"AOE SK A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS And the Latest Pins Tor Spring ami Summer Wear at attractive prices. SAVE YOUR EYES Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner . Diamond Specialist Drawn thread Voiles Something new for Summer Frocks or Dainty Underwear -?i very fine Swiss Voile in shades of White, Flesh, Hose. Mais, He'lio. Full 3D inches wide. l'cr Yard $1.00 West of England Store Phono 753. For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Kxperienced in Ladies' ami (ientienicif s tailoring. "Prices reasonable and a big slock of Knglisli, Scottish and Irish Tweeds and Woollen (ioods available to select from. Quality and fit guaranteed. iMail orders given prompt' attention. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O, Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Foe Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 Henry Ford Devoting His Time to Assembling Curious Exhibits at Dearborn ' DiriltOIT, April S3. As the more active days of his career respond to the inexorable lull of years, Henry Ford is making a new claim to distinction and in a new' field history. the man who has been ipuded as saying "history is bunk" is (Juietly gathering from all parts of America what is regarded by historians as one of the greatest collections of vehicles in exist ence. the collection is just one of several that slowly are being formed at his Dearborn, Mich, property. Although inaugurated primar- IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill tin Mauri- nt the Coniiiaiiios' An I9SI"; and In Hie Mailer of an A j-t'llca I f iti li.v tin liiii lirr li' lion In C(.'pT Company t In- restnml tn Mm lii-irlslcr ninti-i Scrtinli I fix of On- said Are. TAKi: MITICK llut an aimllratluii Mil lot made lit tli I'rrslilinir Jinlir I, cliamliiT! at tin- r.imrl House, rrluit lliicrl, li. C. mi Tticsilay I In; SMli ilav m April. A.Ii. itiss. at llii- Imiir or in.:ii o'clock In tin- Tort-noun or i simn Hirer after a tin- inotlun may Im- lirnnl on In half of the almvr ini'iilioiipd Company fin an order lliat Hie said Company lie n Mul'ltl tu till' rririslrr of Joint Slock Cum Ipanle, AMI TAki: MITICK that III support o , said application will lie. rail the I'rtltli.: or the Company lH.iin' herein and th afridavlt or l.nvlt W. f'atiuoio vorn in the :i(lili day or MarJi, A.U. 9S5. sin riled lierelii. HATKH at I'rlwr l(iinvl, II.C. this Slip (lay ot Manli, A.l). 1UD. W. O. KIJI.TOX, Solicitor ror tlio Tetlllone SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. . William E. Maloiiey versus Anllioii.'J .Melinite Hy Virtue or a warrant or t:i-mil.: liiMiril in Hie aUive action, and ilirrrlnl t me, I have srlinl Hie following' mliier.i Claims, oiliialc near Alice Ann. adjacen to the kllsaiill lllver and the North lull of the Ktsaiil inter: Wnverly llronii ' rotislstitiir or "Waverlv" and "Klllv": "War Dance Croup," coniOiiir of "Wa llance." "Betsey." 'Ormisn No. :. "Whistler," "Hadfrer" and "Itnlc." aii or winch l win orrcr Tor sain, l Pnhllc Aiirtloti. for cash, on Tuesday, tlw rirth (lay or May. 18i5. at .30 in IIh aneiniHin, at my orrire, Govornmeo' ItiiMilliiir, Prince ltuem. The "War llance" will lie orfercd t sale snhject tn two inortKaKes, approx tluallng t7.2OO.00. JOHN SIIIIII.KY. Sheriff of the Comity or Prince lluperi i line ouperi. tril a. tOfS. For $ 7.5 0 l You can buy an up-minute to-lhe- ' Spring Ha at "Doners" , "House of Quality." P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 THE RINK Will Be Open For SKATING Saturday, April 18. Afternoons - - 2 to i evenings K to HI (owl music both sessions. Competent inslrtic-tors to leach beginners. Ph.one Black 449. ran Until the End of this Month The Quality Home Furnisher SPECIAL - 3rd Avenue. COLLECTION OF MANY VEHICLES Cash Bargains in Every Department BEDROOM, DINING ROOM AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE At Cash Discounts of 25 per cent v CROCKERY, DRAPERIES AND CARPETS at Special Prices 10 per cent off all our Community Silverware Walnut Bedroom Suite - $204.50 Watch our Window for Bargains. 1 GEO. D. TiTE THE DAILI NEW 3 Thur Jav April NABOB Tea.- 2ls it Should be ily as a c.dlertion of piiyswal oh- ic!s lilusl rating (he origin and progressive evolution of transportation facilities, the collection now has o ei-lapped tliat limitation and has come to include more or less completed lines of specimens illustrating tliu progress of mechanical invent ion and achievement in almost every department of human interest. The collection includes the first I'otii automobile, with its four hiigh, solid-rubber tired, steel-spoked wheels, its dash board,, kerosene headlight, steer-ng rod atnl conspicuous flywheel of the o.xnoseil motor. This eliicle.was built in IMHt. The passenger train from the Kusl which was due here yesler- lay ttinrniiig at 7 ('lock arrived it I o'clock I his .'ifleriioon. Ailvcrliie in Ilie hailv Now TENDERS FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Notice to Contractors si:i.f:n tkmikiis ror iim coii-trticnoii r a reinforced concrete irraln elciatoi siiperli iniiii-e. with timber dock -ra lie in- mil warehoii.H'. will lie receOed at Ottawa. Ontario, until Noon or Monday, May 18th, 1925. Tenders lionld lie sent In an upaipie ealcil iuvHuW marked Tender loi 'iraln Klevalor" and addrcssril to Mr V c. T. o'llara. Iiepuly .Minister. Iirvrl-liient uf Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. A liimii sum Tor the work Is desired. An accepted bank cheque fur lirty I'hoii-and Imllai's (i.Mi.imiii.iui i m ule pav' able tn lite MlnMir of Trade and C"tii Micree. IllllSt aecompiillV each tender which sum will be r.irri Mi cl ir tint mn leiiderlnif dec hoes to cuter Inlo a OHilnici ior the work mi u' ienni stati-d In his leiitK r. HH i :ieiiies ur liiisiivcesful leu 'I'Teiii will Im retiirncd. The clie(pie Vir uie Mierrssim leiHiercr will lie retained is seriirny ior tne line niirilliielit or lite ''Hiliart I" lie entered Into, or rheniie iimv lie leiilaced Willi ctiulvaleiit par value o'f u'iiiiis oi uie iioiuiiiio(i or Canada. Plans. spcririratl'UH. and all necessary inforuiallon 1'i'Kariliiiir Hlie propnseil wori. i.' he obtained rrom C. I). Howe k ompaiiv. Coiisiiltiiijr Jjiif lion .-. Wlia'm iiMininiK. con Artnur. iiularlo. n.o-it r one lliuidii'il liollars Ui Ioiiikii is ru-(;ilred Tor plans and sieriricalliHis. deHisl' tw retiiriM-iJ on return of pl.nn aim pecifiialloiis in (timkI coiidl I Iimi. The lowest or any tender will not lie i-essii'lly Im- aeceted. Ily order. r. C. T. O IIAUA. lieiiHIj" .MIiiNter. Iiena-ilnenl of Trade and rouuneri-r. OU.mil.' April (Uli, tys LAND ACT 111 Prince Unpen Land riistrlrl: tiuirii' of Prince. ItuiMTt. TUK MITICK that I, MerlU lie Krlsav T Viiuiiiit'w li I' - , '.v-, iinil'lll sillllMie liciikee liilAuli. tn nfiflv r,.M ....... ..iuoi.... (iiircliasr the follow inir dexcrlhed lands '.'iiiiiiii'iiriitjr a i a nisi inauieii vi mile ""llii of the noiiilteast corner or Lot r.7ii0 oinie i.reeK. Il.mlre t. r.unst li strict iheloe nortli 911 elifilti.- tliotnu, ..-..aw at chain-; tin ni l" s.nilll lii mre lints in an easterly (MreeUou In nnlnt of com inencement; cunlalnlnif 4y. acres, more or MF.itll.L liES IlItlSAV. Applicant. . . . . .firtwln Llroy liarnuni, A win. loeei' r"ii 'O-d. m5 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpad Third Avenue. SALE Phone 20 149-YEAR OLD MAN MOURNS CONDITION OF HIS CHILD, 95 lioni)i;.u.. April -. .Iran ltaillsU' Holland, who rrrcnllv cclcliralcil his I i'.Mli liirllnhiy anil is saiil li he J'lanccs oldest (ilizon, iiruhahly owes his life li ihe r.ii' I thai one oT his U'prs i! six inches sltorler Miiin Ihe othei As a I'diiseduenee In; has es e;ileii servire in all Hie wars which have. raKcd dtiriiir his lifi'tinic. M. Ilollainj has lliree sons llv-U'A. Tin"! Iciliy is K.l, the? scooiiil son is 87 ami the oldest, Michael, is nol iiiite UT). nisoussiiiff the latter At. IIoIIhiuI reconlly siiid: "lie is a poor sort, lie Isn't luitr !:, hut he is dear, half Idiiiil. iiin) mil aide to work. It is Iim had for a child to he in sneli a stale. I Nimi woinler what will happen lo him if lie should hecoine a really old man." JEFFERSON MCLEOD" WILL BE BURIED IN ' CITY OF VANCOUVER The funeral oT the lale Jefferson Mcl.eod, who was killed on Tuexday in n lohi; aeciilenl at Ocean Tails, will lake place iicxl i'liursilH) in Vancinier from llenlie-.l llanna's uudnrlukiiig parlors. The paients. Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Mr Lend tir this eily, and also a siMer nfthe ilecetiseil, Mis Sarah Mr Lend, will leave for Vancouver on the Prince 8eorfti tomnj-rnw nmrAlim. William llayueiC local undertaker, yill also yo south lo Ocean Fall. Llo lake charge uf arranKe nls. Oeceased was :M years of ae. A hrolher, Aukus. Ilie las I 1(iy of llii' family, ,i at presi-ui in Princeton. NO BLUE LAWS FOR VICTORIA JUST NOW Would Injure Tourist Trade to Shut Down on Small Things VKM'OHIA, April 2.'l.---)eclar-iiiK that Jdiii laws would injure Ihe cily iiarlicularK- in 11.11m.e- Mon witli tlie lourisl Jrade. Mayor Pemjray' and 'Ihe other members ,if ,,. pnlipp commis sion decided against the ieiuesl of the Lord s Day Alliance led hv He. Dr. Ilochesler lo ship H sale of candy, tobacco and rig-ari'llcs and oilier re'reslmieul s. EXPERIMENTS LOCATING RADIO INTERFERENCES VIOTOItlA. April '.. .. Ilaillllon. sIlpel'iMlcnilenl n'f wiiele.HS in Hie wesl for (n Douiiiiion liovi-rnnicnl. has been Iryi'if cxperiiiu nls here in local-iiiK radio tlislilrbaiices which have caused Iroublc In local radio fans. They have been suc cessful in localiny Ihe source of! some of Ihe noises which have been caiiisin;: a lol or Iroublc and inlcrfcriiiy with Hie reception. " INSIDE OF STAR IS A HURLYBURLY OF ATOMS LONDON. April r.l. The inside or a slur was described as a hurly-burly of alums, Heel run and ether witves, 'dashing about in all direcHons ami roiillnually rolir.llufr, by Professor A. S. Kd-diiiKlon, I'lipnian I'rofessnr of Aslrouoniy at t'niiihrhlgc t'nl-versily. in ,, n.fcul leclure bc-foie Ihe Ilritish lloyal Inslilu-lion. " The atoms , ami , elrclrons never tfel anywiii'n:," Professor Kddinsflou exjllaliied, "as Ihey merely eliaiigr-placcs. The elhcr waves make tlov-, general flow oiilwaids, ami this flow, when it reaches lb,, shrface, makes Iho fheal Dial llm enercv of (lie slar is sendinjs oul," FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With Othlno Double Strength This prcpainllon for Ihe removal of freckles is so successful in removing freckles ami giv-im a clear, beauliful complexion thai it is sold by all drug and department stores wit It a guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Dou'l hide your freckles under a veil or waste time on lemon iuice or encumbers; gel an ounce ur Olhine ami remove them. Kcn 'he first few applications should "liow a wonderful Iniproveineiil, some of thelighter freckles vanishing entirely. Ite sure to ask for Ihe double strength Othiuc; it is (his thai is sold on moneybai k guarantee At all drug or deparimenl slores or by mail, Othiuc. P.O, llox ililli. Montreal, Canada. CASEYS ARE COMING FROM FRISCO IN JUNE The lr online of ('.aey Council Knixhts of Columlius is scliciliilcd lo reave Sen I Ho on Hie Princess Louise onhe even ing or .nine Hi and should he at Priilce lluperi about Ihrrc days lalcr. Word received rrom San Francisco is thai the narlv will lie a large one and included will he. a number r uely Irish-Americau girls. Plans are already lieiug laid lo etilertaiii them at Alaskan poiils ami il is expected Prince unpen will also do her share. Niltcrlisp in the Dally New NOTICE. i Tin: mitthi ,.r .. .....i - lif lsin. nf rfi'.li ri-rlirirale ur III If fur I Ak Is iiliiti...n riu ... - ftl'Mk llilrly Iwu (3), stIihi five 'a,'. .. .i, i im i- iiiifsTi, iiji vjra. Sallifariiirv .ns,f .,r ihe ilcMriiitl iii ur On Titi lrii.i j.r ihia ... hIhih. m) li.ivlnr Ims'M fiirnl-licil n Oil. hut ii is my iiiiiiiiKiii i i.-iip, urier , . . .... llm i 1.1.JII..11 ,,, ..r .1.1... ,,,,. irivs inini llm flHl i.i,l. Il..ll...i l..-.r . . .i....n.... .. .... ,-." ..r,,fl, iiiiihii All '.(lliriratr uf Tllle mUTliiir lite salil laml- .". "' " ci.ir.it M. i..vsmv ami HlK rVSsmv, whlrli Orlirirali. i.r iiiii- i iiaiiii iim i iiii Aurii't. iu. ant llllllllllTCll tit I. II. T, Mi:i.l-op. . . iK-rlstrar of Tlllcs. land lli'irl-lrv fflif, ITitn-r- ltniMrl. n (':. MiTh VTtli IUU SYNOPSIS OF MM ACTAMENflMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vnonnl. unrsprvl, aurveyi) 'row n lamls nur ! pru-nnplwl by !rltl:ih vulijccta or"r IK year of hk. uml by allnm on dfclnrlni: Inlrnlloo tu liM-inM Ilritlah ubjcrt. romll-'ioiuil ut on r'al'Jcnc, oocjatlon, nj liiiii'ovtmont for utrlcultural iurios:et l-'u 1 1 Information courf rulnwt ru-MtlcniK rcK.-irdlni; iire--initliiin la k''ii In Uullcllii No. 1, Lund STlra. "How to Pre-empt I-a ml.' foi'lcn of vihlcli cult he obtained fret of chargt y Bdlre"liiK Ui Department of Uindu, Victoria, II CM or to any Guv-trnmvnt Aifent. Uei'iiriU will lie granted cot'rWiK only In ti' I aultnbW for agricultural lniriiosi'H, uml which la not llmlier-lund, I.e., carrylnic Oirr .'J"0 I'onrd fet-t ner ncre went of the Coavt KaiiKa btid 6.ou feet per acre eaat of that Kiinse. .Application for tire-emptloni ara to bf uddrcHHcd to the Iind Com-iiildfiniirr of tlie Iind IteconlliiK Ul vImIoii, In which he hind applied for la altniitnl, mid are mail en printed forma, coplea of which enn he ob-tulned from the Land Commissioner. I're-eiiiplhnia must be occupied for five years and lmprovmenta mud to value of $10 er acre, Includlnit cIcarliiK uml cultlvatinK at leant rive ucrea, befoia a Crown (Irnnt cin be rt'celviMl. l''or more detailed Information aee the flulletln "How to l'te einpt li tid." PURCHASE Api'llcatlona are lecelved for pur-rhuae of vacant and unreaerved Crown landa, not belli tlmberlamt, for Htcrlcnl tnrMl purpoaea; minimum lrlce for flrat-claaa (arable) land la 15 per acre, and aecond-claaa (gra Ini) land $2.60 per acre. Further Information reuruilltiK purchaae or leaao of Crowt, landa )a iclven In Uulletln No. 10, Land Serlea, "1'urchnae and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Indualrlal altea oo Umber land, not exceedlnc 40 acre, may be purchiiaed or leaaed, the con-dltlona Includlnr payment . of atumpace. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurvoyed areaa, not exceedln JO ncree, may be leaaed aa hnmealtea, conditional upon a dwelling belnc erected In the flrat year, title belnc obtainable after realdence and Improvement conditions ore fulfilled and land hits been surveyed, LEA8ES For uraxlnic and Industrial purposes areua not exceeding; (40 acres may be leased by one peraon or a, company. GRAZING m Under the (Irailn- Act the Province la divided Into icriiln dlatrlcta and the rnnee administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual RrazlnR permits are Issusd based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stoelj-ownsrs may form asii iclatlona for range management. Free, or partly free, permits are available for aettlera, calipers and travallera, up to ten a4. . WESTHOLME TONIGHT ONLY "SINGLE WIVES" f -i i I'i 1 1 1 1 i iiifii'.i I. ii.,. .i.e. i ... i.iiiioiu- on. ir oe an i mm in.., Hum ever, in a dramatic plmio-pi,,v y, rietl lire some people lead ami H, oiisly lo think. The story or IIUU foignlleii liy her liusliaml alter on ' v , pitiful Strtujgie to fiml u iiilt il m.- i, '"' iiarniw eseUit" rrofii UWy Com,' solved her problem, one hU ,iK, gin or wiie. . tnuniii of gorgcmi.u ileckctl, wqll lireil, pleasure led ,.,,i, an; forgolten likf iiitiny a prize lli,,i , iionai i .isi. MACK SENNETT COMEDY OY REE REEL TOPICS OF THE DAY. "Rupert Fish Fresh Trozon All varieties. Frosh Fish All varieties In sep&on. Smoked Fish Our woll known "Rupert Brands," Finnan Haddlo "Thlstla Drand" Nova Scoliam Canned Salmon -Pinks, Skecna Sockeye.ete. Salt Fl8h-Herrlng, Salmon, Clack CoJ, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ill Prlpa Rupert, B.C. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED In building iict il'ior to l-Vizicd! ti.? it . si. fruiii Ilie KmpiT-s i ! We carry a lull line .f CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CAM SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamos Zarelli ProprW RAW FURS If ou wunl (i Im paid lufe'lu -t t , As for jour HAW I-'l'MS. rurwanl Hiem R. S. nODINSON A SONS. LTD. Branch Recolvlnn Office: 1225-G Standard Bank BIM Vancouver, B.C. Ileml Olfice: II.S.Il. Illdf.'., U-"il I " s Man. Ksl. 1 88. I Icanaoian PAZrcj 'llWf Tor Mtchlktn, Wnngtll, Juntu ind 8Ug P'" 1,1 rnr Vininii.ir. Ulrlnrla and Sultla ADfll 10, Z' For BuUdilt, 8wintcn Bi, Et Bll Btn, r.nK.II Dl... MnA Un.AiiHl rv SatUfOtV 11 " "'"' '"r "" . ,... I ..Hi MMm, I.. -1 1 KI..M.hln I In.. Cornar of 4th Ih 8lrl UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY 0FB.C,LTD. Haillum from rrince lt'iiri. P) or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Ba, ind Alart . (H" 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart B, and iwantcr. Bar, For. ANVOX. ALICE AnH. kTEWART, 8unda, f.M- For ANVOX, PORT BIMPSON and Naat Rltar CannarIM, ',fl,t, i IZ3 no anu. . arnam, SPRING and SUMMER Underwear heavi.. Ilie colli .lays l.ehiiul mn l""'- "J )(, ..r brlRlil Miuimer weallier. you will ninloiil' " u iIp ing your heavy winter iiiuleiAvear mi'l .cool .Siring (lanni'iils. i ,tiTv ar 1 ,' Our .sloek or HH-ing uiul .Siimni''r I ih yVl Ion, Lisle uml Silk in al ils l.esl. jiixl (lli,iil of slyle us .h.ilui-e.l by Wulsoiis ami I'l"11" rangt! of irice.s lo soil every piirse. Ladies' Vests From 25c to $2-50 Jabour Bros Phone 645. JffATRi CORINNE GRIFFITHand MIUo" "-nl( n.nl ':. i.-.-' i i -,(. . in V. i: PEN TI I Dm., . I VIRGINIAIM" ,n' in 7HE Admission 35c and, J Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRIWCE88 OEATBICE. W Full InformllW ' and 3rd inu, Pnnc RuP". For Men, Women and Children Ltd. I ft alP tr