PAGE roun PROSPERITY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus MV LI.O V'.i Tt-U-j) 13 -'P.-o CLOSE AHEAD we. oo"? little: I IS Jltj a V-MO THO OF MM tHfi MEAN! CgWSREL'b BUT. TER , l-irt-T T OX'oNM 1 1 1 II fecai AMO (Vr.jXo Of COO none. I lu we Asa hkpv r7 srr.M likc ' v r ' . homc ? v J is. 4 r r t That Is Opinion of President I WOULDN'T Ccolldge as Expressed In His Inaugural Address . I I i I a r?rr I I STRONG ON ECONOMY -4 America Seeks no Earthly Em pire But Her Legions are Armed With the Cross (Delayed Iteporl) WAPIIlXOTON, Jlar. t. (As soeialed Press '. Clothed willi ) direct mandate from the people, Calvin CooliilKC on Wednesday dediralrd himself and his ad ministmlinn to the liKhlenliipr of the lux burden al home and to the promolinn of ieaee llimiii'h mutual uiiderslandiiiKs with t Ii ' nations of the world. Those two purposes vere out lined in high relief hy Mi Coolidire in his inaugural ad dress, delivered from a siniply- . deeoraled- stand at the as,l en li'auee to (he Capitol just after he had taken his second oatli of offiee as president nf the United Slates. Dividing his allenlion almost e(ually hid ween affairs al home and prohlenis ahroad, and le-Iween thine areomplishcd ami achievements t hoped for, Mr. Coolidtre spoke with assurance as to the future, deelariiifr that he- eauso or anion already taken, an era of prosperity lay ahead and a firmer eourafre and n hizhcr hope Inspired the heart of all humanity. More American "We have heen, and propose to he, more ami mtire American," lie declared. "If. we have any heritage, it has heen thai. If we have any destiny, we have found il a that direction." ccnrd with this purpose, he asserted, demands the conduct of irovernmenl alone certain defin-ild lines. These lines in the field of do- - mQstie affairs point, first, In the exercise of greater economy in government, and second,, lo reduclion or taxation, he con tinued. The recent election,' he sajd. hail demonstrated that "the policy thai stands mil with the greatest clearness is Jhat of economy in puhlic expendilure wilh reduction and reform of taxation." "I favri c the policy of economy not because I wish lo savei money, hut because I wish to save people," he continued. "The men and women of this counlry who toil are he ones who hear the cost of government. Every dollar I hat we carelessly wasle means lhal Ihei'r life will he so much the miijre moager. Fvcry dollar thai we prudently save means thai their life will he so much move abundant." Tax Reduction ." The practice of such economy,; he declared, has brought tho. tiine when there can lie further tax reduction and "when, unless wq wish lo hamper the people in their right to earn a living, we must have tax reform." He do. r lit red his opposition to ex tremely hiek tax rates because tltey produce utile or no rev- Hive war. We have made a great cnn- Irihulion lo the settlenienl or, conlenlious di(Ternces in liulli Kurnpe and Asia," he saicl in concluding his . discussion of I foreign affairs. lint I here is a very dcrilille pomi lieyomi wiuci we can mil so. We can only heln those who lielp tJieinselves. Mindful of these iimilal ions, I Ini one great luiy mat stands out requires us lo use our enormous mwers lo trim me iiaiam-e oi the world." Party Government Only once in his address did Mr. Coolldge rejVr to the elec tion which loday brought him lo-the J'residencv for a lenn in his own righl, and lhal was after tie had declared strongly in favor of slricl party responsibility, adding that "common honcMy ami good milli wilh the people who support a parly at the polls require Dial parly,, when it enlers ollice, to assume the control .of lhal portion of Iho- government to which il has been elected." This administration Has come into power witli a very clear and definite mandate from I he peo ple ," he said. "The people declared thai I hey wauled I heir rights to have not a polilicalbul a judicial determination, and their independence and freedom iviuliuueil and supported by having Iho ownership and control of their properly, not in the government but in I heir hands Observe Constitution Pursuing further his discus sion of domestic affairs, he d elared lhal. "Jhose who wnuf Ihejr righls fesperled tinder lli'o. Ooiisliliilinii and Ihe law ought lo set the example themselves of observing the ('nnslijiilion and Ihe law" and llial "we Coti-uol permil any inquisition eiliier wi I Ii I it or wilhoul the law br apply any religious (osl lo Ihe holding of ollice." America," he chncluiled. seeksrno .earthly niijre huill on blood and force. No imbiljon. no- leinplalion, lures her lo llioughl of foreign dominions. I'he legions which . she sends forth are armed, not with IIU; sword, but wilh the cross. Tin higher slate to which she seek ihe allegiance or all mankind i not of human but of divine ori gm. Mie eiio'isiies no purpose save lo merit ibe favor of Al mighty tlod." Ihe counlty, and finally, because. LONDON GIRLS BUY I bey are wronig. "The verdict of the country has been given on this question. he .added. "That verdict elands We shall do well (o hoed il. Prefacing his 'discussion of America's relalion lo the world with the .declaration that "our; comilry represents nothing hut peaceful inlcntions tnwanl all the earth;" Mr. Ooolidge set fori It ways and moans of manifesting lhal spirit while al the same lime maintaining "such a military force as comports wilh Ihe dignity and security of Ii groat people." Leads In Peace He reileraled his advocacy o UMBRELLAS THE SAME The best Tobacco for the pipe ' COLOR AS STOCKINGS! Some of Them Have to be Made to Order to be Exact Shade LONDON, March 0. 0d of Ihe latest fads among fashion able young women lj to chnOsi an uiuiiroiia to uiaieii stockings and 'hat. In this connection' il may ho said that the umbrella departments of (be . London shops are among the most color fill brunches of the business Searlol and emerald have boon proved thus far lo be the most American adherence lo Ibe Per- popular colors of all, bul those mationl. unurl or iniernallniiat Justice; declared thai America having taken Jlie lead in Ihe movement for Iimilal ion of arma ments, "thai load America must conlinuo lo bold;" favored own- linualion of';lho policy of parli- cipalion in , wprld conferences "whenever coii.dil ions are such lhal there is eVon a promise lhal urarlical .mid favorable results might be secured," bespoke con tinuation nf aid to miligale human Miffcrinir' and assist in I In. rutittlillllullnll nf ilislroKsedl ..... tu...... . . . . .. . ..ri nalions, and expressed sympain with lbo movement Jo clarify in- lernalional law and In bring about Ihe outlawing of aggres- ri fin , f This Lassie Has Her Colds "Rubbed Away" The mother of this attractive little girl, Mrs. E. E. Kmmans, of 215 Seventh Ave., N. E., Portage La Prairie, Man., is one of the many Canadian mothers who are enthusiastic about the vaporizing salve, Vicks VapoRub, for treating children's colds. Mrs. Emmans writes: "My little tcirl had croup at night pretty badly and Vicks did her a lot of Rood. I have also used it with very satisfactory results for neaa ana cnest colas. Vicks is just "rubbed on" for sore taroat, tonsilitis, bronchitis, croup or deep chf.t colds. When so applied, Vicks has a double direct action: inter-nally mudkatcd vapors are inhaled while, at the same time, tHmuilly, it is ab-sorbtd thrown and Etimulates the skin. & mewl mm OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL shades are often overlooked by . buyers who insist upon matching their hosiery and millinery oveu if Ihe proleelnrs from the sun or rain have fo be., made lo order. As lo colors generally', especially for women) modjstes say IJial ' London has never been as . !.. II, ....I u il iu I... I,,,. Iptij til iiii.- in.-.-ii nr il in iifu.t.. Longer slicks are coming back Hit n popular .usage for umbrellas hUl on aceoun! of its' conven-t4' nee dealers say the short urn-: hrella has ciiine lo slay. Some of Iho hntnlles of the longer slieks are encrusted wilh color-' fill china beads, and are con sidered very elfeclive, so far as lite eye is concerned, Iml from i l)t'aclical viewpoint' Ihe beaded umbrellas are considered merely one-of the early slicing fads, which will soon pass, because the beads themselves fairly "eal" away very quickly the palm of Iho wearer s fine kid gloves. BETTER TREATMENT ' ) SUBORDINATE RACES Turkey Admits League of Nations Representatives to LoOk After Nationals ORNKVA, March f.. The prn-loetfyiv, (if minority peoples; In ol heir Avords, people who, being resident within ' Ihe confines of a.,iin stale, are subject to ihe.: dominion of that stale, re- eeblly look- on a new and hope ful aspect at (oneva. following the example of (iroeoo, the gov eminent of Turkey notified Ihe League that il would permit the peulral members of the mixed commission, which handles I exchange of populations between Oroeee and Turkey, lo serve a special agenls of Ihe council of the League, esls nf Uie lo prolecl Ihe inler-Albauian minorilies i-i (Ireece. , . Imporlance Js given I new development becaii lo this e il will undoubtedly .crCwile a precedenl ilo be followed elsewhere uid sets up a system whereby Ihe League : council may lip regularly anC directly informed as lo Ihe con-jdilions under .which minority I peoples are living. ASSESSMENTS CONFIRMED John Dybhavu, ""silling in the provincial court of revision, yes- ("fday made some slight adjust ments in llu valuation ot the lownsile adjoining Slewarl. Oilier assessments were , Sport Chat ; An inler-i'ily fnolball league I; lo be formed in Ihe soulh in-eluding Nanaimo Cil y, Nanaimr Velerans. ('umberland, SI. An ilrew's of Vancouver, New Westminster and Ihe Norlh Shore O: I lie Viuicouver District League The formation ot such a leagui lias been under eonsileratioit foi several 'years bjlj jias beet deferred on account, oLfranspoi'la-'iou dillicullies. -T .limniie Deluriey of SI. Paul and Young Slribling of Maeor boxed ten rcmiids; ju Milwaukei 'as! week lo a draw, S'lriblirtg refusing to come oul of his shell wilh the exception of Ihe lasl I wo rounds. .Newspapermen were divided in (heir oniiuons. .some gav ltylaney a shade m- besl of il, olhers, Slrihling. Harry Oreh, middloweigli! champion, had Iho liveliest fight if his life in 1'itlxbursr this week When he rouk-d five highwaymen who waylaid him and two younp women. One of Ihe batvliu onught (ireb's lefl ear willi i knife and another had a revol ver bill did not use il. tiroli laid out two nf bin, assailants and knocked another down. The llspefsed after gelling a dia itiond ring worth 1000 frnm one of Ihe woiil-n and a purse con l.'iiniug '..'. The siiirl of Ihe city individual billiard championship competi tion has boon delayed for exacll finoweek -front Matrh IS lo March' I iind Ihi? games' wjj lake place in the order as an nounced yesterday only one week later in each case. This has beeil decided so lhal I he cush ions on Ihe lable at the. (S.W.V. moms.- on which I he games are (o tie played; may lie renovated I he" winner will lie decided on If if 'number, of games won 'and liisl. One oolnl will be given for a viWory 4tnd nothing far n-loss III Ihe evenl of a lie, there will ho a plavolf to 1,000 points two 50(1 sessions. There billiard' merit al m Is to he an Individual chamnionship toil rim Ibe Prince Iluperl llil Hard Parlor in which Hghl bull will bo used. Ibe entrants an (ieorge Mellmovle, II. .lelicl CUT PLUG Wanted For Sale For Rer.t DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c perlwordjn advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR SALE FOll SALE. Singer Sewing Machine, nearly new, $55,110. Walker's Music Slore. 57 BOARD IIOAIID. The Second, Avenue. LOST FOUND Inlander, K30 Plume 137. OST. Roule book, lielwoen Itunsinuir, 1'iftli West, Mc llride and Siventh I'aat. finder ploas return In Valentin Dairy. OUND. Hunch of keys on steel ring on Fourth Ave. .Wesl. Owner can have sino hy iden- OUND. Hunch of keys on t;ins, including one C.N.ll. switch key. Apply Daily News ollice. OUND. Pair of child's brown woollen mills. Apply Daily News oflice. OUND. Pair child's fur trimmed kid mills. Apply Drily News nITice. ' OUND Opal brooch. Applj' Daily News odioo. FOUND. I'o-I ollice key. App. Daily News ollice. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTKD. A partner lo lake "an active inleresl in a long -established business. Kxeelleu1 prospects tor making money. For full pari mutant write Ilo 23 i Daily News, Prince llu port, H.C. Elks COLUMBIA RECORDS KW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest r productions of latest. Fox Trots. Songs and Instrumental music ly world famed arlisls Call in and 'hear Ihein. PRINCE RUPERT MITIC STORE, Third Avenue Charlie Halagno and Fred Slcpfi- iis and the games will star; ncxl week. Fach player will inee; ettch oilier in games to 500 uoinis, me winner to je tiie one eiOefgJitg ,wi(li the highest aver age. 'I here will lie first am sworn! iiri.cs. WHIST LEAGUE Have Firm Place In Hold on Series First As a result of lasl night gainus, the hlks have now taken a pretty firm hold on first place u uie men n section or mo Fraternal Whist League. The Klks won their match while Ijieir runuers-up-Kniglils of Colum- nus ami Mins or i;anaja -were both beaten. The result, nf the games lat nighl were as follows: Sons of Kngland 3, Croat War Veterans (1. Oddfellows H, Knights of Col umbus 1. Flks 0, Sons o Canada 3. hnighls of Pythias 3, Loyal irango LoiUe C. League slanding lo dale fol lows: W. L. Pis r'lks 13 1 t. K of C lo ( ( S. of C ) 7 p SI. Andrew's y 7 ( s- f F H 8 H Oddfellows H 0 "I. W. V. A. K 1) K Modse 7 y 7 ' 0 II 0 K. of P. 4 ia 4 ROOFING KLICKODD" Coating. Tho best coaling for shingle, iron or paper roors. It prescrvem tlic roof and slops the leaks. Also good for brick, concrete or slone walls. Cheapest and besl. Ksliiiiatcs gjvon. l'.O. Ilox 111. Phone I 'J. MARINE TAXI SERVICE .AL'NCII "Oh llaby" al your ser- jce day or nigltl. Comforl; Safely---Courtesy. If it's a water Iriii call Laurie l.ambly. ptiones I thick 31ft or 131. RADIOl RADIOl ltH you inlewsled in Itadio sol or parts I can save you money. 2 tube sets complete wilh aerial, phones and batteries, installed, $55. Phone Hod 707. miml nr UiiilM r TAXI Taxi G7 Phone (Call Ceorge, Paul or (Susl4 t'r-iiiipi service and Comfort Day or Nit' I Stand: .IOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker L lock, Across frnm EmnMss llotei FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ure Slore. We Hoy. Sell and Fx hange New and Secondhand ioods. QfcO. PAHADUPULIS, S39 Third Ave. 'hoie U) FURNITURE WK handle Ihe FAWCETT piaranleeil copper bearinu' Sleel Itanges and all grade of high grade furniture we ex change. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Allot ioneers 1 TIMBER SALE X C928. SmImI TiikIit will Iw nii'lvnl Cy the MlntDtrr nt l.andK. l Vlelnrli. mil Imit ban niMtn uu the Jnd itay ir ajhii. ivy-,.r tlic nun law nf Urrnif X livKK. U ut I. 0(i rnl of CMir, llMfiliirk. HalMRi aiHi SuriH-f on in arna Mtnal'rt uo- tlH) iiiirUi ttnurr r Xayimsh Imi-l. Ilaiifi M4l i mki piairiri. Twii i vwair iM iIUiwmI for re' FurtiMT nuriiriuarit or iih :mr rim- lr, VlrliirlH, II 1... nr lnlrll Knirntei. rtiwi- niiMTt, ii.i:. TIMBER SALE X 6928. SMlwl TciKlem will ts- ruri'lvfid tiy 11ms Milliliter ot l.nii(l.. at Vlrliirin, not In It llian niHin ihi tin- mil iliy nt Manli. tliitri for tlM piin haw or l lceiirn X !, in (ill l,6(i,n(iu H T Cedar. llMtil'Mk ImlMin and fprncr mi an an-a mlnatml un 1 lie norlh nlxirr u r Nayftatli Inlet, llanf t. OiaM LaiKl IHntrKt. two i) ynfln win in- a io-m ror re iimval nf IIiiiImt. Itirtlii'it psiili'iilnr nf tlic Ciller Korea ter, V'lruirla. H.C, or lilstrlrt rorontiT, 'rliHT liiipi rl. II.-. 11 1 ' 't. TIMBER SALE XCS11. IIhio will m ofrinil ror anl at I'lili-llr A in-1 Ion. at ihmiii mi Ibe IKlh il.iy nt Murcli. lust, m Uie i.rriic or Uie loreli linmcr, llar.elton, il.i:.. Iln l.lreiirc XttKIt, to rut 00,004) lineal met ut Cinlur Pules ami DI.O'io llrnilotk anil Jarkplue Tien mi Uil tilt ami ailjolnlnir land altuateil north or llaittton, Cannlar l.aml plalrlrt. Till' CI .years will lie alluweil fur r-miival or ttintier. ITnvldi il any one uiuilile lo 11 lend llu-union In iei'Miii may nilmili a nealeit lender In lie uieiietl at ,lhe hour or aue-thin and Irnnted ' one tilil." Fni'llier iartlenlr nf the elder forester. Vlrtorla, H.t:., or tiltrli't I'oreatfr. Prince tmpert. tic. TIMBER SALE X6103. Sealed Tendem will lm reeilve.1 tv Itm riltirlet Knrcdter nut later llinii 11mm on llm tllh day or Mairli. ttttt, Jor ll ruirrlmae or l.leenei. X (H(IJ, Ul l7fl. wet Mion- or Maa4tt Inlet, Uwii Olrt; lock siwlnm me '1. year will lie allowed for re. Iriimtl or tnnlwr Further nartlmtarn of the Chief Forea o i . o on in, or I III1 I'rlnce hnjiert, U.c. IiMirlet Foreater, Article Lost anil Found, 4t MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Al0lllH.V. .1 unlays, do-from the East ' Mondays, Fridays, due .. to Wancuuer do-, Salurdays Friday. C.P.H. Main, rem Vahcouner Stmdays Wlnsdays ThurHdu CP. II. Miii -h fo Anyox, Alice and Premier Wediieftdu) (iraiiain in lot in IHnmM IilMrlrt, to nit :,(,.-?; ,j imnni 1 1 111 pprncp. 1 .Mar. ami 1 em at C1X COLLEuflOli PM I A. St i-l Ih Ave. A J-'ii'-- s " 5 Hth Ave: k Tliomt son fit Ilhve. iVSlieitt' . ,,vc I Ih.Vve. fc Cmrad S Hth Ac, & Hays 1 . Ave nib Avo. fi Hays f v? hlrcle 81 h .Avc.A Colfr-n ' fh Avo. A M. IV .J s TO. (JOV. I!l(l-" 'rqv. Cov. Wii.ii'f I.T.P. Wharf ml ve. & :'nd SI ird Ave. 4 Ful jn SI rd o A r "i rnaitT LAND RCOAHDII4Q DISTRICT ST TAhK JioTICK I' ' lied, or ViiH'mi"" and l'fr Waimi ' ror a icbm' "i 1 Undi. la uuaM 1 Pn ivlmw or lint walrr tot i n Hi'' i t. iwiru parli' u , loUH: li'illUlielll'HIK 11 tide line oil Hi' Inlet dlflant k"i from tile wiiilh' i- 1 on -1 tii-lnil. im: t:ideK... a dl-liin lf. to (lie "',i I ,,1 t tun; thene 1 ImiIIIhIii: 1 (lie -.,11111 u dl-lalii "f ot ' -ennu i or Khlll l"1 1 Mm lilKh tide lln 7,0till ft.. liH'lc 1,1 romini'iii einelit, ' "' ' or li"". ,, li.MT.n Jannaiv t PM:ini II s J. Ml lalaml in ' ouih nf s.ii 1 TAKE KOTICK " of iiarnaby, n ' , IllUMKt to al'li rtiMn tlm followm1" i:oiiiiiielirlnr al eBterty end or dlalelj- son Hi 'r ' lurtnir (ilanted nt th aaI.i 14I11111L and illlllld. Tills "tl'k" aft' liy aonin 01 - inn nninr ' silked li.V aienl I talnlnir 3011 ai r T' " ti iml Tl(( M bated January t;.in. It 2,40 , S':t. i 15 n "1 .t I M 11 Arm, Stewin I com Anyox, Alice A 7 stewiii and Premier-Tuesdays . PI Fridays 1 To Port Simpson and Nats Riw Points Sunday- . j From Port Simpson and 'I Km River Points Tutwluy- J To Alaska Points- March f i From Alaska Points Marchlo. 0 ro Queen Charlotte Island Point March 4. t . I ? From Queen Chartetw isn Points Mreh 3, t I'J l 12 M5 18 lit O l ) U I!" DISTRICT. of COW- LAND ACT , ApP' w Nolle of Intontlon to L:ino. ftkeetla land ' liti'ordiiiK l'1 1 1 a I"' y4 put"1 - '"! '-, U . n""J in , "-Si ,i.i.i' , hi; .oil ? Mil- '' iti.