January :i, 1025. Si 1M "V IK laBaW rii' i UK f I'enrjN, 0 for rJffilCUH' never tasted 'sucA CfwcolatejCak before j afilling and icing made from Baker's Chocolate (parMtuM no.i) By all means the Smost satisfactory chocolate for cooking and drinking. MADt IN CANADA 6V MerBaker&CaLimlted MonlrealCnnada DoahosleiMass. Specials ! for School Opening One Week The Best Offer Only. Ever Made do. . . 40c Notebooks, ... 25c 25c O.iyimi . 5c, 10c and 15c Wiling Pad ., 15o lo 40c K ,ic 'x ti for 25c .Mel. .in Penholders, for .. . 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Fifth Ave. East. Phone 18. WINTER COATS at cost 'emers Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 Future Business Willi Hie Christinas mill New Year holidays ill nil imhI, the waterfront business house and I lie owners f haliliul boats nr rapidly getting hark lo their iiiinii.il liusmi'Hs stride. Already orders have been received for work lo lie completed this rtion I li ami I lie opening of lialilmt sciimhi in February wiH see the homo flool in excel I fn t shape lo participate in reaping the harvest of flic deep. Tito i low Hay creek .-1 Hi I lln McLean ways are. full lo capacity willi bonis" being overhauled while new boats being Iniill are well advanced ami will lie completed in lime for the halihilt fishing. 'Ilii-rc is a lone of well halanceil optimism in I lie ranks of I lie walerfronl hushics execulives for Hie business outlook in IU25. The permanent lalTs I'liiiiloyeil liy lhe fish ionises during Ihe closed season have done good work on Hie repairing of machinery ami general overhaul of eiiiiiiiieiil anil every! hinii in the mechanical line will lie in firsl class shape for Ihe renewal of business ao-livilies this year. The work being undertaken by Ihe provincial government on Ihe ihtiildiiig of a roadway along the jwalerfroiit is making rapid progress, and Provincial lload Fnre- man Anderson stales Dial a lom-jporary road will be available within a few days along I lie. rear ,of Ihe fish houses. The old jAkcilicrg & Thomson shop, iwhieh abutted on lo the track. ;lias been demolished 11111 1 thus I lie right of way is practically clear for grading purposes, Newlngton Out The iiglilhoiisc lender Now-inglon. ('.apt. II. Orilliston, left pm l lal week end on her regular patrol lo Cape SI. .lames. Owing lo encountering extremely bail weather it was fmpoihh' loi make the passage across Hecate Slrails and toe boat anchored for -heller for two days in Captain's Cove. Make Good Wages John aiol (ieorge Selvig, ,are regularly employed by I pack I fore the rish on the wharf marketing it up-lnwn. Cattle Slaughtered 'Ihe P. Hums itw-ii arlnnils- nf UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., n Af.nu. 4. B.rmity, ini. who ! fi-.li houses during Ihe halibii fishing season, have been inak-j iii(i good wages fishing in the' Harbor Tor black and grey cod, 1 rum a dory. )n Tuesday aflcr-j moon I bey got a haul of something like ISO pounds of good; 1 1. 1.. ..I I ........ .....I ..I. !.!.- LTD. Smilnirn rrmn I'rlnm llupfrt. 'r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SwiMon B, nd Al.rt Bar, Tudr, S tor VANCOUVrR,. VICTORIA, Altrl Bay, and Swanaon Oar, Saturday, 10 A . fof ANVOX. ALICt ARM. STEWART. Sunday. I P.M. for ANVOX, PORT, SIMPSON and Naaa ftlvar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. P.-lnc. Rup.rt, 1.0. lie. 111 ine ohl iisu nonse on in- mii-viucuil wharf. Another two carloads of prime, steers are expected lo arrive in town tomorrow. On the next northern trip of Hie CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26j February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 1G, 30; February 13, 27 9. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For BuUdaU, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocai Falls, Ntmu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-eouver, every Saturdaj, 11 a.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Llnr- Kull information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4Kh 8freet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.fl. 4,AAAA. ...... , , . I IF IT'S ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. Diving, Dredging, Lightering, Coaling Ships, Heavy Lining. Oncrnl Salvage Work. Pumping a Speciality. VANCOUVER DREDGING AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Green 487. Princess heel will Mary, 200 he shipped ;. 4 ipiarlei to Ska; or way. The winch house nl the Alliu Fisheries dock is being moved back some five feel to permit of a larger boom being installed. This will facilitate Ihe unloading of Ihe larger fishing boats. 'Willi Ihe present. installation the unloading nets often gel damaged. Hilly Miller, Ihe mayor of llefuge Hay, arrived in port 011 Monday aboard his power lto.it Asawalgil hrlnsing in a cargo of lamed domestic eggs. Hilly js slicking around for a few vday on important prialc business. "Sandy" Ilolmberg and hi little daughter visiled llio wnler- fronl on Tueday afternoon ami enjoyed several hours of productive fishing. Sandy tint only caught several large fish-enought to make a good supper but also unearthed from the ocean bed a piaiilily of wonderful looking marine Junk. The power boat M.T It. Croen, which lias ; been oerhaliled al the h Company,. iaii.1- mill n mm e., iftninial iney nave neen reiaiuu up town; al S cents a pound. They are 'out every day and always make a 'fair sii'd enlch. They clean and Cap), p-roii liy McLean jyanl, arrived in porl on Tues day oeniiig from Walk Channel Having in low me w . 1. .mum pile driver. The power boat Yiner, Capl. .1. Thouia", left porl early in Ihe wek for fieorgclown lo bring in a scow load of boxes for Ho Canadian Fish & ColJ Sloi'ige Capl. Hadlaml, owner and skipper of Ihe power boa) floyal III., arrived in port from Porcher Island on Monday and look' 011 board a ipiaiilily of hay .and other fodder for ranch feed. Judging from Ihe amount of food piled ill' on the decks, Cap's cattle are duo for a real I'.US gorge. Fifteen men are. at present employed by Ihe provincial gov-1 eminent, on work in conne willi llie. ''demolition of the old y . , joveriieaiit. overhead., approach npproui'ii to 10 Ihe ioe no gov- 1 ..k',V'Vl,p"w'lft Tn"" the blasting or rock in the vicinity of Cow Hay this Li week. ,mt II nil?, , ... , , ...1 jiiiioiinr i'iiiiini if(ll. has been slaughtered and dressed j Ihe new walerfronl roadway. Discovered Boat Hay, the electrical wizard, is due for a real happy and snappy New Year. Love, mirth ami joy ! radiate from his genial faro j these ihiy.s and the cause can bo seen from the windows of Ihe 'emporium reclining disgracefully jon the floats. Hay has found his ilong losl row noal ami has nail-led il down lo the floor Ibis lime. The boat was discoveved tied up al Ihe old Isaac Lear ways between Ihi) Yacht. Club and I hn Mil dock. I. and C, Currie are building n new pile-drlei' float al. Ih dry dock preparatory to undertaking government work al Port Simpson. Wood Hunting The domestic winter wood pile having become slightly disarranged during Ihe cold snap Hie schooner Caygeon, Capl. "Handsome" Jim Morrison, lias been dispalehed lo Porcher Island with a view lo cruising for n fresh supply. Cap .is accompanied hy his second son Frank who will soo lo il I lint nothing outside a honesl-to-goodne."a wood hunting stunt, is undertaken. In the past thu domestic THE DAILY; .NEWS . PV.F. FUP 'r"'?v? t jcuc liat t It. . ' ' 1 f r wood hunts havV not proved entirely' satisfactory and for lb s rca-on il has been thought nee essary to give Jim an able a: -sislaul in order that there may be no valid excuse for failure. Oh Baby Returns The launch Oh Hahy, skipped by l.orrie Lambley, relumed from Havener's Inlet on New Year's Kve afler taking Hilly Lapoiule hack lo his home. Hilly was recently wrecked in his power boat Pauline oil" 1'i-escoit Island, The salvaged engine i f Ihe Pauline is still on I ho island and Hill Miller is shortly uoing over jhi his jiowor boat Astiwulgit lo recover it. The Man in the Moon . YS:- i T1IK enjoyment of the evening is not nlways told by the number of empties left behind. TIIK average female d.ies not seem lo think thai old things ,im best. TIIK wise boollesc"r doesn't drink in order I lint lie nuiv i nJov the money ,e makes. TIIK UK is one good lliina about Ihe cross word pu.!n craze 11 keeps Hie obi man rl borne at nighls and enables M l In do a little visling. TIIK man who can'l snemi enough on Ihe girl of his choice lo win her alTeclions usually cannot spend enough on her to keep hep. IF llio citizens of our fair cilv Dr. Martel't Female Pills Bar ..lilted aatnra tbou.aoda runlul half caiurr nirrfcunf cauM, ounoinr up ana lrHfth.ninr onan., ivliTtn DKLAYEl), and PAINFUL MKNSTKUATION, NEtU nodangrron. drug.. Sold nly In tteak-d lllnaw-CoY.r TIN BOX with our airnatur. Uniicl.t. 1100 IcLtrWckw H,mUT C... tLE-FiMI si, Tuniat.. C... Cln.lliaiiUJ.. mwl, The Man We Forget Many a man who cashes in a life insurance policy admits to himself that he could have saved twice as much, wonders what he did with the money that would have paid for more, and thinks he was wise in doing what he he did, because he hasn't saved much besides. It docs not always occur to him to thank the life insurance man for having induced him to save money. Yet. if it Were not for trip lifi ?ri;iirvnre man, the Canadian people would have very little of the S3. 500, 000. 000 of insurance now in force. Is it not about time we recognized the good work the Life Insurance Man is doing for the community? Life Insurance Service keep up the pep they displayed al Ihe various parlies and dances,) on New Year's Kve our futurcj welfare is a foregone conclusirn.i AHTIFICIAL "sun kisses" aroj Hie latest essential tor flappers we read. Something else In come off in the mouth of inero man. TIIK man who pul the taste in Ihe a erase lipstick had about as much idea of the game as a cow on skales trying to drill with a niuket. TIIK height of absurdity is a man with a bald head trying lo sell hair restorer. TIIK remarkable, thing about Ihe successful businessman is (be inlelligencn of his hired help. JOHN D. Rockefeller has can celled n trip lo California owing to a coin. 1 nave jusi canceneo a trip lo California owing to the scarcity of Ihe price. K j Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert V. .1. McCulcheon left for Vancouver New Year's morning. Like many another Prince Ihi-perler in the south, he will visit Ihe local active service contingent al Ihe Willows Camp. l.en i'orler has heard from a relative serving al. Ihe front. The writer refers lo Ihe way llio fleriuans dispose of their; dead. The slain soldiers are gathered together like so many sticks of eordwood, saturated with oil and lar, ami in a few minutes the ghastly pyre is consuming what was once a p.art of tlo Kaiser's nnny. Mrs. T. D. Paltullo was a passenger for Vancouver lust evening on the PrirtcPsi Maquinnrt en route to San Francisco. WINTER 1., STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.8. PRINCE RUPERT Mil rrnm l'rlnre rtnpcrl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, iMHinciliaift point tarti Friday t.nn a.in. For STEWART and ANVOX WXInonrtay, 11.00 pjn. S.S. PRSICE JOHN Mr VancoitTcr via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, January 17. 31; Ffliruary It. . PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 8.00 p.m. for Prlnn- finorirn. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, an pmniH Kasljm i:an.nU, I'niu-d SlAlfS. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Offlr... 1)28 Third , Prlnca Rup.rt. Old Kentucky famed as the world's finest Bourbon whiskey. Aged to Perfection. A time honored frieml of yours Bourbon Whiskey il BOTTLED IN BONO UNDER rrirr FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Phona 260. Named for the state and truly great This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liiitur Control Hoard or by llio Government -of Ilritish Columbia.