Apr ' 8, i9'5. 'AiT THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE TFirtEB j Local and Personal LOG SCALINGS NOT BIG YET H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. always delicious Only Kraft Cheese comes up to your expectations every time and every- where you Duy u. That's why it is important to ask for Kraft and to see the Kralt trade mark when you buy. 60 CHEESE DISHES Oa; beautifully -'rated cheese tc- :. fesoK ent free Maiiioupon. lale Cheew Co. M LtJ.,Montreal. Ml F Send ma fret recipe book. M Bone rushes n1 Hunt' ltru Ii used in brushing Ih" hair will il ipir .mi) Hliiiiiiliilc (tic growth of now v i ',1 head oi strung vigorous, liuir will follow ' , : I se. Mnpmeiil n Whale Hone Btu.Ihh imported 'i. iiMiiiifaclitrers in F.nglniiil, whirl! Ufa of f.iMii quality ninl low in price ranging From $1.25 Up. I'll I ' hut bark ninl the 'h:;lf Hone withstand jijiit " .iM. Comic in iiixl niiikr our dunce tiHluy. ORMES LIMITED llit Pioneer Druggists The Rcxall Store 3rd Avenue end; Sixth Street. Phone 200 and 82 Rupert Fish Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish--All varieties In season. Smoked FishOur well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon- Pinks, Skeena Sockoye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish- Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. pnadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PrlrV Flu port, B.C. uilding Materials pWBEFI IIiimoikimii -:i, i i,',,,;i,!,,.r m,in"lis 11 Mmldmgs. Oiik, Fir aiul Coltonwou.l : Ply '! Wash ami hour. iml S me' Pastor, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Kcono's bri . hi aslep of paris Sa' 8lld .Crave!, Aibsstos Pro-"i i Wood Pipo, Vltririeil Pipe, Aurlcultural Tile, Dulld- raPers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hum lu I'.imnii NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL LBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. .'hones 110 and 564 gieasr nis coming mh Fb,n. 'l,,s AlTivi'll - tflh Gnn ':f.nis 53.75 and 54.75 r -mis $15.00 English Gaberdine' Coats Just in. STEVE KING Phono Qreon 05. I ik uoani You'll like our joall Coal Co. IMionc 7. tf 1'of. Tackcu folic foii-ale." llob Artliur. 111uoQV.4nTi.ns ron FRENCH, BELGIAN ITALIAN, AUSTRIAN GERMAN, POLISH and RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL DONUS The Investment Homo of t M. CORDASCO & COMPANY 290 St. Jame Street MONTREAL, CANADA Ladysmilh - Wellington, "llic best," also "Peerless," "smokeless." prince Huperl Coal Co. Fresh mil flowers, Faster lilies. Kfisler not plants, elu., delivery free. Prices reasonable. Mrs. McCarthy. 85 Je.rk .Munro, wel known miner ami prospector, has arrived a, the Prince Huperl ieneral Hospital Tro;u Stewart fur treatment. 'I "us ALT.3. oT the Hushhy tugboat fleet left today for (ieorge-lown to bri lit,' in two srowluads of luiither for the Ilig Hay Lum-her Co. The Ladles of the Preshyterian Church will hold a Tea and, sale of Home Cooking at tlio home of Mrs. T.. II. .lohiisun, Fourth Ae. Kat on Thursday, April 'J. from 3 to 0 p.m. 8i Mr. and Mrs. (J. A. Spikf nnd ramily. wiio have been at Anyox for some liinc, ,turiied to the eily yesterday and will' resunu' their resilience here. They arc at nreseiil staying at the Central Hotel. Passengers sailing for Hie south on the Cardena yesterday afternoon included A, Champion for Alert Hay; Andrew Christiansen. Mrs. Crossee, Mrs. (!. Olseii, A. Hanson and !'. JnwHt .for Vancouver. .1. Ward of Stewart Itiver, Yukon Territory, will arrive slnirtl at Anyox where II will become manager of the overunient lele-trrnpli olliee sueceedijiif; J. Iiw-i-euee who has coine to Prince P.ttlierl as malinger. The other day a little, llm"' var old luily inarched into, tin1 ... :i i .i.t..- ii. iiiiniry iimi, .II'IH oiiriiiiiK me iiii rariitn's desk lisped "I wanlj the eiieyclopt'dia." As Hie cniiyclo-lieilin was nearly as his tasher-seirher reipiest iiad to bq refused. Ileceived our new sloeK ol Pratt's Ha by Chick food ami poultry fupplics; l'leischman's dry j east; jrarden and Uiebl seeds; jjprairs bird and; dop supjilies, and our Taiiious lilsoi Coal, Phone 58. Prince Huperl Feed Co. 1'2 (J..VIL steamer l'rinco Oeorgc, (Wipt. Harry Nenldeu, is due on lime Ibis afternoon til ."I o'clock from Vancouver and wayporls The vessel hits v37- passengers Tor Hie. train besiijes the usual quota of people fur Prince Huperl, Slcwarl and Anyux. The regular monthly business meeting of the Prince Huperl (iyro t'.luh was held today in the SI. Itegis CuTe -willi President 11 I'. McNaiiMlilon in the chair, (ieneral business, priueipAlly dealing with the club's play-uroitnd program, was discussed. Six new members, I'. K. lloherl-son. YV. Haliti'tio. Hurry Hirch J. W. .Moirison. V. NV. Pearson ami Dr. I". S. Tail, were initialed. NKOUIMCEMENTS f . 4. Dalfodil Da u ee, Uticcn Mary Chapter, I.O.D.K., Hoslon Hall, Ktister Monday, April 13. Catholic Spring Sale, afternoon oT April -M", Meli'opolo 11.01 followed by social evening. Tenuis Club Hall, Friday, April 2i. ' Itidley Home Sale, ThursdUy, May 7. tf Weekly Cinderella Dance. Sal-lirdav mulil. K.Iks lnim "itle "NT EN there's real zest in a Lifebuoy bath. Makes you tingle all over with dean, healthy exhilaration. Lather carries a remarkable health agent deep into every pore. Try ic to-night. The odour vanishes but the protection remains. Lctm Brother! Limited, Toronto. Two new cars at your service day mid night. Moderate charges Phone lied SOI. C. V. Synu-s. tf . (ieorgo (i. Iliisliliy will sail on the Prince ("conge lonihl I ) make the romid trip lo Slewar' on busiuoss,. Mrs. Hushhy will accomiiiiuy him. Semi-annual meeting Gnat War Veterans tonight. Business: election of officers, auditors report, etc. AH members requested to attend The Ladies' Aid of Hie Haplisl Church will diold a lea ami stilt of Inline cooking in l.iney A Davies store, . corner Sixlli ami I'ulltiu lomorimv afternoon Thursday, April !, from 3 to 0. .1. L. lilain, conli-iictor, hto taken over K. II. Shcokley'.s slock of tlouble dressed lumber, sash ami doors. Also the ageney fur .1. I'yfe Sinilli .Lhl. liardwoods, For biiudsawiug, ujtd ,. plaujn- joliliing and reiiiiiring, phom Hlue 08. tf Mr. and Mrs. A, II. Hailey, !-.".i Sixth Ave. F.iisl, enlerlaiiied some 20 srueslsiit ti final ami delightful farewell parly last night in honor of their daughter Jean, who leaves on the east- bound train this ariernoon for Fduionton lo act as sales agent for I he Hacon Fisheries. The coinuiillei- in charge of the badminton louruamenl ar- ranued this morning that a many as possible of llie liiuieg singles shouhl be played to-niglil. A number of the ladies objected to bavin? lo play in both .singles and doubles tomorrow nislil. Any ladies unable to play tonight may do so tonioi row night. 11. S. Muiiro, who has been general manager of the iranby Co. for several ytyirsV afcompau- ied by Mrs.' Monro, will be ti southbound " iiassen.si'r on , Hit Prince (ieorire lilts week. Suc ceeded as manager or Ihe (iraubj Co. by Charl'-s Ilocvkinnr. Mr. Munro is going lo Xew York where he has accepted a responsible post witli a large American mining concent. FOR WEST KODTENAY Returns for March Show Little Over Four Million Feet Measured The log scaling arc not very heavy so far. For Hie mouth of March Ihe lota! scaled was i,- ?K,7i3 board feet, while Ihe lolal for the year lo the end ot March aiutfilnted lo y.7l'J,003. From tills time on I here should lie large increases as there is a ureal deal Of activity beinu shown both on Queen Charlotl" Islands ami Hie mainland. The returns in detail for Marcb are as follows: Ited tJeilar Coast Spruce Hemlock ..i. Halsam lackpine Interior So nice Poles, lineal feet .... Hemlock piles CordwtioiJ (cords) .... Shingle bolts (cords Hemlock Ties ine Ties , I-Vnee Posts cords Square Ft '.)( S. 3 17 2,i,,Ji.,J85 033.(5 r 83,515 1.332 23S.G70 105.11K1 5.58 i 21(5.3:' 15.75 LI 12 LAFOLLETTE LONGEST SPEECH ON RECORD IN UNITED STATES SENATE Spoke for Over Eighteen Hours in 1908: Vice-President Against Marathon WASHINGTON, April 8 Vice-Presidcnt Dawes' spectacular on one-inan maralbon talk ing eenls in the senate, ami lhe more recent eijilil-hotir speech of Senator Copelaml of New York against the Isle of Pines treaty, has led capital attaches to dig up noted instances of lengthy senatorial addresses. The unofficial record is held by Senator La Follelle of Wis consin, speaking on a currency measure, on May 2D, 11(08, be held lite floor for 18 hours and 2U minutes. A 15-hour speech is creditc to Senator Falkner of West Yir -inia, on January 1(5, I8DI, when the Force bill was under discus sion.' Senator Allen of Nebras ka on October 11-12, 18U3, en gaged the attention of the Senate for 1 S hours on the repeal of Ihe siher bill; ami a similar period was consumed by Senator Carler ar Montana on March 2-3, 1001 while discussing a rivers ami iiaVbors measure. Senator Jones, Republican, Washington, made a 13-hour ami 35 minute speech on February 8-in, l'.u;, during consideration of the ship purchase bill; Senator Hurton of Ohio spoke for 12 hours ami in minutes on n rivers ami harbors Mil on Seplemlier 18-1P, 11(1 S; mil Senator Snmol of Flab is credited willi a speech extending 1 1 hours anil 35 ml miles on July 22, 11)13, wIiimi the Underwood tariff measure was under debate. The chamber til the other end of Ihe capilnl can lay claim lo no such prolonged oratorical ef- rorls. House rules preclude any lengthy address by one man, Jhe longest being two or Iwo ami a hall hours, when (he chairman or ti committee, in charge of a niajurliill, is explaining its WHY SHE WAS SINGLE At a me cling of Quakers an old farmer, notorious for bis I tick op maimers, turned to -i prim " elderly maiden lady, and said lo her, "Taliilha, will Ihou I' ll me why Hum hast Stover married?" "Certainly, Triem! Joseph?" responded Tahilha, in a voice audible all over the room. " "l'i After Being Left by th8 Electors because I "am mil so 'easily Ho Quit3 Provincial Politics Foe Federal Field pleased tis lliy wife was!" .Mr. ami .Mrs. w . o. l uitonami NI'.LSON. April 8, W. K. K.sJfatnily are .sailing .on the Prince jling, former member of Ihe Pro-jocorge rrmay morning inr au- vineinl Legislature- at Victoria. t"nei who was defeated at Ihe last i provincial election' in ltossland J constituency, has been nomin-lateil as Conservative candidate I for Ivoolenay-Wivsl in Ihu next Federirl election. i Mr. I'sling was one of the lenders of Ihe iirroup - thai attacked the P.G.F.. ' coiistrucliou nietliods nnd, backed by Ihe parliamentary privilege, made changes against Hkj Provincial 1 (tovernmenl which be was unablo In substantiate before the judicial commission which Inquired into ttf mallei . Ground SawtT lhir Urlhare of hrou shout the entira :nt!th of the taw. thui r. . nakini'mndmiitntheken inuombl. Creiccnt(nnd . X LcTulkl nt U an txclutiv Simond MM0M1S CANADA SW CO. LIMITED Vivnmer MONTREAL Si. John, N.B. Cn.iCi.ll mi j -vvm. 1 I Just at First Taste ' llll WI make you a full W, f f fledged admirer of this tlillff most luscious of all Wljf I milk chocolate bars. -J w (if Try one Today. jf 111 TO l S IMMON, TEEL BED EASTER GAR Voti Wiinl a boil of rigid ami durable cuiislrurlioii, cn-(luriiig finish, comfortable ami of pleasing design these bdils cost no mort but you gel the most for your money. Accept nu subsliliile. Prices range from $18.00 to $34.65 Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. How about Phone 123 MENTS? "Demers" Have THE ENSEMBLE SUIT, THE MANNISH TWEED SUIT, THE SMART TAILORED SUIT WITH LONG COAT, THE SMART DRESSY COAT AND THE SPORTY TWEED COAT. GLOVES SCARFS HOSIERY and Hats to match "DEMERS" Third Avcnuo CANADIAN PACIFIC Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangtll, Juneau end Sktgway April 6, 17, 27. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle April 10, 21. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Bultdale, Swanaon Bay, Eatt Bella Bella, Ocean Fall. Nimu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m, Ajancy tor all Steamahlp tinea. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C.