is also with the parly. HOSPITAL BOARD TO BE ASKED JO. OPERATE Thi 1'rinco Hupert fienpral ,i ; I I t 1 - i.1 iiosppai .s!siici:iii(iu is in nr askeij ' Ift take over and operate, the isjDlal ion hospital which is now jbonmioled Vlirectly by Hie city. A report to1 tbisi effect, following a recommendation made by the. medical health officer', was Mibmitled by the finance committee and adopted at 1'iisl night'h council meeting. TOWING MERGER One; of the strongest luphoal combinations that has ever been organized on this coast has been formed by the merger at Vancouver of the West Coast Tow-ipg Co., Creer-Christie 2o, and fSHky.,Hr,os. iutp tlio lnlernalior-al Towing Co., Ltd. The new company will have: the lugs Manned, Moresby, Canada, Imbre-ciiria, Czar"ind Queen and will do lowing m ruget bound as well as locally on Iho coast. The ollleers of the company arc: Waller fSilkey, president; F Oilkey, managing director; J. II. Creer, vice-president, ami I), H Christie, secretary. MINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday; March 10 High I:ll a.m, 19.2 ft 1 .0 ; i I .j.m. 20.2 " Low 7:13 a.m. 0.5 " 20:0fi p.m. 3.0 " Wednesday, March 11 High ' 2: II a.m. 10.8 ft f U:IC p.m. 20.2 " Low ...... HMSt'.m- i7 " I ,. vj0:37 p.m. 3.2 " I Thursday, March 12 High -..i. ,2:40 a.m. 20.2 -J 11:5! p.m. 2(U Low .. 8:5 1 a.m. i.2 1:07 p.m. 3.6 Friday, March 13 lb ..JU '3:10 a.m., ,20.3 M5:2f) p.m.' 1..3 Low 9:31 a.m. V;f, 21:39 p.m. i.4 ft tt Ire. half as the centre half is standing away from the centre forward. The left back will be cover .vjkttev PACT! FOUR xTttfc DAILY NEVfS Tlll'Sil; BUSINESS IS ONJE MEND Vlce-Pr$ldent of Railway Sets Improvement and Says There Is Activity KlV wi.VNIPKi;, Mar. jo. rrfhere has been if lale'many -initlra-tions of improvement in business I timup'liniil Canada and there are- Veen observers who believe that';the general upward trend 1 .1. ...!,. ll.n' ll l- I f I t I H 1 ,1 1 1 1 I IIIIIJIIK ! year." Tim .speaker was W. l. Jtohb. vice-president of the Canadian. National llnilway in charge of euionization and development, radio' and other; departments," who arrived in Winnipeg yester day nuu-niii? for a ' brief stay before, proceeding; to the Pacific coast, "Kyidences of less timjdity in buying on the part of the gen eral public are now visible," said Mr. Hold), continuing his observations regarding trade conditions,: and he added, "wholesalers have recorded more active buying for the .luring trade, a nil; wilhrtut any radical departure from ' the policy of thrift which has been so generally adopted, il is quite clear that the general consumer is now coming into the market more frequently. This is due to several causes, such as a beljef that deflation has really run ilj course, heller prices for wheal and increasing faith in, the ability of Canada to successfully cope with all economic problems." Mr. Ho hi) spoke of many mailers in connection with his trip to the west and more particularly, with the relation to the radio activities with National system during his slay at 'the coast. Ar rangements will be completed for a broadcast ing station there, Which will be added to the chain, of nine stations how operating throughout Canada. lie. states that radio has now been defln ilely adopted as part- of the Can adian! National service, and BRINGING UP FATHER 1 MAGGIE WHY OOKT TOO A,tS DMJOHTER. J; VTOP ALL TH'? rooLH- Alt'-', rSPv Aa cic?.-' t- r- . .- . fa (MOTHER QOsKfeXlM'l 1 ) ing his companion. A good spot, is liehiniLtbe. nt.herjiack. aboil inn I'M)', L ''iii'nv 1 S : .. " Making "Throws In" Pay , Thus' jour semi-circle round the half "throwing in" is scientifically arramged for attack and defence. One half of the semi circle is filled by three forwards. This is the half nearer Hie op ponents! goal. -The other half is defensive, and is filled by your centre half and one full back. Like thist Oulside High! Inside Might , I'.eiil re Forward "Thrower In" Centre Half Ilight Hack Lert Hack The other members of the team inust keep outside this charmed circle. Otherwise, nobody knows where he is. Trapping the hall is iinporl-ahi al Ibis period, though .a pass straight out is the most dosir-atde result' of iv throw In. .VjPre- quently lite ball strikes a player on the chest, lie absolutely ne glects a chance to trap It by holding himself stiff. When the ILLt HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL Throws-in" and Trapping the Ball How to Head (By Andy" l)ucalf Manager (if Kulliani .Cluli,) (nopriiiion from "lirennoiK iirraiii .Many foams diisler nuiml haphazaril whe.n a "Throw-in" is fo lie lakon. This is wrong. There is a very'ilefinile spoi for.ench member of the leani., ,. f ioals art so freiienlly scored as Ihu rcsull of proper Ihrowipg in, that overy team should Ik fniinctl to lake iij.fhi most helpful places. When a hifh. hfdf is throwing in, Hie onlsjik1, right forward sfands close to llio foiich line Inwards Iho 'opponents' goal. Tin inside right stands between hint and centre forward. It fs a fallacy to assume that I lie ceil I re forward should stand square to the man Ihrowinig in. lie stands rather more Inwards the opponents' goal. No member of your side should stand square to the man throwing it. This spot is covered by the centre forward and the centre half. 'They both stand at equal dis tances away from H. they are not on top of eaclh other. The cpntre forward is towards the opponents' goal, and ' thci CPiiIre half is towards his own goal. Itoth backs come up for the throw-in. Where the right half 4i, J is throwing in, the right back ' iu U Will-circle just. .ItnnrtmnnL is takine nilvnhlafffl "an,, of every advance made and im-!hoHl. frtr W f'" the een- provojnent effected to make th wlrelrss system the most thor-oughjand tip-to-date on the enn-tinenj. Accompanying Mr. Hohb Is t)r, V. Jj lllack, director. Of-4'oloni- asahorr -development, anil ,. II SwiftjJr., director of colonization of Canadian llailways. .Mrs. Hobh If Hie hall hits your legs just aboxe the kiTec, bend quickly over il. This forces, it down and pre-venls it boiiueing upwards. Shul i) like a pen-knife. Itecnver an Upright jiositinii iiist.inlly. II is ilanigerous U have your head down in a crowd. When the ball comes knee high, take it with the inner side of your-boot. This is flatter than Hie oilier, and gives more control over the1 ball. . Too many players try to gel control oT every ball by using the side of the boot. This is fin when running, bill. -when you are standing still Ibere are al least M'ven ways of trapping a ball. Willi the Mill' or tbe hool is by no means the best of them Neat Ball Trapping The neatest and surest way is to apply the side of your fool flat lo'liie Jjall. AYJiciifyou want to stop I tie ball dead, you can put your fool flat on the lop of it.. Step on il, as il were. The more usual way is to place the bollom of the foot square up against the back or the front of the ball. I'u.'ling a square foot to (he ball wliil little way without speed. Trapping passes is so import ant a part of (lie game that il inighl lo be practised a lot more than it isThe above methods an ways of trapping while you are standing' si ill. When you', are running gelling control presents a real problem. Delays enable your opponents lo tackle. You ilon'l so much want to trap the ball as keep it away from yoirr oppoiienls. Here ability to use the side of the boot is essential. You jnliisl be able lo tis both sides of both feel. Taking . Running . Passes . "'ii'tfh'' l'raptheZba'llAyV'rari'H forward, mil of the reach of your nearest opponents. I'se the side of your foot to 4get it away at tall tills you on the chest, you ah angle that makes you cer- only have to draw hack "a paceitaln of gelling there first in the to find it in front of your feet, sprint for it When you stand stiff, the hall Heading the ball is an ail may bounce yards off you.. Lei that pan he acquired by private your c.liesl "give, however, and , practice. You can throw balls Ihe ball drop in front nf your un for yourself ami head them. ft. II is largely a mailer of gelling EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Its delicious taste and pure quality is only equalled by its high nutritive value. Writ, for EDIVAKDSBURG Ktdft Book. THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL who Akeo tor fouR A.OVICE.? YCJ IMtKin xtm w Own ooitsp- . lourii.iiiierii . 6-IS. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE THtt FAiu-sf A,to ir "YOU KCEP XOOP? MOOTH "sHOT-NOO'UL. ae oettck off- Crilibage games played night were as follows: L.O.L. beat Sons li'.-ll. Drydock vs. S.O.C.. F.Iks drew a bye. well under the ball. llalf-nnd-J half heading is very painful. You! might use a tennis ball while' you are training your eye to tell yon when you are directly underneath a dropping ball. If you cam head a tennis ball you can head a football. i, Your head simply must bit IJie.ball. Don'l let the hall bit your head. -II hurts. llesides hali you have no control over .he, hall if -you let it hit you alher than' positively strike it yourself. rep your bead lilted com-ilefely up. Never stoop. Your qiponents may have derided to ryilo kick the ball that you lave stooped to head. s C-t.4. 1A 4- f Work is progressing on Ihc building of tennis courts by tin! '.aiiJi'lian National Hailways Hum iloyees' Tehnis Club. The site is that across from the station .vhere last ,vear Ihe (Syro t'.luh tail, iulended stalling a skating rink. There will be two courl with foundation of cinders ami concrete surfaces. The cinder havo already been put down and the arrival of gravel and sain. .'nr the rpuerelejs being awail-d. ; II Is hoped' that the courts will; be ready for operation in about a months lime. Ibere it no doubt thai ' tlio - new courl willTlie. kept busy throughout tin niramer by Ihc people of tin railway ami their friends. The .'iimc is gaining in pojiubiril throughout the courts and al ready the Acropolis Courts art being worked Overtime. Ihe selection' nf the balls Ii be Used in the 'forthcoming cil in.1ivi.liml liillifit nl, n til ulrifi 1, i r. gives you romp ele codroLL u . , . . . ., . - T, -.1 , it' Vvllrttirnamrnl caused cousideraldt t st send ng the ball forward , . . .. ,,, ., , II II I'l I'lll ff- III fflllllllllll Willi 1111 esull that, when il was decided o use heavy balls, players of Ihe Prince Hupert Milliard Parlor headed by (leorge Mcllmoyle re fused lo enter leaving only Hit three entrants from Ihe Ureal Var Veteran's Association Col. Alc.Mordie, Sergeant Jehson and .'"red Pyle. Now it fs announced Jlial Ihe Milliard Parlor will hold U. tournament of its own using ihe lighter balls. Her! Morgan. who is in charge of the organi sation of the championship journamenL' K slill; In' -hojie thai it!)! the, ''fflyr-tl;i he ail SI. Andrew's heal Ihe Moose, IJ-13. i ' 102nil,llaltallon beat O.W.V.A., of Canada, postponed. Ten Years Ago j In PHnr.e Kupert J March, 10, 1915. Sir lUchard McMridc, Premier Of Brilisli .Columbia, announces I lint a general provincial olec- tfon will be held on April 10. The crisis of Ihe war has brought aboul. a number of situations on which Ihe govrrninenrdesirrs to consul! thi' neoolc. be says.- lie nxnecls that Ihe electors will manifest Jhelr unbounded con fidince in Ihe present, adininis trillion. The .hosfiilal board has deride lo wail on Hie city, council lo - quetit thai a special grant $10,000 be made'lo the hospital Civic ahars formed the chlof : POOV,DAsUVVTCR. ITS H. ROOM CRMhi'HER CYCti OOT ILt IjO AN' fOMrORT HER Wanted ForSale " For Rent j LOST H25 BY InT'L FrTiiBC Srnvice, Inc ,OST.On Third Avenue, home spun shopping ag. Phone 771 FOUND OUND. Munch nf keys on sled ring on Fourth Ave. West. Owner nan have sarno by iden- OUND. -Munch of keys on ring, including one C.N. II. switch key. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUND. Pair of woollen mills. News odlce. child's brown Apply Daily OI'ND. Pair child's fur (rim med kid milts. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUND. .0 d h roue h . ;'A pjd j t little ? Ynitfj. '. idiiio Vv ',-. OUND. Post ofTleo Daily News ollice. key. App BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTHD. A partner to lake an aclivo interest in a long es lablislied business. Kxcellenl pro.specis lor niaKlng money. For full, particulars write Mox 231 Daily News, Prince Ilu- perl, H.C. COLUMBIA HECORDS M'AN Process Columbia Records --no scratching. Finest, re produclions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed arlisls Call in and hear I hem. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Third Avenue. topic of discussion nl Ihe regular meeting of the Trades & Labor Council last night. The dis cusslon was vigorous. and Ihoroughand resullnl in Iho re signation of Aid. Nirhol as ore Hidenl of Ihe '.council. S. D.'Mae. dnnahl was elecled to succeed It i ii i. I be city council last nlghl adopted. a report from Ihe Hoard of Works recommending llml $125 be paid lo Helgerson Lid eovermg drtmage done to a buil. ing llirnugh the city's blasling loperalious. THlt) ltA FAMILY w-rrr I ROOFING By George McManuj, r oh: hcluo jm:k: tuR, , , AUTO R.10ET i - A I rs ;! FTPI Cirvjrr- ill v- H 111 t, IR. f . S f KLICKODD" Coaling. Tbe best coating for shingle, iron or paper roofs. It preserves the roof and stops the leaks. Also good for brick, concrete or stone w.'ills. Cheapest and besl. F.sliinales given. P.O. Ilox 1 1 . Phone t'J. MARINE TAXI SERVICE -AI'NCII "Oh Maby" at your ser vice day or night. Comrorl Safely Courtesy. If il's a water trip call Laurie Lamhly. Phones Itlai'k .115 or I'M. RADIOI RADIOI HK you interested in Radio sets or parts? I nan save you money. 2 lube sets complete with aerial, phones and batteries, installed, $55. Phone ' Red 707. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or (Just1 Prompt Service and Comfori Day or Nis'.t Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni- ure Store. We Uuy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 610. FURNITURE VK handle Ihe FAWCF.'BT guaranteed copper bearing Sleel Ranges and all grades of high grade furniture we PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers mi TIMBER SALE X 6928. Sriilrd Tonilrr will l n-rt-lcfil hy tl" MlnUlcr nf IjiikI". nl Vlrlniia. mil lnM-r ihiin ihkiii nn tlm and ilav nf Anrll. 105, fur tin' lilIM hiKf nf l.lirliif X HUSH, to rut i.s.'.ii.iioii ro'i or, n-miMk. and siTiirr oil nn ureii iMIiinl! nn llm liirt-ltl.iilmro iT Xa.VMn Inlet. Iliinitr If, Ouirt f.and I'l-trli'l. Twii (ii vonrs will lie allow eil for r iilovnl iif tlmlter. I'lirlhiT nnrl riilnrn nf tin- i;iilor Inrf iff. Vli-lnrlii. ll.C. i.r IHntrli-l I'lirmier, frniro mTi, ti.t:. TIMBER SALE X 6928. SchIpiI Trmlfrs will bo rpprlTPrt tiv Ihc Minister nf l.nnil. at Vlrtnrl.1, not later limn tKHin on the I Still day nr March, I0i&, rnr llin piirrhaup nr l.lwnr X (10iS, to rut t.yriil.noil feel nr Cellar. Hemlock, ll.ilniin nnil Spruce nn an area ullualpil nn Ihr nor I Ii Mmrc nr .Nnynnili Inlet, ItaiiKn 3, Const Land Iilstrlet. Two (ii year will Im allowcil for re-liinval nf llnilier. riiriwr imrlieiiiarn nr ihc Liner fnre- ler, Vlelorlil, ll.C, nr lilnlrlrl Koinfler, I'rlnc ltii.fft, M.o. TIMBER SALE XC811. There will lie nfrercil rnr x.ile nl Pull- Ik Aiii'tlnn. st noon on Urn I Kill il.ty of Mnrrh, 10!), In the nrrirr. nr the fnri'M Haimer, llazellon, ll.C, the Licence XCs 1 1 . In rut yiMl.lino lineal feel nr I'iiIpk ami n:l,on(i,llcniloi k and Jarkplne Ties nn .in aim adjoining innii aiiuaieu north nr llaiellon, casslar t.jtixl Dlslilct. Three (, yenr.1 will he allnweil Tor removal nr tiinher. "I'rovhleil any ntm uiml.ln to attend lti aiirimn in prrsnn may tniimiit a xealed tender' lo Im npeiiod'ai ihe liniir of aiic linn und trfiitTil a 'nne ' lild." " Fiil ther.liarUciUauAr.tliu XtilcJ. Furrfe ler. Vieirlii, fl.c. or IMstrlri I'rirester, Prlnee Itnpert, H.C TIMBER SALE X6103. Sealed Tender will lie rerelved by the DIMrlri rnrester tint later lhan ihniii nn llw Ulh day nr Mareh. js, ror Ihe purrhane or l.lrenr XdlOU, l.nt l&Trt, wem hnre nr Maxell Inlet, Ouern Charlotte l.lanit tilftrlrt, io rut ROrt.770 jjoanr feet nr spruce. Cedar, and lletn-lock SAwloft. on (l) year will be allowed for tiinher. Fiirther tiartlclilars or the r.liler Fores- Prince If.1"- Y"'.,.f,rla'. f. ollle ""trlrl Fnresler, Hupert, H.C. 1 aav ilk nu ir " .ii f. ' Grval ftnlatA fhu ' f I'O DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2cfper word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c MALE HELP WANTED HF.I.IA1II.K Men Kverwli.-re to handle free sample and almanac house lo house distributing at good pay. No selling. Outdoor work. Kxperience unnecessary. Write Today for contract eifclosing stamps. Hurry. Standard Company, 21121 Coil land Street, Chicago. Illinois. FOR SALE IT)H SALK. Singer Sewing Machine, nearly now, $50.00 Walker's Music Slore. 57 l-'OH SALK. Sinyer Sewing machine, $20.00. Apply P. I.e Claire, Seal Cove. til AUCTION SALE U'CTION SAL I-:. An auction sale will be held al house next lo Mussallem's store on ITflh Avenue, Cast, on Wednesday, March 1 1 al 2.:i0 p.m. consisting of dining la hie, Morris chair, armchair, sofa, table, healer, beds, dressing table, bureaux, carpels, hooks, crockery, gasoline lamps, etc. I'hilpnll, Kvill .V Co., Ltd.. Auctioneers. 58 BOARD HOARD. The Second Avenue. Inlander. 830 I'lionn 1.17. HOARD. Tabic boarders, home cooking. Phone lied 707. t I Article LojtlBrl Found,4c MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Monday-. ..: . urdays, el.. . - u Front the East Monday . Friday-. iu To Vancouvar Tuesdays Mail i:lo- Saturdays Fridays. C.P.R. M,,lr , ! i-rom Vancouver Sundays Wednesday- Thursday- C.P.R. M.i'.- ', I llh Ave. Ave. I Hit Ave. rilh Vvo, fi r.'iiii ail Hays v 'it U'lSi 1 Ave tith' Ave. Si Hay- v? Circle 8th Cotton 5lh Avc.iS. MrBi uI si Pro. (iOV. Midi: Prov. (lov. V ,ir O.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. & ?n.t s 3rd Ave. i Fin an s 3rd We fi fif- i-l'i M JU-..U io Mnyox, Miice mitti. 3if. and Premiei" Wednesday- 1 1 ' ?J Sunday- ' U From Anyox. Alice Arm, Jutl and Premier Tuesdays ' U Fridays : ' (To Port Simpson and .NaisHit Points- Siuid,i- River Polnts Tueil.i To Alaska Points Marcii j. in a From Alaska Points Marcliix To Queon Charlotte Island w Maii li i From Queen CharlotU w :i. i nv xnl I Cn nO'J ttrHiinm ,vi 1st 'Ave. KuV lib Ave. A t i Sth Ave. & i'tiniM 81 .t Shrrli: COAST LAND DIITWflj nniiun nifiTRICT DISTRICT ori"" REOARDINQ TAKR MiTICK t! Iletl. of Van- ' and Paper M;i0', ror a iea' " 1 land, in ' "-1 11 rmvinrn or iwi. waler lot on the. v. lei, more parti lows: Oiiimu-nciiiK ii 1 tide line on tin Inlet illsiam - 'i" from the smith' i)onl litstroi. Udeif.K.. a iiiai" lean, lo Un ' l.nt I ino; then" ' the MJUIli a distance of ..- 1 rnriMT or said 1 the hUh tide lln 7,000 rt.. mi l' ' ' rnminenremeiil, nr lea, ,, Jaiino, I'ACH I l JAM' S( LAND ACT. Nolle or Inttnllonw In Skeena I ' l liermdlnK l'1 Itlnml I" JksuIIi of faik'i TAki: NoTli.r. II' f.r iiiirnahv. II-1 i UK; It 1 1 I 1 " u 4 i It I) ii II li W (I 1.1 ii if I'l je ' 5 ,1 M ,r,'i.':45 l-l'l J t w , ni'iiM .".i"' ,, pi! Inlends to app'1 1 ' ,, 1 ,i.i !(", rhano t,he rolloun- cnmiiienrlnn ;'', " 1 , i - V,T raiterly end "' I"' i-unis-' diateiy Koiiiii or - ' , ,.,, ,g44 belnr Plan ed .it l ' ,, .H , J mid Island, aii'i 1 ,.,,,1, ! ' jrf Inland. Tin- -nik' u'U ' 1 ' illrerlly tmulli i .-...j ii, nniiil of . l """".nil. ,kl, f 1 Mini to tfot T!:' ".!;! ",;V talntnt- 300 iw- Datd Jinuan t,--:j ! I a in