I II iiuipver fri ieirms there may he amf lhiri' .eeni lo be many rexardjn? lli arlinn lakfin hy Ihe hospital hoard in liavinsr obtain ed lhi ..services of the National Protective Ajjrnry working nul l.os Ansreli's 16 collect onlsfanil 1 1) hospital areoiiiils, a i'nasiirf nf Mieee seem li he nldainiripr al leasj as far as actual cnlle linns arc concerned. People, who il seenis il was imossile to oh- lain any response from nfhrr wise, Sin now Iieinj? heard from ati'l, in a n ,,,'i,m f Pases, llirrc have been prompt nnynienls. TIip National Protective Agency seems In lii ap unpopular in s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lull, nevertheless.' an effective one. M lasl night's meet ins. of IIm Jioanl there were a 'number nf lollprs ro.nl from persons who Inul received demands from t!o njrenry. TIip hoard did ake. one oxppplion In I In activities of I l(i nonoy ami dial was wilh poof lo interest eharjres. On susfreslinn nf President Hanip-lioll, a inolion was nioved liy .Mrs. Parsons, soonniloil liy ,1. I. Thompson ami carried thai lli.v asency Iip instructed nol lo ip- maud interest on accounts un-loss requested lo ilo so liy Mm lmanl. This was ilono afler a lollor from Mrs. F. Pippr, which has Iippii jiulilishoil, was read. One 'man al Tyco, who hail re-roivPil a lollor from Hip asrnry. nskoil for a job in Iho hospital slalin;; Dial, if ho received it, lio woulil pinloavor lo pay his hill at Ihe ralo or $15 monthly. No acllnn was lakou in this casf . Annthor man said (hat ho hal a ronlrn account against .iho hospital for work ilono in 1920 of Sl'.. Payment in Iho sum of $ll.!iO for a hospital account li.iil .Ih'imi demanded of him. 'iho mntler wa loft in Hip hands or IIm finance rnininillco lo intesti- palo. The .cases of two oilier on s wore roforroil In Iho finance! committee. Ilolh made Hie claiiil ITial Iho railway cnmpaiiy wils responsible for Iho payment- nf their arcoiinls, Slill another man li.nl understood lhat his rliarpes were lo ho covered-.) government as ho hail lien stricken wilh paralysis aflof having enlisted. In IhP course of general ilia-i. cussion.-' Alit.! Hrown; ejhrrssid the opinion thai Hip hospital linad ini'hl at least, engage;. I'a (Sin.nlian collect in agency. Ii'-r sidi-nt CampliPll explaini'il tlifit I I'm National Prolecllvo iliil h'aye Camulian hranches. "Then, why lines il nol institute, its eollt'i.'.-lious for this hospital frpin llmni'?" (luerieil AM. Ilrown. Pie- siilcnl I'.amplioll saiil that all loeal elTorls In obtain paymnl. hail faileil in the cases that had finally boon turned over to Iho National Priilcelive. CRIMINAL CASES IN COUNTY COURT HELD SMITHERS THIS WEEK Two Indians and White Man From Hazelton all Pleaded Guilty 1 SMITHP'llS. Feb. 21. Judge. F. Me H. Young of Prijiee Hupert held .a session of Hie county courl in Smilhers on Thursday and as Mm police station and court room, had been burned1 flown early that morning Mm silling was held in Mm office of Hie Court Registrar, J. A, Rirby. The three prisoners up for trial were frnm lla.ellon, having been cnmmijled by N'nV (J ran I, J.P., of that Ipwn, Two Indians, Wm. rireen and .Moses Wilson were charged wilh scaling .numerous articles fromi the dwelling of Alfred Janes on January 13. They pleaded guiltyj and received sonlpnce.s or twelve and eighteen months respectively. I.. S. Mcpit acted as crown prosecutor. , , . The ntlmf prisoner, Fred Frodoricksnn. vas charged with, assaulting an Indian vyomanj Flleil May, on December li. Ijej also pleaded guilty and was g(vfn a sentence of six rrfon,llis. IL L. iUdiinson appeared fpf Hie defendant in Mils case1 and f S. MpfjiH for Mm, crown. Thn sentences are lo lie served at Okalla, s COMMITTEES FOR HOSPITAL STRUCK H. Little, Executive Chairman; J. H. Thompson, House, and J. L. Chirstle, Finance President S. K. Campbell of llmt liospjlal board has appointed His landing rommillees for Iho year as follows: Executive II. II. I.illle (chairman), J. H. Thompson ami J. I, Ghrislie. Hotiso and grounds .1. H Thrtmpson (chairman) , Mrs. It. fi. Parsons, Aid. Hrown, lr. II. Iw 'I rpinayne ,'ind Hie trovenimeht represenlalive who is vet lo ii't .'ipjioinled. Kin'aneo .1. I,. Christie .(chair man). Mm government agon I, C. Il.i klkins and II. II. I.illlo. :lr. II. h. Tremayne has bepn appninlpil as Hip reprosonlalivo of I do Medical Association on t he board and Mrs. II. 0. Parsons has been appointed hy (m Ladies Auxiliary. Holh those diroetnr took Mmir seals for the firs! Ii.mp. I hi yi-ar and were duly welcomed at the regular month ly mooting of the board lasl night. Ten Years Ago . In Prince Rupert February 21, 1915. Church parade of tho 08! h Heginmnt Karl '(irey's Ilillos look place Ibis morning. Proleslaul nminbors of the regiment went to Mm Church of England where they wore addressed by Canon O. A. rtix and Mm Calholic inpni-bers went to IIm Homan Catholic Church where Father Huno. conducted Mm service. There were very large general congregations al both churches. C. F, .lennlng, general agenl of Mm Ornnd Trunk Pacific nail- way, who is a visiior here, an- wotMwuasuuuiiutmuntjtjuui! prince &eorge TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Print Bithi BUHOPEAH PLAH MINNtlT THOMPSON. MAN'S. DIR. iKKjuouonm MMtOOCKKKKHMNIttl ftfis Guaranteed Sold in Prince Flupert by DRMES LIMITED nounces that it is being planned lo instiliilo a daily through train service from Prince' Honor! F.asl this spring. Tlie .first Prince Rupert over seas onntinizenl n command 'of l.ieul. Cof. C. W. Peck reached Halifax loday on its vay lo The Man in the Mood AYS: F you'd a million dollars You's be so stuck with dough VnuM very soon forget your friends i.i'Ki! other folks I know. .lake.. ';TI0SH who sliiv- otlUlalo Ji Mil city are. warned that Mm same is not vorth Mm scan'lal. IHi' dolh the busy bolshevik .Iniprovn each lurid hour; Willi sophist i 'ies lie makes Vim 'sick, . - In see eking" after power! x.i'KACK Hiver negotiations: are still making, progress. Lot's be thankful for even small mercies. A 31 AX is old when young poo-plo worry him. A woman is old wljcn she shivers if slm fools' a ilrnuslit. ' " . 1 ': AvitA'l' didf,' iV i'riril a Vnaii if he gain the whoie world and lose his roll? lie should drink liltle less. 20 PER CENT MORE FOR YOUR FURS A fur ieaer being dissatisfied (h Ihe price offered for lis prime furs in Mm south had the shipment returned and received twenty per cent more from me inn he was offered elsewhere. Ilemeniber wn are slill short 3,5 li! Mink Skins. Oe my rpw- alfons before disposing nf yoiir slock. f fur market prices drop (I docs not affecl' my customers. guarantee p pay tnevailing prices until orijep is filled. must have Mm pells. Trappers $25.00 ionus paid for Hie best stretched skin. WILLIAM COLpHLOOM, Tim Old Unliable, Fur Man. , I he; fr.W.y.A. slajrefl .one. ' r,f lh? iiesl g. Valeniine.'s dances neifi riere in yei(vs. The music w.i excellent artd arj 'Mrjiisum mimnrr oi gnna eosninmsgyrt sie.s, piprrols, plexites, (adieu rrnm turcm$ and Spanish ladias: The prizes were awarded as fol. lows; ladles most original, Mrs 1 '" . lained H. I). Hridgo nub enler-Miis week at 1 In (ionic of Mrs. Frosl. j Dan (.lacimr was jlemo o atloiul the lino's dance. family on February Ifi. up from SI. Valen- The W.A. met Ibis week al Hi ionm of Mrs. Nash; Mrs. J. loues being hostess. The Oddfellows, Mm Xalive ons, Mm lleliekalis apd Iho O.w. V.A. unileiLin -iresenling a purse to Harry (frpeliuan who Is loav- ng .suirlly. , The anmui eslry mooting was hold lasl w'oek and il. proved a very nlhus.iatie session. The church wardens: A. C. , Fowler and F. C. Hishop wore roeleo(oi. Wui.' Allw"od xvas elected veslry clerk;. The sidesmen for Mm year' are Men. Dover, Win. All-ftood, .1. Xiirringlon, It. Cory and It. Kenwood. Tho reporls from Mm various church organizations were very encouraging. nes of ihaiiKs were passed lo Mm 'o- limn'.s Auxiliary anil lo Iho or- iliist, (rs. Xash. SMITHERS The proipised reception and afternoon tea to bo given by the S.y,',A. in Mmir club rooms was hold on Wednesday ami was (Mended hy siiine fifty ladies of he. lown ,'ind dislricl. The nf-.lit was niilcli enjoyed by Hie senllcr sex, who were, greatly Mirprisoil lo find how comfortable and well arranged Iho Association ipiarlers were and piaiiy compliments were lender- d Ihe otlieers In attendance. ... Wiggs ,' p;X'oili' Ihe, Huiilhers Fold dfieliij vs'('s,' ,1'bA reei'pie'nl of .urvvsO'f it (i!i ' iVaneouver; , mini her sou was added to his One of Mmir periodical card drives was held by the llebokahs III Ihe lodge rooms in Woilnes day niglil. The winners at bridge wore Mrs. Clavering and Mr ttonimtt and at whist Mrs. !iini ami .Mr. .1. it. .Mclnlyre. As us ual Mm cards were followed by daiufy supper. A Mm rerpmsf nf IIm lady superinlendenf, the hospital board deciileil lasl night lo pur chase Iwo new round I aides for Ihe nurses' dining room renlac Ing Ihe present long lables which are nol suitable and have become Milapiilaleii, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Sunday, february 22 High :Y2 a.m. 10.7 12:57 p.m. 21.7 Low 7:0 1 a.m. 5.2 to5 ,in. o.o Monday, February 23 ft Ilrgh" . :.. j tiff il.m. "().:, ft 13:15 p.m. 22,n Low 7.:!2 a.m. I..T 20: Id p.m. 0,!i Tuesday, Febuary 24 High 2 :2rt a.m. 21.2 H;32 p.m. 21.0 Low - :30 a.m. 3.0 20:50 p.m. 1.5 . ifi.in - mumannj PAGE TOUH a:itrdn - 1 i 1 : - . ' . ...... i rmi jss. a vs irrrn COLLECTING diwnuiivj ur rAinLiv j ww5 - . i 1 1 I HUHIHGWC (ILUtMBfU IHOwqOTqU If 0D VOU ) ITt"-, filoZ AGENCY BUSY -8 mm A, f TH fbl , llCETTOfoLECP ie.SPCCTME.TOC.ET WAE1 i ZU V 2f l 1111 ( J. .1 A.M 'rr ZIZ2 il0.?" Jo I I 7JI ?y --. i 'vj v.ix i inuc I l P m sic-'- sSJ i nr. i i i it i ni I . I J) - . i v Meets With Some Success Getting Money for Hospital PROTESTS RECEIVED y , , otto . i r-r . i 1 1 1 i mmi i i mnA !iL.ojim! 1 1 v s-im i ? i mvt 1 1 i i w i 11 i ui iti i t -y v i v-f j f ' Ol 1 NiH AlivYSJSir UW -i f I 1 Wjrrcm&.n I wv v-y ' 925InL F.uri SfRv.cf. Inc . Tli s'-"-' ll E ' I iVl J I i DAUGHTERS AND SONS OF ENGLAND SOCIAL Enjoyable Affair Was Held Last Night In Boston Hall With j Good Crowd in At enjoyable whisl drive and tocial was held last night by Iho Sons and hatighlprs nf England in Mm Million Hall. Winners at cards were: Ladies' firs!, Mrs. Son! I: ladies' ecoiid, Mrs. Tuck; men's firs I, ipnrge I.oek; nici) s second, .Mr. inodsal. Afler cards, refreshments were served and, Mrs. I), fillon accompanying, solos worn rendered by Mrs. J. Field and Mrs. Ninon A. Swanson. Then (here was a short daneo, Mrs. Willnn presiding at the piano. Tim commillpe consisted of Mrs. S. v. ("ox f convener!, Mrs. U. Willon, Mrs. S. A. Swanson, Mrs. Smeelon. W. O. Hughes, It. Yates and Mr. fioodsal. fall.. JKT$ LIKE . Xash Xash .ts .ts a a ci 1 w cross word puxzlo; besl cosIiiiup, Mrs. Kggleshaw, in .?n parly Victorian drpss: c-omic, Mrs. W'.'ureii as night. Afen's prize, Nort- Hall. Mall Allard made the trip in 'rom Kaltim Lake early n the week and reports Iho road not aad for snow shoeing. Mr. Mold who left for Iho lake with liisl ream round' il very hard breaking (rail and look almost' five, days for Mm (rip. tural Mean Marsh spent a soupli! of days at 1'sk Jhis week. Wanted For Sale ForJRent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WAWTBB WANT lo hear from owner huv-farm for sale; give parlieulars and lowest price. John .1. Itlaek, Cliijipewa Falls, rrm PLAIN' lllack 2:t7. SKWIN'fl, phono Prices reasonable. POSITION WANTED MAX AXD WIl'F. to cook in camp or run boarding house for summer. F.xporienced. P.O. Ilnx ltin.1. Prince Hupert. H.C. If. MALE HELP WANTED $.100.00 a month to distribute .' everyday household necessity in rural and small town districts. Xo money needed. Million dollar firm behind it. Write for particulars and slate territory desired. II. L. JOll.X- SOX. 571) .Mpliermott .venue. Winnipeg. FOR SALE FOIt SALK - -Chicks, 30i; each (nol less Mian dozen lots). Order now for famous Columbia Poultry Ilani'h, ISomutioii, Provincial championship egg laying strain. Order through local agenl, John Pindor-Moss, P.O. llov 027, Prince lluperl. H.C. Special allenlioi to oul- oi-iown onmrs. i: OH SALK. Davenport, healer, etc. lied, dining table, linoleum, lables. Phone (led 700. 15 TO RENT HOOM TO HF.XT in ci.iiiforlablo home. Ilrcakfasl. if desired. Apply 3:in Fourth Avenue Fast. If OH UFNT. Singer Sewing Machines. Plmnn Illuo 38!). tf BOARD JOAHD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. FOUND OUXD. Hunch of keys on steel ring on Fourth Ave. Wesl. Owner can have aajne by iden- FhUXnliiini'lrof keys on rltW ineluding one C.N. II. switch key. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUND, Pair of child's brown woollen mills. Apply Daily Xpws ollice. WAR MEMORIAL CROSS TO ANGLICAN CHURCH Later Will be Transferred Armory When Such Is Erected Here to M was decided by Mm commil- lee consisting of representatives from Ihe city council. ( treat Win Veterans' Association, and Xorlh H.C. Ileglment which met lasl night in Iho City Hall, Aid. Hrown presiding, lo make arrangements for Mm permanent disposition of Iho war memorial cross received from France, thai it should ho deposited in Ihe Antrlio.in PlmrA in MI such time as an armory Is iniill in the city when It will be transferred to that eslnbfish umnt. Tho nalure of Mm cross is such lhat il will not stand out side weather. I hose allending Ibn rneellng lasl niKhl wore Aid. Hrown and Aid. Mi'hechnle, ropresenllng ine e ty council: Fred Pvln nnri n L. Ynungrnan of Mm Orpat. War eorans' (Association; Capt. ft W. Cameron nf Mm Ilegimenl and Archdeacon G, A. Itlt. HOOFING "KI.ICKOpD'' Coaling. The besl coating for shingle, iron ur paper roofs. II preserves the roof and slops the leaks. Also roinenl waterproofing. Cheapest ami best. Ksliuiales given. P.O. Itox III. Phone 10. RADIO! RADIO! A II K you interested in.Hadio sets or pans: i ran save you money. 2 lube sols complete with aerial, plumes and batteries, installed, $55. Phone Hod 707. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or (lust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or NiM Stand: .tOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from 7,mrrs Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Storp. We Uuy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Ooods. QkO. PAPAOUPULIS. 839 Third Ave. Pboie 4ft. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult Us when you deslro lo sell or purchase furniture, or any arllcle. PIHNCK ItUPKnT EX-CIlANOH, Auctioneers. TIMBER SALE X 6103. Senlwl Ti-ndem will m rirflvfil by lh PUlrirl FiifPHfr imt Imrr llian nnoii on I hp I3lli it.iy i.r M.inh, 185, Tor Ihf purrliaH or I.lrrnrn XSI03, Lot I i'A, C!tl lnrr of Msfit lAlrt, oilmen r.riiir-li.llc Maiicli liuirlrt, In cut 59(1,770 lmanl reft if prili'i. ChUt. 111(1 llflll-link SawhigS. inio (l i your will hi- illownl for removal nf innlipr. riirthrr particular ir tlw Ciller rnrcii-Irr. Vlrtnri.1. or Hip Mmrlrt Former, I'rliKO lliipert. H.C LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to P'irchi L.ana. In Skeena Lanil Iinirlhl, I'rlnrn, riuiHTt ui uiim iiiri i, sun Biiuaiir un IiIiiiiiI lii skrpna luver Ininieillately win ID or Salvua Inland. TAKE NOTICK that Uonirla S, Clarke of Unrmiby. H.C.., occupation Salrcinan, llllemK to ami IV Mr nci inllnn 1.1 mif. ihuse Urn follnwlnir 'rrlbi-il land: i.iiiiniii'iinuir it a mm pianled on the ftMerlv end of the ll.iinl ivinr imm... illalely ooiitli of salvuo Islaml. nail) iak ui-iriK pianirii at tlm eati-em rat end or ald l.iland, and rontalnlnr all or said IMand. Tlii Ktake 11 nlanted lull vardi rtlrerily Kiiitli or Snlviu StaUnn and con- ijiih inn name or liuunlaii s. Clarke, and ulaki'd hy airent Tlionui MUM, ami con-talnlntr son aerea, more or lem. nonius s. ci.AnKE, I'lT Aent THOMAS MILLS. Dated January IJlh. I0JJ. LAND ACT. Notlc or Intantlon to Apply to Purchaaa Land In Skeena Ijind rimrlrt', or Prince llllliept llAr,p.1lni THjtnlnt .... ........ ........ .......u,,,n .'.--.iimi, aim piiuuir appriulniaiely one and mm hair miles Wel ... ...u ,iiqi mi nnmi jaihiiu. heriiu IllVer. Take Nollre that Ilndftir Laranon. or 1413 ('arlfln 41 lt.ii.t,nl. ' - - ,., ,, jt ... . i'l, null l.oirer, Iniendn to apply rnr terml.lnn imiii nu7,T mi- iiiiiuwiiiK iieirrioeu lamia: Ciiiiiiiieni-lnir at a pih planted at Hie iniiihweM corner of Lot 4HH3, Snlviu Island; thenee RuiitlrAiftcrlv, annnul. mutely soil yarili: them-e northerly approximately SIM) yards: thence iinMliueni. erly anprojlinalcly 800 yards; thence Kiiiu iii'riv mill vnr.id f.,.i,., ..r .An.i-...i.. comprli-lnif all thai portion of Salvua Islam B,r' seii.i ami roniaininir sou alien, niurp or ies. THOMAS MILLS A rent for ni'iioL" LAnsso.y LAND ACT Notlc of Intantlon to Apply to Laaa Land ... i ii.i.o ,i,iirri uaiiii nmrin. un-corrllnir liuirlet it n.innu n..nA. ... ... m'and "n r,,,"ri",rl torn. I'rlncp'ai noyal Take Nfitlce that Someryllle Cannery r "'"' ' .r permission in lease the rollowln ilerrll)erf .nnds: Commenclnir at the head of Itarnnrrt Cove. Princess Ruial Island: thence east rive B) chain; west ten (101 chains, more or lesn. to low water mark; thence south niona- ow water mark to point or commenronient, and contalnlnir nrieen (15) acres, more or soMEnvur.F r.ANNrnr COMPANY LIMITED Name or Applicant. Dated Dece1ber7t,i,,r.,0n Agent' For tha East i i it . j Lost anil Found,4t .iuiiiinys. m h:.; T:y.iV!!i urdays, closes ai ipm: From the East .Monday. W .izr-.'.m , Fridays, due in i To Vancouver-Tuesdays Mail closes It 1:15 M Snllieiln va ii Fridays, 8: o C.P.Il. Tom ,.,x 'v i3 crom VancouYtr t . . . J . . . ounuay; .. j, j Wednesdays ?J Thursdays ) C.P.Il. Fi hniai-y and Premier Wednesdays ; t '' J Sundays f From Anyox, Alice Arm, Saw and Premier Tneirtavs Fridays i To Port Simpson and Naasl Points lniirsuayn River Points Saturdays to Alaska Points Fehruary 23 From Alaska Points-February 13 and 7 M M . i.,,. i.i... e. IV UCVII WIIOI IVI.W .W -- February I:' ;s"il From Queen ChasloUs iw Points-February 11 and 28, BOX COLLECTION P..M. M r..am A Allln Avm. -MS 1l Ave. & Eighth SI Mh Ave. A Fulton SI sth Ave. 4 Thompson st i In. it I ul.Arltrnnki 2.30 0 It'll laiti ..'liviaa-'"" M Ave Y. i I I.I Avo Hnnrnd St tM v' tii. do t llnva (Inve mil fye. is uonon .Vi. r'- 3tli Ave.A McBridi h' Pro. Gov, WdK9 Prov. Uov. Whar ti.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. & 2nd SI on inu r.asi cn W. Trestnn and n. .V'; -"1!.', .1.00 3.it lit 3.15 Ird Ave. i Ful jn St, S. ; Irri Ave A 8th - MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL plnil Sllnale in the ski ".,' S v neated. South of Y I ;rfl : kalum Lake, and aIJ inlir'" ,,.mt L.. TI ft I rcn Miners' i:erni'- " , Wilson a7ooic. iPm Take rtnlfrii that we wT"1 r.ti Xa. 7(ilor and I'av.J w, rf r No. (l70nuT. Intend at mKU i' days rrmn the date hereAW ' Minlnir necorder for ; ,w provenients ror the Prr- ,w, a Clown Orant or Ihe v t rm tliermnre take not. -f m w ?er. 85 or the Mineral J I ,.rn t menced Serore the U M"-ricate or Improveniemf 19 DaieiMhl,..;, osnn Yr HIOSKUIIW ia TAKE NOTICE thai ' 11 , ..ruinli Jj lied, nr Vancouver, nilt -n a W .enlis J end Par-er lan..racn.rcr for a lease or the I'f.J. lands. In Coast Ii.-irn f" K Province or Hrltlsh ' . ' ,'''mV '"J water lot on the w- ; "fa llil"1" let, morn particularly Cnmnif nclnir at I', Vli,.n f Si tide Hue on the wesl Wj " w ) Inlet illsiaul snnlherly , lot from the anhtheasl c ,iwin- Ji Const ruslrlrt, IliiiiKe , rr. . 43deir.K.. a distance , rf v, loss, to Ihe souineasi . ,,f.. lot lln; llicnce n',ffl ,), i'l'1' 1 , f Ihe .mill bonndary Ai a distance or ," iMn"'",,! corner or said lo ',' her" "'S' Ihe hlh tide line f W r"Jd rnmnipnrt iiiciiv, vu