February 51, 5. - ...In MimIcI 4 III I His MastersVoice Victrola i mow happiness lii llu- whole family i, Illf( Tnr the money. Sold "i easy lenn v, in : tin1 nnill payments. ! ' i''f.',ls o inJ double ; si (i.oo Cuh jiihI .$10.00 per nionlh. ,n hhI double records . . . .' 10.00 Cash and .$10.00 per nionlh. . (i o double sided records Sir. 00 Cash ami .$IS-'.O0 per nmnlli. , i rt-nlc for complete catalogue. than any You wilt $56.25 . . . . $66.25 . . $142.50 FISHERMEN! i,, d r vim r 'Kirs I AhI Kit iiml -ei- Ilial tL c m- t it... 1 1 i . IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK i -nti; I'cr-ooal Ivil von will d o -d RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR 3 LACES SHAVING CRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH lii iriiplies from ih and he -tire of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Flexall Store third Avenue Phones S2 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. DOWN"' SILK COMFORTERS $10.00 to $14.00 "HITE AND COLORED COTTON SPREADS (English rnadei :4 on. r. rn end sr.30 . I - J -fW-WV T IHEETS AND PILLOW CASES, $2.50 each and 45c each respectively. arrie's Home Furnishings Ird Avenue and 1st Street. Phono 123 eddi Requisites upert Fish Fresh Trozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Hnnah Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockoye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish CrabSj Shrimps, Clams. adian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. lli!)erson Block. )r. F. P. Prliv Rupert. B.C. Phono 100. KENNY DENTIST "iy INIiioute on your H.ul.il Work CROWNS, PLATES, BillDGEWOrW I Mi'iiiidilionally (iiiaranleeil. ' do all my vn work. This menus PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE f Local and Personal a.. N.C. Undertakers. Phono it. Ilayiiuw, Undertakers, Phone 35 1 You'll like our joall ims Coal Co. I'honij 7. Youll like Mapllsl Church. Consum niylaxi! Iteason- alili- charges. Phono aol. day or night. C. V. Symes. ' If Postponement. Mi-cling of the Prince Ituperl Mowing Yacln Club has been postponed to February .'3. U Knights or Pythias and. I'ylhian Sister.- please meet Sunday, Feb ruary a, i p.m.. at-lodge rooms for annual church parade to Wo are open lo receive offers on the following: floors, windows, siding, boat cedar, hardwood, ; lc., Shocklcy Planing Mills', Cow Hay. . li More lieal--less ash. Union "leiimer Chilliwaek- has unloaded MOD Ions Xanalmo-Wollingloii coal for Albert & McCalfory. Ltd. Phones HO and SGi. . The Catholic Ladies' Aid hold u lea al Ihe home of (i. V. Niekersou. 520 Fifth West on Monday afternoon, from a to U. eonie. i: wii. Mrs. Ave. Feb. Fveryhody C.P.H. sleanwr l'lincess Ileal nee, (,apl. Thomas til I IT, arrived from Yarn-Oliver ami way portal li o'clock this morning, sailing on tier return soulh al II o'clock. I'mon sleanier Yeuluro, (Japl. A. .lolinsloiii', returned from Anyov and I lie .N'aas ltjver at 'I'clurk Ihis morning and sailed al In o'clock for Vancouver and way purls. The Canadian Steam Laundry and I lie Pioneer Laundry ulmit ted identical lenders lo I lie ho. piiai ui-i iiiKin or :i:iii per month for hospital laundry. The mailer was left with the finance commit Ice willi power to act. An effort will he made lo have a re duct ion. .in price of laundry whiuh is coiisiilereil at e.MiiiiilaiiL Tin1 executive coliiloillee o l lit- ho-(.ilnl lioanl lotfctlier vvflli Mrs. It. C. Parsons and Mls Kdilli McCalil, ll.N., were dele. Kaled al I lie meelinir of Ihe lioai'd last nilil lo make prcpar-.il iiiii for Hie ohservauce of Nati-oial llo-pilal )ay on May l- Ur. II. (J. Wrineh,' M.L.A. of llaetlou is reKioual committeeman for llrilish Columhia. Mis. Allorf.of Victoria applied to the hopilal hoard last uiplil for a position as laboratory technician til a salary of $50 with hoard and room or 7."i witlioul. The mailer was referred lo I In- finance committee willi power lo act.. The susrees-Mon va made hy Dr. Trcmaytie that Hie cnjrairiMncnl or Mrs.'Al-lorf iniKlit he of value lo Hie hospital. The Tirsl regular monthly nieelinw or Hie jT, hospital lioard'wsis hehl last nighl in Hip city police court . 'those in attendance .were President S. K. I'.amphell, Vice-Piesidenl .1. II. Thompson, Secretary Harry llirch. lirv:dors Aid. McKechnie. I. L. Chrislle, Dr. II. K. Tro-mayne, Aid. Itrowu ami C. II, I'.lkins und Mis Kdilli Met Saul, II. .N'., lady siiier-nrti!iideul M. P. Olson, formerly of Alice Arm, was nut nhoard Hie sidioou-er llnysporl. No. a, which It Is feared fimmlered with all hands on hoard in Milliuuk Sound on the nighl oT January 2.1, il .has I definitely a -lained hero. Those aboard the vessel were Iwipl. It. V. Parkin Vancouver, master; son, of Vancouver, male; L. 1 Policy of Vancouver, cuKineer and W. D. Woo l of Vancouver. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE ENDED YEARS OF BAD HEADACHES "Fruit-a-tiyes"Comp!etely Relieves all forms of Headache MRS. HONORB VAUQUETTE "For over three - years, I was troubled with very bad Headaches, Nervous Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles. Then, I began taking "Fruil-a-tives". Very goon my condition improved, and thanks to these wonderful fruit tablets I am once more entirely well". Ihe wonders of the famous Fruit Treatment are only revealed when you read a letter tike this, which comes from Madame Valiquelte, 1133 Notre Dame St. Montreal. "Fruit-a-tives" Is the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, intensified and combined with tonics and forms a complete fruit treatment for Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Skin Troubles. 25c and 50c a box at dealers or sent hy Fruit-a-tires Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Mrs. tieorgtt Frizzell sailed this iMornmis on Hie ennire lor van-eouver mi a business trip. I'ylhian Sisters his! Drive, Monday eveniiifr, in Hie Huston Hall, al K.ao. Admission 50c. Everybody welcome. Don't fore Ihe Men's al Ihe Arrslrean iJhurch .on Tuesday, FibrnaTy al ".an p.m. Tickets s 1 .00. (iood speakers, good music and a point " Mrs. t'eftgy '' Hiddleseuioe, iileadinu' uuitty to" a cliare ot supplying liipior liT Indians, wn fined SU and cos'li liy Milkis- ' Irale Mclilymnnl in the city potice court this morning. Motorbnat Prosperity, Capt. Hrindlc, was in jinrt this morn-lnr discharfrliij; toils of palladium roneenlrale ore for transshipment Mast over the Huuadiau .National Mail ways to Irviiilou Mueller, .New Jersey In connection willi certain alterations lliey are, making at Ihe hosuilal, .Mitchell iV Curric have ottered to put in more ex pensive silass than was spocillod if they are allowed lo salvage Hie old glass lhal il replaces. 'the hospital hoard, al lal night's Hireling, accepted Hie oT-rer. Weston Coyney, who has been a patient, in Ihe local hospital for n couple of years', may shortly proceed to Kamlooiis In enter the home I here. Mr; (loyuey is heiur assisled in his etrorls Jo Ihis end by Ihe city ami liospijal hoard and aiiplicaliiiti for admission lias been made lo Hie provincial government The hospital hoard last night decided to dispute an account for y:i 1 1 . 1 r from It. llogmeisler of Vancouver who' claims this Sinn for repairs lo an transformer, Ihe work on Hie hoard deems was unsatisfactory. It is claimed lhal lie transformer Idow out shortly aMcr the repairs were mailo and had lo he replaced. ton of Wesl ll'ync Min Cliinesn Association M. (i. Addi- for the sum of 7!).C0. 'Ilial was Oafey's Own Sam n. . -w v. rv n a "You turned over lo llm hospital as 1 1 he proceeds oT a concert re-cenlly hold. The hoard lias also .received from the secretary. Harry llirch. the sum of 21 being the pr eds of a ruffle for i50 which was won by John Mn-1 Itac. Advertise In llii Dally News 1 . , , I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! I Foil HUNT.. -'Five roomed houso wilh. lialh, 7211 Firfh Avenue Wes't, . Apply , MoMeekln's Oroceiy,- 17 "A million dollar order." Lutheran Church ? I Church Notices J Baptist Church Morning service at II o'clock. Subject : "Trullfj Hoyally." Children's talk, "A chat with the sipiirrcls." Hilde school at 12.15. KveniiiK worship al l.'JO. Sub-jecl, "The Touch of the Sword." An address to the Knights of Pythias. Soloist, Mrs. L. U. Larson. A juost cordial invitation to all. Salvation Army You will feel al home in the Army. The young folks' and seniors alike welcome every stranger, tflnrl Sunday II a.m. 2. 1! 11 Junior and adults Bible classes (sand tray for liny tots.). 7.:t0 p.m. subject: "Is Hie day of miracles past?" Three thoughtful questions will lie answered. I. Can men he changed like Paul? 2. Can Hie dead be raised. 3. Can the sick be healed? This ineeling will interest you. .Monday H i. in. ' Sunshine Hour. Seouls, Tuesday, (iuards, Friday 7 p.m. 1 The Foursquare Gospel Church of the Foursquare (iospol, Mclntyrc Hall, Third Ave. mtviccs Mimlay al, 1 1 a.m. Bringing hack the Ark. 7 ..'10 p.m. Christ's Coming Kingdom on Farlh. 2 p.m. Sunday School. Tuesday H p.m. The Holy Spirit! Thursday, H p.m. Divine Healing message. Presbyterian Church Morning worship al II o'clock. Subject: "Judah re-established." Sunday school al I2.:if). livening scrive al 7.:iO. Subject: "The. reasonable view of life." Preacher, llev. II. It. (iranl, D.I). Methodist Church The Church ot Service. Pastor llev. (leo. (1. Hacker. Deaconess, Miss Isabel Haddock. Morning service al 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic, "'the Kins Came Homo; Sunday school al 2.3(1 p.m. F.v cuing service at 7.30. Sermon Ionic. SI. Paul's Knglish Church, Mclhipolc Hall, Third Avenue. llev. P. K. Ilaisler, H.D., paslor Morning worship at II. Sermon Ionic: 'Mind's best gift lo man Love." Sunday school al 12.30 i.uiiicrau League al 0.:m p.01 Kveniug service at 7.30. Sermoi topic '"flic Open I tour." Solid John I'. Davey. Ileport wilt In given of the meeting of Die Paci fic Synod recenllv held al Port laud. Miss Klcniior Peck has given up training roc a nurse in Hie local hospital. This was re ported lo the hoard at its regular monthly Hireling last night by Miss Kdilh McCauI. It.X., ladv uperinlcndeiit. . The treasurer of Hie Slevv'url Hospital Hoard is ju communica tion with the secretary of the -al hoard seeking in formal ion in coiincVlinu with an elVorl thai is being made to put Ihe Stewart Hospital on "a business like basis." Why clean your stoves .and chimneys of soot when, Sterling Coal at sl I .(Ml per Ion does the wprk for you? Al Ihe same lime it1 gives a hot fire, no clinkers, little ash. and burned with Lady-smilh-Wellington coal lasts Hie longest. Prince Ituperl Coal Co. 15 t HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Ruocrt J. Kerr, Victoria; X. Murchle,' T. i. (iarridl, (i. II. Ticrnan, F.j C. Hell, i:. C. Nevisou and J. A.i x-ray Miller, Vancouver; W. A. Hjoru- which.slad Tin" J n s 1 1 i t a 1 hoard last night passed a vole of lliank.s to the and C. W. Swanson, Fsk, Mrs. S. Volk, Smith Inlet; Mrs. I. Al ill on, Harrell Hock. Central L. (iarri, A. Wasden, W. Craig, and (). Ilardal. C.X.U. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the moving of tin; Prince Ituperl Cluh Ltd. will h received by Hie undersigned until' 5 p.m. Saturday, February 28, I Specifications can lie had from Ihe undersigned. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. JOHN HlLtiKIl, I Secretary. Dr. Martel't Female Pills H titUted nturt thoutandt Miedattbklf century, comcunf iiiih, tmlldlnr up nd tranrthcnlnv organ., r-livln DELAYKl), nd PAINf UL MENSTRUATION. NERVOUSNESS. UACKACUE. DlZZINrlSSjete, nodmirernuailruiri. Sold only In SMlislllInr- Cov.r TIN UOX with our tlirnttnr. Uruni.u vrrywnrr, or airrt xj tn.il, imin rrkrt ti 00 lk.rk.ck.r tLtmtif C... 71 E. Full Sk, mil., Cta. Clrcilar Btil.4 rtiiMt. i MISSING! FLAT WORK. IRONING Not much left nF washday when you use ouf oft fi iish seice. No tub all tht, cashing is dors. No clotheslineeverything comes Dack dry. And no flat-work ironing that, too, is completely cared for. The hardest and longest part of washday is missing and this family service is so low priced that it's an economy as well as a convenience. Let us call this veek and take away the part of washday that you'll be most happy to miss. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Send H 1 hone 8 fnJIsTT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F 1 T AVAG E Washer and Dryer Has no Wringer, needs none. Won Gold Medal at lasl (Juebcc Kxliihilion over all American and Canadian Machines. Cash I'neo $185.00; also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED . to building tic.xl door In Frizzell Holclier Shop, across from the Kmpross lintel W e Carry a foil line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor The Busy Season Has Commenced Let Us Do Your TOWING Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night i Phones Red 618 Or. 601 539 M