Worth Watching Tlie Walch worth while Is Hie Wnlch Hum can tick, When oilier watches Are feeling sick. For a Boy - - - $1.50 Watch Chaif s, 25c We are running an extra special Walrli Hale in Ladies' and (ienl's High Grade and Medium tirade Watches at Hxlru Special Low Prices. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years" experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Just llireu family 1$ Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North. A Scvcn-Lcttor Word Moaning "Happiness." Laundry Here is u cross-word puzzle I hat is easy to solve and worth while solving. Wlia I is a seven-leller word thai means less work, more leisure, greater happiness? "L a u n d r y?" Correctl phone one of our moderately priced services will solve your washday puzzle. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8. Kindling ! We ure offering for a short lime only and for a limited number of loads our ''l)ltli:i) KILN" kindling wooil delivered for $(5.00. This is nice clean wood and easy U split. You have heen wailing for this kind oT wood for 3 years. Order at once from the The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue (live us a chance to do your drayage, we can satisfy you in every way. Our Taxies will lake you any place and at any lime for 50c. Nice clean Sedans. Phone 189-112 Dollar specialsr (iinghuni, KuarunlccU uol lo fndu, u yiiids . . . . $1.00 Ludics' Silk Host;, all coIui-k. per jiair $1.00 Ladies' Col ton Hose, all colors, 3 pair . . . . $1.00 Men's Sox. I pair . . . 4 $1.00 Ihililrcii H Sox, rt'rT. iHc. 3 pair $1.00 Ladies' Lawn llandkcr- chiefsi, K ror $1.00 Fine Sweater Wool, 1 oz. halls, all shades, re,', -tic, ( ror $1.00 Doine early ajid wet. your share of the hat-gains. Mussallem's 417-423 5th E. Phones 18 and 84. P.O. Box S75. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 LAND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Leaae Lnd. Ill IIm' l.auil licrnrilliiK District nl I'llnre IliiiH-rt, and situate on l lie ucirlli upkI roal r 1'curM' Manil, H.I ., apni-Ini.ilHy tliri't miles niirtli rroiu lhe uiuutli or Winter Harbor. Take cillre Unit J. Fleldlnir "3lranir ul siiiiiiv tide. B.C. iMi'iitlcin raiiiipr.viniiii, Itilriiil tu a ily rur a leae ut the lul loulnjr Ur-.i-riliril lantN: Ciiiiitiieiii'lnir at a IhhI planted aprn Iii'ately three mllr nurlh from the moiil!. of Winter Harbor. I'ere Island; then iiurlhwest two (3' rliain. inure, or lm. In low water mark; Ihetiee norlheasl slimy low water mark one hundred and sixty ilOIII chains; I Inure miiitlipust two ( chains; Ihence southwest one hundred and sixty igu chains, more or less, to point of commencement and con talning thirty-two (33) acre, more or less. JAMKS FIEI.lil.NO STIIANG. .Name of Applicant, liated May lath. IP85. THE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. R. S. C. Chap. 115. The Canadian Klshmir Company tlmiied hereby ttlve notice that It has under Section 7 or the said Act dcmsllcd with the Mlnisler or I'litilir Works at Ottawa and In the olTIre or the li ilstrar or the Land lleristry Coast IHstriet at I'rln-r lliiiwrt, H.C., a description or the silo and plans or its wharr. cannery, cannery build inirs and works appurtenant therein liulll prior 1o June 1st, 1918, In I'raser Iteach In front or Lot BV Itanire 4. 'Coast District, Province or Hrillsli Coluin bta. AMI TAKE NOTICE that arter the ex plratloii or one month from the date oi ; the first publication or Ihis Notice The Canadian I'lshln? Companv Limited will under Srcthm 7 or Hie said Act applv t the Minister or I'lihllr Works at his or rice III lhe City or Ollawa for approval or the Mild site and plans and for leave lo construct i lie said rsiiTi and work Dated at Vancouver. B.C., this Tilt da) oi .ii ay. ivr.. : THE CANADIAN FISIIIV1 COMPANY I.MIiTKn WATER NOTICE. (OIVER8ION AND USE) TAKE NOTICE that William Moriran. whose address Is l.orKlxirt. II.C. will applv Tor a licence In take and use 2, Olio (ral-luns daily or water out or sprlnir on west side or lnekeort. O.CJ.. B.C.. which riows southerly and dnlns Into west arm, "Ijiiirrellow' Mineral Claim, duly Crown (iratited No. Jnsa O.CJ. Tin-water will he diverted fruin the slreani at a point riirht at source, alioiit l.'.nn reel or eo from l.oekesirl Harbor, and will lie used Tor domestlr cannery purpose upon the Domestic Cannery at Lnckeporl. O.C.I. This notice whs posled on the 12th dav of .May, 10j5. A copy or this notice and an application pursuant there to and tr the "Water Art. I0H,- will be riled tu lhe orrice or the Water llerorder at I'llitce import. B.C. 'injections to the application may be riled with lhe said Water llecoriler or with the iTiiiimti'iilii. r Water lllifhls. Parllameul liitlldinirs. Vic-! nirta, B.C.. within thirty davit afler the rirst appearance or this police In a local ncwpaior. The date ur the rirst puhll-c allim ur lids notice Is Mav sh. It5. WILLIAM M'ilfiN, Apphcant. IN PROBATE IN THE- COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERRITORY or ALA8KA; DIVISION NUMBER ONE, HYDER PRECINCT 111 lhe Matter or the Kstatc or I.eatha DavU, Deceased. Number 10 Probate. Notice to Heirs. Ii V virtue or an order dulv slimed mid made or record In the plmve enllllvd court on the tnth day or April, 19'jr,. notice li hereby (riven tu (Ted) DavlJ, the alleged husband or the above named de ceased and to all other persons rlalniiusr an Interest In lhe above named estate that Ihey and each of them are hereby required to be and appear In the above entitled court at llyder, Alaska, and submit satisfactory proor or heirship within mv nays irum me date or the rirst publication hereof. And ir you rail o to appear and rile such satisfactory proof, a decree or mis court win be entered rorreltlnir your Interest therein. Date or First I'libllrallun, April S7, ( "; l-nl Publication, June 27, Oil EN F. IIILI.. dmhilsiralor TIMBER SALE, X7173. Sealed Tender- will be received by the District Forester imi later than noon on Hie ?uih day or June, tvji, rr the pur- uase or Licence A 7 1 73 on nirllou or i.oi ii!, Miiiiiiiis isianii. Massett Inlet, V.C.I., lo cut r lo.ooo reel hoard measure or spruce. Hemlock and Cedar sawloit. I WO (4, y,.ul i w(u . owl., flir moval o." Umber. l uclher iiiirllciilars or the Chlcr Kores-er. Victoria, or the District Forester, I'riuce llupert, II.C. TIMBER SALE X 6740. -Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister or Lands at Victoria not later in., ii iiinni on me ii ii uuy or June, ltfii ,...- iMjiiuufH- ui Licence a 07411 o,;k miu oaijiio 011 xo Hi-eu t nu u, Silver Creek. Prliico Iiiiihm-I Harbor, itaniro S, Coast Dlslrlrt. Three ct) yeara will lie allowed for removal or limber. Further particular" or Hie elder Foren- n, iirioria, in,., or ills rict Forester Print llupcrt, B.C. o NATIVE SONS TO ORGANIZE HERE; ."Ylcctlng Last Night Decided fipply for Charter Past Grand President Speaks nice Ho he taken round in all centres or thr thai thinking iCaiiadiaus very interested in the movement t NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RE8ERVE NOTICE IS IIKlTijliv" niVEN that the reserve coverliiir cerlain lauds near lhe Jiinctloti or oist.ill and skeena invent, designated l.ni 5(4, lunice ,, const Ids-Irlct, l vaucelled. OKO. It. N.MlKN. Deputy Minister or Lauds. Department or lanuls, Vlcturln, II.C., Wa 'Mi: TIMBER SALE X7148. Sealed Tenders will he received bv III,. hi I ,il X I..,. a.f I mt.it ..... !..(.. ., 1100 feet or Hemlock. Ceil:ip ur,iH,,. u,i,i i .p NE of the finest Alpine terri- unanimou. in .oclar;ng that Can-1 which arc constantly floating on its tones to be tuanu anywrtcre acta he.U no mure ? icno.d Aitiino qirtace. uencatn is one oi me on the North American (. on- tnd scenic territory than this. I Swim guides from Jasper Park tinent is that coilinR his in surrounding Mount, it necSM.r. thaMh- visi- P' rope prepara- Rob.cn. (13.068 fU highest peak , J. f Z j thn for leading an asctnt rn a iuc imuiuii 1,c,c lIIC enjov the beauties of .iic Mounti r' V"":.'" visitor finds magnificent peaks, awe-inspiring glaciers and delightful Alpine valleys with their magnificence of wild flowers to charm the heart of the nature lover. In 1924 the Alpine Club of Canada held its annual camp on the sheris of Berg Lake, shown above, and uooaon strict, lor there in a shoit distant e ni i'vj T 1-- LI 1 . l . . I wiia- The nhntfM-rnrth .shnwa Mount lis they felt that f her was 'ees-ily Tor Himi' strictly dian orpamzalioii having the unitttiK of u lie i4 is til flisl and west y de- vidoiiiug a (,';stuiclly Cunailiitii liiHtioual MMiluneiil. One partir-to,ular ohjecl ol the organixation , wits, to proiirolu Hie (laiiHiliau spirit anions invuiiranls tit it I llhey might hecome desirous of : ictnhraoiitg LaimiliHiiif m in all ils An assenlhly of the Native host iisjicets. Sons of Oanadu is to he fortned In Uic cournc of hif trip vl in l'rincc llupcrt. Al a wnll al-, during lhe past fiv days, Mr.' tended meeting in lhe liniad dlall Carson, yhw rrivnl here on last night, after H. II. Carson of niglitk trin, isilcd tile , iiv t nimnii uianin ilia I vu:ii4 Mr. Carson was nml at .Itoitier UanR. was presided over hy Harry , south on the I'riuce tiuorgp to "'ecu. jnighl. Mr. Carson is a well In the course of his address, known I'oint (ircy iuoker. Mr.Cnrson gave a rexiinio off - - - the aims ami ohjects of the Nn- HOTEL ARRIVALS live Suns or Canada. The orjfnn- rrince Rupert ixalioii had had its inception in I ' l'-Kle-haw and Jl Victoria and lh"rn . were now 1 nil,h ic'',',,( ohiecls. Central Mr. Cawon has jusl reluriiedi A- -'il"n. Vancouver; rrom a trip as far east as Moil-T'hasc, C.N. It ; ,tulm Kroner. Ireal. He staled that he had! sliD!. Illltnk I. some .'15 or so assemhlics iiij1- 'i'on, . i.. hiearnian ami llritish ('.oluinhia ami Alherta. An "V Wood, Vancouver: (ieurge endeavor was heing made now lo ','f-' Sniilliers; O. Anderson. A. make it a Canadian naliouul or-13- 2hrisliansen, Kd. Swanson. gaitizalion hy linking tip .wl(lijul"f '-,i":,n and 1'. Kearney, hodies in the east having ijiiiillarlcil.v; T' A- S'oiillsnn, UayHi?irt. -" COULD NOT SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE "I hud 1 1.1 mis through nr sltiinach (due hi khs. and could ..ninii, 11111 Mier IIIUII UOOII'e.... II on the 4th day of June. lys. roc iiie'-'Dr- consti .... lalion s m ,MiicriKii i am well asaiu. ''(HlRTied; Samuel, S. I'ayne. Adlurlka removes CAS In Ion. mlhulus and hriiiK out old wasle lidillcr you never t UioiikIiI was in your nyslem. It Is such an cxcelleitl inleslinal evactianl Hint II. is wonderful and slomaidi '"f ,.f.,.M'itf" n'.-llnK aiid niakes you l.a..y ami District. . ' .clii'erfiil. No mailer what you removal V & ,w f! Ii"ve lri.,1, i. ti:.L Adlerlka Flll-ther lui i-Lli'ii l:i i'. nf Hln rin,,r i'i.,. oeli,,n ...;ii . k'i. icloiiu H.t;7, m DiJtrli i Fuieiter, I 1 , " "'" I"''"-- '011.es Prince llupert, UX. Ldinitud, DruiHisls. nv r-f the difficult tc peaks of th ilnr.D. wtVeK uZ ZZl Vn B.ni r"nie and are available Sr?h.'jwa r!"e zz ' ?t did views of the .urrounduiK Alp- , I whrre- romlortable tiunaiows ure maintained, "which prnvide an et- members of that organization. Kobson, the monarch of the Canad- j rfllent starting point for many many of whom have climbed in dif- jan Rockies, and Dcrj; Lake, so wonderful excursions into tht lerent parts oi tne world, were I named because of the Tcebercs I hichcr passes. C.N.R. Photoa. synopsis of landIctahendment!)' PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. aurveyeij Crown lamia mny ! ire-empt"d by llrltirh uhecta over IS yeam of hk. ami by alien on declaring Intention to become Hrltlfch HUbjects, condt tlonal uiAtn residence. occjatlon. jid improvnicnt for uj;rlcultura ourpoitesi. Full Information concernlnK reg:u Jitlona recnrdlnc tire-emptlunii ia Ktveii in Hulletln No. 1. Innd Herlea, (low to iVe-t-mnt Land." coidea of Vancouver, pasl grand president hranchos of the Xalie Smuj tf; ihioh can l obtained fre of cliarga of the .Native Sons or Canada, had . Canada ifl Kdmoal,.,.. I'riuce liilrfa. U.C, orTo' aTy"aovf delivered an address a resolution (ietirtfe and 'rccrnce. He found eminent A:ent. was passed that teps he laken'theni in a nry 'flourishing con- Hecorda will be granted covering o form an assenthly in thin city. jdilion and he salisfied IhatJ SJrn.i whV mn'umber4-Sufficiont nanien wurc then se-icie is splendid material to to nil. I.e., carrylnR er s.ono board curetl to ohlain a charter andorni n L'o.,g anscnihly here. j oJrTLcr': .7 of 'That sii-ps in iiim itirccuon are' at Hie. inectiug,h.v his wife and. they will procee,lv t'''r-d o'Th" LSnd Com? ; in loi I oner of the Land llecording- DN 'vialon. In which the land applied for Ik altuated, nnd are made an printed I forms, coidea of which can tie ob-1 ulned from the Land Commiaatoner. , ,, J'ro-emptlona must be occupied for 1 five ycara nnd Improvement mada i to vnluif of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultlvatlnc at least five Mr. mid Airs. I'.1 ncreH- lcIor u Crown Grant ean be rv-vivi-11. l'or more detailed Inforniatton iee the Hulletln "How to I're-empt Lund." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur-cliaao of vacant and unreserved Crown land, nut being tlinberlnnd. for airrlculturul purpoaea; minimum price for flrat-clasa (arable) land la $5 per acre, and ecnnd-c!aiw (Kra-lna-I land I2.S0 per acre. Turther in- city.' formation regarding purclmae or leaao or crown lande la given in uuiieun No. 10, Lund Herlea, "1'urchaae and Lenno of Crown Lnnda." Mill, factory, or Indualrlal Kites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acrea. may be purchaaed or lenaed, the conditions Including payment of etumnage. HOMESITE I. EASES Unaurveyed area, not exceeding ii acroa, may be leaned aa homeaitea, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the flrat year, title being obtainable after residence ana lm not seei well, 'specially oi) lell ' vrovoment condltlona are fulfilled and land haa been surveyed, LEASES For grazing and InduatrlaJ pur poaea areaa not exceeding (0 acres may be leased by one peraon or a company. QFIAZINQ Under the Oraxlng Act the Province la divided Into grafting districts and the range administered under a Orazlng Commiaatoner. Annual grazing permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners may form aaoiclatlona for range management. Krse, or partly tree, permlta are available for settlers, campers and travellers, up to ten 1 1 THE DAILY ITEWS Th'ir MOUNTAINS TEMPT LOVER OF OUTDOORS A Watch Sale End of rriaav the Month and "si..j 95c n ays j ..v. -aiuraav 95 ale 95 cents iays Ccnt5 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Hoys Overalls (.overalls, Hint' vvilh Hed TrmimiiiK W'nsli Huils fop hoy IdUltlft ll's Cotton l ltl'ti. While, ItlnrK. ' It, , u Children's Muslin and Yilp ir-c 1 GREAT STAPLE BARGAINS Si olch Wincey I'lnnncl, I' yards tup TnwN, While and Colored, pair 1 ' Talde Chillis, I'.nion Daina-k, card . . . Towt'iliitg. o yards for . . I iildeni hed Shecliiig, (IS in., 2 yun. , Pillow Tuhitig, t'l or '4 in., t' nrd- hu ' . WASH GOODS BARGAINS ' While I'lgured Voiles. 2 aitls for ItaRncs in all plum colors. I ymiU IMain Colored Voie and Mulls, 2 yurils Slricd Shillings, a ym-iU for , inii Crepes, '.I yards for (iiilglinm-, values lo r'c vitrei, :t iods im LADIES' DEPT. Arl Silk llo, V puirs ror , An ji--fl iiK-itl of Ourls nnd (iirdles Wonicn (lotion Drawers, y poir for omen's ,St-ln in Pink mid Mauve, Women' Oillon Vt-sls, :t for Woiiich'- (Cotton Ijiilerwtuir. Hnvcliipr- Niglilgowiis, specially rictd ... Pore Linen Ciilorcd llandkercliicfs, 0 fm INFANTS' WEAR "ile and Mii-din I Vitcks, Ihvcpcr-. Wim! .! In rants' Wear, ' for While Collon Prlti.-i.nU. Mill-. H.n.t . MEN'S 05c SPECIALS , Ties made in Silk l-'aln ie, ns-nrl un til ut Men's Handkerchief. While (iantlnn 1.. Men' Hlark Ca-luoi'cc I'uii-h Sn. '1 .,n! Men's So-icmlci. kid ltd, .mil I p.i:' 1' Many More Bargains for this event. See our Windows. H. S. WALLACE CO., LI 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street. aBjfl(3(55BHSKBE2s5BS!s5iKSWK3WSSBE5 WESTHOLME THEATRE! TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 CORINE GRIFFITH In "LOVE'S WILDERNESS A lieaoliliil star lit a lic.oilil "! i'l" ciil Corinnc, more gorgcnus gnvMi-'l. Iicnutilnl, more upicaling than ever. . - amil. A fnst moving drnma lhal ctirn - ' Louisiana lo lliu Uuumlian wild- nnd rml- the Malay jungles. Tlif slorv of a love I licrst'ir with Iwo hnshaiids and mudc llo "i dccisiiui or her life during lhe iiH'iinee oi Love is a wilderness Utr mosl women O-i light ucross il for all sweethrarK M''i" . . . , . 1 1 1 ami ntivei inciiiciiis. ..iij.i 1 ir ... n,vij Kei h. Day Corinne Griffith, Holmes S. Herbert, Ian Torrcnce, Maurice Cannon, Emily FlUroy, "d JJ THE oa. OF COMEDY "FIRST 100 YEARS." TOPICS Admission 35c and iwc RAW FURS i MI P-' 'f' U you waul lo he paid highr-t po :-- ' for your HAW KUUS. forward llicm l R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. DanK Branch Receiving Office:1 225-6 Standard Vancouver, D.C. , (p. Sl" Head Office: R.8.1L- HhlK-- 4i-"' "l' M,,n- ! .. In.urptuN "' 111' I n i l u mi frit I. lOOii, Bathin g Suits Penman's, Ladios'- - 100 per cenl P'c NH $35O.$4.50 filling garment. I'cr '"l Monarch, Boys' and Girls' KHfpei' . c.H Mn,75.j3.50 Per Hitil ' ' " 75c Children's Uullun llalliing Suit", "'i'"11 00c Large sizes $1 o-2-00 Men's Uollon ilalhiiifc' BiiIIk Men's Woollen IhilhinK SiiUh -j Jabour Bros. 1 Corner Phone C45. t 3rd and