U tk.l 1 1 n r TIIE DAILY NEW3 PAGE TORE! 1 NORWEGIANS TO rUWVK.J't9JE3LIAtLVr VJftr ( Local and Personal TRY THIS ! 0X0 PIE GATHER AT 1sV..l B.C. Undertakers. IMioue 41. 4 Pottoe, 2 large Onioni, TWIN CITIES 1 Oxo Cubei, Pepper and Salt. Ev i i inn i i i i Slice the potatoe) and onions and Ladies' Oxfords $ i.OO. Mrs. Fifty Thousand Canadian-Norwegians Hrahluian. put Ihemiin a pie dih in layen. Will Attend Dittolve the Oxo in a cupful o Norse-American Centen-j Hoy a I iMirpI'irTcaniid NTiiXfrv dot wdter,"an,d pour.ovef J putting , 1 nial at Minneapolis-and ' a small piece K dripping on the '': ''Ybur Fdrm Sale. Maieli. jJL;;; .V,'! ' ' ' 55d 'top. Bake in a hot oven until St. Paul in June p.- f browned nicely, and serve. ' is a You'll like oiir :oall Consumers Kinf Haakon, President Coolidge and Lord and Invited. Business Proposition Coal Co. Phone 7, tf Lady Byng One of the greatest of all ! Enercy-Producing Foods! Pcliawt Jar the tavit ana jot coowtng. sw; vti-..i:r.-.iBm iFlSHER & WONTJUUU. T M EN! I is it yoiii' iiri -'Viii jmi nnu sec Mint n is com-ii. n up' some of the Hunt;- on should have on .ore Mill Jllll III M'li: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK f i' uiiir Personal Kit vim will ,iln need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH i H -upplios frnm n ;unl be -.ore tiT receiving jsl'iifliuii. OR M ES LI Pioneer Druggists The Roxall Stars Ask -for a Tide Book for 1925. 7hcy aro Free. When the S un Shines will your Draperies Fade? - OUR GUARANTEED CASEMENTS will un) fade, i :n C f un. Ilussct. Whirlpool, (iiitl .Mid-Hose. ' i In nil', jut art! $1.75 arrie's Home Furnishinffs w - ukmm w m vm mm m Am a mm riSAVA r fE Washer Wj anA )rvpr MS.AV 4 A VA J Has un Wringer, needs iiihr'. Wiiii (inlil Medal l lasl Queliec Fxhiliilion over nil American anil Canadian Machines. Lush Price $185.00: also sold on lerins. Kaien Hardware Co. RAW FURS 1 w hl to hi lt.inl hiiflh-sl iMMhh! IIASII itriri's II 11 It I I I IIKH . I 1 I 1 L . . 1 I I I . . n.l. r-k .. ' , Vancouver, B.C. " " H.H.lt. lil.lK.. i:t-.M I SI., Winnipeg. .Mun. IiM'ii'iiinili'(l IIH20 SPECIAL SELECTED Vt 7 ; t'UHduHtvr Dominion Government ' supervision TlioQuiililyWiislofCunada- as Lmuor- r 'V1'1 r displayed hy the 'umu (ii ii iir iiiivt:i iiinriiL iji HritUh Columbia.' Melliodisl Clinch llamiiii'l Thursday. March' 12, 0.30 p.m. Mulhiidisl Chureli Jiamiucl, TiiurHiTay, March Z at O.JO p.m. 50 Al your s.-rvice day and night, Arthur Taxi. I'lione 078. Slum!, noxt i:ik' llonii!. tf HI. Andrew' Lailion' Auxiliary aflrruiion a, uuw cooking and inivclly alc, April IH. Denny Allun Company. Clean up -Mail h Sale. 25 per cent oil" fancy china and Ua jjets. ' 50 I'enny Allen Company. Cup uml auce:s from 15c up. Plates .mm .V. Soup jilules froin I5e. 10 n;r ei'Ht olf diniit'r et. 50 Tin- annual ineeMng of th.' I.O.I ).M. will In. held"in Un; Ilos-lon Hull on Salunlay n! 3 p.m. All memherH are entitled In hring a jruiw't. Tea will ho emd. . .lohh M. .MorriMon, Alice Arm Iransfi-r am! logging man, and v-d in the city from the north on the Prince lluporl Hi in morninir and is refrixlored at tfio Vrince Unpen llolcl. Archie W. ShieU inU (ieorf-'e Itingslad if Ilellliigliam, who liave heen here for ji couple of day on cannery liun!iii'"r, e-lurueil south on the Prince Hu-perl this morninir. Mr. and Mm. (ieorjfe Chithier mailed Him morning on the Hteumer Prince Rupert for Victoria when; tliey will remain everat weeki while Mr. Clothier is eomiilctiitjt. jjjs uamial riort a residenl mining eutyueer . for mis uiii ict. Miss lori St. Cyr miilelj on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver. She wljl he mot I lii-re hy her hrotlHir at)'! wll motor to Culjrary where hoi rather is to undergo an -ojiera-lion for his eyed. . .Mit SL Cyi intends to return to Prince Ru pert. , Ole Skog and K. Slallur were l iii-h fined $2U and iiitils in (he city police court this inurninp ror liaviug deer meat in theit possession during lite close sea-miii. Slatler was also charKeil with having a stolen table in possession and was assessed the "sis of the courls imd lliepriee ir the I attic. PniNCE RUPERT TIDES , s- Friday, March 6 High 1 1 :tui a.m. 17.0 ft. Low ....... 5:(i!i a.m. " 17:i! p.m. 5.2 " Saturday, March 7 HiKh 0:lil a.m. Ui.il ft 1 1 :50 p.m. 1 8.1 " Low 5:50 a.m. 8.1 " 18:20 p.m.- i.a " v rf AIMAIOUNCEMENTS tTTftTVTTTttTt4 .Musical evening in Haplis! Church. Mateh 20, lo 8 p.m. If -..Catholic Sorui: Sale, afternoon, of Ain-il 20. Meh'opole Hall followed hy social evening. Weekly Cinderella Dance. Sat-oida.v my hi. LIKs llouic 50c. Tills ercsti'sl of skin remedies will remove tliuoc skin aHU-tinns that have tuiuk- your life a burden. TImi i'liolersble itching, burning ami tlidcominrt w'tl disappear -under the malic of IMS fmnl- It lias bealcd many cans pro-nouueed hopeivM and will rvacli your caie. Tit frit SlJ)t bottit rtlitvn yon tr yont .iy back, fry I). D. I), imp, tta, ORMES LIMITED I'ourth Avenue West; CUBES A. O'Mi'ara ai'iivi-d in ti ily this uiornin li'iim llir N'ua ivi'r dislrjct liy t'aslioal.. A fine hoard Ifinn.i unit haMkolhall court i. Id'iny i-ri'dcd on Ihi' Iirow of Un- hill in front of St. .Iosi.miIi'k AradiMiiy on .Mr. and -Mrs. W. I". lioyer of Smilliers passed I liroiih, the city front train to Iiuat this inoniiim. Ihey will peliil three niuiillis on a holiday tri to the .Mari time Provinces..' I'hilpolf, Kvift A t:o., Ltd. have removed IheJl' husiness lo tin' warehouse yjoe;i ween the I-'. IS.' Dawson Or. Jtml "Stewart & Mnli-ley, Lid. Coal orders will lie t aken at the old si and. 50 Miss Louisa Ituiiiiison of llaellon sends' Hi lilor a drawing wliieh she would like lo have puhlinhed. While I h e drawing is jrooil Ihe Daily News is mil aide to reproduce it. There is no eiiKiavinj jdanl in Prince Rupert. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Cnpl. C. C. Saiuley, liouud from VancouviM- to soullicasleru Alaska, is due in port early I his ' eveniiifr. The vessel is inau- KUriiting Ihe siu-ing ten-day service to Alaska which will he in effect until the tourist season Htarlsj in .tune. Mr. and Mrs.' .1. .1. lleeslev. after a residence uf two years ih Prince Rupert, have left for Smilhern. .Mr. Iteesley has lefi !Ute serVitH1 o'f Ihe Canadian Na-lional Railway lo Like a position m the olfire of C.'L. Dinmck, assistant public works engineer for Hie lirovincial govei-umenl at Smilliers. 'C.O.JL.M. sleaiuer Camulia'i Freitfliler, Casd. Carl Ilissetl, ar rived from Vancouver al i o'- clook this iiiornin? and is at Hie ocean dock loading frozen sal mon consigned hy the Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. lo the United Kingdom. ' The vessel is to sail on her return smith to morrow morning. Cnpl. Duncan Mackenzie is aboard the ship as pilot. i The city's steam roller this morning struck a weak spot in Ihe emhaukmenl on the east side of Allin 'Avenue which is bring graded and was" stalled for a while rather close lo Ihe edge hut was successfully pried out. The work on Allin Avenue is now entering on Ihe last stage of surfacing and may he coui-pleled u about two weeks' lime. Frosty weal tier delayed the work eonsideraliy. PEOPLE WHO HANDLE LIQUOR DIE YOUNG That is Statement of S.r Andrew Clarke, London's Noted Phvslclan . C(IU i:s. Isle of Wight. Feb. 2.'l. --Hrewers. distillers, burlcmlers, harmaids, draymen, Innkeepers it Hit others in the liquor trade live only half as Ion as" fhe'Te-iiiainder of the population, according lo Sic Andrew Clitrk, of London, speaking at a temper-nnce meeting in (!oves, Tin- doctor contended that not more Ihan one teaspoon ful of alcohol u day should he taken hy Ihe average man In woman. He said that seven out of ten beds jn London hospitals wore occupied iy victims of drink. "If there' were no alcohol drinking," he assert ed, "there would ho plenty of h.-ds- .available and money lo support them." Sir Andrew said dhat he could testify himself that out of 2t cases 'admit ted to a London hospital on Chrisituns, 23 wero drunk. I 1 I urn?- In June next, between three j . j, , i ana lour th us&nd ianaaians ana Americans -of Norwegian origin will gather at the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul to celebrate by a fcSBBSfisMl Pthr1y7he Professor GWeBothne nunuieuiu anni-veraary of the landing in America of the first organised party of Norwegian settlers on the Continent. It wasinl825 that the little sioop Kestaurationen, of 45 tons, set sail from Stavanger carrying a little band of adventurers who nettled in New York str.te and ever since that tirr.o there has been a steady si ream of newcomers to this nntincnt from their homeland. Tha coming gatherinf and its pur-iitMeR were rtcsntly discussed at the h :id offic-s of the Canadian- Tacific Riiilway, Montreal, by Professor Gisle Bothne cf the Minr.reotp state University at Alihr.eapolis. The professor utati-d tht the Legislatures of Minnesota had endorsed the gathering mi h.;d forwarded :hrough the .-. -trctary cf the State o' Vashington it vitntic-iis to Prcrident Coolidge, King lliiaUon of Norway and the .'Itivernor (irnrral of Canada. Pre-sicienv Coolidge had already accepted in ' Lord and Lr.dy T)yr.g have given i.-arBr.ce that they will attend. It ;s xpi-cttd that about 50,000 Nor-KiaTLs now living in Canada will .tind the Norse-American Centen-linl. The gathering will be opened on lure G r.ext ur.d ;ilioiit forty "Bygde-;a;'i" or Norwrgians Clam will hold T!wslinr,'b during the first day, Qn iu:iday June 7 the Bishop of Oslo, .'li.ch a tit niMitiy was known as h :stiaua, v.-lll hold a divine service md tlift isucwding days will be .oven up to meetings, field sports and iTuiL-;il competitions, and an ii'Uoriral pagiant depicting the Vikii: avtivitiea of one thousand years a;o and the history of Norse-m m at nonie and abroad up to the .jresunt time, portraying their con-" .riimtions to civilization, in dis- ovcries, science, agriculture, indus try ana commerce. in art and literature ttl 1 sUftd. The costumes will be magmhetnt and in brilliancy of tech nifu.', in magnitude andsptendour the A-hoh? arr::y will rival anything of its kind that, has heretofore been produced. The othir features of the Cen tennial are being prepared on the ttmo elaboratt' rcuIo. It is already arranged that a large leicaauon trom Norway s parliament vill he present and there is some hope lhat the Nortgian Crown Prince may attend, rive Norwegian-American universities are closing for the summer early so that their faculties and students may be present. Professor Bothne pointed out that the Norwegians had done much in the building up of the central western states and their influence was shown by the fact that the governors of no less than live states were of Norwegian hirth or descent. It has been proposed that, the Canadian Department of Colonization shall have an exhibit at the convention. In the course of the interview professor Bothne stated that undoubtedly the new United States immigration laws would result in large numbers of Norwegians coming to this country during the next few years. PORTUGUESE GIRLS BECOMING MODERN Slowly Emerging From Moorish Seclusion and Want to go to Work I.ISIioN. l-'eb. i'J. The women of Portugal slowly arei emerging from the almost Moorish seclusion in which Ihey have lived for so long, and the first thing Ihey do. under the new freedom, is to go to work. The shops and of-Mcos or Lisbon are besieged these days .by girls eager lo follow in the footsteps of their sisters in other countries, and earn their own livings. .Much had lo tyv overcome by these Lisbon girls. There was the resistance uml ill-will oT Ihe masculine clement, grounded in Ihe precedent of many centuries, and a large group of minor state officials, in fear of their own jobs, voiced violent opposition. Ill the schools also Portuguese girl- have won their' victories. They have exploded old I radii ions, and today are taking their places on Ihe benches along with their IicoIIums. Advertise in I ho Daily News EiiflaTiU-llaklilo Mm CATARRH of the BLADDER U Succuwt Each tn nu te (ii i n v bears rsm 2T YOUR farm is as much a going concern as a factory, a dry goods store or a railroad system. Your farm is as dependent as any other business on a policy of sound, forward-looking financing designed to meet the various situations that occur in the life of a farmer. I f you will regard your farm in this light as a clean-cut business proposition you will find it helpful to form a connection with the Bank of Montreal a bank that has served the farmers of Canada for more than a century. Each of our 6oo brandies has the strength and stability of the entire organization. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over IOO years Total Assets in excess of i7oo.ooo.ooo Saturday - Specials SILK VELVETS All oiir finest ipialily French tiiauiiraeliircd Silk t'.'iif- fon Nelvels in Hlack. Hand, Wine, :?(i incites, lleg. JSi.oU value! Saturday only, per Yard $3.50 COSTUME VELVETS Wiirrnir I'iuesl Quality Silk Finished Costume- Velvets, richly and heavily piled. '.W inches vvitle Hlack anil Hruwii only. lies'. 82.05. Saturday only, per Yard" $2.25 WEST OF ENGLAND SWRE Third Avenue. Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockoyo, etc. . Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Priiwe Rupert, B.C. Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST (iel inv Lstiiunle tin your Denial Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK L iitiiiidilionally Uuaraiileeil. 1 tin all my own wink. Thrs means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE Telegraphic Address: "Bush-marine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. .601 IMf t'-Mtr rn 13 nvrv