HERRING RUN BELOWNORMAL Killing of Whales on North Pacific Advanced as Reason for Light Schools vvxroi Vi:il, .Ian. :i. British l lumli a - herring fishing u- W (I'll in g lnlow normal f 1 1 -s ui l iiii. iihllunrrs are . I lie theory thai Hie of I III' wiraiw roast is on the responsi ble wliulrs, it tl I'lalim-d, drive Hip si bonis of herring inlo hay! a I uallow places, feeding on j !n in Diplrlion of Hie rank ufj si a muinimils is believed lo he hi v tlie chances of fisher- j ui''' to y,t) their customary large liih'in - t lierriiiy, since I tit fish t luiiii r inolesled by whales in ili ti water. The first or Die wilder herring x mollis ordinarily in Xovein-lii'i- iiinl continues uulil (lift end of I t - . inner. Ahoul Ihrep weeks Hi!" 'lie herring catches petered ml a id have been lighl since. I iall on Hie Wesl Onusl of Vancouver Island. The industry is dependiiiK upon Hie run of lale January and 1-eli rii a i-v fur stuudies lo niii'l the Orieulul demand. The. he ving should he in Hie Orienl ly Marnli lo have good sale there fishery men slate. WHOLE FAMILY ASPHYXIATED Shocking Discovery Mado When Noljjhbors Enter Homo of Drockvllle Laborer IHlUCKVII.I.i;. Out., Jan. 3 When the neighborhood became alarmed at Ihe non-appearance uf l In. family of Jesse Oruy, hiliurer. eulraure into the small home was forced and the oe 'iipaiils, six in number, wen found dead. They bud been as-pliyxialed by illuminating gas lh,. vicllms were Mr. and Mrs. (ii'av nml their four sons, liven the family dot we dead. Tin cause of the escape uf llm gas remains a mystery. FATHER MCDONNEL WILL BRING MORE HEBRIDEANS HERE OTTAWA, ,uh. n. Ilev. An ihew McDonnell of the Scottish immigration Society is leaving for (he Hebrides to liYing out another party of his countrymen in the spring. Some of tlient will likely go In the. fishing districts of l.lio Pacific coast. damage in Loudou suburbs along Hie river. The couulry around Maidenhead and Kind's Linn is a vail lake. Glasgow. Scolliiud, reports the worst I'oudiltoiis known Tor a generation with heavy snowfall and fierce siilalls. Also In France PAIHS, Jan. a. A rule sweeping Paris mid Northern France ul a velocity of sixty miles an hour forced fihiuK hoats from Havre for Trouville and 1 1 on f leu r lo ret ii in lo poil. In r.herlMiiir-'. Ho' lower qnar-lers of Hie city nre Hooded. DEAD BODY OF WOMAN FOUND Wealthy Held Omaha Contractor In Connection with Wife's Death OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English, First Dlv. Illrnilii'.'liiiiii Sunderland TILML. Jan. .1. The Consoli dated Mining and Smelling Com t. Itiirnley 1, Preslon 0. Ilury t, Holton Leeds I . (I. ('.iildlH Oily 0. Liverpool IT. Arsenal I. Nolls Fo res I II. Mancliesler ('.. Sheffield I'. 1. Hilddersfield I. rollenham I. Nolls (".. I. Wesl Itromwich 'J. l.verlou u. West Ham Ilhickburn It. 0. Scottish League Division I. Mierdeen I. Falkirk I. Airdrieoiiiaus a, tkdlie t. Ayr :. Hearts I. Oiimlee (I, Parlick t!. Hibernians 2. Kilmarnock 0. Motherwell , gueen's Park I. Iluilli Hovers (, llamillon 1. Hungers 2. Morion 0. SI. Mirren 2i CoWilenhealh 'i. 1 1 1 i -! Lanark 0, St. Johnston ZINC PLANT AT TRAIL Is OMAHA. Neli.. Jan. :. The police are holding Warren Iliihne. a wealthy runlraclnr. iiMMiliiiv investiiriilious into tin' ' death of his wife whose hadly fashed hody was found lying al (he bottom of Hie slairway in Ihe basement of their home. Huhne declares lie knew nothing of Ihe affair until he arrivrdi hoine. A bloodstained hatchet and hammer were found hanging over lluhues work bench the detectives declare. pany of Canada Lid. Js eon-slrucling H plant for Hie Ireat- menl of surplus lonnago of zino concenlrales. Imperial oil Iniiker, W. S. Miller, Cujil. Wallace, cleared II, U mornlnsf for I'orl Angeles, Wnshingl an lischarginc 1'. nnn luirrels of crude oil nt the Imperial Oil Co.'s tanks. HIGHEST AWARD' Distinguished Service Medals and' to nil six or the flyers and I heir advanceineiil ;tm Hie promolioii list.- tWbt. iJtKVlMtML -Sriftth i reeoinmnnded for advancement ithirleeu years in . seiviee--ami T.ieuls. Leigh Wade, Krik Nelson and Leslie P. Arnold, four years each. Lb'iils. Henry 1. (iirden laud John Harding are recoin-i mended for second lieuleuanls in Ihe regular army, their present a. commissions being provisional. Stall! Advancement on Promotion List foe U.S. World j Flyees j WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. The highest honors eer given Amer ican army ollieers in peace times wllj he awurdril Hie round-llie-wofhl fivers muler irrommeiida- llons made lo President Cnolidgr by S'-eielary of War Weeks. The recoiiiuiendalioM. which weje drawn up h' Hie general stalT on reipiesl of Pre-ideu' lloolidae, provide for awarding of. dislincuished service im-dal In addition, acting upon Hie precedent set ill Ihe case of olli eers who constructed Ihe Panama Canal, all six ollieers will he eligible lo relire al their own re-uuest and with rank nay ami al lowances one rank higher at any lime they desire. FIRE TAKES NINE LIVES Children Died When Buildings Were Burned In Montreal Yesterday MONTREAL, Jan. 3, Nine lives were lost and threo persons were seriously Injured In two fires which destroyed a tenement house In St. Agathe Lane and a wooden house in Montreal North. Eight of the dead were children. As a result of the tenement fire, the dead arc Reno, Romeo, Cecil and Emcllno Thouln, Lionel Brault and an unidentified Greek woman. In Montreal North, the dead arc Peter Taylor, Fred Nowoll and Holen Nowoll. LIQUOR PROFIT AND RACING CHECKS ARE BEING SENT OUT NOW ruder Ihe division nf liquor iiroTils roe the six months end- imr Si'iilember HO, Prince Ituperl l-i.u :i.r:iu .wa. As lis share or pari-inuliiel laxalion I tie cily gels Sl.llol.r.8. Prince George does not lose ils shine of liari-uiuluel which comes to .$1,51)1.(17, althougl cost or policing ale up ils liquor profit". Smllhers , gels $3:15.1)0 from liquor prorHs nml $530.87 from nari-iniiluel. Burns Lake gels iri!).2(i and $115.48. Checks were inailed from Victoria last week. TAXI BOSTON GRILL i Large Upstair Dining Hall, 25 and with newly laid dancing Ambulance floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. 3rd Ava. For rats, apply lo Boston Stand Royal Hotel, PRINCE RUPERT and Oth St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. I Northern iiortnern and ana Central venirai unusn v-uiumum o ' - . - - ? ?a.VJ. : : rr. : - : Vol" .W NO. 2 X,., 1'lUNCi: HLI'lillT, B.C., SATUHDAY JAM WHY a, 11.25. YttUrdiy'i Circulation 1663 ttrttt ! 382. PRICE FIVE CEN1S. POLICE ARREST ANCOUV .The ltajah Ilari Singh, referred lo as the "uiy-lcrioiis .Mr. A." iu Ihe recent sensational Idacknunl piorcrdiugs in London, is shown here on a former visit (o Kugland while attending Ihe Ascot races. Is Visiting District to Make Enquiries About Possibilities for Settlement of Hebrideans Commander David T. Jones, G.M.H.. F.H.C.S., of Edinburgh, Siollnnif, who i representing the British (iovernmenl in connection with the making of enquiries inlo conditions in northern British Columbia for the settlement or Hebrideans, accompanied by 0. P. Hickman, provincial fisheries inspector, New Westminster, arrived in Ihe city on the Princess Beatrice this morning. Oonimaiuler Jones will make a reeoiuiaisaiice of Ihe northern couulry wilh n view lo gelling first hand information us lo wen I her and working conditions uu the Queen Charlotte Islands nml other points iu the vicinity - likely lo be suitable for llelui-j Jean selllemenl. lie will be in Die north for several days. On returning lo the Old Country, he will make a report of bis ohser- vnlious lo Ihe British Govern ment. Coiumiiiider Jones-is chuirinan or Ihe Fisheries Board for Scotland, wilh headquarters in I'.din-hiirgh, and is in command of eighl fishei'v patrol bouts on the east coast of Scotland. LOUIS KAPLAN NEW CHAMPION Wlnnlnq Over Danny Kramor, he Is Rcconnliod as Loading Foatherwolght NKW YOIIK, Jan. 3. Louis Kid i Kaplan of Meriden. Con- tieclleul, last night was recog nized as the featherweight boxing champion or the world by scoring a technical knockout over Danny Kramer oT Philadel phia iu a scheduled fUli'i'ii round houl. II was the final demonstration conducted by the New York Stale Commission to determine u successor to Johnny Dundee who surrendered the lille. Kramers manager threw Ihe lowel inlo Ihe ring In the ninth round. MARKET IS RUNNING WILD New York Stock Exchange Longost Day Yet OOTLEGGERS FLOOD CONDITIONS STEADILY BECOMING MORE SERIOUS IN OLD COUNTRY Homes in England Abandoned on Account of Rising Waters and Fierce Gales Now Sweep France LONDON. .Lin. :!. While there is some inoilernlioii in the i luii in hern sweeping Hie British Isles. linglMi Channel, the ucuihv Atlantic (mil Hit' North Sea a well us Hut greater pan ui hiiropr. Howl condition throughout linglainl an btM-otnin .icmhly worse, rroiu nil parts oT the country rami1 reports of home- nliaiMloiK'il because of high water anil of roiitimicij iluin-,gc (o pron rl. T'c loss of six tives is reported. The Thames Itiver riuiliiiucs lo rise and fiirlhfr lofrenliid r arc predicted for louiKhl wilh pruhalde inereae in the flood TO GET ARMY'S Has NEW YORK, Jan. 3 Speculation ran riot on today's stock market. Violent bullish demonstrations took place In radio and allied electrical, shares, soveral recording ex-tremo gains from four to nine points. So furious was tho pacu in trading that It was not until forty-two mlnutos after the market closed that tho ticker recorded tho final quotations In the longost day on record. THIEVES ENTER STOnE Sensational Series of Raids Made Yesterday by Dry Squad Officers YANOOL'Vlilt, Juti. it. Sweeping down on alleged dealers' in liipior yesterday afternoon ami all night, provincial liquof boa i'iI police, co-operaling with the local dry sijuail authorities,, brought iu it alleged violators of the Liquor Act in one of the most sensational series of raids ever staged iu Vancouver. Until early this morning, the jail corridors were crowded with jus-tires of the peace filling out bail bonds. The raiil, which followed several weeks of investigation, took the bootleggers completely by surprise. About 100 warrants sworn out. were 1- ... , - ... . . t MRS. BCYCE IS MARRIED AGAIN . VA.V.'.Ol Vl.ll. Jan. :. - Alma Catherine f.auirield. also known as Mrs. it yce. who ligured in a sensational bri-Kch or promise suit re- cently against C. S. Arnold, local barrister, was mar- ried yesterday to li. N. Alherlon. formerly of the ! Ameriean consulate here. j 'l'hi business nreiuises of Joe ; Benl on Third Avenue were, en- lereo UlSi nigui n yinievrs wu" col away with a number of silk dresses, umbrellas, ladles silk stockings and coals. Police Ser- geanl Bailey is in charge of In vestigation. . -- e Burglars visited Ihe homo of Ilev. J. F. Diinmick, 501 Mcpherson Avenue, Vlclotia, last Sunday evening while Mr. Dimniick and his family were at services . ELKS' NEW YE4R I ! 1 i ! DME SUCCESSFUL Distribution sf Candle Guessing Prizes Proved an Interesting feature The New Year dance, held by Ihe Klks in their home last night was one of Hie best attended of Hie season and proved most en joyable. The ball was gaily deeoralcd wilh Yulelide effects. Art liasson's orchestra furnished Ihe music and dancing was carried on until the early hours of Ihe morning. A bulTel luncheon was served al midnight consist ing of hoi dogs, doughnuls ami (oiree, which pruved very popular. During the evening Ihe prizes won iu Ihe lilk's Christ mas Cheer candle guessing con test, were distributed by Ben Self. exalted ruler, assisted by "Brick" Skinner. The prize winners were: first prize, a lie between rreu ssiepn-ens ami Harold Larson, the amount of the first and second .oizes was divided equally Hie vmim ,,r Hi in "niiiL' lo each: third prize; Dr. J. A. Wesl; roiirlh prize, Andy Donald; eight prizes of 5 each were presented to Miss M. Hart Mrs. O. A. Johnson, T. Trolier, P. T. Adams, l. Stephens, Desmond Brady, Mrs. t. V. O. I.ePine, and Mrs. li. J. Larye. Prizes for the highest v .... and lowest guesses went to Miss M. Duraut, Mrs. John Dybhavn and Miss M. Jones, who guessed t hours and 0 miniiles, t seconds. Ihe conimiltce responsible for Ihe success of Ihe evening comprised "MuiTa'y Fuller, convener, assisted by Lance Polleilon, Dave Willon, Jack Cobb and W . Deny. W. Derry ollieialed al the Jour. ' ' SAIL FOR ORIENT VANCOLVIill, Jan. a. Capt. fumes Grilllths, president of Ihe Coastwise Steamship & Barge Co., and Mrs. (irillllhs sailed on Ihe limpress of Australia this week for Ihe Orienl. ROSS WATSON IS STILL HELD Superior Court at 8eattle Refuses to Give Ex-Detective Ball SliATTI.K, Jaji. a. pending a eteienee to the treaties between Great Britain and the United Slates, Ihe Superior Court refused to adiuiL. Boss Walsun to hail on a charge Uf'iarlicipaling in Hie robbery of the .Vanaimo Itoyal Bunk. King's counsel assured the Court that the treaty provided that "any person arrested for (ileal Britain iu the I'niled Slates might be held uu lil extradition proceedings are had." The oilier suspects have withheld application for hail pending the outcome of Watson's NEWSPAPERS : ARE SEIZED- Only Fascist! Publications Are-Being Allowed to Appear In Rome ItOMIi,. Jan. 3. Government seizures of , opposition newspapers cniilinue with renewedj vigor. Almost no journals, except those of decided Fascist leanings, are now being allowed ' lo appear. The Gioinale ,1'lliilia editorially complains of Ihe seizure of yesterday's editions because it was reported in il Ihal fifty thousand Black Shirls were about tij march on llolne. burIngW was scuttled Necessary to Sink Vessel to Ex tinguish Fire on Clyde Llnee Mohawk LliWIS. Delaware, Jan 3. Th Clyde liner Mohawk, which caught fire, was scuttled and suiik in forty feel" of water after her 208 passengers had been taken off. II was necessary lb sink the vessel to extinguish Ihe fire. Survivors, who spent Thursday night in peril wilh life preservers on. were seul lo rsevv Yolk in special trains. It is the intention lo raise tho Mohawk. CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS ML Atnli'ows wlin bus been! Tim Inliil rollee.Hnns made liv holidaying In Ihe south, arrived It hp cuslmns otilce, during Ihe on the' Princess Beatrice thlsionib of December amounted to morning. $2i,'J7s!.39.