® Prince Ruper Daily News ©» |Peace-Making Diplomat Dies Monday, Sep HUGE DEPOSITS The wor * ° Bie in are copper ©-lin Rome Chunic 000 pounds i ROME (AP Count Car! Fa Fe on S bhe by birth and un- t ice-ma igh diplo- by choice n a Rome FOOTBALL ay Sa Sa ve bet 76 years old on Sep- TONIGHT Sforza served Italy in the dip- t f for half a century Labor Day Series i twice was foreign minister f A i . peace ior GENERAL MOTORS | _— ree. Sve vs 4 the ~~ } I K Firs BATTERY W W ant defeat after { debacle in the WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Boys’ and Girls’ SA [ [ Wear BSSSER SASSER RRR Sure. 1 son! 1¢ house. made of knives plated nickel silver. There’s nickel in ¢ the electric There’s nickel all through The heating elements in our toaster, Iron, range and per olator are nickel-chromium and forks are clock and There’s a lot of nickel in our car too.” ‘Outdoor Stuff Look Over Those ‘Shooti So pretty soon you are ing out for the season, Maybe you are looking yr birds, or ducks, or a bi of antlers from the largest n ead Nee ae th first hunt ol between here and Prince George All sorts cf preparations have been made, fresh ammunition purchased, everything is about ready to go, and the rifles are standing in where you put Fall,*so they are all ready to go too. BUT ARE THEY? The GABLE family fat and two sons, are physically ar mechanically equipped care of virtually any repair job on outdoor equipment which may arise. These three men, with : intel exp ture just and ‘loset them las‘ to take a of more than rience in the mani maintenance and reels boats provide you wit! years fac flrearms and of rods notors ind e repair ser Close and » true wh be done to back a seemingly decrepit item > aAisv At present the Gables a negotiating with the manufac turers of one of the finest li f outboard motors, and also witi Wea of El Paso, Texas who is the maker of telescopic le sights and mounts. If only ety sake, by all Our silver- wire made of thermostat. International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited CANADIAN * »*ked over befor& you head for HILL, NOBLE POW- e bush LARRY STANWOOD o: 6.6 iderable beating from | Have you noticed how much Pruvius so did many visiters appreciate the deep nglers, but none of their sea fishing in our harber? No i has suffered any sooner is the Princess Norah ing tied up at the dock, than some OPEN SEASON ON COWS of her crew immediately go to vou heard the fishing with hand Ines from er of a possible open her stern. They catch some coat inne this Fall pretty geod gray cod, too, « cokes jeg tet * + + i ea i deter you I Nowing is printed ex ate You will probably received; since it re- meat more tender than quires no further embellishment bull if ‘only for the my only comment is: son that the cows do Go thou and do likew’se!” nearly so far as the J. S. Wilson, principal of ! males (‘Do not em B Street School. celebrate: this erstwhile bushwacker the t day of the summer va far back by asking him on by going out and ecatchin cnows this to be the coho, With his son John pleasure boat, antl a ain that there is companied by Dick Gilker, mi yf nee f cows and Wilson went out through Met and the wolf ls ¢ katla Passage and trolled for y to blame picking four hours. The party had only vith hat racks. May strike and that was a cono ». the time has come to try and measuring 2815 inches an balant between the welz y just over sixteer 5 some of our cloven-hoof pounds. Dick Gilker did a mas terly job of head-gaffing the + + + was safely landed NORMAN CHRISTENSON is was a red plug pvur- k from the interior with wild- the Prince Rupert ies of the coho f in i's Co-operative, Cow _; ,, te caie Ba store, where Howie Meio : ibled the tackle.” from a person so closely work Jack; you had bet- iated with commercial fish- ter get into the Salmon Derby ing here, It is also noted that right away t people ar im m od "That must take a lot of nickel!’ “It does! International Nickel alone pro- duces over 250 million pounds a year. Last vear Inco spent 23 million dollars so that they could produce more nickel. It’s a good thing we don’t have to buy nickel from other countries —because right now a lot of it is needed for equipment for our defense.” “The Romance of NickeP* 4 72 page book fully iiustrated, will be sent free on reqnest to anyone mtereste d. 25 King Street West, Toronto n’ lrons Hing ous and wilder waters have snatched} away lers | ceived reels reels, are hand finished througn out, madé of non-corrosive metal | with alloys being of wear serial guarantee; it than in a class by itself, and I do not hesitate those who seek the best. | Th porting goods stores have | changed their window displays | for rifles and shotguns, the as-| ortment is better than for sev-| eral years past, and there ap-| pears to he a slight reduction in prices. Thi all to the good and gives the hunting brother hood even less excuse for using, doubtful firearms, . Be safe, | don't be sorry! This goes to press too early for | catches during the week-end, but | | fishing time. with Marty a living beachcombing vari- lures which the wild fish} from the unfortunate ang-| Your colwmnist has just re- Horsetrading Gives Sati shoes shown him in a store, but thoSe worn by another customer o by the elderly man, and the latter wai) worn, LARNED, Kas. (AP)—-An elderiy man didn’t like a8 Ne Was Paving : ster crate Crate gy pair of sh OUL In Crangs He asked Crane to let him try The result; Crane walked out in hem on i hey alked comfortably broken-in hoe . | three automatic trout) | from New York These | bronze | points} own | year | more but 1s steel and used at all Each bears its number and a five costs rather contemporary reels special] to recommend it to | a report the Salmon Derby} on this newspaper will keep you in- | formed | Get Derby x0 to it The long tickets evenings are your andj still enough SCREEN x to give you _— «FLASHES By BOB THOMAS (AP)—-What song makes HOLLYWOOD difference a hit At. least it changed the life of Ross Bagdasarian. He the guy Who Was responsible for “Come Ona My House,” which was driv- ing the country buggy a year ago. His cousin, William Saro- yan, also got credit for the com- position, but his contribution Was reported to have been slight Anyway, the song completely altered the life of Bagdasarian whose career had long waverec between show business grapes Ross—-let’s call him by his first name-—is one of the Amer icans of Armenian ancestry set tled’ in the warm San Joaquin Valley He is a happy extrovert full of the joy of living SOUR GRAPES The lad abandoned the famils trade grape to follow hi famous playwright cousin Ross appeared in two Saroyan plays on Broadway Time Of Your Life’ and ‘Love's ld Sweet Song Then came the wat After I got out of the vice, I decided I would settle down in Fresno and raise grapes,” he related, “I Jost every thing. So I’caie to Hollywood Ross began pounding on musik publishers’ doors. He had. writ ten “Come Ona My House” 10 years before, but had never beet | able to interest anyone in it Finally he sent a record of th song east with a friend, who was instructed to play it for Kay ‘Arman. Later he learned that Arman had recorded the song.) and so had a new singer named . Rosemary Clooney My tuck changed,” Ross “In the past year, I've had two} hit songs (the othe What's | The Use,’ recorded by Ray and acted in Ross said the ulted from his six picture film roles re fame as a writer Although thriving in his pre rent profession, he hasnt for gotten his He the grape” song he old word one manage to get the lyrics of every | “Don't you dare track your dirty feet on my clean floor!” Whatever SEE US FIRST Fast, Efficient Service Wn TRAVEL AGENCIES i “THE WORLD BY AIR” P.O. BOX 1278 PHONE BLACK 637 1-WALLACE BLDG PRINCE RUPERT, B.C 1 and TODAY And TUESDAY tet etaae IT WAS SHOCKING) ~ the first time a woman doctor dare to crash a man’s world!,.. ~ the first time she dared to ride a racing ambulance!,, , M-G-M’s tres-lite love drome of * @ women doctor ond aT ye the men in bar iile! suxe ALLYSON ARTHUR GARY 3 KENNEDY: MERRILL Wy MILDRED OGNNOCK JESSE WHITE MARIN ERSKNE | " UT Evening Sho ‘1. ‘ pasion’, 1 TE TO WEDNESDAY | A FAMOUS PLAYERS Y BARBARA STANWYCK 3 , PAUL DOUGLAS ROBERT RYAN Meee ys (7/7 MARILYN MONROE TODAY mn AY of SHOWS) NT ONLY An! ir ENTERTA rid. | Johnny | into! writes. | Your Trave] Problem : Your taste will tell you ARE MILDER Smoke Player's and your taste will tell yo what mildness really means! : Player's are made from the costie Virginia tobaccos, specially selected becaw they are milder. And Player's freshness flavour of these milder tobaccos » ++ Player's the mildest and best tasting 99 you can smoke! brings out oll tM mo! elle THE NAME "JOHN PLAYER & SONS” ON THE PF IS YOUR GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CIGARETTE 6 Buy A PAU TODAY SAY No oy (lanada's Mildest: Cigat , an loss For quick resuits try a Daily New’ .