PAGE TOXm MARMOT METALS WORK TO BEGIN Company Will Commence Developing Montana Group About May 1 - VICTOhTA, April 23. TJirti Marmht Metal Mining Company! Limited, .'in-Personal Liability was incorporated last week un dcr the laws of Hrifish Columbia for the purpose of taking ovi and developing anil opcrnlinx .the well knowi Montana !rniip of six claim, silualcd on iln soiijl fork of the Marmol Itjver fix in i Ins by trail from tidewater at an . elev.vlion of from a 1,000 In 3,500 feet. This was the first. property staked im the Marmot. Itiver, ami lias long been recnu-nized liy milliner inon of all spheres as a properly of very great promise. Slaked ami own ed by JI. G. Magee of Stewart ami Vancouver, George Hruggy of Alice Arm, anil Angus Mel. end of Stewart, considerable work has from time., to lime been done consisting of a great deal of surfacinu- prospecting:, anil open cuts; a lolal of Mil feel of tunnels and a twenty foot shaft Small shipment . IJial can only he looked upon as smeller Jests have from time to lime heen made, that gave a return of over $100 in .ro M, silver and lead. Assays taken by Mr. Magee have given returns as high as toitj ounces silver, with good gold and heavy lead rnulenl. A large mineralized zone from 100 to -'00 feel wide traverses the entire, length of the four Upper claims, below which two veins five tn six feel wide carrying high tirade ore have been located and to an extent developed, these two veins head directly for the big zone, and at their intersection with it should make large and valuable ore bodies. Owing lo the nature of the ground great depths can be easily obtained. A pood horse trail runs from . tidewater at the mouth of tin Marmol Hiver right up to and past the fool of the properly. Capital of $1,500,000 The new company has a rupi lalizalion or $ 1, 500.000 divided into ."1,000,000 shares par value 50 ('en Is. One-third of the cap Hal slock, 1,000,000 siiarea are paid to the vendors in full pay inenl for the properly and lo cover incorporation and organ fzaltou costs. This slock is lo be placed in escrow for two years. The balance or 2,000,000 shares are placed in the. treasury forjspuhlic subscription, for the purpose, of financing development and later equipping the properly. The new company lakes' over (he ground clear of all Jiabi.lilies, and witli no pay-' incnls io hi; made. 1 In (lie. Interest k.. of economy Jibe head ollice, . will bo for Ihe tiinj; bejnjr ill Je;ist, be1 in Stewart. Angus Mcl.eod, one of Hie owners and a well-known northern mining man of experience and repute, will be the managing director. Work is lo be commenced on or 'about May 1, and finergctjcal-ly prosecuted summer and win ter. MUSICAL CLUB CANADIAN DAY Enjoyoble Time Spent Yesterday by Members at Home of Mrs. George Bushby The Ladies' Musical Club held a very enjoyable and instructive meeting yeslerday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Hush by, Fourth Avenue, the afternoon tbejng devoted to a study of Gan iadian composers with examples jof'lheir work. The program con- ited.or: Piano solos by Mrs. It. p. Pon "dejy "Harcirolla"; "lulerlude and Pro Palria," Giarence Lti A'ocal solos )iy Mi's, It. Illnrice "Jlie World Is Waiting for the 5unrise' Krnct Sell., -and "A PrtblemM'arkin, Vocal fojos by Mrs. G. Collin "I Itring Thee Heart KaM." Jenn nrariscomlie, and "A Little FeJ low," William Iilclimont. Vocal solos by Mrs. L. O. Lar sen, "A May Song" and "The Lit .tie Itrook." llcne Gilley flf New Westminster. Paper pn ''Canadian Gompos-1 'rrs," M"rs. George Woodland. I Violin nolo-by Miss Marjorlo, Lancaster, "0 Day Most Fair' BRINGING UP FATHER " rrz IM COlHC TO Si START Tavnc 1 1 ''- 'v Mbaui the famous Gauadian inger is in distressing cireuin- lauces and a donation lo a fund to help her was made by the. luh. HALIBUT PRICES ARE LOWER TODAY Arrivals This Morning Totalled 80,500 Pounds One Boat Goes to Sitka Halibut arrivals today being handled through the local' fish houses Iota) 80,500 pounds 70,. 500 from American boats and 10,000 from Gauadian. One vessel which sold for Sitka delivery is not included in this total. Arrivals ami sales today were as foljows; American ' Albatross, 17,000 lbs., at Kc Ir, to the Uooth Fisheries Go. forsSilka dejivcry. aknlat, 35,000 lbs, at 8.1c Ir, ami Wabash, 1.500 lbs., at 10-lc and ic, lo the Pacific KisheriM. - lalioma, 32,000. III.. . at, 7.8c and Ic, lo the Gauadian Fish Gold Storage Ce. Washington-, -D.OOO lbs., at 10c and Sc. lo the Hoolh Fisheries Gauadian Go. Canadian Dolphin, 8,000 lbs., at 0.5C and W lo the Ganaitian Fish .V 'old Storage Go. W. T., 2,000 lbs., at 8.0c and ic, to the.' Atlin Fisheries. BIG LOG RAFT AT LOCAL SAWMILL FROM ALICE ARM The. Ilecale SI rail Towiiic Go.'s tug Gape Scot I arrived n port today with two flat rafls ol logs from the Abbolsford Los ing Co.'s camy at Alice Ann containing fome 1.500.000 feet for the Prince Huperl Spruce Mills. . nnl I KNOW IT- JODT AW TOLD MEL mm Henry Morey'of New sier. NVctitmin. Piano solo by Mrs. Hubert Ward, "Indian Love Lyrics," Vocal -solos by Miss alla lohuslone "liuna," Mc!ill, and 'South Wind," William )ich mont. II. was brouglit lo the alien lion of the club that Madame HAD BOILS ALL OYER HIM I lu-iw it inil uiievT tu d'-l liu 4 IxiiU ami (hat l 1y giing rljrlil lo 0e peat of J In- Irciiihlc llw iIimu a. lite Lail lilfKid imit Im iii.i.I' pure ln-forf tlm Uilln will ill-ia.-ar. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS rtfns(? ihe ..vlem n1 reitiovM all tiu ronl m.-itler I lie lilixiil In a way lw iiii-llrin.4 HI itn. Mrs. Cti.n. nankin, Rtilm, Sask.. wrtles: "A Tpw yi-ars am my! had a terrlLle lime with boll. On one aim he had IS between hi elbow and aianager, Herl Smith, will tin considerable-work in the mine in addition to Liking samples before it is decided whether lo purchase the mine or not. Xews that the Premier was likely to purchase Hie litiuwell itised a little flurry in. Hear Hiver slocks during' the past few laysV It: T. I'llioll, who is act: ing as agent for the sale of the properly has slill nothing to say in regard to the proposed deal. STOCK MARKET I I.C. Silver . Illinwell Howe Sound Surf Inlet ... Premier L. A L. Iialy-Alaska Hid. . 4.35 2.33 MAGNIFICENT addition to the Anchor-Donaldson H Canadian fleet twin-screw geared turbine steamer a sister ship to the popular Athenia designed and built on the Clyde the birthplace of so many of the finest ships afloat. Every detail of the Letitia's appointments wai planned to make her the epitome of comfort and safitty in ocean traveL Drawing Room In Hjht Ivmjt colour and moulding! In wtiitt. Pining Saloon In Old EnglUh, with oak woodwork of toAvrry. Smoking Caoiri.txatlltd In antique oak and of EUiabtthan period. Cabia Luungt, charming, ret tfuL alrnpla In deilgn, the eicellenl deeoratlvt nrepUcc lending distinction. Lnlrancn Hall Umngt oo promenade deck, a number of window in forward bulkhead allowing an uninterrupted view ahead. Staterooms furnished In a manner which ensures perfect comfort: with superior heating and vcnUlaling equipment; aafety arrangement! of tht highest standard. Select the Letltls, Athenia, Saturnla or Caassndra and your voyage t luiropc will be one of pleasure and contentment. For booklet and leaflet on the St. Lawrence Route to Europe, tee the nearett tteamthip agent, or apply (o THE CUNAKD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 22 HASTINGS STREET, W VANCOUVER Asked. I. SO ' 1.40 I8.WI . .07 A 2.40 25 .20. 101V ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE -ttt n.n. 1 j t" " 1 1 T 1 ,. . : c 1 1 1 r- SWEATERS FOR Parent Teachers Agree lo Provide Three Sets, One for Each School ADDRESS BY DOCTOR A meeting of I he Prince Parent Teachers' was held in I lie Auditorium of the lioolh Memorial school last evening at 8 p.m.. There was . a good attendance of ini; nre on ine hafk of hi wrv, amf.parenis ami teachers ami an in several mnne on dirrert-nt nam of Ills iiinuliiiv ,...! i.... I,, .1.1 1,. n ........... ... 5" " iic in- ci-i 3 iiiiuir iik mind iiiiiiK : of. Imt Rut no relief until he took lluriiix-k 1 HIimkI Killers, and to his nurprlse it ojn-pleh ly relieved Jiiui of hii hoj. In very hort time.' rt.B.B. hat een r.n the market for the pst in years; lie sure you ret It when yon ask for It; put up only by The T. Miibiirn cn.. Mmlied. Toronto. Ont. WORK WILL BE DONE AT DUNWELL HLNE BY THE PREMIER COMPANY No Decision as to Purchase Will be Made Until Concern is Satisfied VIGTOHIA, April 23 The crew of men from the Premier Mine, under charge of the assistant Delegates from the Prince Football Association ad- tlresMtl the meeting expressing the desire of that Association lo fosler tire love of outdoor sports among the school boys of (his city by forming a Junior League mil lo ask Hie aid of Hie Parent Teacher Association iu providing sweater for the teams of the three schools. The meeting un- iniuiiiusly voted Ihal'such finan cial aid be given and asked the delegation to convey (heir thanks lo lite Football Association for llieii- elTorts. in helping the boys. Dr. Tremayne, school iiietli.-al ofliKcr, gave a much appreciated address ou Hje medical iiispi'-lion of seiools, the value of a school nurse ;tnd a denial clinic ami on the prevention and cure of the various diseases, infectious and otherwise, prevalent among children. Miss K; JijJies dcjjghfrd Ijje iliijience 'wilh Jut songs which were arcnmjianic'il by W.Vaughan Da vies. social half-hour was spenl in the sewing room ami refrcsh- ueuts were served. Sport Chat The football season will oucn on May i with. Hie first game of the Stuart Sljjehl series between lln Great War Veterans' Associ- tlioji ami the Hons of Knglaml it is announced by the Association. the nuking of further tlefinile nrrangemeiils for Ihe .season's itclivities is, however, being delayed by the Association until mat week when jt wil) lit .known whether v nlj jluyvis:lo be :t foiivlbjM.n til JiiVe Uiei'lilaCe-tiir . V. .. A-. - V.'l Die uus or t;aiiala wlio Have tuoounceil 1 1 1 a they will not en ter into football competition this year. The Commercial Orad of J-ltJ (iioiiloii, tin I heir way home from Ihe coast last week, played a panic al Kamloop winning' over the all-star ladies' team of thai cily by 32 to 7. Soul hern paper in describing Die Kaine, said the score vas not indicative of the play allhouirlj li Oj-ads f;jve a finished display and left no doubl as to wliy jliey are Hip world' qh'amfiioiis. CJiarles II. TJbbetls, president or Hie .Nalloual I.eaKue baseball club, who died last week, was for many yearn ue tf the mosl proiniuu'iil fiures iu the baseball world. Ho brouglit (he Hrooklyn Club out of the ruck of mediocrity and financial failure j treat success and prosperity. 1' first broke irilo Ihe panic in Jf- as bookkeeper for the llr .oklyn. Club mid in IHJ'J he came president, lie was approaching his shly-sevenlh birthday when he ilied. The luminal Selkirk, Capl. - annarrl, arrived from Ihesoulh .')iis nuirnjug wilh a ronj-ladeji bar'e Jor Albeil & vMrCaiTery. The vessel also has machinery for ihe Millerd cannery. Wanted For Sale Forwent ' si By George JkJ tmW 3- EmTn, w It n anus '1ft DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. a 2c per word in advance. No Advertuement Uken for lets than 50c FOR SALE l'OM SA1.K r.ouiplelcly equipped pleasure boat. 30 x U, 15 h.p. Herlhs for four persons. New and in first class condition. A bargain for quick sale. Apply Ho tVi Daily News Ollice. HASHOAT for al. New, 3fi feet Ions. 5-7 hors' power enpine. Apply Caretaker, Vachl Club. If TO RENT TO HK.NT. Suite, balb ami ranwe. Tinker. Tel. 5". five rr-om. Aj.ply (!. 1. If J'OH JlKNT. Clapp apartment Weslenhaver Hioju;'. , If BOARD HOAHD. The Imamler, 830 Second Avenue, pflpne 137. HOAHD AND IIOOM, or only. I'hone lied 707. LOST board LOST. l.atly's jrohj bracelet watch. Finder please rclum lo Daily News ojllee. COLUMBIA RECORDS NpV Process Columbia Ileconls no Kcralchiiiit. Finest reproductions of lalest Fox Trots, Soii- ami Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPEnT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for ItiiupaRC ami Ksnress Northern Transfer. Day I'hone lied 213. Nihl phono ijreen 307. W. H. MONTQOMERY, JR. ROBERTS INVITED TO ADDRESS CLUBS President Telegraphs Him at Vancouver Asking Him to be Guest of Honor YV. S. Fisher has telegraphed lo Charles i. I). Jltdierls asking Ihal he addruss the Cauadian Club at a luncheon Ij be piveu iu hishobor.rinirilay of nel y'e-tytft'ik&jttV fi"1 n I"Hle to nllend. He is coming to lecture al a public gathering in (he Hoolh School audiloiniii Ved-nesday evening und il is thought that while here he should be given some recognition otllcially as one of Ihe greatest Canadian authors. If he aecenls the in vitation il is understood the Women's Canadian Club will join with the men al the luncheon. VICTORIA WINS HER FREIGHT RATE FIGHT Is Placed on Same Basis as Vancouver by Shipping Com panics VICTOIHA, April 23. The arbitrary rale imposed on lliiseily by the sieainshlp eonpanics un shipments froln Kurnpe or Ihe lias I coasl uf thin conliutnl, Jia been abolished and henceforth Victoria wm get Hie ame rale lis. VanAnuver. Hilherlo Victoria lias had" lo pay I be rale to Vancouver and rclum lo Vicloria. This places Victoria ou the same shipping basis as Vancouver so far as rntffn' ajre concerji-ed. . nejrgi) v, II, Aijanis ami li. Adams or Olaxlon are nailing lo morrow morning on Ihe Prince (Jcorge for Vancouver. BOATS AND LAUNCHES I'ltlCI'S OF KASTllfipF. 1 CVCI.K .Marine I'ngines--II.I. wilhoul clutch $185.00 i-H.I'. I cylinder Ml) 2GO.00 C-II.I. I cylinder III) 150.00 8-II.I'. 1 cylipderg IID 750.00 8-11. P. 2 cylinder Ml) 160.00 10-II. I', t evliiider J.D I76.0D All I be above exeept t he firt include the Famous .lues He-verse Hear, and full pleclrical ami propeller equipment. Tim best that money can buy. liasthope Itros., 17(7 (ieorgi.i SI. V. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your service. SHEDDON TAXI13C Anywhere al Anytime. Five pas-.enger Dolge Sedan Comfort and (Courtesy. Hales: 50c fir I or 2 pHseiiKr, 25c for each additional passenger.. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" at your er vice day or night. Comfort -Safety Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Laiiihly. 1'boiirs 570 or 1 3 1 . TAXI 592 THE DKI'ENDAHM TAXI. Dhj and Night service. Comfort ami Courtesy is my motto. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Sland: Richmond Rooms. TAXI. Taxi 67 Phone ICaii Oeorge, Caul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nig' t Sland: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOm Meeker Eloek, Across trom Smnrs Hold FURNITURE WE handle the FAWCKTT guaranteed co'jiper bearing Steel Manges and all grades of high gratle furniture we exchange. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Aiictioneern FURNITURE. New and - Secondhand Furni ure Store. We livy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. QUO. PAHADOPULIS, 330 Third Ave. Pbona t(C IrlONUMENTS P. LeClalre Sub. P.O. No. I. Prince Ilupcrt. H.C. Agent for Granite, Marble and Stone Monuments and Headstones. t WOMEN'S EXCHANGE IF you have any plain sewing or fancy-work you wish lo dls-"poso of, we will sell it for you. Articles in Ibis department tiol limited lo one dollar. The Dollar Slore, lied 321. KNITTED GOODS SWEATERS and all kinds of kniteed goods made to order. Phone Hlack 30r, If , PRINCE RUPERT TIDES . V Thursday, April 23 High 1:21 a.m. 21.1 ft. , U:02 p.m. ID.fl ft. Low 7:58 a.m. 2.3 " 20:01 p.m. 1.8 " Friday, April 24 High ...... 1:58 a.m. 21.1 ft, Hlil p.m. 19.2 " Low 8:33 a.m. 2.3 " 20:3l p.m. 5.0 " mail mm For the E,t Moinbi , wrdav . .... From thb El FVlllilN- ! ... . To Vancouver Tuesiiy? Mail , ! Saltii'i.i , From Vancouttr Sundays Weill:-- ,i - Thur-'l.i) - , Tr. an.- and Premier Wedne-'i.i'' f wits nu;v nv mi t W((4 and Prtmler I w ruiv 0iiuiwn rim mj' roims '! I .. . I From Port Slmpn tti 1 River Points Hilt Ul ! r. To Ala?ka Polntsr- Airi' From Alaska Points 1" ro Queen ctiarioiw. ; r" April li :. rrom wueen viiow. Points r April ! J s BOX COLLEoHOa rHustii A A lit Ave k i nlh Ave A F lh Ave & lii":n.- '' 8t Hth Av.iSHTbrfloH - . E1' I' t j il(il Ave At 41 illi Ave. A uajs u .Mh Ave. A Circle 8lh Ave. A i 51h Ave A M C Hi Pro. Oov Ji;-ifc PrDv. ia rir' ft.T.P. Wli u l Snd Ave A ' St ird. Ave. A i'ui ia s: irtl Av' A '.l' j.'D .J' WATER NOTICE. TAkK N ...' rirklntl 1 " I 111-1' couw, n Uk JMl "' wttor nurtltwi"11, lltrlHMir l lurl Kclw i1-. to dtvi'ii.'i itMHK ' nttxtii '' Idwird I ' ' Iim IIMHt f'' itmirtirr Thi i"V", " il -.'aid 'i ltll IKlll" ' I fltefl I" ' airOT. i'"1" to lit oi'i'"' Old Wll" " IMjIIW liulMlnf. t 4 (IN.VK III" liotlrf in ;l ', tlie nr-i i""1 Marrli S K K I. ' ' ' ill M ,N THE WWgiuSSF ' III the Vatti p 1 "" 11(1 , ,i , i u In tlw Mail" ' IM.II. I"",', V I " , I- ll,..u.r I'. M' li 1 , .,- 'I1. r.r Anrll. A. II iulljlrl"i tin. lccc Miiina airnili riiiin.-i' i" " ni lo hip. ''j M.v. All. tVl' ."n'l. ,.,. Hi I III' , ..lit'' li, r - tn tint pslll"' .. ..ili.-dlUf- i7.Kunl of II"'"' """" , VtTT; Willi. N''"11 .hi,,"'!-' , 1 nil' ''' l.i'l"' AP' D..d the Sif "-",f ) II li 1.1' m I' 1.1' IS in- 1 ' I. , I! iRlf" y j t .' . , it. n'li-' ... i in- ,V 1 fiirt i""".'t