fount Logan Climbers Are Off On Long Trek After Narrow Escape hidge Fell Directly Train Had Crossed it at Cordova: Guide and Packer Dies in North v i:il VI'. It. M.-iv ICi. Filled willi oidimism and confi- ""' ' ; .. .. . . . . ... Ur.rv over Ihe'fmul success of flic .Mount i.ogan expcuiuou on Km llie mug lick towards Hie i ukon border lnu' ami uanaua L umiiieml peak the shadow nf sorrow saddened llie member.' iio.mtrh from Mi -Carl hv. A aska. o I in Province inmi il : (irri'MMiiulciil willi Uu- expedition. The ilea Hi occurred jht At ti K. Trim, a former member or tin Alaska lioumiary L, .t . iinli-il northern guide and packer who was one or llie l....i.. ni Hie iiifliiiiiiiarv tiarlv which laid ill (he siipplv WE GEORGE POLICING PLAN VIII Pin Provincial Government $4,750 for Service Next Yer VRTOItlA.MoyMrt. - Mayor siil jf prince Heorge lias " :l a rra n peiuen I n with up tal government lo I' n llrorgc for the sum if i j() next year. The town ai the cost or court y of Duncan has open-a a' ions willi Ihe object :: i to a similar arrange- ' . ... ..... ..... ..... .. j caciie wuii i.api.uii .ii-t.unnj, ! leader of tin1 expedition, anil who relumed Anril 22. Hi end was ! hastened hy Ihe lerrible struggle lor Uu1 beroie lillle party against 1 1 lie bilter eobl which broke the I park ire and the soft snow wliirh covered the trails. Arriving; al Cordova, the parly of. mountain , climbers iniiuedi-nlelv .cnlraiucd for McCarthy Hardly had the Train crossed the t-.wj.vln" - creaking IiriilUc over j the Cu per MiVer than il gave i way before the pounding of He ! outgoing lee park and collapsed. FAMOUS AMERICAN GENERAL PASSED ON WASIIINdTON. May lo-Cen Miles Nester of ... i n... i ii... 1 1 In- American army. Indian ' Ii. 'Ullll,..! IIIIH iiiv ..- I .. ii I..-I..I.. i.. fi-jliler. ilin omat ami aulhoi. IMIIlie Will lllllll.-lb.inv (f - , ... ii .i. i.i,. miiMi.! died suddenly) here eleiUa ntteinlliis circus pel ...i .i wliile a i li' III II ui-i. i .iiiih o..! for.nance. Iespile ..... the r fact II...I that al iy in each case based he was Hf, years old. death came , ..r local administrations .. nam five yca. " extreme shock. Fears Entertained for Safety of Yuknn Farmers on Islands Which Were Recently Flcoded m . .... ,. ... ' i. ..niei-taiiicd here for lln .t:., :,,. ; ., u. Yuk.,.. iuve. hi several lariucrs iiviuh " . . ... .... Uoee miles mm, II, of here, us a result-or Ihe wors uoou " i... , .. . i ...i. r iinvo I hrea eneil lo wipe .-uu ii uawsou ami which i"i ,v.... . "'d die t ily. police are making an effort l reach, Ihe isl.nuls to '" in Ihe fale oT Ihe iuliahilanls. .... . ., ilv ' 1 The Hood or wU'r has subsided and all , ,m i ii r....i i nr uu' Thursday niglil. . hit i mi! river ill iini'i'ii iiuvv, n - -v. ... ...... CROWDS ATTEND KENTUCKY RACE Eflhtv Thousand Expected to bo crosont This Afternoon to Soo Derby I-Ol ISYILf.K, May I C -Crowds '"X'ui tins inorniiiK wemling ti'i'lr way In Churchill Downs lo wuins (he rirsl running Ken-'"' ky Derby Mils aflcrnoou and il ,s 1tiiuate that 80,000 people 'H witness the $50,000 race. ELEVATOR TENDERS TO BE OPENED SOON Uwc is a dirrerence or oin-l0 lu when the elevalor len-,J,!I': hit lo be opened, but il is j""lrslo.)d Unit they are' lo he In 'V Monday and that 11 should be "il.hlip of . week before ""V vvord is received. Possibly I.. .1 mm will I'llll HUH ..r .lnllai's and Ihe iiiuiisii"" " . .i lime al many points on Ihe river will swell Ihe amount, t lie business section oT Ihe cily not seriously damaged. iNfflMF. TAX RETURNS TO BE C0NFIDKN1IAL Effort to Have Private Affairs of People Wade Public Falls "at Ottawa 1,-ciawa. May 10. Afler a . . .. . i.,.,nw itisciission the ueciie i" ... , niiblic accounls coinmillee es- i i..r,.nled a motion made . ? " I1.....I H...I Ihe veil of ' lln.' I he work Of secrecy n-.m"-" i... r..A.- income lax depart ...;.. he lifted. The ground .in in - , i l... members wno o iosni (iood's mollon was income UX returns should be regarded lis confidential. r.curniES CONVENTION ' Hi. The Can- II l IFAX. n fisheries convention openi liere June ? TO PROSPECTOR IS GONE IN DOCK Big Canadian Vessel Arrived from Shanghai Yosterday Aftornoon for Overhaul After making an uneventful. I 1 1 ii v iiva'e uemss I In- Pari r... r...... i. i. -.i in,...,. I' t: t . V II I'lll II ( I I . II II , ..Il,l., ...... M.M. freighter Canadian I'ros pectur, Cap). Thomas, arrived in Hie harbor at 1.30 yesterday af ternoon anil early in Ihe even iiitr moved uu lo Ihe dry dock where she was immediately taken on Ihe pontoons', for cleaning. and .painting and minor huPi repairs, Il is cxiiec", II I lie yvorkl i... .1 i.. ii..... i.. i..i ii,..i Will III' IIIMIU III "Il ".I in' . ..I ............ M, t.i-.lill IVP?CI I?' IIHUJ. ,ii fiUHUHjr nip... lor Vancouver where sue win load The I'lO-perlor wliicli calm empty across lln Pacific, was mel al T l inle Island and piloted in by Capt. John .McKernaii who will wail over lo lake her down to Vancouver. 11. T. Cross ol I he customs slalT also went out to meet the vessel. PEACE RIVER AGAIN TO FORE Pmmltp Oliver Been Dolna Ef fective Work In Connection With Proposed Scheme OTTAWA, May to. If the C.P.It. does not undertake llie ue- velopmcut of the Peace Miver eoutilry the Canadian National will do. so. il is generally uudcr- lood here. Premiers (ireenfiehlJ tun I Oliver have been laking tliel iniiU'er no with Sir Henry 1 horn- Ion and il is understood that a concrete proposal vvjll be made just as soon as il is known whether the C.1UI. will renew or throw up its option on the Ed monton Dunvegan and u.u. n.ui- vvay. lloth the provinces ol Alberta and lliitlsh Columbia will be iisked lo make a cash contribu- liori and M.C will also be asked for a subslaulial laud grant, lo ii... ni itwav iniilcilakiiic' tin' work. The C.l'.lt. will have tin . . "" '. i i r is notion as u aireaoy i-un- Ii-hIs the iiresent railvyay Troin Edmonton and il is essential the new construction be tied up with the olher. Premier Oliver has been in Mslimr on Ihe Prince eorge einiiieciion lor uie new unu II. ni tin. P.O.E. may hencfil from Ihe project. STOCK MARKET Douglas Channel Oraiib)' I Duiiwell Premier , Terminus Daly-Alaska ..... Ilayview H.tJ. Silver t I Howe Sound Indian Surf, Inlet Selkirk (Stacirr Indcpcmleiiuw Hid. Asked .01 .00 3. SO 1. 10 2.32 3.10 .53 .20 .'.'5 .10 l2Vi I. Ill 1.50 .25 Va .60 15.75 17.00 .08 Vi .OU U .05 IV .00 .oiyt .01 ' .2 1 Vj .27 .15 .20 FEW PRESBYTERIANS i TA PADDV nxi ruiiDfUi IV lAIIl UH VUU1W1I VIUTOIUA, May 10. -Eighteen Presbyleriuit minlslers and eight elders opposed In Church Union Issued .u statement yusterday uHiiomiciiig their Intention of cni'illiiuing Ihe synod of B.C. YAXCtlUVEH. May IC For the week ending May 3,: thy iiiumber of cars of grain "awivinp in Vancouver from prairie points of Canadian Xa- - lioiial lines, was bringing Ihe total since August last by that route uo to i.070 cars. 4 EXTENSION MINER WAS ti FUND CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY Donations Should bo Sont In at Once for Ch.ldron's Ward Several contributions lo the Children's Ward fund for the (ieneral Hospital have been re ceived since yeslerday and it is announced that il will close ou w. h. v. Those wishing lo onlribule should gel Iheii money in ou or before Mini nay Following aie loday s receipts reviouslv acknowledged (5. W. V. A 5U.00 Ladies'. Musical Club Pythian Sisters IO.0O Loyal Orange Lodge 10.00 Millie Fuller " KILLED BY ROCK FALL ilVer'ip in tin Dailv News. PWNCE Noire l)ame Calhedral and Place d'Armes, Montreal VANCOUVER GETS 99 CARS OF GRAIN DURING PAST WEEK YUKON FLOODS 1 ARE SUBSIDING Good Deal of Damage at Daw-soni Two OthtrVToxris'StllP f).WS(l.. May 10. The subsiding waters of the Yukon Jliver which flooded the towns along mission for twelve Hours. The Hank oT Commerce build ing was one oi uinse mai sui- ercd Ihe least damage. Pi-omiiienl citizens here have Aired Ottawa asking an appro priation id 50,000 to relieve the distress and repair the damage. The towns or Forty Mile and Circle are reported lo be slitl Hooded. TRIAL OF PATRICK HANLEY AT NELSON ALMOST COMPLETED Caso Goes to Jury Following Addresses by Counsol This Afternoon r. TAXI '4h BOSTON GRILL ft Large Upstair Dining Hall, 25 and with ncvyly laid dnt:inp Ambulance f our (or hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding parties. invwhere at Anytime. For rats, apply to Hoslon tund Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT drill, Tliird Ave. Phone 457. H1ATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 1621 atrttt alM, 478. PRICE FIVK CENTS. Yttttrdar't Cirxuldlon vol. XV, N', PRINCE HLPEItT, H.(i, SATl IIDAY, MAY 10, lOW. ? bict ADDITION RUPERT rest is on its way. the box faclorv should be going in a week's lime said Mr. Smith, who also that the installation id a can factory is sfill under Consideration. - Mf. oiillr stales :Hia roVr for Vancouver and Xew Westminster delivery have been received and shipments will be made south by scow ami coasl- iU banks Sunday, following lli ms wmi--. VT'""'.. : " .. breakup of thi ice last week, being Uemere.i irom in mm . have loH several faniilies lionV- "' ,lwk for delivery by less and there has been heavy 'he C.Xdl. to Vickers In I'.ngland. ,m.erlv .laiiiiise in Dawson. The Mr. Mimn expresc.i s.iu,,..v- lion will. Ihe manner in which town is .considered, oul or danger " '"" wo.;k...S. - s..vei-:.l hmises were carried lhal a steady increase oi me away bodily during the l.elgllt or capacity per day is beiwr plan- v ' ' . I . i ilu,....l. lliii null the flood and the (ioverni.iein neo. .mr.u, . m- . .! ..r ....... i ri.t.imi.i i ne mint uu 11.1.- eieseil from 50.000 lo I00.0UU feel and the pony sidi I up lo 125,000 reel. ----- - ... i, ...i r 11... l.ivt.iviw ine' XANAIMO. May Hi. IVer (rial here charged with mur- , . ' Uie k be ng i -pe.aU Whisker, a miner, was k,lle.l dering Mildred Xeilson, a Van- rucj louver ha be.ieh ) w u , claim fru." fH rock a. Lx.ei, nurse a. Tn, ?. a ; MILL CUBCAMNHtY ON GRAHAM ISLAND EMPLOY 250 PERSONS NEAR TOWlU I New Installation at Local Sawmill Raises i Output to 125,000 ... Ft. Pony Side Being Added to Plant to Cut Air- plane Spruce and bdge brain. BOX MACHINERY ALSO HERE A pony side, consisting of carriage, circular saw, sliolgun feeder, kIk", or in oilier words a complete sawmill in itself, is being added lo Ihe Prince Hupeit fcjprure Mill io cut airplane .-pnice and edge grain lumber from cauls produced in Ihe main mill, announced .1. A. .Smith, president ot Ihe, Prince Itup'eit Spruce Mills Lid., who arrived rrom Vancouver on (lie Prince lluperl Ihis morning lo spend Ihe next two or three weeks at Ihe plant. The new iiislallation will increase the production of tlie mill from 10K.00U feet per day which it is now turning out to 125.000 feet, the machinery -- for Ihe addition is now here. Some, machinery for Ihe box, aelnrv' is already here and the DEPARTURE OF PLANE DELAYED Instrument from Vancouver Coming for VieKers-viKlng Flying Boat' Assemblod' Mere Pending the arrival of an in-slruineiil from Vancouver, Hi- launching ot the Vickers Viking flying boat, which has been assembled al the local dry dock for a prosoeelinz expedition, into. the Uassiar gold fields, will not lakc( dace until Monday or Tuesday announced Archibald Lfllle, De troit mining engineer and leader of the expedition this morning. The Machine will take off for Telegraph Creek as soon aHe-" the lesi nights have been iiiad'! will briug'and weather and ice conditions on Ihe Slikine lliver will permit. Captain Babinglon Says 250 People Employed in Connection With Clam Cannery at Tow Hill Two hundred and rifly people arc employed at tlie norlh end or (iraliam Island iu cunheeUon with the clam cannery or Ihe l.nugara Fishing Packing Company, according lq Capt. II. It. Uabiiiglo.ii, who has just arrived back from the islands ami is going soulh early in Ihe week. .I..:.. u .i.iiiLriiiii siivs that an erforl was made to keep Ihe uu'uiiii 'ui'mio" J - . cannery open during llie wilder hut lillle progres was made until March, owing lo llie bad wealher. Then llie dam began lo come in. The supply increaseu in April ami inuay u is kccq Ihem busy c inning lb , .vi.wv.if. XELSOX, , Mav 10. - l'he case Imr very i.. .,n:,iilies that are secured, lour: for the urown was uuiupicicu m -i . . , . . U....I..., Kurd trucks are used in the col- ine ense in I'liiiirv iiauicj uu -t-- ... .. . mine wliile al work, lie had been on l ebruary o. i-onii..n, " ,... P,lld- u resilient or Extension 21 years, addresses of counsel, the case ploy.., e, wm u. "".,.,,,JJ -p s. Houps .. Thund,f (will go lo Ihe noon. United States Asking Payment of War Debts by Borrowing Nations V season. ! The cannery is localcd at the inoulh or llie lli-Ellen lliver at Tow Hill ami is proving a great advantage to seUl-ii-s on the is-1..U.I whti are able lo secure some ready money to belli Ihem along iir their ranching operu- lidllS. .... ...... ... fn fc.......:...m itiieii hniiiiin I l steadily. The iiuallly id these razor clams is- being recognized and Ihe ronner ditlicully in findim? il III!) I'klM Is gradually disap- oearing, the demand increasing VASIUX(i I U., May Hi.- i ne Auiei icuu eu,v . .....v - - . ,,..,,llluloll nves al nre- slill slanding firm in regard lo its );os " "j; Victoria, Delds lo lhal counlry mus be paid . w ; m .. - l. VV I ,ufi u mw , on po icy ginning nem, nil iiiiimaiioo u ..w,. .-v .v ... , - Kaanich Inlel. low-he iMn.pean governmenls lhal u prom,.! solution of ll.o .lebts .p.esliou is desired by Ihe United Stales. Among the counlt .es U ay nj w. 'p ' , . I rln ce Uu, rt He been sent are r mu-e to which this n-edilor's notice has ; 1 1 ..i.,.. mi i i-Kii Li'iiL t!i lieiiiier in w ihl h nu. -.. ...i i 1 1 .ll. J.v v ii..-. ..v.. ........ --- K 1 III, lll, . . . '. l'.,.lll r.i ...i.. .i.... i, ...ii, I., lb,, iiiv nienl ofwar hills. huh lilKl'll lll, l liii' I vVtr i-iv ji ... -1X1110 n I'"J SNOW CHECKS jury this aner- ic t - - - - FOREST FIRES FOHT WILLIAM, May 10. A miwfall lasting six himrs Ihis morning throughout the Thunder Day district proved of great assistance in checking forest fires with the prospect that all blaze will be controlled tonight. rain. " BASEBALL National Lcanuo Ilofloii-Pitlsburyif postponed, Cincinnati) 2, New York 7. Chicago , Philadelphia 8. St. Louis J, HroSklyn 8. American League Host on 7, Cleveland 10. New York ti, Chicago S. Philadelphia HjjfDelroll 7. WashingloTiltVJl'Ul 7.