Frriffiwry 8'J.?.i2- lump .( . ..IAB APT DENT Ligu" APPLICATION FOR BUM hi. ru,n t finf n tlii1. hrwliy ?''.!' ,, ii.i1ri,..rt l:!:!r'"i Hm. i-l'l'" Cmiro! I'l niinaiml at 728 f" lie :H' "T l'rl"'"' '.""... ' i nine- . ... ... n,n k r" in"':1 Minir lo i""1 ? " hy "'o "i"'" ,!nll,V ,i l"'1 . mile if j.. r.,i. l"r lh "lr f nf Knimrfil '. . t,n 'til 'in' Vn '' il'JSW' J1."!" APPLICATION licehsi. in tllU Kill f uinar' iaii(1 l.i'i'1''' , (went LIQUOR ACT. dpi (CATION FOR BEER LICENSE lu-ri'lK Flvori Uat nn "Jl il'1 I' II"1 I'M"" ill II"" tnTI"!"" 1'lillM-r fc,r the li-llilinir knu v m fhlnl Aioimo. Ill tti THirl" 1 I'lTli III"!"'.' "I f,t... iimii Ilii' land- iloKorllj- in- ' I.. Va ,;it' llll!.rri o'.muhm i-i' f P':m ',in'-y ' i urn- Mi i '-'i.. ... aril iiuntlH-roil 0i3, fur In" hi iho tin- t n.v mi' ion l,n mi.U..n m in.. rroni . ti n- iciti rl, .:.. I'll" tl" '" ifi;f 'i:.i-ln ami Maunnor Lr llmal lloiol. , ,pliHnnt httENT LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. i lien-lr Klvn on Iho' M i ,i n il tin" iiinlorliriioil I., I' llifi l.lnm.r Cunlrnl l, i; ii -t Hi pri'llllo ct Hie h:illilinr known iicil al :i Fiasrr Slri-ol, it i',.;f lliiior, rrnvinri' nt in,!: , !! :i IDfl land (1q-i,i i :rt i M ami four-n III K llilrlv tlirci' ,331. i ic t I'rlnrp rtuixTl, i r - .(i rrd map or plan Hie jnl Hori.(ry offlro al I n II ipc'l anil nmnlHTOil al r lwr hi llio (rl.ui nr nio r, muirnpllon on Hi" llTlr.T riupftl, hX . thfa. lh Hut I1 i i filMMMK ami A, FInEn, ,MariK" anil i,ropri'or if sjv-iy lliilol, Applloani WENT LIQUOR ACT. i APPIICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. te--"r alvon on' the Mai - I., tl Hi'' unloi"lifui'(l lll ' i I. I.Kpmr Cdiunil li' . ; - 'p' 'I Ki promiao if Ibo'iR kiMi!i a n II .. ... ji. il at iho cor-In) Ai ami IMh jlrool. nr i f fivp, rt, rrminrp tt in.:. . tho land" do I'. rf i l; ami fnurloon k . i il soi'ilim Olio ',,- it fl'ln. b.iluvl -I rtiljiiaujir nlaii ripnoaliod lii;.-.. rtrn al llio r.lly or Ifl an r-imlKToil- o3, fof llio IK i::- na or hr iho firs-i pi, :mp" l 'n Iho prcmWt. I' II '"-rl II r thl .Hi Bur P in iir iiniKi. mi'AHY. LIMITED. HnMiciier. Manaaor. APPIIi'MII ENT LIQUOR ACT. FOR BEER fM. ... trl.'nli iliiif rtn liA B"r H. niiiiernlnoil PI I' ' H III. I Iniiiir rntiiMil B'" 0 i i iM..-t h, rirpiiiUf. r tn hiiii.iinf. li,..i, pi. '...III'., at Urn t.Mi.itj.p tit P'r-li -tm i. in iho mi nf ,f Ki-IIImIi -f.ltini. Ilii' M i jl4l'rlli.iil M fAlV "I tUflV" '14 llilMr.An prli .1 ii. iii in,L I... ill J III niv lf lTlliri. II' i I j -! man nr N in ih land ncKlory df-... ' ,f I'anr, lliiperl and ' .1 "f '"-OP 1'V ' Ihr cifii linlllo fur run- : r n ..k-ft. n c imi ib But i! . ' rr.Trn nu'ck", ami Mnnirr ' Central. HoM. npll"mil Nent liquor act. APPI'CATION LICENSE. FOR BEER KU' lmvn nn .. J.f " n " Ki" iimloiKliiii.d Hill 'i III' l.lninir 'I'mu (niiiwil i.iiiiiriu mftTirr 1 1 1 ,r ... -. I ,"l T,'J""-t lo prelllLoit 5 . Mil .. '.'.T . t'"l,,"l"f t'lnwil a ,ii ri.. ... 'fin Unpen, "rovlnee (if '"I'.a, tni'lll Ih. Inn.l. A .rt'"" '! and miirti'iMi P'i ni t ,',,.v:t, ",n ". ry1 ,rr.,.,'!?,,l 'l''P"Hod In Urn i ruin nnt,.i-i nn .... piilr iri" "" on "TRI inu'n.v.. .1. .M.infiKPr, INIENT LIQUOR ACT. W APP(lVliU i L.eENc,.u,, FOR BEER i"ii' m itf. aTr-...'!.':'""?." ""'r' f'loi m "P''""'"inr known h Wj i n. 'f ..''".T.'' '.'nro'rt Land i'uhia fn I . . 1 ""inoo of Kr i,' ii "r,.I,'r ."r I'oor hy ""I'HrlftV a.," mLw. nniiiiil PMENT LIQUOR ACT. I uHCT'6N FOR BEER lm . "' .i nn llll.IArH I Ih..;...". J11" Minor Conlrnl if ti.-. "V.rr.T!rl !' Prcinls... ins i""" , known n Wi :h .,.i i""J'." ''"rl I""" Mni , Vr,' : :!''V;''prriS a B. SiiL.ii., .. ' iiiock fnrlv- !)" tor v , " ",'" .""von ""'I. H.r: .:,.'.. wyn or ' '."i " P'UMrv fit Ju.'L "''f.'oi'llod In II r"" m"' " "' - tuu otii oil Cli'inom lintel, -AppUi.aiit. I Doings of the Moquito Fleet whlchUth Everybody Busy' i-iis al )7c niul If you have uil linui- In vasli lalt:-r ()(! noiiii.U don't . try lo wask it nlorii? Ilii-wiilorfi'onl. ICvrj-ylimly is limy nu'il tin. mai'liiiK! ami rli-elplral .liops, liiiyc all I In' wiirk Ihi'y carl fian'illc on lioal ri'imii's. fUi'a!. iiwniM'. an' anxious lo ;nl awaV fo llio high jihIs u hiiiiii us possFlilc ,now Ilia I the frusli hrr-I'iiiR hail lias shnwi) uu in fair iiuantily. flu? X. M. & II. I'lsh Additional Trackage A his yranp of men are cin-ployi'd hy Ihe provincial jrovcrn-menl on laying an aildilioual spur track liehiml Ihe llsli hoilseil to facilitate the loadhij? of re- fri?erito'r cars. The necessary ties, and rails aro on hand and Hie work of grading is APPLICATION LICENSE. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER NOTICK l hon-hy Alvon thai nn Iho Till day of March mTt tho uiulorslariM'O lntfiiiK tn in. niv In Ihe l.tuniif Oinirnl GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENCE. WiTICT I hnrohy il von that fin iho GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF FOR BEER lll.r.o ami Ihn III till' C.IM.I- fiiai: I'isii ,v colli Slnrac Co. at I7i' ami Kin ic hishcsi lu-icc of-'''if. fnV r.auailiau ralrhcs sinen Xi'ivfiiilMM- H lasl. 'hi. party ar. rivals n't thPsc Imals was (iccas-si.uicd l.y Iho Tad dial Hip Ca-Sieiici'i' iji-nkf hep lailslinll whiln (iff ll(i.csnil and lay al anchor fur twelve hours until picked up hy Hie l's.' and lowed into Company hroiialil In herriiifr on p'nrl. The necessary repairs arn Sunday innniiiii' lasl while the heins carried mil on Hie dis-power Ivial I'redelia, dpi. Hknn, 'aided craft which should lie of Ilii Canadian J'ish Colif completed early In the cumins Slnr.-lffe Co.' fleet, ha also h'een landing fresh hail. week. Fitting New Engine An M-h.p. Canauiaii-I'ellei'!! seini-ileisel Pnplne, wliich was jileiuonsl rated al tint Ward ICIecl-irie shoiis, Cow May, last fair'. i heinr inslalled for Capt. ".lohn-soli, of the Inverness cannery fleet, in n Kill-net lioal. This eneine wrlh its palenl carlrid-ie lieillKiticlf .slarflli"; device cime.l n pusiie.i lorwaru Willi all possible, l(, nf intPicsl last, fal and sev- l "oi me micuiimi on,.,.., ,.,. M.dilig for ciunpieiin.? llie wiick neiore .Monday. The new track will he laid to coiiveiiienlly connecl with Ihe i ft. In in. loading platform creeled hy llie fish houses. Wor!: mi Ihe fish hox elevalors is being riislied hy Hip fish houses. First Halibut Landed The firsl halihul to he landed since Ihe opening of Ihe close haliliut season on Monday las, was lu-ocgiil in on Thursdav morning 'hy Ihe Canadian M-hoonerH l-isher, Capl. John ,.rnnomie tut and luhrialing oil Hansen, ami Cape. Spencer. Capl. f)an The former sold t,rim utitinils i ihe Atlin I'isli- HEART TROUBLE SHORTNESS OF BREATH Mr. On. f. nnwinan. M(irrlliiirit, Onl.. rllc: i am wrltlna- ymi a fow llno tn hi vmi Kii'.u nf niv Ofs'rlom-o Willi Mlltiiirnn lloarl and Mervo IMIH. Two year aim I ln'i-amo vcrjr iwmrly Willi my hoarl ai'rt uit- and wlwnover 1 I'sik llio loat lllllo lilt of otorrlttp my hoarl wmil'd marl lo jump and.flrtltor. t oniiM nftl walk np talr wllliniil Imvlnar In nit down ami rout bornro I wa Iralf-way lip, mi Awminl nt my bi-enlli lHrnmln( m hrl. I riitiiiiii'iii-cd laklnit MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS and In no tlmn I roll n anat Imprnvo-niMH. ami ran now hoanily rrrnmini'tid I li tn In all IIiiim' wlui ar trmilili-il with any nrrorilun f tho Iwarl," II. Ik X. Pill aro for alo at alt driut and ronvral 'nic; put up unly hy Tho T Mlllmro Cn . I.lnnloi:. Toronto, Onl. GOVERNMENT OF LIQUOn ACT. a similar ihslallalion. The work of Ihis power Insinuation on Capf. Johnson's Imal, wlilrh is hi'ing carried out hy the Ward l'.leclric Coinpany, will he coii-pleled hy .Monday when trial trips otr llie harhor will Jake place. As Ihis is the first small hoal in Hie district lo he filled Willi, this type of ensfinp the de-iiiYinslralions- will dot'ildess prove of niuch iiilpri'sh to small hoat owners. The ldf fealtire of Ihe Cnnadian-I'ellers engiiio is its jcoustimplrim and lidliiig itialilips. its splendid Mayflower's Mishap Tho Canadian seliiioucr May-llnwer. Cant. Coo. Conk, which lefl port on Sunday fur Hie llsli-injf hanks, was fiu'ced lo return' to in art owing lo a reverse sleeve, un Ihe propeller pulling otil when ulf Opiiii Island. When Hie sleeve pulled mil it was impos-sihle to go ahead and refusing any aid llie skipper decided to return si ern firsl. The lioal was successfully hrnuyfil in under her own iiower hy Hie slern firsl inellioif. Il'epairswere luiiueili-alely carried mil and Ihe May-llower is now on her way again lo "tangle wheels" with Ihe halihul. Boats Out and Leaving Among Ihe hoalsnf Ihe home fleet lo clear from porl for 'Ihe high spots during llie past week are I hi following: The Caygcou, Capl. "Handsome" Mlnr .Morrison: Ingred , II.; Capl. C. I. in-' iiit! Annie Maj;, Capl. (I. Hag-ley: lleveillatnf K. I.ipseil. The. .Murincng, ' Cnjif. . .hid 'J'hurlier, will leuve porL..'Oit .Monday; lln Margalice, Cajdi .1. Chrislensen, Is refnK' lo' leave purl any day lloan iHllilt rnr pari IKi-n-o nr llio. in Inillilinir wipi,i'i i" knnvwi I'n-n as . "iiw ...jl.i .Is la is aisn .Un I un I iioiptim, , 1 1 i 1 1 ) n Caul i.api. old F:inpio.s llniol, ulliiatcd nl n i,.p IryrriP. i Third AU'iine. Wont, III Iho Clt.v or Pllii''i- Itaitcrt. Prnvlnrd nr llrllHh Cnliiliililn, 1 . iiiim llio lands dorrllMil a l.nt "'V'". ' II I ove ideelif ei.nn is now In lllork i-om, I IC( Ilii i.lll, is now loon ilii and olithnon tli. iwontv-iiiroo (:i., si-iiimi inio i niTtclal repair 1 slalioil for Ihe Cliv or Prlnfo IliiiHTt. in'onrdinij lo rl . I'eirlsli-n il map or plan di'"illod In the falilillM Alwalcr-Keill Ignition l.ainl lOKliry orrioo nt Iho Illy nr I'tlnool . , Prince lliini.rl I linnori ami niiniliorod gaa. ror llio. sale ssldits, inr i i uu. i. iinpi ri mm, ami nr licor hy ilin rlalls nr hy ",',i;',iiriM. A large slock' carried nvrin at prinoo nmsri, ii.c, tin f.iiilfor nnirino engines ifml cars. day or Loliinary. lOiS. i VF.IlXoN II. TASI.F.Y, I : ownor imi Mniaroi- j New Tool House ' ,u .mi Lin 'ii... ( lie ? til day r Maroli next, the iindrrKimiei .gang IIHOIliM in apply m inn i.Hpiiir i ;i". Hoard rnr a liroiior In toipod or promises lielnir pari nr the linlldlnir known n The lliiviiiiirl Hotel, altnated In the tnwri nr iini.ktuii.1 it e iinnii the land donrrllied a Lills rirty-lhree R3 1 and nriy-fciiir i (541, In ninck olevon (II). neennlinit in a roitlmoreil map deposited In Iho Land lleicMry orrioo. al the City or I'rlni'i' import, tor tho nalo pr beer hy llio ! nr hy Iho open hnttto rnr rninunipllnn mi tho preiiilneit. 1iT:n al llavpnrt, n.C, ihis lh day nl rehniary, IMS. , . (MPS.) M. A, rn'PI'H. owner and Martner or Ha.Vfpnrl, llolel. . innlieaol Apjilloant,; A nrw ool hoilse being jercCled.hy Ihe provincial go'vern- jiteul hehiiul shocklcy s planing for beeri ((t. al.,1(i0,iAi,' lea.ring from CoW Hay Creek hrhlge. . A of men arc -now c.lrarini? Hip silo and the Inlilding when completed will measure: apprnxl- Mf feel x ,'lt). feel. This new huildig will lake. Ihe place nf (lie former lool hifti.s'e slttialcd undet' Iho nld fiverhead approach lo the pi'oViclal dock, wliich has, heen (leiriolished Added" Attractions t'le-riic pat-tics lo'iiigby Isl.lnd dili'ing Hie comiifg stvasoii Wilt find an added allraclion and it practical allraclion nf Ihal. Iri MOTOR Is liorehy iriven thill on nr f.. (,,..,, Ihore " Will h( no need In aricr Ihe Itllh day or Mareh neM, the U,,M.V . '"; hinlerKliniiMf Inlends to apply In Iho l.iniior ,,ir i o heavy I 111 A Of 111 1 1 K liP i:oiilrol loiird Tor a llrenfo in ren ion ...mi. ,.f ,. i,v,..i.l!i,iYnl'U. Pleinlses lielnir nail or Iho hillldlnir known . Cl(US rilllr. Of 1111 I'XCCpl Olially k V'O'oh'h lintel, Nitunio .mi lot lj. Main , .nl (1 'l'"""? , r 1 i f v Will "i he n niiiusii furnished u Ulreel, MiimoII. Oireen rharlollo Inlands. in mo province or Hellish cniinnhia. rorUpon arrival If II inflllliPr flf Hie itn'tit'io r:;'V'li,n;.it,o..,ho!-ip..i'ly will fU n I'ifllo jnun.l up ""n..,) I" H.P wireless station. Or course iM it.,., -r re.,r r ion, mp.s. M, l, ni'MN. , 'one will have lo lake ft suilablp owner, Appmaiii. milk: receptacle a'3 il ii not lo he. pxpeplod "Dial will he fiindsherl fre(V ;i)():ns Willi ihc ' tnf Ik. H Will he wejl worth the walk for (lie milk will he found In tiave ifenly of kfck in it and wrll lie hisfr In faf value. The 1 prficediire for ulilaliiin? Hie free milk sujiply is lo Ian senlly on Ihe door 6f Ihe wii'ele. strttidn aiid ask for Mr .liVckson, icliief. I'p'cin Mr. Jackson's up'. pearance, how sliuhlly front Ihe' hips niul in ii clear cnl c.-mual voice say t)Ii Airy .lyrkson. I liave a parly of fifty' yiiiiny people on,; island and we- are sh'iirl of - jij.Uk.. (loiild I prevail upon your if'Ood najiire for Ihe necessary suppfy" 'riiereupon Ihe chief wjll jit a penile voice, call "Xaiiny, Xanny, Xanny" and I wo fine goals will iruily hiap froiii jhe oresl , mid sil up on their hind iiiarr.s,. The (roals have lieen carefully, grained In, sir nil whicli irevenls Hie tail swishing liusjiiess jii, the face while Ihe process of. niilkin? is lieint' uii(lei;lakflit. With a ju full of fresh goal's nil Ik you will how. your IlianCs-rio 'Hie foal and return lo IhP. rrow'il lo enjoy Ihe di'licious drink. " A new sounding reel is heinl filled on Ihp Seli fro iter Toodie, j Capr. ATI fsWahl, at lire AkPf-herg-Tlioiuson sli0is, Engine Deals Hill f.arkin, oVner of a I power hoat Hoy V. has sold his h.p. llegal engine In Sain Larson of Kennecnll vrrerk salvaging faiiie, 'and has ourcliasPd Capl. Khort's fi h.p: Cla engine ('apt. fChorl has rnu'chased a (i h.p. Irrrpcrial cirgine lo fie inslalled In the new lleep' sea (rolling hn'at which' M is ' huifding on his Cow Hay creek ways. Sim l.arseu' is expected Irr arrive from the Qneeti Cliarlolle Islands early in the coming week when lie will mslal Hie 5 h.p. Hegal Trappersl If you want to make! monev I am the man you want jto" see with your fur catch. In fact I need the furs badly and Mink especially. Highest prices at all times. W. Goldbloom. Second Avenue. Ihe Jap halihiil lioal nsiinif. which has heen lied up in Ihe vicinily of Cow Hay during .the close season, is undergoing a thorough engine overhaul preparatory lo leavins for 1 Vie hali hul hanks. New Trblllna Boat Alex Wiley has jusl -completed Ihe Iniilding of n new trolling hoat al Seal Cove. The'' hew hoat is a huskv looking craft ,1i fool l..iin. nil. I ii-ill 1... fill... I ..III. ni (111. I nil, IP' lllllll 1IIII ,1 111 h.p. heavy duly Vivian engine. I'he engine will he supplied and installed hy Akerlierg-'Vlioinson Ihe agents. The new engine will arrive ahoul Ihe end of Ihe month and wilt he inslalled lorlly thereafter. (Jen. Johaiisen, owner nf the power hoal Fox uad known along the waterfront as' Ihe. cr,ali and shrimp king, lias decided to. in-slal a new 12 h.p. 11. W. 2 type, I'almer engine in his craft lo replace Ihe present fi 'ii h.p. Pal mer. Akcrherg-I liomson, ngenis for Jhe lfalmer engine will fur-uish I lit engine and do Hie. in- . .. ... ... I II I ! -I. t 1 ..1. The lighthouse lender Xew-inglon, Capl. II. Orinistnn, relumed to porl oil Wednesday evening hringing In II. Armstrong, keeper of Ihe l.angara llghl, who was admitted In the hospital for medical IrcaliiMMil. - Back from Visits V.anl. .lark niirislensen. skip- 1 Charlie Wilsfuv xkippcr and owner of Ihe power hoal. Itoyal, arrived from Kllkalla oh Thursday lasl. Ch .Trite' is doing temporary repairs In his 7 h.p. landard engine prin'r (o having Ihe cyliuiloi's re-liore'd. Capt. Axel Olsen, the. genial skipper of Ihe schooner Hose-spit, rel tinted on .Monday las' from, a winter's , trip fa Norway An'if Sweden and is busy gelling hin.seir inio ine names: f i( - ,,, in ninfon again. Axel says he l.a.l tie Mnflf M(m0 (,ays afpr ,Pllv,lip Of ins lire wniie awaj mu is... ... .......i ,,, r) Ing he change in order thai, he ialim j( nn fnp hmiP. win nave pieiny oi reserve iiuwiti lo eiialdc him lo make Hie llippn Island run in style wncii llie sal- limn tl rolling opens up. in Ihal illslricl agaip,. The Universal Radio j TWIST of the wrist and the radio fan covers miles. A simple turn of the dial and he gets a tit of jaz2 here, a lecture there and perhaps a vaudeville act somewhere else. Hundreds of things are continually being broadcasted for his amUsement and edification But radio, of no, dan I jorgel the many thtngs Jully as interesting and Jctt more vital to you are being broadcasted daily in Ihis paper for your personal benefit. Your messages always come clear. The condition of the air doesri'l concern you. From the depths of your own armchair you listen in on the doirigs of the World. You know what is going on everywhere, almost as events happen Turn to the advertising columns and you are transported to the grocers, tne clothiers, the music shop. You visit the factory of a manufacturer or talk with the maker of a new household appliance that will save you work. And remember, too, that merchants and manufacturers who put their advertisements in this paper are progressive and dependable. THEY MUST GIVE GOOD VALUE. They know that advertising, by increasing the number of their sales, enables them to lower prices . and give you more for your money. The advertisements are broadcasted for you Listen iri for the annual halibut hunt. MARQUISE ON VISIT TO CANADA AND IS GOING TO VANCOUVER Young Marquise Will go Over Curly Phillips' Trap Lfne Near Jasper .MONTIIK.Ui, Feb. 21. The Marquise de Itrants and lief son Count I.nui de Hranls, members per of the Canadian , schooner! of Ihe French aristocracy, who .Mnfgiillce, has returned from an are visiting Canada, left jfon- ...ia...i i i.. i,. i.. i.ij ni.i hnnvn in ipnnl I .ni I nlslil over llie l.ana- RAW FURS If you want. In lie paid highest possible (IAS If pricps for your HAW 11." 1 1 fS, forward tlieni In R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Head Office: H.fc.H. Hldg., W-M Louise St., Winnipeg, Man. Ksf. fSSfl. liicorporaU'd Irt2f) near Jasper National Park lo make a trip along Ihe trap line which IWiiald ("Curly": Phillips, iiofeil niM-tniliiiii guiili and Irap- per, is operaliiiig in Hie foothills of Hie Itockies for the benefit of visitors. Count I, mils will return F.nst hy way of Winnipeg, Clifcago and Toronlo and thence In New York. Aflcr leaving Kdmonlon Ihe Marquise will go on In Vancouver and from there lo California. Slip spends some days in Santa' llarlnira before embarking al I.os Angeles on board a ship bound through llie Panama for New York, fn New York she will he joined hy Hie count and they will sail for I'fa'nce about fhe end I .11 I IHHH 11 III Ml 111" I'l.i ii..,i.. . . . - ... . . . . . , j . Denmark, and is now busy gel- .Han National Hallways for H.p " -M""!. . i laruiiis o,- .-, ,,s ' ' .... . .... j i ij ii jlii 1 1 itIi fniV nf VMlkinin,lni ting Ihe. tfndgil.s ih order nn. bis. West. Winnipeg and Fdmonlon floaling liiitiie. prior hi Ipilvinp will be visiled en route, t.niuii S top Falling Hair 0RMES LIMITED, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. 9 Ittoriey Back H It tioesh'i The big problem with scalp specialists ii to get the public to form a consistent habit of taking care of their hair. Van Ess Liquid Scarp Massage comes' ih a patehtdd bottle with a special rubber applicatiin attached. The method of applica. tion is easy ana cieaniy. nienilief of Ihe firm lit Sclienl- ede'r and Creuesnt, famous nielal workers of Fratiee and rnainifac-luS'eri of nit cannons used by the' French armies. JUST A LITTLE EXCHANGE HubV-Ofcrir Srnllf And I IhoiiK-nl the Christina expanse was nit over. rienVf Well, Isn't it. Hubb My wife has just, exchanged a lace handkerchief and six bund red dollars additional for a fur coat. Bargains ! Silk, Wool and Evening Dresses "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Hot 327 Dr E S. TAIT i i DENTIST. Helaarsort Bloolt, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Ofrtce Hours, t to 8. Phone C8t). Open Evenings Only For Bpaoltl Appointments,