PAUE TWO The Daily News PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince - Rupert Daily News, Limited, T'uiril 'Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, .Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of Hie British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year . . $rt.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. IMiLv KDJTIUft Snlurday, May JO, 1025. B.C. A Barren, Cold, Mountainous Country. Britih Columbia people will be interested in n quotation from "Truth," published in Lomhfiij England, oif1 September 1, ' 1881 : , . "'The Canadian Pacific Rniirriad Company' lias begun, 1 see, to launch its bonds. 'A -group of Montreal and New York bankers' lias undertaken tu 'float' ten million dollars' worth of the company's land grant bond, and the Bank of .Montreal, with its usilal courage, has taken one-fourth of the entire loan. Th's announcement looks as if the Canadians were going to raise the. necessary capital in the other sideof Ihe water, but 1 have a shrewd suspicion thai they have iio real Intention of doing anything of the kind. The .New Yurkers are keen enough, gamblers, mid reckless; enough at times, 1 admit, and yet it is impossible to believe that they are such fools as to put their money into this mad 'project. I would as soon'credit them 'with a willingness to subscribe hard cash in support of a scheme for the utilization of icebergs. The Canadian Pacific Railway will run, if it be ever finished, through a country frost-bound for seven 'or eight months of Ihe year, and will connect with the eastern part of the Dominion a province which embraces about as forbidding country, as'any on the face of the earth. British Columbians' they say, have forced on the execution of this part of the contract nlider which they became incorporated with Ihe Dominion, and believe that prosperity will come to them when the line is made. This is a delusion on their part. British Columbia is a barren, cold mountainous country, thqt is not worth keeping. It would never have been inhabited at all, unless by trappers of. the Hudson's Bay Conipany, had the 'gold fever' not taken -a party of mining adventurers there; and ever since that fever Hied dowd the place has been going from bad to worse. Fifty railways would not galvanise it into prosperity:' Foolish To Spend Cash On Hudson's Bay Railway. Doubtless if there hod been no war and the country had plenty of money to spend there, would have been a railway to Hudson's Bay by this time, just as it i's to be supposed that Prince Rupert would have been much further developed and much larger than it is today. It is useless to discuss that. We are what we are because of conditions and as a nation we are burdened with debt because of war conditions. What we have fit do just now is to carry on as best we can until there is im provement. i V-build (Tie HudsonV Bay railway' under These-'condition would , be foolish. The 'railway will lie jmilt some day but not yet. Mplier Has come to Allierta ami .Saskatchewan the de vclopitjenl of (he western route through the Panama Canal and Jin's set bark the Hudson's Bay sclieme many years. Any government that would put millions of dollars into that scheme. knowing that it would be operated at a Joss for years would lie siire to'ie'dismis.sed by the people at the first possible opportunity., Ketchikan's Road Building Progress. KetcJiikau lias a road six or -seven, miles out in a northerly direction, which is well graded and surfaced will) crushed rock. Anotjie'r two miles is being built southward. PJntis are being laid for further road building in the neighborhood. These roads are biljlt by the federal government, which owns tie laud. etchikau is an older cily than Prince Rupert bill it i$ not as large and has iio railway. By comparison it is for the people here hi consider how much road building tlicy should have im-ineiHalely; adjacent lo the city. Happily the-work on the-first piece is proceeding and liefore long we -should be able lo jump into n car and drive to the back end of Kaie.n Island. Next, difficulty Is Getting Piece Of Lsnd . Nothing holds Jinck Uiis cily and district so miicti as the policy of ihe railway company and government in keeping Ihe land a tied up in such a way that no one can purchase any of n. -Many peopie would iikc to own a small rancli or country place adjacent to the city, which they rouhl improve in their spare tinte. There they jvould eventually develop a garden hull in lime we should have places around the city that would partly supply the'vegelables andifruit for, those wlio live here.- The Hv in HieVuitmejit is the inability to secure suitable land withitva. reasonable distance of the city. There is plenty of land and it doc not seem as if it would have any particular value for many years lo come. If some of it were put mi the market on reasonable terms the work of development could commence. TOWE R S A Fisherman's Suit lo Suit The Fishermen JACKETS-DouUe ply nd roomy-inner btetit pitcc WlU flw t . , '''we5 IMKHI!IIMi:, KIMICIAI. Xu.iara tut I CHEST 43 , MAPI III CAUDA ..j ii win irrnovei any pouibility of net or line eUhin. oWWe"' PlWtrn rmy tni Both garment re mide in yellow tnd have very tough wearing turface. Mad by Canada' foremnt waterproof cloUuna manufatturer. in liie 38 to 46. On SU h Fhhttmui Supplg merduit Intistupon getting a genuine Tower's Waterproof TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED TORONTO VANCOUVER wnsmuprr. umr.v S Mnmrr 'taa 2 SMITHERS HAS HOSPITAL DAY Generous Gifts to Their Local Institution by People of Neighborhood (Special to Daily .News) SMITH KHS. May 10 Sinilhcr. cclcliralrd llosntlul Day in a most generous manner, the citizens forfeiting for the day all thoughts of hard times and responding most liberally to the shower of provisions and supplies for. Hie local institution. A coiiunillee from tin lindics' Auxiliary was on hand at the Interior" News mtllce (luring the afternoon and were kejil busy receiving and listing the niitnej ous gifts and contributions given in response lo the appeal for help of Hits nature. Another - committee was on hand at Hie Nurses' Home where all Ihe callers were served with afternoon lea. The day was fittingly brought lo a close wilh a dance held in the Town Hall, and was enjoyed until the early hours lo music supplied by the 5azeley A number of citizens of wa motored over during the af ternoon ami joined in the cele bration, they also turned out in good force to attend the dance in the evening. TORONTO GLOBE ON RAILWAY MONOPOLY Objects to Letting C.P.R. Have Canadian National and Does Not Like Government to Own All The Toronto tilolie of recent date comnientiiiig on the proposal lo sell out the Canadian National 4ii the C.P.H., say: The (llohe shares wilh Mr. (raham his objections to a railway monopoly for Ibis country. We believe that any proposition to merge the Canadian National I with the Canadian Pacific under the latter. management would meet with Instant disapproval from the vast majority of people from coast to roast. Canadians have good reason to dislike the idea of private monopoly in any fornf. There would bo less objection to a ni-cnopoly under government ownership, but for the present at least Canadian opinion would be against, shouldering any more railway troubles. One practical and commendable course alone is open that is, two big railways, competing and yet co-opealing. Mr. flraunm says he is going to request another meeting of Ihe two presidents lo see if sonic arrange ment cannot he arrived at or bo-operalion in many departments. Forced co-operalion can not he demanded, he added, be cause of the danger of alarming foreiign capital. ' However, if railway officials cannot agree on co-operation anil a reasonable degree, of limitation in duplicate services, Mr. Oralinm would be mute justified : in calling upon the Hallway Commission to act in the capacity of arbitrator. SMITHERS -John Dybhavn of Prince Hu- pert spent Wednesday in town,-leaving; next day on a trip thai, i will lake him as far east as New jYork. Mrs. Clias. Chapman of filen-tanna returned home on Thursday nfter having spent Ihe past few muni lis on a visit in soulh-'ern cities. 1 The members of the Union Church Ladies' Aid gathered al; iiwum; in .iiiTi. .lirj Jlltlll nil- j Ipalrick on Thursday afternoon, i r .i...i . . f mi- incir regular moniniy jncei- ing. A III llo excitement was caused !in I own on Thursday afternoon .when a fjre broke out on the roof of a cottage owned by Tom-'my Fushiml, next to Ihe (JAV. V.A. Club rooms. It was only due to the prompt response of Die citizen when the alarm was sounded thai. Hie building and' jljerliiips some of the adjoining joneH were not comidelejy wiped out. The .boys soon had the chemical warins on the scene, j however, and although (he j flame were shooting up ten or fifteen feel, their work was effective and Ihe damage was con-I fined lo the roof. TUP, DAB,? Sin' ll. ili.if nr : :S. The Man in the Moon 1 J.YS:- The .only time n man does not get enthusiastic for an n'ncore at a dance is when he is dancing with Hie chapci-oiie or-wilh the ' very fat lady. A fat person fan have more of a g I tjme lliaii a thin one. She seems to. laugh all over. ' S- ' In Kngland" they are trying to grow a bluu' , carnal iju. They .should bring their pink ones to I'riucc lluperl ami let them listen lo Arthur Little a few minutes. Then they'd turn blue, . Why worry with cifoss" wofd problems wbeli ibere is the prd-lilem nf life which nobody Jia-s ' ever solved. Football enthusiast are with llasvb.JI enthusiasm and lacrosse enthusiast. and tenuis enthusiasts in becoming enthusiastic ami at that they do not .show very much ginger: Here's lo Ihe game of football,- Played beneath sizzling gun I For here ve open the season, When at olher place. they've done. Here's to Ihe game of baseball, And the fans who shout ami ' rave! Wc urge our. boy, to be winners And don't care bow we behaxe.. Here's to the lacrosse player! He never fis v feeling so good As when he lut.ises the rubber And gives his opponent the wood. ., Here'. lo the man wilh the racquet !" In flannels the court he adorns. He says it is love he Is playing, liul by playing be cultivate. corns. j Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert May 16, 1915. K The Dominion government has ruled, as a war lime measure thai copper must not tie shipped out of Canada. This affects the smeller al Anyox where this week a shipment of 150 tons, destined for ''Seal He," was blocked by William Marchant, inspector of cushuns, who (s at present on a trip north. " ' .11 I 111 Lieut. Barney Jolmson, former skipper 'of the fll,l. steamer Prince Hupert, is on his way lo F.ngland where he will enler Die sunmarine service, or I lie linn navy. Mitchell Albert has taken over Ihe Westholme. Theatre from Jeorge Werner and associates who are leaving Ihe cily. Jle i arranging for an excellent mn ing picture service and is gelling a new staff and well qualified or f hestra together. ' Charle. Bal- nno or victoria has Jjcen en gaged as pianist and will arrive here i a fvyt day$; ; TERRACE NQTES Mrs. Nnrringinn who ha spent Ihe pa.t six month in F.nglan returned home last week. Sh was accompanied by .her sister Mrs. . lligg, Sierra' Leone, West 'Africa. The Undue CI lib met this week at Ihe home of Mrs. F.d. Kenney. Dan Clacher was in (own a few days Ibis week. The Ladies Ouild of Ihe Pr.cs-bylerian Church met in Ihe Church building Ibis week. Mrs. . untEworge i e mm s i IB TORONTO Ifil A In Centre of Shopping K fi and Business District B 1 2M ROOMS 1 : 9 'M h Privta Bthi X , B EUROPEAN PLAN M I ' WINHTT TMOMPtQN. MAN'O. OIH. K Moore was holes. Somethind '2 .lack Viger and It. Itisonellej are starling a pole camp at K , mile, on the l.akeWe road. I). Munro.wlio piude a brie viil Jo Vancouver last week arrived here Wednesday. The- Women', Auxiliary of the Anglican , Church met al the home of .Mr. Sparks oii Wednesday, Mrs. Siuilh apt ing as hosle.. Mrs. W. J, Parsons has been sjiending a few days in Prince lluperl while having her eye. I rented. She wa Joined there by Mr. l'arsons on his return from Vancouver. She expects to be here for the Presbyterian ale today. Advertise n the Dailv News LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DlfTRICT UIMrirt ir Stikinr lilvl'lfm. TAkK MiTI:K that I, Walirr Jullin 'liriunM'il Siildirn. yf T-Irali i.m, B.C., iirriiailut Mlirf-r, Inlriul lo ipplv Tor rinlliii lo iirrli.f ihe rollowlnx dMrrlbfil UiiiN. Comiiirnrinir tl vtiH lnt-it ilxml mitt mile fat of MiLpimI s Idii nil iu'r ! Sllkliw llUfr ami almul it liillcn inillifl of Trlrirraiih crM-k; lln-m-i norUi 10 rliln; Ihfurr )! u rhalm, UH'iirp k.iiIIi CO rhalnit; llicnrc n iluln lo Kiln I (if C'liimii'iiciini-nl ami riintalnlnr 3il irre. nuirr nr Wnjt. W.M.JUl Jl t.lVN. Ailii'aul. .MMI;H10i. t9t. LAND ACT In Trlnre luipori Land linirtri; DUtrlri r rrinn- niii.pri. TAKE .NOTICE thai I. Merill rf nrlMjr, of Vancouver. II. C, oriiinllnn aaltnon brokpr, Jntfiid lo apply lor prrniUioti to piirrlMM Ihe follouiiKf nrrlhiMl land: Comnwnrlnir a I a Hm planted H inllr aoiiUi of I Iip mnuhrmt rorniT or l.oi tint. mill Crrck. Unrr 4, C.oanl lilitrlrl; Ihpnce nor III 0 rliallis; tlirlire wrl ( rlnin: Uiriii'p Mouth to rliurr line In an enMerly dlrorllon to point or rorn-nirnrfriipiit; roflUlnJnir 40 .ariei, more or mem ix nrs nnisAY, Anpllrant. rdwln Elroy Uarnuin, Atrnt. Duteil Aorll Ird. IStft NAVIQABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. R.S.B.C. 1806, CHAPTER 116. THOMAS TllOT7r7ll,or the CIIV or Prlnr Imparl. In tti Provlnrp or H'rltKh Colninhla, III.IIKHV r.lVKS .NOTICE thai In-tin uniler Srrllon 7 or Hip Mid Act Ip podtPd with Uw MlnUtPr or I'Mhllr Work at ouawa, anil In Hip. orrirp or thn 114-irlrt liPfNIrar or Hip Land flcitlMry IM trlrt or I'rliiPP llupprl, at prlnrp llupprt, Ii. CM a clPMTlpili'ii or Uis hip and plan or a wlmrr and plpr propopd to Iio limit In tlw Prliir.p lliiiprt llarlior, rrlnrn Itnpnrt, II. C. on all ihnM xirllon or walprrront blork O, plan 9J. UppiIiiii , Prlnpp iiiiftorl. Prnvlnrn or Coluin-lila. tit tap appurtpnant rorpuliorp and Dm walPr lot 111 rront thorpnr punfainltiv lii ajan area or I 89-moth arrp, more or ANT) TAKE NOTlrf Hun iriop il ... Jplratlon or hip inontli rrom tlw daln or iii'i iMiuiirniioii ni inn .-loilrp TnoililK Trotlpr will nndpr pplon 7 or Hip unld AM apply, to Hip Mlnimpr or PiiIiIIp Worku al lil orripp In Hip City ir Ollawa, or approval nr Hip nald hIIp mid plan ami roMpavf to ,rontru t ilic s.ii'l vuiarr and '.., " THOMAS TIIOTIEn. . n oiipimr. NOTICE. TILT riTirr ti.,.. T7T..- ..... u.... . tnl .i.i. v, ii... . . ; V iit iMiunrniion or .Notlpp tor lour rineriiilvi wik wp jiall anplv lo Dip liPiri.irjir or Joint I Slock umipanlpa, Vlrtorla. H.C., lo rlmnrp Iip niiop or Hip Company to ihul or "8 O. Jolmlnn K Cnmnany, MmltPd." liatPil at Prlnpp Imnpi t. Il.l! , tliU Dili ritiiu'i: iiupi iiT iNsi iiA.Nr.E A0F..NCIE3 LTD. New! SMOKERS always prefer their tobacco in perfect condition; this is assured, when they demand it packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. i the following well known brands ars now packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. OLD CHUM Virginia Hake CUT SMOKING ToUcco REPEATER FINE CUT (Pipe or Ggarette Tobacto) REX Smoking MIXTURE (for Pipe or Cigarette) DIXIE Bright PLUG SMOKING Tobacco OLD VIRGINIA Bright PLUG SMOKING Tobacco ODGEN'S CUT PLUG Smoking Tobacco k OGDEN'S FINE CUT (Pipe or Ggarette Tobacco) V Always ask for tjiemousfecuum (Air-Tight)Tin 'COME RIGHT IN' Water won't hurt my new Congoleum." "Where did you get It?" "At Barrle's, of coune." BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenuo and 1st Street. FOR SALE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. phone 123 Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 in per skate eluding gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & fold Storage (, i!i Dr. E, S. TAIT DENTIST Helfjeron Block, Prince Rupert, H. Office Honrs 0 I" X-RAY SERVICE Phone 080. Evenlng Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday