PAGE FODR Salt! nifty. .Ian ! FINANCES OF BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus THE HOSPITAL WANT vOU TO CO LL I AH COOO OONT COOQ OH. tSOT Ab HE HAD A COOO CvCO: j RIGHT OWN 'bTMs f 'Kt- a fMOGtHirs; r' MORNIK Mti- JOLUX A3 QO WUZ. AMD Fire. THE ncw KJvflJ 5W5 VR. p- V , , ' UA3T r-tiOHT AT THE 1 (r.. THERE.? outue -he; I $ms&r( ? - diois-t v WAITER eALL CHrsCC- )M Condition Healthy Shown In r CET HOME ONTIL TWO ) -H IIIIm O V Presented Last Report -TMtt(MOtNC -lFA,CTl-; v WMx&'K 3 r A Night The financial statement- for I lio .Prince lluiiert General tins pilal for Ihe year l!)2t submit It'll at I lie annual iiieetiiiff Inst nisht showed the institution to l' in a healthy financial comli lion willi liquid assets at the end nf the year standing at some- Ihinsr over 7.000, inclniJiiif? ne counts reeeialle worth 100c on the dollar and cash on hand. In , speaking lo the Teport, S. K Gnnmhell, chairman of the fi- nanee cnininillre, pointed out that against these liquid assets were juunedialc liahilitics total liiiR soniutlijn"; in the neighbor iinod or lino, leaving an actual surplus of only about $2,- l.'dO. .Mr. Campbell, cotilinuiu went inlo details ' of the report, in i in cos rap bed copies of which were furnished (he meeting. Accounts written off totalled $1.'),- 0(10, many of which it was felt niif-'lil slill be collectable. 'I Hiring the year, hospital fees charged hail lolalled 11,000. Anions the more important items of expenditure: on Hie slalenienl of peneral revenue aecoiiul were flie following: Expenditure llospilal fuel ..'.; 2,fi33.8.r Meal and fish 2,8K.r).(i!) (iroceries !, 10'J Ilread 708..ri0 .Milk , .. 1,809.32 lee , 'JlO.OO l.auuilry 3,722.811 Light and phone .... 2,513.30 Surgical supplies .... 5,081.20 Salaries . . 19.101.3t5, Aceounls written off . 13,1(15.05 Income . Items of income included the. following: Hospital Tees .. .. .,$11,193.01) Accounts reeoyei'ed .'. 2,113.97 Gov. per capita . .. 8,317.90 l.iipior profits .... .. 3,031.50 Cily per capita .. 9,177.00 Cily, special .. .. '. . 1,000.00 lied Cross Society ... 100.00 i t.'ity of Piinee Itnpert 2,311.(15 Nursing services (Isolation Hospital 335.00 Membership fees .... 227.50 - .-ray operations ... 202.7C Collecting Accounts .Mr. (Campbell, having entered into a defence of the. action of . the liosWal finance committee ; in idacing long due accounts in I lie. bands of an international collecting agency, there was some discussion in the meeting on Ibis matter. S. D. Macdonald and Archdeacon Hix were not in favor of such a policy. Mr. Campbell, stated tbat it bad not been ml opt oil except in whal seemed hopeless eases. There was always- immediate recourse, .however, by cnmmunienUng with the, secretary. Mr. Campbell admonished debtors of Ihe. hospi- , tal, to lake Ihings up 'squarely with Ihe secretary, whether or .not they were able to pay,' and unpleasant entanglements that olherwise might follow could be avoided. I. G. Stewart advised the board lo lie care Till before ' passing accounts over to such an agency. Kvery other effort lo collect, should first be exhausted and the ability of parties thus proceeded against to pay should be ascertained. in nringing me discussion on the financial report lo n close, President I). (5. Mcltae pointed out that Ihe 913.000 that had been wrillen off had included aceounls of a number of patients who righlly should be in an in rtiraine iiospuai or old man a home. The getting of such pa tienls lo these places would be a matter thai the 1925 board would hao lo deal with. Advertise in the Oaily News. mtti TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Priv.t, Bittn BURVPUAN PLAN ( WINNtir THOMPSON. MAN'O. DIR. ftHKKKKKKKKKSnCKXKJtUXXKM ANNUAl REPORT ON HOSPITAL Retiring President, D. C. IVIcRae, Tells of Splendid Work Being Done In subniilling his report, for 1921 al Ihe sixteenth annual meeting of the Prince Ituuerl ieneral Hospital Association asl night I. c. Mcltae, Ihe re tiring president, announced that 12 patients had received treat ment in Ihe hospital during Ihe year. Of this tidal. 713 patients bad been from the cily ami 199 The hospital employed - thirty people and its' average annual expenditure was in the neighbor hood of $(i(i,ooo. It was tbu an impdrlatit institution in lb cily and was well worthy of the inleresl and support. 1 hat it has beon receiving liolh morally and financially front the public nl large. The fact lhal there was little if' any private nursing in Ihe cily and that everybody who was ill went to the licaled lhal it was doing its work. and doing it-'well. Hue lo the fact that hospital membership fees had been re- luced during the year from $5 to !j2, the object of increasing revenue and general interest for the i 1 1 t it ul ion had been realized. I'liis year $227.50 had been dei rived from, fees which was $200 heller than Ihe average for past years. During Ihe past year, the Nurses' Home had been com- leleil. On completion it had cost $20,165 with a mortgage of 5,000 against it and $831 due Ihe bank. Since complelion. the bank had been paid in full and Ihe mortgage had been reduced lo $1,000 in addition lo paying! .'.j; interest, i no uoiary i;inn had handed Ihe board a check for $1,000 making it possible to finish the lop floor of the home. For the successful completion t the Nurses' Home project, thanks were due In I). (!. Stewart more I hail any oilier person, Mr. Mcltae declared. Training School Seven pupil nurses, a larger number than in any past year, had entered the hospital in 1921 and there had been five graduates, four of whom had suc cessfully passed their registered nurses' examinations. The. new Nurses' Home was already prov ing an attractive feature in the obtaining of students. From a fire hazard standpoint, Ihe year had seen a great improvement at 1 1 in hospital. The sterilizing equipment in the operating room had been con verted from, gasoline to electric ily and financed by the cily. New fire escapes were now being put in al a cost of 2,297, Al the end of Ihe year, Hie cily council bail made a further special grant lo the hospital of '1,000. Thanks were due lo the cily for the splendid manner in which Ihi board had been received and assisted on nil occasions. During Ihe year, Ihe X-ray equipment al Ihe hospital had been considerably renovated and extended. The cost had been K3.500 of which $2,500 had al-rciidy been p(iio Notwithstanding exlra expenditures, the finances of (he hospital were In a satisfactory condition, Mr. Mcllae's report con- HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HE ART Mr. P.. Martin, 1U. Nn. J, Orlllla. lnt., wrlti-s: "I have lein lrinjiil with my. heart fur a Inn if limp ami very i.rii'n Ij.iiI 5p-IN Willi It. I would laki raintiiiK spells, ami my hiilnml ha1 to Imvc siiiiii'lHiily In ay Willi mn all the iMii. llo Iful nif cvprylhinK he rnulil lliihk nf to spp it limy woiilil ilo Inn any f'il. in Ililnir si'i'jiipil lo Iii Iji hip. Oiip il.iv n rrif-ml was in to jpp iiik ami ail vlsl iiii- to try MILBURN'S HEART AND NERYE PILLS My liii-li.inil wiiii anil trot hip lvi lmps. ami uflPr llw firnl itiu was riiil-liix I Ml likp a ilirri-iiiil wiiiii.iii. I rannol rcPniiuiH'iKl Hum cm. ii yli in all I lion- who from outside points. Of the lat-' "orrrr with nnyihhnt wrim with their Iff ii ii n i l.i.i- ,.ll I, mI in r..... v.... i heart or nerves." ..... ... ... ni ...ii couver and five from Seattle had been Trimi the district contiguous lo Prince Itnpert showing that this was the hospital centre for Northern Jt.O. The. figures also showed I bat one out of eight of Ihe population of the city had received treatment in Ihe hospital during the year. Milliiim'H II. k Pill-t have lieen mi Hip market fur Hip pnVt nil ypars anil are .ut up only hy The T. Mllhiirn (:., l-iinireil, Tnrnitln, Ont. "All (Iriiintl.Uii liamlle them." tinned, ami there, was an operating surplus for the year of almost $5,000. LI was Ihe first year lhal Miss McC.aul and Mr. Itirch had been in charge and Ihe satisfactory condition of affairs reflected much credit on the efficiency of their management. The board was fully 'appreciative of their splendid' services. Official Thanks In concluding his report, Mr. Mcllae extended official lhanks lo the members of the 1921 'loard for their co-operation in the work of Ihe year which had been connNlenlly harmonious, lo Ihe Ladies' Auxiliary for their splendid assistance which in cluded the purchasing of up wards of $900 wortli of supplies, lo Ihe Adair Carss Chapter I.O.-P.K., and the Rest more Co. for furnishing wards, lo Ihe Munici pal Chapter. I.O.D.K, for blankets and sheets, Mo the ltcd Cross Society for the donr.tion or $100, to Ihe Rolary Club, city council, I'yne Min Chinese Association who were staging a concert for the benefit or the hospital and, rinally. lo ihe press for generous assistance when publicity was required. SONS OF CANADA Standing of Senior Basketball League Changed as Result , of Last Night's Game Ihe Sons of Canada trimmed Ihe wings of the Klks and in cidentally took Ihe lead of Ihe Seiiior Itaskelball League when Ihcy won, las) nighl's fixture by a score of 29 lo 13.. Out al full slrength and keen lo win, the Canucks bad no dilllcully in pul ling il over Ihe Klks and were full value for I heir victory. II was one of the season's mosl in leresling games and was watched hy a good crowd nf enthiisiaslio fans. K. A. Mann refereed and Ihe learns lined up as follows: Sons of Canada Alex Mitchell. II. It. Skinner, Vie Memsies, Harry Men.ies and 0. Shenlon. Klks Will Lanibie, Kddie Smith, Dave llairour. Arthur I'hillips and Mike Huijenieh. Intermediate League The firnllo scored ati easy vic tory over the Itegimenl in the In, lermerliale J.eague game by a score of 35 lo 10. Halph Smith was referee and Ihe players were ns follows: Sidney TlazMI- Jones, fi. MrKeown, Albert Pal iner. II. Floyd, F. Dingwall. Cirollo w. Orav, D. (Inrvieh, V. Meagher. 0. 1 fill. J. MeNully and W. Cavalier. Junior League The Junior League game re. suited in decisive victory for Ihe Colls by a score of 21 to 7 oven Ihe Tiny Tims. Halph Smith wa I referee and the line-ups were m ' follows: Tiny Tims Y. Kalsuyama, 1. Kalsiiyama, C. Thompson, K. v Dingwall and II. Walker. Colls o, (itirviclt, S. Joy, M. Comadina, .1. McNullv, C. Cani- 'i'on and II. Manlouaht. I League standings to dale are as 'ollnws: Senior League U nous of Canada H :iks 5 '.oils 2 I.. I I 9 Intermediate League irnllo 9 : Colls 7 llegimeiit I Ladles' Leaaue Maple Leafs 0 Mil's 2 Junior League liny Tims (1 Colts 3 1 I I .1 Sport Chat IMs 10 1 1 I 18 i i 4 2 12 I 12 ft -8 t . J All things, even the best, come In an end and some sport writers are predicling that Jack Dempsey's heavyweight cham pionship of the world title is ..'oing lo end suun whether he marries F.sicllc Taylor and re- lires gracefully or not. Not long ago when Dempsey entered the ring lo do his stuff, he usually .venl in wilh a half inch nf .irislles slicking al oer his face did a nose lhal could nnl be busted. Things have changed, however. Now ho has a rebuilt terra colta nose and hark-to go wilh it they say the Mmi-;issa Man Kater has grown some link side whiskei.. Mr. Dempsey has' been unable to resist I lie tire lo beauty, grace and senti ment. He has nnl fought since he nii'l Firpo a y'ear ago last September. One writer on Ihe Chicago Tribune says: "We fear 'hal Ihe next lime he enters the :iug, particularly if il should happen lo be a middle-aged dusky freight - handler named Wills, there will be a sudden dis-day of aurora borealis and his dnk wlliskers will lake flight, 'lalf an hour later he will be ask-;ug how come Ihe limited hit litti when tie was half a mile i rom Ihe I racks." I'aavo Nurmj, by breaking Iwo vorld's rccfirds'iii a single night hi Jiis fir1;'nin!ai;Hic(j'i'itV Ihe Unfiled' Slales, 'iisjahlisheiP'-'Iiiio "If as Urn "Man OWar among ill raring men. ,urmi is a Miasler who laughs at handicaps In his fjrst. race at Madison Square Carden be showed lhal lie was a masler of pace when bis canny American opponent 'ried In lure him into the mis 'ake of changing his filaris in or. der lo meel a sudden, condilion. On'ce lljggins the former Columbia star, went oul in front of Ihe Finn wilh a sudden spurt bill Norm! jusl kepi lo schedule md, al Ihe right moment, open ed Ihe Ihrolle . just wide enough ami sini py nay wiin an ihe smooth power of Ihe irrestible or he suggests. Looking back over his shoulder, he won wilh There are n large number of entries for Ihe hiidminlnn tournament tomorrow.' Tbe cmiples are being chosen by a conimjllee consisting or Joe Scott ani A. II. Carmichael nnd each couple will play each nl her couple entered. The games will commoner) early in the nflernoon. 1 Wanted For Sale For Rent X. X 'Ml 1924 fir Imt i Fc'ijf Scnvict Inc WANTF.D. -An aMive agent by Cold Storage V.I 1 1 1889 1815 153(5 1281 120(1 Ave, 702 098 088 018 012 ftO I HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert V. M. Leavilt, Spokane; W Laing, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs .M.iicoim ftniyin, Hiileda e A. Fisk, Prince, Oeorge; Mrs. Fred dale, Swaiison Hay. Central O. Ilardal, A. Wasden and W. Craig,; John Hnll,' Anyox. Mrs. J. D. Haby arrived n Ihe city from Ilucklcy Hay on the Princ,, John this morning and will leave on Ibis afternoons 'rain ior L'Jinonlon. Gi-l rUitaut ni(Ki ttrvel. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WAKTKB ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE an old established Canadian : ItF.CItt ITS WANTF.D Lire Insurance Company for the cily of I'riure Itnpert and district. A splendid opening for an energetic .salesman. Ap-plyHox 229, Daily News oilier: WIMTI-: Woman wauls work hy Ihe day. I'lione lllue 2-78. 2tl TO RENT I'O HKNT.- House, four rooms, 731 Fraser SI i I. Apply William"' Denliolm, I'rovincial liuililiug. if I'Oll Ilh.M. Singer Sewing Machines. Hiione Itluo 389. if FOR SALE FOIl SALF. lioal 55 fool by ft. 0 in. beam, ilrafl ft feel.. 50 h.p. only III iiiniillis old. Suitable for lowing, freighting or purse seining. lloal 1H root by II ft. beam, draft 5 reel, 10 h.p. ft year's old. Suitable Tor freighting or cannery le.nder. Apply .1. Field. . ,213 Second Ave. Phone 23. I'.O. liox HI. ir IMMHllTALITY CorlafnV The life sifter death and a real world beyond is slniwn'fn Sweden-borg's great work on "Heaven and Hell." Over 100 pages Only 25 cenl.s postpaid. . 0. Law, 18(i Kncliil Ave., Toronl o. FOIl SALK. New house, ft rooms bath and panlry. 138 8lh Ave. W. on corner lot. Terms arranged. Write Ilox 230, Daily New.s for particulars. If FOIl SALK. $700 Nordliemier piano for $250 cash, in excellent condition. Phone Iliac!. 271. 25 BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Itoom at the Inlander centrally located, one hair block from Post Office, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf GROTTO MADE CLEAN SWEEPJWER CALLIES Tobacconists Close on Heels of Billiard Parlor for Second Division Billiard Leadership flic firnllo made a clean sweep over the Callies in Ihjs week's second division billiard lourn-meni, Ihe aggregale score being 750 lo 580. The final game of Ihe lournaineiil played yeslerday afternoon between W. Slewart (Orolln) and W. Murray (('allies) ' resulted in victory for Ihe former by ,50 In (25. League standing; In date- P. IL H. P (irollo SI. Andrew's .... O. W. V. A 20 feet lo spare. Simjile diet Callies is one of the explanations ot Nurmi's greatness. II is a religion with him. He believes. Ihe best way lo lriin for running is In run anil, therefore, he runs and jogs aiid walks somMimes as many ns fifty miles a day. Judgment of1 parn-has come with experience. Came T Sea ex perience not necessary. Iteg-ular Naval instrucriir being appointed. For full particulars apply Naval Headquarters, Hays building, near . Totem Pole, on .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7 lo 9 p.m. MALE HELP WANTED :t00.(in a mouth to 'distribute everyday household necessity in rural and small town districts. No money neeib-d. Million dollar firm behind P. Write for pari ietilars and LAND ACT nrucii Lost inil I Four.d,4t I Nolle of InttnUon lo Apply , trl buna. Iii ski-cn.i I. nnl ii M.-ii.nliiiif n I.'IIH III -: (Ninth nf -;i! I TAKh .V'irit.K nf luini.iln . il InlniiN tu hiiii!. ' I (WW till' full..M tiiiiiiiflii'liiir nl i ruMtf fl uf tl . . lMtHy wmih ..r - i . lii'tiilt il.inlcii it tl iMllI IJIUI. illi.l . 1'I.iihI. Tin- l.ik. ilIrtTlly miiiIIi i Hi ik Hit- num. ; l.ikiHl ly nitrni i uiiiinir Jim i i. - Hiu-i Janniii . IHi LAND (id Nolle of InUntlon to Apply IoIhiiu Iii III rrlnrr rill. nuc luiti' ' A ... ., , , , a stale lerrilory desired. II. L. mrdlnit nHlrlrt .r JOHNSON, 579 MeD. rinolt Ave, Winnipeg. ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS wrillen up Halance sheets, rinaneiiil slalements and ir -ome tax returns prepared iiy expert accoiiiilanls. Hales reasonable. Wrilc P.O. Hox 835. ?f DRESSMAKING MlfS. HAMILTON, e.xnerienced dressmaker. Federal block.- Dressmaking, alterations, suit.i and coals. First class work. Reasonable prices. Phone Hlaek 1 0. tl CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Sradtialfi ol Ihe National College or Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block lours. 10 lo 12; t lo 5; 7 to 8. Saturday artemoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Blue 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or (luitj Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni';t Stand: .tOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Llock, Ain""s from ?.w,r ss Hoiei FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy. Sell and Ex. chango New and Secondhand Hoods. QbO. PAPADOPULI8, 839 Third Ave. Pbone HS. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PI1INCK IIUPF.IIT EX-CHANGE, Auctioneers. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Ltit Land In l.niul Iteronlinir IHMrlrt i.n 1 tir fttun r ltrllh r.olniiiiiia, aiUolnlim Lot I 1 1.0. . IAk.K .V'Tiw iimt )'nri- .mhu Itort nf .ineciiiver. Hrlll.h Cnliinibln. nc-rnimllnii nil unil mper Mniiiir,irliiri-l, IiiIimiiI.s to pily tur a las of the rnl-lowltiir (li'srrllxMl liinil: .linnitiiPiirliiK at ii post plumed (,i, ti. witil leant i nnii r (.r 111.- hiu.l rnr Wii,-n iiilli';iiii rnr Irnsi. In l.eliiir. mmli' IIiiiiim' ni.rth 13 ili'R. eal li.r.iin rrl to tin- mmthiMM riirniT nr lien. Uti-Wfi imilll 47 iIor. wi-m r.KS fwi i, m, nth. wphI iNirtifr nf Lot llf.d; iii,.,,,-,. inti(.v ri.ll.iwlnir Ilii. hliili n, in lno 7n r,.,.j liiiiin r Icki, tu 11m- iHilm i,r i',niinii-nr-hii'iil. ami n.nuiiiliiit M-tcnly (7U) trrp. i.". Iiiiiin fir less. I'ACIIIC MILLS IIMITF.n ,''v"""' "f Applli-niil In full) i... i lialnl Dili, injii, DEPARTMENT Or LANDS. NOTICE Application for Orating P.rmlu for th AhiiiicHiioiu rnr ,fniiin i gmf nv i-iiiir mi iiih criiwn raiimi tvltliiu rarh Kl'ylnir .liMIIrt .,r , Prmlnrr .,r lrlllh '.nliiiiiliin, Hiiisl hr f tl isinri l-iUTKii-r nl Ciuiilirnnk. Fnrt n rW kaiiilimrui, .Nrts.,n, I'rlnin import Villi- lihl Ffni.irr; at in., almvr nan iV, .iorla' (! Um""'nl t an'u ut vr- n. n. mapf.n. n,rar,m.n, ZMMn of Victoria, n.C January 8lh, igjs, mlc at Hamai il 1 Hlaim. n. i.. Tlkf. Nntlcr, ihsl Comiiany Limiti-rt. 'f lcnil to apil f' i pr rnllowlliH Ui'ncri'.'.i hi-a. at I hi- lirail nf rial w, llnyal Utiiiiil; Ihrii' , we I. thoftri iKirlh f'.ii wrtt ten Ml I'liain ii water mark: thcii-r mark In point .if cnntalMnir fiticcu :sj , Ion. Si'Mi nvu ' -W I J nalcrt rwccmlii'" r- - LAND ACT. Notlc of InUntlon to Applf la ft Land In Skccna 1 mil Unpen llec.Minir I appmiimately .,n. n: 1 i.f Slfii stall-in 1 i t- i : lllver. Takr nllci lhal nil 'f nil si. h: lultrr. InliluU I, n. In l.lirrlllu. the full, u t l.i.llilllenrlnir al 1 Hi.lithweM n.n.ei if . llanl: thrii'-c ' inatctr HTn an. appnixliiiilel) son . Kllll JlirilS III fNillll I HW prNlnir all Ihii v ' vct nf Lil Id" i a: : acrra, more! m- If TIUIM' Ar Bt:ri- LAND ACT. Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to '""fl in SKCcna i nn, i i trlit f Prlnci- IP :iin, prmlmalcly iw.i nu; nf the keen,l anil In skeena fllvrr. Tako Nntlee that ir l'rlni-' hiifwrt. n.' . ltilrnli Ui applv f. r t Umi follnwlrr cli -.'rihiji Ciinimcnclnir at a p t ninth hli or Skci-na JHf l S rf in Hi" . Ihcnrr Ihenec nnrlheait ' rt 10 rh.ilni alnns ll PkceM nivrr to the p ment, and rnntalnln 1 IcM. OKOP0E ' 1 .ii ' Paleil J.minry th, .I1 f LAND ACT Notlc of Intention to Applf to l" In ManKoll Inlet llanJ Land ni"trn- nf Prlneo lliieerl. Ji.1 W- nn mile aoiith of In 1 let, and In Yrstaium i' Tlitr'Notlce that F. nf Masnfll. n.C Manafter, Intends to ar . tn leano 1h follnwlni ' Cnnimenelnr at a po't r!.'1' (do ef YMtaltnn tiny t- chaln; thenre iat II n chaina: thenee w, -it i1 talnln II acre", mnre i Et'CF.NF. , Nar' I.f,i4 rin...frh' n,IT MINERAL ACT, II NOTICE OP CANCELLATION 0T ir n" IIIVFt matiit i urnriiY re'ervn enverlnir ; , . .( elusive, nature Con" relied, vnf pepnlf MIMl.di'i ' ciennrlmenl nf land. victoria. B.C. I)J i HAWK MINERAL I o In in IhA the Hkii- " , I dlfilAfA nf ' the Il.infre . C.) f! Ineated, Smith nf Frit kaium i.aae. ann nm nn the Fat end nf II W. Tretnn and p. wie . Fren Mlnera" rertirir.ili ' wu.nn 7nnic. , , ' Take Nnllco lhal , Nn. n7n0f:, and Harm , if No. 7nntC. intend al ' day from the dale h', ' t Mlnln fleepeder fur . ' prnvement fir the pint ' a rmwn Oram er Ihe . v fiirthermnre fatu- I'd' c. as nf the Mlrn'ral mencert liefnre llv ' 1 "V' rirate nf tmprnyenienli. n1. Dated U.U !nih dnv ' "7, ,r riVlti WH':'1 ' ie-1 F 1 BEtfi CANCELLATION,, OF7 ,1 r- .notice ts "c-nrov reerve cnverlna trlrt, I cancelled if. n. f riermlv mnllr! t.andu Depart" "fit, Vlclnrta. B.C . l4 10th DecuntiCT, l