II1."' I w 11 .1 RTLAND GANA Shares L xolictl orders for any Portland Canal Mfn-s HuyiiiK or Scll- SPECIAL infoi-iitaHon In fiiirilinp develop-ii 1 . . ,. ....... ;neea us Hint GOLD-ORE MINING CO. LTD. at 80 Is the best buy today nrifrols Hi'' Star anil Kaglo j. nr irulars write: Porliand Canal SlesCo 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. For That New SPRING sun Go to M. T. LEE J-Sjurienctd in Lad it' i; leincn lailoriiiK. i .-. aMinable ami a biif . f l.nglish, Scottish .. 1 I ti Tweeds ami (iooils available In i -orn. Quality anil fit rcij, Mall orders , iiipl attention. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 4S. Cirttge, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. P., -1 a .1 1 r 1 Wi Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bovine. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. MARINE MOTOR s barter .. .. $250.00 W "ii Saner .... $300.00 v anient Taxes and I reighl Extra 8. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. lable. Any person .w ho will sloop lo do such petty Iheiving is a criminal at heart, and Jhe only jibing to be said in his favor is the surccfii inanneir jn 'which he evidently covers his llracks. This sort of lliing is IgeMing too .frequent and Hit owners of several camps inlend ilo do a 1 it I lo tracking on Ihejr lown account in an rITorl lo make an example of the offenders. Some Race On Friday last Mop jnanet ami Jack Nicholls wert out on IJie packer "W. R. Lord" taking a whirl out of the new ir h.p. Fairbanks-Morse CO. engine ! which has recently been install led. The W.H.L. can cerlainly irninble and it look Ihe lugboal. M.T.3.. flagship oT the Mushhy flept. all her Hint to rust lowest In cost per-year-01-service. ROOFINGS Finallv. Harrrtt Roll Roofings are fire-safe proof against flying sparks and embers. Call at this store and let us show you the different types of Barrett Roofings, Roll and Shingles. Ypu'U find the prices surprisingly reasonable. i 8. E. PARKER, LTD., Jobbert. Y: f PRINCE RUPEBT, B.C. For Sale by all Hardware and Paint Dealers RlKPeJ , , " "qmio ricec which ia the KMrW General Situation Fish seae; priee stood and heavy; weather encountered on Hi- luirllicrn fNiing hank Mini up Hip situation a alTeclins Hip, lialjbul fiftliintr during Hip past week. While wealher condition a I Hie hpg in 11 in i; S f Hie week wore not of the be on Hip high fpoln, inroniiiij: skippers on Thursday reported thai old Kinjr Sn was on the Job when they left nn the homeward bound trip and condition augured well for soin. remunerative halibut haul-iiiK. Fishing' rondilions in Hecate Straits has considerably improved and pood fishinsr weather has prevailed. Salmon Trolling A good report of Hip spring salmon run in the vicinity of I In' Hundas Island was brought to pori by skipper Itert W'eannoulli j(f l lie fi.sh packer Narbelhnng. iWilli Hip advent of warm weath-jer ciiuditions the salmon arp mow snowing up in large nuui-'bers ami there is a good sized flotilla of the local trolling fleet on the job gathering III the I season's deep sea liarvpsl. This (week will see I lit last of Hie ; I rollers outbound, Hie fleet being I pretty well divided between the jllippo Island and Dinidas Island grounds. Pilfering Camps I Tlit season of petty pilfering or summer ramps is with us (again and already several re-! arc lo hand of rauipown-pr suffering Hip annoyance of ijit.p thefts. Citizens go In the 'trouble, 'to say nothing of the jcxpense, of fixing up a summer ramp, where the juiriiiner season 'may be on joyed far from IJit j madding crow d, and no sooner lis evPrylhinp Tixed lip comfortably than some criminally iu-iclmed persoH, or persons, enter fieorge lliishby, the boss of the Husliby lowing fleet, is willing to bet .lark Xiclioll a sack of fertilizer against a box of kippers that Hie .M.T.3 can wipe, out the W. It. Lord any time, she wants lot The Jj. Lord ha-sincp Jefl port for Hippo Island trolling grounds on the season's fish packing for the Canadian i'isli A Cold Storage Co. The deep spa launch Pride of Hip West, Cap!. Hiirrell, owned by Hip wooIIpii mills of that name, arrived from Vancouver this week on a periodical business trip. The power boat I'achena, flagship of the P. 11. Iloalhousp Heel has bepii gaily decked out recently with several coals of nif-fy looking paint. The decoration scheme has been carried out in black, while and brown and Hip boat present a yery smart Appearance. T'ht Pachena, with Capl. Swanson at the gadgits, is busily occupied on gravel hunU Ins. Naval Detachment Out Last Sunday all ratings of Hie Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve detachment were out on the harbor in the naval whaler, a i'7 foot boat,, under Hie supervision of Lieut. It. P. Ponder and Chief Petty oilieer Kench, receiving instruction in Hie handling of a boat under oars. The weather wa ideal and the boys had the lime of Iheir lives. Higher Skirts Jim ll.ieon, president of the Ilacon Fisheries, returned home on Wednesday, after having been on a two weeKif' business trip in I'dninnlnn. Calgary and southern cities. Jim says thai be has yel to see a eijy he likes belter and lift anything thai is mnv. Hian that situated on Hie little old Island of Kaien. While Iheru were plenty of people rushing about in the larger centres Ihe retailers were not doing much busiiie.'.s and all he spoke with registered a kick. The thing that rather upset Jim's equilibrium was Ihe shortness of IJit skirts in Ihe prairie cities, and lie remarked-thai if Ihe eosl of living goes up with Ihe skirls he doesn't know what will become of Ihe little fellows with large families. The lighthouse lender Itirnie, Capl. Pelersen, relurned from a trip of inspection, which, look her as far as Anyx on i)oc," Clapperlon .was dis charged from hospital nn Monday aflpr haying undergone ihold Jack s boat down in a l.lltllt suecessrui tact repairs. 11111 lor Impromptu race, but Jack "hoo-jslighl aHer etTecIs or the anes-ljor)eitv I lie- 'J.I.. when h5 P.f- IhelJc Doc is fceH.ii;? fine .and f.....i i oiv.. Hie M.T..'J. a low. is anticipated he will be again n r Lay Roofs that won't Rot or Rust Leaky roofs are a big trial. Every rain means worry about hard-Won crops and expensive implements. Then, too, there is the frequent trouble and expense of patching. Rugged and durable, Barrett Roll Roofings insure lasting weather-tight protection give that well-kept, look to barn, implement sljed, garage or chicken-house. Soundly economical, they're easy and inexpensive to Jaynever rot or I I I waving the flag on the sjde line early in lljc eoroinp weejjt -The Good ship "Pie" If is one Ihlng lo be the proud owner of a pleasure launch but it's entirely another lliing lo be able to find nut' wa hack In jporl in a thick blanket of fng. ,llm all leads up Jo Hip terrible experience of skipper fieorge. Richmond, and family plus a party of friends, aboard the re,- Icentjy acfluired launch "Pie" nn Suiuhiy lasl. ; Willi flag flying and the xahusj exhausting, Iho 'Pic'" left pori at 8 a.ui. in a cloud of dust. The box of works was rarin' lo go ami Ibe throttle was securely lied wide open lj give the maximum of speed. The journey across the harbor was a work iif art and not once, was it necessary to refer lo Hie compass or chart. The day- was pleasantly spent in discussing nautical topics', ami the beauty of the Spread "a la Richmond" was deserving of painting in nils. However, all good' limns come to an eml-and (he Richmond day was no exception lo Hie rule. As the parly left on the homeward .voyage the. foir came down as thick as lar and llitn Ihe trouble began. The compass refused Jo compass while Hie engine went on a sympathetic strike and the day of sunshine was iiuickly turned lo a night of gloom. At one time Ceorge thought he was off ihe coast of China judging -from Ihe language picked up on deck. It was learned thai Hie foreign dialect originated from the engine room where life volunteer engineer was trying lo gel the gadgits in function. The parly eventually returned lo port in the early hours of Ihe morning vowing tx lake another 1 rip on Sunday if the sun holds out. Teaches Painting If you want , to learn bow to paiul a boat without gelling any paint on the boat just look at Professor Oeoff .l.ambly painting Ihe power boat-Myfanwy at the I.H. Hoat house dork. On Thursday morning llirt professor was all "lolled 1111 like. Aunt Jemima at a picnic sporting a real paint er's cap, brush 'ami paint bucket. With lient ' bark? anil htaying ehesl (ttiiff woutil--gaily thrust Ihe brush into the niess of paint but before Hut brush could hit ihe woodwork 011 the boat the painl was coyly creeping down Ihe creases of his pants. How ever. I hat is no good reason w hy CeolT cannot each painling, in fact he loe.s o, and if you want lo become a painling n.uisance you ran do so for a small sum lo be agreed upon by yourself and the professor. The reason .fieofl is called the professor is because he professes to paint boats but doesn't. New Troller Charlie Miller is building a new 35 fool trolling boat nn the Cow Hay creek ways. When com- pleled, she will be powered with 10 h.p. Vulcan .engine. The engine, which lias. hern purchased from John Ilergman, rendered yeoman service in me old .ailu, Thr power plan! lias recently been completely overhauled al Ihe AkerbergrThomson shops. According lo a leller recently receivitii; liy IJave Tu,oni,4nn froth T-.rnie Shockley (ho latter is opening up a retail and wholesale lumber yard al. Kerrisdale, Vancouver, opposite the municipal hall, and has engaged the services of an expert lumber salesman. The otllce building i now being creeled and Hit slock of lumber will arrive shortly. Krnie is tickled with Ihe south ern, metropolis nnd is doing well. Jim to Quit I Here is a persisicnl rumor current on I ho waterfront that Captain "Handsome" Jim Morrison, who has operaled the famous Canadian schooner Caygeon out of Ihis por fr several years past,. will shortly null the hali-liut fishing and go lo "work." This will be real news not only for his colleagues, bill, for the many thousands of lady tourist who make the northern water trip from the southern stales to gel a glimpse of Jim and more especially lo gel n snapshot of his handsome presence. owned by Ihe H.C. Packers, I.nwe Inltl, was in port this week for winch repairs nl the Akerberg-Thoinson shops. The big seiner, President II., Dr. West, owner and skipper of Ihe launch Wylo, Is supplant ing his present two cycle engine Willi the Universal engine re- NO MORE FOOLING did Abraham Lincoln show his shrewdness NOWHERE of judgment to better effect than in that famous utterance which ended, "You can't fool all the people all the time." In the past, there were a few misguided advertisers who thought they could sell their wares better by misrepresentation. But those advertisers have long since gone out of business or mended their ways. Hard experience taught that Lincoln was right. Untruthful advertising doesn't pay. 1 Other advertisers proved that the only way to advertise successfully, make regular customers and build up public, good-will was to tell the absolute truth about their goods. So, you can be sure that every consistently advertised product is good. The advertising test has proved it. The very fact that it is advertised is your best warranty of satisfaction and true quality. The concern that tells you frankly what it is doing is a good concern with which to do business. That is why it pays to read the advertisements, to patronize advertisers, and to buy advertized merchandise. : cenlly purchased from G. O. Minns. Skipper Minns is going in for a higher powered Lniver? sal with the idea of gelling into Ihe speed boat class. The lugboal M.T.3, Capl. R. fSreen, arrived jn port on Wednesday night from ticorgelown with a scow load of box lumber for local consumption. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert x J. A, Achniidt, .M. fcMnrk, Ftanr e It. Rutland and - V. II, 5ich.ols, 'Vancouver; V. ,Hagberg,i Kdmotilpu:,, . A.,w risk? Prince, lleorge; Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Malook, Salvus; W. K. Hlnns and Miss A. K. F. Hinns, llalmoral; Mrs. fi. Kiltie and T. Uasliaw, jsk. . r?ntiial I H. Hunler and 1. Fupprlsnn, Prince George; I.. (Jarfi, C.X.R.; Jl. Hooper, IHgby Island; Mrs. A, Holmes ami Mrs. A. Wood-hoiise, fieorgelown. HER FACE WAS COVERED WITH PIMPLES SHE OOT RID OF THEM BY USING BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mlss T- Hunter, III). No. 8, London, lint., ,rllM: 'i wll to, rnooinmt'iiil l)uriM'k - ttlitott Jltllpr 19 alt wumtMt wliu rt nufrtrln frmo ilinpl" or my (4Iit facial MmiiI.Iii!i. Almut two yrara ar I waa irratiy ti'vlfd wltli pimples ami coif luenkliig out m luy !c, and roiiltl Vet no rillf nniil, finally, a friend reqmn- inrndcd m tQ Uke It.B.ll. This I did. .ami I am now alad to nay Dial your riiiieily ban irlvpn inn the 4eHlrable re-fulu, aud I iiov luv a nice muouUi. rlear skin, a It has eliminated all I lie juipurl. pea frfini Uiy tilood." (let H.b.p, when you ak for It; It ha lieen nn the market for the pan 46 years: put u nnly by The T. Mllburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Out. It's mighty good business . Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to .handle all kind pf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next iloor to Frizzell Hiitclier Slujp, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor ' j.1 . i ' 1 i , .is. .! '. u 1. .1 . "I Mill II I . y HI III Ml I II I III RAW FURS ' If you want to he paid highest possible (I9ll prices for your HAW FUHS, forward tlieiii lo R. 8. ROBINSON A 8ON8, LTD. 1 Branch Receiving Office: 1225-8 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Head Office: H.3.H. Hlrig., Louise l.Wityiipeg, " Man. Hst. 18S:t, Incorporated ()2l)