cet (ST Renovation Gives Face to Old House Rupert while of sturdy e an old fashioned appearance both t this is not something which ean- died in Most cases, Say builders here, =_ Time to Check Eaves, Drains Now, before the ter rains,-is the tinve to @ean the eaves and check the down- pipes and drairis of your house for there are few things so noying as finding the overflowing and having to clean them during a downpovt Most houses with shineled roofs Will produce a lot of silt in the éavetrourghs, washed down by rain. This eventually. stops up the entrance to the down- pipe, and spelis trouble Drains also clog dow pipes develop leak either of which are troublesome and should be remedied before wiritet in This is also a get exposed with a vent breakage during a sudden spell Cruise Ship Sinks 1) Prince be nterior 1 ply Dif advent of win- an- in round CAVE be fiven on Of pic- h fronts ich there d them such and sets good time to water pipe ulatior froze, wir covereq go00d ins te yr ») pl or pipe iter cold ied from page the Was rel old Lorraine § a San Francisco insurance saga ated by 23-yer firm Lorraine, her sister, Gladys, and their father were members of tour group sponsored by the Catholic Young Men's tmsti- tute of San Franciseo. Their tour Was scheduled to go to Alaska last year but plans had been cancelled when the Kath- leen was damaged in a collis ion with the steamship Prince Rupert. So the group mad ake in Alaska sceptre of tie up with t line Of Alaska The Kathleen must have omething said, When d-——most of Franciseo {t flight of e Rupert ired plans this year shyipw er i i re reck caught nad again u Lorraine she was asked where the tour planned to \ next year, she replied They h said yet. I not because if it pody will go The Sthaylor family figured they lost $1,500 ». iuggage and personal belongings. Most of the Passengers estimated their losses at about $500. We Were in went ground said Shaylor, clerk with the of Internal Revenue flew arownd the room fell {rém the table ‘At first people around. There of near panic thé people quir “Tt Was pretty av idown those rope lifeboats The ship we 4 m. We mace 9:30 then we left hiked a mile they | felt, more hike 10.” HLPOTT EVITT & CO., LID. BUILDING SUPPLIES iver hope it is I don't ON RIGHT DR ‘52! Itv: To take old the ] peces n peq wher Lp and turn Gl nadays Bureau rhing Gila mart, comfort that And we d6 it Call mi-iree ture you'll yt now rushing quite the ed down ligat mie E RUPERT DLSTERY Ave. West es- . wa 818 i but crew %o ful climbing ladders about about ach, We but it aground the beach the b said AND COAL 651 or 652 PO BOX 748 OR SANDING RENT A SANDER or YOUR FLOORS SANDED BY EXPERTS reer & Bridden Ltd. 115 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 ANTHAM Electric ectrcal Contractors * ri - ae mat Ve Woily Ines September 8, 1952 ince KUpErt Monday Total values contract awards for*the month of August, was $11,855,700 under the total for | the same pe riod of last year. of construction | TI . of $175,756,900 Beacon . SMA HOVE PLANNING SUREAU a Facts }represents a decrease of _ August Construction Awards Sec Slump Cumulative total for the first) eight months of 1952, according to MaceLan Building Reports Limited, stands at $1,219,933,200 ;as compared to the eight month |} period of 1951, which had a dol- lar volume of $1,692,741 300. This $472,- 808,100 for the pericd. FTW AN i WNajrobi, famous centre for hic game nung, is | Kenya. construction had two large pro- | jects under way: one of 200) homes in St. Laurent at $2,500,- | 000 and one of 250 homes in| Sarnia, Ont., at $2,125,000 for} CMHC. ine Capitai of HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE warehouse, Montreal, factory and | office, BEOROOM 12°Cx9'O omine ays Living-am “FF WSK D at DENGN 6169 == at, wane 904 FEB. '52 = Mat Page 9 abe | Smal! House Planning Bureau of Canada Box 1193, St. John, New Brunswick send me more information, Please the plan features and the Tih NAME ADDRESS CITY type of construction used in the BEACON house as pictured in The THE BEACON is house, compact a small one bedroom and economical to build, with the added advantage of being expandable. With a minimum of alteration work consisting merely of opening a preframed section of the hall, a second. bedroom can be added either now or in the future The open plan arrangement of the living-dining room incréases the liv- ing area while effectively concealing the kitchen work space Kitchen cabine are efficiently place cabinet is located in tt A total of six closets including linen cabinet and @ouwie wardrobe closets in the bedroom Pians call for full basement, fram construction siding and asphalt hingleés. Dimensions are 672 square feet tals 13,104 Por further BEACON ning Bureau jaint John equipmen d chin dining ar are p ovided 28 feet by 24 cubag Area while to- THE Plan- 1193 infor ion about House da, Box sTUNSWICK —w without obligation, about Daily News, PROVINCE Color Harmony Needed For Well-Planned Home You and your family wil feel happiest in your Election Now iome when y ou best. Everyone thinks of green as h, peaceful, well ealaniéed cheerful, sunny warm, energetic, exciting reserved. In a way, resemble the st, says paiht yellow as cool, ou can. be said to you like be iltant, Faber Birren active, like to get out 1 around, like to ha lively s at your house, want your make vivid impres- others, like unusual fur- then red and the colors imily will probably vorite, most your person- blue as ‘ jlor If you're partie home to sion On nishing in the red kk true fi reflect be your ac- curate ality ing “RED DYNAMIC In this home A case, the decoration keynote of should be room be made with well-chosen red Or, as a background watermelon red W all paint 1m an active, ively A lively exterior begin with horizontal sid- ing painted red, set off by white painted shutters, posts and rail- ean color will a atmospi right a TO ne GREEN FOR COMFORT If you valwe a cheerful home ifmosphere with: tomfort Aippex- in home furnishings; lke colors that are too strong; entertain quietly, green is prob- ibly your favorite color A medium green, neither gar- ish nor too subdwed, will Be a happy choice as a color to paint your house exterior. It will give rievdly vet quiet charm to your home Neutral white trim will create 1 soft blend rather than a sharp most not > color contrast Used on interior walls, provides a hospitable | ground for brilliant color accents | lin furnishings and accessories. | CONSERVATIVE BLUE If you want your home to be lignified and impressive like an- tiques and traditional furniture; choose your guests carefully and fentertain your friends quietly; | are more or less conservative, | blue. is probably the color that you feel most at home with. A cool, conservative blue with |white shutters is an excellent }eolor plan for painting the ex- iterior of the more formal, con- gervative house which you prob- ably favor if blue is your color. | An interesting note of contrast lean be added by painting the front door red. Blue makes an effective back- ground color for traditional room furnishings. Enhance this pleasing room scheme by con- fining fabric to a single pattern single ‘con green i faha trasting color. + accents wo a NEW CONSTRUCTION - REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS mmit Phone Blue 293 APPEAL OF YELLOW If you find modern decoration ;and modern art appealing; like to work at home on your pet projects; choose colors more by reason than emotion; valie ih- tellectual ability highly and pre- ‘fer good conversation to a card | | | you're surrounded with colors that suit game, yellow is favorite color The intellectttal appeal of yel- ‘low can be expressed in the inatural yeHow Wood tones of modern furniture. Unpatterned ceiling-to-floor draperies pale paste] yellow-green on walls and ceiling, will ithe room both spaciousness and ‘the uncluttered effect you like. On the exterior of your house, use yellow as a unique color. It will contrast attractive- ly with brown stained siding or with gray paint. Ike Would Assign Negro To Cabinet Gen. Dwight probably your paint CHICAGO D. Eisenhower said here he would appoint a Negro to his cabinet if le were elected pres- ident and if the Negro were the right man for the job The Republican presidential nominee, making an’ exception to the rul€-about discussing pos- sible appointments, told a three- state meeting of Republican leaders of his views 6nwthe Negro at the top level of his ad- ministration. back- | | Whether you are in- Stalling a new heating plant or renovating the old, you fad bet- ter start now before cold weather sets in. And to be sure of guaranteed results we suggest you call our licensed plumbers and heating experts now. Free estimates, of course. ELKINS LTD. P.O. Box 274 Phone 174 give accent | About Steel Production NEW YORK—The basic facts! about the structural stee] short age are published for the first time, After severa] months’ in- vestigation of the long-debated question whether Steel's pro- ction has kept pace with con- c Architectural published these find- of needs, In 1929 the building industry got 2,744,615 tons of heavy struc- | tural steel, In 1949, the last year before Korea, it got 1,538,435 tons, only r cent of what it n years cistior'! Last year it got or ly 2,242,877 tons. No other major user got less éel in 1951 than in 1929, In the intervening 22 years, total net stee] product was increased 71 per cent 32,931,205 tons. But stee] for constriction was eut cent or 501,738) tons 56 pe Was 2 x 20 3 10n or back 19 per i 1 Big Building in 1951 up 15 per cent over 1929, the con- struction industry got 20 per cent less structural] steel, Erected cost of structural steei as increased from $90 in 1929 to, Of this $145 increase, $36 Was for the rolled shapes, up from $38 to $74; and $109 was \for fabrication and erection, from $52 to $161. | More atid more building joBs | that would Wave Been built i | ste} a few years back are goine |to concrete, in Whose wse More! and more being worked out. economies are ‘B. C. Liberals ‘Don't Want VICTORIA (—Former Edtica- tion Minister William Straith said here the Liberal group in the British Columbia legislature | doesn’t want an early election. Straith, who may be the Lib- eral Party’s house leader, said his views are supported by Mrs. foot, other members. Straith said:. “I believe two Victoria Liberal tion at this time, and seems to be no reason to believe that another fusion, fusion, ready.” |= werek or BUILDING REPAIRS NEW BUNGALOWS Re-roofing and Concrete SAVE MONEY Write Box 465 Daily News \eategory in August, 1951 Sigates j}and $6,507,800 in residential and | business respectively. _ decrease of $27,423,100 in the en- [ | gineering category, coupled with Upeé oe Hodgts and D. J. Proud- | and | people of British | iColumbia do not wish an lec- | there | election would re- | sult in anything but farther con- | perhaps greater con- |} than there has been al- | | Other big jobs include storaze | : } Montreal, air defence St. Suber’, @ue.: General Contractors Building and Repairs of all kinds. Painting and Decorating Increases in the individua:; headquarters, construction categories were | school, Halifax, N'S.: office quar- | scattered throughout the prov- | ters, Halifax; roadwork, Prov- | inces. The only category to show |ince of Alberta; nurses honie, a Dominion increase was resid-| Saskatoon; factory, Port Hope ential, which increased $6,169,606|Ont.; three pumping stations, | over the $35,177,600 recorded for|Edmonton, Alta. high school, | August, 1951. Drops of $4,342,700 | Halifax; a hydro powere project. | (business) ; $2,133,200 (industrial) | MacArthur Falls, Man.; a conser- and $11,549,400 (engineering) as|Vation dam, St. Marys, Ont.: against the $6,169,600 residential | Supply and fabrication of stee) increase produced the $11,855,700 | huts, Montreal; and a hospita!, overall] decrease. | St. Boniface, Man Comparative figures for each a ipenltgctiind P.0. Box 1670 Phoné Red 894 Sooo ee LONG TERM | in brackets) follow: Residential,|pycept for a brief period of semi- $41,347,200 ($35,177,600)); Busi- Industrial, $13,420,400 ($15,553,- | 600); and Engineering $73,007,- 400 ($84,556,800). The Western ‘section of t he! country showed a total decreasc ne of $16,492,30¢ even with the sub- . stantial increases. of $5,083,900 | SAANICH PLUMBERS For all your Piumbing etize AhCity ii i 949,Gene Yaliss Sito. | Chiang Kai-Shek has ruled Na- i tiorralist China ‘since 1927. F* The large 24 Pieces Libbey Sofedge CRYSTAL GLASSWARE Retail Value $14. 85 the $660,900 decrease in indus- | trial were sufficient to account for the $16,492,300 overall de# crease. In the “Big Job List of the Phone Blue 846 Month” no one particular eate- gory was outstanding enough to|| ©or. McBride and Fifth Ave. merit singling out. Housing and Heating Needs ‘NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS PO. Box 381 - bai OIL HEATER TERMS AS $2.50 LOW AS A WRE® This Offer tor Limited fons Only Lock what you get | SS enh e Coleman Ot. HEATER! Only $8 EASY TERMS weeeeeercr ee Prince Rupert COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE ial j adil x THE PRICE OF PICTURE WINDOWS IS COMING DOWN! The Low Cost Ranch Type Picture Window 2 uw Seeeseceaee SF @ FLEMYNATES USE OF EXPENSIVE FACTORY- 8 MADE WOODEN SASH Small in size —small in price — giant in perform- ance! Pro- tices 89000 BTUs of heat per hour. A realiy fine room heater —q dandy auxiliary heater! See radowed mahogany beauty erself. You'll be amazed nb its low pries—its high power! Ceiie In end Inspect fhis heater @ 1s reve and SIMPLE TO CONSTRUCT ON THE JOB @ 18S ADAPTABLE TO ANY TYPE OF ARCHI- TECTURE We will be glad to show you how you too can have 4 picture window at low cost. EBY & SONS LID. ; PRINCE RUPERT HOME BUILDERS Third Aventie and Cow Bay Phone Blue 156 Comfort costs s0 ‘ McBride St. Phone 311 SSS SS SE = ree oe Soleil ahi aca th gisiboS ah Sede WHY DONT YOU MODERNIZE _ WITH BIRCH PLYWOODS, MAHOGANY PLYWOOD KNOTTY PINE, ARBORITE, PRIMTILE, SYLVA-CORD TEN-TEST PLANK Other Materials We'd Just Love To Tell You About | And Many ISLAND CITY BUILDERS SUPPLIES eee ALBERT ae td BUILDERS SUPPLIES © WHERE SERVICE TO YOU IS A PLEASURE TO US