Ynii'II nw rflW Chase &iSariborn's c BMND Coffee Is more Delicious than any other The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA : t Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLBN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. OAfLY KDITIOft gpc-Thursday, April 2.1, 1925. Hope No Election Until Elevator Built. Prince Rupert people will hope there will he 1141 election this year until the elevator is completed. No matter what our particular political beliefs all will ngre.e that the one thing needed above everything else is the completion of the elevator here and its continuous operation after it is huilt. Other things are subsidiary to (hat. There are signs pointing to an election in the summer or autumn, hut it may not he drought on. It is to he hoped it will, urn. i.i-i me eievaior ue nunc ami men we do not care so much what happens. Our success as :, rty depends 011 the carrying out of the present policy. We may not he getting all we want hut we are least getting the one important thing just now. Prince Rupert Must Go After Business. Without knowing whal the goenimeiit intends to do-wdh the Prince Rupert elevator, it is perhaps a little earlv to decide on what cour.se to lake locally to dring this port before, the people or the prairie. When .1. E. llalrpmple, vice-president of the C.N.R. was here, he expressed the opinion it would he best Tor the government, to lease the new elevator, when it is completed. That seems to he the. logical thing to do, if a firm can lie induced to take it ovef. Failing that, it is to he presumed that it will lie operated as a government institution. . In any case it will be wise for Prince Rupert to consider what action she will take to induce business tii come here. Vancouver is about to send a representative. J. A. Mt-Coll lo'ti-.-.v ..1 through the provinces telling about the advantages hf the- west- r. 11 iiiine uoougn Vancouver.. Later Prince Rupert rimy havt to do the same thing. The renrestMil.nl ble information available aiut should be prepared 'tu 'lecture al the larger points ai:J,iliscuss with grain dealers and other. Wherever he goes he would put Prince Rupert .on the grain map. i-iuire unpen raunoi anorti 10 sit back and lie idle in this matter of grain shipping. This is the opportunity, now that im- ru.ooi- is oeiiig iiuiit. we snail Have (o select our territory and canvass it well. Fishermen's Refuge Needed Here. s Ketchikan, it' is reported, is likely to have a fishermer's refuge contrucled by ttie IVdrral (Jovernmerit -at Washington. The Canadian Federal Ooverumenl also owes a similar duly to the fishermen here. The 'construction of docks and wharves is speciricalfy a federal mailer and should be undertaken bv them. ' Iri the House of Commons, the other day in answer "Headaches, Bilious Spells. Are Now All Gone" Mm. John Ireland, Nobleton, Ont, whet: "I wai a great lutferer from levere headache and bilious ipells. I tried a number of remedies without obtaining any benefit until I was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. These completely relieved me, and made me feel like a new person. I am very grateful to Dr. Chase's Medicines for what they have done for me, and you may use my letter for the benefit of others." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills S eta. a box of lb pills, Edouuuoa, ntr Jt Co.. XAA., Toronto to inesfion it was slated thai about one hundred thousand dollars was expended on the purchase and excavation of a site for 'a federal building here, during the Borden regime. So far the eily has not benefited one cent as a result of that expenditure. What we need, now is. something thai will really beuent the port. A combatively- small .amount 'of money spent for the benefit of the rishermeti would at once benefit a large ami worthy part of the .population. ' . Ottawa Government And Sealing Treaty. Despatches sent from Ottawa by different correspondent give different ideas or what will be done with the enling trealv. I he Province correspondent thinks there- will be no chaut-M while cori-esjiondents or other p.qiers think a modification of the ireaty likely. 1 As a malter of fac.b the government, at Ottawa will do Vf).alever Ihe (kvoj. f ;waijl; If thej-'ind IhaHhe. pcyiple really waul the Ireaty nVMoga.llra).. t here must be some general movement in that iiireclbin T cfiiinot be exVecled the government will listen to it. The mailer wi be brought before the Roan! of Trade at its. next meeting with a view, to action being taken by them. Charles G. D. Roberts Ccmlng Next Week. The coming of Charles 0. II. Roberts, poet, novelist and writer of nature stories is an event or considerable importance He is one of the outstanding literary men or Canada and his eonung next week to lecture here will be ,1., opportunity for rince Rupert people to meet one of the men who are making Canada famous. . iMiyp Greetings T. Jl. Johnson, manager of the Canadian, Fish '& Cold Sun-age In., gave an interesting address be tore the Syro Club yesterday afternoon on t luv .subject of fish-jing. tie ('villained a theory tracing the development of man irom ""in tlie uir 1 creatures 1 riumr 111 of the mn jm-u, sea, higher animals to man. Them were many strange fish, .Mr. Johnson said, such as Hsii thai carried their own lights and fish that flew, de scribing such fish might gie vise to discredit but, nevertheless, they existed. Prince. Rupert, having had as its first reat indiislrv the fish. iilg, might take heart from that fact .Mr. Johnson said. Such ureal cities' as .Marseilles, Venice tiou of 25,0(l(i lo nay for the coinpilnlion of UWs or Alas- Ka. TEA AND SALE - successful Affair Took Place Yesterday In Aid of Ridley Home Bazaar In aid or the forthcoming- llid-Iey Home Hazaar, a very successful ,.u and sale or home cooking was held 'yesterday n( Icrnoon at I he home or Mrs. S. Ilnugau, 1020 .Ninth Avenue Kasl. Many ladies pHlronlzed tlie alTalr and I he sum or f?.Ki was realized, Mrs. Whalman, Sr. and Mrs, (J. Hills had charge or Mie'limAo cooking table, Mrs. K. fi. Phillips and Miss Marguerile Casey presided, over llie (ea tables and Mrs. (iooilwell wiiw ciiuiiinf ...... .,,,, AN ALIBI FOR HOMER. A new and ilisnuled lihl Imx been shed on lite disputed au- inorsiiip of the Homeric iioem. An Fiiglisii sclinolboy wrole: "It i "aid thai, wriling- was not. in- venled when Homer coimioeil Ills poems. He IllUSt Iberefuro bae lived a good ileal laler." TOE DAIT.Y TTTT7B TALK ON FISH SEATTLE HOLDUP ! GYRO LUNCHEON GAME JHWARTED T. H. Johnson Glyes Address and i Two Men Captured Because Gyro Lougheed Brings tVllce Got Wind of Pro posed Raid SKATTLK, April 22. Ilandil were frustrated in an iitlcmp! lol hold up a niessanger of I'reder-J ick A Nelson. Two of the would- be bandit are in Jail aiid'ihrrei others are bolus.' sought. The bandits were all set for the rohherv. 'I'll.... hm Mioirl - ,.n. . , Hie several slimes of such devel-automobile' In wal'tiig but they' opinenl being illustraled from! had been lipped olT. 'Instead of the eel which had no legs ori"' messvnirer they were cn-nieniiiers, the crab or lobster countered by .Captain Tennant, which had developed legs, thOjhcail of the detective bnreau, and frog wliieh lived on water and ntliefuls o'f llie store. l.ee II. laud and breathed with lungs, thef' A'aile and1 Charles'- K. Pearl were eal, and, finally, through the! the men arrested. and lyre" had been founded ouij III. 1 filiit, iti.lti-,1.... '11... I1..I..I. ! ..it. i.-imiP. 11111111.1 j . Jill' lftii;ii. I I I. I I . .1 . . 1 I iriiin; 11,111 iieeu llie lirsi III (UKI! iip commercial fishing when they prepared herring and exported it into (iermany and Russia. These nations were still great consumers of salt herring, I he use of it having been handed down from ireneralion fo generation. Clarence Lougheed Clarence Lougheed, governor or district No. N, who was a guest or the club, was called upon, lie extended the jrreelmgs not only or the Calgary Club hut district No. H, which contains the Fdinonton, Lellihridge, Crau-lirook and Nelson clubs, to Prince Uupcrt and said that members of the local club would always rind a Welcome awaiting them from (iyros or those cities. .Miss Xada Johnstone, accompanied by..,MLjj)lauche. jjurtln, iavoj-e.it the "ctlili wilH vocal solos and there tf-as 'ifso .coniniuuily singing. President liny AfcNaughtnn was in the chair, there was a large attendance of members ami llie following were guests: Aonnan Lougheed of Calgarv: l . Jl. Jo III AlM .fdhn sione, .miss Mlauche L'urtin. A. L. Wakericld, F. (i. dawsmr, lloherl .Mann, dr. W. T. Kergin and V. K. Williams or Prinee Ituperj; Jack Crawford and Arnold Evans of ,e steamer Prince (ieorge, and J. K. Merryfield nf Vancouver. FISHING BOATS IN ALASKA EXEMPT FROM SEIZURE FOR DEBT ll'XE.U , April 22. Tim Ah.u. ka House or Representatives passed a bill exeinnlimr from execution .any fishing vessel the value' or which docs not exceed 2.5oi. 'Ibis lMf, ,(,. -filling h'at in the frame, class with workmen's, topis iis,liefn'g, wen .Mint her lull passed by the House was one for an aitnroiiria- Tennant. said after the arrests1 that the' fwo .men ni.-ule a proposition, to' aiueniployj of the -parMueut stor(eruii! promised lo lef him share InTh'e fool in ex change for the information which fie was o furnrsli. Las. summer bandits succeed ed in gelling away with ?:J,(i(i(l in a holdup. The Man in the Moon J.YS:- NOW then, Prince Jluperl people, all together. T'niled we boost, divided we bust." JAKE says the things holding the world back today are slal.c, cross word puzzles and silk stockings. A SUKAT scientific; discovery has been made. .Men uc bald because their hairdrops out. ' 1 " I ( I men who would perted busbands'aniuijstly 7 gle. ' , make sin- A it AX in lpye;-ls 'said' to t.e like a motorcar Vni ' ;i slliiery lull or ji indtorb'nat running Riitze Rapids at Iiftfr tide. 'HEN , daiFS' lial Uel's- well . I ' I . I f . 1 4 m' ... .. . . sireieneo. Il niljflii ril nil 1.0ns beau. THE U.S. courts have decided 111.11 3011 mania is no iirooer ground nir divorce iiroceedirias. Whal about the whist drive mania? be t TIIMV say llie girls like Prince Hupcrt because' there- "are nn mos(iiiloes lo nibble at (ho silk stockings. AX idle roomer is even more dangerous Ibau an Idle, rumor As soon as we are Ihrnusli Willi this "save the forest wee!," and "cleanup week" we shall suggest Hie establishment or a make money week," a "bootleg gers week," a "mind your own business week " a "be nnlile week," an "out nn ' llie 'wnter week." an "encourage new in. itusiries .week," a -ftloriT be so weakV? .fiiitn';fevMolhcr,s, yet fo d Hp X. i. I fAJ rtnciiub einfle nn.h'r- sland why peonle Jit let lnuillnp so tin I il I read the other .lav Him I the human body consisted large ly of glue. LOftn Fsher says 71 woman does nnl retain physical charm afler forly, bul Ibeii His Lordship would find j dinicult lo locale an unmarried lady as old as forly. I OFTF.X hear of llie slrong arm or the law but seldom hear mention of its big reel. .ii;Ihii.(5 i,y l0 amount of inbney some people spend, they 1 1 a ' .. ... imi.-i, 11. iM- lorgoiien 1 ii 11 1 Lenten season is over'; llie DID you ever hear of llie quaint obi F.nalish eiislnm nf punishing grariers and making even rich people obey, the law. Those F.nglish are. so out or dalel JOILN Oliver Is gone to Ollawa lo find out what Is irnlncr on there. I thought John knew hel ler than to try anylblng like that. What tie is really after is (o find out whal is doing for Ihc Pee ee and He. 1 A VAXP.OFYFii buinorIM hn found out that there are advant ages in rhlinyr on u street car. a new business opened up here pretty soon. A firm is lo take up vain insurance and il is ex-irecled lo be a great success. Ten Years Ago j in Prince Rupert J Joe Hoyte, Yukon pioneer and mining king, was a passenger bound uoflh for dawsou on the Princess .Maipiiuna . last night alter a visit In F.asfprn centres and llie Old Country, 'fbe city, council, at a meet ins last night, decided Rial no further -reductions .could tic made in the Cily Halt stair without im pairing elllcieney. j J. J. I.illle of Ihc city electric light deparlinenl is leaving shortly for llie did Counlry. Ho expects lo enlist. STOMACH GAS don't waste time taking iiills or tablets for gas on the stomach when simple buckthorn bark, magnesium sulph, c. p. iglycerine. cte., ' as mixed iir Abllerika. re moves gas fu TKX minutes Mffnn lirmgs out a surprising amount of '' waste matter you never thought wii , hi; yiur syAlem. Xo mftHpwlijyJu.liSivi-lrfH'r constipation or allied slomach trouble, Adterika is so womlei-rul in il s yi'ICK action that you will be n'stouished. Slops that full, bloated feeling, .don't wasle time any longer but let Adlerika give your bowels- a It HAL cleansing and make your stomach feel fine! Ormes Limited, Druggists. POPULAR 9x6 - $9.75 9 x 7 - $12.00 9x 12 - Barries Home Third Avenue and 1st Street Medium A little higher in price, but- whai a wonderful difference . a few cents make Re says you can hold hands while the oilier fellow drives. IT 1s said there is likely to he Whale Bone PRICES tICES 9 9 $19.00 9.00 rushes A Whale Done Urisli ned in hrulin 'A imparl lone and vigor and stimulate th hair. A splendid head of strong uyop.n- ii its consistent use. We have n shipment of Wlinle IIOw Hi i idircel from the iiiiiniifiirlni ers in FuKlai. l particularly good ipialily ami low in price 1 , From $1.25 Up. They have nice barks and the W'ti.. 1. Hi lip well under Use. Conic 10 and m.'k' ORMES LIMITED - The Pioneer Druggists The RexaJI, Scr 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 ' Canadian National Railways " 11 v Prince Rupert DRYDOCK " SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nli kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF LINOLEUM are sanitary and long wearing Xil U x9 . $14.00 YsxKj f 'JL x lOJ- $16.50 WMK'lM ' Wz&tti'U Furnishings Phone 123 l 0 ' ya-i.y -, ir.