MM "AGE SIX Heilbroner's Gone! ? NOT FAR Just up Mi e sheet, takinjj u jiarl of the West of England's Store, ami lie will bo pleased lo serve his old customers as well as uny new ones. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist ART SILK Vesting These ever popular Vcsl-iiij-'s are the finest qualify dnip slilrli Tricohlle ami conif in a ranfje of dainty shades, including Hose, Flesh. While, Peach, Sul-nniii, Muize, Hello and Sky. 1'ull 3(! inehes wide. Vest Length 75c West of England Store Phone 753. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, EOc Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Nlphi or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. DANCE At tho Auditorium WED. EVENING, APRIL 8. Also Easter Monday, Apr. 13 Serenade (Jrchcslru. (ienfs M.00. Ladies 50c Phone Black 449. L. J. MARREN, Prop. A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 NEW STOCK OF ALBERTA CITIES GET RIGHT TO BONUS NEW INDUSTRIES THERE EDMONTON, April 7. Liberia oiliest arc lo have tho right, if I hey so wish, lo bonus jievv industries. The bill giving il them was passed by the Alberla Legis lature on a vole of 29 to 1 1. II has still to be eonsidered in committee but the general principle is 'adopted. All the' new bill really jrives the cities is the right to grant a fixed assessment for a period nf 20 years with Uie consent of I lit ratepayers. 11 is Only improvements that are affeeled and not the land. They can also be given preferential rates on water and power, with the consent of the public utility commissioners. Norman Taylor, purser, and Fred Uuck, assistant purser, regular officers of the G.J'.n. steam er Princess Alary, are back on fhe job after having been reliey-' ing respectively on lower coast runs aboard Iho steamers Prin cess Louise ami rnnccss vie-fori a. LAND ACT tn Prince llupert Land Mstricl; lilstrlet of i'rlnee ltiiMTt. TAKE NOTICE tliat 1, Merill lc Ilrly. of Vancouver. H.C., nceupalinii salmim broker. Intends to apply Tor permission lo purchase Uie follow Inp desri'ihed hinds:- - Cnnum-nciiie; at a post planted mile south of the southeast corner id I.ol 670U. Htllle Creek. llanjre 4, Coast liistrtrl; llii'iice north I'll chains; thence' nest S't chains: thence south lo shore line in an easterly direction lo point of cmiii- niencemeiit; coiitaiuinir 4U acres, more o-' less. m khi i l. nr.s iiitis.w. Applicant. Edwin Elniy Itanium. Airciit 1 ia tefl April :ird, tvt. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter or the Administration Art: and In the Mailer of the Estate of Evald l.lljeiinlst. hereased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order .r Ills Honor '. Melt, Young;, made the Stth day or March. A.I. ID.., I was- apHiinted Administrator of the estate id Eveld Liljeiiulst, deceased: and all parties havinej claims aramst the said estate are here by required to furnish same. proerli verified to Hie nil or before the Still ilAv or April. A.I. IIIS5. and all partle in debled In the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me rorlliwith. MOIIMVN A. WATT, orrirlal Administrator. I'rlnee llupert. B.C.-listed the SMtli day of March. tllJS. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter i.r the Estate of John 1-cc. Iieceased. Intestate. TAKE .NOTICE that by order or III Honor r. Mrli. Voiiiik. made the 27 1 li (lav or March. A.D. ttijfS, I wa apH)luled Vd mlnistrator of the estate or John Lee. deceased, and all parties bavin? claims, against the said estate are here by required to furnish Mine, proHrlv verified lo me on or before I he S7th day r April, a.d. IKS.'., and all pnilles In di'bled lo the estate are required to pav I lie amoiiiit uf their Indebtedness lo tuc forthwllu. oiiMAN- A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince llupert. B.C. tialed the ?Slh da v. or March. 10S.V Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 TIRES Prices are again reduced. II no longer pays you lo repair old I ires. BUY A NEW ONE. We have Ihem in .'10x3 'j sizes from $8.00 to $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers DOES EVERY MEAL CAUSE YOU DISTRESS? IF IT DOES YOU SHOULD TAKE BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. M. t: tldrhlire. Heaver Harlior. ..H., writes: "I was troubled with my eluiiiarli fur xiiiiit' nun'. ,and evcrjthlnif I ate M't'ined Ki distress mt. 1 tried many dim-rent medicines, but without any re' suits. Finally I was advised to try H.ll.n. and after having taken never! I bottles was completely relieved of my trouble. i ran now rat anytlilnr 1- wish, thank to byt.B." Burdock It km ul nilleis puts the rlouiacli Into perfect shape by promoting- proper ii(tcstl(in; and during- the past id years it has been on the market has made a reputation, second to none, for relieving all stomach troubles. Put tip only by The T. Mllburn Co. Limited. Toronto, Out FORT FRASER WOULD LIKE TO SEE BIG CITY HERE AS MARKET FOR FARMERS OF INTERIOR B.C. (continued from page one) 'he Peace Iliver country We understand that a grade has already been built to within seven miles of J'ouce Coupe and is now being used as a wagon road. We 'eel Dial if possible the line should pass through (lie .Stuart Lake country, thus opening up a another large area of agricultural laud j'ttid connect with the Canadian National Railway at some point west uf Prince (eorge. "Anything thai will help Prince llupert or Prince (ieorgc will help us. We have a wonderful tgricultural country here and he building up of a city in the central interior will establish a immercial centre and market for us." Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Crawford of Stewart are passengers goin?. Iiruugh on Uie Cardeua this afternoon bound for Yancouw; mi a forlnighl's holiday trip. Mr. Crawford will buy a new Iruck in Mie soulli for his extensive trans- fer business at Stewart. .1. P. I'orde of Victoria, district engineer for the ftsleiiil department of public works, was a pas senger going through bound for Northern llrilish Columbia on (he Princess Mary last night. FOR SALE TENHEIIS will be rei-plved by the lie (Icrslinied up to Wednesday. April Kill. IBS. Tor the following properties be lonirlnir to the estate or it. Cuhiiimrhani a sou. Llintled. Port EiiiKion, H.G., In Voluntary Liquidation : PORT ESSINQTON The Essinirtoii Hotel, Port Essluirpiii. II." ., iniisistihlf of liar room, Killlard-riHiiu. Kin-ben, pantry. Iiiulinr-risjiii. Sllllnif roiHii, Iiatlirnom, and Tweolj -elrhl lied rooms.. SMITKERS Lot H and S, block in. Siili-dhWoii ol I'lllll iOiM Villa Ire of Smllhers. It.C. ' PORCHER ISLAND Lot i:t0:t. Iicruire May. Porcher Island, I)..:., cousistliiK or l:4 Acres, more or less. lllsrtM st or any lender not uecesnarlly accepted. JOHN L. CHIIISTIE. Liquidator. 330 Second Avenue. Prince Hucrt. It.r.. is SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. William V.. Maloiiey versus Anthony Mel in I re. IVy virtue or a warrant of Execution issued hi the above action, and dlrecled to me, I have seized the rollowtuir mineral claims. Miniate near Alice Arm. adjarciil lo im- Kitsiiuil mver anil Uie North rorK or in.' kltsuiill lllver: "Waverly Oronn, I'otislstlnir or "Wavorly" and "kitty"; "War nance (.roup, consisting or "War liance." "Iletsev. "Grouse No. 3," "Whistler," "liadirer" and "linii:." All of which I will offer ror sale, by Publlr Anrtlon. Tor cash, on Tuesday, the rt rili day or May, VJ-. nt V.:iU In the ariernoou, at my orrire, rioverniuent liullilliiir. Prince linwrt. The "Wur liance" will be ofretcil ror sale subject to two mortlfUKes, approx- iiiiatiiisr 7.. -iiio.oo. JOHN' SHIIII.EY. Slieriff or the County of Prince IuijutI. Prliiei- llupert It.C, April 3, 192!i. JUST ARRIVED Certain Materials for Spring Cleaning MADRASS :i() mill 7 indies wide. Al 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 per yard TUSCAN and PLAIN NETS, 5c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per -yard CRETONNES, III) itml ".(! inches with; 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c, and 50c per yard ENGLISH CRETONNES, f.O inches w ide 90c and $1.00 per yard Ready Made Curtains In the Latest Styles. We are Agents for the Klrsch Flat Extension Rods 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The .Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 if i I l . Local flews notes Miss Jcau ltailey will leave on lomorrow niglit's train for 11. C. l'rast-r. inspector ff schools, left on just night's train for Ssniilhcrs. Mr. andsMrs, li, Allen returned ott the Curdcnu this aflcnioon front Anyox. P. S. Jack or Stewart is a visitor in the clty having arrived from Hie north on the Cardena this afternoon v. Orval Kenny, familiarly known its "Cooncan" Kenny, of Terrace, is rapidly recovering from his recent accident ai lh Terrae" mill. 11. .1, llichardson, who has been here forseveral weeks on business in connection willi I lie fish eries, relumed to .Montreal on last night's Irain. lien Valkenberg, old lime min ing man of Dawson, was u pas senger returning uorlli on the Princess Mary la.-l night after having spent Jhe winter outside Mr. ami Mrs. N. Nicholson and child are sailin? tonight on Hie Cardena for Vancouver on their annual vacallon trip. Mr. Njohol-son is with the railway mail .1. Fred Itltcliie. presiilenl of tho Indian Mines Ltd., returned to the city on the Cardena llii" afternoon from one of his periodical visits In lite Stewart property. ii. A. Woodland, local manage if the Imperial Oil Co. who re cently underwent a serious oper atiou at the Prince llupert Ceti oral Hospital, is making a satis factory recovery. C.P.Il. steamer Princess Mry Capl. C. C. Saiiiley, tiortbbouit'l from Vancouver lo Skagway, Wii in port from 7.15 to 10.30 las: nighl. The vessej had consider able local freight. J. i.r While llmse, porl sti'ward for. Hie Yukon While Pass lliiilway and Navigation Co., was a iMissenger going north on the Prlijcess Mary last iiixhl having spijuil Hie winter oulsiib. -rr.- -.- , I. idle ,Moirlg Macdoiiitld. two- year old ilatudilcr of Oinslabl and Mrs..lexMacifiiiabl who nrci-lenlly inhaled Hie fumes of nit ric acid al Hie end of Ihe week. is making a" good recovery "al the hospital. ' Col. W. T. Perkins or Selle. director in the Vancouver Mines Ltd. and Hie llydi-r .lumbo Mining- Co., a Tier having spent the past week at Stewart inspecting his mining iiileri-sls. is oiissiiik through on the Cardena this af- Icrnomi southbound, Mrs. A. 11. Taylor, of Allin mot Iter of Norman Taylor, pur ser of the sleattier Princes.'. Mary, and wife of Ihe superin- tendenl of YukoiL Telegraphs al Allin, was a passenger returning north on Ihe Princess-Mary lasi night. She has been spending the winler in the Kasl. The current issjtie of the U.I" Lumberman contains a special article describinglhc I'rlnee llu pert Spruce Mill at real Cove ami predicting successful operation of the plant. The article Is tie companicd by a good bird's eye view of the null ami also a pic ture ,oT .1. A. Smilli, president of the coinpuny. Union steamer Carilcmt, Capl. A. V. Dickson, arrived al li.ITi noon f I'lim Anyox; Alice Arm ami Slewarl and will ' sail al 5 this ariernoou for Vancouver and wayports. Included in the list of passengers who will board the vessel here ror I lie south tire Charles Kilwards, W. Copdwin, 11 V. Armstrong. I'd. Hrennaii, C. A. .laekson and Mr. and Mrs. N Nicholson ror "Vuiicouver: A llalaain, V. Jones and Miss D. ProlTill Tor Victoria. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY lOlt ItLNT. - l ive roomed house with Imlli and pantry on Second Avenue for rent May I. Phone Uu,. cn ; H3 FOH HUNT. -- Clapp nparlinent Weslenltaver Pros. If RR1TISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 102S. Has .produced Minerals as follows: I'lticcr Ooltl, $70,tia,2n:t- M 1,055; Silver, )fi:i,riJ2,iJ55; Lead, $58,i:ii.00i ; Copper, $l7li,(iic, 'J',. ,),, y 1)01,750; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,108,257; Coal ami Coke, 8u0.ii'i;8 ' n ,r 8lone, Hrick, Ccumtit. etc., $30,115,231; making its Mineral 1'rodm ',, "., ll""dW 1023 sliuw an llle m u Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304 320 The Mining Laws of this Province arc more liberal and Iho fees h,W.P tla, any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Uie llritish i:iu, ,(. "t MuU'ral locution! uru granleJ lo discoverers for nominal twa. Absoliile Titles nro obtained by developing surli propcrlio, Hie senmu ,, giiaraiileed by Crown Grants. w 11 11 1 Full infonmilion logelher willl Mining lleiii ls art! Maps, may be , 1 uddressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MlNrs Victoria, British Columbia. Mrs. .Jack llariisley reluriied to lnwn this ariernoou after mak ing the round trip to Stewart and Anyox on the Cardena. The provincial authorities have cancelled for sis months Ihe chall'eur s license of Arthur Col- son, Indian, who was recently found guilty of driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated for which offence he served seve:. days in the lock up. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 , Wednesday, April 8 ! High . 1:0- a.m. ll.8 fl. 13:17 p ut. I W.7 " Low 7:IH a.m. 1.1 " i IU:;;a p.m. :i.8 " CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS W.tern B.glcn) COMSTRUCTION COWICHAN BAY BRANCH, VANCOUVER ISLAND I I SKAI.LIi "VMil.llS will In- rfii-il it tin orrnr ir tin- luni't Mirtur. w iimi Maiiiiiilu, mini iwnvr o in ii'khi Miimlav. April uili. tu?:.. ror tin- t-oii , rlrlK liHi c.r tltiilH'r Ui-kIkvs iii' luilitix l'ir iliiniliiir lifotlp at OiMirtiiin iu.v. alii er Hip iiHlslriMlliill ur tlllrltxll Hull's ofi rnirliiif. I'laiK, eniril". -Tirirlliiii and form) of nnitrart ma) lie m-i-ii and f'iriii nt . tfmiT utiuiiiMi ai t nrrn-i's i.r i:inir: KimHM'Pr. Wllllilin-r. Mall.; Mslrlrt l.ll ' irliMtr. Vaiiniiitrr, !.;.; ivil.ui Lnrln r. Itiih-h luiinTt. n.i:.; A'-ltnar litrlit Ltirliift-r., II. i:. I TMiilern will mil Iw ruiuluVrrd unlrsai made im tlw rurtii HiIU'd by I In- lliilwit i i:iiiiiiiii and ai-rtiinpd try an a''.fli-il ; riM-iuf nil a rliartpri'd lnk t-iiual li ri' l-r n-iit or tin- ann or xiw worn. i alili In tlw iirdiT or IIh- Trpaurrr. : Bdian National llallwaya. Tlw lowrM' nr an) IrndtT tint wet Mirlly aenpH'il. A. K. VAIIIlt:. Oi'iK-ral Mauairrr Wlinilrwir. Man,, Mai-rli :iilli LAND ACT. in kvfiia Land District cr I'rlurt? IIiiimti ipirnnt nisuiri. T.'.kK MiTICi: that Gmrrr Little, ol Ti'rmiT. U.i... im mint inn liiinlH-rtiiiin, and t. L. M. (.in lie), ur Tirrni-1'. Il.i:.. iicrii-iiHllim lutnlif iiian. Iiitciid in aenly tur mtiiiIsiiiii tn nin-lia Hip rnllownil (In ' rriix'd lands, rnr uiiiumriai cup: Ciiiiiiiirnrmr at a ikiI iilaiitMl at unutli' end ur lland idiuati-d near mouth ir kil- i mitiikalliiin lllver and lylnir near west Lank I ur said river: thence rtillowluir ulinre line! around Island In point nr toiiimviici'tnciU. I iciiiuiiiiiik i acre, more or iea Ol.onc.E LITTl.f. and CLAIHE I.. M. CltJOEV. niiii-antr tialed thl till day nt January. 19 tB. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECK: LICENSE j M1li:t Is lionliv nveii Hint on Hi. ttl day nr April nexl the uii(lcrttriiiil Intend to apply to tlie Llipior Control Hoard rot I a IKrvnse III li'UMM t to premise lielna part or tlm biilldlnr known a the I'on Ui'iiirnls Hotel, altualed at I'nrt Cletuetitit. i.iiiiMi Cliurlotle Islands, I'roviiice id llnllsh C.oliiiulila iihhi the land deHrrllied na Lot rive (l , iihiek rurty Tour Hi'. oiilidivUlou or IjiI eevrii . Iiiiudrnd ami rnrty-slx ( ?4C i . vueeii Charlotte tMslrlct. li e . hs niiowu on a retrinten-d map or pliiii drHMiiid In tln Land lu-irWiry or rii'f al the City ur I'rlnee Hiixrt aim nimilii'red 11171), ror the Kale or lieer bv Hie irlasn or liy the iih i iHillle tor von Hliiiiptiou on the preuilKeM. iiAir.ii ai rruiee ntipert. H.C., this 4 11 1 dny ur Marili, vi. II. I.. TIMil.KV, 'mii'T. Miplleant NOTICE. I.N Till; MATT Lit or ail aiipliriiliod ror Uie Issue of a rresh i-ertirieHle or llllr ror Lot nineteen (lt)i ami iwnilv (Vii. Iltork llilrly-tuo I3H, Mellon rive i.iiy or ri line niiperi, Mai 913. Saihtfaeiury priMir nr the detriirtion or tin- liertirii'iile or lltlo eovrrlnir tin iiliove IiiimIs hiivluir li rnriilshi-d In thl orrirn It Is my liih'iitloii to issue. nfliT Hie eplratlnu or thirty ' J9 tluvs rrotn the first pillillratlon herenr, a iliililleali' I'ltl rieii li' or Title eoverliiir lh' suld In nil-In Hie imiiii-s or I'liTI'.ll M. LASXIPY and lilk CAHSIIiV. willed Orlirieale or nil" Is limed Hie ;itli Anifnl. iota, anil uiiiiidered Hit I. II. I'. Mr..;iii. . . . . Ili'irls-irar i.r Tilda. I.aml lli'irlslry orriee, I'rlnee It li mt t. II I Mured V7lli. 1lsr.. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, III the Mailer or the Ailiiilnlslralloii All; mid III the Mailer I.r the Kslale of peter JmlKC, lieeeiisi'il, lulenlale. TAki: Mitici; that liy order of ills Honor I'. Melt, Voiinit. ininle the Slth ilnv or Miirih. A.K. Ir.. I iipiKilnied Ail llilnlslriltnr or Ihe esl.ili. or I'elei' Jinltte. ilei'i'iisi'd, mid nil pnrtlei IiiivIiik eliilin iiKulust Hie nalil eslnle are here, hy leiiulii'd tu ruriilsh Name, properly vermeil to me on or before the llth tlnv or April, A.O. IUV5, and nil piii-ile in, ilehled to the ertaie nee reipiired to tinv the amoiiiit or their ltidelitednvH lo me rorthvMtti. NOIIMAX A. WATT, orrieiiil Aiiiniiiittrator, , . I'rliiiH llupert, It.C. haled tliv DSlli day or Mutili, lvj. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 HARRY CAREY in "Tiger Thompson" Sijiian' limiting, hard-riding, .. , ill the greatest pii'lnie uf lii career. T train robber untl a lutmlit To the pi. i; owner a iuwIm.v, hir liuiuhad. Tn I In TlionipMin," vvbeii Iiis. figliling blond w, -lo thrill von, roiiiitiii'i' In I'lilhrnll vim, r lilooil in viior veins'- not where Ihe . ; ficcnl xeiierv. Slnuig cai. COMEDY "THE TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES No. 1 ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "JULIUS SEES HER." BUNGALOW BOOBS. INTERNATIONAL NEWl Admission 35c and 10c SIMMON'C TEEL BEDJ Voo Want a bed nt rigid ami during fuii'sh, -iinilorlalile and nl pl beds col no nitire tint xon gel the iti' A(m ciI no sobslittile. Prices range from $18.00 to $34.65 Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street naid ilevelonnieuL work. Phone 10 Another Portland Canal Opporlil The lirel TreuMiry lne ol Hie l' (io,, Ltd.. is now orreiri! Hie nililn ;il -is Uie only oilier shipping mine bendes Porllaml Canal DislncL (he .hipped For roll in form l ii , .li he Pr 'IMl' .1 -,c Mi ninre "m H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers Victoria. I JUSTARRi THE NEW SEASON'S MODELS HAVE Ladies' SWEAT At In Silk and Wool and Brushed Wool. Colors jlelt, Gray, Brown and Black, and tho styles or Prices rango from $4.00 to $10.00 Jabour Bros. Corner Third and Seventh 5