,r yhy 21, 1025. UPfl. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE t Quiet 1 Remington Quiet-12 (Made in Canada) Quiet - because typebars of carbon -...a. r-Am nijainsr an tmluzite auirt anvil. Quiet -tc .uoicncuncuient-nnea side c. - ivt . scapcmcni orutKci and Mount ianiinattd rubber cyl-' indtr. Quirt -w.J more than quiet: it it speed'' durable, easy to operate, sithtVpcthat - a pleasure toreud. McRAE BROS. .i ti i I : Rrmlaitu Typevrrller Campusr of Canada. Limited Frlsr Kuperl Dulrral Mr Rm lire ft, r i m full particulars uf :b wjr' rooit popolar typewrit.-?, K mtrigton (jalu It, (ml ::ir E v l'tyuient I'Un tif I'ur- U.'.r. -3 SPECIALS! Dresses SILK DRESSES . . . $10.50 DIETITIAN DRESSES $4.00 PORCH DRESSES , . . $3.50 l i. ps beat the 'emers House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Experienced In Ladles' ci (1 tnnlleinens. tailoring. I''ic ?. easonablo and a big ; of F.uglish, Scottish and Irish Tweeds and illi ii Hoods available lo from, Quality ami fit ?aranteed. Mail orders k ' (ii'ompt allpnlion. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone G63 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Vtage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. oal, Band and Gravel w Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. St. Regis Cafe Hnce Rupert'a Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. ANOTHER FEAT BY LEIGH WADE U.S. Flyer Will Make Non-Stop Auto Trip Auross Continent Accompanied by World Flight Stowaway M:" YOIIK, May 21. Lieut. I.cigh Wade, one of I he United Stales round Uie world flyers. lt rijrun in another spectacular feat this year hut tint in I Iks iilit He announce thai. accompanied by Union W'clN, a newspaper correspondent, he will allemjit in June a nonstop motor car, journey from Xew York lii San l'ranrion. Takin? turns at driving, (he two will lake Iheir car-oxer m'aiii highways, snatching fnoil ami sleep" inasfar as pox.si-hle alma nl he car. They will make no special effort to break transcontinental speed records. It i interesting (o note thai Union WVlls, WaileV partner in this proposed adventure, also accompanied Ueut. Wade in his airplane'durinp part ofsthe world flight. Wells was a stowaway, in the plane lloston from Calcutta and was not discovered (ill the planes were in the centre of In dia. When he was found, the flyers consented to lake him on to Karachi. I lie matter, which was to lie kept a deep secret in the event ot Hie world flishl provinu a failure, was disclosed after the flight was successfully completed at Seattle. BRITISH COLUMBIA GETS SHARE OF THOSE COMING TO COUNTRY WINMPKti, May 51. Of the immigrants arriving 'in Canada ut (lie week end and now just alioul reaching their destinations, ill went through lo Hril-ish Columbia over the Canadian National system, "'. to Alberta ami 50 to Siiskatchivnu. In nil there were 37o passengers reached liw by C.X.R. trains and a number are waiting oxer here before deciding tie finitely on a Joralion. Of the arrivals lfid were Hrilish, 0i Hungarians, and the others divided tnioiiK eleven nationalities A SURPRISE People are surprised at the (julck action of simple buckthorn hark, magnesium sulph. c.p. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlertka. This removes stomach CAS in ten minutes and brings mil a surprising amount of old poisonous mailer you never HioiikIiC wa in your system. No matter what you have tried for stomach I rouble or constipation. Adlerika Is so wonderful in its QUICK action that you will be astonished. This excellent intestinal evaeuant slops that roll, bloated fppling and males you enjoy eating. Don't waste lime with pills or tablets but gel V.L Adleriku action today! Orines Limited, Adv?rUe in the Daily News NOTICE. til'f NOTICE Umt flr iulillrtlon or thli Vrtlce t-T r..nr n.Msiiillvr wifk; w "h!l iinlv t" Uir lwirilrr or Jmt Stark '...'. Vlrlorw. B.r.. tt. rtanp. I must ITlnii llinwrt. B.C. U Kin ,,1J' mVVVnlnT INSI'RANCE IN PROBATE ' N I TORY 0 F a' L AS S f "o I VS I O "'n I M - " " iniri III KlmiiJ ir tit' I1VR na,n.,,d rtc" ""SSa'rvtWi so .o .m:o.r . Hie olw or nrrt rul.ll.ttl.at. April JT, of I't Pmllril"n. June J7, im' OIlEN F. IIII.I.. lmtiil-tritor LAND ACT n.iH'r7Tmri)Utrlrl; District in ITInr ir I'rlmn Ituprrl. Morlll Dm llrlMy. ' NOTICE t.H TAKF . r viiMuivVr B.C.. orrupiillon Mlmon I'lmkM U M"! t" l"'y ro1, P-rinl"loi to lr,.i . ih follow i ir rtfsrr timt snd: i iVr n "wth A corner or t.m fi7no. Ii ?i l ill" "re "'" ftwr '"If ln MitirVv .1 rrrtlnn to point or nmi-r"oi.r'.iuoi.t: conwinlnir 40 arrcn. more or w'n- MEIUt.U PF.S ntllSAV, Alipllrxit, Kdwln F.lroy ilirnum, Afent. Dd April srd. less. Dissolves completely avuks airt out Rinses thoroughly tell us about how we are fretting oil with our new warehouse storage at Prince ltuMrt. Sir Henry Thornton: You mean Hip one that was built there some lime ago. " Sir ilenry Drayton: Two years ago. was it not? VT2L R-44S Rinso is the only soap you need on Washday Sir Henry Thornton Expresses Faith in Prince Rupert Being Grain Port in the Near Future Hi-fore I lie sclecl standing committee (if the House nf Commons al Oltawa on railways and shipping owned, operated and controlled by Hit- government, Sir Henry Thornton staled thai litr Jielieveil some day Prince Huperl would he an important outlet for western grain. Fred Slork also look pari in the discussion ami correcled wrong impressions in regnrd to Ihis port. The full text of the discussion which was of a tlissultory nature, conversational in character, follows: Sir Henry Drayton: (m you thin? of its kind in America. Sir Henry Thornton: Yes. I believe they ship halibut to the eastern stales. Mr. Slorii: Yes, to-Hostun vand New York. Sir Ilenry Thornton: All the way sfrom Prince Hupert lo Hos- Sir Henry Thornton: It was ton, if you can imagine, anything built before that. 1 think it has. more curious than that. Still been there some years. I Ibey do it. Sir Ilenry Drayton: How is that' Mr. Stork: I believe there Is a working oul now? I good deal of misapprehension Sir llenpv Thornton: There about the traffic along Hie line Is not very much business j of the (irand Trunk Pacific. Last' through it. Vp are negotiating year there were 2C,n0fl,n00 now with, I think, some fishing j pound- of liallbtfr camo out of company with a iew lo using aJhe port of l'rine Hunert, not by I part of thai for siornge pur-misps. Mr. Jellifr:, Mhlnlt it will be a gtHxl thing if you could arrange to set some rev en up from it. Sir Henry Thornton: Thai is tiuile true, but unfortunately we have not been able to find any useful purpose tn which it can be jnil. It is a splendid warehouse, in fact we could not have a belter arranged warehouse than that one and it is a shame that it is lying then; not serving any useful purpose. Mr. Dalrymple of the traffic department has been nVaking every effort possible to try and find some business for it, but so far without much success. I think there was some effort put forward to gel some fishing company interested in it; there was something thai had some promise in it, but so far we hae uolhinig definite. The same way with the dry dock there. II is a magnificently ritiipped plant, and probably as we go on we will succeed in finding something for it. These two things, our warehouse and dry dock are two of a kind ami are as good plants as you can find anywhere. It is a pity we can- pol get business for them, but we are doing our hps. , Mr. Stork: 1 hae riot" 'fipen there siupe lVbrnary, but I un derstand some Alaska fishing concern is doing some business there. Sir llcnrj Thornton: I think that is correct. Mr. Milne: What amount of cargo comes into Prince Rupert, Sir Henry? Sir Henry Thornton: I .ilon'l suppose there is very much lie-sides some lumber and fish, nol much clsp. Sir Henry Drayton: The large movement is fish, coming lo thai fishing plant there. Do they still inaiiita.in that parkins? plant? Sir Henry Thornton: Yes. That is running very well, and I think it is doing very well. Mr. Stork: 11 is the biggest rreigiii trains nut by express ; cars, and I think if I reme.mber rightly there were something like! 1,500 refrigeratorucnrs employed, j and they eame east with a load ir anywhere from 800 to . 1,000 a car. so that if you lake the earnings of the road you will find Ihpy compare favorably with any other part of the system. Is Hint not the case? Sir Henry Thornton: 1 think not. 1 am sorry I cannot a,gree with you. The earnings per mile on that road are pretty slim. Wc are doing everything we possibly can to increase the" earnings, but if you should segregate the earnings on that road on a per mile basis you would find them pretty slim picking. Sir Ilenry Drayton: With a high rate for express, there is still higher rate of expenses. Sir Henry Thornton: ,11 is a territory which has large productive possibilities in it. There is sohie splendid land, which I have seen myself, along the (iraint Trunk Pacific and the day will come when it will probably lie productive, but il is going lo reouire a exeat deal of intensive inunlgralion work .and effort before it can be brought into a condition of pVixltictiveiiess. There is a great ileal of lumber along Dial-branch. Mr. Shirk: A lot of cedar poles and piling go overhat line? Sir Ilenry ThoniUm: That is so. Mr. Stork: About the only available limber lii that north "oinilry is along that line? Sir Ilenry Thornton: Therp nre mineral deposiis as well. Mr. Milne: Do ion anticipate thai when you gt elevators there, there will tie cargo going out and thai you will draw, more cargo from the Orient? Sir Ilenry Thornton: Yes. That will certainly help lo increase the traffic over Hip line. The westbound grain movement Is increasing from year to year. You have only i looi nl what Is BOB I TEA Trnhflho run thntrhpprr TEA AS IT SHOULD BE Can You Afford to Speculate? JVERY time you buy something you are either speculating or making a definite investment. Few people can afford to speculate. Yet many do it continually, in making their everyday purchases. And it is so unnecessary. The advertisements make it easy for any one to avoid taking a chance. The merchant or manufacturer who advertises, realizes that the good-will of his customers means money in the bank to him. He knows that the public confidence in his product and public respect for his own character are as valuable as his credit at the bank. So he maizes the indioidual satisfaction of his patrons, their loyalty and their friendship paramount issues in his business. When you buy an adoertised product, you can know in advance what to expect in return for your money. You can count on its being right., You are making an investment. But when you buy nameless, unbranded merchandise, you are taking a chance. You, art speculating. Know what you buy. The advertisements will tell you. happeniiiig in Vancouver, to see what is going to happen to wcsl- , .... . oouuii gram, i nciicxe some nay Prince ltupert will be an important outlet for western gruin. Sir Henry Drayton: In connection with the question con cerning grain movement asked by Mr. Milne, what is the per centage of your grain movement for Orient points as against Huropean points? Perhaps Mr. Henry can give us afterwards the percentage of grain for points in the Orient passing through Pacific coast ports, as iainst Panama in l!2t as against 1923, PRESBYTERIANS ARE IN SESSION STATES WHERE ARE TWO CHURCHES COI.UMHUS. May 21. The 1 3 ? 1 1 1 general . assembly of tho Presbyterian Church in Hie S.A. is meeting in Columbus today ami continuing for ono week. The general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. are in session in the south. At several general assemblies efforts have been made lo merge these two branches uf the ile- Approximately i.Onn duly elected commissioners will attend the assembly In Columbus, representing not only every slate in the union, hut also Alaska, Porlo Itico, Cuba, West Africa, ami various foreign countries. This , is the annual conjrress of the denomination and will transact business for ( synods. 200 presbyteries, 10,0(10 churches, and more than 1,800,000 eotwmi- shipinenls were greater. They are increasing pretty rapidly. II. A. Philpoll sails loniKht on the Prince George for Vancoti- UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTU. Sailings from Frince Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Bwinton B1, and AUrt By, Tu.MMy, 5 P.. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, and Swanton Bay, Saturday, 10 A.nw. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Cannarlaa. Friday A.M. 123 2nd Atanua. t. Barnalay, Aanl. Prlnca Rua.rt, B.O. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RESERVE ISOTICE 13 IIKHKIIY CIVE.N that th.' rrafrve rovfrmg- rcrtalu la'ikl near Hip JunriliiH or o:ull anil skeena Jliver iriirnutiil l.o t a, lumen i, t:a.n Dil trlot, ls raiireiipil. oko. n. ymikn. ' v' In piity .MUilfler or Liiuls; ripparliiipnt r l.niiiH. Victoria, B.C.. .May 4 tli. 1VH5. TIMBER SALE X 6740. Sealed Tender will lie reeelve.1 liy the Minister uf Land at Vlrtmla not later than nix in on the 4tli day or June, 1U5. fur the pnrrtiase of Licence X 0740. to rut feet ut spriiee. Cedar, Hem lock and Balaam on an area mutated on Sliver :reek, Prince Ituiierl llarlmr. Manire r. I',... iiitii,.t I 'three CI I year will lie allowed for re ni.ivui or luniier. Further particular of the Chief Forester, Vlchiria, ll.C, or district Forester, frince l(uert. ll.C. TIMBER SALE X7148. Sealed Tenders will he received hy I lie Minister or Lands not later than noun .m the th day of June, igV roc the purchase of Licence X7WS, to cut Nillv lialsam. on an area situated mi the Fast Arm of lintvnev Inlet, ltuture . flunk! nomination into one, but tlius . iotrtrt. ........ - ... , . : i" hi senrs win ue anuweii mr nil ii mini, sui i-vns. i removal or tinnier. further particulars' of the Older Forester, Victoria, M.C.. or district Forester, Prince Impel I, ll.C. LAND ACT. Notice of' Intention to Apply to Lease Landa. In the Land Hecordlnir district of I'rince iuiMTt, and hiliiate on the norlh west roast uf Pearse Island. H I. , ariiiim tuately U miles north mmi the mniith or Winter llarts.r. Take Nullce that Ciosse-.Milleiil Limited or Vancouver, im: ncrupatlon packer's iiiieniis iu appiv ror a lease or me roi lowiuir desrrllied lands: Comiiienclnr at a twist nlanted antiroK Imaieiv sit ndles north from the mouth nicani mrmoers. or Winter llarlmr, Pearse Island; thence cu ii.,.,..... t ii. I. ,1. n. .. , ., iinrlliweft two in chains, more or less. .-ii iii-Mij. i mum 1.11 ...num.. .. . , . wi,r k ..- ,.,)rliM.,4i alonit low water mark one hundred and kitty (I nil) chains; thence southeast two (?) chains; Iheiir auuiliwesi one hundred and sixty (I MO chains, more or less, to point or commencement and ron-'alnliiK thirty iwu (3?) acres, more or less, nossE-MII.I.F.lin I.IMITFd. N.uia at tnrtllrjint vnr I . . . . . . -. . . : v unta .Tiy ix id, iv. CREAM FLANNEL FOR TENNIS AND WEAR SPORT 51 inch English Flannel, medium weight. Iteg. $2.00 value. Special per Yard .... $1.75 $1.75 West of England Store Phone 753 BlueFoxPups for dattnery July 20th to 30th, 1925, 100 ONLY ; Later dell vary. par cent nigntr. Take them yiniiiir,rfWJST LF.SS. Faster handleil, .Uicne and lured first year. Send for new booklet - tens an; INCREASE 2, 3 or 4 yr. old Braidara, with or without 100 per cent Increase, ur guarantee backed by ample aa aeta and ZS yra. of butlnese Integrity In thie state. Hererenc:' Furnished yoil Bradstreets: and Presldenlt. Sll Hanks. Meinlier of Seattle. C.tiiii her of Commerce. CLEARY BROS. FOX FARMS CS4 Fmplre llldv., SFATTl.K, U.S.A. (On.) of the Worlds l.arinl Fui Farms) c