Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 0AJLY EDITIOR Tuesday, Jtaifh 10, 1025. Ten Discoveries Of Great Moment. H, li, Wells, the celebrated novelist and hislorjan, jji it magazine article lells what he considers to be the ten greatest discoveries the world bns made. They are the implement, lhe taboo, speech, fire, domestication jif animals, mllivnlioii of lhe soil, subjugation of water, writing, finance and subjiifrylioit of distance. la lhe article Wells gives his reasons for j-hoosiilg- these. To many possjbly the greatest surprise will be the choice for second place of the taboo, Hie discovery that there were certain things which .-ho.uld uoL be done, ami which distinguish the human family from the animal. From i( .anise l)ic whole moral Code. In excluding from the IjsJ theVliscovery of such important things as metals and the invention of pottery, Wels says that wjiue iney were innovations o) very great importance iney pro- iluceil no profound and fundamental changes m human life, lie Ihiuks that hw nint h importance has been given to lhe influ ence of metals on 'human life -'because of We tact Jbat Vftir early"' nisjiny is tddied Jargejy front museum spentm-ns- mid ; thejvnV fore people sjieu'k of the stone ag"e, the bronze age aiid the 'inni agtl. lie looks upon the discovery pf the wheel and the road as of even 'greater importance but not sufficient to be included in the first leji. Next Twp Discoveries , ' That WJII Be Made, Wells is always strong on looking forward .and in. doing so he is ofjcii rather puzzling In many people. When he writes of a time thai is coming, Jie jloe not necessarily mean lonior-row bill withjit .an appreciable lime. Those who lake him bio literally are apt to see in him a dangerous person who woiild upset lhe whole social fabric. Wells sees the changes- that are about to come, but to him a few generations mean nothing. Je has studied science and he sees tlje slow progress thai has been made in the past ami he realizes that while lhe rate nf progress is increasing immeasurably, i is slill slow and cannot be forced, Ho he looks forward, and says that the next great discovery will be lhe realization of the full significance and full possibilities of modern science. The discovery of electricity am the hundreds of modern devices- he considers as jiart of (he one great discovery that is dawning upon n gradually and which has mil yet fully been appreciated by the wttilil.. IJe says "they are all aspects of one Ihittg, lhe sjeadily cxpanding-rcve'l-atjou of modern science." . ' ' Twelfth piscovery , . . , , Is To Be Made. ''.'. ' l lie twrlflh anil Inst .discovery ,ti he, made is. IJia.1 ofisCien- tific world economics. II is'iiecessar'y'fo man ;iVsoejal' In summing up. Mr. Wells says: 'In material science, we have lhe clear roibilifv aiid tin promise of a systematic exploitation, of all the naliirarVesources oi me planet for Hie good of lhe whole race, anil iji llie new ..ii Him -in-im-n uir mit-f i in an education anij an organization of menial co-opera lion iptjle beyond our jiftfseiil' limited r.pri iciic.l's. ill 'ill I. - Ajf tim jne uiscovery. or seientifie world ecmoiuiis ami the. discovery oT world ediivalion have as yd scarcely, Thcv are lhe mcxt great discoveries, the eleventh and ' twelfth! anil "Was Freed of Gall Stones And Persistent Backache" Mr. Alexander Bradley, R.R. No. J, Carp, OnL, .write: VrifDriV ' vffe;ej from gall, ttpnet, liJ'' UUA and commenced tikihtr -Dr. Chate'i Kidney-Liver PilU. 1 feel uie in laying thai 'hue pills completely overcame the trouble, at it it ome yeart; jince I wat afflicted in this way, and I have not suffered from gall stonet or even backache Moot, I have alto found Dr. Chate'i Nerve Food , excellent fpr hat trouble and thortaeit of breath." Dr. Chase's KIilney-Llvcr Pills S5 tiM. a txii of 16 ptIU, Ixtnuuiaon, IWUra A Co., Id4., TorunU) t THE DATT.T Tuesday, MirrT-, in t6,s PAGE TWO Start Now! Stop Falling Hair This Is the wonderful new Van Ess applicator tttle containing the new way hair treatment The mhtur aiaolea feed the lotion directly to the hair roots.,Tbe scalp i gentlr masaaged and. ft health (ivinc impetua aeatflireaiy lo me nair row. atopsfatiiaibair-rrowa new hair. Money back U It doesn't. Ask about moner oactc gvaramcc ORMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince r, Rupert riftily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' Oily Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month -$l.ft0 Hy mail In all parts of lite British Empire and the United Slnles, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year , 1.Q Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page..,, $2.80 per inch Local Renders, per insertion. , .2rc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. , ...15c per again line - . . Contract Rales on -'Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 All advertising should bp .in Tin1 Daily News Office before p.m. on day precciJiiig publication. All advertising received subject to approval. D0UKH0B0RS ARE PROBLEM Peculiar People are Difficult to Manace Says Writer of Letter Jn a Idler In lhe Vancouver ISIar 1 ln problem of Hie Jouk- liolnir is discussed at follows: Another fire-Imp outrajre at lhe humls of lhe Doiikhobors am! I some straight talk ny iao pre mier lo lln'Ui and a si nm? posse of provincial iiolice, were lhe glaring headlines of Hie city dailies today. One statement was tn Ilie effect that the premier hint heen studying Iheir case for the past eight years. We are not in any mood lo criticize the Chief Mug-' Istrafe of lhe Province, nor do we intend U tell the editors howj lo edil their dailies, hut, we would cerlainly like lo say Ilia! I lie honorable gentleman's ultimatum lo this peculiar colony s nothing less than si lengthen- . . . . ii i-i : II.... illg llieir siuiilioril ueicriiiiiiiii hmi it ignore the authorities. If the premier had really studied them it all he would surely know that if such a stilt authority as that of Hussia had no eltcet upon Ihetii, our methods of leieracy would fail. Former Career We will not dwell upon their career in Hussia and the Lau-, asus, but lhe sooner we know we cannot assimilate uiem, ma: we cannot 'compel theni hy authority, Ihafl we will never hi able lo conscript them, urfd never be able to enforce a lega. marriage upon Ihem, the better we will know how lo deal with Ihem. No medical man can prescribe an adequate remedy un less he has first a clear Do we really know lhe J)nuk- tobors? Vave we studied them Twin all angles? naievcr nflier contentions we may have regarding them, the answer lo these two questions is purely in the negative. There are a few things wc can be boldly positive of:- M-(li Aiiv ultimatum will not lilted the situation; wholesale deporlalion is loo cosily and not five from inti1 'national cohipli rations, and lhe engendering ol Irresponsible sympathy lo their cause. 1 2. i Any open declaration as lo what we are going lo do with them -will not facilitate the task tif the provincial constables or put money in -the provincial treasury. (.1; There are splits among lu sect, il is true, hut they will Unite to oppose any authority enforced Upon them. If, therefore, we are lo punish Ihem for llieir alleged errors, we must find more adequate hieaus than we are employing now. Colonies Wrong fMioner or later we must ac knowledge and face lhe fact thai a Jong as there are colonies our educational system will be futile uid wasteful, If we can scatter Ihem among the '.funning (join-aiutiilic, where liiey' may form ten ,pef cejili of lhe cpnimuitv y, "there niayihV -some liojiC" for Ilie future .generations. If lhe past 2 J years of e.xper-ipenl did not show a tangibb I'esull; if they could mil and did ilol show ii realization of the value of an Anglo-Saxiou educa- ' inn. II is higli lime that either Ilie i-edernl or I'rovtncial gov ernment look not ice of it, We must ask ourselves what with then. mat. will pass onward ittlo a phase as sttviie and asset this colony has be. wonderful o us as a railway Irani would he to a . paOljllij.' Ilrilish r.olumhiaY Oulsi Kti),iEL-. o oi o:i;i aim weapons to jne .ancestral ape." t-t-t-J- ' ' - i ai.i..u . . i. BURNS LAKE en lo hie of Iheir accumulated wealth and the tiroporlion (il the (ax lliey pay i which has hardly paid Hie tiolicing of Ihem and Hut re building of Hie schools burnt down by Hkmii) we have. nothing lo show. No community is so dangerous lo any form of existing stale as Hie one which proclaims a Theo-cralic Jiynasly, defies secular aulliorily and denies n collective social responsibility. riordon Iavid has sold his fitrm ul Palling lo Carl Oslhcrg ami left lust week with his wife ami family for Colorado. Harney Mulvaney ollicialed at Hie funeral of the late (ieorgr Howard (Coyote) Johnson which lonk place al Francois Lake last Week. NEW ENGINE FOR TRUCK OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; V Recommendation of Committee Sent Back ty Council For Further Investigation ! A report from lhe board of works recommending that u ne.w engine be purcha'sed f'r lhe iiihlie works' Day-JIbler truck Nn. I al a eosl; (if t0 was re-i ferred liack'to the comtuiHee by! the city council, last night Willi lhe inslrudioii Ihiil the engine be inspected hy a city "expert for ulvice. This course was recoin- meiided by Aldrilasey, who slated llnil 1 1 1 1 v :i feu- iiinlilhs ago lliel engine nail lieen reporieii 10 ne In igooil shape whereas now It was slated that it hud petered nit. Aid. McMordie agreed willi Aid. Casey thai il would he wise lo have an expert inspection ami so moved. BYLAWS PROVIDING FOR STREET WORK $ixth Avenue to be Connected up Between Fulton Street and Acropolis A number of local improve- nenl bylaws providing for si reel! york to be undertaken this! spring were dealt witn b iue. ily council last nighl. J he fol- ; owing were put through llieir irsl readings: construction by-1 aws for 15 foot pavement on ; ixlh Aenue.West bel ween Fill -on Street and Acropolis Park; (instruction bylaw for IS fool luvemenl onyMcHride Street be-j ween Seventh ami Ninth! venues: cnnslruclion hylaw for, 'i-fool sidewalk mi the norlh' side of lliglilh Avenue lielween i Macon and Alfred Slreets; con-; struct ion bylaw for i-fool sidewalk on Seal Cove Circle from the end oT Sixth AviDUe. A bylaw o-oviding for the charging of 15 ier cent of -the cost of lhe, Mc-Mride Street work to the corporation was also put through.' ADAIR CARSS CHAPTER 'son. Adair Hiirss Clianler. I.O.D.K.,1 V. Mathieson. Standard Hearer Mrs. T Hniiller. QUEEN MARY CHAPTER Mr, J. G as follows: m. . Ma j k a i Honorary llegenl l)u Yernet. Honorary Yice-rerenl Mrs. P. P. McMordie. llegenl Mrs. J. fi. lern. I'irst yice-regenl vMrs, David Tliouisim. Second Vire-nigeiil Mrs. T. K. Pringle, Secrelary Mrs. V. P. T'isher. Treasnrer-Mrs, fj, Darlnn. Kducalional Secrelary Mrs. 1). McD. llunler. Kchoes Secrelary Mrs. 11. A. Pliilpotl. Standard Heard'' - Mrs. Illance. MDERHOOT The Nechako Valley Co-Oper-at i vp Exchange hud a 'very U'c- cemsftil ye,r. ,l ie first annual inceHnsr lasl week, a dividend of eight ner cent was declared on shares after selling aside wMfli mm CATARRH el lh (BLADDER Lcrranic fttwrmttfcuunterfttt ;,.v. r A meal ins elecled officers Tor the year I A bridge ; jyew or ibe l.auailian is follows: I.Valional Uuilway iin.ler Ilugli Honorary llegenl Mrs. Alfred' Mr Lend is rejiairing Hie railway :',arss. . !iridge over Slimy C.reek and Upj;,.I Mrs. S. V. Cox. building a sidewalk IVoin the sla- l-'irsl VioCi-reg"1?!! Mrs. Fred: Hon to lhe Hoard ol Trade hall, iilh'uty. . Second Viee-j-egenl .Mrs. ()! Advert n the Hally News K. Rogers. -Secretary Mrs,.I, A. Tenp. WATER NOTICE. Treasurer Mi-s. II. I.. use and storage I T.UK MincK llut IsmU TIiiiIjiT Cii.. Irey. : - ' I.IihIumJ, wliiis adUres i 7 racirir r, Sm.r..l!irv Mm W ' Kullilinir. VaiiPnnviT, B.C. will apply Mr ilcl.ean. for six cent I -- f A i Hi . t il ' W I f it i H if r Shre esliildisli a sinking fund, eers or the forthcoming mi. t year were elected as follows: J'resi-lenl, I.. .1. Preston; vice-president, I. W. Imnulil: direilors, 'Dllo Hammond. Stephen Ihilmes land II. W. Haslaiu. I According' to Ilie aovernmeiil .'egisler at ilie local experimental Mrs. S. V. Cox Elected Regent For aj(1 u(, ,Wi4 , 0() Forthcoming Year ! iiches of siijiw so far this seu- :i lln-iirf lo like and uf ' ruliir li-K .i ... ......, t:t .,..A.ruiil . 'HI Wllirr nut ill piiiiwii a- : ., , .. i i Kducalional Secrelary .Mrs. luvcr. uiiuu tin .iuun'ri) and drain iiilu M.i-i-lt inlet, aimiil mm ami imp ; lull inllo itiMlerly rrimi limklcv ll, i H.U., I lu !liirilri-il,ilii will In' lor.Hert at Hip iinlll or Alii l.aki' or at a xiliil Ik1 ' I tuw li fa Id niitlrl. to li (li'liTiiilMPil ar i , ier niirvpy- huve hi'fn made. Tin1 raparlly r lln ifirnlr lit Im1 i-reaU'd l atwinl i."M. iirri' riel, and it will Hood ationt l.Kiiii ni-ve nt land. Tin1 walfi will Ih iluprlcil mxii tin Mrcain al a uint alHini 'ilii' kicallmi i,r lhe Aioravi -daiii, iiauiety . 1,111- Illi diiIIM i "I Alll UkP. Ami will ic ll.fil oteen tiecieo negeni, rn(. ,,ow,.r anfi iiMHiAirlni iimmih uhA For Forthcoming Year Uk- laml dPMIIlM'd JM l.iil 1437 or on l.ot III. Tin noiirn wat isihimi on tin around nu tin- 27111 day nr Fflimim . inAr- At.......' ..f Ihl. ....( .a twl ni, ni,,,ll Oneen Marv CIimiiIit. Iitmerial ratiou inniia'nt ihri-pin ami In lhe "vaicr . , i. i i V ,, ,. , iiihi." win i rn'd in n orrire nr Irder Daughters (if li' r.mpire, WalPr n,.rriffr at .r,ri. niTt. i:w iiiIiiiI ofrteiMw foe the ve:ir OIiJppIIoii to llm applli-atlnn may In- " Jllfd Willi llm nalfl Water llrrnnlr-r nr -Mrs. J'. II, wiin iue i jjini'iroiiei' nr vaiir iirni Cai'llanwnt liiillitinxi. Vlclnrla, ll.c.. I uilhin lliirly daya rtrr Uif riril iii)x-ar i awe ir till nritlrt! In a local newnpajwr. ' The dale i.r lhe first pnlitirnllon nr thh : imiIIc-p l Monday, March 2, 1 0 2 ."1 . MASSKTT TIM CO.. I, TP.. AtipNcanl. J. W. J?chnonovpr, Aym. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA in lhe Matter nr lhe AOmliilst rn llm) Art and I In Oih Mailer or the Krtate nr V. Wakl-i Innlo, lec(a.fd, InleKlalc. ' TAkt: MiTICr: hy Order fr III-lienor C. Mrll. YiJiinir, made the 12th lUy1, in ri-iiriiHi-, ivv,i, i ni npiinininii ,n-minUli iilor nr I hi- pmatc nf the lale Y. Waklinnto, dereaiH-d, . and all panic hnviiiK rlaiiiia analiHl Oi iiald ntale arc herehy rciinlreil lo furnlh mine, pm perly verirled lo me. on nr hemre Hint .il.iy nr March, lfl, and all parllea In Iclilcil to the anld cululp are rciinliTd to I'll .V lhe amount nr their Indchtednc.Ha In nm fnriluvuii, MIIIMN A. WATT. orrirlal AihnlnlAlriitor. I'rlnce lliiierl, II. C. baled Ihl ?ll dav or Ichrimry, mi IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Mailer fit lu AdinliilKlralinii An and , In the Matter r the llate nr William caniemii sim, jieceaeil, ImeKiaie ten oer ecu! of lhe el prnfils to , ViIWV v.,,V,V". Ztotto d'.v . t-- inr Kchriwr.v. A.n. I a r, . I wa appoinicil .Miiiiiumiraior ut lhe etlair nr .William rjiincroii Sim, ileream-il, and all purlieu havlnir rlalin airalnl lhe mild cttate. are liereliy rciinlred lo rnriilh name, nrn-perly veriflfd In inc. on nr hcrnre the .'iih day r March. A.O. Hiri, and all pnrlleii Indcliied In ihp eiate are rcnnlinl lo pay the amount nr their IndchicdneHa In me f'MlliwUli. XOIIMAN A. WATT, orriclal AdinlnMirnlor. I'rlnce liniierl, II C bated (lie UStli day or February, l25, And such a nourishing, satisfy, ing meal! A two dollar meat might not contain as much real nutriment. Heat two Shredded Wheat Biscuits In the oven to restore their crispness, pour hot milk over them, adding a little salt. A warm, strengthening meal that puts you on your toes for the day's work. Contains all the bran you need to stimulate bowel exercise. Most food for least money. The Cauadiau Shredded tYhrut fiimpanjr, Ltd. NUl.ri I'.IU, OaurU dded Wheat "Its MI in the Shreds" SALMON TROLLERS Mefore iiuliillinp il will pay von jfite; ' uu, Trolling icai'. W'e have a ucv line oi Salmon Hooks, Swivellg, Cuttyhunk and Gear o( jdl Viuds In nur slock von will- find every Hi m nr :.: Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware ot tM ami Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and I Ini- ll li s lor lhe boat we have il. Uoal- are lost every year by fire have n gut y Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We -ell them, (,all (did see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD, 710 Second Ave. 'Near Post Office) Family Shoe Store Uonic in and see the lalesl exclusive de : wear (or Spring, cunES, We are sole rifrciils for the ffltnoti- ONYX stiuw also MURRAY'S SHOES and oilier well kimw:i t:; Perfect Fit Guaranteed $5.00 and up. Phone 357. Third LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo biiiblinfr next door lo V'rizzell Hittcber Shop ' from the Kntpress Jlolel Ve carry n ftilUiiic; nf r(! CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIw SOCIAL ruum in wnntwiiw James Zarelli ProprieW Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Englnuers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Placksniltlis, makers, Foundirs, Woodworkers, ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING' Our plant js equipped to Jiinulp nil "klnJ f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38