SUBSCRIPTION RATES: V .It PA(5E TWO tite datlt rnrs if' The Daily News PIUNCE ftUPERT - BRITISH COLILMRIX I'uhlishod Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ; Itupert Daily New.?, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. City Delivery, by mail nr eairier, per mouth .......... $1.00 By mail to till parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, iu advanre. per year ;. Jf. . . ?0.00 To all .oilier countries, in advance, per year . iv. $7.o0 c I ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone -98 . Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in Thr Daily New Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAfLY KDITIOft jjjTcc Thursday, March 19. 1925. Railway Manager Optimistic For Rupert. Oeucral Manager Warren, who was here yesterday, was optimistic over the future prospects of Prince Rupert, lie explained that there were many things which could not be published as to do so would injure 1.hoe prospects. Ho was confident, however. !hat there would be important developments here before very long. He strongly urged the necessity -of going after what we wanted iu a. businesslike way and leaving no stone unturned iu efforts to secure business for Ihe "city. Mr. Warren left the impression that the railway company realized the importance of making this section if railway pay and to do this it was necessary to develop industries and increase the population, it vn partienlarjy in connection with this development of industries; that he was interested. He said that he had gone out of his wy a great deal to ndvanee the in terests of llus place and-he w be obtained. The whole tone of Mr. Warren' was no need lo fool JUiytb JUmJ ! lUgil iigsbuLiiptituistic.iiver.dbi.fiil LlLuiilittllsJi CiiyeiVi U 0fi 1 1 Sympathise With Burns Lake People. u re of r very hopeful that results would visit indicated that there held Jhe confidence of a large part uf Ibe British llOllllIc liiilli in Britain and in the Dominions. McRae Action Not Political Ruse. . Many people .seemed to think at election time that the action against General Mcltae for libel was a political ruse and would mil Ik- ullowed lo proceed. 'Apparently this was n mistaken idea The case is proceeding and a slalemenl of claim has been filed, lion. William Sloan is lo be congratulated on iruig to make good, his threats. The oulcume will be watched wilh interest. "Eczema on My Face Completely Relieved" MI Winifred Ernest, Box 46, Blockhouse, N. 5-writes: "Ever' fince I was a little- child. J lutfered with eczema on my face. At times my face was completely coyered with Urge sorei, and I tried nearly every iuVid of medicine that I heard of with no results. This lasted for over twenty years, untifone day I asked the advice of my druggist, who bade me give Dr. Chase's Ointment a trial. After using the Ointment for a few days, the sores began to heal, .and toon I was completely relieved of the disease." Dr. Chase's Ointment SO rU. lioi, all (K-aJrnt, or IxJjiuhimmi, lialm It o., I Ad., Toronto HOSPITAL GETS (Wall, I.en Waugh, 'Dr. II. K. .Tremayne, Mrs. it. fi. Parsons. j.Ud. Brown and Aid. McKechuio. it was the lirsl meeting for Mr. Walt and Mr. augh. 1 lie provincial government rcpreenlu-lives, and they wore duly we. coined hy President f?. K. Oanip- hell. I'lio meeting received a letter from the Stewart f! en era I Hos pital acknowledging informal ion forwarded regarding the opera - lion of the hospital. This was ordered filed. A letter front the. provincial ecn'tary roeoinmemlinj.' that certain enanges tie made in I lie bylaws of the local liosjiiliil was road. The executive committee was delegated lo po into Hie, inviller of revising' Hie bylaw which wore drafted iu 1911. l'ho matron's reinirl wknow- leiled the feceitd if a bed, mat tress and bed stand from the! ltestino Manufacturing 1J Throe aptdicaVions haiLJeen rej ceived fnl' Jidmissum r?H training school, all of tlieiu be ihfr considiTed favnraMv. Waier Pressure The lnniAf conmiMnr ns'orloil thai water presxure Hi the lom- jiital had boon found inadequate.' I he mailer hud been !ii(i uj with llie rwr clnoi anil, whs now reeoiving tiic nllentiM" f llie city. (in reoiounieooat iwr in Mio liotiso '.oollliriil It Wlf deiM.I.'d lo tuslal - aIi.kii i: .lm ;- u ii-o omerpenc) word uiiu lt v nut Olll.jOf COII.dllssHlll till Olgl, ! liO recojil Jiulldiri uf now fire capes. T' iidf rs wfH bo railed for the pui i t; in of (he doors. acknowledged thanks. with ii vol" A recoiumendalion from t.j Hie oily finance committee at which the co-oporat ion of 'the oily was assured although U was isked that .the iKispllul practice t'ononiy wliereverjpossfhio. Presidonl Camjibel). reported that the liiatler of Jiavins some en incurable patk-iil's taken on j'ndsof '..'Hip uVipifal bad icon taken ui) witli the ci v. Steps were being taken with a view lo having Ihoin admitted to Hie proper institutions. PREMIERS' AID SAVE FORESTS One Night to be Given lo Speech in Each Province on This Important Subject MON I'HT.AIi, Mar. 10.- night Hon. V. L. Markonzio-King. ore niior of Canada, and the provin- rial premiers have agreed In aid I . , Hie medium t f f li f microphone. j The I'riino -Minister l Canada l will speak id (IVIiO Canadian 1 CONSIDERATION wnuiimu . fe raw M,;,yi April ;'n. On Hie .-nine, night Premier Venn ill f 'ew .Matters of Routine Nature DIs- Hnmswick will ho at Mnm'lon J cussed by Board at Meeting wi 1 1 speak. rrVin v C.VHA, Ho Vast IMIcht j Canadian National Hallways; j hrnadrating centre for tin' Tin' regular (iionllily ineolitiJ; Maritime provinces. Premier lof the hoard of managers of the Ferguson uT (iiilaiiii lias agreed I Prince Huperl ienoral Hospital to speak from Toronto on I In' was "held last night iu 1 tit city; nicliI or Friday,' April 2. It ! police eourl. Those present were anticipated that Hie . iher pre-: i President S. Iv. Campbell, Vice-jmiers will 'onsent',to aid in Ihis President .1. II. Thompson, ec- good wick ami Hie following I rotary Harry W. liirch anil Slates ami broii dusting stations 'Director .1. 1.. (Thrislie, II. lb have, been reserved- for llie pur-I.illle. C. II. Klkins; .Norman" nose. April .23. ILYIl.Yl Montreal, I'rejiib'r Tasclyreau: April 23, Winnipeg, Premier Bracken: April 21, llet'ina; ipremier Dun-niiifr: April 22,' Kiimoiiton, Premier (SroenTield.. All the irciiiiors will send on! brief -addresses 'on llie subject if finest prosei'valioii and IliHq jrenoral broailcastiii mi the one uliject should brinjr 1ho forests, of Canada vorj- clearly lo the Jiiihds if very hirpv portion of the jiiijiiilalioii of the Dominion. The Man in the Moon ' YS:- hack after it wa house comniilleo lliat.flie old and! HUSBANDS worn out water tank be replaeed ! og vxeues. with 1 two smaller tank boilers was adopted and tenders will -bo ailed for the workr whirliit is estimated, will cost about t.100. I'here we're cnuiuiuiiicatioiif! from the Xalioual Protective Agency with regard li the col lection of certain oulsiandiuir iccoiinls. Financial Matters It ovarii in? 1 liti year's finances. I. I.. Christie, chainuan of the finance committee, reported thai there had been a nieeliii? Willi are exruscs. 1 i IX .Los Anjrles Ihey sell theirj climate. nd now mid then Jhoyj so a niji of, lioolje?. PAItALYSlti of tlie rihl Jim a 'oid ililtis.lo iii when ask- rdlo 4'iuiorso ii nolo for a friend. WHAT 1 want to see is the 4lKjJ,.xpendillires of llie-eounljy liejil diiwn lo a point where it hurls. Of course. Ihis constituency is in an exceptional position and Ihere Js need of money bein pent hero. Bltl TAI.V . iiiiisbi,nol confer lUIes In ibis cjiuifn-y. but you oujrhl lo hour somcof the lilies these Canadians stive each oilier. 1$ answer to jiny 'people who Have Ween trruiiiblfmr about the weather, I should 'ITke to slate that Prince Ittiporf Xcati do even belter tira'nihTs-Tolf wcasfitn: 1 A donation of five oairs as if it were somel.hiiis In Prince llujK'rl -i-itizens will regrel the Joss entailed bv the ertilolios J(y ;tto Hjm Ubrtel wa-.tio avoided. people or Hufus hake tirough the fire voslenlay. A Jarge pari in me lowuvns wiped out unil irreparalde losses were sits laineo. iiowevrr;; tlH! eople or llie live inlemir town are not to lie cast down bv a little thing like a fire.. They, will 'rebuild ineir town and carry on even more, effectively in the future than in 11m past. Anyone who knows (bo people' Ihere will agree inai limning rait liotu minis t.ake back; The success of a I own depends on the people and Ihey have the people Mini mere. of Ihe right Tokio Has Had .. Run Of Misfortune. . Tokio' ha- hail a run of misfortune. The. earlliiptake and fire two years ago. hit litem bard and this has been followed by a series of minor misfortunes. Xmv conies word of a lerrible fire which has wiped out a large pari of-the city." Even the enthusiasm of Hie little brown meu must be affected by such continued setbacks. Our sympathy" goes out lo ilwiii iii'ibeir misfortunes, v v Marquis Curzon As National Figure. LurU Curzon is a iia1ioiial;:figure. Many . people, do mil agree w ilh his political views methods, bill iu spile, of that he stands nut as. one of the luVmon of ibe I! Ill, Br . .oi in anniti lo joe. l-.or ntaiy,- year flic has beetf oiie of the, leaders of .n school off bolil cs .not looted llhdll Willi rrfiiif.pWI f.'ivop iinuiiifr lli,i ii....Wii'tt.:..i'iiiifa. , Jiiii'.'. J r.. vj ever, he has always had the .'i?ii'flir,AT b is.'n?. n-.JSWI ii PiiOPJJi talk about the hoom- If money were only f a boomeran? it would come riuht pent. are fond Also some of mak-of Iheui MANY a man has been saved from destruction hy being refused by a pretty irl. Al'Pl.K sauce for (fie gander is the sauuiuess of Ihe'irpoo. . LtHtA says. Ihere js .a. dearth of hilsiiaml malerbil 'in this place. She liieaiis . satisfactory material. Hi, bora, Jind Joe single! MI1N' are always Imsy when Ih-J rurnaiM' in 1lie haM'iiieul peed a little attention. i i I aa icaiangu I j jn Frinrc Rupert March 19, 1915. II. S. Clements. M.1., has forwarded tollie Board of Trade a copy of the oider-iii-council. recently signed hv the (iovernoi (ieneral, wliic.h gives prince Hu-pert extensive privileges in con neclion wilh the halibut fisheries, i I. Ivejson ami M. C. Chelwynd. fishermen aboard the Canadian WATER NOTICE. T kl. Mllli;r ihjit i... ii n,i,i.i- r.i 1 !:',,,'"w, 'Wli'ise addrin Tim I'aclflr iiuiiiiniir, aniiiuvpr, H.r... will apply for a llrciiri- lo lake arid in sou ciihlc fret jicr fwcmil, and in hii 71 M. arrB-rn-t uf walfr out nr atrrani kneun . Aln 'in Hie dissemination of infor- ,".v,'ri. ,,lrh rl"w miitiierly and draun ' , t"1. """"II Inlft. alHiin n and m-. I .,,n,. i i niutioii and advice regardingi nr imica cantrriy rrnm iimkiiy nay, Canada's "S ive (lie J Vnw.-1 1 1! '' T.'"' L"'', dain will In- (irald at I ... . ' ,,,'"4ll!h' '""lei i.r Aln I.akf ,r at a iilnl. In-- , Aieek, wJiicb has been sol" . iid ' I uen-niiiui'ii ar- f.n. i,.;i mn , k i ,., !:'' ."'"vey-I'tve li made. Tlie capailly Xoj' April UMll to April 25th "f tlw n-wrmlr tn lx naled li almiil iBJM- w-f'el. and ll win rhmd almiit ifliclusive The ruiuill-ni Vomf I fiiiiiusiw. i lie 4 l Dili II, I II loni'hlry a.Mui am-M iifliiiid. The walnr will in- .Atisocialion, the Dominion For. ,.l.'v.,w, 'r'"" "" """"i i !"" t ... . l"ttn nr tin; niorairi'-diiin. niiinely. i. ii i lostry Ilranrh, the Department ofnie outlet nf ah. t.akr. ami will tie u.I ! i Ores niif.1 I Pro i ino.llion eel nn j-if Ol .Mm Hie r,.n l.nnn-iOlr mnuniriiii .fiuiTxu'i-s upmi land ilewrllicrt lm u i,r n ,.t illllll AlltlOUIll Till I WIIVS and the J1"' fwU' imaieit nn IIm- llailio Department of 'Anlional Itwilways are i alius in Ihis work nnd Krniiiid on lli STili dnv of IVhrnarv iianadinn a r,py i m nmi nun an m'PH- fa III III IMII'KJIfllil Vi'i&m i lliii-n(i. UH'I PHI ill .....I Hi tO ... llll' tu CO-0ier-lyt, IliiaV win f."i In Urn iirrin- .r l .n.i Uii- ValT riirnrilrr m erhitv iiniH-i-t emuieelion the radio deparln.enl ' nmS Z ffi11': iS lias made arransotnenU tn m ... ..,. ."..'' '.'"" r ".. "??. lrne one night at each ! casting station for the special purposes or permuting a premier ilo speak to the people through rariianii'in llnl Mm.i vi..i..rin n wllhlii llilrty dava aflrr the llml appear-lire i.r llil; notlrr m a i-al tn-WKpnpi r. Tlie dale r.r llie firm piihJlralU.n nr IIiIh nntlre U Monday, Marrli . -HB0 MASSIOTT CO.. LTD.. , . Applicant. i, w. Scboooover, Agett, K - 8 77V??-'"myyo'!-)-)--f r A little higher in price , but- what a wonderful difference a few cents make Hsle ij.ikt Slorut'c I'.tt.'A cliooii.v . I'.Ui'i Skuaid; ost heir li'.es in at trm near I'jn-4or UoCkx, Heebie SI cab's, M Hie 'Irsl of llie UtVk. Alayor .ow:mi and Aid. lfir-rissi-y .rosOHl wlioism siihI' by 'he Oaity Nwk k to tiie sin "ss if Iheir riwiil fii.iiucml m -ion o Moni.wnl They s.ale tl;.; no tieu could ha" done lietler ! nan tiey did. TWO AND TWO Friend isn't it ralber -nil to officiate at a viililing Clergyman Not al all. oily piillfn; r. diffi-iloublo It's two and I wo togellt- WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAGE TAkK NoTli;K llml Hi.- iiii.hIuii l inn ier iiid-. l.iihllMl, lics. a.iiln-- i vi j taiiil.ird Hhiik II Id if.. . nir. , iivcr. II. i b rIt rirf- a liivnn- n, tke .unl u-' Jill nihil- rei n-r wi:nid ami in Ihit fru. ..mi arrf frel if Water out .it skim laic, mill .Mil l.alifn, and Aln Ulvcr, wlilrh llntw Miullicri)' ami (lulu- nun Mu--ci. 4IHPI, inrniiKih inaiaii iK-frrvr n- a Th'-' nraai-Uiii mill In- l.xalnl at ur nir Oh I ..ii Ik I ijr Ah , Lake. The rapacity uf th.-ierviilr In .m rn'ated In alimit Hi.iiiih 1 left, and.. 11 will riiMKl almiit fi l-Ji'lcriiiliifd aTf uf Thi wati-f'will .ii- itm-rleil ri'nlll IlK- llcnlll at a ihhui! I'll -ir ncni' the Muraifi cj.ini, anil Kill h, 1 i ci fur Indiialrlal I'imi-r niirtnu. in,,.,! ii,,. .' wind di-ciilH d a fan uf Indliin Jic-, rfl i'.. Thin linllri' wa rxiMed oilthi' ximiiikI nn I On- llh ila ,r Mairh. . ,-,,py i Hilt imtirfi ami an aeellralluii inir.iianl i llHTPlo Jind Hi the "Walter Art, Oil I ' ', will .! fllffl )n tin- nmcff ur Ihr Walei lli-cii-dur at 4'rllH'H lliiNrt. iilijcrl..ii. (,,' (he applliail.,n may lir r;lil won the -,ii,i virr lioriii iirr' ur with the limni.iM.iif., Ir. vV'"r.. "W'K I'arhaineiit IHiiliiinirH. I MiH.rla. Il.i:.. ullhln llilrlv dnv aft. r; Ui rn-M apiwaramn nr IhM nuilii- in a I hiial hi'WM.appr. Tin- dale i.r Uih rtri piihllralhin nr UiU imilr,. h Man-li l i ! 18J. i A-SAOIVN I.I MIlCll VAntiS. I.hnlti'ft. AppllPmit. ' Q.V C. K. Frnm. Swirlar.v . NOTICE. rJV"? MATTKn r AN APPLICATION l?,r, 'l,B "r frr'11 Ceriirirntp r iV f'i'.ri li'lS th,fV3") d thirty. one ;?' '"'M "y n. fierunn rive (5), MS .1'. , r,nPP ""Perl. Map lies. Siil lrar..p.v pr.MiT nr I he loin and de-'trnrtlnn nr the Crrtirirale of title r.iver-Inn ihe ahove land havlnir linen prndured iLfP.'.,',",,.,v '"""onii .i laaun. Bftcr the rH".'."' ".f """"h rr" 1'- rir-t i iV"o ,"'n", " Trr,!" fiinnme if l a lie n the Mine r Kdward II. Plen-e f M.V'"H;,5 ?nn- hirh Orlfflrate nr .'.l.'!r,i,,,.',rf.?1-,(,V'I': "i II. F. MACIKOn. Mart Wiry tmu?:'1 nf T,t"'"-I'rlnre ItupfTt, i ; LAND ACT. In skmn it and nimrinir prince Jinprrt llernrdlh Mttrlrt 1 Terrar? n 'rT,":....!h"! rorr lJt" '"f r r.. J.. ti ,V, ' nnMM'rilln, and M. niaifpv. ,,r Terrace. Iu: ;i(.,. l,m,H,m,"n- '""Mid to a iily V r W nerincn IT'lL laniU, X p;,r""."T rnr liidntrl.i ,," Wl-wi file Sr de endn'"lMar, !."';!, Vl ! ""Ui' :n,j,ri,r;rr,i!v:;r,!ii:);! nr ald river; tlw uee rollnwina ,ri T. . "i 1.1TTI I an I I.AItlli I. M iU.'.H Appll-.tOtl ii if I : NAVY CUT : CIGARETTES . 0 FISHERMEN! Look over your I'irst Aid Kil nnd see Hint plelc. Here are some uf the things you io:l l board before vuu put lo sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL . BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK For your personal Kit you will also ired RAZOR SHAVING SOAP - RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE '; COMB . TOOTH BRUSH lluy your supplies from us nnd bo sure of r itAf satisfaction, ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Avenue Phones 82 and ffl Ask for a Tide Book for 1925. They are Free. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Helgerson Block. 4ND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Ehglnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, P"'r makers, Founders, .Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plan I is equipped to handle nil kind f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P phone 109. Dr. R P. KENNY - DENTS PERSONAL. SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTIST ro liiiinl iu hand. Nn ninller wlinl Ihe niilurc or nr work may bo, wlien you rome in' my office vo" K 4, benefit of such service and receive iletllMry I'1''1 '' GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST.