paoe rotm PRESENTATION BRINGING UP FATHER MACtE bHUT UP' VOO ARE 01 I ( CRACtoqt: ts 1 I l'! ah: ah: now now wwt wwt TO H. S. MUNROE TOnic,HT MOT COiNC, OOTQr I O.oH J PLPvpn t.rA fVK -1 HUT IT NlCRTOWW N1CG.R TO VTAJ x I 1PC vboE toisigmt Mflf HOW THE. ELVENINOI IN IN TOHICHT TQNtCHT THMS THMsj , f WO TO XOOR PQOM J ha.o ruowN eT 1 r ' I CQ'NC OPT rX AA,CXpT tT- v t ',v i Anyox Officials Give Farewell and I WTAf THtlKE; MOT Community League Dance v A vOTHCR WORD FROM VE.a toT I tiOOCKT l WE. ? Tonight ,THCf OPEP? TICKETS V ANYOX, Al. H. In order Mini II. H. Monroe, retiring yire-pre sidenl :iinl General .Manager of Granhy, might carry a way ant retain pleasant memories of Hie amicable relations existing hf tween Hit' management ami I h e. employees of I lie company iliir ing his term as manager, the heads of all deparlnienls;iii Any ox niel at the home of General Superintendent .1. 11. llalTner on Saturday night last, ami provide)! a parly which was voted a great - success, the principal event lie ing flit presentation, in Mr .Monroe of a sterling silver water jug ami tray. Wieo. Warwick maile the presentation on behalf of Hie subscribers. .Mr. Munioe. V 1 1 i I :t 1 1 1 y acknow ledged the presentation ami Iho feeling which prompted it. II:i thanked everybody for their loyally to himself and Granhy. ami fell that if the same support. were given Mr. Hocking, it would iimloiihledly have considerable hearing on the future of the plant. He was loudly applauded ami on Mr. Hocking heing called upon to respond In an address of welcome hy .1. H. Haffner, he siressfii me importance or co-operaliou, staling that Hie company looked to its employees as much as to its manager for successful results. The situation wasn't al all had, inucli heller in fact than was the case with many copper producing concerns, and heller things could he looked for and umlouhleilly attained willi everybody pulling lonelher. Oilier lille talks were inilged in; Chas. Wing recalling the situation- at the time when Mr Munioe, first arrived. II was a loss-up then whclhcr the plant, which meant two ami a half titil- lion miliars a year to me wage earners ami another Iwn and half millions to Hie merchants ,of Ihe province .for supplies was Mo (hinlinue operating; or not Forluualclvn . Mr. Mmiroe h:ifl .been the rjgbl ioajiij- lliaPfliiie, rand maftett osiwe Hifkcof? lift '. plant going and sustain the hi ipayrnll, while many oilier hi iropper producers had lo slml 0WH. i Air. ami .Mrs. Monroe will leave: Anyox on Thursday's boat, en route for Colorado, where .Mr. .Muiiroe will t enjoy a short holi-!day . before 1 gelling into harness again. Tonight' the Uoniinunily ; League are staging a public dance, , o which .'ill the jieoplc of .Anyox are invited. This will be held in ;IUTrealin Hall for Hie- pitrposeLweek. The family in ioa.hoiue.- o 'saying "good-bye" Hi Mr. at;d Mrs. Munroe, ami of welcoming Mr. JtOBking, Ihe new gener: 1 manager. ?lf. BURNS LAKE ' Oonlon IHllohh ha-, left for Kdmonlon on a buying Irip fol4 Mowing the recent fire which . .. ' ....AIZ II.. I .' i i ''i,. . pi .icnnaiiy onsjroyeu ins nnnit ware slock. has opened up .again , in temporary iiaiters. A pile brblpe'iaml ilirl. road is 'being iniilt. to replace Hie obi un-. satHfaftory cordnrny across Hie neck of Hunts Lake from hero. Having severed his connection is with the lloyal Hank of Canada, iJack f?lms has relumed 10 hh Mioine in I'rince Hiiperl. Mrs. J. II. Keofe of Francois iLake is visiting nl Ilazellon wltlt ":ler sisler, Mrs.,:jiMe,. A, (lonnott Mrs. J. M. Smllh of Francois 'Lake is a jialienl in Ihe U'rincrt iHtiperl f'eneral 'llospllalf haying lefl'Tor lliere Iafd week vltli the i husband. ' fienrge Smith left liern. jon Sunday morning's train for Kant 'looji's. STEWART '.Operations liave been suspend n at Ibe Hivrrside mine penilin .a reorganiznliori which 'will bo -followed by Ihe resumption work. The mill at Ihe Hivershle. has been working steadily for . some lime grinding fifl Inns .of ore 'daily and (timing ou I or !f Inns ofignbl, (s11vci' ndili'a coneenlraltB. II. W. Martin 'has migned aa ireidcnl ami manager of thi Victoria Mines I, til. ami ha beer. sib'ceeded as manager by II. J. Fhoniey, formerly of Hie Dun- well.' There has been a reorganization of the comiKiny a ol A. H. Ilaynes of Victoria 'is the ncv presiilenl. 1. Lawreuee, Diiminion gov- rnnienl lelegrapli operator, lias returned from a three inonlbs .real ion trip in liic course of which he visited Kurone. A. (i. Howie, who was relieving bin here, lias yone lo Anyox. Kale Hyatt has purchased a m) .10 log cabin at Hie forks ol' the Marmot Itiver from Denny Dwyer ami Owney Mel-'adden. Sin-will start a madhouse which, however, she will not personalis conduct. .1. Frank Hreeze, manager of the ami I., mine, is on a trip lo Vancouver on business. PRINCE GEORGE of The home of Sheriff H- S, Peters at Fraser like has lieen destroyed hy fire. In upite of llui fact 1 1 1 ; 1 1 Jhere was spine Insur-niice,',Hhe tloss was' hciaYy jit Hid destruction of personal effect - that can nol he replaced. is Mrs. W. Allen and her two (laughters have left for Itelfasl. Iretand, where they will visit Mr-. Allen'sild home. J. IJ. .Johnson lias received ronsignmenl of Mongolian pheasants from the proviiicia! game farm. I'hey will be set out in Ihe neighborhood of Hn cily. ' MDERHOOF The, homo of iWitanf Napier Ifilferie.s1, together willi all lis contents, in the I'intnoore dis- Iricl was destroyed by fire lat less. K. Mazar de la Harde, Jtanislt anner, traveller, Jeclttror and atilhor, is a visitor in Ihe dis trict studying possibilities of Of his count ryjuen. Mr, ami Mrs. II. Hi Harriott lave, arrived at Fort SI. James ' ' . ,1 See ' 'thewiderM St. Lawrence Hello Daddy -don't iorgerrny imgey? Slip a package In your pocket rfnen you to home lo- Givlhe youngster Dstin sweet -for pleasure Jlrcnrfli. Vse youwelf aftn-Miokin ft. or when rf0rkdr4s. It's a $ret little Cmlntt Wliere Mr. Harfisun is :n rh 11-: construct mil ol Dinmh- Lodge. Constable ami Mrs. II. Mansel ant on a mp lo Naucotiver. A. K. Huhin of I'rioiU! (icorirc arriving liere Ibis week to lake charge of tin- Yaitdc rttool' railway station. (i. II. (iower, scliool inspector, visited Hie schools of Hits a. id Stuart like district last week. Leslie lliain. who has been lotimiiieiil iii loc-al. circles for several ye;(r.j,s livivlnir shortly foT I'diiionloo Or Tor:vi to. ':, ALICE ARM His firsj boom of f(TO,0Ml feet having been ilelrVcred al t lt Prince Hitpfrt siiwinill. Miles Donald -lias another log boom of similar size ready lo he taken south front his eamp al damper' Pimit which will tie operated throughout the summer. " Due In a shortage of powder niii rails, operations have beejt ehlsed down for a few weeks mi Ihe "('orio Mine hy lite llomesla'o' Mitiirlg Co. As -soon as Hie Dully Varilen rnilwav track is noct. I x - " nf - "yl prelude to your trip , y j..,',-f- "' --JL-L -t-rS---: onyour voyage to Europe Start your trip from MONTREAL. For two or three days, the glories of the sheltered St. Lawrence River will pass before you as a pageant of nature's beauty. Majestic cliffs, rolling meadows and stately trees Elip by in even-changing panorama; and all along the way French-Canadian villages set in a background of green fields, flourishing farms, dignified churches and wayside shrines, contribute a note of quaintness and old-world charm. Don't miss this delightful across the ocean. Anchor-Donaldson and Cunard steamers are models of comfort and luxury, Buperb lounges, delightful orchestias,' children's rooms, perfectly appointed staterooms, libraries, and meals which appeal to the most fastidious. Atk your local tteamthip agent for dttcripliv literature or apply lo THE CUNAUD STEAM SHIP CO., LIM I TED 621 HASTINGS STREET, W.r VANCOUVER ANCHOR-DONALDSON CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICES o 1UU TOLD MS F6J pi WCDiOKT CO 3 1 ffltfMnll.- I I9i av Int l Fnmc Sfwvicr. Inc . li' fWn.Mi mln. nmri ( r?ilEV(VSI ,111, l" ; ; ; . ' ' turthcr supplies will tie taken in and work will lie pursued wit! renewed vigor. Mr. and Mrs. (leorjre A. Young ami family will leac here to morrow for Itella f'oola where' Mr. Voting has been transferrm) in I lie service of the provincial public works department. I. M. Morrison, mi his return from Prince lluperl. announced lie had been successful in (ibi' iii a lai'Ke amount in slocK iii the I. a Hose Miiiuu t'.n. in 'that i-ily. Al "Falconer" mill has been tmsy lately sawing clear -il'ir priice lural liilililiii-' u i -poses. ; TENNIS GOING STRONGER ! THAN EVER BEFORE IN ! HISTORY OF THIS CITY Players Turn Out In Early Morning Because Courts Crowded Later More interest than ever he-if fore in Hie history Prince Uupei-I is lii'ing taken this year in tennis. On fine days the courts al Acropolis Hill are crowded all Ihe time, On a re-reported cent morning it was that sixteen players turned ujj for games at si o'clock in Ihe morning, and yhrotighout tint day players Were lo he seen while often there were a number wailing their turn to gel on lo the courts, this continuing until dark. The congestion should be eon-xideraldy relieved when Hie Hejri-menlal eoiiYl and Hie railwiv courts are ready. The llisrlt Sehool court also is tji lie repaired ami put into shape for play. As a great many . High School pupils are interested in the game Ibis rottrt should he palronimi well and should train players for Ihe olher clubs. Play is also proceeding on Hie Drydoek courts hill this is r-Iricled pretty tiitteh lo Ihe members of Ihe Drydoek stair. Just as the railway courts will lie kepi for railway employees and lire Heuiniental court for member of the regiment and their lady 'fiends. Proposals have been made front lime lo lime to (vMnhlisli f-ourt.s at ,th 'P'rov niiu'jtt httf Mtd' (letlnill- ilj'f 1 move willi that in view lias so far been made. .11 C?--k .i- i. f JUI A left L I tittle slmoimg lias heroine m-reasingly popttlnr in Sweden ami volunteer .stiarpsliooicrs in mat cminlrv now number more than .10.011(1. The gnveriitnot) encmiraites Ihe, sjiorl and re cently manied a aiihslaitlial stun loward-- ils ilevftlopiuenl. There has lately been considerable im port n lion of Alnerieali spor rifles which are considered so perior lo Ihe 'Swedish Mauser. De Harri CrawsJiay. an llnglish laud' owner (v)io recenlly diei Iravitm an estale, vdlued al SliJO,- 0(10, was a gojf enllntsiasl to Mm last. Itireclioos in his will as .lo Ihe disposition of his body were as follows: 4,l direct thai be dressed injjny , knickerbockers suit and golfing shoes, that I he laid im toy sofa as if asleep and llial I be cremated in this costume, and Ihe ashes bo placed in til o same receptftc.le as those of my late wife." With the Rxcepllon of Jack Dempsey. no athlein in recent year lias had ntore opportunity In make money than Paavo Nnr-nti, the wonderful Finn. How- ' -'.V Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2clper word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu Hun r0r FOR SALE F0H SALK.-Af Terrace. H.C.. fcereral ten acre tracts and owe t-acre rract. Look Ihent' over and make me an otter. -A C. Little. TO RENT FOH HUNT.- Vive roomed house with b.illi and pantry on Second Avenue for rent May I Phone Hlue till!. 85 ITilt.NISIIKD Housekeeping Suilfl for rent. ilo Sixth Avenue, Hast. Phone Hlue 278. 'If Foil ItF.NT. Claim apart mem Weslenhaver Hros. !f BOATS AND LAUNCHES PHICKS OF FASTIHtPF. i-CVCLK Marine KiigincH i-II.P. withom clutch tH5(MI t-II.P. I cylinder AID ano.Ot n-II.P. I cylinder III J5o.(H K-II.P. I eyliniier IID 750.00 K-II.P. 2 cylinder MD tSO.flO Ift-II.P. cylimW LD All Hie alKive except the flrnt include the Famous Joes He-verse Oear, and full electrical and iropeer equipment. The best that money can buy. Basttmpe Itros.. 17 W (ieorgia St. V. Vanwni(ver. H.C. Always at your service. ever, thai li( is molly adhering lo his amateur slnmliug. It tn said thai, since he has been in America, nearly :Jllo, )()( ha-been offered Niirmi tor Hie use if his name for fommodities an.i for hi services us a rttn-Mer. ok,- protnoter olfered him $U,000 a week for '' weiks to run against professionals and a moving picture magnate offered him 950,- OflO for one piclure with the promise of many more engagements. Hailminlon players are taking a great deal of interest in the ('liampioimliip games to lie play ed lonigtil and tomorrow night al the Prince lluperl Itadtninloit Clttb courts. There will not likely be many enlirh" bill Hie malchc will be closely coiilesled. Two games on! nf three in each rase ileeldos Ihe results, He grime Hi citslsl of liHwn itoliits s I rti iirht Vl fJiiml rt V . I eatia . till".- '..l8(tW'i.WniitiaWi vtttitii the mixed doubles will be played Thursday evening at. Ihe same place. The badminton court recently marked (till al the F.Iks Club was prepared too late in the season for any great interest to he taken in II, but probably next fall there will he a good club formed there, The court is by long odds Hot best in town as it (fives plenty of height and good space around Ihe courts. The only object ion ii the slipiiery floor. QUITE TRUE, TOO A nran hail several complaints made to him regarding bis servant, so look him to task. "Now," lie said, "I've heard some ipieer stories about your doings lalely." "hon'l believe them, sir," came (he reply. "Half the lies told about me isn't true." I'C'' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Thursday, April 0 HiKh I :.( a. in. 20.5 ft l'"l-"54 p.m. 20.1 " !nw 7 :51 n.m. " 20:07 p.m. . A.o ;-Friday, April 10 Utah ...... 2:07 luii. "I.o rt, . ; ,. j '( :.12 p.m. 10.11 " Low .... H::tl ii. in. i,7 " 20 1 12 p.m. 4.4, AUCTION SALE AUCTION SAI.K will he held at the Alaska Hooms, In-hind Prince Hiipert Hotel on I hurs day, April U, al 2..' p. to. eon-sisiiug of ouk chairs, hofFet, fliiiiug fshle. living rortwi suite, upliol-.ici-id hi tapestry bedroom Mule m I i nch graf. Vii'lrola, lieits, tiin- xoleuui ruu-. 1 1 1 ! .isii, Oitr-uey range, heaiei. eUclric healer, a I ii in i 1 1 1 1 1 1 .sure. elc.. carpels, etc. PlnlpoM. Kvill it (In., l.Ui. Aiiclioii in. BOARD i HOAIll). The I n under, 8;m Second Avenue. piione 137. HOAIID AND HDOil. or board only. Phone He.i 707. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Any lime. Five pas senger DmUe rtedan (kimfori and t:iurluy. Hates: 50c for I ur2 paiers. for aildilional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Itahy" at your er viee day or night (knnrorl- Safeiy Courtesy. If It's al water trip call Laurie Lflmbly. Phones 570 or 1 J I . TAXI Sp2 Till'. DKPKND'AIILK TAXI.- I)a ami Night service. Comfort and Courlesy is niy mold) PHONE 532 CONRAD LEE Stand: Itichmond Hooms TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Ceoigo, Paul or (lust Prompt Servtoe and Comfort Day or Nl- t Stand: nOSS BR03. POOL ROOM . Meoker Clock, Ace ss rom Knt'ir "s Hole FURNITURE WK handle the FAWCEIT" guaranleed ropper harin'-' Steel Ranges and all grades of high grade furniture ww ex I cltangc. PRINCE RUPERT CXCHANQf, Auctioneers FURNITURE, New and Secondhand Furni ; ure Store. We Huy. Sell and lix-) change New and Secondhand , Hoods. " QKO. PAMADUPULI9, i H3U Third Ave. Phme l ! : COLUMBIA RECORDS NFAV Process Columbia Hpcoi'.N no scratching. Finest re productions or laleit Fun Trots, Songs and lnstr"utnent al music hy world famed artialt. Call in and hear I hem. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue NORTHERN TRANSFER, t'all for HaggiiKC and F.xpress Norlhern Transfer. Day Phone lied i(:t. Night nhone li recti 307. W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. MONUMENTS P. LcClalro StiH. P.O. No I. Prince lluperl, H.C. Agent for Granite, Marble and Stone Monuments and Headstones. I STENOGRAPHER Ptihlio Htettograplter E. M. EARL i Olllee: Dollar Store, Third' Ave Phone: Hod 321. -V-T, For the Cast Mini', P eotn iht- tnt Moil.; : . . , Frnt.i.- fit Vmuuu It! TUe-l Hal in i from Va. gut' rin. CP It To Anyox A .2 Ai fetJ anc Premi: -Weil- . Sllii'i i and Pa.- U"-'I i Ftt'l.- To Poi : Si lull Pa4m- "Itiu From Pci l SI: "-' t: Hi Hem ' 1 Sal-- To Alfi'k" Pc .i- AlD From Ala,lr Ps'ptU- An . in rtuMoi Chai ic m1 - -- Ap, From Qu :cn Cttrtot) " tax coiXkirtKt lot A' -vi- 1 Mt Ate th A c II lb A ' ,-V' IM we v ' !'l M''. 1 ""' ve ,1; I ,11-1 ! Slli V' (i'.e IT' . ' ie rd COST l? ecu1-1 REOANOISU 6-TN' i ht: i a . :i III' I I. II' . IM ' ..III '.l' LI' "i M'H t- ' ,i im. M Mil .l'IM ' i nr. "i ,. hull ' 'on m IIBHI'll.'.'" lei" HATH' ,fnsKt GOVERN 1 TO NOTICC OF 1 l III I .ill 1 ,H I ' . II I II. 1 ,1 II' 1 , ill- H"f :l- I -.-I..I" r 1 1 n ' p'ii' III! i " ' ',1 I" III' mlv rin 1 1 ii -1 ., :ll Mill 'I or