5 TAXI and mim Large BOSTON Upstair Dining GRILL Hall, Ambulance mt mam with f!oor for nrwly hire. laid Suitable dancing for Service dancest, bantpiets and wedding invwhere at Anytime. parties. ktind Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For rnls. apply to Iiostou and . . Bin au r PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. w P S WATT Viutwrrop. , Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper '"'i'tn N(,J, XV NO. 120. 1'ltlNCK III PKHT, M.C., TlllItSDAY, MAY 21, U23. Yeitrday't Clr--.ultlci 1692 8tret Salts 482. PRICE FfVE CKN1S. hint Commission May Control Salmon Fishing Fraser and Naas Rivers XKIIIXUTON, May 21.- The Irealy between Canada iiml . . i t- I .1 i:.... ...:ll. II i.. I i f i if t " 'iiiin's iit'iiiiiiK wiui me ruiiuiti iii eiimmcrciui 1 1 1 1 - ae I'ii tic roast with special reference to salmon fishing . . . . ... ..II e t i i i i . ' ii'ii in n-Miii i ri i ii i ii nnnri cure ui ie iicni in ncaiuc in icv, h: when Canadian official will eonfer willi Uniletl Slalcs rc- f:i';ii .es hi mi endeavor lit agree on a joint commission lo U vv ii tins mauer. (...niiiiuissiuuer t .laliv or the fisheries licit' expressed a Mope. Ihat the treaty would lie drafted jlime let be presented nl Hie. next session of Itolli I he Canadian kllway and Government Sys tems to be Co-ordinated Says Minister iOTTWW May VI. Tlie de li 's:. ' uilinigralio'n is nc- Mr..: '"'I' mac i vv b representatives of 1 i anadian railway educe (fits ciisl of anil .colonization ;tniad 'l'h rila lenient lion. J. II. lituM.. itntnt.'f't'ition ami ll iH HlC lloUSC ' r Unci' hour Hie salaries of Ihe i immigration, remark implied Mil were now going iiinnip Hie Miner cr- eliuuiiale duplicate wherever possible. 10 CANDIDATE YET CHOSEN nservatlves Adjourn Until To- n:Qht; Bushby Soems to be Favorite i 'V' ' lll'hlV ill lllll lllTIXIll mi Hie (Conservative " vvliicli iic aL nilil Mall, ndjourned wlthoul " c in y nuine In order Jhal 1 i om Hie iulerior niihl 1Vr oniMiiinnil v to allenil. '"'J' I meet lonifiht in tin " ii lolliiusr definile can yet Bl Hi. V Ii n ii.iineeil, it is uenerally d lliiil (leorue llushby riii'ic-- I'" I.-, Bi'iMeii lilVt lively V will be tioininaled l( lie coiislilueney iiiraiul k mepilier or wljoever ai may cliooe lo re- Mieiu. Oilier name iieen iiienlloued a poi- IM nil' Mr lliwlili.. kiw.nw He elio.sen, Judp'iiiir from f'l' l' lll'1'as...l ,.f I. .,,! l ' I' I 1 1 III l I.' I 1 1 .... IURDER CHARGE TWO CHINESE IMan Died Yesterday Result of Shnnlli.M n rr . m . """niv mm ray ai rorv Moody AMIOI Vl'ii i ,it. ! v 'i iuiy. ii liiid lutmi l.'ilil Ilpllilwl Ul.,.i I ., o niiiw ami pneii .-ay IY ,Ul"lf rollowinir Tuesday' slioot-MlL' , I1....1 ,, . .... .... - ' Hi L .Moony, i ne i ii i nl I "a" tf Hong died yesterday at-ll'llli 1... I . .... I. '""i' uu II I nvniiiliil ill '""'Mi will recover. Maviii- l n mi.. ..i ... ,. - ". i aymr in anciui- E y expected 0 be one of the. UIWi.l.. I. ... . . . ... ' iioaru or i raiie' jmrty I... Ji ,', wiU viH, "'I clly and EAST VISITED WITH FOREST FIRE OUTBREAK SALE OF 4.4 PERCENT BEER STARTS WITHOUT EXCITEMENT IN ONTARIO IT COSTS OF IMMIGRATION Parliament ami I he United Stale; ' ongrrs. OTTAWA, May 21. .Now thai w.e runners mi Pitgcl .Sound real-, .zc that Hie only hope for a re-ival of Die almou canning industry i through the restocking f the I raer Itiver Ihey are at last willing to have their businesses runt rolled by a Joint cnuimiioii, vhiyli, will protect the river' against uver-frshiid; either al the mould, where Hie ('uiiadiau fih or between the American islands where the Ainerieaii trap are placed. Canada 'bus made overt lire", for joint regulations many:' times Itirinir- 1he'p.itierr' ''""" "twelve ear but i fur without Micro. Now the U.S. runner. have be- iinic alive lo the situation. Course of Fish The salmuii coming lo the h'raser Itiver lake a peculiar ourse. They skirt Ihe shore if Vancouver Island al Sooke or n.ller Poind where one or two lanadlaii trap are located. Then they strike a ecu toward Pugel iiiiiid ami take a curving course aiming the American Island and 'lark iulo Ihe SI rails of (icorgia before entering Hie r laser itiver. The result is Unit about evenly per cent of the fish are aiv-'hl before Ihey reach the Canadian river. Ihey have lo run Ihe gauntlet of dozens of 'ish trap and seine nels. There i a somewlial similar dlualiou reported from the Naas Itiver in Northern llrilisli Coluni; Ida near lb"' roal of Alaska. The salmon there pa. cloe lo Ihe American shore and many are caught in Ihe trap. .hefnre Miey reach the Canadian river. A Joint commission could tcgulale these traps a well as the flsliint: uH Ihe moutli of the river. The Skeena lliver would mil i'iiiiii under the control of Ihe comniision. CHICAGO JEWELRY STORES PROVIDE LOOT FOR ROBBERS r.llll'MiO. Mav 21. Two rob- lieries o r Jewelry stores In Ho downtown section or Ihe city e lenhty nelled the robliers unel diaiiionds ami other Jewelry to Hie value or approximately !(oit,. (100. STOCK MARKET Howe Sound 1 0 . t tj Surr Inlet luiuwell Selkirk L. & I I laly" Alaska ...... Ilayview Indian Premier ' Terminus H.C, Silver Douglas Channel (raiiby 11.00 Hid. Asked 3.25 .05 .25 .21 .10 .Oil U 2.."MJ ,.50 , 1.10 ,0(i 1.00 ,05.j .2H ,:io MM .on K 2.UI .70 1.50 .01 : - . - - . . , Al'ove is su)vvil St. Iuii (iale. giiebe J!j.ai''gU wliirli .Nl oulfulm reli.icyt'tl jflj;r liejiip beaten ind inorlaily wounded ' on Plains of traliam MINE SOLD AT HAZELTON American Boy Taken by English Capitalists and will Ship to Swansea VANCOUVER, May 21. The American Boy mine at Hazelton has been sold by the owners Wellington and Al. Harris and John Mullen to English capitalists through Arthur Denby of London, It Is. announced. The now owners, who plan to commenco active operations Immediately will ship the ore to Swansea, Wales, for smelter treatment. It Is undertsood that J. L. Parker, M.E., wilt be placed In charge of operations. TRAINS GOING THROUGH AGAIN Breach In C.N.R. Track at Prince Ceorae was Closed Yester- day Man Said to Have Been Killod I'ollowing Ihe waliout on the C.N. II. track jusl Hast or Prince (ieoriie as a result of hiK'h Water in the I'raser Itiver, the road was made passable yesterday after noon al i.15 ami (ram are now uolnir Ihrouyh .acconlinv' lo au- nounceiuenl made at Ihe super-ilemli'iil's oilier this morning The train, due from Hie east yesterday, arrived here al 7 o clock llils morning- 1 5 Vj hours late.l Tills was a transfer train. passcjiuers, mall and express liavlng' been brought across the breach -which would not allow the Main, to gel through. The train, due. from the Hasl al !l.:i0 I was reporled this morning lo In ii.,.,,? ' 1 1 1 iiiiii ( Passengers arriving from Ihe Hasl oil the train loday slated Ihat, uA.luan had tosl lib life ul Prlnee Onerae as a result of the flood hut, there was no confirm atioiifif Ibis available el llu railway'!) luce. Disastrous Blaze Does Damage in Ft. William District; KB. Suffers 't I IT WILLIAM. Out. .May 21.- Nimierou fa nil buildings, sawmill and oilier property were disastrous Toresl fires which have been sweeping in llii vicinity for Ihe past few davs. Willi cooler ram roughly lOO.OOO. homesteads burned in lite district weather and in sight, it is now believed (hat Ihe danger is over. MONCTON, N.H., May 21. Nine building were destroyed and between four and five hundred acre of valuable limber were swept by flames a result of a fire breaking on I yesler- dav at West (lullovvay. Kenl (lounly. ill' rl lui nut.' I iw I I 111 !l I ii 1 III Total Sum Contributed to Children's Ward at Hospital Amounts to more than $2,000 Final reports from tlio?e receiving doualioiis Inward the children's ward al Ihe llo-pifal show Ihat Ihe amount received lolals 2.0 KS.SU. These figures have nol been ehecked over 01 audited but Ihal is roughly Ihe amount of the contribution. Hireclors of the hospital are well pleased al the splendid response or Hie people, lo Hie appeal ami ine iiopnai win now be able In properly rare for Ihe children who are lakeu there. A report of the L.O.L. donation last Saturday should have read ."SI !.(( instead of $1IVIH. I lie ainoiinis ; receiveu since yesleruay louow: Previously acknovvjedged 'y ill. Nesland ?I5I(I.H0 (ieorge Samlbaek . Kaien t'.hapler ll.A,M4 .. 25.00 ! L.O.L. (addilional Unpen Hakery .. .. .i.oni Ladies' Auxiliary Tag . 5(u.(m' ' Total' Reports as to Quality of Beverage 2.0U l.(K) 5.00 Differ; Some Like it While Others wished for." . ' '. 4 TOHONTO, Muv 21. Oulario s new Li per cent, lieei wont on sale throughout Ihe province lliis morning but Ihe event did mil creale as.iniich excilemeul a was expected. Opinions on Ihe quality of Ihe beer vurj. Some ruporl' stale lluil Ihe beverage is "wel and drinkable" mid Ihal il has a iioliceable "kick,'' others Ihal il lasle like "dishwater," '( umj slill others declared that the new drink was "all Ihat could be Along the border the anticipated rush of. American loiirisljn had nol maleritilized early this afternoon. EDITORIAL i SPLENDID HESPONSE TO CALL FOR CHILDREN'S WARD When the Oaily News !u renipaiKU ill behalf agreed of Ihe tlldidrcn's ward Ihe ellort wsis uuderlakeii in (he belief thai the Prince llupeit people would respond and provide o fitting place for the sick children. The response has been splen did and we extend lo Ihem ami lo Ihe hospiUd directors our hearty congratulations on. the successful outcome, f lie work Can now be enrried'ou -without feeling that a further debt being incurred and there i enough money lo have it done well. S Prince llupert people have done splendid work during Ihe past year in many lines of en deavor. They have shown Ihal Ihey can be relied upon to keep the cily in Ihe forefront. I hey have put up money for churches ami other public improvements. They are now taking an iuler- esl in Ihe Salt Lake Park. The money we spend in this way i stilt ours. e are bene fiting ourselves and forwarding the j,reiiera.l interests of Ihe city Steuben II. Iloskius. riistrie' Uenuly -rani master A.l'. & A.M., arrived on this morning (rain from Sinilliers and will Day an official visit to Hie local lodges liniighi. $2.0 IN. 80 W Declare it Tastes Like Dishwateri PREMIER OLIVER SUGGESTS TO GET READY FOR ELECTION ' VICTORIA, May 21. Talk of a general election in (he Dominion this year has been given an impetus by Premier Oliver who on his return yesterday from Ottawa said: "My hdvice is to get ready. Whichever way you look al II. it I not bad advice, said the Premier, when ipieslio'ueil as to the election rumors.' JW OFFICE SMELTING CO. Branch to be Opened in Soaltle for the American Smelling and Refining Company SKATThlC, Slay 21. TJie iuericau Smelling and ilefining onipany of New York, the Uug- Keiiheim corporalion, will reopen it northwest heailiiuarfer. at Seattle, it was announced yesler- lay by Lewi I.evinsaler, the minium engineer in charge. Part of Lev insaler'.i ilulie eonsisi in iraveiiiujx in AiasKa. Itrilish (Columbia and the stales of Washington and Oregon galh-" eriug data for expansion plans, particularly in. regard lo the lead smellers inainlaineil by the tSug-eulieiin at Helena, .Molilalia and Selsby. Californiai Copper, fold and silver are smelted al Tacoina. SALMON PRICES IN THE SOUTH New .Scale Adopted Shows Increase In Price to bo Paid for Sockeye v VANCOI VLH, May 21. The new scale of salmon yrlees approved by District Number 2 I'-'i-sherinen's Association was an nounced today by the 'salmon canner seciion or iiiu i.auauiaii Manufacturer.' Association. The price show an ilierea2 of three cents per fih for sock-eye and half a cent for fed springs over last year. r In the following list of price"! for salmon caught ia District No. 2 with gill nels the first price i mat loi-nsu caugui vviiu ciinnerv gear and the second for Independent fishermen: ockeyes (each; .... Cohoe Sleelheiuls lied Sinings ... lied Springs (caught in sockeye nels per lb. While Spring., ea. Pinks Chums .25e .15 .15 .00 .0; .10 02 'A ,03 i .37e. .22 Vi .22 Vi .85 .00 : .15 .01 FRASER RIVER IS GOING DOWN Prospect of Flood Situation Being Relieved With Advent of Cooler Weather Today YANCOL VHll, May 21. The flood situation nlonig the, Fraser Itiver i still considered serious but, with much cooler weather today, it is possible that the height of the wafjlr will be reduced within 2i (hours. All thu main dyke lielw'een New Westminster and Mission, are holding lull large areas of the lowlands are flooded with a number of. farms Under water and householder forced lo resort to row-lioal in order to move around. DECOMPOSED BODY IS FLOATEJHWWN FRASER VXNCOL VKIt, May 21. The body of a young man, badly de- I coiiiM)ed, believed .to have been carried down Ihe Fraser Hlvrr from Cariboo Willi the rising water, was Ir.keu iroiu the river al Mission last nighL, ,'ho man had a gospel book n lilspoe'el.