PAC.F FOUR Silk VELVET Ilirli hravily piled .1(i inch Silk Volvol) from Lyons, Franco. Those nro always popular for ttrwl. or oveninp wear. Por yard $4.50 West of England Store Smith Block SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE lias it cvor occurred lo you Hint, tho mulfitiido of "Household Helps" offered for sale are of themselves lifeless ami incapahle of service unless controlled and direcled by the already overburdened housewife Laundry service alone is alive, vital, imposing no now obligations, and ask-' inpr nothing hut your friendly disposition, lo change servilude into service. May we call? Phone 8 PHONE 8 XferSy 60X392 PRINCEr-r RUPERT DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, COc Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night op Da, WE BUY BOTTLES. LADIES! A new line of SILK EVENING DRESSES JUST ARRIVED Call In and Inspect them MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hook, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Koura, 9 te 8. Phone 8. Open Evening Only Fr Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Teem or Motor Service. Coal, Band and. Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. i THE DM.Y MEWS Saturday, January 3, 19.5 BRINGING UP FATHER ;By George McManir bAM"- lt THAT ALL. TOO KIN THINK. OP DOIM? I'M COIN' OAsFrx" FROM WA.TCHIN' YOU URiN (.OOT THEM CROb " ' WORO PO-'Z-'-E'b: BIG RAINFALL DURING YEAR Total Precipitation for 1924 was Over Average Three Wet Months Caused It January, February and Oclnber having been unusually wet moulds, Ihc tidal rainfall for the year 1 92 1 in Prince llnncrt of Kt3.l(j inches is considerably over the average for I lie past leu years. 'Ibis ml her hij-'h r;iiri-fall spared I be place of a pood deal of snow, however, and the total snow for the year was 25.5 inches or in figures of actual precipitation, 2.55 inches. I'be highest thermometer read ing of the year was on July 25 when the mercury went up to Ml degrees; Ihe lowest reading nf the year was on December 1 5, 5 above zero. Following is Ihe weather report month by mouth for the city during 11)21: I'recipilal ion Tempera. j llaiu Snow High l.ow inches inches January 18.82 53 February .... 1 1.38 1 53 March 5 5 58. April 9.77 5 71 May 7.0 79 June 1.10 - 71 July Ci.38 '80 August ...... 5.08 70 Kenlemlier . 11.5(1 "! i Oclnber ...... 10.78 November.... Heceniber . Totals 9.15 l.f.I 103.1(5 i 02 57 52 SEA MISHAPS , DURING YEAR Tatjana Wreck, Trcbla Fire, Amur Wreck and Whale-boat Disaster Major Items YICTOIUA, Jan. 3. Ten marine disasters and mishaps was the record set for 1921 on the 11.(1. coast. These accidents com prise Ihe following: J he wreck of the Tafjana, on Village Island lasl winter; Ihe wreck of Ihe Amur, near I'rince Itilpertf, (he lltith Alexander mishap last spring, when her passengers had In be transferred to Ihe H. 1 Alexander; the drowning of four, naval cadets, their instructor and ill" insirucinrs wire, oil Dallas Itoad, in Ihe SI rait of Juan dc Fuea, last sumiper; Ihe Inlal destruction of Hie Trcbla, by fire near Sidney; the rescuing of the lUnehclie by Ihe Pacific Salvage I Company; also Ihe rescuing of lhe lug lionila by Ihe lug J.W.P. off Carmanah Point, this fall; the Inlal wreck of Ihe schooner llianca on the American shore of Ihe Strait of Juan do I'uCa, near Clallam Point; Ihe collision between the inntorship Peru and SS. Chilkonl, and Die sinking nf the Cascade, UNION CHURCH HAS CONCERT SM1THERS Splendid Entertainment Put on Monday Night and Committee Receives .SMITH FltS, Jan. 3. The Union Church Sunday School held its annual concert in Ihe Town ll.ill mi Mmiil.iv nlcrlil .mil i were ii. i ..,.....i i.. ..ii i i"'"- inn hiii- rinwii iii .iiiiciiiiiiiiri' was Irealed to a long and varied entertainment put on by the hoys and girls. Itev. J. H. Warr of Topley occupied Ihe chair. .Mrs. A.. J. Mclulyre, Mrs. n. I.. Diniock and Miss lla.el Morris had charge of the training of the children and are being highly complimented. THE FAMILY HERALD CALENDAR Once more the Family Herald uid Weekly Star, of Montreal have given what the public wants in the form of a beautiful calendar for 11(25. Kveryone who sees Ihis work of art won't be happy till he has one for himself." The calendar can only bo oiiiamcii ny sunscriliers lo Hie Family Herald and Weekly Slar whose subscriptions are received in lime. Copies cannot be obtained by anyone not a subscriber. The picture wilh Ihe calen dar is entitled "The Sale of Old' Dobbin" and is overflowing wilh human interest. It is a masterpiece which you will never lire nf looking at. In addition lo the calendar and picture, the Futility Herald gives lo each subscriber a free chance lo win as much as five thousand dollars cimIi in a simple contest, and In anyone who secures clubs nf new subscriptions there are valuable articles of reward, catalogue Of which will be sent free of charge. lo any address. The Fanu'lj lieraiil Holds us position as easily I ho finest of all popular journals. PRINCE GEORGE Claud Fool and bis daughter. Vera, relumed from Quesnel oi: Tuesday following the burial service of Ihe late .Mrs. Fool in (he lowq of her birlh. w- 4- j '-. vY . '. ii ' Charles A. Pyne, manager for northern llrilish Columbia for Ihe Sovereign Life Assurance Company, has lefl for Winnipeg where he. will allend n conference of the provincial managers of his company. There was a small gasoline GKAOOO HEL'J R.ICHT-V'M NECLECTlN' -biMClNC- I MUbT practice: Copyiiil.l. 1924. by Int'l Tclur. SrrvK. Inc. Iricl, was brought. Into the rtiy hospital on Monday by Corpora' Van Dyk of the provincial police. He is over seventy years of age, is in poor health and is The first annual masquerade hall of Ihe local (treat War Veterans, held on Cbrislmas night, proved' one of the most. enjoyable affairs ever held in .'ilhe city. : Pat jinn lady; lady; and lady; I'. K cino man; The prize-winner Wilson, early Victor-Jane Wilson, Unrein .Mrs. Denias, pierrol Wilson, Indian medi Harry Kennedy, sheik: and P. Howled, Charlie Chaplin. i Sport Chat There is a move on foot in (treat llritain lo democratize polo. At the present lime gales of Hie polo fields are opened only lo cliijj. members and their invited, friends and the general public is barred. The idea is to change the method of carrying op Ihe game altogether and put Ihe control into the bands of some national organization. The selection of international learns by Ihe exclusive clubs, it is claimed, has not been conducive of bringing out Ihe best lalenl. Hace horses found be (rack at l.alouia, Ken lucky, much (o their liking during the 1921 season, two oflicial world records and five track records going down under Ihe hoofs of sterling runners, a review of the records made on Ihe Kentucky track reveals. In addition to Ihe two world records, Sarazen, .Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt's Ihrec-year old roll, established an offl-ciat record of 2:00 1-5 for the mile and a. quarter in winning Ihe 1 1 1 i ii I Inlernalional Special on October , Hilliard League meeting wijl be held in Ihe O.W.V.A. Rooms at 0 p.m. on Sunday. Several mailers nf importance will be voted on and Ihe mailer of Ihe City Championship will be taken ;up. All captains and one delegate 'from each learn are renuesien io ullend. BUILDING PERMITS FOR YEAR TOTAL $209,312 During Dtcember Three Issued to Value of .' $3,290 Were Huibling nermils lakeu out at llie cily engineer's olltce during the month of December amount ci lo 3,200 bringing Ihe total fire In Ihe cily hospital on Weil- of building nermils issued for nesday morning when gasoline Ihe past year up lo $200,312 used for healing sterilizing December permits issued were equipment look fird. The nurses ins follows: sent in a call for Ihe fire de-1 Prince Ruperl fleneral Hospi-parlment and then proceeded to I a I $2,200.00 for repairs and al- nrganizn (heir 'own forces and leralions lo fire escapes, Mil bad Ihe fire out before the de-'chell Currie, contractors. parlmenl arrived. Ole Hull, an old lime . trapper and limber man of the l.oos dis- Brit ish Consols Cigarettes dhe Finest of Virginia an&Horlh Carolina. fJobaccos blended for Canadians in" II. Wright $500 shack building in -Section H, Repairs In Mrlnlyre building .500, issued lo M. M. Slephehs 20 lor 12 lor IS Also in attractive tins ofSOandlOO) i J : "P second hand armchairs, in good condition. Cash for a snap. Write Hnx 221 Daily News. If MALE HELP WANTED 300.00 a month In dislrmule everyday household necessity in rii ml and small town districts, No money needed. Million" dollar firm behind il, Write for particulars and slate terrilory desired. II. I.. JOHNSON, 57!) .McDennott Avenue. Winnipeg. FOR SALE FOn SAf.F, On RKXT. Mrs. Harry I.ipselt's residence,' 135 Fourlh Avenue. Apply, Upset I, Cunningham, Second Ave. and Mcllride. If TO RENT OR RUNT. Furnished House keeping suile, 410 Sixth Ave. ,F.asl, Phone. Illue 278. tf OR RKXT. .Vivo roomed house wilh balh. Apply ill Fraser Street. 2 OR RKXT. Modern house, five rooms and balh. Apply Monro Itros. If 'OR RKXT. .Machines. - Siii: Phone BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room al the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Posl Ofliee, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If HOARD AND ROOM. Rome com forts. Terms moderale. Phone Blue 737. If MANY CLAIMS TO ?er Sewing Hlue 38!). If VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Use of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretenders About the year 1880 Ihe pioneer prospectors of llrilish Columbia discovered a remarkable coal fler many trials and lests il was. positively established ttiat this; ijo'alTepl'we'nt.Pd Ihe' acme of economy, efficiency and comfort. I n tliis-fiiisl lliey gave llie new famous name of "Nanainio-Wel- lington." reprpiienling nil that was nest in coal. No sooner was II found that the public Insisted on gelling Ibis Wonder Fuel than other coals were put on the market under very similar names. So much so thai Ihe public were, al a loss to say which was the gen- uine and which Ihe imitation. Of course il was easy after a Irial a single sack will prove. It more lasling and more powerful heat from a few shovelfuls nanny any asu, no ciuiKer or rock, all these points stand out when you make n practical test in furnace, fireplace, healer or cook -stove. This famous Nanaimo-Wel liliglon coal is sold only by Al bert & Mcfiaffery to whom all or ilers should be phoned direct rrompi. iienvery service given by their own learns and trucks Their phono numbers are Iff atid 30 . If HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert L. I.nzzarnlln and Angel I,or indi, Preirticr: D. A. York, Doc Victor, A. Horner and M. Krnesl, Ahyox. Central Capt. A, Alfredsnn and ,Mr. artd Mrs. fi, Seymour, Vancou- vcr. IC--V R. E. EYOLFSON Oraduatn of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or (lust4 Prompt Service and Comfort Day or NIk'.I Stand: .10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Arr from Snmr iss Hotel DRY WOOD CKDAR, 1IF..MI.OCK OR FIR Cul and split to any size. $6.50 per Load A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove Woodyard. Phone lllack Int. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy. Sell and Kx-change New and Secondhand Goods. QtO. PAFAUOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 64fi AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to lonsull us when you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or nnv article. PRINCK RUPKRT KX-CHANOK, Auctioneers. DRESSMAKING MRS. HAMILTON', experienced dressmaker, Federal block. Dressmaking, alleralions, suit and coals. First class work. Reasonable prices. Phone lllack 110. tf LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Luu Lend In I'rtliri' lllliiprl I.hiiiI liUlrlel I In. rnrillnir OHIrli'l of ITIiiimi llnrxrl. anit Klt- iiiiu- hi iianiaru t.uve, rriniTM linyai l.'lllllll, II. C. Tilkc itllcn thill Sfnrvltln Cnnnorv .iiiiii.iii.v i.iiiiiiiii. fir vanroiivpr. ii.c in- n nil In Hiy fur ixriiill(iii lo nw lh riiiiirtvinir iicsrhln-rl himls: Ciimnirnrinic HI tin- hoiiil nf ll.iriiaril Cove, ITIiith" luiyai iiiinl: IIipiici rat r vi (S) rhaliK IlK-nrf nortli lurlv (tin rlinirm; llionrp (! Icti dlli ih:ilii. inriro or lfk. to low WHler lunik; iheiirn smith nhni low wtrr ilium ti (Hilnt of roinnionrfinint, ami friiilaliilnir rifli'i'ii (ir) nrrcs, morn or SilMlllVJl.l.K CANNEIIV COMPANY I.IMITRD Mime or Ar.i.hinnl W. J. Jffrcrmni, Arent. imieii nfTrntirr i t i it. !9t. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM SllnalP In the Ski'i'tm Mllilnir nivllr,n of thn linnHo R, Omul Plutrlil. Whore ini'itcii. Sun tn or hih creek. Kltnim- ka In I.Hke, nod mljolnltiir the WlilKtler on the hal emi or II. I.nwrul holiteM, W. Trenton anil II. WINoii: .Mo. of llnhier' Free Miners' Certirirate, Trenton ft70 1 0C WIlKin ATnOIC. Take !o!lre. thai we. V. Treston. F.M c Mo. 7ninc, anil liavld Wilson, f.M.f:. run. n7nnif:. intend al the end or sitiv days from Ihe date hereof tn apply to the .ii iiur.H- iieroruer ror n i.ernr erne or im. prnvpinents for the purpose of otitainln n i.niwn orant or tne anovn i- n ni ami fiirtliennore take not::-e that Aillon under ee. ei. or i lie nerai An ro 1st i,e ei,n reeneed before the Issuanre of siirh rerii lirnm oi iiiiprovenieni. Haled this anth lav of Nov.. 1 094. W. F. TP.KSTON, anil nVin WII.son, owner. K. T kennv. rent LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchato Land la skeena I .ami nistrlei, or prince Import llecordm IHstrln, nnd filiate appriniiiintely one nnd one half miles West I milium minion, on miiviis inianil, .ki'flia lllver. mm- Lottie Hint innioir l.arsson. or I(s ciirlctnti St., Iinriialiy, ocruniitlim Loinrer, Intends to apply for neniitselon , iMuiiiife me iiuiowinir iieserilied lauds i.i iiiinen. inir nt a post planted al the yniiihwest corner or Lot sn:i, salvus iiii-ni-e snuiiiwesieriy, annrotl- irwtely 800 yards; thence norlheslerlv aiipriixliriiiiel.v 8(li yards; thence southerly, :,,' conn or neriiminir. rom prisinir nil nun. portion or Salvus Islaml " mii.i ami eiMitiiiiilnir win-.-., iii'irn ni less. THOMAS MIM.S Airenl ror pi not f r.unsot, MACCiE I JOtsT ENT OCT AtS coT CRObb-WORD P rvi - tie ... i - - mm NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF MSCRVI NOTICF. IS HHTkHY niVKN. thai the reserve eoverlnir Lots n&( ln. Miv ,n. clusivo. nature , coast bistrlrt. Is ran-celled, OE'i. n. NAPF.N, . PeputT Minister of Lands, nepartment or Lands, Victoria. n.C, November 1 9th. tvti. i'j JJ All PU fl Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lei than SOc WANTED WANTFI). Trr purchase two CHIROPRACTOR MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, closes af -i' fun. From the East Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays, due a't.7 a.m. To Vancouver-Tuesdays Mail closes at Saturdays Saturdays via'lrafif Fridays, 8 C.P.R. Jnnuary K! and From Vancouver-Sundays .P. M. Tuesdays via train due t I'M, Wednesdays 3 PM Thursdays I'M C.P.R. January 12 and To Anyox, Allcel Aim, Stewart "and Premier Wednesdays 10 15 P M Sundays 7 P M From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays I'M Fridays .0 A M To Port Simpson and Naas River Points Thursdays ". From Port Simpson and River Points-Saturdays . To Alaska Points- January 12 and 20. From Alaska Points January 10 and $1 "j. To Queen Charlotte Island Points January 17 agl itl. From Queen Charlotte Island Points January 15 arifT 70. BOX COLLECTION 1 1 lb Ave. ,t Sberbrnnke P.M. flranam A Allln,Avcs 2.15 I si Ave. & Klgblh Sti 2.20 ttlh Ave. & Fultom St. '2.25 9th Ave. &. Thompson1 ; st 2.30 8.30 Ave j.... 2.35 I Hit Ave. & Conrad ft. 2.10 fllh Ave, A Hays Cove Ave v flth Ave. A Hays Cove Circlo 2.50 8th Ave. A Cotton St.:. 2.55 5th Ave. A Mcllride St. 3.00 Pro. Gov. Dldgst 3.5 Prov. Oov. Wharf .... 3.'C O.T.P. Wharf 3.15 2nd Ave. & 2nd SI 3.20 Ird Ave. & Ful'.on .St., S.25 Ird Av Si flth 3.2 15 PM. A M. PM, 15 A M, ,((), TIMBER SALE X G830. I'M Naa AM PM 8.11) 8.20 8.5i 8.35 8,'.it 2.15 8,45 8.50 8.D5 9.00 f .5 9.i0 9.15 9,20 9 25 9.2" Senleit Tenders Wi L received liy Ihe Minister of l.units, al Victoria, lint later than noon on the trill day or Jinnnrv, lujri, rur Ihe pnrrliasl or Mcrnco X-am.iii. Pi rut t.nui.iniu re4 nf spruce, Cedar ami Hemlock, on an 'tifta. situated on Sewi-ll Inlet, oueen UiaNnllo Islands hh I rlct. I , Twit (i tnovnl df t yearn will Im allowcil for re limner. Further parllrulnri.of the Chief Fores ler, Victoria. It.i:.. f histrirt Knresier. Prince Import. It,!',' TIMBER SALE X 6838. Sealed Tenders will lis, received hy ihn Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on loo sth day of Felirunry, I9K5, lor the purchase, or Licence X AH3H. to cut t.riO,(inft feet nt Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock, on an area adjolninr Lot l3, Melwyn Inlet, (.nieeii Winrlotle Islsnds Land IHstrict. Two (t) years vllliii) .allowed for rO' niovaf. of lliulier. Further parileulaeH tif the Chler Fores, ler, Victoria, n.r or Mstrlrt Foresief, Prince Import, II. f!. ' - . . LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaae Land In M.isseit lnlet,v yiieen llharlotto islands Land Iilnti-iir iofmiiinv ni.triei of Prince MiiPerl. R.ll. an.l oim mile south of Iwus.liiLuiil. Mnssett In- teit, and in YesMlton, Blli jm Ilmher limit Take Police lli.if riil.A n cin. of Massell. II (:.. weiiiintlon 'cnoiierv Manairer, Intends S apply Tor permission to lease the followlne dosorlheil lands: Comnienclin- at a pom jilamed mi the west s ite of Yestnlton ttience south (l clialnsj thence enstim1lialns, thence north ?-,,ll"",!,.,h'',"'', 'U! rhalns, and cm-tnlnlne in aeres, moW or less. EI'DF-Str II. SIMPSON, . , 'Name or Applicant. Patert December toth, im.