Lav JannaiySriMS. 1 SiMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughneaa wliicli main them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. .. 51M.or.D5 CANADA SAW CO. LMITfD , ,l. MONTik T.JONH.M... BUY YOUR Fresh Meats AT ECONOMY STORE ti;: n ll.'i" per lb.. . 10o , il.i:;' f per II'- 12' 2C .'ill. I 150 J Hill ItOIISlS, III. 20C , ill ll T H.IIIC SIl'ilkK. ' ,, 30o , ;. I Stl'lllS pl'l' III. 25C j! . , Ill, r.n- . . 25o in -in . :' rakes 25c I, I'm . ('.Imps. Hi. 35c l ii I'o.k Chop, per 25c I Siitl' : s-'1' I11'1 . 30o II S, 1 1 1 ' r III.. . 20c Economy Store 423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18. of Evening Dresses 125 per cent, reduc tion all this week "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, BOc Per Sacr HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. 'Hons S80. Night op Day. Wr BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES At Lowest Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT DKNTItT. Helgerson Block. PHIKCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, t U 8. Phone C8Q. Pn Evenings Only Fr peolel Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mar. fob. Business Humming Willi a 111 belter limn a fdfllllKllt Hi go before (III! opening uf Hit' close halibut fishing season, when Imlli Mile American iirtd liiniic fishing Meets will lie renewing nriuainlanees Willi t Ik wily nialililll on Hie deep sea Msliing grounds, Hie shops along I he waterfront are a veritable dive ir industry ami are deluged Willi n rush of "laxl liiiilule" re-iair wnrk on bnals nf I lie home fleet. Kvery availallle hammer, aw ami paint iiruh has lieen rushed info netinii ami "despite I lie touch oT frosty weallier several daring skippers are daubing llieir hulls wilh every conceivable color of paint, the nl.i rainlliar "copper" pcfhaps being the most conspicuous. In a.l.lilion In hull repair work, work is hein? earried nut. Anjona: hoals of Ihe home fleet .l.iiiiK engine work are Ihe Nuba. Verna ami Cape Spencer, all of which will in a few clays he ready for Ihe hivh spots. j Work on Ihe va I road-j w ay. which is being carried out by Hie provincial government, is making excellent progress under the superintendence of road fore-iuan W. P. Anderson. The overhead approach In the provincial dock has heir removed ami a Jang of men are tVoW busy grading Ihe roadway behind Ihe fish houses, which will, even in its prcMcul slale take car of vehio-ular trallie. The jmwer boat Dolphin, Capl. III. liordou. nrriMil in porl on Tui'silay from Kilknlla for engine repairs, and relumed on Thursday. Mi 1'adden Mrnl heirs are busy repairing llieir power boat Oh Hoy al the McLean yards in readiness for the trolling season. A new i ii 1 1 1 house, and cabin are ainniiv the Improvement made on Ihe sludy looking craft. j Visitors Leave ' The launch (h Maby. Oapt. r.nrrie l.ambly, left porl on Thursday morning having aboard .Mr.. It. l.ambly, who is reluming 1 1 o Ihe ranch on Lewis Island ar j I or visiting in Ihe jpasi few days Tor linen!, ami Jack Hodman, keeper 'or Ihe Holland lloek light, who jhas been in Ibwn for eight .lays (on business. While al Hie Holland Hook light, the Ob Maby jiook olT M. (Inodcoop, who has 'been relieving Ihe regular lijrh: j keeper. W. II. Loc,,tlerlrkinn, is nnwv oUicinl 'repair, "slntunf roV Hip rainoiis At wilier Kent fgnilion systems for Priuct' lluiierl dislricl. A large slock carried for marine ensfinrs and cars. ( apf. Kaillam) n riyed curly In SAILINGS to uuitorii Apply to Ann everywhere er J. J. FOKSTER, 0n. AH.. C.P.K. Station, vancouvtr, Telephone Seymour Z630, Lin, rac. ny.( Traffic Agcnll. MAK I KHSKKVATION'S NOW 2 5 FROM ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL , , Fell. (1, Mar. it M..l.tlil!'lr Mi. CI, Mar. 13 . ..nlHaii) Irh. ii. Mar. an l..nlmsn IVh. J. Mar. ? '"" TO 0LAS00W , , Ki'h. T. Mar. 7 ,;,4I',,H'L' Mar. 111. Apr. S1 Mwaaiu.l TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON- SMTlltraB 10, Mar. ID M''1.1!? , .iinrimrii D MmiiPiiiwi FROM NEW ronr, TO LIVERPOOL. . (4 Mnntrnyni MEDITIRANNEAN CRUISE 0 (Kroni Knw Voiki :tnjri nr WEST INDIES CRUISE Frl), SI. rrom Nnw York .. M.nirnynl 'he week aluiar.1 his power lioaf lloyal III. from Oonu Itiver. Can was in t own for some callle fn.l-iler ami left mi Wednesday loaded lo Ihe waler line with a heavy carpi of hay. Ethel June Sold Two Fine A Willys-Knight, automobile for Capl. liuson, owner of I lie Livingstone, ami a 7 Towing Booms The lug' Alredo, Capl. Andy AUredson, left porl on Wednes day for a tow of logs consisting of two boom from Mellakalla to (ieorgelnwu. The logs have been i got mil by Louis Locker, Porcher Island, and W. O. Lal'oinle, llavaner Inlet. The booms. wore ynrdod at Mellakalla. A scow load of lumber for Ihe cily and a scow load of fish box lumber for the Canadian I'ish & Cold SM'i'agi; Company arrived in porl on Wednesday from Cieorge-lown in tow or the. tug M.T.-3., .('apt. Ileggie flrcen. Tlie schooner Heveillo. owned by llradhury.and YeM, will shortly bn taken up nn the McLean ways tor overhaul. After a prolonged holiday trip down the coast as far as Swanson May, Capl. Vic. Mnrcklnnri, owner and skipper ir I lie power boat Cub, relumed In port nn Tuosifay last. Cap was accompanied by Charlie "Slim" Thompson who look the voyage Tor Ihe benefil oT bis health. The Prince Huperl. Ttoalliouse inleresls have commenced the hiinlinff of sand and (crave! from Mieir pil on Porcher Island, and the power boat Pachcna, Cant. A. THE DAILY NEWS vr.r. nvT ' Swansnu, has been .'ouiuiissiolicd :in Ihis service.... The huii.I ami' gravel is for use locally in linil.l dip elr. P.apl. John Malison is' pulling I he finishing ("ouches -to over haul work on Ihe s..'hnoner Fisher In Onw nay. Capl. Oeorgc l.edecos is having considerable engine repair work done on his power I rolling boa I, Skrena al I ho Akcrbcrg-Tlinui-son shops. Hap is well kti.iwp on Ihe Skeena Jin.l is usually-1 ii"5 "high nian"' or Ihe season' when salmon are -plenliful. etc. always i t'nion freighter f.liilliwark ar-"Swanson's rived in norl on Wednesday and schooner , MA I UK flLVllUN UULd passenger Muick car for Capl. Kd. Wenlhiir. owner of Ihe schooner Valorous, arrived in Ihe city on the steamer Princess Mary on Monday last and were unloaded at Ihe Canadian National dork. If passing eenls actually cast their shadows be fore, as Ihe old saying goes, this iuflu of four wheeled I joy augers well for Ihe rapid completion of the Kaien Island road. How about It? You want the best price you can get for your furs, of course you do. I'll pay the hlnhest price so bring them In. The safe bet to the trapper Is W. Goldbloorri, Second Avenue. Poor Fish I wish I were a gold fish, who hasn't any mind, I'd grin from gill to gill before and wag my tail behind. I would unl have a unse al' all, so wouldu'l have to blow il; ami if I blushed no-body'd know becauso I wouldn't show it. I wouldn't have to comb m hair, nor clean my leelh ami nails, Ihe only thing I'd have lo tin is finnicure Toy tails. Dressmakers could mil make me slaml mid slick me full of pins; Hie only draperies I cily for the i would wear would lie my gracerul lenlal Ireal- fins. And since I love lo lracl. I'd swim around Ihe globe; T wouldn't hae lo wear a ha!, nor lake a steamer robe. Dangers cruel I need not fear, in Ihe bowl where I'd abide, 'less 1 was ealen hy the cat or by mistak" got fried. If trying pan should be my fale, I'd sizzle out in peace, I'd follow rii-'hl good company for Mryon died in Oreece. Acadian lleeorder. Purchases Ranch K. H. Ilolifer, well known on Ihe walerfronl, has receully possessed himself of a ranch in Hie vieinllv of Kllkalla wilh I hp nl.- . j dipt, nave uiicliie has recenlly ; jeel nt going inlo Hi.- livestock sold Ihe halihul schooner Klhel I raising business. Mr. lloliver .Mine to Capl. Swansou of Swau-iwas over there weully ajid unison Hay. The new owner was :e, how well Ihe pack horses from al w' I yesterday when Ihe isiewarl, w hich are being winter-hard working girl was headed !ed Ihere, have fared as Ihe result south for her new home wherejnf Ihe luxurious, growth or fo.l-she will he inilialed into Ihe an I. let- in Ih'at country. I he horses, or logging. Capl. Swanson isiwhich were on Ihe lean side after one of Ihe pioneers or Ihe Swan-J u slrenuous season of parking in son May dislricl having laken ihe niiuin? town, have pieke.l up tip prospecting and mining there in IHOII. ijwaiison May derived Ms name from Capl. Swanson and in Ihe early .lays Ihe skippers of Ihe passing steamers Hie engines are eomiiT? in forlilelhcrinjr freight, llieir, final intensive touch whll; leferre.l In il as eonsj.lerahle eleclrical nverhaul) May. wonderfully during llieir holiday, and Ihis fact "inched Ihe argument in favorvnf callle raisinv for Mr. Moliver. ! unloaded '.'(Id Ions of coal from I Vancouver Island for I lie MrCalTery inlercsls passenger j ... I Mar-,.. ony ...An itrurrniT nnrc BIT OF ADVERTISING OF PRINCE RUPERT Alaypr Ni'wlon'jipierviewed in Vancouver is rejiiirled lo have said: "Prospects never looked brighter Tor a considerable in i i I dustrial development al Prince Muperl this year,"' stated Mayor S. M. Newton or the northern seapnrl today. Mayor Newton is tin a visit lo Va'nenuvor. "One or the main reasons Tor such hopes l'lhl fAcI 1hal J. A. Smllh plans In re-iipen the! Liu-erson sawmill at 'il (tve with the likelihood or a box factory and shingle mill being added in Ihe near rulnre, anil the ultimate launching of a pulp and paper mill enlin'prisi1. "Apart from Ihis the eonlrae! for Hie roiimlalinii ami wharf for Ihe new grain elevator has lieen let. and wilh the closed season for halibut fishing ending williiu three wei;s. there will be great activity among Ihe fishing fleels. Mfivnp Vou-lnn miilnl4il Ihp ... ...... ... ... j proposal oi .viayor iveunein Itlalchford or Edmonton In hol.L n ennrerence or western mayors in Alberta invJune In discuss western problems and arrange Tor uniled aclimi fo assert the rights or the western provinces, tfilli i ,n ! ii.nt ;i t rnfftl-mifn In llm opening up or the Peace Hiver counlrv. TEA GROWING PROFITS The price nt good ipialily lea has risen in the last Iwo year between SOe and 25c, per pound. The demand which, has been phenomenal has suslnined Ihi increase and the fnrlitnule owners or lea plantations have earned dividend in some case. or from (50 per cent lo 100 per cent. All those engaged in selling the coinnio.lily--who have not been making any more prorii have lieen honins Tor overproduction. This is inevitable when such pro- nmm. 1 BRONCHITIS I m. bkciiitc miAnAsrrrrn xV FIRST DOSE BRINC5 SKLIEf m i ten Sold in Prince Itilperl by " ORtYlES LIMITED Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrn you. She reads the shopping news. She lik es to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask Tor more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she Wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoerlised goods live up to their claims. She saCes time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bonJ investment not a stock spssulitio.i His are being made and prices1 will then rail. Hut lea is still' gelling dearer and no one can; foretell just when (lie drop will; come---whether in one year or' longer. II may come when lea.: j expected, ; FEET OF CLAY PROVES TO BE ONEOF THE BEST Twenty Beautiful Girls on Surf Boards Behind Speed Boats Seen In Film I'roni the gaiety nf a yachlinic parly at Calalina Island, Amy Loring, young, spoiled hy the generous allowance nf a lialf-sisler, finds herself faced wilh the necessity of work to support a husband, maimed in a fight wilh a shark which hud menace.) her. Such is Hie renlraj sllualiivi or Cecil M. De.Mille' "Keel or Clay," Ihe ilirecfTir-geni'i'ars firsl conlrihulion lo Paramount'. ruinous I'orly. This screen play has retained all Hie modernity, zest and flavor which made Mar- garello Tullle's novel one of Hie reigning "best sellers." The initial beach cenes nt Cat alma, puiirlualeil hy a thrilling race by hvenly lieuuliful girls on siirr-hoards behind Ml! spoed- jhonls, end in a wedding belweenj Amy and Kerry on the huge yacht, en route hack to New loih. iieriua .ansrii, uaii-sis- ter lo Amy, also (nlrrcste.l in 'Kerry, e-uls olT Amy's allowance. In New York, Ihe poor elllci- Jency engineeris a wall-Mower al a gorseous dance given by Merlha. A dance hy Tony, wilh hi wife drives Kerry to inn floor, a dahce. collapse and the doctor's verdict thai. death menace. him if he touches his fool lo Ihe ground wilhin n year; Amy brcoine.s a model in Hie establishment nf Mendick. Then starts Mio play nf two powerful dramatic forces, liar- Extra! Extra! Vancouver Daily Province adds Sunday Edition High Oraile Magazine. Soclinn, Colored Comic Soelinii. Numerous Special Features. ALL OF PltOVlNCK STAND-AIU). INTRODUCTORY RATE DAILY AND Hl'NDAY 1M10VINCK liy mail lo any nd-ilress in Hrilih Cnliimliia tiulside. (irealor Vancouver. 4 Months - $1.00 Yearly subscriptions not arcepleil at Ihis rale. HATH I'HO.M AfiKXTS, 2.-)C per innnlh. Sunday Edition - - 5c per copy SUBSCRIBE NOW , ThriiiiRli Local Agent nr loslnias(or. .Special Nnle All regular subscribers will receive Sunday edition wilh no extra charge. If subscriptions were paid iii advance nl r0c per mouth, proper credit will be applied In llieir account in due course. Ian, helpless, knowing his tiree wife need recreal inn. is frantic,' as Tony ('.banning appears wilh hi invifatlons. On Ihe oilier hand, Amy conies homo at lunch lo find Merlha l.ansell with her husband. This sllualion brings the young rnuple In u misiinder.slandinpr. Disaster impends. And llicn In a novel and dramatic manner De-Mille brings ' feel id Clay' to 'i rittlug climax. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone fit. Caftans. Warehousing, and ')itrilutin(r, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.