January 31. FISHERMEN! I . over your First Aul Kit and see llial it is coh'i- ...m,, ill' f 1 1 Ibillirs Villi should li:ivf mi lit' t n .-" - - - - - 1 ., mi' vmi put li s-'i: mnlNE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS , wc0i BOnACIC ACID 01 ' FIRST AID BOOK . Miur Personal Kit Oil will also need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH ooAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH II ,i- supplies from ii and be sure of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. For Your Kitchen ! Gateleg Tables d Avjitjc and 1st Street. and Sow-back Chair ii. I iiii-IiimI lull ti.ivi- 1 1 l adv. ml. .pi- llial we hi ur enamel iiiui' (o -ml you- .parlnular Earth's Home Furnishings Phone 123 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOC AND SHIPYARD Opsrallng G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enginueri, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, IVoi dworkers, tie. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle." all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SE " 2TW(jT ami ANVOX WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT -aiU from l-rime 'llntt FOR VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, 'ATTLC, ,..u imiliaii: ...u.l rmii r'i'lilay V.uu a.m. Wi .in. mIj , n.oo pin. -A PRisicE JOHN r.,r iikt Vlii QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, , I IVLruary U PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUTERT t0NESDAV, SATURDAY, :.. .MI rr ITlmi- i!i-nre. wiWNIPEQ, mi i. ,us LuMU'li l aiiatl;, I'iiIIimI Slalcs. f j Ti.i.. SNCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAMSHIP LINES. O'fltt. 528 Third Aa., Prlnca Ruparl. EDMONTON. Phona 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAr 6 diliugs from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MAMY cr 'Kctc'nlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway . I January 12, 2G; February 0, 23 rcr Vandouver, Victoria and Seattle -January 2, 10,' 30; February 13, 27 , PRINCESS BEATRICE, o- B-itedale, Swenson Bay, East Bella Bolla, Ocea FIU, Namu, Alert Buy, Campbell River, and Van-equver, every Saturdaj, 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Llrp Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent . . . Tfiirr nt All. e LNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. VANOtoiLL SlHr.K frwil ITllire H'U'frt. '" VANcnn HI' v,01ro',, Swmen By, md Alorl Bay, TuoitU, 6 P.. rop - VICTORIA. Al.ft Bm. flil 8w.ron By, Saturday, 10 A M Fl" ANTdJ' kl'CI RM' TEWART, Sunday, S P.M. M ln a.m?I,T "M",SON and Naaa Rltar Oannarlti, Friday A.. J. U.rn.l... In.nl V.lnfta Runarl. B O i Local and Personal j t, iJ.ll. Undertakers. IMione 41. llayiiem. Undertakers. Phone 3DI You'll liki; our joalt Consum Use Baby's Own Soap. It's "Best for Baby for You". Dest ers Coal Co. Phono 7. If Mrs. Clem McMillan in leaving on ton lil ' train for Sinilhers. SI. Aiidrew'M Society. Special uieciinj; Tuesday, February a, a" H.:iO p.m. llilsiness-. Meiiiorial. We have further reduced our stock to clear by January 31. Look It over. Shockley Planing Mills. tf C. T. Cabrera, M.K.. arrived on llie Prince .lolin this nioniinx from Massed and is registered at the 1'rinee lluperl Hotel. Auetion sale of salved malerial rroiii S.S. Kcnm-colt on February " al .'.an ji.im. at Provincial (iov-ernnn'iil wharf. Hceeiver of Wrecks. . i'7 lloberl Arthur, Jr., who lias been in Sinilhers fur Hie past couple of years, is returning lo Hie city next moujli lo enter business for himself. Halibut boat for ulc. 3(5 feci lonn. U ft. ( in. beam, I-' b.p. Slaudaril engine, full line of year, doing at a bargain. X. .M. Me I. can. Cow Hay. ,-7 Soulbbound from Anyox and I lie .aas Itlver to Vancouver, t'nion steamer Chelohsin, Capt. (ieoreson, was in port al 'J o' clock Ibis morning. l-'ri'il liale was brought lo Ibe city this inoniln? on the Princess llealriec lo enter the Prince Hu-in-rl (ieneral Hosidlnl. Hu is seriously ill and was accompanied by his wife. Iluildio? plans prepared at omderali- trk"es. .lobu Piniler Mitss, A.E.I.C. efc, slxleen year exiwrit-nee as aiTliilec.l and "ruehiral I'ligini-cr, Hi) Suimiii1 Aviiiuc. P.O. Hox It'. I..V.H. l'aiiier Princr; .tohn Capl. .Neil McLean, arrived id !i.:iu III j morniiitr from Vancoii ver via llie Oueen Cbarlolle Is lands. The vessel will relurn miiiIIi on (bp jisiinp route al 8 o' clock .Monday ui?lit. 1 Come and hear Principal John Miller. I.l.. of Kdmonlim. Ice- ture on "Shaeklelon's I'ighl wrtb Ibe lee" lo be g-fven in the new Pr'stylcrinn Clmrcli on the evening of Monday, February 2 al H p.m. Admission 50c. 37 Ovvinjr to the increased price of flour, llie uiid.'rsir.'iied have roiinii u necessary lo rnise Hie price of bread to two loaves for quarter, pomiueneinsr l-Vbruary i liieeirtc lintow MaRi'rfei lliipert Hakery. I .a Cnssp Hakery. CP. II. sleaitifr Princess lleal-rice, 0pt. 'I'hoinns CIHT, arrived from tlie soulb al 3 o'clock this mornlfiR ami returned to Van couver ami wayporls at II. Pas- emrers fridiif; soulb on Ibe ve.-id Ineluiled N. Mundiie for Ocean lyajls; A. ). Kineaid. II. Kameila. I.. A. Mnhnicy and C. II. Ward for Vancouver and .1. Fnncher for Seattle. Mrs. Parsons, presi'deiil of the Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary, re porting; al llie annual mediu of me Prince Ituperl (Ieneral llns-pilal Assoi'ialion lasl nibl, slal-ei thai llie amount spent durimr Ibe year by Ibe Auxiliary in llie hospital ami nurses' home bail lolallcd HH7.1W. Mrs. Parsons expres,., appreciation of Auxil iary for co-oneralion of Hie hoard and Ibe matron. I. C. Me-Itae, iresideiil. ri'ciprocaleil I hoc siMitiments on behalf of the board. Adverliso in the Daily News. IT THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THflEX Share it Hakes CaracasSweet 'CJiocoMe Is a fine eaflnj Ghocohfa Slip a cake in your pocket n if starting on a long walk. Keep i: in your desk f ir emer- gene lunches, or m your automobile. ham m caiiaua er WallerBaker&.Co.Limite'l tiTAtUVlCO I'CO MonlrealCanada DorcheilcrMass. cookui or cno.ct mum urn mcc Mrs. (ieorge Leek sailed fot Hie soullh on the Prince Ituperl yesterday moriiin? in charge oi two Indian frirls, Minnie Johnson and Mamie I.nwoon. who am lo erve six mouth terms al Okalla prison fur vagrancy. John W. Alton, gas boat iu- fpeclor for the Dominion Fisheries, is returninp to Vancouver on Ibe Princess Mary this afternoon, after bavin?, siwnt several days in the city on buttiucss in connection with the department. Alex IliKoir f Slewarl, who will do two years al New West minster penilenlinry for forgery, ami Steve Tommy of Sniilhers and J. Wagner of lerrare, lad who lire being, sent to the reform school, were taken soulb yester day morning by Provincial Con stable Arthur Udlius. Lasl, night some forty boys ami girls were present at the organ Izing meetHijr of Hoy Scouts and tftrl (iuard. in connection with the Salvation Army. The pur poses, ptedjres ami declarations of the organisations were lead ami explained by Mrs. Ilea after which there was a brief musical program eontribulinpr lo which were (be Misses Amelia ami .Vellie (iiirvich, Miss lllva Muiiiford' and C. (truss, (tames were played aid refreshments, served.- A Chinese play In five acts entitled "lime Forbids" will be produced by Ibe Pyne Miu As- soctalion al llie Kmpress Theatre on Wednesday, FY'brtiary I al 7.15 run. The play 'will ilepirl Hie conflict bidween (he old and Ibe new Chinese cusljims. There will also be a display of sword fighting ami oilier events of llie Iweirih century. A limiled number of tickets is on sale al Ormes" drug store. Adniission 75c. Hrsei-xcd seals SLiiO. Po- iceeds lo be dcvoled to the hos pital. 20 ENGAGEMENT OF WELL KNOWN FORMER LOCAL GIRL IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. .lames llaslell. formerly of Prince llupeerl and Anyox. announce the engagement of their daughter, Knlhlc'cu Frances, lo Harry Irving Thorlc). 'The wedding will lake place al Tacouia, Washinglon, on Angus! 20, 1(125. The bride-to-be is particularly Well known here having lived in the cily for many years with her parenls. She nt tended both public ami high schools here and for some time has been leaching school al Anyox. Mr. Thorlry was formerly Willi Ibe (iranby Co. al Anyox. WHIST DRIVE AND SOCIAL EVENING Daughters and Sons of England Entertained at Enjoyable -Affair Last Evening A ;a cry enjornble hlsl drive nn.tnol(iil evening was htdd Just uigbl in the Huston Hall by, the DauRblers ami Sons of Knsland. There were fifteen tables of whist and the prize winners were Ladies' first, Mrs. (leoiTe Scott; ladies' consolation, Mrs. Simon A. Swanson on cut willt Mrs. J. Veirick; men's first, W. (1. Oakley; men's consolation, H. H. Wilson. Solos were sung by 'Mrs. J. Field, Mrs. S. A. Swanson anil Melb O.ivies, with Mrs. I). Wil ton and Miss May Davis accom-nniiving. Refreshments were scned. The rum mil Ice in charge con- sisic.l of Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. D, Wilton. Mrs. S. A. Swanson, Mrs. Joe Howe. Mrs. W. H. Spieaton, W. (i. Hughes and D. Wilton. I Church Notices ! The Foursquare Gospel Church of the 1-oursnuare (iospc!. Mclnlyi-c Hall, 71 1 Third Ave.. J. II. Wiley, pastor; Inte ileuoiinualional in Spirit: F.van- irelicil in message; Hevival ser- vices': Sunday 1 1 a.m. "Th Fou.'spuaii' (iospel." Sunday, 7.;tnp.in. "Tin- Cbrisl of (he Ilibb'. Momlay Tuesday, Wednesday anil Friday 7.30 p.m Kvangrlislic message. 'I'hursday an p.m. Divine Healing service and prayer for the sick. Saturday 2.30 p.m. Children' Service. Everybody welcome lo these ser Vices. Methodist Church The Church of Service. Paslor, ltcv. (ieorge (I. Hacker. 'Dea coness, .Miss Isabel Haddock. Morning service is withdrawn. We will worship with the Presbyterians in their new church. Sunday School al 2.30. Hvcning service al 7.30. Itev. Arthur Itarner. of Toronto will be the speaker. The Salvation Army An hour well spent! Sunday II a.m. Holiness meeting. 2.30 p.m Sand Tray. Junior and adull Hiblc classes. 7.30 p.m. Salva lion meeting. 'Text "Shall we continue in sin?" Special feat ures. I.) minutes song service: music by the band. Sacred solos vocal and instrumental. 'Ten minutes address lo the children. Tuesday 7 p.m. Hoy Scouts. Wednesday 8 p.m. Soldiers' Mcelimr, Thursday 8 p.m. C.C. Class. Sat urday x p.m. Public meeting. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's F.nglish Lutheran Church, Mclropolo ifall. Third Avenue. Ilev. P. I'.. Haisler, H.D.. pastor. Owing lo Mr. Haisler be ing out of town, there will be no morning service. Sunday school at 12.30. Kvcning service vill be coiidiiclcil1 by P. 11. Liney. Baptist Church 'Tlii- morning hour of worship will be lirbl wilb our Presbyter-Ian brclhe.rn al Hie opening of Iheir church. Fvcning service as usual at 7.30. Subject: '"The Dynamic of Ibe Cross." Doing the presentation oT llie power of what seemed a foolish and incredible story. 'The man who doesn't care for churchgoiug will find sonielhing. iif interest here. All are cordially invited. K. O. 'Turner, ,1'aslor. Adverliso in the Daily News. v4 - ANNOUNCEMENTS I.O. D.F. Children Fancy Dress Hall, February 6. Klks' Smoker, February 10. (i.W.V.A. Annual Hall, February 12. (LX.lt, Fuiployes' Annual Hall, February 17. F.lks' Annual February 30. Xovelly dance. Dr. Martel's Female Pills EUv utiUtrd natura thouitndi caiei ltt htlf century, correctinr ciuh. builumr up Btid lrugthninf orgftnt. rtlivinir DhLAYKD, and PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. NKK-VOUSNKSS, BACK AC HE. DIZZINESS, etc, nodancfemuidruiri. SuUonlyln Sealint llin(-CovrrTIN UOX with our tarn Hunt. DruirriiU vf ry where, or dlrrct by mail, rlntn tarkar U 00 lMcktrbcktt RJy C , 71 E. Frtal St., TtroaU, Ca. ClrcaltraiatUa aa rtqiMl. i MISSING! FLAT WORK IRONING Not much left nf washday when you use oui 3,rt fi tish service. No tub all th, cashing is dona. No clothesline everything comes Dack dry. And no flat-work ironing that, too, is completely cared for. The hardest and longest part of washday is missing and this family service is so low priced that it's an economy as well as a convenience. Let us call this week and take away the part of washday that you'll be most happy to miss. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8' ... f i I GET IT AT! HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 ' REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS TUGBOATS YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Dy n 1. ! Phones iuperc marine 423 539 Gr. 601 Products Ltd. 1 Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 Named for the state and truly great Old Kentucky famed as the world's finest Bourbon whiskey. Aged to Perfection. A lime honored friend of yours J OldKratucky Bourdon Whiskey IOTTLCD IN BOND UNDER ruCIUL GOVERNMENT SUrCKVISlON 1 riiis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coulrol Uoard or by the Government of Dritish Columbia