I I April 9.3. 1923. Clothes last longer wfwi washed properly - says Mrs. Experience, who tells how to wash them. ,&7- Mil "Some women actually rub holes in clothes trying to get them clean with harsh, ordinary laundry boaps,' which arc only half soap anyway. No wonder they say, 'Washing is so wearing on clothes'. "TV easiest way I've found to wash clothes easiest on 'th; anJ easiest on. myself is by using Sunlight Soap. No j, ,r 0r hard rubbing is needed the pure Sunlight suds r -tntr through and through each fabric, loosening dirt and d: ' ir. trcasc sp's- Then in rinsing, all dirt and soapy iratt r iu.-t runs away. "And as every bit of Sunlight is pure, cleansing soap, it lat! "" ncrously, docs not fade anything w.iehahlc and is far r : mn.a! Sunlight keeps your hands nice and soft. L t T ir into make it." ill If miox tin ITEWART nmnirta, hi (hiiuis Mlrn caumii, i iii mi main, anrmrv all nrriN itiimihip lines. Ci Tlcttt Offlca, 62S Third Aa, Print Rupart. Another Portland Caoa Rupert Marine S-6 toolight Soap Coast Steamship and Train Service Effective April 22nd S I. rmct RUPEIIT or PRINCE OCORQE -all I mm f i lai" 1 1 rr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE ami iiiUtiik ill.ilc hiIiiI ill . FRIDXT and MONDAY 800 A.M. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT Wadnidr 10 P.M. . . Salurdif 10 P.M. IIOHDAYc WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, t.Ud p 111. fi r ITIlM ! Oturxe. EDMONTON. Phona 260. Opportumtij The Tiist Treasury Issue of. Ihe Poller Idaho Minius (J. 1.L1. is now ofTiTfit Hie mililie ;il 2'w ncr -li.irc. This Klheoniy oilier shipping mine besides Ihe Premier in the IWIIjmd Canal llitrict. Ore shipped lasl year rilore than paid-jlox Qloitiioti t work, l'or full information apply H. W. M. FOLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers. Victoria. Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarlno Pince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Products Ltd. ilHl' "TKt A Nit TO. NIGHT" Night Phones . G87 530 Black 735 Gr. 601 ifesi Proorahle (Tilt ORICINL Pure Scolcla Wliasky advert i (anin.,1 I . . . I if... "'"i. is -noi Muur control RICHEST IN FINrST H1GIIUMD MALT Hnlttrd nd iv.f.nlr.d Willi. m f'"ll Soni limilM. CirnliJd.ck and U.lvti.iJ.actU.v.1 Ditnllwt. Dull, 'own CUiiow, SuhI.mI. iiuhlished or displayed by Board or by the Government or British Columbia. A 4 Mi the Local and Personal II.U. Undertakers. Phone "Nllprcilia'' nilurc. Tor Spring "Suptcma." for llic best 41. fur- cleaning, use You'll Ilku our joall Coal Co. l'liono 7. If Tor Tacksee fone seven-ale." Hub' Arthur. What you fop another May Day. li dors not leave- fingermarks. Suprema." .Made in ll.C. have Gyro been waiting Hoedown on tf John Thompson was fined -'5 in Hie oily- pollcij' court this morning for i.iloxieation. Two new ear al your service lay and night. Moderale charge l'liono lied 101. .0. V. Symis. If l.adysmilli - Wellington, "the hotjl," also "l'cerlcss," "smoke less." I'rinco Huncrt Coal Co. tf Casey Transfer has removed lo the Joe IJrown Taxi stand. I'hone 303 for prompt and em inent service. tf Special for Friday and Salur- day, Children's eolloii hose, black and white, sizojS to 'J 'A. 3 pairs, 83c, al the Universal. .Mrs. H. A. Iteavan of Anyox. will sail tomorrow morning on he I'rinee (ieorge for Vancou ver. Mio has been in town since I'ues.Ja;: Mrsiji Morrow of Anyox, who has Jmm'M on a holiday trip sihiIIi, vas a passenger reluming norlh on the Prince (ieorge yeslerday. Charles Kdwards, charged under the Vagrancy Act with beg ging, appeared before Magistrate McClyiiiimi in the city pidice court this morning. ,SotUonce was siisjiendwl for.-oaivek .J. I., lllain, ' contractor, "ha. taken over li. II. Shcokley's stock if douidi dressed lumber, sash and doors. Also Ihe ajrenoy for I. t'yfe Smith I. Id. hardwoods, l or liandsawtu and plauin?. joldiiiiK and repairing, phoru lllue 2(18. 15 Hev. '. I). Proctor of lluzellnn Jefl for Anyox on I lie Prince (ieorge last night. Karly next week, accompanied by .Archdeacon (i. A. Ilix of this city, he will proceed to Vancouver Ho alien a meeting of Ihe Anglican Theological College. Percy Harvey, violinist, and Will Kdiniiiids, 'cellist, j bolh former musicians o f Mifsv Oily, were members or a trio which olayed in Vancouver last Sunday night in the Orpheum Theatre at a concert of the Musicians' Penevolent Sociely. The IhirdJ nieniher of the trio was Sydney Kelland, pianist, In Ihe last Sunday Province was puhlished an article telling of some sixty wrecks I loll have occurred on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. One of Ihn wrecks described was thai Ihe Valencia in I'Jild when 1-5 or so lives were lost after the vessel had piled up near Pni'liena. One of those who saw lliis wreck a few hours after il occurred was l.i'o Waugh, local manager of the Canadian .National Telegraphs, who al I luil lime was junior npcrnior al iiauirieiii, mc terminus of Hie Australian calile. ANNOUNCEMENTS 21. Tenuis Club Hall, Friday, April Itidley May 7. USE - Homo Sale, Thursday. .r 21 ShocPolish Tor your shoes It saves the leather and - Improves your personal appearance the daiu rrcwa PAQK Tunas Pure Milk in a modern package. That is all there is to Carnation - Milk just pure milt with part of the natural water content taken out by evaporation. All the food value of full-cream milk is left in. No artificial sweetening or other preservative is added. Sold by srocets throughout British Columbia. Write for fr rccipt book. Carnation Milk Producta Co, Ltd. Itciyal Purple Itn.Jgc. Whist and Dance, Flks Home. Friday, May K, al 8.30 iv. in. Admission "ide. Kveryliody welcome. 08 Miss Inn Woo; . ihti in- eial eolleclo'rs oliiee is feaviug shortly lo spend several months visilim land. her old' home In Scol- The new GV.It. coast steaim Prince (Jliarlcs, (Japl. li. Mahlis, is expected to arrive in port early tomorrow morning from Vancouver via (tie Uiieen Char lotte Islands. J. K. Merryfielil, Conservative organizer for Ihe province, afler spending a couple of days in ilu city, left last night for Anyox He will proceed south on his re- I u mi lo Vancouver tomorrow. Frank Saunders, who has lieen spending Ihe past fortnight visiting Willi his parents, Uapt and Mrs. F. T. Saunders, at Dig by Island, is reluming to Van (Oliver on the Prince George to morrow morning. . Fred! "Cyclone") Taylor, form erly a well known .Pacific Coast hockey player, arrivud. in Ihe city from Vancouver on the Prince George yeslerday afternoon and proceeded to Vanderhoof by train. He is now in the customs service. Stanley N. Wilson, who was formerly on the staff of the Itoynl Hank here, has been locat ed for the past year in San Fran cisco with a large mercantile concern. Mrs. Wilson, formerly Miss Marie Michaeloir of Ibis city, is also' in 'Frisco. Clm's. li Huberts, the noted Canadian poet ami novelist, will lecture on "Canadlan(sm in Literature ami Poetry," in Booth School uililnriuiiinn Wcdnesr day. April 20. tit H 'p.m. Tickets may be bad of all High School Indents and al Ornics Ltd. ' ' . .Mrs. H. V. Marenletle ami family lire sniling,pu the Prince (ieorge tomorrow '.jiinruiug for Vancouver where Ibey will' spend several months visiting with Mrs. Jlai-enlelle's ytareiits, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Slieasgreeu. Theii residence on Kiflh veifue is lo bujakeu by Mr. and .Mis. W. .1. .Iclferson. ' v . Mllchell Albert, arier having speiij a couple ofjilays. in Ihe city on private busHjess will return lo Vancouver off the Prince George tomorrow jnoi'iiing. Mr. Albert finds buslliess a. little ipiiet here just now but, when the gi;ain elevator gels in operation and ships start coming here, there will be n great difference lie thinks. In the lasl Sunday Province appear. a picluro of a group which attended Hie- first Presbyterian Church picnic in Vancouver. In Ihe group are Bruce ("Pinkie") McKelvte, formerly edilor of Ihe Daily News here and now of the staff of the Van couver Province, wllo al thai lime-was little more than an infant; Mrs. 11. 0. Jennings, formerly of this city; Dr. Wilson Herald of Kelowna, ' who visits here periodically, anil Andy Tyson, also well known here. HELIGOLAND SHORES RAPIDLY CAVING IN Bathing Beaches are Washed Away and Public Roads Have to be Closed HAMIILIMi, April 23! The shores of (ho bland of Heligoland are caving in with stnrllin;: rapidity. For yearn the sea has been steadily encroaching on tlii-i liillc island, anl nil that was left of the bathing beach has heen almost eomplelely claimed liy I he sea as its own. Iteccntly a huge slice of approximately 3,000 cubic yards, plunged into the .sea with a terrific roar, The villa of a prominent JJer lin hanker, just completed, is now seriously imperilled, while in adjoining building is being lorn down. A solitary garden million hangs on the verge of the precipice as though at any moment it might drop inlo I lie eplhs helow. As Hie erosions or Ihe waves have of laic produced 'a number of deep crevices in the rocks. It has been found necessary to lose Hie public road over tlx HiTs. OLD TIME DANCES RETURN IN BRITAIN Society Adopts Lancers and Once Polka, Mazurka, Barn Dances More LONDON, April 2a. -Dances of years ago have come hack as one of Hie season s novelties in ocicly. On these occasions the dancers wit costumes of the period. 'I ii. polka, the mazurka, lancers and tin! harn dance have all bee n reintroduced with favor mil ewn thai known as the Washington Post, darned M Hie march of that name which is often heard on the London radio these days as played by F.ng- laud's best known jazz orchestra. One of the first "quarter cenlury-ago" dances was .ar auged by Miss Itelle Harding, a social favorite, who was attired in a black dress worn originally by her mother and which reveal eji a pink penicoal, considered a true symbol of Victorian days. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIGI1V ISLAND. ttaiuiiig, calm; barometer, 2K.7G; temper ature, 10;. sea smooth; H p.m spoke tug Cape Scott with low, abeam Hodgson Itcef, bound for Prince Ituperl. DCA'D TJtF.F. POINT. Snow, light northwest wind; barometer, 2H.7H; temperature, .'); sea smooth. HULL HAItltolt Cloudy, calm; barometer, 2U.X0; temperature,! 17; sea. smooth: H p.m. snoke learner Admiral Watson, Seattle for Ketchikan, 257 miles from Ketchikan; 8 p.m. spoke .-learner nyox lowing lliversdale, Inioij Hay for Anyox, 2N5 miles from Anyox; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Libby Maine, 300 miles from Auacortes, southbound; 8 p.m.' spoke steamer Prince Charles, In Hecale Straits, bound for Mas-sell; 8 p.m. spoke motorship Oregon, Quadra tor Seattle, 103 miles from Seattle. Noon DIGIlY ISLAND. Ovcrrus, light soulhwesl wind; baroineler, 20.80, cmperatore, 15; moderate sea. DF.AD THKF. POINT. Snow showers, light northwest wind; barometer, 20.08; temperature, tO; sea smooth. llj'LL HAltHOIl Cloudy, rresh northwest wind; barometer, 20.-81; temperature, 51: sea moderate: 0 a. In. spoke steamer Venture in Milhauk Sound. AVOID SUBSTITUTES Phone Green 85 "It's great," says dado "I love it," says son. The K e 1 1 o g g 9 s flavor wins all ! No other can be like Keliogg's. Serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream. Breakfast on ihe dot. No cooking. Saves work. Delicious with fresh or preserved fruit. Grocers everywhere sell Kellogg's. Get a package today. CORN FLAKES Oven-tttth ALWAYS a th fiwr mm J - crUp. Thli it mn 't-'luitt KttltU itoluttl Xfl Make tlii i comparUoni Tatt tUat wonJfrful flavor fund e.ily In Kat!a(('s Cera Flakn. Campar il with ar rHy-tl trraal. Yaull Vnaw why mUIioai dtmand FIAKC3 r Ruilding Materials LUMBER Dimeiisiuu, 8hiphii and riiiishing, .Shingles, halli, Moiihlings, Oak, Fir anil Cottonwood 3 Ply Veneers, Sash ami Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keene's Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and 'Rubber and Asbestos Roof ings. Hunt the Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 "The Hoover" For Ihe month of April you can buy Ihis famous cleaner and altaclimenlM for Hie small first payment of only $1.50 and have Ihe balance spreiul over the next firteen mouths, J.el us cleait a rug for you. bs Kaien Hardware Co. LOOK! LOOK! The "ART CLOTHING" man is here Come in and get your measure Fit guaranteed STEVE KING Third Avenue M n 3