! pacf FOUR WINTER COATS ? at cost Werners Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 SERVICE ' NOT SERVITUDE Has it cvor occurred to you that, the mullitudo of "Household Helps" offered for sole fire of therpse.lves lifeless and incapable of service unless controlled and direcled by the already overburdened housewife. Laundry service alone is alive, vital,, imposing no new obligations, and asking nothing Iml. your friendly disposition, to change servitude into service. May we call? Phono 8 PHONE 8 60X392 DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransf er 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LADIES! A new line of SILK EVENINQ DRESSES JUST ARRIVED Call In and Inspect them MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. orrice Hours, U 8. Phon 688. Open Evening Only Far Spaclal Appointment, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Av6nu. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phona 68. Curl age, Warehousing, and '.Hslribiitlntc. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. TTTP n.r .V nfws Monday, .rii:ir,Mr -- - - BRINGING UP FATHER Bv Georcre RIrM .-.. i Don't know PLErVbE. DON'T DltTURC MB 'M -T- . .......... , r irii-i 111 c, -ij. - ...at- it - . 1 T I REAsO-T ?j ' Y 1 1 isjuoi if -u r BILLIARD SCHEDUL Second Half of Season Will Start IMsxt Week With Games In Both Divisions 'I'he following schedule fur the second hair of the billiard season was issued fliis morning hy Mick Howe, secretary of the Oily llil- liard League: ' it First Division January I I f -Prinre Prince llnpert Milliard Par- lor vs. droll II.' j -(Ireal War Veterans vs. j (irolln. L'8- (ileal War Veterans v. to Prince Itupcrt Milliard P ar- lor. February 1- (Sndlo vs. Prince llnpert Milliar d Parlor. 1 1 (irullo vs. dreat War Vct- erans. the 18 Prince lluport Milliard Parlor vs. ireal War Veterans. will Second Division January I. 'I Callies vs. Canadian I'ish & flfdd Slorape Ho, 15 Prince tt n port Milljard Parlor vs. fircillo. 20 (ireal War Veterans vs. St. Andrew's. 1 1 22 -(Ireal War Veterans Canadian I'ish ft-CoId : Slor- ;r a Re Co H. 27 Prince llnpert Milliard I'nr-'nT lor vs. SI. Andrew's. 2! Cullies vs. (Srnltn. il I'ehruary- lire' 3 Callies vs. (ireal. War Vel- p.i - ... erans. 5 SI. Andrew's vs. firnllo. 10 Canndian I'ish .iv Cold Storage Co. vs. prince llupcrl ' llilliard Parlor. . 12 Callies vs. Prince Ituporl Milliard Parlor. 17 SI. Andrew's vs. Canadian l'idi i Cold Slorape Co, 1!) (Irolln vs. (ireat War Veterans' Association, 21 St. Andrew's vs. Callies. 2i Canadian Fish & Cold Slor-ntrn Co. vs. (irollo. March ,1- -Circa I War Veterans' Association vs. Prince llupcrl F.ve Milliard Parlor. so out j Sport Chat a Local athletes ure now fully 'I recovered from the Christmas lee and New Year holiday festivities and this week will sec a (jrcneral rcsninplion of Ihe sport sched ules for the second half of Hie. season. Fans and players are alike anxious lo pel poiifp again. 'I'he basketball schedule will reopen Friday niphl, towards Ihe end of Ihe week billiards will also be resumed and Ihe whist unit leapues will he olT apaiu next i week. Tor In The basket ball panics Friday niphl will he as follows: Ladies' League (tils vs Maple l.ea Ts. Lnlerinediale (Irollo vs Heg- iiuenl. Senior Sons oF Carvula Cigarettes a finest of Virginia aiidNorlh Carolina Vvbaccos hknded For Canadians ( WHEN OO J CO VaK THE. j I WE EAXrW COOK I'M NOT 1 LS J HUNR-f- WON'T I EM" UNTIL. I CET J o( ORO POZ.XLE.'b I -ftS WORD Jx MOTHERS LIKE TO TREAT COLDS WITH VAPORS Direct Treatment with Vaporizing Salve Immediately Reaches Inflamed Air Paisagei. I tin no longer necessary constantly tc dose the children in eore throat, or deep chert colds. Many Cana'dian mothcrsnowusc the "outside" remcdv. .71 TT" VicksVapoRub,for is lust rubbed ow throat nnrl rhest t'lereisnothinetotake. Whensoapplitxl itivs gives on meaicaiea vapors wnich I ira ir.l.olinrl riit 1 .. . 1. n i jJassages, loosening the phlttin and mak- . ,"",,pr" "" "'i"' and, l.us-ine the breathtna easier. iness houses observed an extra At the same time Vicks is absorbed and biimuiaies ine SKin like a iiniment or plaster and thus aids the vapors inhaled break up the congestion. At all drug Uores Gfc a jar. For free stoSifc.Paeit,e.V.,ck-Chemiral Co.,311 St. Paul St., W., Montreal, J'.Q. - - - Klks. A bulllper crowd is expected al Klks' Home In start oil n schedule which il is anlicipaled he an injerestiiiff one from star! lo finish. The City Milliard l.eastue will resume its schedule for the second half of Ihe season nexl wiiek., The schedule, which is published elsewhere, provides for he opening: panic of the second Idivision nn .I.'iiiii:irv I .'t mm, I ll,-.t n, ri t-i livivi.m .... .1 v Al a well alleilileil nieelin-r ilr.1t.rr.il.. j in II... f!t...al War Veliirans' lloonis last nipht was decided lo carry on with same' l'Cenlalions :is irnvopn- .... il,., fi,.ui i, ..if ,.r ii... .... ........ ill... i ur ...i.iii-. Presidenl J. J. Walsh Was in I lit chair. NEW YEAR NOVELTY BALL AT SMITHERS Annual Event was Lamely At tended and Proved Most Enjoyable SM1TIIF.1IS, Jan. 5. ..The Sniilhers Alhlelic Club held its annual novelly hall on New-. Year's it 1 1 J although il was not largely allended as in pre vious years, those I hat. di.l I urn Voleil il one or Ihe best and uiosl lively, dances held here In long liine. Presidenl Al. Fin-nerly, ably asxisk-d by Tim. bils, nud .an... efiergelic, coiuiilil.t had everyililbp : Woi'Rini siuoolhly and ju'a very short lime had the dancers in-a happy mood which increased wilh eiicfi lance until Ihe midnight circle- one-step was announced when il seemed thai Medium had broken loose. The eninniillee had a big supply of paper Iial8, horns, licklers (terpentine on hand, ami this was opened up for dancers and awhile Ihe dance was luriicd I o a carnival as limy lesled Ihehl lung power on Ihe horns and pelted each olhe.r wilh serpentine. When Ihe time Tor ushering in Ihe New Year arrived everybody joined hands in Ihe hip circle and lo Ihe accompaniment of Hie. deny orchesl r.i .jnili- ed in I lie ..singing, of ."Alibi Lnngj Syne." All I n n I jjt 1 1 Hie pace was begin-llie ning In tell mi .KiiiH' merry - makers li, mil want lo slop and it was four o'clock lie fore they nllowed Ihe musicians In pack up. Ilieir instruments and bring Ihe dance lo an end. SMITHERS Mrs. Alexander, sr., arrived In Smilhe.rs last Thursday morning on an extended visit lo her sons, !"'" Alexander and W. .1. O'Neil Mioliday . ladi week, lieinjr closed u)l dav IVidav as well w.M as as mi u ew !v jc.irs May. Some of Die mer- chanls- (riiik advantage of this and wer,. busy Inking slock. . I A surprise parly was lendered .Miss Mnrjorie Huberts and her Kuesl Miss (Hover tin ' Friday mgui wnen a numiier ur youiiir ioiks, rauen w i in g o o i 1 Hiings lo cat, marched into the Honeris nonie anil look posses sion ror a few hours. A most en joynble lime was spent al danc nig ami games, At tiie supper hour omeX of the boys iloniied kitchen attire and sei-veil a inns! delightful repast, after which dancing was resumed until about "Ihree. o'clock in Ihe morning." AMer spending: Ihe Christmas holidays in town Willi her parent" Mr.' it ml Mrs. .1. (I. .Stephen Miss Muriel Stephens left on Sunday morning for Prince Hu-perl .where she will resume her studies at SI. Joseph's Academy. C. I,. Diiuock of Ihe public works dcparlmenl left on Sunday morning for Vie'nria where he hn been called hy Ihe (iovern-liienl lo attend a conference of Provincial mail superinlendenls and ilisfricl engineers. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (iood-I'liouph arrived in town last week and intend to reside here for awhile. Mr.d.oodeiiouph having resumed his position as pub1 inspector with the Hanson Tie i Lumber Co. Miss Muriel Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason Adams left on Sunday . umrulng for Prince HuiSiil, lo ullctul, school inr (lie nim- ie,riltc.'tl .lOsepli's iiuutiejiij . : , i : i j ' ' , i ;. )' g Miss (llnyer who ha been Ihe niiesl of Miss Murjorie Roberts during Ihe holiday season, re-lur.M'd In Terrace on Sunday mnri.ing lo resume her dulfes a si-liool teacher in thai town. Afler a series of' bonis with Ihe wciilher man and dillicullies in obtaining water. Manager llann has at last got a gooil sheet of ice on the skaling rink, and il was thrown open lo the public ror the firsl lime on Sal-urday night. A number of the hoys turned out for a short hockey practice bill il will he a few days yet hi-Tore Ihey settle down in earnest In gel in shape" for hockey values;. 7 xtjr ( AlsoinaUtwtive Urn) ofSOandlOO) i4l 1 I DON'T KNOW-IbOT I HOPe I'LL FINISH TvvEtjE CROtb-WOO TO wait aul Jf DfVf FCd MY eR.CK,'PA,3TP Cvnrln. IJ24. by li.i l Tnlura Srvkc Int Grr.it -4iii rigliu rrncrvarl j Daily News Classified Ads. j 2 CENTS PER WOltD IN WANTED SALF.SLAIiY rcipiired for Prince Hupert firm. Continuous employment, interest iug work and pood' money, for one who can lake hold and go 'after the business already here. Write for appointment lo II ox 21(1, Daily News Olllce. WAN I LI). . To purchasi) two second hand armchairs, in good condition. Cash for a snap. Write Mox ,221 Daily News. if FOR SALE F.OIl SALK Oil HUNT. Jim. Harry Lipsclt's residence 135 Fourth Avenue. Apply, Lip-sett, Cunningham, Second Ave. and McMride. If TO RENT ' FOH HUNT. Furnished House keeping suite, 410 Silth Avi. Fast. Phone Mine 278. If FOH PENT. Modern houno. five rooms and hath. Apply Miinn. Mros. If FOH HKNT. Singer Sewing Machine. Phone nine 38t). tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Olllce, 83(1 Second Avcn. i'hoim 137. If HOARD AND ROOM. Home com fort.. Terms moderali!. Phone Mine 7:.7. If MANY CLAIMS TO VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Use of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretenders About the yenr 18R0 the pioneer prospectors of Mrilish Columbia discovered n . remarkable coal. After many trials and tests 11 was positively established ttial this coal represented the acme 'of economy, efficiency and comfort. To this fuel they irave the new famous name of "Nanaimo-Wellington." representing all thai was best in coal. ' '., . No sooner was It found that Ihe. public iiiKisled on gcllinH thls.Won.der, l unl than oilier coals were put on the market under very similar names. So much so that the public Were al a loss lo say which was the gen-nine and which Iho Imitation or course it vvas easy after a trial a single sack will prove it - more lasting ami morn powerful heat from a few shpvpirnl I- 11.. I m naruiy any asn, no clinker or rock, pi! these points stand out when you make n practical test in furnace, fireplace, healer or cook-slnvc. This famous Nanalmo-Wel-linglon coal is sold only hy Al bert A McCaffery to whom all orders should bo phoned direct I'rompl delivery service given hy their own team ami truck lbcir phono numbers arc tin and if V PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ' M- t Tuesday, January C Illfih ...... 1 1 :0f. a.m. 19.3 ft, Low 5:02 a.m. 0.2 " 18:07 p.m. R.2 ; Wodnosday, January 7 Iligh 0:08 a.m. 1(5.8 ft. N 1 1 M5 a.m. 19.7 " Low 5:18 a.m. 9.1 " 18:11 p.m. 1.0 " Thursday, January 8 High (1:17 n.ni. 17.1 ft. 12:23 p.m. 20.1 " Low 0:29 n.ni. 9.0 " 19:19 p.m. 1.0 " W-CUT OOT THE.M pOTLt-t-Etj rNN'AWC ME CUt5 OF COFrEtl rN rS DoOaHMOT. ' J ADVANCE. No Adverliaemrnt CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON (Jrndualn of Ihe National College ot Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: to lo 12: 2 lo 5; 7 lo 8. Saturday aNernooiis and Sundays by appointment. Pbone Mlub 85. TAXI Taxi G7 Phone (Call (Jeorge. Paul or (Sunt1 Prompt Service and Comfori Day or Nis'.t Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker U!ocK, Aer- u renin ;.'m.,r ss llntei DRY WOOD CFDAR, IIF.MI.OCK OH FIR Cut and split lo' any fdzo. $6.50 per Load A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove Woodynrd. Phone Mlack 101. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Muy. Sell and Hx- chango New and Secondhand floods. QhO. PAPAOOPULIS, 339 Third Ave. Phona 41fi AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult u when you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or any in tide. PIIINCF. HHPHRT KX-(JHANOH, Auctioneers. DRESSMAKING MRS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker. Federal block.- Dressmaking, alleralinn, suiU ami coals. Firsl class work. Reasonable prices. Phnhrt Mlack tin. t LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lean Land III I'rUll't ltlllf.rl I iflk.l Tll.lrtft Itr.. f.irclhtfr "iKlrlrt uf ItIiicp MiiihiI, n, li- ...ii.- ... i.nnmrci i.cua, rniiri'm imyai Island, II. C. I'aki' Niitl'i. that Sriiirrilllo cnnnorv i:miiiChii.v I. milled, i,t Vancouver, B.C.. In ii'iids In apply rr txiruiliMliili In enw Iho ri.UiiwIiiK nptrrlhn ImiiHr Rniiinmielnir ill t H' licnd lit nirimril C.vi. Prlnrrx. It"vnl Island: Uipih'c rant rivo (5) rhllns: llii'iiii- imrlli Tnrlv ( rhalin; tliflirp wi'M imi lioi chnin. inure nr IMS. to low water mark i IliMire miiiiIi aluna low walor mnik u. point fit ntinnw'nwitii'nt. and mialiilnir ririren lib) acre, more nr Irs.t. SOMFRVII I K CA?IMKHY COMI'A.NV I.IMITI'P Name of Applicant. , W. 4. JrrrrlUfin. .Mtcnt. Dnlcd nowmlipr I Till. I0JI. MINFRAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Sllualp in Uin Skprna MiiilnK lilvlalnn uf llio naiini . Coant nistrlri. Where locatfil. Sou 111 of Fulls nn't'k, Kltmiin. kalinii Lkp, iml mljoimnir Hi,. viililpr nn lh Kant end of II. I.nriil imldprs. W. TreUnn anil P. WIIimhi; No. or lloldprii' Frt Miners' OrtlMralP, Tmston aTAUm:. VVIImhi MlilUC Take olli-e tlial we. W. Trplnn, I'.M.C. o. H7inc, . ami Hand Wllann, I'. MX.. No. n7lintc, Intend It Hip mil of IMv day from tlin dale liprrof In aiivy til Ihe Mlnlntr llornrdir fot a OrHNrai of mii-lii'iiVfiiipnlK for tin' piiriio.v of nhtalnlnv i cmwn Grant of Ihr alinvc i'I.iImi and fiirtlinrnmre tkr md'.re Hint Action under . SB of Ihe Mineral Art innm lie.com menewl li. fore Hie Miiancc of such certl-ricale of Improvement. naled Itils :uitli dav of ov.. tOJ(. W. I'. Tlir.STON. and tHVIIi WILSON Owner. K T KPnnv tr.n LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon lo Apply to Purchaaa Lna in Skcciia lund UKtrlct, of I'rliii'c iiiiperi M.'1'..niihir ninii'Pi. mid "ilnaip 'ipproxlm.iti lv one unit one h.iir milna Wert r SiiIvik Slullmi. on Sill vii- Istitml. Skeetiu OIVIT. Take Notice lh.il lliidulf l.arinon. or Mill i;arl'loii SI., Iiiii'iiiiliy. nccunullon loifKcr. Inlends In applv for perinlloii lo piirrlia'fl Hip rollowlns ileaerllieil lands: i nmmeiiclnit at a pnsi idnnied at lie lotiiliwe.t corner of l.(i tuns, Salvna Nlaml; thence noiitliweaierlv, approximately SOU yai'iN; ihcnce nnrlliwealeilv. npprfiiriiiialcly son yurd; thence ami I hcrl'v. Him yards, to ixiim of detii ninv, roni-Pi'lulu all llial ireillon of Siitvim Ulnod wet or l.oi tuna and roniaininf sou acrea, iihiip or Ick. TIIOMMl MILLS ent for ninoi.i'' i.Aiissov. NOTICt OF CANUll.LATION Or RESfRVE Minn: is iu:iu.nY oivkn, timt the reacrve eoverlnit l.ot nMa to ASM, In-rulve. Itaine ii, coant l.iMrlrl, It ran-celled. 0KO, n. NAPlsN, Oepntr Minister of l.nniln. ficiiarunent of l amK victoria II c Novcinl.tr llili. ion, THE Vc1 II WNNT - 1 Taken for Le t)tn BOtl MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Mondays, w-itiK-r-urdnys, closes at i p m From the East Mondays. Nfa-l'mJi Fridays, tliieffT "T . To Vancouver. . Tuesdays 4 Mail closes at 1 15 !i Sal unlays Saluiilays v i :i-yai4i 1'ridays. ii J C P. It. .lamiiiiy tii from Vancouver Sundays iri.f. p. v Ttiasdnys via traii ilup -- . y wiMinoHiiay S Thursdays ' i J C.P.It. Janmirv' M -. : To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewar and Premier Wudnesilayi 1 il V Sundays V From Anyox, Alice Arm, StewaS and Premier Tudays p V Fridays c - V To Port Simpson and Naas Rl Points Thursday r i From Port Slmpsdn s-id Naa i i ? River Polnts-i . Saturdays r si To Alaska Points'.- January I J ninfc il. From Alaska Points January 1(1 aiiTTit, To Queen CharlotteTsland Polr.b liiniiiirv 17 :md :it. From Queen Charlotto Island Points January 15 and -!). BOX COLLECTION I'M 'raiiam A A II In vcs. 2 15 8 U 1st Avo. Kiirlil.li St 2 1 H rtlh Avo. & Fulloist. ? "5 H 'i an. k . .i-i tl..li.. Till ,1U. . J IICIIWySIIlL' st . a, 2 .ao r I Ith Avo. iv Shcrhrookai Ave ? 35 8 I Hit Ave. A Conrad St. 2 to 8 Clh Avo, Hays, Cfivm Ave ;.' 2.15 8(5 0th Ave. A Hay (;dve Circle i 2.50 8 55 8lh Ave. A ColtonSst. ? as 8 '3 Uh Avo. & McHrfTr St. 3.00 9 00 Pro. Oov. Mldgs 3,5 rf5 Prov. Oov. Whnrf .. 3.C 0 0 (l.T.P. Wharf 3 15 9 '5 2nd Ave. A 2nd ,h .. 3.20 9 f 3rd Ave. & Ful'on St. T 25 9 i (rd avp & !' 3 ?" 0 " toJt TIMBER SALE X C830. Sealed Temlers will Ii. i.. . n il In MlnUler or l.iind, at yen., li-il 1 ' than iiooii on the .mti ilm it Jut mm, Tor the piili'LiiLH 'it I. ii' ' X ui cut t.iioi.oon Tret "I -pi i and Hemlock, on mi aim -itmiii I Sewell Inlei, Unecir1 fJiiirh.ili l.-i;iin. P irnt. I wo iff yearn wlll.'lii' illow.il rur tnoval nr tlinlicr. PilMher piirllciilarenirf Ihe Chief K ter, Vlrtnrla. He , Vi'r lil-u ni I'n I'rlnce liiifiert, 11. c. TIM8ER JfALE X 6838. Seated Tenders will tin rerrlveil by ' Mlnlater of i iitt.itf i.( t-...,..... than noun on tncnili ilnv of' K"lir lB. r0r Ihe puri'li.me or l.lrcnrr X 10 cut a.SMl.ono feet of Sprue, and Hemlock, on an area adjulnlnir IfiaA. Seluvn l..lu, '! Ishnil Land' lilsii u t. ' l wo i) years wilt lie allowed ror tnoval of tlnilier further ii.iriiiiil.irs of the chief r ter, Vlcloilii. H.i:., or.ni.sU i -t Fore !r Prince lliiHTt,. It.Ct Y i- LAND ACT . Notlci of Intention to Apply lo LtM LtK In Maaaeil lnli, . i iik. ii Mini Islands Land lilsti t j.'Hi. .'urilliiir lilili or Prince luiirt, li.i: . and -ituale al ; one mile sun III or los liiui, Mas.. II let. and In Veslallon Hay. nn Hinder II NO Take Notlre thni Fiimne It, Simp or Mnsscit. H.t: . ori'iipiiiion Cai. Manarer, Intends to npplv rur permP lo lease the riillowimi dccrllied If ' fiiimnciicln at n poslfplnnted on Ihe . ' a do of Vetnllon Ihenre sonlli . rhaini: thence east in chains, thence n "ll J 'Imlns: (hence west tn chalna. and talnlnit I r. acres nv.re or Ii . FI'ilFNF II SIMPSON, , . , , . Name ir ApplM"1 Paled tie.'cniticr loth, igyi,