jar January 3, 1925. Start The New Year Right 1 925 Diaries ip-i'irs. Is made only by systematic planning. Ilon'l ,1 tin1 iiuiiil with unnecessary detail. USE A DIARY rCi The Oifice Page In Pay,- r.7 ?i . ... $1.65 Pnfre I" l:iy. Vix7 $1.25 1. Page In Day, $3.00 . ago to Itiiy, "ix7i $1.35 Ui'in (Jnlcnilar I'ails 75c I -I. inl,'ir Klainls $1.00 Fop The Pocket !;,. Week In Pagi, Vel Pocket 65c : Days In I'age.dt'.UIiiT $1.25 "i. ? Kays In Page, leather $1.50 .01. S I lays lo Page, .3, leather $2.00 I irge assortment of oilier Pocket Diaries, 35cf 50c, T1-10, FOR THE SEVENTEENTH TIME we extend the Season's Greetings To Iho Citltcns of Prince Rupert and District and we trust that the coining Year will bo both Happy and Prosperous. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. Kupert '.V Fish" Fresh rroren All varieties. Fresh Fish--All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, t..c. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prinze Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engi.niors, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ECCPTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is eiiicil in iiamlle all kinds of MAniNE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 335 STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEYf UNDERWEAR, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 ! Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 11. Ilayners, UnJeriakers, l'hone 351 You'll like our joall Consum ers Coal Co. Phone 7. If A choice litoiiij "'Supremo ' colice. Save Hie coupons. 11 Soils ami liaughlrrs of Km. land Christmas Tree Wednesday, January 7, m llosbm Hall al 1.30. Once mure we can supply Hie famous Fdson coal in any quan- li lies. 1'lione 08. Prince ltuperl I ced Co. tf After tomorrow afternoon al -5 o'clock, the mutt C..N.H. passenger train from Hie Hast will arrive at 7 o'clock Wednesday iiKiiiiin. Saerel Concert by (lie Prince llupert Amateur Orchestral Society mi Sunday evening in the West holme Theatre al U.I 5 sharp. .Silver collection. ' Mrs. I.veiell Aixon, Sixth Ave. West, entertained informally Monday night in eoiiipliioeul lo Miss llntiy Scott of Prince Hu- pi'rt.- Vancouver Provincci .lack Stevens of this city, who lias been attending the Hoy's' rariiameiii al victoria a mem ber for Skeena. is expected home oi the Cardena tomorrow afleiv noon. S. Y. Taylor of Williams. Maiison & lioiiitales. unstained adly -I'laiiovl ankle oh New Year' Day ami lias since been 'mfiiied lo liis honie (iruliam xvento'. Mr. and Mrs. William O.inn of Slewarl. who left Here last week are proceeding ' to ltoohesfer Minn., whew Mr. I latin will tin dergo medical treatment al the Mayn Clinic. A number of local selnm teachers and oilUeii, who went -out h lo spend the Christinas and .Yew Year vacation, are ex peeled home on tbvy JladqH.i lo morrow afternoon."'' .1. It. Scott provincial fores ranger, who has been spending the Cliristiiiiis and New Year holidays in Ibe city, returned lo his liei(uarlers al SwniiMin (lay on Hie Princess Ilea trice this morning. 'Ibe power schooner Prosper ily, Cant, ltriiiille, arrived last niffhl from Ketchikan with a car load of concent rates from the Salt Chuck mine for transhipment over the ,C..'.ll. to the Ir-viuglou smeller. Snereil Concert by Hie Prince Utiperl Amateur Orchestral Society ou Sunday evening in the Wcslholme Theatre id '.MS diarp. Silver collection. Mrs". Frnscr. conlrallo, Miss C. Jones, -oii'iino, and he Juvenile Six. violinists, will assist. In Hie course of an interview wilh the Vancouver Star last week, U, P, Pullen of this city, who has been visiting in the soulh. predicted an iiumeiliale industrial expansion Tor Prince Huperl which, he declared, should also be beneficial lo 4 FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral Service for the lale Ablo l.a..arnllo, of Premier .Mine, will lake place tomorrow, Sunday afleriioon al .'I p.m. al the Calliolle Church. Hey. Fattier McOralh. ollieial-ing. after which Hie cortege will leave for Fair-view Cemetery. ROMION X QUALITY ' StrlONDS i SIM0NDS CANADA SAW CO. IIMITED ' .1 Uni II.O.WHH mi iWlu.w THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 Miss Foss. who has been spending Hie Christmas and New Year holiday willi relatives in Vancouver, arrived on Hie Princess Beatrice Ihls morning. CP. It. steamer Princess Mary is expected to arrive from Alaskan ports en route lo Vancouver sometime lliis evening. Tlmi steamer lias been delayed by rough weather. Union sleamer. Venture, Capt .loli ii s ti in, arrived iii pott from Port Simpson ami Hie Naas lliver at 1 1.20 o'clock this morning and cleared for Vancouver and wayixlrts at noon. Owing In an insufficient number of members being' present to form a iiuorunj the Hoard of I'rade annual meeting called for ast night was adjounled until next Friday night. C.X.H. steamer Prince John, Capt. Mabbs, left port at 'J o - lock last night for Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Island points. Passengers Included It (!. Mackenzie, S. Connors and M. A. Campbell for Queen Char lotte City. C.O.M.M. freighter Canadian Volunteer, ('apt. Sunderland, came off I lie drv dock at noon today and is- sailing this after noon for Swanson May where sin will take on a cargo of bimbo' for Vancouver. Capt. Dunca' McKcnzie Is piloting the bo( south. lames l(. .Mitcliell, who lias been spending the holidays in the city visiting with his parents Mr. ami Mrs. John Milcbell Ninth Avenue Mast, will return on Hie l.ardcna tomorrow uighl lo Anyox where he will resume his duties as vice-principal of the High School. CP. It. sleamer Princess Ileal rice, Capl. Thomas Clilf, arrived from Vancouver and wayporls al 7.15. o'clock this morning uid leTl for Hie siiulh al II o'clock. Passengers for Prince Huperl included Commander Havid T. Jones, C. P. Hickman, .Miss An drews, Miss Foss and Mr. Hyan. The case of Alfred Swanson ami Hiehard Oaiuiiion of this city aStiinal -41ie J Coaslwise Honmship '&' Parse Co. for sal vage in ronnrclinn with Ibe res ne of the barge OrilT which weld adrift when (lie sleamer Amur wrecked .mhiIIi of here las! February is being heard in the Vdmirally Court at Vancouver before .Mr. Justice Martin thi? week. It. F. Mr.Vaiighlon, C.N.It. passenger agenl, leaves on this afternoon's train for Winni-oeg lo attend a meeling of the ,asenger olticials of Hie western region, There will also be a meeting of freight ollicials but II. McFwen, division freiglit agent here, will be unable to go ou account of illness. Oilier olllcers from Ibis district who will attend Hie meeting will be li. A. McNicholl, general passenger agent, Vancouver; K. K. Mcleod, district passenger agent, Vancouver; Charles F.arle, general agent, Victoria; James Horn, general freight agent, Vancouver: J. II. Scoll. assistant general freight ngenl. Vancouver: Allan While, district freight agent. Vancouver. Church Notices j Central City Mission Home of IfTe Fourfold (iuspel. This is likely lo be your last opportunity uf allemliug services under Hie ausjiices of the above. The services for Hie final week will lie as follows: Sunday, II a.m. Christ Hie- Shepherd. (Communion), p.m. Sunday School. 7.11(1 p.m. Precious Things. Wednesday p.m. Three Oreal Periods, llrighl song service. Come along for all are welcome. J. W. Knights, Pastor. Presbyterian Church Morning worship al tl o'clock. Subject. "The Constraining Love or Christ." Sunday School al 1 2.311. I'.veniug service at 7.30. Subject. "Looking Forward." Preacher. Itev. II. It. Oratil, IU. Methodist Church The Church of Service. Pastor, Itev. Ceo. (I. Hacker. Deacon ess. Miss 1, Haddock. Sunday' services: Morning at tl. Topic,! "A tlackwaid Look on a Forward. Journey." Sunday School al 2.30. "Cascade" is BETTER BEER The Old Reliable British Columbia's pioneers were enjoying "Cascade" Beer thirty-five years ago! And it is still a hot favorite with those who appreciate real good beer. You can always depend upon "Cascade" it is brewed and bottled in a brewery renowned for cleanly, scientific methods; supervised by a brewmaster who has spent a lifetime in brewing the very finest of beers. Why be satisfied with any but the best when "Cascade" costs no more? Insist on "Cascade" the BETTER BEER Thin It ttie crown that tfa'i In 'Ca.cude" qva'ity lor you. See lhat you rrt it on rvrry bott'c ot beer you buy! Fvening service at 7.J0 sharp. Come, ami come early. Service will cloc al K.;in harp. livening topic. "The Open Hour." . Salvation Army Sunday Services 1 1 a.m., Captain F. hnrin of Wrangell will die in charge; 3.3(1 p.m.. Junior ami 'Adult llible Classes. Start with the New Year. ..'id p.m., Salvation .Meeting, led by Captain Ilea. Subject. "The Transforming Power of the Cross." Special music by the band. Public meetings every Thursday and Saturday al 8 p.m. Friday at K p.m., Corps Cadet Clas. Ladies Home League, Thursday at L'.-'UK Lutheran Church SI. Paul's Knglish Lutheran Church .Metropole Hull, Third Avenue, itev. P. I'.. Itaisler. It.D., pastor. Sunday Services Morning al 11 u'elock. Sermon topic. "Some Tiiiiily Lesous From a Horrible Slaughler." Sunday School al 12.30. Luther League al li.30 p.m. Leader, Miss Mar-gil llallberg;. livening service al 7.30. Topic. "Where is Jesus?" NOTICE OF ELECTION. fl "111.10, .MiTICi: I IhtiIiv irlveii In llw iliM'i.ir of flu- Municipality uf im city in ri Mire iiuiHTi iii.ii i riiiiir' in,, n - ?fnri tir ic r-aui rieriori. ai i i.ii.v : iiM-k'i nrrire, in tlii city Ihill. ( Ity ot I'rlni'f lliiiH-rt. nn Miimlay. Urn Kill tM.v nr Jiiniiiiry, 1 ill twi'lvp u'l'lixk iiiuin, rr the mii'imsc of cli'dinir tiiTsoiist to re pi'cu'iit tlicin ii Mayor and Hrlii tiler imiii; anil fur the hiiim or flrillnif llinn-im'I'siiiih Hi renl'i'H'lit llii'lu us SrhiHil Tliisliw; nml for Um Mirmsi of I'li'cllnir nni' icrnn lo serve nn Hie IHhihi or CiMiiliils-lnlirls of 1'iillri'. Tlic iiiwle i.r mimlnallnii ut ramliilati's tliull In- as rnUuvts: I lie randlilali-s uluill In- nuinliiali'il In wrlllnir; lie willlnir shall ! suhsriilH-il liy tivn i lertors nf the iniinlcliialll): lis limpi'ser anil seromler. ami shall lie ile-llveiml to tin- Hrliirnliiir ofrtrer lit any lime lii'twet'ti the ilate or Hie notice anil two p. in. or the day of nomination; the said wrlllnir may lie In the form mini-liereil 3 in lite schedule or the "Municipal Klei tlolis rt." nml shall slate the mines. residence and occupation nr description of eacn pcrnoii icoscn, in sncii manner as surririenlly to tdemirv surh candidate: and in the event uf a poll lielmr necessary, such poll r- lio 1 1 lie opened on Hie t ." 1 1 day of January. lU'.'.l, at the I'.niiuril Chandler, til Hie oily Hall. Oily or Prince llupcii, rn.io Hie hour of S u'rlmk a.m. to the Imlir of S o'clock p.m.. of which every person Is hereby required lo take notice and irovern hlinseir acrordliiKly. Olieii iiudi-r my hand al Prince Unpen. II. I., this aid day or January. IVtf.V KP.vvMiit r. jo.m:s. Iteliinilinr nrriiiT. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS IIKUKbT CIVKX tli.1t IliB reserve roveilnir Lot (133, Caspar Ids-Irk't, Is caneelleil. n. II. MiKN. . Oepuly Minister ot lands, Lands liiai troenl. Victoria, U.I'm. 10 111 IXW'Iiiutl', Kill. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advert isei'icnt is not published or displayinl by Ibe Lienor Control Hoard or by the Government of Hritisli Columbia. o BdwCO HOTEL It iieBeer without tiPeer ' in i 1 1 i hi ii Bargain -: Offer THE VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Celebrating the occupation of its new home, makes this Bargain Offer m Daily Province By mail to any address in British Columbia outside Greater Vancouver 4 Months for - $ 7 flfl A V V SUBSCRIBE NOW T - See Our Line of Windsor Bow Back CHAIRS And Gate-Leg Tables Any Finish You Desire Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 I