PXCF. TWO . Safe, Spssdij Relief Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION m-c Rheumatic Capsules RHEUMATISM Atari lis Lumbago Sciatica NEURALGIA HEADACHE MAJLIO FOR GCNEttCUS SAMPLE TtmpUtons, 122 K!nf Wtit, Toronto FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED The Daily News 1HINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited,' Third Avenuel II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Saturday, Jan. 31, 1925. This Good Time To Register As Voter. This is a good time to register as n voler. The list is open and the court nf revision will sil in (lit) spring and pass on tin Jist. Every Canadian should want the opportunity to vole and it can he secured only if I he name is on the list. It should be the business of earh person In see that lie or she is a qualified voter. Delay in this mailer is dangerous. It is the opinion of those who know the situation that there will be no elertion this year. Vet condilions may change and an election be sprung at any time and it is well to be prepared. II is only voles that count at an election. The voire of the person not qualified to vote is uol worth much. If there is no election Ibis year, there will probably be next and then the vole will be required. Americans Like The Spectacular. The American people like In do things in a speclacul.tr manner, .lust now I here is a race going on to carry ..aiiti-loxiii to the diphtheria stricken people of Nome. Dog teams are requisitioned' to get into the country and experienced m'ushers are driving them' to the limit; Meaulihie arrangements are made for an airplane to be used ami , H is n question which will arrive . ... .... ... . r:.t mm... - ii i i ri in- - nisi, i or wt'iiiner is com mm conouions ior eitner (logs or plane are not of the best. Day by day we shall hear of the progress of the race and all take an interest in it. Yet it is hun dreds of miles away, in a country almost unknown to most peo pie. tProposed .reamery ; For , This 'City. v At .Siuithers this week a propdstibwos made lo the Board o i raue uiai a creamery tie established at Prince Rupert to serv 'il... ..-I.., i., .1:. m. .......... ,i i. . i.n- .inir ui.-iiiii. jjii- TMipge sjjoii seems io nave come irom Telkwa and will be considered by (he tfmilhers board at a future meeling. ' If it should be decided lo erect the creamery here, it migh lie .well for the city to consider its altitude (ow.inl such ail institution. The Provincial fiuvcrnment also encourages cream? cries .-elsewhere and possibly might consider providing it site for it. There is no doubt that the products could be marketed here wilh advantage jus) as the Eraser Valley uses Vancouver as its marketing centre and establishes its rreamery there. 'While Prince Rupert does not wish to encroach on the privileges of other centres or to appear anxious to grab everything, if i should be decided thai this is the hesl plage or Die creamery the people-would welcome its establishment. j Outdoor Life For Girls As Well As Boys. Outdoor life for girls as we)l as boys is being urged by those . interested in the welfare of the race. Organizations . sUrh il. ':..! I.. i- i. i- i i. T .1- me .mi mimes neiji to imeresi girls in 1 lie woods and fields, Here is what the magazine Sunset has lo say on the subject: "We are all agreed that it is good for boys to get out-of-doors, lo sleep on the ground under the stars cook their owi meals, chop wood, climb steep trails, learn to casl a fly and acquire tha self-reliant independence whirh conies only front intimate contact wilh thai rough old lady, Nature. It's only recently, though, that the gamier sauce lias been applied to the gose. that the outdoor-life recipe has been administered 'to' girls as well as boys. There h.ave been summer camps for girls ever since the outdoors became fashionable, hut these 'camps' ill reality were mere summer resiliences ri.,ii.!..;,,,r ..i:....n.. .... readjustment or effort on the part of (he visitors. Yet il is this . .. . ... imwl'ii Jn.,iiii il.: f i ii-a.ijiiMiiiriu, tin- cm enon necessary to provide the essentials of life through one's own ingenuity and strength tt.ui make camping valuable. There is no character-building value in the efrorl necessary lo lie in a summer resort hammock or jazz on a-riMioth floor lo radio miisie, hut it is of permanent valiieto every girl lo learn how to build and operate a cooking fire, how to make a comfortable bed in the woods, how to walk six hours wilh a pack without collapsing, how to sleep in the open without fear, how to find her wav without a tax how to be content ami happy w.lhoul movies, male admirer or geor-getlc waists for a while. ' "Child's Eyelids Inflamed. Stuck Together and Bled" Mr. E. P. Kimball, EntwhisUe, Alta., writes: "Our little girl from birth was troubled with inflamed eyelids nd in spite of severl remedies, grew worse until at the age of sixteen months her eyes could not be opened after sleep without bleed ing, a waxy discharge sticking the lids together and adhering with great tenacity. The child's grandmothers were consulted by mail, and both responded with a little sample box of Dr. Chase's Ointment. These were used as directed, and lasted until we could obtain a further supply from Edmonton. Improvement was very marked from the first application. The waxy discharge was easier removed and did not reappear. Inflammation subsided and has not returned." Dr. Chase's Ointment 60 ctA. a W. an tlcaUrr or Erimanmn. lUtew A Co.. I Art, Toronto STORK SPEAKS ON POLITICS Addresses Liberal Association at Annual Meeting Last Night on Interesting Topics VOTES OF CONFIDENCE Colonel McMordle Optimistic on Retiring from Presidency of Organlatlon' Dealing wilh (he subject, thn Loyally of I lie .Mackenzie Kin (iiivcrinncnl. J-'red Stork at Hie Liberal Association annual .meet ing last night, staled that this was 'evidently an election cry in anticipation of a dissolution of Parliament this year and all appeal lo the people, lie wauled lo make Hie position of Ihe Lih- eral Onvernmeiil clear in regard In Ihis. It was one of the things they would he cnnfrnnled with at Hie next general election, which he opined, would not come Hilt year. At Hie Canadian C.luh dinners and on oilier public occasions Hie people of the Dominions were urged lo buy within Ihe Empire, yet il was found Hint Ihe people of Oreal Britain did not them selves live up to that principle Danish farm products were sold in England prior to Ihe war in large quantities. When war broke out these were sent to Ocrniaiiv and Britain could nol gel any. After the war the Danes again looked to the British market and got it and today Denmark found (Sreal Brilaiu her best customer ousting the Canadian products from1 Ihe British market. This was one thing of which Cana- lians ro::iplaineil. Wembley Affair A similar condition of affairs existed in almost every line. Canada erected a million dollar exhibit at Wembley to show what. could be done wilh Canadian products including Bi'iljsh Col umbia-limber.1 Yet, when timber was neeiled for any oilier work at the exhibition, Baltic? or Unit cd Stales tiiriber-.was utilized; British people 'dealt w Hi Artren line, wlffrif- Hicyvimghr 'nsl as well deal with Canada. B.C. salmon was replaced in England by Japanese salmon canned in Siberia by men trained lo do Ihe canning in British Columbia. "What we maintain is that when we insist that Britain must go firty-rirty in the matter of trade, there is nothing disloyal in that . Loyalty has lo work both ways. When Premier .Mac kenzie King says Canada must be lislened lo, there is nothing disloyal about that. II is only Tory propaganda Hint tried, lo make it "appear so." In connection with the Cana dian debt and .consequent taxa tion, they did not complain about having lo pay their war hills Canada was Ihe richest country in the world ivi natural resources and will eventually be the greatest country on the face of the globe, Mr. Stork said. What they objected to was for the Tory tiovet'iunents lo so in for an orgy or spending and then Hie moment King 'comes jnlo powei, for the. cry . In go lip thai. Ihe coimlry must he rehabilitated. Makes Comparisons Mr. Stork drew aHenlioii lo the treatment Prince Hupcert received under Conservative luliuin- siration and to the prospects now before Hie city as a result of Ihe effort of Ihe Mackenzie King ijverninent to begin to carry out Hie Laurier. policy. He. spoke of the reduction of licenses issued to Orientals by forlv per cent and the fact that, another fifteen per cent reduction went no force Ihis year. The policy of leiiininalion. if continued, would eventually place Hie fisheries Where I hey belonged. I Dealing wilh the lie question I Mr. Slork mentioned I hat. in Hie ipasi niosi or l ne lies were cut on IL M....1 t . .. . .'liH-Krime .l .MEIlll uinils. but when . Hi,. Liberal adminislra- ,hon look charge they wen- cut I l.-l. Il! r, . M-inri-ii i-rince ueorgis ami Ihe coast. From fio.oni) the number Jumped lo 1,(5(10,00(1 and then lo two millions and it was only tin taction of Ihe Senate in defeating (lie branch line bills that necessitated culling down on the number this winter. Thev were In mame. mr the condition. Tli" , building of the branch line hy ;the C.N.Il. was held up and meanwhile Ihe C.p.H, built into I Hie territory. They must place the blame for the present condl. lion where il belonged. Colonel McMordl In his opening address before relirnig from Ihe oillco he has J. if." X1) V I ' I V; V jovt that nevcrics held during Ihe past year. Col. S. P. Mc.Mordie revb-wed Ihe work dune and men Honed that once' more Ihey had been successful itli electing lo the .legislature a Liberal candidate. He mentioned a number of policies and their al titude toward lliem. The fihv- ernmenl was trying lo,ieal witl Ihe liquor problem in. acconl- ince with the will of Hienpeo'ple, The president referred lo thn visit of Premier Mackenzie King and its value lo the couiiipinily. They iiiusl all ha ve 'been ' Impres sed by I lie address gfvell, by the Premier on (bat occasion; and bepn ijqlijVilu'pl iofj lli iilesire of Hie governinenl to furry out the program laid down by the ale Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The elevator was the first slcp and the innsi important and would mean a great deal lo the city. The oper-alion of Ihe mill at Seal Cove e. peinleil on the eifclloii of Hie elevator. '.. On his elcc.llon lo the presidency James Neville spoke of Hi" 2 1 work done by J'red Slruk and said he had had the support of the parly. Short addresses were also made by Dave Thomson, James Sleen, Boh II it m ii n ami others. . Votes of Confidence Votes of thanks were pasei lo the returning olllccrs and vole of confidence In lni Liber il (ovHj'iunent at Ottawa and Vic-, loriu and the representatives for this district f re( Stork and Hon. T. D. I'allultn, lt- The Man in the Moon jl f f LIKE might lie a fcreal deal worse The young man said wilh a yawn, To have to lalher your face is bad Twould be worse lo lather Hi" lawn. TllE bUnbs wem sheared yes-tenlay wlieji wheal dropped len point's. , JHCIHHlE'-sheniarrHvJ She sure Was pensive, But now liat she has him She's most expensive. a IE you w jsli lo iiMiid speakin.! hasty word, learn lo si tiller. WDME.V are rapidly men, , TllE boy wlio si'ls out To lake his fling Will learn very soon How his cash 'II lake wing. MA YOU Neulnn tells Vancouver what a great lilllo cily we are going lo be IT Ihey'll only let us ahme and not pick at us all Hie lime. AND then there's our A.fS, who tells Vancouver she U all righl but why be. always saying so when everybody knows It. He says give Ituperl a chance. suppose he means a chance In talk. PMINCC lluperrs lo have A new grain eb-valor, TwilL give her new prestige And make her much grealer' Her mill will resound Willi Hie hum of Ihe saw, She'll heroine a big cily Willi never u flaw, 1 ami a 17 si, ,,, ii"',- ..;:;..-,;,i Everybody's Friend Life Insurance nas taken on a new importance. Everybody needs it, most people want it, it is everybody's friend. As a result, people arc asking themselves today: "Am I insurable?" "How can I get sufficient life insurance?" and the answer Is found in the ever-increasing number of policies now being applied for. There is a foundation for this success: The general public is rapidly coming to realize the solid basis upon which life insurance rests; that the business is subject to a rigid system of Government inspection: and that while Life Insurance is a form of organized sharing of each other's burdens, it is managed on a sound business basis. Life Insurance Service Ami ' J-'f 1".t 1 .- ' . ..' i ; f f I li "Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our weli known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skfena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmdn, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W. Prlno Rupert, B.C. Helgerson Block, SAVAGE Washer and Dryer lias no Wringer, m-eils none. Won Medal at Insl Oucbee Exhibilion "vrr !tl Ainericnn and Canadian .Machines, Cash Price $185.00; nlso sold on eniis. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST HONEST DENTISTRY MEANS RELIABLE pENTISTfl nnd necessarily implies pKUSONAL ntlenlioil t" )ft palient. This is Ihe only kind of dentislry 1 1mv I" hence Ihe nneniidilinnal gnannilee thai goes wilh rny w" GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST