I The 'Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Hie Prince Jlliperl Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DALLY EDITION 98 86 Tue.-day. February 10, Hijii. Thomas Lawson And Frenzied Finance. Thomas Lawsuit, whose death was recorded yesterday, is liesl known to the people of this continent from his hooks, firsl published in magazine form on .Frenzied Finance in which lie exposed t fie inner workings of lie Standard 'Oil ring, the copper manipulations and the means iy which thousands of pedple were fleeced of their savings by lhoe on the inside. He mentioned people by name and told of the sliicides which followed financial panics caused by Hie manipulations. He (old how members of L'.S. legislature were bought and the price that was paid for their voles. Re dared llieni and olher people who were mentioned in connection wilh shady transactions and, a he publicly branded them, urged that if what he said was mil true they should sue him foe criminal libel. A few suits were brought against him but they failed miserably. Finding .'that he was unable lo cany the people of the t'niled Slates-with him as he had hoped, he gave up the fight, but not before he had educated the people to look beuealh the surface. Makes It Easier For The Government. The report of Hie grain commission which recommends the same freight rate for the west as for the east, mile for mile, will make it easier fir the government to secure legislation giving the west what they have been clamoring .for and what Premier Oliver has so long been demanding. It is one more phase of Ihe, fight anil leads us closer lo victory. Following the speech from, the throne it is significant, especially in view of Ihe fact that the government had access to this report before the speech from Ihe throne was written by them. ii ine equalization oi raies west wiiu easi iiecomes an es tablished fact, it means that much of the grain grown in Sa katchewiiu will heebie to come mil by way of the Pacific, and Prince Rupert wjllflitS in Jine for lie .- share. ' Hie' .'business. I "...l. .ni. lo. il,. ii, i., .it ,.r :i ...:n .... i.. ........ 1...1 1...11 iiuiiiiiiiwii(i mi; jrnifv .11 11 ttm ir in. t inn mi t rr inn c snail I hope to pet a foolhohl 011 'the rocky climb to prosperity iu the export business, . . Not Yet Agreed As To Route To Peace River. There is as yet no agreement as to the route to be takeii from Peace River to the Pacirie. At present' there ate something like half a dozen proposed but no one seems to have much" authentic, information regarding any of Iheni except the railways and ih'Jy are saying nothing. lr il were certain that the best possible route would be chosen by the railway men and engineers, irrespective of political considerations, we would keep ipiicl and let them do the choosing wiUioul in any way trying to influence the decision. The difficulty is that we all believe political considerations do enter into the choice mi it is necessary for ns to play our hands iu Ihe best manner possible. As to which pass is utilized in crossing the mountains we are not concerned, lull' what does seem reasonable is that the railway shall not be built backward, leading iu Ihe direction oT Edmonton iu order lo reach the coast. Also it seems desirable that a new country lie opened up ami that Ihe best possible. According to the available information it seems as if Ihe best country is on this side of the mountains and also It seems clear thai the most direct route is to come out through one or the northern passes afid noj in the neighborhood of-Brule. Preparations To Meet ....-' And Entertain Tourists. v. 1 ': ...(.i - It is time In remeniber that this is ljkeiv'bnie.rbig tnur'it year and J'rince Rupert should do its share 'in Irving br accommodate them. The rirsl and simplest way lo look after them is to drive them .iround and show them the "ity. This is best tlone iu molorbuses with a man accompanying wiio will point out the place of interest and incidenlally tell about the city and its lM-os.eris. ine i.irinnary 1.1x1 service does not provide Rial. To lane passengers around ami tell them nothing about the place is losing yd opportunity. In nil l-i, -ir, 1 ..il.., II..,.. I....... I 1 ... "n1 i""' .. ikhc iio,'c moior veinctes carrying i-iii, in linn), insseiigci-s cacn. uy charging a dollar apiece it can be made lo pay and a big car here should prove a profil-able investment. Al any rale it is worth investigating "Exhausted Nerves and Palpitating Heart" Mr. L. Whiting, 202 Kin St Wet, Brockville, Ont, write : "I took very lick with my nervei and stomach, and teemed to be all run down. At times my heart would flutter and palpitate so and I would take such Weak spells in the pit of my stomach that I sometimes thought I would never get better. I tried several doctors, but it seemed nothing they gave me helped., I had almost given up hope when a friend advised the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I tried it, and can say it certainly has done wonders for me. I did not stop until I had taken twenty-five boxes." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 rt. a tx of AO jillls, ramanwin, llal fk Co., AA., Toronto VA.xr.urvKit. ti. in. "i'ak- inv inlit cnnsiileratinn all the iilirrirullics which have ti be I r...... i .- ,.f if,, Lin. I i lill.l-11 III .1 111(11 in ' "il - ........ j my personal opinion, knowing all! ilui fin-Is is f li:il a reasonably. iciifoiceahle set of regulations hae Ifeeii ilrnwn up, ami ones I "" which, wilh Ihe co-operation of those affeeleil, mii be satisfactorily worked. old, declared lion. Single License Wanted 1 "1e jc-ould not adequately do , this wilh oxcrlapping license's,"! said Mr. Maiison, "and Mr.: Davidson decided that in ordc to safeguard the situation only one license should be issued. To do this il was necessary to stimulate that nothing hut beer should be sold in the beer PARTICULARS OF ALASKA SERVICE Particulars of Hie ervice I hat will tie Arrive Vancouver 0 a.m. WpiI-npsiluy.. I'lirlienlars as lo Dip sclioilulo for local limits, IncluitiiiK tin; M-rvicc to Anynjc ami Stewart, have un) yet hoen receiveil. As wan Hie ease last year, it Is cx-H-ele. Hint liK will arrive lllifli fl'uni II1.1 ....... II. n.. . ..miii nn tt ,1'iinrs 1 lays ami l-YMays, tlie former (rn-linir to Anynx ami llio laller lo! Slewail. I II. lias nlremly been annunced Hint trains from here for Ihe Kasl will connect wilh Ihe limit leaving Hie city in the mnrninir lnsle.ul or the evenlnir ami mak-Hie trip up Skcena In' ilayllsht. BURNS LAKE An asav maile on nvi-nr. saniiles of ore from Ihe Oaltla! itrnup near Tehesinkul. Lake shown thul U conlulns consldcr-l The Hums Lake, hospilal i" now ready to receive patients.. The Man in the Moon f YS:- MEN and women are old when they see the world as a wicked place wilh the populace bound A. M. Maiison in iliscussjusjmostly in Hades, criticisms ,of Ihe recently pub- lislied heer-liy-the-silass rebuilt. IX these days, of equal right laiion. suppose men lake up srramius Mr. Maiison. also expressed llie'as a "pastime when things go belief that Ihe majority of the. wrong or when tiiey are purlieu hotel keepers were 'satisfied lo tally joyful, give the regulations a "fairj w-trial." I A CtJ LTL' It F,) person is one Many Disgruntled who is foml of classical inusiit, "Much of Ihe criticism comes walks ami talks with n certain from people who have not the air and is fond of olives, privilege of applying for lieen-j -S-. ses." he said. "Very strong pres. I TIIKKK still is hope. Some of sure wa lirouglil to bear lo have the prophets say the end of the 'places other Ih'aii hotels licen- world performance- was not cau sed, and there will lie, many dis-.celled but slightly ooslponcil. gruutleii ones who will see no,; good in the regulations because' their, demands have mil- b''en i met. : lteferring-(o Ihe decision lo nothing but beer !o he sold in the beer parlors, lhe alto"rney eueral pointed out that by al- : Motorboat .Rhyme lloiil laid up. Engine on .blink, fioin' to cost a lot Start agatp t think. IF only Ibis siiow would quit lowing cigars to be .sold, theve coilld begin lit imbibe a little beer parlors automatically runic mf the February niril and crow tinder another tlcense depart-'liver the olher parts of Ihe eon- meut, and that Ihe idea whs InjMnenl. keep control of the situation by - , Ihe Liquor Control Hoard. XEXT Salurday is Yab'iiline' j I )ay. l)on"l forget (he girl. 1 j Ten Years Ago j in Plinre Rupert tt '-' i.-- - February 10, 1915. The Cunard line is operating I its IransAllanlie liners under the Inited Slates flag rt account of' Ihe (iermaii sulimariiie menance. Lieut. Boats Will Arrive Here From the ; Lieut South at 10.30 Wednesdays; Same Hour From North Mondays The local Karl tirey's Itegi insliluled (,r down the inside passage' this summer by the Canadian i .National Coast Steamship Ser-' vices hae been received al Ihe city lickel office here. The ser- year. NEW HAZELTON ice win go 1 n 1 1 1 itirce on .nine n r mi.i...... 11, .. v.n I ' v.. ..,i.a..,, 1,1,- II. , lllllllll .inn win ne maiiiiauie ill! .vi.i-ks ,.n"lii...i- r.n. II. U .lii..i' Seplembur 7 by I lie .-learners 1 llis ,.., vili, ,,,. In . Prince ltuperl ami Prince w,,ok e oulllned Ihe work thai ipmr''- Iwoold he e:irrie.l nlil in litis vie- The steamers will will Ipuvc lpave Van-li.,!!.. .inpi,,.. n,,. ,.,.ii., ...... couver on Mondays al H p.m. and, I after calling al I'l.iwell Iliver and ji Ocean Fiills, will, uv'rive bore at .....1 111.. 10 eiiiiesiiy mornings. Leaving here Wednesday aricr-noons at i o'clock, calls will be ynade :ut, Ketchikan, Wrangell, pi'nir .imieait, arriving al Skagway 1 a.m. I riilay mornings. There will he a IHi-hour stop at Skagway and the soulhboiimt schedule wilh Ihe same stops as norlh'-boiind will be as follows: Leave iskapway' 7 p.m.. Salur-jlay. ArriNC prince Rupert 10, nn a.m. Monday. Leave Prince llupert. 1 p.m. Monday. i.Saryent, W. Anderson A. A. Cuiinon Miave been elecleil In Ihe. advisory board o;' Ihe Jlazellon Hospital .Ihis.yVar. School acciniiiioftati has become a serious mailer iu New llazellon that Ihe trustees arc calling a special incclfng of Ihe ne C5 fl tat'i Be Well And Happy "and you hava Nalura'a (III. Naiur'a RiMlcit emid (SRTablall) Yfi-t.bU laliv, I on a ha oraana and telmta Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headaches. renewln that trljof and (ood fct- ln .A n.r.i... I. . . II 1 ppy. .i.-j ---.. m CtaSBc. K.Mfc. JO rara Chips off ihe Old Block Ml JUNIORS LllllalAa Tha Mm rfl lo ona-thlrd doaat, ondr co.ud. For chlldran and adult, aaa Sold By Your Drutilat mm ORME3 LIMITED ' citizens this week lo discuss Ihe i question fully. The erection . u new school may be proposed. 1 I ltev. M. V Lees of Smilliers .s visiting here Wrhich, M.L.Ai wilh Dr. II. 0. His health has ineul was out in uniform for llieltlol been of the best lately and it first time last niglil. There wu i is hoped that Ihe change may be an hour's drill on Ihe (i. T.P. I lenelicial. wharf under Ha pi W. H. Clayton, . L. Hulloek'W'ebsli'r audi Van der My., Tourist Irallle is developing here ami many Eastern people are planning on coming here by Skagwayii'ail and taking the trip by sleain- GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENCE. FOR BEER XoTP K Is lifirliy inveii Hint un lln-;tll il.iy T Mun-li iirt, the iiuilii olmifil ilili-liil In iily tn Hie I.Kimir Cuntiiil , llonril fur a lirt'tin in i-i.ierl of pii'inisr . im-IiiK I'.irl i.r tin- liulltliiif kiiimn i:ili.iliuihi llniel, ulliialr al linrrei m sin-el. Curt K.- lcilri.li, H i: , npiin I hi' lands ill-itiImmI a Iji .n. 5 mill I, Itlnrk Su. :i. Map .Nil. .1:17. City of Ci-lni-f llniri'l l.niiil llmUlrallim IH-I ril. In the I'mvlm-f uf llrill-M Ciiliiuihia, Tor Uh .ili- ur Ixit In lie- Kl'ir liy Un- i.i-ii IhiIIIp ror inn-iiiiiiihi un tin1 iii-HitlM.. 1 1 T l l Oils Till ci ty uf l i'liniiii v. 111:':.. AI.IIIHi II. I't.llkl.XS. 'iiiirli'lnr ami Maiianci-, Al'l'llrant. ; GOVERNMENT .NOTICE OF NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENCE. application license: ' FOR BEER: XOTH:K l ImtpIiv nlven Ih.il nn the till il.iy uf Man-li m-xt. Ihe uinliT-iliriii'il nlciiiU In apply n tlui I.Kitnr i.niitrni llminl f"r a llreiifi- In i--M"'i-l uf pii-inl-i l:n pari ur I hi- tiull'lliir kiumu as Tin" llysH.i'i Mi.let, M titnti-il In I In- tuwn ir lla.VHirl. II :.. tipnn Ihf l.iml ili'srrlliril i l.in rirty -llirt'i- (.'1S1 ami ririv fnur (9i, in 11 lurk elevpn (Hi, an. intuit ,h I ri'iflsli'iwl innp iliiMnlti-d In 1 lie l iinili 'imuiry urnm. al 1 h. cny nr Crlnrr! llHIKTl, mr tlii- .nli':if lii-ef Ii) thn Bias ir liy ihi iipi-n ImiU fur -iiiittitlii mi 'lie pri'lnlsi-s.. IHTKU al lUynpurl. II.C. this oth iktv if I'rliriiarr, litis. ' ' ' -MIIS. 1 M. A. IU PI IS. ownri- anil ManatiM- ur UayMiri II,, 1,. I. j Applli ant. j GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. FOR BEER I MiTICK l licifliy a-lvrn Ihnl on th , Jilt (lay nr Miirrh m xt lli iiiulin-iliniiMl tiliiil In apply In ilii I.Hiuci rnnu-nl: I llnai-il fir IK-cnsn In ri'tlH-rl In iiiviiiih--- liolnir part ur the linllilliiir kn iwn - I'nrt r.lrliienu ll'ilfl. altiialM nl Purl : , 'ilPiiii'iiiH, (jiiwn riiatlutlf lnm. .rt) Inn- ur liiltljh Ciiliiiniiin. iiimii iiu liinii. ii-i'rilt-il a Int Kftni (7,. Iii.mk fi.ro , ict I'll 1 47 . SiilnllHli, n ,,r I,. it .,.. Iiiimlrrrl ami rnrlv-alx i7l'i iiiii-cn , f harli.ue liMrlci, .c as slinvn on a! ifirl.ii-ri'd man or ntan IitkiHiiI In I I In- Unci Itcrlntry nrricri al the- cliy ,,r i frlnr llupert and numli.recl 1079. Tor the t aille ,it Iiimt lit- Die crln.d i... .i .1 " "i iiiiiiinuMni on hip itri'lnlAe UATFIi al lrlnrn niinrl, II.C. thl Clili ilny or li'hriiiir.v. insr,. riUNK llli:K'. Owner anil Manaicer I'nrt rietnem llmel .. Applirant. GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICEN8E. FOR BEER MlTICF. H heieliy irlven thai on the Tin ilny ur .MniTli lieu the iiiiilerxluneil iilenil tu apply In the l.lciimr Control owini nir a ni-i-ii.e in H-npiM-l p, preinl.e ! hi'lnir fMirt or the Imlhllnir known n 1 '". " "n Mm AVi'iiiin, n n inn ,yt" ''Si'"''' ""Perl, "rovlni-e i,r Hrlllh Ooliiinlilii, iiim.ii the hunt, ,. -rllieil n-. ihli-lri-ii (13) nml roiirli-eii 'Hi, In llloc-k Iwn ('. Seeiii.ii m,.. n. city or prlni-p Unpen, arrorillnir to a .."-...i.. ! "r jiiiiii iii'iin oaci in the J,"'"' l-FCIry orfli-e at IheV.lty r,r I'llnre liilieil ami iiiitHhereil oj, for the aula or Iihit liy Ihe ala or liy Ihe open In, ill.' rr roii.iiimiiion on Ihe preinlfe. Pi,npe ii'ipert. n.r.. thi i,u ctiit or fi-lirnarv, Itijr, KMiX IIOTIM, COMPANV. IIMITI-P. Per T. E. Williams, Manager. Appllcsni. T(lCMj.iy, fl'tllli;, PsVflR TTVlV rr Tg? I .1 utile nickel value itwlhor with I J3ffL 'HANSON ASKS jirold ;iinl sjlv"r. , levelnnmenl fjtisist on -the I work is. lii'lna: c-oiiliniie.l on the iDiip ami il is saiil that it may MILLBAM 1 A FAIR TRIAL beennie n itiiiiiiccr. Kratt ! II. I., I'arks jirrivci! here with: MacLarcn ! FOR NEW LAW his family .-from" Alcza Lake am! mm rt'-Ti mmw .jaw-oh fawr - .aaaaf aw Limited, Choaac Montreal Co. lias oncncil uji a" Maisli)i)i ft . THElPUALITY,CIGARETTE Sand m, fraa, . t. iv V V. Hill lilU Jim Sana It' Control 1' .la.'i uia'll IIFKMIUaL) .Man MIL Ml III! NM I lift V r- .-v I U--" jTZr "Chaaaa and Wajra le Could Not Keep Proper Mrs. Ilu.crh Mc'l(ail i teiivlns If Other Things Sold In Beer shortly for. Ktlmontou un,;i I , i -Di'ss ' " ' ' ' Parlors trio. W rt J- GET IT AT! xy HIGH MS UVY3-a.lL- II 11 i I Wle1UtTmHH -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS Good or Bad Weather Wc Can Do Your TOWING Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. "TRY A Nir rO.NICHT" GRANT Best Procura (THE OKICINAll Night PhoneJ Red 618 Gr. 601 539 Me Pure Scotch Whiskj RICHEST IN FINrST HICIILAND MALT Dollied and (vactnl.ad by William Sf 4 .V Li""" aliddKl. and Dalvania.Clanlinl Dulilltnaa. Dull, town Gl..fo, Scotland. A .flirlt The miginnl lnlxi Ifirjft. for it it tho Vcmlnrs, onrl insist on , , , GRANT'S "BEST PROCUilABLE." I his ndvnrlisernent is not publisher! h'r displayetl ly 11,0 l.iiii(ir Control Hoar,i r liy Uin (lovcrninent of . Iiritlsh Columbia, ..-