nadian .aundry and y Cleaners j, Ulir only power . ut:i pressing l i. lie city, Scr- ii i v. mansuip un- I A plinne call n a :ur rat-. tth Ave. W. Phone 8 A Modern en Block tal Service H t Moderate Fee H. L. Alexander Phone 575 t. Regis Cafe Inca Rupert's Leading I "Mtturant. LBkry linsurpadd Third Aenua. INDSAY'S tageand Storage Phoni (. m. AVaretiouniif, and !'Mrii,,nft Tem 0f o'.or Service. l Sand and flravl PPlMl4 ln.P.o W "nnure Kovlnp. itU regulations, wliicJi it is held ja.-c Jtciin; flagrantly violalcil. I ' llrilisli Columbia members as-jsert that I In- number of .lapan- cmi immigrants entering Cannula uow'r not miifineil In tin fimiii-;ticr fixcil Jiy Canailas ircfiil laws, ami IliPy nrc Dial if Hie clear In elTecl a lolal exclusion pulley it slioulil al leail frame rtilet whicli will actually limiu lapatiese iinmirnilt' to certain fixed number. Immitrralimi nlliciaU mliiiit thai prcsenl rcnlalinns arc nnl lioinjr cnforccil elTcclivcly. Appllrnlinn In Japan nf in-e-seni rcinilallons cnfnrceil iialnsl. Chinese is one of Ihe propn-nls stiscsleil In the cabinet. The l?hinee rvculaliniis have lirn- uuccil e.xceleni rfull s. il is sabl. II may lake mnntlis for Ihe j.ivrnimrnt to lake any final acliop on Ihe .Liipaiicsc problem because nf inleriial tonal issues invohoil. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION TOR LICENSE BEER .ViTITE t hTfhy lvpn that on llif Itli day or April ncl nndcrsiniml intnnis to anplv I" Ihe Liquor onlnil lloaM foi a liriiM- in rftx-'l I" lnrmlsM l'lnr pari or ir Imihlinr non a the Port r.lrinrnl Mol-l. Mlmfxl t I'orl Cl-mpnt. Om-fn Cliarloitp J-land, Provlnrc of Hrlllh rlmii!H4 upon Uio land lrrltMl a lot nT ir.', Klo'lf rorty-rour H. nlHlitloon or Lot iwyr-n hmnlred and roriy U !'. Jn Charlotte fimrirt. jt.C , a ohnwn on a rpaM'iwt map nr plan .Irpoollert In Um Land ni-ltl'lry or-rir at Hi niy or Prlnrc llutwrt and mtrmVi-Ml 40T0. rnr h alor hrer li.v Ml la or liy HH opn ikmiw mr n ...n.Mli.n tllM fllfitllluPA fiVTKIi al Prlnrp nnperl. H.C.. till 4Ih day or Mann. on nT ppltfM CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (Wtittrn Rtglen) CONtTRUCTION COWICHAN BAY BRANCH, VANCOUVER ISLAND SI'Mfii TrMln rerolvcd at llw orrim of the i'Wfr lunlnoer. winni m'. Manitoh. natll iwelvi- oVIock noon ,..n miii inr. fur the ron- Mnirlioii or llmlMT lirldm Inrliidlnr IreOlr al irlian Hay. an I jllie r tniriem i tr'vi ". iroril.'. pt'iiriiallon and rorin lie wen and frni or i r oniri t uiay teuder ohialneil al Ihe fnre -of fililef ! I nrineer. Winnipeg Man.: MrW t ' ........ r. i. n i' tiiiKinn f nrln- leer. ITlnre impeM. I' C; Arllnir IMMrlrt I KnUneer. Vlriorin, H.i'.. I Tender will not he ron'tilered iinle . ..itxtsllml hv llui IIHIIWAV llllllll1 nil mi- iim" --..r"' '. , , t oiniianv and areoiiipanlwl hy an. aeeepled m i l.ine a rharniiil Hank equal to r ve fM-r Vent or 'ttn- value or ihe work, pay-ahle v' lite order r the Treanifer. nrilaii fallonnl llallttayj. ,. ,Th' lowei oe any Jemler lint . rur Uw. r VVAI1II,,N. (ienernl Manager Winnipeg. Man., Mnrrh Sth, 1015. .. vnril 02- THE DAILY HEWS PACJE FIVE, RING ats in the new colors 1 I.?- - lemers Box 327. Phone 27 JAPANESE PROBLEM BEING CONSIDERED OTTAWA GOVERNMENT (Claim Made That Immigration Laws -are not Being Adhered to and Many Japs Enter -Country A -iK'i'lal dcspalch ,v Mnire lliitcliin.son In (lie Vancouver Slat- from (llia-wa in regard In llii' JaMitn'o (iii'.Htii nays: Far-ri'iicliliijr changes' in Japanese imniiral iiui regulations, aiiKMiiilinu' in HlVel In a new Oriental imiuiui-atimi policy liavi' ln'1'ti Taken under consideration liy the cabinet, jt wa liMiniiil today, licit ish Columbia lucirihcr wlnt arc closest in lunch with the Oriculal nueslion have been asked In lay rcroiii- , ARE YOU TORTURED WITH ECZEMA? rrHiia, ir Salt Hlienm. a It M rum-ninhly utti'fl. I. ono of ilu- innt airunlzinit or all kin (1ic,im-. The IntPiiw lniriiiti!r. Itrhlnit ami Mimninit. tW-Hly at nirlit nr when the purl are nponsl to heal are almost nn-licnrahlc and ri-llcf I im-nlly wflf-rniiPil. Tin- moot reliable niKl rrwiivp ninpfly fur tlii trouble Ik BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS i Mr. J. II. lohnMni, li.ll. .o. 1, nh.iwa, (int., wrlle: "for jiar 1 va IronMi-il Willi erjefiui, ,.ml li:nl tliat lerrl-iil- llrhlnjr find ImriiliiR wiHiitlon, and o.uld rind im rellcrrnr it. Finally, I va afvie in no- ii ami artir rny secmid I ! I Ih'Imii o we h ureal .ilirrere'iri-, and I ran, now. advise anyone ,trnnhlfl an I was to use UiU wiifiilethil rcniiity." tmwt t 1 1 ...... -tla a -r. .i . 1 .................. ,, raiiniiM P,,t ,, . hy TW T Mm)llrll 0)j hi thai mil nT these )rnniai 1 li'iiiiid, Ti.rmio. Out. Ilic .government may mould new: iminiyralinii regulations more ! pCCIICC TA IMArHuT effective ihaii ai pivmcii! 'cruoL lUlmAblnfc flLLNESS' IS '.COMING Cnnsideralimi nr a new esc iinlicy is Die result of wide-' siiiN'a.l iliosalisfsifiimi wild exist- v,clor'a Paper Gives Some Good Advice to Those who Talk of .Sickness Siiys Hie Vicliniji Times: Thoro is tin smallpnx In Victoria. Tli incilical Jiciillh nlliccr lias fuailo lluil fact jierfcclly clear. Tlicrc will Jm tin cnmpnlsnry nnler for ovoiiimenl cannnl cc its way Ivai-ciiialinn. The city council has tlcciilcil llial ixiinl. We are mil iiarliculaily inler- esli'il in (he i'inlrover.y between vacciiialionils nml anli-vaccin- iliimisls. .11 may not lie nut of place In siij-'sesl, however, thai If the nennle of this city will 0 almiil their ilaily. laks with a ilclermiiialion .In lake n little mine than nnlinary care nf lhemelve.s, ami refuse lo im agine every ache anil pain In lie Ihe ailvance of some ilreaueil ilisea"1, Ihey will" be aslniiisheil o iliscnver how simple il is In keep well ami cheerful. Half Ihe "ailments" nf the present ilay lire the result nf an incliiialinn In sluily ainl pniulcr over svmninins. it more nine were yiven lo Ihe obervancr nt simple rules of hcnllli. cpiilemlcs of Ibis or thai iliscase wmilit h" few ami far lielwpi'n. IS BEAUTY CONTEST A GAME OF-CHANGE? - r Police Commissioner at iVlctorla Urges That It Is, But is 'Opposed Vir.TOllIA, April 2 Victoria's police commission -Iras been dis-cussiiiir what is n panic or chance ami J tow loes it differ from a panic of skill. One commissioner siiesls Hint a lieauly coolest is a inline nf Miance wIiciims police Commissioner Slanelnnd cliainpions that form nf iiiiuiseineni. anil says Ihe phooslng of, a hcaiity uueon is a tjnine of skill. $ Wheels of'fnrtuii'e nd similar KiliiililiiiK fcaliiie.s.seem likely In I be excluded f;um.the midsummer carnival liere allliouuli Ihey nrc clianitiioncd ' by .Conunissiontft' Ailkin for llif occasion. Ml is. lfl up lit IhiV'cliie.f of police " In cxpoiiud In ; lhe MMimiiiissioiicr'.-i til a jalc'r ineeiippUwhui hi difference, technical and leptil, between skill nml fihance as np- 111 frnnoa R I T1S H f1 QLU MB I A The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. Koduccd MineenU n fnllnws! Placer fiold. $70,003,20; hmlo 'Oold, I !,- '. J Silver. i r. litPilrtU Conner. l7.00.r08: .Zinc, $27,- Miscellaneous Mi oemls - 1.-108.257; Hoal oml Cnke, ifSriDIKS, I II; .Muibling .,'.'',,nrk. 'Anient,, cUv$:il,U 0,2114; making lis Mineral Pm.ludion l.i 'Hie mill ul Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 eduction for Year Ending IDec. 1923, $41,304,320 ill QT f n. i.. , . . . i i . i .....l l In. fee lnep llinse lif .j rniier Province in n... i.,...t n. .minnv in llio llrilisli Kinpir!. IIIICi'l I v i"iniini''ii 1,1 "'ij v d I '"callous arc irrniiled in dUenverers for imminal fees. f M'hile Titles are m:..n.i i... .1 1 u--i, nninei lies. llio securil.v of which' is. il I'll ' 11 1 .1.. 1 1 "J iiryrni Miift -". i"i I, I'V Crown nrts. . I'lre rmniinti lnKellier with MinijiK nnorls npj Maps, may bfi nlllainoH gratis by Miip. THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, BrltlshXolumbia. INSPECTOR PARSONS RETURNS TO 'CITY Has 'Been 'Away Several Weeks , and Brought'Alleged Hl-Jack Murdersr From States; Is Moving South lnxperlnr T. V.-!s, Parsons of Ihe provincial police rplumt'il In Hie rily from Viclijiia on (lie I'rince (leor?e jeslenlay itflcr-nniin. lie has1 'been away for several weeks ami ifuriii thai lime lie Weill In XcW Orleans In briiif? brine; back In this province Harry Sowash Avbn is charged willi munler in cnnncclinn with Ihe Meryl (i. Iiijnrk f iifr case. Inspector I'arsons, who is be. iiiK lrnii.ferni In ''.Victoria, says thai lie is mil sure how lony be will remain here lie To re -niiiK south permaikPHlly. .Mrs. Parsons is already in Ihe snulh. LA ROSE MINING CO. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The. retfutar aniiunl general meeiins of Ihe Alice Arm l.a S'p Mining Cnmpany I.imilcil, .nii-pcrsnnal I.ialnlily. wjis beld on Tuesday aflernnnn, March .'II, al Ihe officeH1of (he company, ttlien me loiiowin oriicers were appointed for the cnuiii year: j Miles lliinalil. president. f)r. W. T. Ker.'iii, vice.presi-ilenl. ' Tli I. II. .Morlimer, sec.-lreas. Jos. Wells ami I.. II. Thompson, direclors. This comiilp stiinmer Ihe company iiileml lining ciiusider-alile ilevelopnienl work nit I lift properly. A blnckof shares are beins offeriil for sale al fifty ci-nts per share ami -ali be had from Hie Secivlary. K. II. .Morlimer. :i:M Secoml Avrmrc. I'rince llu-perl, M.C., nr J. M. .Morrison, Alice Arm.-M.C. WHIST-DRIVE AND DANCEM MOOSE One Hundred and Fifty Persons Attended Successful Affair In Metropole Hall Last Night A very enjoyable whist drive and tlance was hold last ni'.'htl by Ihe .Moose l.odye in Ihe .Mel- ropiue 1 1 a 1 1 , some ion .persons beiiifr present. Al cards Ihe winners were: ladies' first, Mrs. Sam llaudens- ehild; ladies' second, .Miss Florence .Morrison: men's Tirsl. .1. Ilolhwell; men's second, A. ' Hefreshments were served and Sfoop-windows on parade :lN .THE quiet and comfort of your home, newspaper'in hand, the shop-windows of the town's best stores pass in review. 'Look at that charming little hat just the style lyou have been looking for, and so reasonable! And say, isn't that coat a darling? . . . Not only do you see illustrations of the merchandise, but you are 'told in detail of its merits and prices. A passing panorama that may be halted and started and halted at will. A shopping trip at home! How'long do you suppose it would take you to reverse the process to go up one street and down another, until you had visited personally every worth-while store in town? And how exhausted ,you would be, physically and nervously. There's no doubt about it. The modern way to shop is to read the advertisements, then make notes of the stores and the particular offerings that appeal to you. 'What a lot of time and bother such a method saves. You know beforehand what you want to look at, who has :it, and what you will have to pay. Read the advertisements. Make it a daily habit. The regular reader of advertisements is better 'informed, makes the family budge1: stretch further, has more time for recreation, gets more value for her money, and profits in many other ways. 'Advertisements are frequently the most interesting -news in the paper. music for the dance was fur- i nished by the Wcslhnlme or- which arrived from Ihe soullth chcslra. Joe Slarcard was tnas-.yeslenlay afternoon were me .toi- er of ceremonies anil llalph Kieflfaber was on (he door. TAX IS PROPOSED .'ON TRAP CAUGHT FISH Every day these shop-windows are lined up for your inspection in this newspaper lowing: For Prince lluperl Mr. .Mel- drum, -Mr Ormsby, II. I.. .Mc- .Masler, I). MK Mr.Masler, Mr. Ilulehins, Mr.'liilllcr. P. 'Wallace. .1. G. Kniylil. Mrs. Moore. Mrs. F.mlerlon, W. Knowles, .1. Milne. F. II. Toinlin, W. II. Chase, II. W. William Paul , Introduces :BIII Foster, (!. Kyford, Mr. Preleau, ilnto Alaskan Legislature l,. Marl in. -Mrs. F. Foster, 0. for That Purpose llyrne, Mr. .Mnrriee, H. ciiljierl, .U NKAU, April 2. A 7itill said In be designed to yiue nut fish- iraps was introduced in Ihe liouse liy' llepivsenlalrvc' William I.. Paul of Ketchikan. II provides for levy hip a "heavy lav on alt fish taken in traps which, op-' ponenls of the bill say,, will ties. troy al least all Ihe small trap Max lleilluouiM'. Mr. Mereer, ! C. Meyer. OcnVse Herinp, W N. Nieholls, W. A. WrlnblW. )). (1. McLennan, F.. W. -Moula.s, Nick JMurcliic, i. A. llussell, C. 11.;e, I.Mn John, II.1 McKacb-' em, I . pnnp, .miss hsoii, .nr, im Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Me- Uonsrnll, I.. Paulson. Mrs. Atkin son and daualiler. Mr. (iibbs, I). and Irnii nwiiers of SotiJhcastcrivkMarkbaui, V. Williams, H Alaska. The lax proposed by Ibe 'Paul measure is as follows: humpbacks, I feul each; ehuins, 2 ccnls each; eoliocs. lit cents each; red salmon and snckeyes, 5 cent each; ami kinp salmon, III cents each. . , FISH ARRIVALS tfharp, W. S. Fisher. II. Porter, iiisneelor 'I'. W. S. Parsons. 'Miss Nellie Smith, AW: l. Vance, 11. ii Fish, A. Pollock, A. Weeks Fallier (lodfrey. 'For Inverness vMr. and Mrs. a. fi. (Johnstone, II. Wi tlhain hers, 1. nrilchley, Mr. and Mrs. lla.vliss. (',. Harrison :Fnr Slewarl-A'.ol. Willlniii T. Perkins. Pal .lohuson, 11. Wilson Transactions al the Fish Kx-ll. XetTert, A. A. Cox, Mrs. Allen elianfse Ibis inorniiiK were as billows: American Halibut Imperial, S,00i pounds, at D.i null .'Ic, to the Canadian 'Fish Cold Slorae Co. , Canadian iHallbut ("libsnn, 8,000 pounds, at I0..le ami le, to I lie Canadian .Fish A Cold Sloraoe Co. Weslerner, 2, '.'(10 pnunils, not sold. Salmon The 'K.lrcn snbl KHin, jmunds of salmon In Cold Storage al I fie. anil gc. BOAT ARRIVALS Inelnded in. Ihe nass'eivger lif of Ihe C N.Il. sieamer Prince Ueorse. Cupl. Harry Ncddcn, and children, .1. Mrndie nnd A. Archie. For Anyox M. A. l.alln. O. v.. Mellenose, C. A. CuniiinKliam, F.lmer .Ness, Mrs. Lamdorn, Mrs, Maswill, Mr. ami Mrs. (le-nrgc. Mruirpy and family, Mrs. I. Ilen-,on, .1, AW .l.ltllefnrd and Hi. A. YnuiiK. ' Fnr'llayspoi'.l S: T: 'JJke. Wi McFaiiaue, 'P. ti. niompsoin A lleid. iV King. Mr. .and Mrs! Knimuina, 'Mr. and Mrs. . UnJieH-son. For Saskatoon II. Walsou. For llfginaAW Crowe. . v For lluxellon- Mr. and Mrs O rah am. For Sunnyside 1), FurnRofi K. Sakitie vmtl Mrs. hbuu0. For Terrace II Walherg. II S. Creclmnu and Mrs, Aldous. New Spring HATS BROCK . . . BILTMORE BILTMORE $9.00 $5.00 $4.00 STEVE KING Phone Green 85. Third Avenue Another Portland Canal QppQiitunitu The first Treasury Issue nf Ihe Porler-Idaho Miiiiup (lo., Ltd., is now offered the public at 25c per share. This is llie only other' shipping mine besides the Premier in the Portland daunt District. Ore shipped last year more Ihaii paiil development wnrk. For fiill inforpintion apply TL W. M. POLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers. Victoria. Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Cr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. RAW FURS Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 If you want -to be paid highest possible HASH prices for vinti- HAW TUNS, forward them to R. S. ROBIN30N A SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1 225-0 Standard Bank Bldg., .Vancouver, B.C. Head Office: It.S.ll. Mldg., a-fil l.ouiso St., Winnipeg. 'Alan. I'M TSRiT. ' Incorporated 1020