a m.i 'If us.' A I'll. ffaoionuli, ! 1 ? nil eiiiiilinc oh;t - To Hlrtuiflc Inulo 1 ' cxi iviiimt In m'caii; r' Mi.- ohjiMJl nf IIh" n rmifuriMifti, In N'-.i only did tin' rn-; :l. i i i'd miinrroiis Immip- i ii Mm1 xhipiii'i'! in lln' tin ' G i ri,,v, ....... ' iiiuuiH, luiprovi-il arj iiumai ioi pic. lie diMiinl . ''; Ni'w V"i k aovrins tin- ,con- ! 'i is-r. LIFE USELESS WITHOUT WIFE aS3li Man Shot Himself When Bolter Half Loft Him Ai.SZ. li.t;.. April 211. Al l-Iltlinlil ltny,, m, y,.,.H r nge. I'i'iuli:ii'v H'lliii ro inuglslrale. w a s M'mIcI'iIiiv. It. I.U I........ ...411. j mi iti?- nuiiir. un '"""biH blown out. ' Tin- poller ,,a '' H I a clear ease or siiiridr. '"V'l hud iiimrrelled wilh hfs . in-esious day and she 11 In lake up a separalr "'"I'li'iico. 12 BEER LICEISES VAXcmi VKIt, April i.;i.Then ,l'w : hen' Hcrnsrs Issuei " nmviiw... ii... . mi MligMWiiv at l'orl Alherul Iber ' "v '"''I'tona at lesl bring Lailysmilli j. -f BASEBALL Amorlcan SI. Louis 1, Cleveland. 2. Philadelphia n, Um 5. Iielroil I. (Ibii'atJO 1. v.v. Vn.k I. Washington When Necessary j OTTAWA. April !M. "A merger f. tin- Canadian National, ,., (,. ,i;nli;iii J'arifii' Hallways," declared Sir II -y Thornton! ..iiMiiiiilinii :iilv:ivs vi'l I'I'llilV. ' i. i. I,... mi i 'if HIT "HI llill IIIIIMI III"! 1) I" - - ---- wninl it till in an cimriiioiis saving providing there were Mil- . .. .iniiLr. in inci't llic fixed charges hi uoiu ran- I H ir. m o " . it ,i..r:..!i .... Si; llMirv iliTliiml lhai nit; mikkcmhhi iU ll,r . . i . f i . Ihr ,;i:mii line." was ilui' lu slate iiwncrsiiip w.isiioum-iisi. i n-.-di ii v,:v due ! roildilions which existed previously ami, hail CONFERENCE IS j liciMi lorccu upon mi' inaiiiij,!--! x infill. 1 Crilicinl hy Sir Henry Dray-j inn for vikiiI 1 1 ii t-i- ' on adver- tun Haul NOT f OMINF !!.!' 'fH '""'"'"" llll VlllllIIlXJ! rmin. I advertising neressai Colonel Gear Declares it Is Bene fit to Shippers and Not Hindrance, IT AW A Aon I 21. - "TliO; - hi no way n mm- t'l fc' : ,ll ) Illllh'l-.ilUlnl l'i w ii. rh'tl Oitluiii'l (icar :r Iti in 1 1 Ilehn-il (iiiianv j I tin- wring In advertise.' iffirial isnry we WAY ESTABLISH A CAN FACTORY 'I'll o fsliilttisliiiti'iil of a ran fa.'lory in roiincction with I In- JM-inn- llup-rt Spriici' Mill' in undiT roll iili'ral ion, aiiniMinrrd .1. A. Sinjlli. prrfitlrnl ir "the ronuiaiiy, lliis inorn-.itiK. If raiif are mailu lii'l lioxrs would aho hi! odd Willi Hh'iii. Mr. Sinilli xlali'd. This would . pir Ihr mill a furllirr oullrl for ils lower rrado luin-n-r. '"In ran and luixrs would he for the fifhiiiff industry. National ChleuK,, I, Pillsburg . lltooUlyti 7, I'l.lla.lrlphia H. Ilostou .n, New York 0. Ciueinalli 1. SI. l"' Seal Herd Now Passing Off Month of Hecate Strait and Moving Northward Bering Sea If ,rul.i.K weir legal many" of llic snu.ll fishing boats roiibl I ul otr liixoii Knln iv galliering lh' yaiuaim I" i'i'li wouhl be markrlril here. Thr main seal brid lias li'lu- imrlh r lhai poinl now ami is slradily "'"vt"K JJ -:'M !o llrnug Hrn wIhto Hie seals birrd on llm I Oljloii '"I'liiil, ii h Mi,rr brnls are now oulsidr. , The sruls i.ir being piolrrlr.l by Ibe n.asl gnanl ni r I'liiiliiini i .i.i.i r .1.... I! i! Wriirlilmau ami Ibr riMHl ri-" mi in, i M 1 1 1 1 1 tl I I I -o The herd is srallrrrd a g I deal and has brru passing gueru Charbdle Islands fur seeral weeks. Now and Hum a Caiia- , .... Aineriraii fisbing boal . i..i. ... ..rr .. mI.ii 1 1 lull I here is no R" ' V" . . nut markel for Iheni ami ery mi. Ilteual fishing lakes plare. " . 1 1 ...i r II... I ...... I v 14 II 11 11 11 t' II III'" 111"" . I . I..... nd U ... r. ... ....V. I . ... I' . I . . ) I . .ir1 ' ' j ear noiu " - 1...1 l...l nianv luials w I'l'lHh i.-"v I 11... ...... I. .1-1.. II' 'IM (Ml llieei i in- ' - Vanronvrr Island an.l io n.xv ,., ,, (he roast, lauiug men loll rn route when Hie wraiuvi is fuvnrablo. ' HI. Experimental Farm at Sidney to Wake Experiments This j ' YICTOItlA, April r.i 1114 po. .silnlilK'H of iini'oiirr Inland for IiiIp.ii-ch ios inir is lo !' tilled at Ihr r.irriiin'iilal fann at id-i liry iiudrr tin' I mi i n i n deparl-nirul of iisririillurr. Various kind" of lidiarro will In plaulod and lrl madr. So far rnN of Mivrn ililfurrnl arielii's am lir-in srown under !ila al Ihr lalion and Ihr wrrdiiisrs will lir m'I oul Jul as'soon n-i Ihry are larvp enoui'ly hy privale prroux and alo al the riipunru''a'fariu -jJUtit no Ic.m an- lo jls roinloerrial and rural ivr vahir have hern inair ho far. TRYING TO STIR UP OTTAWA GOVERNMENT Hon. John Oliver and General Odium Gone to Capital to Urge Action VANCOLVKU, April 2.1. e-fonj leavintr for Ollawa Hon. .lohii Oliver said he was unable lo sive out anylhing for puhliea-lion exeepl thai he was iioing there lo try lo rind out what was bring done and whal was likely ! he done. Miiir.-i'en. iriui Diiluiii. M.l'.l'. is also gone lo lend a heliiiiiK hand in Hying 10 tdve I he I'eare lliver problem. Vanronvrr business interests i i.. are urging ine uom noui-m i- ii-v In arriiuae for Ihr Pearn lliver projeel lo be taken, up Ibis year with a view lo eonslruriioii liclng iirlually eoninirneed. AMEL1US JARVIS ! LIBERATED TODAY Flno of SGO.OOO Paid Before Former Financier Was Allowed to go TiiltONTO. April 21. Aiuelius Inrvis. iiioininrnl financier and vachlsman, was rrlrased from the prison hirm . Ibis nioinpig afler a rine oT OU.ihmi imposed upon Ii i ui had brru paid. .Inrvis was convirlrd for bis pari wilh I'eler Smith, binner pruineial Irrasiirrr, in connee-lion Willi tlutario govrrninent bund srandals. T. B. BOOTH CHOSEN LIBERAL CANDIDATE TO CONTEST NANIMO DUNCAN. Il.i:., April 21. T. II, Itoolb of Naualnio was rhosen repivsenl the Liberal parly In Hie Naiiaimo riding al the federal rieclion by Hie parly conven-lion here last nlgbl. The vole slood Hit for Moidli ami 20 Tor C. II. OTIiillnran of Vieloria,-, ..llootb I" a Nanalino news-iaieriuau and O'llallorau a Jay-yer livintr al Oak Hay. and hammers by ils side. A Tew minutes, .a tier Hie re- by Collins SMALLPOX BANN IS i TAXI BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining "alb 25 and with nrwly laid danciniT Ambulance floor for hire. Suitable for Unces, banquets anrj wed-iling Service partial. Anywhere at Ar ",-Stand . For ralis, apply lo Boston - Royal HoW PRINCE RUPERT Srill. Third Ave. ana n- ' ; Phono 457. .rr urn' VV.. ",j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper trttt ! 51 PRICK FIVK CENTS, yIirdt' ClrtulitlMi 1.880. U)l, XV., NO. M. PIIINOK m i'Kirr, H.O., thlhsuay, APitiL 'mar. - 9 Y Alexa SliiTiiie, woman golf rliuiiipion or Ihr Knilrd .Slates, i linwn Willi lire li n t;i int. Willtrrl (I. lVn-rr of OHawa. aHrr llirir ir-rriil Jiuirriagr al I'.ii -1 l.i.kr. tirorsia Grain Elevators Burned At Chicago Last Night Loss Over Two Million CIIICAJiO, April -'."I. A fire lal night ilivb-oyrd two wiiodrn elrviilors of Ibr Itosrnbaiini (iraiu Corporalion roulaii!-ing Iwo million bushel- of rorn ami oats wilh a inouelaly os eslinialeil al 2,.'.hj,iump. For a linir il was fenreil a large industrial seelion uT rily would be ieil mil, Hie heal bring so intense llial fiiemrn were unable lt nppro.ieli U williin firty tret . or burning slriirtiues al times. The. blazing grain poured inln Ibr sonlli braneli uT Chiraao llixrr rlu.'tgiug Ihr si rea in ami HirraleninK ship ping. Alo it caused Hie drawal of Iwo fire lugs. COLLINS' BODY with. : RESCUED TODAY : Directly After Removal Lateral Slid Into. Deep Pit Beneath It ! CAVK CITY, April 21. - The, body of Flovil (tollins was freed! today from the unili'igi oninl Map whei'i1 he niel a slow' dralh two monlhs ago. following .sevrnlren days or sull'ering. .Miners yrslrnlay rrached llic boiU- and round a large stone right' across he ankles wilh morsels or Tood, rope, chisels . . . i . . . i rovery of me nony me laierai eae.l in and slid 10(1 reel below into a Idark pil, subslaulialiug lb,, remark nf. Collins to IIiosh who allemplrd lo rescue bini thai Iheie was a deep pil right behind him. The body was in a good slate of iireservalion. 1 llurial look place on Ibe lop or Ihr Cryslal Cuvr. anolbrr eiivern disrovrred LIFTED AT VANCOUVER SKATTLK. April 21. - The iuaranllne ayalnsl smallpox, which went inln.elTecl on Mureb 17, reituiring all persons entering Ibe Uniled Slides troiii Van-(Miuver lo be vaccinated, was lined loday. GEODETIC SURVEY COMING TO RUPERT TO COMMENCE WORK i Special lo Daily News OTTAWA, April 21. geoilclie survey parly under Major (irorgr McCal-luni, which leaves here Tor llrilisli Columhia, Monday, will coininence its bdiors at Prince lu. perl and work eastward along Hie roulc of Ibe Canadian National THORNTON PROPOSES RAIL AMALGAMATION LOCAL lANNtKYMAN UttLAKtS bid aALl rtvUUUUlUn1 IMl 15 TUjjIdLl rjfi C vnvlfvti Asvf f sins IVIJII IISI .lllllllllllll I llll Illfllll. - - - inci5. and CP.R. Would Effect Great Saving Declares Railway Head Sir Henry Ihprnton Uelends Admmislraiion of i:kiiw IIIKALlU Line ana traces mu iuiemae ir i .Tminrrn ion ' i VAllLUUVfiKlOU. Passengers on Homeric I Think Japanese Might Likely Been Rescued Ibr Ihr Ibr the Say They Saw Men Swimming Toward Vessel ' FIVE WOMEN ARE ON JURY v.vxr.iifVF.It. Anril 21. Five or Hie twelve persons oil Hie jury in the Chang Sing murder trial are women. Iney win neip ueeuie whether Sing will swiugifor his alleged crime or go fre It is I In. seennd trial or Ibe Chiuaiuan who is charged vyllh being the stayer of David 0. Lew, the brilT 1 l.i ii I vi.uni; Chiuaniau. who was hol In .lealli lasl September, The women arc not allowed lo lulk In Iheir husbands until the I fin! is ner bul are being uuat lered in the Dunsinuir Hotel un der charge of a police 'matron W. L. Stamford, engineer for Ibr murine. deparluiPnLO sailed lnsl niuhl on the Prinre(5eorgo for Aiivns on departmental busi ness in connecllon with lliw OiMiiulntr of a ligbl 4)ti tin leamer pasu;e near Auyox. XKW Who Might Have Been Picked up but Others Disagree 1 YUltK, April 2:!. The While .Slar liner Humeri- dorkril lal niflil Willi (lie iiaM'ngM' dividnl in reganl lo IliC piiKiliilil Ihul al Ira.-I Millie or thr ::s inrnilirrs of the rr of Ihr .lapanre f rr igli I rr Maifiiku Main whirli apk on Tuesday tmglil have heeii snveii.. Many pas.-fiiffers rrporlnl llial Ihry had seen JapaiieM.- M'a-iiirn winnniiiK or lieing swept toward the, lloiucrie after the freigliler roiimlerril and llial Ihry hrlirvril Ihry inighl have been saved had Ihr lifeboals been I owe red from Ihr liner. Al leasl an r'inat number or-! rlarrd exrrylliln' iMiHsible had! been done. j -Captain Itolirrls' slalrnienl de- rlared it was impossible lo etfei'H a rrsriir. No seainru or bodies wrrr seen The Ituifiiku Maru va built . I 1 8 at KawakaUt dorVyard aid waAor08t Thr owii?Tswrrr TTir BfrrTiue if w'niT-h' n. L. .bd'inson. Walton Co.. Lid. are the lora! a?enls. This line own over onr huiidrrd Irauip steamers, some of which il if very likely will rail al Mii laler for rartroen of (Train DAWSON MAN DIES. jtort i.WS(i...pril 2.I. Olaf Ojr- sou, 7t years or age, oieii yesirr- day. He was an old Miner hen who made strikes during Hi dill rush on lloiianza Creek. WOULD REDUCE Thai it should be possible to have here in Ibe very near luliire o coinr here il is necessary lo have general cargo including such uopimodilics as wheal and lum ber In 'addition to rish. l-.very year 20,1)011 Ions of sail herring is shinned froni Niinaiuio to lie' .1..1....I 1.11 ..u i.llli.ll HllH. PARLIAMENT Sonator Prcporcs Basis of Re presentation be Changed ion.. drajlwi;ii;UlJ..4.?, .roiTI; 5j.t.0 y v OTTAWA, April 23. lleduc-tinii in I In- membership or llic House oT Commons sotighi in I lie pi'lilion lo the King of wliii-li notice had been given bv Senator Lynch .Slaunlon. I'e sug gested thai Ihr representation from Ouebei' wliich was a fixed factor on which Dominion re-inocnlalion from Ibe res I ir Ibe. counlry was based lie reduced from (. lo 50 so that Hie unil.- of representation could be re- lured all over the .country. Direct Shipments From Here to Orient of Herring Would Help Industry Says tr traiisl'acirir strainers Canada Must Pass Upon It as ....i.i i. . ...i i Tin. iinivi iiiiiii i'e .in.iu.i.M ..i... ... i ..... n Stands States Premier lirrieully is oblaining direel t.iansporlalion. There is always orwso a ready markel in the Orient furl- . C ' u o load grnrral cargo for Hie Orient is the opinion of Francis Milleru, beau t r Hie Milleit tannery Co. This iiioriiing, in discussing a shipment or ttnu Ions ol sail herring . .... thai was recently loaded from bis rioalinS if ' i p I I.. ITS eaiinrry Laurel AMialeti in roasung vessels ior uriivrry io nruj-lle iiml Vancouver where il wa Irausferred In .sleamrrs foe Japan, Mr. Millerd slated thai, could thai cargo have brru loaib lirrrt brrc, !?." per Ion would have been saved in rpaslnl freight rales. However, to have boals AUSTRALIA NOT 7 REOPEN TREATY ;ilt herring and aimosi auy -. - - m.. i... ..I. m.. ..I.... I ii.i-eiiuier uroi-e caun-n rn-iiuer imii Illillllll I .III I'l" llll.i'i . . it Ibe price Is ays thai nexl will endeavor Iraiisporlaliou right. Mr. .Millerd year his company lo :,m I direct tor lis product from here lo I lie Onenl. The floating cannery Laurel Whalen, which has been suiting herring during the wilder, is now I ..: ....I Mil. I I.. jliii'l ! II II 1 11 LT liciup uiiiiinv'i " "i aluion. About thr .first of .luiy the vessel will be taken lo Uar- nard Cove on Prinrrss lloyal Is land where she Is lo be used. Work on Ihr exlrnsiou plan I al Seal !oe which flic Millerd Co. feeenlly acquired lo make il into a full-Hedged salmon cannery is. proceeding Mr. Millerd reports. Advertise In llic Dally News It regretting hit inability lo reopen Ihr discussion, op Hie proposed. trade liealy. The Coniiuonvealll ptreiuier stales thai lui'y are now awaiting 'be decision of (lie Canadian Parliament on the treaty. 4. 4 SWIMMING CLUB ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Ibe I'rineo Huprrt Swim-iniug club will bo ht'Id In Hie City 'Mice Court room on Tli'ursday, April 21, al H p.m. All tneinbiirs and those in'l crested are :requeslt:il to attend. . , VO ' '