I "AGE SIX THR DAILT NEW! Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heiibroner Diamond Specialist SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ONLY.' This Is Heinz Week llcinz Ketchup, reg. Hk 3 rur $1.00 Jloini! Pork and Ileum, 3's, leg. 3jc. 3 for . . . . 85c llcinz Pork iiml Means, :i's. rcsr. 25r, for 85o llcinz I'oik ami Means, I'm, ; leg. 15c, 8 Tor .... $1.05 i llcinz Cream uf Tnmalo ,-Sutip, large, reg. 25c, I fur 85c llcinz Vinegar, 32 oz. bol- ilt's. reg. 5(e, 3 for S1.30 ilciiiz Vinegar, 1(5 oz, b.nltle. leg. 3Dc, 3 for . . . . , 85c . Mussallem Grocery Co. ' 417 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 84 Canadian Laundrv and Dry Cleaners Operating the only power cleaning ami pressing etttf imiif in the cily. Ser-ico u m I workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. 515 Cth Ave. W. Phone 8 A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery UnsurpaAwd Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. F-arlage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Koai Sand and Gravel W Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnn. ORME SPEAKS TO RATEPAYERS School Situation In City Was Subject of Address by Chairman of Board Last Night (!. H. Untie, chairman of the school board, was the .speaker at the regular monthly hieeliiug of Hie Prince lltiperl Jtalepayer.s' Association lielil last night in the cily council chamber. Mr. Orme went at some, iletail into (be eneral school situation of the city and explained, the operations of the various departments. 11 e (old why. Hie cost of schools constituted such a large part of the city's annual expenditure nml compared costs of education here willi southern cities. He invited inen'ilierti of the association to inspect the schools at any lime aiul see lor iiienisctves llic worK Unit was being earned on. John Dybhavn, president of the association, was in the chair and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Orme. S. K. Parker was named vice- president of iti o association to succeed .M. m. Mephens whose election lo I he cily council maker. Iiim not eligible lo hold office j under Hie association's constitution. I ilverlie in the iJiily News THE CORPORATION OF THE CITV OF PRINCE RUPERT. TAKK I. MITICK THAT: Till' Conned of I lie Oiipnrullun 'if tin- t.My or I'iIiict Unix-it I i.i i'iiiii ncicii a local Improvi-menl a pavement fifteen reel wlili- on the rullowlnir ftrrels: 5 III Avenue K11M, Gill Avenue Kii.-I, 7lh Avenue i:usl. Sill Avenue West, Iliijn I'.ovc Avenue, liny Cove clii'le, Fulton street nml .Mt'lirltle street: a rlmler sidewalk rive feet wlili' on Hie rollOwlitir lrceH: illi Avenue Wet, Stli Avenue Went, Airnew I'laee unit Iitiiifiiitilr Streil; mill a planked slili-u alk rivi' rnl ronr liu-lies wlili; on Mil Ainiie Knst. 3. A rourt of i-i'Visloii will I if lu-lil m, tin- :iiuli il.iy or Mari-li. IUj., at lu.:in ii'rlui'k Din., nl tin; City Hall. I'rlni'i! Illini'l't. II.C. fur till' IHII'tnlM' of llrni'tlllr I ...lnl.t:tllit. III.. t. ....a.' liirnt or tin1 nrniNiry or rnmlavi' Ini'il-imiiiiMiis anil any ollii-r cuiiiiilaliit w lil'li iii'iini. Inii'ii'i'li'il may ilislrn to nink! anil whlrh U by law roKnlzalili- liy tin' I :un It. i. n Mill) roniiiliilnt iiliiill In- lirari liy tin' Court or llcvlsinn uiili ss tin; imt- dl.ll 1.1. l.tlrf I..HI ..... .I.l.-V Tcicpnont atymour zoo, tan. ftc. Ky., Traffic AgenU. -A bi'fui'i' tlin llllnit of Hie liouit or lie- ' litis litis miil'llill mni'iiiiig. tlolim irlvpn Ihi' I'.li-rk noiii'i' In vrl'lnir. IkiiimI liy ItlniMi'ir. til loiHi'llnr or ari'iil Share H , with a friend mm mm CamcasSweet CIiocoMe fs a fine eating CiocoIafc Slip a cake in your pocket is HUnMIMNlVM if starting on a long walk. Keep it in your desk for emer gency lunches, or in your automobile. MADE IN CANADA BY WalterBaker&Co. Limite'l UTABLISHtO I TOO MonlreaLCanada DorcheslctMass. pooKUt or choici ficupf s sent rRct ANNUAL NOVELTY DANCE OF ELKS WAS A GREAT SUCCESS Lemon and Circle Race Featured Dances Evening m'i'iryiiijr iiu irruiinii or fonipiaint coralious predomiiiateil H V:lltlkt I lilt Uklt-ltll HJklldillllUlll I 4. Tin' K'i'iai' as.4i'Kini'nt r"M uiiiji'lc anil while, Ihe colors l! opi'ii Tor liiipi'i'llon at Ihi' orrin' n( i,i 1 in Ui'i'k on tin- ITIli ilay or Manli. D3. E. I-. JOAKS. uiy Clerk n.iii-ii ihi ii (i.iv or I'l'Vi'iiiii-c. in CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. TAkK MiTICK lli.it Mntli Avium' sl. rroni Coiiun Avenue U .Mrllrldc sirci-i. Hill Im rlosi'il Tor Ihrpn wri-k foiniiii'iirlinr I nurfii.iy, ri'iiruary o. lirnilrnls arc rr (IUpkIi'iI to (ri't I" tlii'lr supply or coal, en- iiciori! iiiai oaii. r. W. I'KAIISO.N, 1 3 i:ily Kiiylncf IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill lli! Matter or the AriinlnlMratlnii Art; tin In Hip Mailer or Hie ll.lle or Mnri'l- Anion I'elerH'ii, liei-easeil. liitrtiili. TAhK MITICK that liv onler or III lliiiiur K. Mrll. Viiiinir. ininle Hie tilth il;ii if I'lliriiiiry, A. It. ID I w.n aiiiitfI MiniinKlrator or the eniaie or Morri-nlnn I'l'tersen. ilen aneil. anil all tiaille. havlint ilalm atralnut tint milil cutale are liel-eliy ri'iiiilri'il to ruin sii name, nin- IM-i'ly viTirieil to ine mi or bernre tin inn nay or Mann. .ii. iiii... ami an imrllei Imlilileil to Hie eslillc are re null eil In pay the amount of their In lilecllirsj to toe rnrthwltli, MM1MW A. WATT, orrii'lal Ailiiilulnirator, I'rlnee llutiei t, II C lialeil Hie t till lav or feliriwry. 10?: IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Matter or tlin Ailmlulslratiim Art: anil In Hie Mailer or Hie Kulate "T lleun Alexauiler Heyimlrtii. ieieae(I, lutes lale. TAkK MITICK thill liy until' or III-lliilnir I'. Mill. Viiiinir. luailn the I Hill ila or I'eliriiary. A.li. I'J.'i, I wn appolnteil AiliiiliiWIriili.r or Hie lal; or Henry Ale antler lieynulil, ileeeaeil, ami all parlle-liavlnir ihiliii" airalmil tlin Haiti i-sUta are liereliy renulreil In rui'iilh mime. irn IM'ily teririetl In me on or liernrn Hu ll III lny or March, A.li. lliir,. ami all pirlli'i IntieMeil to nit, emate are re iiulreil to piiy the amount or their In ili-titeilneNa to me roiihwlth. NOIIMX.N A. WATT. orrielat A tlml ill . tru ir-r. I'rlnee Unpen, li.r llilleil I In- Hill ilnv or Kelil'llilfv. Illri , HiC SAILINGS TO KUKOI'li MAKK KKSr.KVATHIXS NOW FROM ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL Keli. K7. Mar. 7 Mouti-aliu Mar. , Apr. a MouUiiurier Mar. 11, Apr. In .Mimnlari) Mar. an. Apr. 17 Moiitrimu TO CHCRBOURQ-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Mar. S Marliui-n Mar. ill, Apr. 16 Milita Apr. 8 Mlutieilima TO QLA800W Mar. 7 Mailoeli Mar. IK, Apr. S3 Metannuia Apr. i .Montreal FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Mar. SI Moiiiroyal -Apply to Agent! Ivcrywht'i or J. . FORSTER, Gin. At., C.P.R. Station, Vancouvtr, and The annual novelty dance of Hie F.Iks' lodge xlaged last nigh was a general success ami, a-lie first elTorls or the lltjr, olli errs, will constitute a great in-I'ulive for their aclivilies duriu.: I lie year. There were iitl persons at the dance which was in pro gress from in the evening uiilil The color scheme for Ihe de- in iur- of (he lusi'iia of Ihe order ami il... I I k I ... a ..I, 1 1 hi ! i . n n i .-1 1 1 1 1 1 i.iin'r i .iis iii.ii in: the dancers wore greatly enhanced Hie scene. 'Fhe Weslholmo Orchestra of six nieces under the direction of Hharlie Italaguir furnished splen did music and Ihe dance pro-gran; included several mivellies such as lemon and circle dances and a wall.-race. Ken Self and Miss Ital.'igno were winners in the lasl mentioned feature. In a roulelle danrc.'lhc winners were: I, Mrs. II. Perry; 2, Mrs. S. Kvans; J, Miss Morency. Ilefieshiiienls were served i-ahar?1 slyle in Ihe balconies HER FACE WAS COVERED WITH PIMPLES SHE GOT RID OF THEM BY USING BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Ml.i T. Iliinlei', 11.11. No. 8, l.oiiiloli, Out., wrlle:- "I wlli to re .'oiuiiieiul Iliirilni'K Illi mil lllllera to all women ulin are niirrerlnir rroin pimple or any otlier r.nlul lli-mlslie. Atmiit two years sirn I wa Kreatly troubled wllh plmplea anil ures Ijieakluir out on my fare, and rould ait jiii relief unlit, Dim My, a friend ri-eoni-meinli'd mi! In take 11.11. II. Till 1 did, i and I am now glad . to my that your ii-iiiedy lias nUen me the desirable rc-- nl lr, and now liavv a nlro hihioIIi, clear kln. in It lias .eliminated all tlm linpiirl- llei fioiit my btood." let II. II. II. when you u-k for It; It lui.1 li"i-n on the market for the putt 4ft v I'll r . put up only by Tin) T. Mllbiirn i ii.. I. United, Toronto, Out. LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laat Land In M.iisclt Inlet, i,iiii'i-ii l.liarloitt l-laniN Land lilolrlel, Iteenrdltnr' liWlrlit r i'rlnee linin-rl .. Ii.i:., and ullualu aboin lie mile hum Hi of lioss liilaud. Mime It In let, and In Yi'tlaltun Hay, on timber llmli t Take Nullie that Kiirene II. Slinmnn of Masm-ll. Il.i'. iieeupation Cannery Miiiiiikit, liiteudH In apply for in-rtiilsslon in leiinn uie rpiiowinir ui-Keriueii launn; I'.oiiiiiieiii-luir al A in"l pliiuied on the weal uie of Yema loll llavi Ihenee niilllll U itiaiii": llienre eaut In i-lialua, tlieiii.0 north iii.iiih: tiienee went 10 enaina. anil eon talului 15 rre. more or lesa. r,iijr.rr; 11. bimpso, NtlllK Of Applll'RIII 0-11.1 tini-niiilmi' IOII, ina LAND ACT, In Skeena land liWrlet of Prllice Huperl lleeorillnir lililrlcl. TAkK MITICK that Oenl'lte I. Idle, or Terraee. II.C, orriiiuitlon liimtierman, and i.. i.. si. ninnny, or Terraee, ii.c. oeen. patlou I ii Mi 1 to in in 1 1. Intend In apply ' fni' periinnmi to purrliaf the fiilluwlna; .de aeillieil liitnU rue linlii.ti-liit &iim, . .. Omiiiieni'inir at a Imi-I tilaiiletl at iiiith run or 11111111 iitualed mar moutli or Kit-liiiikalliim Mlver and Ivlur near neat lianlt of H lit river: tlienre following aluiro line nroiiuii iniinii in point or riuiiiiii-iiciiiieiil i-iiiiiniiiiua n 01 rip, oinie or ii-m, nwilinE I.ITTl.r and C1.AIMK I.. M. fllOOF.Y. Aplilletutl nml parlors during Hi course of the evening. C. l oisohi was master of cere- monies, V. II. Hcrry presided at itho door and Iho eoinniillee In 'charge consisled if Art KussiAi , chairman), Harry Tlirupp, Frank Oibb, Kddie tllapp, I.. Murray Fuller and F.liailes Fol- SOlll. I TAUGHT SCHOOL FOR FORTY YEARS, NANAIMO Directed Educational Activities of Threo Generations of Children NANAIMO. Feb. 21. After having . laugbl school for the, past Torty years, during which j Jinie she directed Ihe education of three generations of Nanaltno: pupils. Miss Lucy Mcbius died yeslenlay afler an illness of but tone day. She was born in Vic toria ;7 years ago. RIFLE SHOOTING Next Week Offlosrs and' N.C.O.'s of First North B.C. Regiment Will Compete The rifle shoot which was to have taken place last night on Hie Ma ike I Place between Hie officers and N.H.O's of Die First North 11.(5. Ilegiment was postponed until nexf Friday. Instead there was a practice shoot in which Hie following scores, out of a possible of H, were made; M. I.aiiil .-. . .. 811 A. Sipiires . . 81) V. Ilorrobln 8U II. Floyd ... - 80 It. Wilson ..85 AV. I trass 81 (!. McKeowu . , 82 A. Murray ... 50 II. Fast man 53 It. F.. Hudson 5'.' " . . ii in ii i n ii n i .jSport Ghat The I'riuce ltuin'il llailininloii Club lta.4' heeii iiiviled In join a Itrilish Coliiioliia Itailmiiiliin As-socialiou ii ow being fornieil and Ihe first meeliir.' of which is In lie held in 'Vancouver on Feb ruary -H. This association will lie in alTliafion with Ihe Haiia- dian associaltoii and il is possible may be' able In .secure Ihe playjng' uf the chaiiipiinislii. iiexl year either al Winnipeg or in the west;-' In Ihe fourth game second "divisiiiii billluril r ihi! loiii'iia- meiiriielween Ihe (iriilln 'and Ihe (Jival War Velerans, .loe llees-ley ((irollo)- last" iiIkIiI defealed Feiiebui (Oreal W'ar Veter ans) by 150 In It-.'. This leaves Hie (irollo sfill far behind on Hie iggrcgalc for Ihe four games. which stands 51.).' to SH7 in Hie Veterans" favor. The fiflli game of Hie louriiameul between V. il. elson ((irollo) and Ilerl Wen rmou lb (Veterans) it is planned lo play olT this evening. .Next week will. irnbably see Hie elose of Ihe liillianl srasuil as Tar as aellve iiilert'sl in the first ami seroml ilivision li'inu i'oinieilioiis is coneiM'iieil, The final louriiameul nf Ihe firs I ilivi-inn season is sclii'iluleil for iie.vl Weilnesilay nighl belweeit Ihe (iieiit War Velerans ami I In (irollo. II is not eonslili'iT likely 1 Ii ii I tin- Vets will be able. lo overliike the liillianl I'aibir ami liitis it;in llii- seasons honors but lliey may be expei'leil lo make fhe -best of. a rallier alt f licnll iiipot liiiiity. If I bey ran make an" a-iiirefale of 1200 in this fui lliroiiiin;.' luiiniaiin'nh 1 Ik; ehauiiioiisbii is theirs. That is Ihe iossihilily. In Iho seeoml livisio'i, Ihoiij-'h I here) are Ilirue loui'iiiimeiits yet lo lie nlayeil, the llilliai'il I'arlor seem lo have a irelly liflil Kiasp oil flisl liluce wjtb IhivSI. Amliew's team Ihe only serious euiileniler now Hint Uie (irolo fell iluwu rallier serluusly at the hauils of I lie (ifeal War V(?ler.uis fu this week's louruaiiienl whie is not yet completed, HIS VAIN QUEST A man who hail dfu'ppeil inlu tin upluwii ilfuif store lo consult the directory seemed lo' have I rouble in fiudiiiir what be wauled. "Iliiijkbinilei's, ' booksellers, bootmakers," he nittrniureil, lurniiife over tin leaves. ".Maybe I can help you find wliul you are lookiiiy: rof,V said Ihe friendly clerk. . "No, I (rues It's no use," said Ihe man, "boot Kegel's don't seem to be., ljd vu''" 3 8 8 9 BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division (jattiCK, Sf-'t. .lebsoii V. ... 7 A. Dniialil II.I'. .. I W. Ktewail i. ... I W. J. Nelson (fi,i .. 2 (i. .Mi-lliiioyle !l.l', 8 A. A. I'.asson' dl.l'. J. Ilillinaii ((! 2 I'. Sleilieiis ' II.I'.. . 7 lIol.'.Me.Monlie (V.j Ales. Volume ('.) . (i l inker (V.) . . F. I'yle 'V. Ir. Wi'sl i;. I'eaiee II. .lelieh .1. WhIsIi (V... ;(i. '11.1'. (V.) i:. Ilalngnii (II.I'. , II. Moi-ran !(!.' . , , l. llrown ((I.' . .., 0. Illyllm (T5.) .... (!. Waunb 'C. ... .1. Andrews i V, , I. I'lemiiiK i V.l . , Men Seir -'I'.ll.i . , . f. Weir f(J.i ...... T. JHaek (V. I'. Xieinan (II.I'.; . . Howe fll.l'.) .... V. Sli'warl '(!.'. ., W. J. 'Nelson (ii. . J. Ileesley fi. .... J. llrown CS.A. ".. . K. Abliido fll.l'. 1 . ). Andrews (S.A., . . I'r. West 4 V .... M. Andrews (S..,; . A. Donald fll.l'. v. S. Mae.loiialil 'S.A. I. Ilillinaii '(i. ... 0. Illyllic (O.) .... Ilabe Kuril 11 (H.V, .1. .Macleiin i'C. ... S. Su-iit ((!.' V. Milebell ,'ll.lCi . M. .Maeliiiehlau'S.A.) V. Murray fC. .. (i. Mallet fll;l'.) .. .1. May (C.S.i II. W'cartiionlb l. K. Kenebni ( V. , . -I. Allan fS.A.) (I. 1'. Tinker (V.l .. 1. Klemiii"; (V.) ... M. I.amb (C. .... C. I.. YollllfMllUM ( V. s. s. Darlmi i'C.S.- MeAuley fC.:- .. Kelsey fC.S. .. I,. Warrior W . I. Ilulffcr (C.S.1 . . . W. Willisnoft iC. I. McLean 'C.i ... I. I'arr (C.S I. McloiiKa (i. .. . Hales C,s M. Stephens (O.'," .. W. Anderson (G.J . . W H .larrnan (l, t Second Division I 111. Av. I75U 25(1 2.ii 2j( 230 25'i IH5 213 IU27 211 1121 171 2'lit 1018 2J3 1(517 2115 1(52 2.11 i;i;.' i5'J8 o ir I3K2 17(5 1 G55 172(5 l.l 'it 1(53 157 150 150 150 712 7.18 51)0 8 7:i i:kn; 1 151 in:i 1112 1282 1130 850 1180 8J7 558 1218 cut I 230 1223 051 8t(5 207 1107 or,( 11(5(5 ,V2' ' (3"jl 2(50 1157 22'J 227 227 22(5 22 f 21S 21ij 130(5 213 1 18K 2l;i Ml 200 111 2 1(55 157 150 150 150 I 18 I 18 I 18 I Hi t 15 1 II I 13 I 13 I 12 U2 I I HO I to I to 130 138 137 13(5 130 130 131 133 132 130 130 130 130 1 2 ! 8110 128 1127 ,125 1 1 10 738 050 8IL' 032 821 820 225 7H 210 82 09 123 123 120 120 117 117 117i ' 1 1 :i 1 0(5' 105 82 P'J ANADIAN SERVICE- FROM HALIFAX . TO PLVMOUTH-CHCRBOURQ-LONDON iii.i.ii ii Mar. u .nionla Mar 311 A111I1111I11 "r.-. mull. .iMi i TO QUEENSTOWN AND LiVERPOOL 1.1111111111I11, Mar. rniiioia. ir. i " xiS 1 1 la ... TO OLASOOW saiiiniiii Mar. an .thenlu FROM Nruu vim TO QUEf N8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL .milium leb. Auraiil'i "laf" ' 7 LiiriMila .. Mar. l.iiiii-ii.h-la .! I TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON lei leii'iiiraila ,.,. , vjp Mar. , ir, niulliinlii mil Inula .... Mar. if, p. J' Y,.- i A TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW , .....-.,,, in,.,, ' lenia Mar Columbia .. Mar. VI Tn nla Ki.i' ,1 . M-vn.nauunU-LOnDON i,w7...i;. i J '. .."' 7, Mir. 1 1 i..7i....r.. .--vniniiviuna-MAMBURa uiir, 11, Apr. la. Mar 91 1 .ni iiiiv; 1, r " "'X? . "'' M"'l or ""'""' W Vai.eouVer, UX. ' encH Diningroom at a Bargain Piece Hardwood Suite Piece Fumed Oak Suite Piece Hardwood Suite 3rd Aveniie. AMENITIES t I'eved yotllli' w ife I don't j care! I only married you because your hair waved (be samuj way as Jack Harlow's, j .lolled husband Is Ibat so? Well, I, only married you because' you used Hie same llavor lipstick! as Madge .Million. Saturday Fer,ruar: GEO. D TITE The Quality Homo Furnisher Suites $120.00 $130.00 WtSlHOLME THEATR Tonight Only, Saturday Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. I hose Who Dance An aclion classic willi an piiIiit'v ilaring prcscnlatidii of Ihe most, ili-f i) Anieiica today llir slory (if f i fi i n loi;t i ii. nielli. A ilinma nf siiiiic merry (laiicei - - u bail In scllle .'i heavy score willi the p.jn i rlieelnctilur pholu-jilay nf cronk life w'! jackcr nml Iionllcgtrcr holilt'ii the lime K" T a girl who raced ilisliomir In save tit 1 d ininaiice .slie foiiiiirhi Ihe depths nT New Many lluilliiif; scenes. IIcvimiik! culler- n $ KlinK j 1 1 i 1 , a rani on a daticc liall.'liijacki'" riiuintrs, running icvnlvcr luttllc lielwe. n cycles and bootlegger., a voiilli and a pi - 1 over a liigh clirr, mi exciling trial, all Ihe-i' ; slirring iin idetils. .Superb cal : warner uaxier, uiancne sweet, Hooert gnew, . Salnpolis, Jack Perrin, Bessie Love, Lucille Ricksen, lff rinott and many others. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "LITTLE ROBINSON CORKSCF1EW" FOX NEWS-GAZETTE 50cand SHOES JUST ARRIVED Ladies' New Spring Tilt; very latel -lyles in llluck ami II' llrown, (ircy and Ulack .Suedes, I'alenl llrnwii Kid. Take your clinice of I'iiiki fioiTs, llixie Ties. I.ovv, Medium, Hpaiu -I' llt't'ls. All sizes. Wo Iiave also jttsl icccised n !iini- HOSE Ladies' Penman and Monarch Knit in colnr.s. ilia! will inalili anv titers or ln (irauile. Chicle, llluck, Tan llaik, Tmi-' Lug tlaliin, mid Huff. SHOES S:' III 1 'V. -SI ,i M; !i i HOSE ,L' Cis- JABOUR BROS., LTD. II Phonn bar. and IV'" .ird 3rd Ave. Ave. i I : r . . r A Sc a - .i . mans 11 nf -GROCERS PHONE 586 j BULK BULK COCOA COCOA U U His. for 25c -new kl'"'K