QG Team With Anti-toxin rrive at Nome in Record for 650 Miles 0.IK. .1 :;l- l'''V' persons liavt' tl ifil from I i il 1 1 tiori :i i... I fi'l. I... I ,g In- (1 -i um' and filly tuners liuvi! conic in coutacl wilii ,lillu' i ' if ui- during llii' epidemic wliicli is raging here. I. . I Seppellu, whit left Kill In, 200 mill's west, yestcr- ,v expe It'll ' arrivt' Unlay with :1imi,0OI) units of aiili-luxin. ur mi "'it: tin- different relays from Nenaiia lo Nome will ;vt' iiiutli' 'li' ,1'" "'l'' 'r'P !'' '' foil li eon hours, lireak-,f (hi' vv i record fur ilog (earn travel. ML Y NfcW PRESIDENT OF THE LIBERALS ccted Last Ninht wun James Neville as First Vice- ! i 1-. President I iiniuiiu'iiiy senou.s. II ' lie w , M kiiii'h IKKI liul II iw, I n ' si'iieii iii.n' as a famine. 1,5 '"lii'Uoii lo partial rrop Hie i,.al II,., walet'Miakcd din .,K ,n,fii r,. iriUK( ', '" ""'''Is are diHirilmled lo '".'m sHhm.I - hiliin-n. Coal and ' lielug supplied at nomln-;i nrii'iw i . ...... i. . - . ' 'I "lilllK'S HUM' '"" s,,"i lo liul i,rr,.(.i.,i Hi-fax in" 'lie sum r t'sriu.diio has 'w 'lislrilnilt-.i ,riv,. employ. til -B ll I In 1 .....i "I"'''UI luns JAPANESE CRUISERS TO VISIT VANCOUVER AN ViiAVi'iiii-'fi . , i-i ,111. .11. , 11 ''iiiscrs (,r Un) .lapanesn pfqua.poii left here yen- " ir aneruivep mi, l r i nt I'""' 'l.al port they will re- SECONDRO FOOTBALL CUP LONDON. Jan. .it The see-nnd round id Ihe F.nglish foot-linll eup rouipelilioii was played today with the following results: Itiislol Cily 0. Liverpool I. Sunderland . Kveiitm l. llliieklHirn It. I'orlsmoiilh 0. Sheffield I'. II. The Wednesday 2. Iliiiningliain 1, Sloekporl C. 0. Nolls frfiiinly a. Norwich 0. Wesl llromwieh 2, 1're.slon 0. TollenliaiM II. I, Hnlton I. Swansea , Aston Villa it. Neweaslle ' . . Leieeste,- . Nolls Fore' . West Ham, Ilallisley (I, lliaiirold C. 3. ' Iiriuirord I. Illaekpool I. Cardirr Cily I. Fulliam'O. Soulhaniplon I. llrighloii 0. Hull 3. Crystal I'alace 2. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English, First Dlv. Iliidileisrield '!. Leeds O. Maiieliesler Cily 0, llury 0. Scottish League Division I. Cellie I, Hibernians 1. Cowdenbeath Iluudee 0. Falkirk 1, Itailli Hovers 1. Ilaniilloii I. Mangers II. Ilea its I, SI. .lull us.1 one I. Kilmarnock 0, Aberdeen I. .Minion It, Motherwell II. I'arlirk Ayr L. 0. Queen's I'ark I. Airilricoiiiuus St. Mirren 3. Third Lanark 1. HERMAN KNOCKED OUT BY TOMMY GIBBONS DK.NVKII. .Ian. 3l. - Tommy (lllibons stopped Tiny Tim Herman' in Ihe I li li-il round (if a scheduled len round Hghl. H look five minules lo revive Herman when lie was knocked out.. O.lNUTTiT'ainer" Princess Mary, ('.ml. C. C. Sainley. Is due from Alaska ports southbound t 3'30 this aflernoon. Tho vessel is a day late. AGAIN Annual Meellnq Held Last Night Efects Those Who will Carry On" ' . ONE MEDICAL MAN The annual meeting of the I'rlnco Ituperl (leneral Hospital Associalion look place last night in the i'ily eouucjl chamber There was a large and repre-enlatic atlendance and various business of importance was disposed of including the receiving if annual reports of ollicers. the leclioii oT new directors f'li ll25 and oIIut mailers, l'resi- lenl 1. C. Mfltae was in Ihe chair. ;' " " I'hose elecled dirtiors for I lie ensuing year were J. iv.vijamp- iell, .1. II. Thoiiipsoii, .loiirri i.. Chrislie, C. 11. Klkius, and II. II Little. Ilesides these elecled directors, Ihe full board will include Aid. V. M. Ilniwu and Aid. Joint McKechnie, and one director each appointed by Ihe provin cial governmenl, Ihe Ladies Auxiliary and Ihe I'rinee Ituperl Medical Associalion. Itepresenlalion oT the Medical Association on Ihe hoard with Miling power had been discussed by the Associalion lal year but final decision had been deferred until Ihe annual meeting. Last uiuht Ihe mailer was sellled when a resululioii, iiiou-d by b K. Campbell ami seconded by 1. li. Slewarl, permitting Hie .mcui cal Associalion one appoinled director was carried. To allow of Mils, Hie Ladies' Auxiliary bad consented lo have ils member ship on the board reduced from two 10 one. 1). (1. Stewart staled thai, whereas lie had before op used represenlalion on Ihe llos .lilal Hoard wilii voting power of the Medical Associalion, he had since gone more fully into Ihe mailer and had decided that it would be in Ihe best interests of the hospital lo have such reprt M'lilalion. T. Iloss Mackay lell that. Ihe repres.enl alive of Ihi Medical Associalion should' be elecled al large instead of up pointed. M. O. Mcllae explained thai aiiioiiiluient instead of elecllon bad been considered advisable insular as il would lend lu prevent any single doclor obtaining special advantages. Mr. Campbell's resolution was llien pill and carried. Many Nominated For directors Ibis year tho following names were put in nomination: S. K. Campbell, .1. II. Tlmmpson, J. 1.. Chrislie. II. 11. (continued on page sixj BUYING TAXI I BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining .11 all Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dance9, banquets and wed-ding nvwhere at Anytime. parlies. SUnO Boyal Hotel, 3rd PRINCE RUPERT For rat-fs, apply to Boston ana -c- Grill, Third Ave. WATT VI DECK, Pr. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457, IMI1NCK Illi'KHT, U.O., SATLMiAY, JANUARY 31, 1020. VMtf4tr' Clrtulttlon IMS. PRICE FIVE CENTS USSIA IS FROM MANCIIFSTKn. .lun. III. rvM iigenls Uv? been bu here foe soiiie ilavs idacing orders for ctillon wustf and yarn. J' Is uiiderslood that inure than h million pounds of Anierieai yarn already has been sold and impending orders are consider ablv larger. Finns dealing with Ilnssiuiis retelvl, guarantees Ihey demand. . lleoieiiing of Ihe ltuKin uiarket nrtur ten years inneiivi( is arousing great interosi nere. Mine Company Promoter is Arrested in London Charged FIVE KILLED With Fraud and Falsifying YVINNH'F.O. Jan. Ml. Joseph Myers,- managing director of Ihe Hingn gold mines at the Pas, Manitoba, has been arrested in Loudon charged with fraud alid circulating raise siaiemeiii in regard lo the Hingo property. The infiirmalioii was laid by Hie Attorney (lenerul of Manitoba following representations made on behalf of Ihe British shareholders. Myers was asocialed wilh a number of ocul lnisines men in Ihe organization of Ihe Hingo minus, a Uanadian company. .CHICAGO FIRE t'JIIC.MIO, Jan. 31.- Five peo ple were killed and four injured when fire ib'slroyed a four slorev apartment building. Two oilier of Ihe hundred lenanls are miss ing. Identified as dead are Anthony llardie and Jiis wire and Lord fa Prisor. The bodies of a woman and baby could be seen in- Ihe ibiiri and are believed lo be Mrs. F.li.-abelli Prisor. mother of l.orella ami a baby daughter. HOCKEY SCORES ' Victoria 3, lleginu I. Saskalooo 1. I'.ilinonlon n. following which he went to F.pKlaml and formed the Hingo ('old Mines with a capital of er(M),Mjl which later wus increased lo 75,00. It is understood the reeenl annual i-epoii showed there had been no production aul debts to the extent of SOiO.Tor) were MANY RESCUED FROM BRITISH SUBMARINE POIli SMOl i ll, Jan. 31. -Crowded together in one coin paiimenl of the vessel lo escape fumes uf leaking chlorine gas, 1(5 ollicers and men of Ihe sub- ! marine SH-H, which slruck tlir rocks olT Ihe harbor enlranee jwere rescued yesterday. Vilver'Wo ;'i Mi Mailv Nw FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Opening of New Building And Dedicatory Services on Sunday, 1st. February, 1925 Principal John Millar, D.D., of Ihibertsoii Presliyleriaii tJollege, F.diitiuiton, wilt officiate ul bolh services. Morning at 11 a.m. Evening at 7.30 p.m. All Cordially Welcome. BRITAIN TEAM RACE WITH ANTI-TOXIN TO NOME MAKING RECORD IN SPEE1 May A ! C I. MrK I ' I I!- V Mi X 1 wiiri relires to tho i i - -1-. Foltpwinx li-l of new 111 iln.ls: Hltfhl ti' Knjg and llotl. lion. miIiiiIh: lion. T. I' it ii. A. M. Manson. " i !: .l ! . and F. !. )aw- ! J ines Mc.Nu.jly.' V i. "-idenl, .lamus v 1' -idnil, IIji'I lireej-i.olonel p. M- liiii iltasney. Jui n Lindsay; I.. AV. II' Sell, V. T. Kergi". Iv :r. ). V. Thomson, ' V : S K. Parker and W 1 ains UUl) SCARCE 1 v. allliininhjiol 1 in illlollsly cle?l- I He Prince llii J. - iciulloii at il' Mclropolc, Hall . . . . . I Jm vs intr (.olonel r IN IRELAND Partial Pamin. rnjin--. it.ii But Relief Measures Well Undor Way 1,1 '11-1 -V .Inn ;il. F.neigelie ; lire l.i'iun laken by Ihe '!'i"iiiii'nl In irlh'v,. Ihe food in mii west of Ireland, SON OF MARY ELLEN SMITH ILL AT CCABIN ON TELEGRAPH LINE It. V. Sinilli. sun uf Mnry Kllen Sinilli, opera -lor al Fifth Cabin on I In Yukon Telegraph line, was taken ill yesterday. A dog Irani is 'leaving llaHlon today ill charge of lineman W. lllnckstock to bring him oul. He will lake in inedieiiiPs. The linemen and. oinfraUirt on 'Hie route will u iI ili bringing him out. I 11 in i n iiiirmi i -J ii i in, " i 1 , . , r v . - "ak& ' ' TTT-I I I .11111 I .-II 'll II II J' II llll-l f T7f Despite Ihe grasping fingers of (Mil Mun Winler, Niagara Falls anil roar. -till continues lo flow : HOSPITAL HAS flussic is Buying Much MWUUUL1UK& Cottm and Yarn fYom North o f England Mills Fishermen Resent Imputation That They Have Broken Treaty With United States on Halibut Fishermen here resent (he imputation contained in a teie- gruin front Washington lhal Canadian and American boats are violating Ihe spirit of the Irualy in regard to lie three months close seayon. ihey say that no boats have been fishing out tf Ibis porti "From my certain knowledge no boats have been fishing out of Prince Hupert," declared John Dybliavn, representing the fish bujers this morning. The boats are tied up here ami I have heard of no case where halibut are being caught or offered for sale." - Jarvis McLeod. customs col-h lector, slated this morning lhal no fishing boats hud cleared for Ihe banks and in fact he knew Ihey were tied up here, lie scoffed at the idea that Prince Ituperl fishermen were breaking Ihe Irealy. lie said thai bonis would be cleared . for the open ca in time to reach the' hunks for the opentug:of the season unit he was awaiting in formal ion as lo Hie action being taken al Alaskan ports before deciding usl how early that clearance would be granted. Or eiurs lioals could clear for an Alaskan port at any. time i ii I ft with Canada . afreling I tin "Ioed season, for 'halibut fisli- hig. Hot li American arid (!ana-' lian bonis, are alleged io be violating the spirit of the convert- ion. which forbid the taking of halibiil between Novenvlicr 15 and February 13. CONFERENCE ON OPIUM io FAILURE fil'.NKVA, Jan. 31. The International Opium Conference leader failed lo agree today on I lie problem of suppression of opium smoking in Ihe near Must as had been hoped. Viscount Cecil of (ireat Hrilain and other delegate decided lo make public statements on their position later. FURTHER CHARGES ARE JO BE LAID Goods Aliened to Have Seen Stolen by Chinaman Being Sorted Out and Identl- ' ried Further charges will be laid in I he cily police court on Monday morning agaiiM Wong Ying, the. Chinaman who was arrested early yeslerday morning by Ser- Kcanl Hailey wilh a large tiuun'i- ly of alleged stolen goods in hi possession. Sorllng out of tho articles is still proceeding at t ho station and many have already been identified by their owner. Principally, it is believed. Ihey came from Joe Henl's slore, Sieve King's, Mrs. (ioblblooin and a number are claimed by Charles Wall, colored, whose information led up lo Wong Ying's arresl. Since yesterday more atiieles have been added to Ihe collection Ilev, and Mr. Arthur Harner returned to the cily from Port Simpson this morning and will proceed lo Skidegale on the Prince John Monday night. 4 DEBT TO FRANCE IS DISCHARGED President Coolldr-- Off sots Parti cipation In World War Against Former Aid WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Res ponding lo a statement by the hew French ambassador, Kmile Ih'scht'iier, that material debts. ur well as debts of gratitude must be. paid, President Coolidge. referring lo American participation Ihe desputch lo which olijee-jn the world war. deolared the lion is laken was received here I United plates already had dis- last nighl as follow-: - 'WU'silf.NrTlfi.V, "janT3'C:Th' treasury has ordered foasl guard luials lo palrol the Canadian iml Alaskan coast to help l'"-urce I ho Irealy recently nego- she owed Franco for aldm ths .inierican revolution. whiskey deal greater Amalgamation of Companies Planned Involving Twenty Million Pounds l.O.Nl0N, Jan. 31. The biggest whiskey deal of -modern times involving twenty million pounds sterling has been provisionally agreed upon by Huchan-an, Dewar, John Walker and Ihe Distiller Company, subject lo the approval of Hie shareholders of each company. INFLUENZA IN ENGLAND BAD LONDON. Jan. 31.- Influenza-is causing considerable suffering throughout l.nglaml and a great many deaths have resullrd from the epidemic although tho death lolls are not as high us a year ago. the deaths in Ihe principal cities and towns last week were 200. The epidemic this . winter i characterized by stomach troiiblo and is worst in Ihe midlands, Yorkshire and Lancashire. Many schools have been closed because of il. SETTLEMENT BETWEEN CHAPLIN AND HIS WIFE IS BEiNGNEGOTIATED LOS ANOFLI'-S, Jan. 31. -Al-tornej.s are negolialing a financial settlement between Charlie Chaplin and his wire, formerly Lila (irey. il became known here upon Ihe arrival or Kdvvin Mc-Murray. atlorney and Uncle of Ihe bride. McMurray admitted (hat negotiation were progren-sing but declared that they had no connect ion with any action for a separation or divorce. Chaplin is avoiding Interviews. As to what part if any the anticipated arrival of an heir to Ihe Chaplin fiftiuim will play in Ihe negotiations is not