Uv Slav ? IQgS- A NEW FLAVOR The double richness of St. Charles, as compared with ordinary milk, gives a ne.v and delicious flavor not only to cakes 1 but la ell recipes and . dishes that call for milk. , Write for hue Recioo Book. Aiui'touver. It. C lt-4 stymies B :i par w figured French oulards " -uaili's, patterns is Mutable for I)h';-sp. ami Ki-;i ;- It hcatlliflllly. t i icpiI nl per yard $1.50 'est of England Store Phone 753. SO PER CENT REDUCTION on Spring oats ami Hats uemers House of Quality IPhone 27 P.O .Box 327 Now obtainable In Suprema fianada's 1'av-orlln Kurni I uro Polish. Al nil good sloro In "mull iip iarK(, bottles. Al i "SUPREMA" Mop Oil 1,1:11 'lie famous "Eureka Bleach." for tho llooslep Label. DRY 1BIRCHW00D and Cedar $0.50 Per Load ''il to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue j phone S80 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. FORKE URGES TALKING PEACE Says Should Have Skeleton Army of Smallest Possible Size Holicrl l'orke, loader of the Progressives, speaking in Hit House of Commons last week said: "Mr. Chairman, the military iiumi have hail their innings in discussing lliis picton. II seems In mo that perhaps the fheir lives in a, war llial was to, I'-"' for War, and look for war,) In the Uml nernrilln Plftrlft of I'rmrr ilniM-rt. mil slllltli' Hi th norlll- wt rMi(l or I'MMf loiaiul, .:., IPIM-IIX-fiialclv lx mllfi" uorUl frrnii Hie iimiuIIi ot W liilrr 1lrlMir. Tiki" .Villre lllll Oiinw-Miiieni unuini uf Viifi)MHT. It. i riiHiUiii aikirs, inK-nit- in ippiy rir n lfse of Uib fol-liilnir ilpcrnliwl laiiii: iloiiiiiiriii'lnR at t planted approx-itiiaiclv kl iiiIIpk noi-Ih rrrmn tln, imiuin ,r Winter llarlHir. Vnrxr Island; lltMH-e niirlhwrt l" ( rhaltH. tnorf r le!, Id iw walfi- mark; Ihpnri mirUiea! alotiff lw water mark ime Inimtml and Utv (I1 flialii; tlienre aontlieal tun' (' i-liainn; llieure iilliwel itm liiindri'd and nUt.v ilt main, more or let to imlnl r iiMiiiiM'tireinenl and ron-talnltifr thirty-two (Si acres more or '''" ' cossE-Minrnn mmitep. Name of Applicant, Haled May tlh. LAND AOT, Nolle Of Inlanllon to Apply to Lai Land. i,. Hi a laml lleeorillnir Plftrlrt of l-rliiee llupert, and fdluale nr. tli nor tit linaiely thiTe mile noriti rnni llw moullt ot Jutii FHe.ra l.lm.ted or day y '" ii i iiffimaiioii irirn. i.ii..ii.u m anrdr "for a It'ime or Hie rol- Ueneiilmcl land! luwliii ' ' .i iw.si ntnnteit annrot 'TTV i i m the immlh or Winler llarl.ni-. I'eamn Island j llienre uortUv"t two (ii HmhH, in.im 'or- lew, U low water inn k; ll.enei. -""itliweM ...... ,..i..r iniirli one linndied and " tiv (I mi i Tlinlnt; thenm mitlieat two ID rha ns; llience iinruieasi " im Hire' mul sixty (loo, rhalas .more or to luilnl f cuiiuieiKenielil and run-tali.iiiR llilrty-two (3, airen. more or FKIZZKI.I.'S UVtlTEIl. Name or Applicant, paled Mav 99i. LAND ACT In Trlnro nupert Land DIMrlcl; PIMrlrt or Prince Ituptrt. TAKE .NOTICE thai I. "ierlll Pes BrlW. or Vncnuver H.C. occiipallon aalinon nroker n emH to an ply ror rniilwl.Hi lo piirrnU the roll.iwinfr itencrlheil lymlj rr aouth or the soj.lheaft corner or Lot J700, 4, C.onKt iiiMriei. Hlllle Creek, lianre thenee "rlh 8 rlintnii: Ihenco weat 80 ehaliw: thence noulh to flmrc line In an eauterlv direct on m po'i 'i coin-nVMirement; rontalnlnK 40 acres, more or 0M- MEItlLl. PES Bnt3Y. Applicant. Filwln Elrny flaruuui, Arent. n.ted nHI ird. LAND ACT. CACSIARLAND DISTRICT nuirlrt nr C.nsliir. Sllkme IHvlslnn. TtkK NOTIl'.K that I. Waller Julian ..." J,'! ,:. nr Ti.leirniii i Creek. ohSdoii the "t klne lllver and ahoul 3i miles I e...r..,.kJ.' .,r Telearaph Creek; tlienre nor in rhnln; thence eoJt 10 chalust !V.ri ...... ii. n .'hams: thence west 4(T C iini or eimiiiiencement and .. rontolnlnir VinTnhii 3KD sin ncre. more or le. WAI.TKII JULIAN. lOlh. 1985,. HOTIOI. Applicant. TlVT NOTICE tl't ft"' pllti'K,tlon or i.i. Wftiiri. Tor nilir ronsecinive weens r i !. int ion J ine iieRimrar or joint, ,iiTNriira i.Tn there is lillle dillicully in getting clearance in Oermany for transference of carso al sea or for West Indian desliaalions. I Mnsl of the molor-schooner Irallie seems now lo be tlono from (ierniany, and a good deal of ihe spirits are made there. Hut there1 are still firms in tlte Qi(y whptro at Ihu .lBok,,ofj Ihe, Iralllc, and qllicers and men are engaged here for the business. Naturally is is a shy business, and preliminaries are not arranged at olllces. So mo of I ho stories beard in mercantile marine quarter sound like opening chapters in Slevensou's novels. A few weeks ago, for instance., n merchant's ollicer bad an appointment made, through a colleague with a gentleman "with an American lint and a while flower in his buttonhole" outside lle Iloyal Exchange at noon Ho went, but he did nol see hia man. -Then word was brought In Iii tn that n ex I lime he catno for a private appointment with a gentlenran he was lo come alone. He had gone lo Ihe rendezvous accompanied by a friend. Another appointment was made al the same respectable place, and he found Ihe American gentleman with Iho American hal and while flower, bill Iho ship's ollicer, in Iho viw of Iho nier-ohanli wauled loo much security for his bonus for business lo bi done. LAURIER MEMORIAL TOHONTO. .May 38. Tho Toronto Women's Liberal asmm,- s oVk ("nuipanlM. yiciorla. In jt" fop t h 0 i n.int mi t.iiiiipnii.r p, wis passed lis obkcllvo Laurier Memorial i i.niiml " Kelinlnrahm , Muni I lie nssiiein Jnlmawin :;iiphiiv Mn ??7Ari,.,ir, mUon un..erlnk lo raise $1,000 0f rnlNCE ixi.'v- - nurEHT INSlltlANCE lnn.l i.na -nlleele.l $11(11. THE DAILY WBW8 PAGE FIVTE W whinner 7f)y NNX; vtry'it uifjlrKy Will 'to" V yy NABOB Mk& VACUUM PACKED COFFEE military inhiil lines not always "" vlw il Just exnoUy the same is n,u' realize the dangers resulting tin civilian niiinl does. Sixly f '" national unproparodness, I thousand Canadians laiil down ' 1,av'' a'so ronsi.leral.te sympathy their lives in 'a war to end war.'r'''' '"'"I r thought. Hut, I waul llial phrase to sink into Ml'- Chairman, I sincerely believe the munis of hon. members -to my right, who have linen talk-in,' alionl fhe 'next war' sixty thoiiVuul Canadians laiil ilown lhat if we lalk peace, prepare for peace, ami look for peace, wo will gel p-acu; anil I am con vinced that if, we talk war, pre- WERE SUCCESS i Dance In Evening was Unusually Brilliant Event at Bulk- ley Centre 'oil var; ntiw jvi are hnsily lalk- w" w''l el viit-. I would cut; intt ahoul how we are (rot ink to vole dowiv to the lowest pns- TI'.I.KWA, May 28. -On Mon-laisc another big army to go In m J111 continuing ,aVi May -T, all Telkwa and war again. Just as low? as we n"' present forces without en- visitors from many outside have discussions of litis kind j., , bilging them lo any extent what- ,, iralheio.l at Hi.. Hai-heeim every counlry under (he sun we ever. It seems lo me that if we Wl.ums 0 wafi the spoils ami ami nave war. ir we spenti our '" hh.hw races time on the problems of peart' spreading Hie gospel of peace and showing how peace, can be l.nuiglil ahoul. we will .accomplish a great deal more in preserving peace than we can ever expect to by talking about .preparing for war. Whom are we KohiK lo go to war against I want to know? Who are our enemies?! spenu jusi exactly ine same ar-; j.;arly in 1(, an,.,.1(,on a foof. aumenls might be brought for-.,, alHe j.olween Smilhers and ward iy hon. genllemon lo my TekvVa was played. II ended in limit in law.. oi a suit larger a vk.,0 ,01. Tekwa 1C finai expenditure. What is .moipiaio s.or. ,eing .n, Vroteclion'tr-Jo Use a pbrasc Several horse' races followed, familiar in tariff mailers. One .,. ,TPii...ni my m her might answer, a force over Hie lasl race. It was open or a hundred thousand meivnn,, lPro wePp (li3rh, rI.j,.s a(i while another would be content ,., omo fillo was seen. .nn v Where is the hoslile force thai fi'.v UwMwnml men. and so ..,,,.,, iouivering mi the borders of Ihisl Dominion ready In allack ns if we nave ifcot a large army to ue- " leild ourselves? Respects Other Opinion I lieln-M' il is ijnile right lo have a skeleton army of the, smallest poible size to take care of any llial may break out, and lo do its share if the couulry is ever attacked, which I think is a. very remote contingency. I believe that if we attend to our own business and keep the banner of peace unfurled there I very little danger for n long lime In come of this Dominion being invaded. I have every respect for hop. members lo my right who were engaged in I he late war LAND ACT. Nolle of Inunllon to Apply to Li on. mere never win race" was included in I he be any .j,, m fai0l) materialize concrele idea or what actually a), , ()! ?p,.cla0 Were conslilules adequale proleclion k(,ln,y .lisannoinl mJ. in a niimarj- s?nr. , A, .. ri,,iM ciini.lK. ,ian,.P. Cannot Compete ,j u,,, ,.,n a night proved lo be We Ciinnol eonrpele with the enjoyable lo the large Kreal military nalions, neilher ,ci.vvd in allcndance. Tho. floor could we defend ourselves t,.,,- 1P(I, Kjv,.n .iP attention, inlernal disonlers!a'ra'ns' Hieni. Personally, I and was in fine comlilion. have sufficient faith in human ii,P music under the direction nalurf- lo believe thai ir we at- 0f yv. n. Couldwellr pianist, was Uhu lo our own business and. as VPI.y glto, ;m, n,P orchestra res- I said liofore, look for peace, we 1HJIP1j time and again to the will gel peace. I would nol be in (jd applause and gave frequent favor of augmenliiiig this vote by Pncnres. one single dollar. RUM RUNNING TRADE FROM BRITAIN TO BE Arrangements for Shipments Must be Made Without any Publicity GERMANY IS GO BETWEEN LONDON. May 28. Despile Ihe disastrous experiences of I llrilain's rilm-runijing baronet and the many setbacks of Ihe rum-running trade the rum running trade still goes on. It is very dilllcull now to pel clearance for a cargo from aiiy llril-ish port, however ingeuif",,ly H'e ...nrr.. It., t.lfllllllkjl Kill lllP. I Ureal credit is due to Tommv Smith for the deeoralions which were carried out in red, while ; a in 1 blue. In mid il ion to a very j pleasing effect of icrepe paper ' att..iiinjta iiii:inlilio4 rtt fl:i!jrs CARRIEDONSECRErLY a.nl bu,,U,,g .were used, while from the beams bung dozens of colored balloons. the commillee in charge oT I ho suitor plans, ileN nothing undone in their efforts to supply plenty of ham sandwiches, cake and coffe. Ice cream was also lo be obtained throughout the evening. i- .m ienl.v in ' , sl.i.mini al Acropolis Hill grounds be- whiskey to lennan porls, and ' Sport Chat a . u T'.ft opening game of the Senior Hasebalt League season is scheduled lo lake place tonight I ween Ihe Sawmill and the Sons of Canada. There are three teams in the league Ibis year and Iho material al. hand is prelly evenlv distributed, 'therefore, a good close series of games is ex peeled with nobody having cinch of Ihe honors. There is a good ileal of new la' inland IhH will make tilings even nioro in teres I ins. 'When I i .loleyalor siriieinre contract get under way, il is.e.xepcled lhat sllll further good material' from the prairies will be injected in- i.. il... loam. Harry Love is FRECKLES Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily Hero's a chance, Miss Krccklo-face, to try a remedy for freckles wilh the Ruarantee of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you n clear complexion the expense is triflhig. Simply gel an ounce o Olhine double slrenglh from any drug or department store, and a few applications should show you how easy It is lo rid yourself of the homely freckle and get a beautiful complexion Hardy is more than ono ounce needed for tho worst case. Ho sure lo ask the druggist for Iho double, slrenglh Othlne as this slrenglh is sold under guar anleo of money back if it falls to remove your freckles. At nil drug or drtparlincut stores or by mall. Olhine, H.O Box 2010, Montreal, Canada, Can You Afford to Speculate? EVERY time you buy something you are either speculating or making a definite investment. Few people can afford to speculate, Yet many do it continually, in making their everyday purchases. And it is so unnecessary. The advertisements make it easy for any one to avoid taking a chance. The merchant or manufacturer who advertises, realizes that the good-will of his customers means money in the bank to him. He knows that the public confidence in his product and public respect for his own character are as valuable as his credit at the bank. So he makes the individual satisfaction of his patrons, their loyalty and their friendship paramount issues in his business. When you buy an advertised product, you can know in advance what to expect in return for your money. You can count on its being right. You are making an investment. But when you buy nameless, unbranded rner-chandise, you are taking a chance. ,. You are speculating. i Know what you buy. The advertisements will tell you. e II.- o - . i I inaiiagrr oi ine fons oi i.anauii team; (iilbert Campbell, IlieSaw-mill, while .M. M. Mcl.achlan is guiding tho deslinie.s of Ihe (lyro learn wilh Krcd llenning as A closer definition of the word Amateur" will bo discussed at Ihe Olympia Congress in Prague this year and If certain propos es are adopted then such a (our as Nurini has undertaken recently will be impossible in future for any amateur, for cine of tho principal motions to bewliscuss- ed is one "ivhjeh prevents an It'hVhVtv'-iM'a f itom '-accepting travelling ami living expenses for more than fifleen days a year, unless be is representing his country In the Olympic (iames or World's Champion ships." There will bo reprcsim lallves from evvery counlry in Iho world at the congress, but the ofllcial language will he Krench. The Canadian representatives, owing lo Ihe inability of W. 1 indlay of Montreal, president of the Amateur Athletic Union in Canada, lo leave his business for thai length of lime, will bo I -I Mubiueen ill of Toronto, l.iiuu.w, iu former .... l pie uotniniiieo oi iuji, ami ir. Lamb, head of the Department of Athletics at McOill University, and general secretary of Hi.) Antaleur Athlelio Union of The members of lite Mackenzie Mess have been looking over Iho baseball situation and sizing up I heir members and feeling nut Iheir friends and have at lasl decided Hint they arc good enough and clever enough to lake a fall out of Ihe Inlander nine al any time lo be arranged between Iho Iwo loams. Further lhan lhat il Is Intimated Hint some of Ihe Mackenzie men 'li nol feel at all sure that Ihe. Inlanders are all they are cracked up to be, and they think it Is hall. Dr. E. S. TAIT AT NATIONAL GALLERY DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 to 0, X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building .next door to Krizzcll Hutcher Shop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor about time lo let them know Up? fact. They point lo the slowness wilh which tho Inlanders have responded lo Ihe reply of (he ,,.,.., nlll. . ,.. ...nn.lnr t chairman of Ihe Canadian Olvm- . " " " 'V.' ' " . '.. , UH1 'H Hill , Countryman (at the National (inllery) Why, these am the same pictures I saw here last year I Attendant Qnile likely, sir. Countryman Then it's swindlel They lobl me lhat Iho pictures were cihanged Iwico week at all tho best picluro houses in London. QUITE UNNECESSARY Daughter Kalher, our domes tic science professor is teaching us who lo spend money. Kalher Ho might as well leach ducks how to swim. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage . Phone W. j Cartage, Warehousing, and nistrlhutlng. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.