ursday May 28, 1925. mim Why not visit Zion National Park, the newly opened Wonderland in Southern Utah, thi Summer? Atk or booklet In naU ural colors, which (ivet complete information con' oetnini thia unique land. m. wra r mm trtv 1 1 m Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares la ctttct daily between May 22 and Sept. IS Denver $125450 Cleveland .. $166.68 Omaha 123.e6 Toronto 1G1.73 Kinui City . 126 00 Pltttburgh ... 167.76 St. Lou It . ... 128.50 Washington .. 189.66 Chicago . . . . 134.00 Philadelphia . 192.62 Detroit 163.62 New York . . . 195.40 Cincinnati . . 154.30 Bottcn 201.50 Cotrtpontlini I art to othat Important cantata Final return limit October 31,1925. Liberal stopover privileges going and returning. A aide trip to Yellowstone at small additional coat will afford the experience of a life time. Call ua by phone and let ua make all your arrangement. Coau no more and will save your valuable time. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM 1405 4th Avenue and Union Station, Rnattlft. WnshlnnLon. COAXING SLEEP with a Simmons Outfit pDIS mwm No. I'2'i lied Con-idling of New Century Coil Spring, fircy Libel Mul1 t--s, in Walnut or Ivory Finish. Cash Price . . $45.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK 4.ND SHIPYARD Onurttinn n. t. P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock : r 1 ... . a a . mmil nULemU lit DM ATM makers, Founders, woouworners, cm. ELECTRIC ANO ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo hnndle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38? SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY We are Agents for Hie Prime lluperl Spruce Mills "'id urn qiiiilu you nllrnrlive prices n their products: Cctfar Timbers and Shiplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hamlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shiplap $10.00 and $21.00. Spruce Dimension $18.00 to $22.00. (lei .our prices before placing your order. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHDY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 -T . Local aad Personal J ' -.. B H.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. You'll like our joall Consum ers' Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Selling tiul cverylhiii price. II. II. Heinuiiiigs. co! no This afternoon's (rain from tin- Ha si is iluo to arrive on lime, al 3.:i0. Tihe baseball game helween Prince lluperl Mill ami Sons of Canada starts al 0.30 this even intr. Children free. -Mrs. Lawrence, wife of the C.N. It. storekeeper here, left on this morning's train for Hdinon Ion on a holiday visit. J.xhiliil of Domestic Science and Manual (raining work in Hoolli '.School on Friday, May t"J at 3 n. m. Sale of home cooking, eatnlv :nul sewim? I'r Mrs. .loe (ireer ami family ale spending a vacation al Hill Farm, Terrace. Mr. Crecr ex peels lo leave in a few days for the interior' lo join them. The County Court case o viindon vs. Hlack has lieen se' over uniil .nine. Hie plaintiff in the action not being on hand lo day which was the date set foi Hie hearing. Coal $14.50. Double-screened Nanalmo-Welllng-ton positively the best domestic coal In British Columbia. Albert & Mc-Caffery, Ltd. ..Phone CC4 and 116. tf COAL, $14.50. "The Best." Double-screened Ladysmith-Wollington lump. Peerless Egg, $11. CO. Peerless stove, 12.50. No soot, clinker, little ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phono 15. tf Miss Mary Mrllae of Huskily, who is al tending normal school ul Victoria, was (he guest al a parly al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDiarmid, Duelics Street, a few days ago. Dancing, cards, and jVfVJi"t. npderr game were Viiyed hi'yn he group of normal students ami others who were present. W. C. Slearman of Vancouver, hardware merchant, relumed to Hie city on last night's train after paying u visit of Inspection lo the Tallapiu mine near Hums Lake of which he is president. A. Wood, manager of the mine, accompanied him lo the city and they are registered al Ihc Prince Huperl IloliM. Mr. Slearman will proceed south on the Prince ticorge Untight- JUDGE NAMED FOR NEXT ASSIZE HERE Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald Expects to Preside Two Manslaughter Cases Word has been received in the rily indicating thai Mr. Justice YV. A. Macdonald will preside at Hie soring session of the Su preme Court Assizes wuicn win open here on .I one V. The docket is not very heavy hut it will in clude two manslaughter eases one local and one from Jlclla Coola. There will as0 probabl.v be some civil and divorce actions. ARE YOU TORTURED WITH Enema, or Sail lilivutn, as It la ct'iii- innnly failed, H tmt of the iiiwl agumtliit? Uf all Skill (ItMNlM'S. ' Tin' intciiMf liitrntiiKi ItrliiiiK atnl MiiaitliiK. I'HK'i'laily at tiiKlit r wIkmi the l;i rts Hiv cvpuMcd Id heat are altuol 1111- lunnililc ami relief li Ktvatly weleiniinl. 4 Tin most rellalile uuil erfectlvu niueily rur this ttuiilile la BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mis. J. Jt. Jolmsoii. 1U1. .No. I, Oitlutwa, ont wrlteii: "Fur year I wai triitililed wlili cciciim, ,nml luul thai terrible lli'lilnir mid liuiiiiinr nn-atlim, and I'tmld rind mi relief ror It. rinnlly, I wai advlM'il lo use It. II. It., ami after my second Ixiltle I ln'Mii to wo it irti'Ht dlffefc'iee, and I run, tmw, advliH aityonn troubled na I was tu tiKti tills wonderful ri'mody." I for ciile al' nil drug-flsH and doalers; ptit tip only lij The T. Nllburn Co., 'Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE DAILY NEW8 PAni THBE1 KEEP. COOL1 Ice Cream A Purely Home Made Product We have recently installed the latest typo of Ice Cream making equipment and are now in a position lo make and supply ICC CllF.AM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM .Try it and be convinced KILL A S & CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Ilclail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 ANSWER TO TUESDAY'S CROSS WORD PUZZLE Bs jiff M l f b i? aB j u m pM Ht o u g h .Lili. u liPflpW D O M L f? I If 1 1 f? D l t o sIbTl oMwij. ' t pP-I N p tffo o gImq pid r R Bi A n u fu-T Mm a t C 8ivv G TM o wT k i EBBm o mHjl s FW o n ,ep o A I Ml h) I jjH !t 'Mb o a 5 t r? A pM FEgi U f? 5j EasU pi aHdop1edH STEWART Splendid progress is bein; made hy the crew of contractor driving a 300 foot tunnel on tin I'orter-Idalto. Ore is being sack 'd for shipment in the old work ings. Development work is being arled oi. the Ore Mountaii Mining Co."s iirtijterly on Hear Itiven by (ieoriro Young and ilarry Unwin. Development work is hein started on tbo (lloria Minim .lo. s property al the head of ilulldog Creek, ibo Silver l.edj: properly and the 'Marmot Metal . A , A grass Hockey 'Club hits bei formed here with 'Hie following ollicers: President, I.. A. Helm sen; secretary treasurer, J. Mor-ice, and captain, Mrs. C. K. (lib- Miss Grant, daugjiler of Hie ale John (Srajit, "well known Drilish Columbia pioneer, is visiting here in lite course of n lour of Alaska, Yukon and Iftit- ish Columbia mining camps. Mr. ami Mrs. .1. O.I. yon have left on a (rip for Hngland. Mike Murphy of P. Hums' Prince Hu perl stair is hero lo relieve him as manager of the llyder meat itiarket. William 1'rasor has left for lie south to pay his first visit o Vuucouver in fourteen years. Stanley .llulland,. Vancouver lawyer, has arrived here with a view to locating:. Mrs. II. C. ltennetl has relum ed front Victoria where she ba been visiting for several months. A. J. Haul, M.K.y as arrived from Vancouver to -act its manager for Hie Viclorja mine ami consulting engineer for the HushfColuinbia. Miks II. A. Tanner has relum ed afler an extended visit in Seattle. Harry Coiner left fiisl week to join Mrs, Comer who. 'was-' called south on account of her, daughter's seriuus illness. Hurry .Inckshn, head book keeper at the Premier, has resigned ami lefl lasl week for "his homo in New York. Anguo McKen.ie has. relumed from u visit lo his farm, eight miles mil of Winnipeg. . WHERE IT DOESN'T SHOW Hubby Whal, nitollier new dress? Hood heaveiisl 'After my! asking you repeatedly tu be economical. Wifcy-r-Well, am I not saving on our food bill? I, don'l mind being economical; Jolin,.bul I do . I j . -' -1 to looking CCUUOlllical. OAKS RACE BIG EVENT Saucy Suo Is Considered Favorite For Classic at Epsom I Downs Tomorrow j LONDON, Hug., May ZH kCait-ailiau Press;. The Oaks, run ber the Derby course al Hpsom I rinitirniii' lmllf.li I'nll f illi'il III fillies ranks as the fourth of the) five "classic" races for three- v,ear- obis, the lasl bci'nig tine, Doncasler St. Leger, run next September. In point of antiquity, the Oaks is one year older than I he Derby, having been run con-tinuousjy since 177'J. or three years later than Col. St. Leger established Ihc race that bears !iis name, the oldest racing fix- ii re in Hie world. SCORPION IS FOE OF THE COMMON BEDBUG Is Smaller Than Enemy Always Wins in Fight Against Him- But TNNII'i:i, May t'8. Pre sented to the world by Prof. V. V. Jackson of the Manitoba Agricultural 'College, a scorpion is reputed as sure death lo bed- bliirs. The little warrior, whirh has been wailing it name, was brought' in by a small boy when Professor Jackson broadcast by mo nis suspicion llial siiclt a scorpion might be in Manitoba. I he new scorpion is smaller Ihan a bedbug, but in numerous experimental combals has always killed the famous nocturnal lor mentor. Hie Pile or tins scorpion is hoi injurious In humans. Unlike eorpions in Hie tropics ami in Dai-Is of Manitoba, the bedbug slayer has no lail. After the boy produced his 'iperiiiien. lite bedbug slayer was found till over Manitoba. NORWEGIANS ORGANIZE LEAGUE IN ALBERTA Object Is to Help Countrymen to Make Homes In Canada CDMONTON, May I'H. - - The Overseas League of Norway in Canada has just been formed here, one of the chief objects being to form and unite local agencies lo help Norwegian immigrants lo establish homes in Canada. As president of Hie league was elected O. C. lioness, Adam-building, Cduionton; as vice-president, K. O. Itaudall, Admiral, Sask.; treasurer, Capt. H. K. Floen, I'dnioulou; general secretary, Dr. A. Sounnerfelt, of Norway, who four months ago was sent lo Canada ny llie tner- se.is League of Norway lo in- vesligate Hie comlitions of his countrymen over here, ami litis now decided lo remain in this country, Inking mi this work for I he Overseas League of Norway in Canada and at Hie same lime seamen's missionary work in Hip port of Vancouver, where the doctor is going to. locale. COULSON GOES INTO TOWING BUSINESS AT VICTORIAWITHPARTNER VICTOllIA, May :8. -Charles Cutilson. well known here and on Vancouver Island, has associated himself with Harold 11. Hlworth hi for inthe Island Tug and Pat've Co. l.ltl. with bead ollices at Victoria. - N . Mr. Cuulsou )peraled low-lioals in these waters for aliuosl fifteen years. His new firm will operate Hie Oninilsa ami Hie Delia C. and will do general towing work. dvrlio in the Daily News. NNOUNCEMENTS Moose Pie-nie June 2K, All shoes are casihj sntncd with i Shoe Polish The standard IS value Evenjbody Knows Iheqiwlitij Compare (he quantittj dkf A"aS . jmfd 1 W'iW 25 Vears Experience brings JLKaLY MILJ. areallu New Milklliocolate Bar, 1 1 llrTor people iwho UJaai IIH? very dbi tried dozens of different formulas WE to achieve the right flavor and the proper, smooth, silky texture in the chocolate. At last our experts were satisfied and here is the result, Neilson's Jersey Milk. No fruit, nuts, cream centre or mixture, but solid milk chocolate of the highest quality, of hew flavor and of enticing richness. Jersey Milk is a distinctive achievement and its success has been tremendous. Look jot the uhite-and-gold wrapper. 5c, 10c and 25c sizes. r r. C VI v Solid MilriCKocoUite ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store WATSON'S TONIC ALE AND STOUT Kasy tu make, easy lo drink. A most wholesome and nourishing daily drink, each 75c OLD FASHIONED ENGLISH TOFFEE A delicious wrapped Toffee made by (luiiougs. Per lb. , 60c 3rd Avenue and 6th St. WATERGLASS One tin preserves about 21 dozen egg.-.. Buy and preserve them while Ihey are cheap. Per tin . 25c KODAKS, FILMS, SUPPLIES Developing and Printing for Amateurs. Films brought in before noon will be finisliell the same day. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Sunday and Holiday Hours From Noon to 2 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. icanadian Vacific FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup-rt RDIMCESS MARY. For Katchlkan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway May Sth, 1lh, 20lh. Juna tin For VancouMr, Victoria and Ctattla May 1at, 12th, 22nd, Juna 2nd, 13th. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Ball Btlla, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Rlnar, and Vancoimr aary Saturday -11 a.m. Aganey for all Staamahlp Ulnaa. Full Information from W. 0. ORCHARD Qanaral Agant. -Cornar of 4th Straal and 3rd Attnua, Prlnc Rupart, B.C.