m "AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES COR- RECTLY. Carefully trained, experi enced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlcaV knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, ' clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist OPENING SHOOT OF NEW SERIES Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. HEATRE ' aw" , my I """" y ffp I QmM kiiiF L UU (Product ion- Ct (pammourJ Distinguished east: Rod La Roque, Vera Reynolds, Victor Varconl, Theodore Kosloff, Robert Edeson, Julia Faye and many others. TOPICS OF THE DAY SAL Admission 50c and 25c. January CLEARANCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Are the last Three Days of Our January Clearance Sale, Get Advantage of our Libra! Offer Ladies' Rubbers at 50c a pair, and Men's Rubbers at SI .50 a pair ure real bargains for lliis weallier. Ladles' Shoes at $2.00 and $3.00 per pair are exeeplionally good bargains if you gel the right size OUR SUGAR OFFER LASTS TO THE END OF THE MONTH. GET YOUR SUPPLY AT 1c A LB. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7th. SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE in 5 different shades. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. HER HEADACHES WERE SO BAD SHE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING oni- Ihi' head dart lo ache ami 1'alii Competition for Cup Presented y.m maj n i aurti tiut the hum cuium by Colonel Edwards Com- rnmi tim stomach, liver or bowels mi menced Last Night j ru,e I"MS, bt" m,Mrl Mure 'r" : iiiiiiuiit rrliff may hi' lai. The commencement of (lie tiht is tin iwiur rvrwdy ror h.n.1 series of shoots under Hie Can-1 a,',,M r tv'",y 1,"r,"' adian Jlifle Association in-ffal Icry jiraelice open lo teams of' i BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ten men all over the Dominion , a n remove tiu m r Hie headache look nine.. here l.isl iiflil linn In a way thai no other remedy will do. , . Mr Win. lU'lp.ird, Lower Slewlaike, i ; i i i. hi shoot h to be held monthly un- xs;wrllM:.., Uhh- rren-d Mr a t til April ami Hie team making, wiu, ,y hpaii. n would ache and adie Ilie highest aggregate score inl until it made me m nick I rmiid not do Hie four matches will be ileclar-1 -ny '''" " "" r""r lw,lll,s r e,l the winner. A cup as'n prlito;, . ' lhll,t. tu.m. fl.m is being presented to Hie succ essful leain by Colonel C. M. Ed wards, D.S.O. Tlie scores of members of Hie local (earn last niylit follow: WESTHOLME T II. Floyd 91 W. Nnrrobin 8G Colonel Mcholls 85 Mortimer F. Lamb 83 .1. V. lliteltie, jr 83 V. M. Hrown 83 V. ltrass '. 82 It. Wilson 79 C. McKwen 79 11. V. Cameron J2 Tonight Only, Saturday headache of any kind." n.B Ji.. Iiai been on tlie market for the lnt 10 years and In rernpnlzed liy all wlw have ued It to lie wllhnut an equal as a remedy fur headaches; put iii indy liy Tin; T. MlllMiin Co., Limited, Toronto. Ol't. PRINCIPAL BRADY TALKS OF CARLYLE Eloquent and Inspired Address Delivered Last Night Before St. Andrew's Society An eloiueut ami inspiring ud-n'ss was delivered before the si. Andrew's Society last night by Principal J. C. Hratly who gave mi interesting discourse of well over an hour on Hie career of Thomas (-arlyle, famous Scottish author and poet. Mr. Hrady traced the life and work of ('arlyle from his birth lo hi death and entered with spirit into Ids subject. There were vocal solos by Mrs. A. II. Hunter and John McLean and a violin solo by. John Hrem- ne. W. Vaughau Davie was accompanist. Thomas McJJIymont, president "f Hie society, occupied the chair and there was a good attendance. I luring Ihe evening, President McClyinonl presented to Hen Ferguson a handsome pipe us a :iri.e for having won the society's recent eribbage lourna-iienl . VARIED SUBJECTS IN SOME NEW BOOKS AT THE LOCAL LIBRARY Among additions lo Hie local ibrary may be found a varied lot fif books appealing lo the aslc.s of Hie different people vho would wish lo read or study. 'Icre are some of thom: "Talks on Talking," by firen-ille Klciscr. "Addresses," by Henry Drum-mood. "Ten Minute Plays," by P.ierre Loving. ' "Tlie Lady of Helmonl," by S. i. hryihe. , "One Act Mays," by G. D. Morley.. I "St. Joan," by C. It. Shaw. JT.ssays," by Francis Hacon. ' "Wiiilerslow," by William! Maxllll. "A Second Serapbook," by; ieorsre Saintslnirv. ! "Kssays," 'by Arthur Sehopen-lianr. "Mark Twaiu'.s Speeches," by S. L. Clcmeiis. HOSPITAL HAS NEW DIRECTORS (eonlinuci from page one Little. 11. Y. a. I.e. ine, S. C. Thompson, lloss Maekay, Thomas MeMeekfn. S. I). Maedonald, II. K lienson ami C. II. Klklns. On tlie 'irsl ballol S. K. Campbell,..!. II. riioinpsun, .1. L. Chrislie and G. II. Klkins wen; (decled, there being a lie for fiflli place between II. II. Little, II. V. (i. Lepinc and Thomas McMcckin. When these three tianies were put up for vot ing again, Mr. Little was elected 'The retiring president I). C. Meltai" declined lo have his name placed in nominal ion as did also Frank llilib. 'life ineeliiig jiassed a vole of : hanks lo tlie retiring director ale. t:. V. Kvitl was re-elecled auditor at Hie usual salury of $150. In recognition of his long ser vice a.x president of tlie board In past years, 1). O. Stewart wae elected honorary president. In making a mot Ion to this effect, S. K. Campbell said he had been requested lo do so by Judge F. MeH. Young, I hp present honorary president. .Mrs. Dibb seconded the motion which was carried witlt enthusiasm. Those present at last night's meeting included President 1. (' TITE DAILY NEWS Saturday, January 3( Children's All Wool Pullover Suits (iartliiial, Dark Maxc- Service $3.95 Boys' Strong Work Shiris til K'lirtL-i ntnl Itltn nni , . ... in iiiiuai iiiio inm, iiimi It .aniel, t-u luiles l o,,e, T d,al. ami ij.iji. nizes i to o 85c SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON Taking whole side 33 'ic lb. W eighl anil price markeil on every side. lift 7 Svl lft I Sw FELS NAPTHA SOAP Special, 75c 10 liars lo carton BOYS' WEAR at clean up prices Mackinaws, Overcoats, Underwear, Hose, Boots, etc. at Reduced Prices Boys' Leather Gauntlet Gloves Willi Slar on cuff. Meg. $1,511. Special $1.00 WORLD MATCHES Special, 35c package 3 for $1.00 100 TINS QUAKER GREENGAGE PLUMS, 2 'i s, in Heavy Syrup. Meg. 05c. Special una vuMrvtn &imwumhu HtAa, 'Ss. Kxlra Mpeeinl, jier (ill . . ; 5. Pre-lnventory Days are money saving events for our patrons All oddments and broken assortments are offered at very low prices to effect a speedy clean up. The limited number of lines mentioned below are but a few of the many reductions in all departments Boys' Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose Sizes to I I 'i. Hog.; $1.25. i'' 95c Heavy Boys Mackinaws Pure Wool Finest materials. To dear $5.45 Iff Boys' Fleece-Lined Shirts and Drawers Keg. l)l)c. Per gm-niciil 55c .Combinations Itegulitr ."St.. "ill. Til It ; $1.10 Children's Oliver Twist Suits Ni'.illy made n S piillein. Heg. SO.OO. S, $4.45 CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY Swifl I Swilk Swift SwJJ EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Special, 5 tins for 90c Limit 10 tins, to each eu.slonier TAPIOCA OR SAGO, II lbs. for EVAP. PEELED PEACHES, :i II.. for .... 23c 50c . . . 20c runt, lahu bPbUiML, otiMiviHUCK OR SILVER LEAF, .1 Hi. Pails 60c; 5 Hi. ais 95c; 10 Hi, J'aiU 15C SI. 85 Mcllae. Secretary II. W. Hindi, I), (i. Stewart, L II. .Mortimer. .Mrs. Parsons, It. K. Henson. S. C. Thompson, Thomas McMcckin, Mr. ami Mrs. T. lloss Maekay, .1. (i. Sleen, II. V. (i. Lepine, S. Sua, S. I). Maedonald, Aid, John McKechnie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank llibb, O. !'. Kelijp, S. K. (Jaiui)-liell, C. II. Klkins. J. L. Clirislie. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1).' l'lanl, 11. II. Little, V. V.. Oollison, N. Mus-salleni. Archdeacon Hix and J. II. 'Thompson. v . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Sunday, February 1 High 7 : 47 aou. 17.7 ft. L'0:I0 p.m. I i.H " Low :0'J a.m. 8,:t " lt:3i p.m. 7.6 " Monday, February 2 Ill:li H: (5 a.m. 1 7.5 fl. 22:02 piiii. I LI) " Low' ' 2:t i aViii. .5 " 15:15 ).in. 7.C " The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co Satisfaction Renewals for Spring Cleaning READY MADE CURTAINS, MADRAS, SCRIMS, NETS, AND MARQUESETTES ON SALE UNTIL SATURDAY. Klrsch Flat Curtain Rods, Curtain Fixtures and Blinds at Special Sale Prices. SPECIAL OFFER IN DOUBLE AND SINGLE FACED VELOURS Single Faced Velours Sun Fast Poplins In Hrowii, nine, Hose, mid (ireeu. Cream, (irecn, Dluc nii.l llrown, a Double Faced Velours Casement Cloth In Hliie, llrown, and (iold. Hale Price nil inches wide, in Cream. Itosu ttwl l,l,r 'nnl $4.00 H..e. Kale P.jce, MTar.l ... 75c ., , , Shadow Cloths '.'' '""J'w UMIi. Sale I'rice, )mr 50 inch Shadow Cloll'i, heavy iali(y . i1",'1 .. $1.00 per yard $2.80 o inch Shadow Clolh, heavy ..ali(y. no inch Silk SI....i.v" ciol'l.'. Spci ial. ,,u : , $2-0 per yard ; $3.75 to Hike Advantage of our Kale will mean a saving lo your. GEO. D. TITE 3rd Avenue. The Quaty Homo Furn&her phone 20 '"" "'" """ 1111 1 .IllJIJlI&iLitMHCTBWTWgyBnggMSainw! wwtww PMWMWggWBS 1