NAf V 1 3l2-JB CUT PLUG ways J Manufactured by ImpcrUI Tobacco Company ot Canada, Limited SPECIALS! SPECIALS! in lONE POUND PACKAGE CLOVER LINEN NOTEPAPER (AND BO CLOVER LINEN ENVELOPES S'i,; Special 50c tne Writing Pad s V2 1 1 - ruled or plain ln sheets H' Uii ipinbly paper and !!." I.nvclupes. licguiar j ni !. Spei-,al ,. . . , 25c Ine Box Canadian Parchment Notepapcr ;Ti slieeU paper J)bi il- m . 'Iip -. Ilogular pi i' f "Tie. Special ..50c in' big value fur vmir money, here is your , " !' hi a stork ami make a lug -aviiitf. FISHERMEN! Ji'h 'jut iiiir l-'ir-l Aid In uin.l see Ihat it i roin- I' l'' Here '.ire some of lite limits sou should havu on win hemic oii ii i L In sea: 'UUINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK l iit imp Personal Kit von vvdl nl - need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH S0AP TOOTE PASTE CQMB TOOTH BRUSH 1 ii'i" applies from ii- iiihI lie -mi' of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Drnnrllet c Thn Roy nil Rtnrn h,ird Avenuo Phones 82 and 200 Ask fop a Tido Book for 1025. They are Free. j. i - a. a - Vj nifrii-im a YTH V Washer SJ anH I irvpr UI1U A J w a Has tin Wringer, n I- nunc Won (Inhl isl . 1 1 1 I n' F hihtl him over iill lllil (iii,"Ii in Machines. v ..i -n Pi-ice rrice i ua.uu: also sum mi irnis. K-aien Hardware Co. RAW FTTRS H w- a. u7 at'm tm W SiMuCr,1." '"'i.itHl.ltls.iile CASH prices "U l-l l,.S, lol Wiiiil 'llu-lll III f "P'l deceiving Offico:122E-6 Standard Bank Bldg., .. m tj I,,, "ancouver, u.u. tml """" H.K.II. ,K., iit-fil (,,i,ise HI., Winnipeg. tMIIII. , Ilicorpoiwled I!)." 1M2. Undertakers. Vhono 41 Ladies' Sport Sweaters Mm Urnliliiiau'B. Vou'll like our joal! CotiHum 'ft&l'iliUo, Phone 7. -Vp '! servfeii ieji day day a Artliui next and nilit ' ' INflOUKCEVENTS ' Knights nf Pvlbias whist drive and ilanee Mai. Ii .Musical' evening in Haptis! Iiiurli, Miirch 20, to 8 p. in. tf Calbolle Soring Sale, after noon or April '.'il. Aletroiiole llnll followed by social evening. Weekly Cinderella Dance. Sal- iirday night. I 'Iks. Home. 50c. HEART WAS WEAK NERVES ALL GONE Ml.-. J. II. (lliilli-iihiMk, l;i.j ell.m.l Avi'iiui', St. Uutliiii'liii'.i, Out., wrllcs: "I whs In u Kn ' l ii-Oh i ; It-f t iihi Willi H weak ln'iirl, and my ncrvca writ u'll irmic. I Mirrnril everyllUuK'; tuiililu'l lei'i I'liilui'i' iiny i-xrlli'iiii'iit, uiul whi n lefl hImiiv I frit an ir.l i'iiiiUI wi'Jiii.. I t..k ilii.y sfclls, uTIi'ii r.itllnir "nil liiiiMnir Miysrlf. My iiidIIiuI' lr.ul alniut .unit' Mlllitjrii'K lli'urt uiul Mt-rvt! and IhhikIiI mi' luiv, lull liaviuif lukcii n IIIHII.V iiirriTint kimu i.r niciiu'iiiu it jut jidiiicil Unit I iliil iml liiiv'i! any I'oiiriilcncit In iiny nr tin-in. I liHik. liih bu or II. & y rin', ami rrit mi iniicii iii-tiiT i (i hi - tlimt'd with tlii'iil until I liiul. ii:'d rivn I'kiM-k, anil n III)' 1 hud lukeli llii'in I ilhl imi ihtiI iiny liini'p. I iiiimnt I'IiiIm., or ni'iuiiiiii'iiil, .MIIImiiii'k tit art ami Nci'vo I' t tl tim IdKlily arnr all, llicy havu tlonu fill' inc.' ' Cut iii mily by The T. Mllhuin Cu.. Lliullrd, Tiiinnii., Out. amouni was grartleil lasi. year. and the Army had asked for an increase to lini, ' A (e!lir r?jii . 8!riuec . llu-perl Club giving luilicc thai lb' eluh had ihviihvJi.liok; to proceed with the proposition for Ihe re moval ol rock iroin it-premises and that, a far as Hie eluh was concerned. negolialions might he considered closed was receiv-eii and filed at Ihe nu'cling of Ihe city council last night. CANADIAN AUTHOR TO VISIT NEAR WINNIPEG WINMPFO. Mai. in. - Miss Martha Oslcnso. who won a .St;i,- 511(1 prie ln-l tall lor her first novel will this sprung visit iu Winnipeg ami in northern iwnn-i Heading. Mr. Hardy. Violin duel. Miss and F Meeker. Solo, Mrs Smith. Ilenilatiou, 11. Turner, After the program a few favor He hymns were sung and re i freshmen In were served. lint And iloha, where lie uthercd Ihejlig material Uiul wetil into her tiovel, "ITi! Passionate Flighl." For the preaenl M,wti .Osteitw is making Iter home, in New yYirk Where she It an a tvli ill, Ibe heart of" the .wcJltr' Huolioa, 'reenwitjli Village, uud is loy vvi'ltUtg" sUprl nlocMtf; some of wliiru ileal with inenls of her life in Camilla. Atoo 4il.eiiHo will viMt V Mippeg and Ajje lake Hh-'ricl ti.orifi of V Hjiiiipeg this spring, wliCi'e slie. liope to gather more malerliil far n hook which she has platpied, but not yet slarled. Later she will go abroad lo study and write. Thei Nalional Acudeniy next winter will contain a portrait of the young authoress, which is being iiainleil by Henry llensche, wiu-i tier of Hie recent Pulitzer prize SUNSHINE CONCERT HELD LAST NIGHT There was a good turnout al Ihe Sunshine concert ul the Salvation Army Hall Inst' nighl. . The program was as follows: Vocal solo. "Jesus is All Ihe World lo Me." Mr. Minimi. Aeroi'iliou solo. J. McAuley. Iterilalion, Mis A. Smith. Mandolin solo, (!. Cnilwnlladcr. Piano selection, Miss Klva Muiulord. their feel are lost in Ihe shadows wel with the dews of night. II-' I had hecn , writing about spring I should have made il run something like this: My snug shall he of the streamlet; Of Ihe molorhoal's "lull, put." The INhing pole rouses my ardor As I lie a fly lo the gut. IF Oeorge saying it. he forth with: My soil;,' shall he Of Ihe lartresl Hryan! had been would have bursl ,'iu. 1 1; temperature, of Khlnila trout iu lako or a hursling angler's And Ihe 'catch I make. basket intend WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Ihe lo Till', editor would have had a kodak Iuu from his shoulder as he warbled: Keep still right there a moment While I ipiickly take a snap: To blazes with your hurry; Look pleasant now, straighten your cap. I llA.Mv heaven the ice cream season is 'coming again soon Wc shall need Mimelhiiig l clieer us il t lie parsons go on lelliiiL' us how had we are. KKillV ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; barometer, "til. Ill; temperature, IK); sea snioolh; II p.m. spoke steamer (IrilTco Icf I'riuce Ituperl al II j.m. hound for Anyox; 1 1 :'.'U p.m. spok" steamer Alameda, discharging at Kelchikau, iiorlhhouuil. di:ai) tiu:f. POINT. ar. hi snulheasl wind: haromeler, IK; sea snioolh. HILL HAItMOll.- Cle.jr, calm; hariuiieler, '1(1.17; temperature, .'III; sea smooth; H p.m. spoke lug Cape Sri it t abeam (ialc Point hound for Vow el I Itiver; H p.m. spoke niolorshiji Oregon. I.atly- smilli for Ketchikan, i'Oi bom Ketchikan. Noon liKiMY ISLAM barometer, Mn.;il miles -Clear, calmr temperature. 1 1 ; sea snioolh. l)i:.D TltKi: POINT. - Clear, calm; haromeler, Dtlilti; leiuper-alure, 17; sea snioolh. IUT.L HAItllOll. Clear, light soulheasl wind; barometer, :in.-1(1; lemperalure 17; sea snioolh; '.) a.m. spoke lug Pacific Monarch towing barge lliiiganion in Schooner 1'ass bound for Itivers Intel. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert II. Knox, Vancouver; 11. Cloul-ier, eily. IN IN PROBATE. THE 8UPREWE COURT OF DRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill till' Mutter lL the AdliilulaU'tttluli and Art: Iu tin- .Mailer ur the I sliile ur Jean t.uuer. iei'aed. Inlentiili;. , , . TAkt: .Miilcl; that b) Oidef(ir III." Honor 1. Melt. Viiiiiiir. iniiile the IVXli day nf t'elifiiai'V. A.O. IV'.'.".. I v:is apiiulnlud Aillol ills t r lte nr the estate i.f the laid i " r i Jean l.aiier. deeeimed. and all parties luiv- iMliuiiOIU illlr elaiins aitalnsl thn Maid rmale are heli'Uy i'i'iiiliiMl Iu name tn me. in'tiperly veririml. mi nr before the Slut day ur Marrh, I n - :. . and all parties Indebted In the, ald estate are ii'Hiilicil to iay the ainunnt nr tle'lr liuleblednesM to me rirthwUli. MiliMAX A.. WATT. Or Tie hi I Aihiilidslratur, I'rliiee tlupeii, It.r. ,1'uteil ltd.- i 1st day vt Ivbruaiy, 18 Ji. PAGE THREB Local and Personal The Man in the Moon Cheese Taxi. Pluini) C1. SLand. lilks' lloiue. tl Women of MooMi'lieart l.eion Hfiumroek Tea and Sale of Home taiokniM, Ited Uiosm Hut, Tuesday, March 17. X7 Aeeounl- for "Up ,yenk endiniK March 0 totalling S( I L'. i'.l.lMi I were iiiismi'iI I'm- juiyiiienl ul I lie meelicg of Uie cily eouneil las! niit. - Jlr. ami Mm. F. W. Iln:l sniliHg hnii(rtl an tt'e Prim- M .. . ' ' t Ullllv Mie inpecl will lake lliem us -i hi Mi uk Tin Juaiia. ire .on u I)o i HI ay trio wide ar. A. I. Wnrrcn, general man.-i aer of wc-hUm-h line for tin Daiiiulian .National Itailways. i-cxpecicil licre idiortly. lie i-x l . f ' li 1 1 1 1 1 H a limillli till (lie eua-l. having -arrived in Vancouver la-! week. Vaheoiiver liund and t'rince Itujierl dividjoiiH receive hi special, . attention on thi-trip. On rcconiiiieiiilalion of Mi" finance ciuiiinillee. the cily council decided to py the fnl-lowiu iii-eoiililK atrainsl the Sloan fiinisc which was huili under ' I he Soldier' llou.Mnu Scheme and which laler reserlcd lo the cily: Mileheil i Currie, :in?: .1. A. Curlih, 15; 1'arkii iV Ward, 07. The city roiipeil lal niuh! ailoiled a report from the fi-itnncc eommillce recommending that three inchc double coin mi. of oacc lie taken in the iue of l.lnyd' Shiiiing l.i-l of Apnil 'J. when thi coartl will he particularly ileall with. The cost will lie l'.'l and I he adverl iemenl will I' written hy Ihe eily clerk and cily treurer. IteporliiiK for the period lie- Iweeii .laiiu.iiy 2 and l'ehruary J. '. Kxley, janilor of (he Cily Hall, reimrled lo the council last nijilil that Ihe ojieralihn the healing system hy oil in t of the Hall had cost l.Ui per day whereas, hv usinft eiwl, II would have cost (i.(io. A saving of i!.M' per day was thus' shown The report was on hired v filed. The cily council last nighl adopted a report from the I loan I iit Work reconnuemlilig dial the following water mains he laid this year: 1 inch main on (imno.v Avenue west of Might li Avenue al a cost or 1 50(1; six-inch main on Fourth Avenue from .Mellrjde Street lo (Jreen Striic! and on (Ireeii Street ' lo Fiflli' Avenue, ?l,rnii; sis-ineli eon-ueeiion to elevator from Seemul Avenue in Weslview, flauu. . 7ie Secret oP Succcssfid Baking . s. Hie Cups each. consists very largely of choosing a baking der whose ,It-avcn!nir (jualitk arc uniformly reliable Mack JJAlsuw Powder U the powdwthiit never failB you. Thi.-, i . the reason why it i.i li; far the most piipnhii powder in 1 anada. WDER J'eai'i'e is . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lailu- (onighl i"i Vancouver. .Mi'l lioilisl Chui'i-h liampiel, Thursday, March 11' al O.n p.m. Oeiuiy Allen (To.'s March sale, .lust in fancy deenraled China and Saucers 15c and '5e 50 Women's Hospital Auxiliary HalTiidii lea ami Sale of Nome Cooking;, also 'Candy, Nurses Home, lomorruw, March II, J to 0 p.m. On motion of Aid. and Aid. Slejilgois, Ihe eil decided last nighl giant of $51) this yi Salvation Army. Mc.Mordie eily coun-lo make n ar to the V similar Till; prairie farmers want Home nice Old Country v.U to marry them and do free work in rookhiKt hoMcclcaiii.ii?, eliorin;. and a few other things around the farm. That should he much heller Hutu hirint; help, t mt II' Ihe jiresenl .rise in fih (.'tie on, it should coon ho too high lo uit local housewives. A LOCAL wil telephoned a l.hiiiee restaurant lo know if Ihey had any dry fish. OH he-iu informed they had, he su---Kesled they give il a drink. I III'. I.asl is always frying lo hot' lliiii.'. Hvn the, earthquake dnl mil gel west of Ontario. SAM Sloutsh savs there is niiiit.' dash and kh in Ihe world today Ihuii ever hi-Tore, hut eo-ple lie not know where they are da-!iin and going lo. TAI.KINO alimii spring poetry iii'i" i- what a man uanieil Henley once wrote: .My snags are now of the sunset: Their liniws are . Touched wilh light . i . Easily Made I . ISH Kraft Cheese Roast is easy to make some Kraft, kidney beans', bread crumbs, an onion, a spoonful of butter and Ecf soning. With tomato sauce poured over its tempting brown crust it's irresistible ! Nourishing, too. a better body builder than meat. For this recipe and sixty others mail coupon to-day. KRAFT-MacLAREN CHEESE CO. LIMITED. MONTREAL T Book. Ruilding Materials LUMBER 'lliuit iisioii. Khipbp and Fmislnug, Shingles, Lath. Mouldings, Oak, Fir and Cntlonwood 51 Ply Veiietu-s, Sash ami Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keene's Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hum Hie Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 GET IT AT! Ina mxwwi PHONE 586 (Tilt ORICINALl DollleJ nd iarKlrrd by William Cfnt ( Son Limited. ClcntidJick mnA (Ulvnit.Clciill OulJknu. Dull-lwn4i.GIJtaw. Scotland. HIGH CLASS -GROCERS BULK COCOA 2 los. for 25c (now sloek) Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUG Day Phones 423 ,539 Gr. 601 Black 735 B O A T S mm Rupert Marine Night Phones 687 K3A Products Ltd. B c?.k S2? "rr N,r T0SICHr' i j Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HICIILAND MALT This advertisement Is not published or displayed bj the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. - , i tm