The scheme of Major Mitclaren to have a fleet of air boals operating to and from (lease 'Lake for the gold rush is one that will commend itself to the miner who wishes to gel on the ground early or to the person who wishes in supply those miners with the ueressuries of life. This was the scheme planned by some of the (iffpials of thefJi'anby (lonipany several years ago. Foundations Of The Country Not Stable. The foundations of Canada are not as stable as we thought, in the East they have bad a bad shnkeup by an earthquake which has damaged buildings and even in one -case shaken a building down. On this roast we have had tremors very near us in Alaska and even here there have been slight -shocks at times. This means that it is unsafe to erect very high buildings mid that wuf must confine ourselves to it few stories, if we would be safe. If the Woolworth Huilding at New York had been near the 4.... ..r n... .1: .... 11... rv. ;i , , min t- ut uir (ustiiriituicu in inn rHi . u 'would nave neen in grave danger of collapsing. Glory' Of Achievement ', . Something To Inspire.' .- .Many people work for money and .' they get their pay. Others work for the glory of achievement and they also get their reward, a niu.rlt luglier reward lliau the mere sheckels. After all, money is .valuable only for what it ,will buy, and it will not buy 'pence of mind, it will not buy health or physical fitness, .Money is powerless in regard to the real' things oMiTe that eoiint It will be found among Canadian- and liritish people generally that they try Id build up n business for the sake of achievement, rather Iliad tin desire lo be rich. Aided By Progressive Members Of Prairies. liritish Columbia people will have, ii soft spot in Iheir hearts for the Progresses of the ;prairie provinces for the aid given them in securing lower freight rales ami heller nutlets on Hie Pacifjc. it may be done for a selfish move but it has served the purpose of this province and especiallv of the ports on Hie 'Pacific. . It really mutters little what you name a party. It matters not if they are called Liberal, Progressive or Conservative if . they, as an organization, are working for the things thai really count and which are likely to be of advantage lo us. Today the Liberals are iu power, kepi there through the co-nperaliou of the Progressives. Now and then the Progressives give the Liberals a squeeze which causes a twinge or pain but generally speaking the aim's or the two groups are the same, and Una realize it. As oug ns .the Progressives will develop the t'aeific ports we are satisfied, Thev waul low freight rales and conveniences. Wei want "the- same, thing with the buim.V. f the farmers adde.l. Thejf .wegel jcorrimiuiily of Jnleresli ; being a maiiuractiiriug cenfle; exWpt tOiiiimbeHiajnifrictiir-' nig, w are not iulcresled iu protrclion except to oppose ..... .... in-, wiiii me iiirmtr groups or die prairies whether they call themselves liberal, Progressive, Labor or Conservative. Just now they are mostly Progressive iu name. Why Exclude Women From Drinking Places? In Alberla there was a move to exclude women from the drinking halls of the government. Kurey this would nol be a fair thing. If beer is good for men, il ought lo be good for women and jf the drinking places are suitable for men thev surely ought lo be good enough for women. These are davs uV equal rights. Women are iu most matters allowed the same privileges as men. If beer is good, lei them have their share of 11 ami go Jo the beer halls and have their fill, If il s lml K(t for them, il is not good for men. Mia? ffiaipliB5TOli)uip J; They offered him a partnership If he could invert a HtUe money. But he hadn't the money, and the opportunity wai gone. Don't let lack of money ipoil the opportunity that may come to you1. One dollar will open a Union Bank Saving Atco"". MS UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager JUDGE URGES THEM TO WED Thinks Differences Between John' Haahti and Fiance Can be Patched up (Vancouver Sim, "This .mutter has nol pone lie. yond ri'inedy there must si ill lie hope lml an arrangement can be reached,-' ..suggested .Mr. Justice Morrison al the conclusion on Friday of; the suil for damages for breach of promise of marriage 'brouVltl by .Miss I'.olfio .Maudt.Munn of London, England, against .1. Haahti, J'inlandor, and mine owner and manager, of Stewart . The trial lasted al! day and linmslil out an enl rain ¬ ing story of an Hiiglish "piclurn liride" who .travelled from Lon don lo 'Stewart lo iiiarrv a stranger with whom she had corresponded. 'Would you now marry tin plaintiff?" asked His Lordship turning In Hie defendant. was jn (lie witness lm. Yes, I would,". replied the de fendant quickly. What does your client say?" His Lordship asked .1. A. Camp bell, counsel for .Miss Munn. A brief consultation followed. "Tliis is nol mailer my lieut wishes lo answer," replied I he lawyer. No Barrier Very well," replied the court. "Hut I trust (hat an understand ing will be reached before long and I see no insuperable barrier lo I lie conclusion of Hie arrange ment .which was shifted wher. the plaintiff lef for Hie coast o . meet Hie defendant in Slew- irl." Haahti, natty, vehement and speaking broken Knglisli, told the court thai in IS) it., in Seattle, he knew an I'nglisluuan naitiet Hasxel who was, h"e alleged, deported lo England by iniiuigra- liun authorities. From Loudon, llaabli beard from Masse! and, as a friend of Mr. and Mrs. liasscl, the plaintiff wrote lo him once and a corres- pninjcnee started which resulted in Hie departure of the plaintill for Canada. Gan.e to Vancouver AVrive.i in .Montreal, the defendant heard from her again. and then she slHyed a jear in Hamilton working as a stenographer. Starling once more for the Coast to nice: Haahti, she arrived in Vancnuver and look the boat to Stewart. .Miss Munn testified that, after meeting on the boat al the dock at Stewart, Hiey found each oilier mutually agreeable, and marriage was agreed u:nn. They went ashore, found the road from the wharf to the town so bad that travel over il al a late hour of (he night was inadvis able, and slaved for the n ght at the Ocean View Hotel in Hyder, near the wharf. Here, she said, they occupied the salne room ami she alleged that Haahti made advances and was repulsed by her on the ground that they were nol married. The next day they went, on to Stewart and the dis pute was renewed there, with the result that Miss Munn returned to Vancouver and the action was slarlcd. ' ., ... . ,y i , :; Still? Ready '. to (Wed The defeiilanl, giving evidence, staled that he had only asked Ihe plainllir lo wail ahoul a week unlit his new home was ready and that she had broken the engagement, refused lo marry him and returned lo Vancouver. He urged (lint he was always ready and willing lo marry the plain-Hir. Letters and Irlcjcrams were read lo the court in Hie morning session, put in as evidence Hy the nlaihlilT of a contract lo marry her. Mr. Justice Morri- son reserved conclusion of judgment Ihe trial. al ih The Man in the Moon OXK of the chief industries of Nova Kcolia seems lo bo the strike. It seems lo be almost a continuous performance. I1VK was' bavins a game in I ho garden when she foil from a tree, "Kve's. dropping again," remarked Adam. CHOPS' word puzzle enthusi-asls saj-s ithe dictionary is jb-leresling but the stories aro rather short ami lack continuity. TIIK closer tbo man, the moro THE DATt,Y NWS I I I a IF .l for or cleanliness cleanliness I tin I find H W- Don't call the plumber when the link drain rtu choked. A Utile tilllettV Lye will probably clear it in a few minute. Searea of other usea around tha aanitarjr home. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE distant the girl. A SLUSH fund is whirjio people U clean snow. money paid up iitr.lliu? TIIK preattsl thing in tlm world to an American is to be president and to an American wninaii to Ik; the president's wife.. ADAM and I've gol on well lo L gelher because Jhey had no re-lalive. Jo, visit, them nr give I hem advice, A IIHJK town J- one .wherw citizens go around showing their suspeioiers. O.N'CK girls were shy And. very demure They never then spoke Til the 'toys t' am sure. Hul today, sir, .'before They' an? fifteen year obi They resemble the. knights And are Irrrihly liohl. v ' nil-: latest suggestfiih ts as women are luxuries should be taxed. A MAX once sat On a log and spat And declared that lie Would go on a spree. Then judsfe if yop can What happened the man. Ten Years Ago In Plnco Rupert that they HMMOXTOX lfasM oidy Tit inches oT snow this year. One year il went up to C7'. ,'hv il is up lo Kduionlon lo prove that it will soon be in the banana -belt because the snowfall js decreas ing. THKHK'S one thing about Prince Itujierl we have nol ye! been shaken lo pieces by ae earthquake, although, il must ' admitted that some (if our genlld zephyrs are a little Irenihly. niaiiprs of iiii.nrta1vc' to the city. ' I'. (5. Dawson was spokesman for Ihe Hoard of Tra.hv One complaint made was I hat il was cheaper to bring butler here from Kdiuoiiloii via Vancouver than direct. ONTARIO METHODISTS ARE BEING AROUSED Properties Valued at $35,000,000 are involved in Proposed Legislation TOHOXTO. Mar. '.. Possible elTeels of Church I fiion legislation iu Ontario on, properly holdings of the Methodist Church are beginning In arouse Methodist concern. Methodism has iu this Province I Him churches, 7i.T parsonages, 187 .cemeteries, four colleges, lis main publishing plant, and numerous missionary and deaconess institutions, all nf which would be. alTecled by the bill now sponsored in the Ontario Legislature by the opponents or Church Union, The folal valualiou of these proiierties is nearly :ir,ii(io,iino. Al the last session of Ihe Provincial Legislature the Church Union forces introduced Iheir own hill, hul opponents' attached lo il amendments which would have touched very closely Hi vital interests of the Cnngrrga- tionalisl and Methodist churches lis wtdl as of the lreshytc,riati Church. The hill was accordingly withdrawn hy its sponsors on the rcipicsl of the responsible spokesmen of the three churches Now two new bills are before Hie legislature. AIDS FOREIGN TEACHERS .TOKIO, March 0. The eduea- j tioiial department proposes lo inlroduce a bill in the presen: ' Session of ine il jot lo provide houses fur the foreign teachers in the government schools. I'here art nearly 100 such instructors, largely American and tlriUsh, and about S I .".(i.ooii will, lie asked Tor Hie holism scheme. EARNINGS DECREASE MONTItKAL, Mar. i. The .M-riss earnings or the Canadian Xalional llailways from January lo I'ehriiar.v 'Jl. 11)25, have been being a decrease or 2,22l,3(i!) over the corresponding period of t'.)2i. In LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchaia Land In skeeiu Land District, nr Prlnr lliiprt llprordmir IdMrlrl. nrt aituatf inpnixlniatplv one and one luiir mlloa Wril r salrin station, on Salvu Hland, ski'ffia' Mlver. TakP Notlre that Hndolf LarMon. ol 1143 CarlPlon St.. Ilurnahv, orrupatlmi l.oinrr, intend to apply for ui purrliac the followlnir rtfirrll)Bd land: CiinnicnrlnK al a pnut plamrd at the nutltwPM rorner or Lot 4HU3, Silius ulandi thenrc lonth'Aemrrl.r, approximately gnu jaidi; thenre iiorllierly ap-iroxlinaioly 8uo yardn; tlmir norlhpl rly appr.ixliiialelv Haiti vanH; tlienre ontlienv foil vnnH. lo nulnt or Iwriiuiiiiir .-iiiipriKjii(r all that portion of Salvna Miami H I west of Lot '4nj and rontalnlnir 30 " teiea, nKire or lean. I ! , THOMAS MILLS 'V. A rent for not."!.- t.n'ant LAND ACT. Skeena Land DMlrlet of Prlnen mineri March ' 6. 1915. , Herdlnr DIMrlel. n . , ... I TAKK .XOTICK that Oeorire Utile, of CapL. . II, (..layloii, Lieut. S, .ferra.-o. It.r., orriipation liunlieriiian, ami l , ..Ml,jloiui(,, Metoidie t l.ieill. i.xll W . A. It. on t1'..1" "'rnKT, of Tcrrare, n.i;.. mm-l I'OJli- hation liirulieonau, Intend to apply for gr,ew tmv,. been 'om.,(issiom;d s SISTS 7JrtoZZlWn oincers ; in the JHIh Itatlallon L t.otnmenrinir at a p.i planted al noiilli which js Willows pow encamped al Hie lli 'WariHifjid .1. t:iap- perlou are acting sergeanls. I)r, llerriilge, moderator of I lie I'resbylerian OeneraL Asse.nibly delivered an inspirim? addres-, before a large audience in the Knipress Theatre last night. Uis-bop Dp Vernel presided and Hev. II. It. (Irani assisted him. A. K. Ilosevear, (I.TJ1. general freight agent, conferred with the Hoard of Trade yesle.rday on WATER NOTIOE. U8E AND 8T0RA0E TAKK MIJICE that Maxell Tlmlter Co.. I.HiilicU, whose addrens U 70 I'acirin llulldlnir, Vaneoiiver. B.C., will apply for ii lirenco lo take and ue Slid riilile f.-et per wcond, and lo (ton 7SM. arre-feel or water out nr (tream knowji an Aln lllver. whlrli flows nouilierlv and dralm Into .Mim-wII Inlet, almut one ami on-iMiir inlleH easterly rnmi liurklev Ilnv. H.L., Tlie (lorave-dani will I loraled at he outlet nr Aln Lake or at rolnt below the (aid outlet, to lie determined after wirreys hav lieen made. The .apiicltv of the reserrolr to lie rrealed In almut 6M. Here-r.'el, and ll will rio.Nl dholit S.HUO acres or laiul. TIm water will lie diverted rrorn the dream at n point almut Ilie hienllon or the liriir-dnrn. namely, the outlet or Aln Like, and will lie ued ror power and Indmtrlul purpoiea upon Ihe and descrllied a Lot U37 or on Lot 4H. This notlee wa posted on tin iriound on the i;w day or February. It)i5. A copy of this notice and an application pori'iimit tlx-reto and In the "Water n. t1H." will he filed in the office of the Water Itecorder at Prince Mupert. objeelloiin lo Ihe application may tin filed with the (aid Water llecorder or with llm comptroller of Walof fllirtitit. Parllamenl llulldlnirs. Victoria. II.C, within thirty .laya after the first appearance ,,r this notice in a local newspaper. The dale or Ihe first publication or litis nollce Is Monday, March 3, 19J5 MASSKTT TI.MIIKIt CO.. LTD.. Applicant. W Sclioonovr, A sent, end nf Inland slmnw-.l near niMinh ..r ut. omkallnni niver and lyimr (lrar wet hank ut unld rlvee; Uvwv fnllowinir shore Him aroniKl Ulamt irk point of feoinmejieernentj .'omalnln 25 nere,' more or les nrcoilOK LITTLE and CLAIIIE L. M. filiiflEY, xnnHeann, It's guaranteed pure and purity means vahB in soap - says Mrs. Experience to housewives interested In saving.'- "Of. course, you know right away that I refer to Sunlight because Sunlight is the only laundry bar soap made in Canada that is guaranteed pure A $5,000 Guarantee of Purity goes with every bar and, according to the makers, this Guarantee has never once ban challenged during the whole lifetime of Sunlight Sup "It's perfectly obvious, too, that when every part !t rf j soap is pure cleansing material and n'6t"Ioaded with u.-.! -adulterants and hardening materials then that soap h i - n. r. cleansing power and does more work with less labour A little of it goes a long way. In short, it's really economical, "That's why I always ue and recommend Sunlight for the laundry, dishes and general housework. Sunlight ktri my hands soft and comfortable, too!" Lever Brother Li' ittd, Toronto, make it Sunlight Soap SPRING will soon be HERE! START THAT "CLEAN-UP PAINT UP" CAMPAIGN NOW. Our new slock of Household I'ainK . I timels. ami Alahasliuc has just arrived, li v iuvesligjile our "Cliiiianiel" Dept. for Variii-h - (iraiiiniK process. Onl slocks of Huildcr- Il , penlers' mid Mechanics' Tools. Chicken c I. . Tools and Oeneral Jloiisehohl Neeessilies ,r ! complete. Call and see our line or WKAH-KYKIl ,i Agents for the famous Gurney-Oxford Ranges STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. GET IT AT! Near Post Office. lZ HIGH cms -GROCERS PHONE 586 BULK COCOA '2 lb, for 25c fnew sin: BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1023. Has produced Minerals ns folhfw.s? Plncor fiobl, .$7(1,002,200; l.ode, Mold, n.14,nnri; Silver, $na,n:i2,()5r; Lead, $D8,in2tfi0t; Copper, $ J7t),010,r0S; Zinc D0i,'7n0) Miscollaiieous Mitiorals, $ii08,2r,7; Coal nml (oke, 2r.0,0fl8,l t:t JlnU'- Stone, Hrick, Cemfiut. etc., IZ,2'M ; making its Mineral Production to 'ie "' '" ll)2:t show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining !,nws or this Province arc more liberal and the fees lower than lli""" 01 niiy other Province in the Dominion, or nuy colony in the Urilish .Umpire. Minora! locations are granted to discoverers for nominal recs. Absolute Titles arc obtained by developing such properties, the security of wh' h guaranteed by Grown Omuls. Full information together wt, Milling urali W imports nml Maps, may J lut' obtained atldrcssiiig THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia.