PAfiR tWO ASTHMA1 I HFAD and BRONCHIAL COLDS No Smoke- Ko Sprays - Ho Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ-MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing. Quickly stops all choking, gasping and mucus in bronchial tubes. Gives featherings org nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drugs. $ 1.00 per box at drug stores. Send 5c for generous trial. Templtton, Toronto. RAZ-R1AH GUARANTEED RELIEF I Freedom from Pain Neuritis Thuuaanda of Canadian havt found that T.K.C.'a rive quii-kent and aureat relief from Pain T.H.C 'a art directly on the poiaona that cauee the pain. They contain no daniteroua or habit furniins di... a. Your drue-giat recom-mentle them, Nerd lCc. for generoua trial. Teiupielona, Toronto. $1.00 Jheurnatiam CO, Haadachee 0"C' N.ural.l. SIZE Lumbaao SIZE TRC's FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED TEMPI. ETON '3 RHEUMATIC CAPSUl'? Jl The Daily News PH1NCG RUPF.HT - HlUTlSIf GOLU.MHIA Published Every Aflcriioon, except Sunday, the, Prince Hupert llnily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Jl. F. PULLF.N, Managing Kditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 ny mail hi nil parts of Ihe Hrilish Empire and the United Males, in advance, per year jjft.oo To all oilier countries, in advance, per year . S7..i Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 All adverlisiirg should he in The Daily News Office liefore 1 p.m mi iT.'ii iiiiti I i n fr, . 1 1 ,1 ..-. I . . , Ill ...i..rt i ..t V" ".".i i'" " ""'f ii nin in iifii. .in iiiun iriiip received SIIOJCI to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Board Of Trade Does Useful Work. Saturday, .lamiary 3, 1 02.. The Hoard fills a; place of in Prince. 11 u perl .tun, mi uriugiiig io un aiiention oi proper authorities matter? where consideration or redress is reonireil in the best iiilci'iwU of Ihe community ainl in its work of piihlieity, it is carrying out a iiini'iiiiii in iin organized way, is iiemg undertaken liy ni other body. Sometimes complaints are heard that the Hoard ol , i ram- is an exclusive organization. Tins, However, is an erroneous idea for its ranks are open to any citizens who have (lit best interests of this place at heart. Those who are desirous of helping local mailers along will le welcomed as members. Fai from being exclusive, Ihe Hoard is anxious and desirous of having everybody in Prince Hupert-belong. Not Opposed To ; BroadPrinciple.: The congregation or the Prince. Hupert Presbyterian Church has derided against uniting with the .Methodist, and Cunirresrn- lional Churches under "The United Church of Canada Act." This does m it mean thai the members of the,,ooa church .are opposed lo the broad principle of chiirch union; To' Ihe 'rlinfrary, sonTe of Ihem hiive-exiressed themselves as in favor of the principle liioiigiuiey not in Invor of (be measure that va offered iliem tins week; iV great deal of discussion has been 'indulged in miring uie pasi year since me. mailer or Church Union lias been before both the and provincial parliaments but the actual putting of it into effect .still appears lo be a long way in tbti future. . ' ' . Settlement. Of Freight ' Rates Seems Likely. - l-ooinhig largt upon Iho horizon or Canadian affairs at the present lime is the freight rates issue. Many times during the Jiasl year the question has been coinmenled upon in these col-umns hut a solution of the problem has not vet been found. However, today the entire freight rates Inugie is closer to an iintanglemeiit than ever before and it has been Nearly prown Hint Ihe West has won an important victory. The restoration temporarily, of the C row's Xcsl I'nss nffriximnul .... l..o 1.1 " ..i, 11 1 if, m ... ,, - . i..ear upon me suriare as a set-hack for Itrilish Columbia, but ... iai'iii-. 11 inai uie. removal oi an discrimination against the West will shortly . ncciinmlkb...r For years Premier Oliver has fought almost a lone fight for miiisii n.,.inroia s imerests. t rue, he has been supported .v boards or trade and .oilier public bodies but the initiative was bis and to him belongs a large share or Hie credit. Heroic the coining session or the House ol' Commons has passed into his. lory it'is predicted that equal freight rales all over Canada will be 111 force, which menus that the Pacific Province will Tor the first lime be able to meet the eompetilionuf Onlario' Quebec and Ihe .Maritime, provinces, . . Signatures' Required . ' From Correspondents. . ., The editor Of this paper would again remind correspond-nts that then- names should be nrfixed lo any letters or news ilen.s that are, sent in for publication. The Daily Xews does not publish ,,y mailer that is no! authorized by signature though we diMiol a'fliiijT tlu.1 the names of ,e writers should appear 11 pr.ut-lU beiuV solely a matter of choice for the wrier the...sely,;s, Ju, ,,.,.,.,. ,.,., mff signatures. In one or two cases, it was possible to Ida confirmation locally, and the news was used. J other cases w' ""!"';; ' ! "'r only choice was In throw the !!V',1 '.Mellakalla. ,i", h" 'Suhs.-riber. V I"',IK'r ,,ask,fl- " siB""t-"os such a Sep" elc, will not do as a or I or BUCKLEY 1 al Cfoll V II "1, l ixosuirs ho liqhtnina Jcmedu I J JorC9UGHi, GOLDS, &RQN$MTt$ FESTIVITIES AT SMELTER TOWN Variety of Functions Featured Christmas and New Year , Season AXYO.V, Jan. J. Holiday limp in Anynx was enjoyed lo Ihe full by lai'tic and small alike. The Coinimmily League dance fin: uriiwii-iiis ami Ihe eulerlain menl Tor all Ihe kiddies of Ihe I own was billowed by the annual feast, of Hit; Moose. T.ndire which eiileilaiiieil children of members in their hall. A jolly time was spent. Supper was served, panics were played and mementoes of I In' season were dis- Irihuled among Hie juveniles after which. Ihe older folk-engaged in dancing. On the aflernoou and evening of Monday, December -I', Ihe children tif (lie Union Church were given present. and a big upper, ami amused wilh games, aving a fine lime generally. Tins following day, 'Ihe Anglican! Church threw open its doors and treated lis budding youth in1 much the same fashion, 'giving iliem a lug reed amP present ing them wilh toys and such things.! aking Ihe occasion one long In lie reinembered. Following its regular custom. the Oranhy Company supplied Ihe pall'nns of the Smeller Messi w'llh. a special dinner on Christ mas Day. There ,was turkey, plum pudding, mince pie and all Ihe fixiu's. The Teas! was repeated at "the Mine Mess on Xew ear's Day, and Mine Host Jago. who knows how lo do those tilings jusl right, received many compliments on the excellence of Ihe Tare provided at. both places.! On both occasions, the Anyox Hand was present and conlrihul- d not a lillle lo Ihe spirit oT the season. At Hospital On Ihe eve of Christmas, the matron of (iranhy Hospital, Miss Swansoii, and the staff, were re sponsible for a highly .success- nil eiileilaiunieiil and Christmas ... . 1. s,: - i ive joi--iiif'.iiaueiii!i.)iiii . .. tiieiw united friends. The tree was splendidly illuiniiialed. and there was a present Tor every inmale. :il Hint tune. The cost was. inriie from funds raised by the' Ladies' Auxiliary from lime to lime. Among other items pre- entcd well1 twO large md com fortable easy chairs and a pair of adjustable tamps, all of which will prove of great benefit lo indents. In-addition lo- Ihe visit of Santa Clans, a number of selections were rendered by Ihe Flks' Orchestra, and there were dance by I'.diia llerrin, Mabel Sleveus and Flo .Hid Ilillie Kelley. Miss Wilder recited and Jnmcsj riioiifpson sang. Members ofi Ihe Ladies' Auxiliary were pre- seal a guests and refreshments were served by Ihe nurses. On Christmas Day Ihe band played) I I Ihe hospital. ! NIGHT SCHOOL WORK AT ANYOX EXPANDS Classes In Dressmaking and First Aid to be. Instituted AX VOX. Jan. .1. Wilh Ihe Xew Year. Ihe Oraiibv Hay School Hoard is insliliiling two ndili-lional classes in js night school work. A number of reuuests have come for a class in dressmaking. and has been decided llial. if. urrieient applicants apply, ai larl will be made about the mid-i die of January nt both Peach lunl Mine. Xot less than eight or! more than twelve will be con-' sidered in either place and the.; fee will tie $5.00. Mrs. Pickford. who has had considerable experience in the leaching of dressmaking has been engaged to take, charge of these classes. First aid classes will also start immediately at both places, Dr. Lea-royd will have charge of Ihe Heard classes and Dr. Kinsman of Ihe class al the Mine. ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT IS HELD AT SM1THERS !Mll'lli:ilS, Jan. 3. The annual Chrislinas tree nnd nnnenri I of (he Anglican Clnirrh Sunday M'liooi was . held on Tuesday llighl. belnir nresldi.l n. nn i... I Ilev. M.'F. W. Hld.iell. The cntortainment was hefd In ,i 1 Ihe chn.-ch nnd commenced nt !S o'clock, when supper was scr-veiL to Ihe children, alfer which they gave a concert while Ihe ndtilt members present partook of their refreshments. Santa Clans was scheduled to arrive al seven o'clock but, about Unit lime, loud noises were heard and in eame a parly who announced thai he was Ills Satanic Majesly and was going to turn everybody out but he was closely followed by Santa Clans who, to Hie amusement or Ihe children, soon put him hors-de-combat. Old St. Nicholas then took charge or the Christmas tree and proceeded In distribute, nresenls and candies lo the children. He also- gave Muriel Adams and Clivc lloskins prizes which they lb' s s o L' Jr. .-. TITPS January Salurdr.y. January 3, 1&?5. Home Furnishing i -1 Has iaa SALE Six different designs. Handy and compact, and keeps your kilchen uleusjls tidy ami On Iheso new lines of Cabinets, Special Sale Prices. Kitchen Tables wilh F.naiuel Tops ami finished while Knantel. Kitchen Tables wilh ami willmut ilrawer at Had won fur regular attendance) al Sunday School. Jlefnre saying goodbye, Santa, on behalf or the congregation, presented Mrs. S. II. lloskins wilh several pieces or French ivory tendered as a mark of appreciation for tier services at Hie organ during ilu year. FUNERAL AT SM1THERS SMITIir.llS, .Inn. 3. The funeral of Ihe late Thomas Fitzgerald who was found frozen In death near Moricelown last week, was held on Tuesday ariernoon. The O.W.V.A. hail Ihe funeral and Ihe service was conducted by their president.. II L. dale. 11 tfK. Every Department in our store giving Big Value Reductions The very latest design in Diningroom and Bedroom Furniture all new stock; for guaranteed quality and rock bottom prices we have what you require Axminster and Wilton Carpet Squares We orrer at special i eductions. Ask fur our Special prices for Ihe -January Sale. Draperies for yourWindow Colored Velours, Single and Double Faced, at 25 Per Cent Discount Colored Cretonnes, Madras, Scrims, Marquisettes, Poplins, and Shadow Cloths at reduced prices never before offered. We are ib leriiiined lo reduce our large stock in these lines and our many patrons will save by our January Special Prices, Swiss Net Curtains, pep p. ir, 2.1 per cent disconnl. Blinds and Curtain Rods .1 Pig Special Prices. Kitchen Cabinets Chesterfield and Daveno Suites Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites and Daveno Suites, wilh Hed and Maltress complete, at Hig S ial January Sale Values. F.isy Chairs, Hackers. Library Tables, Iteds, Spring and .Mattresses, all at Heduccd Prices, To clear at less than cost Ginghams, .'12 inches widei Colored and Plain al, 5 Yards for $1.00. SPECIAL Silk 1 Yard Wide SPECIAL lu the following Colors: Cold, Hose, Light HUic, . Orcen, Cream. Hrown, While, .Maroon, and Dark Itiiw, This Silk is or fine quality and i our regular 2.00 value. To Clear at $1.00 Cash. Watch Our Windows for-Special Prices Odd Lines of Flat Curtain Rods to clear, at Special Prices Crockery GET IT AT! r. . i i Kvcry piece of China and Crockery in our Slure at 2,' pep cent Hediiclion, When you have sesn our stock at marked down prices this will convince you of our v . -- ' . . fi & Third Avenue Real Values Offered Tite's Store gives the guarantee for quality and price Geo. D. Tite Quality Home Furnisher .j.HB a aae . Phone 20 HIGHCLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 NEW YEAR GREETINGS WITH ALL GOOD WISHES. JIT