d. l.iiM'i aim .Major uvvitni ugatusi. iiic engineer u 1 1 1 1 uir . wii iTiirlii'd wlii'M .Mil- t.;iey iimveil iinil Aid. I,!iicii tt Ik I... II .1. - t ... I: I I I i.iiili'i) MliU ,M I'l'iirMiii lie K'M M I ii ii I iiu.t iiinirr mill uiiii I NY SF.TTI.ERS niiiiii i i i a a it a II. Y N.I. ANA A Jobs for Five Thousand by Soldier soiuomeni Board - ii iii iiu.' ill I in fill :!k. :i. ' I on faiiiilii's In Mltci iii undiT I he vt In' Koldicr Scllli--ii itml t In- Immisrnlioii ar,. in I'i'ai'li lirri' on ' ;iin tin' llrilMi lli'. I'd hi in-iiir-' all lutd. -".'in, r - in IH.IMKI M'l'MollH. iiii in iolis ri'iuly. for i in Mil- fainilh" !-"Vfi and farm liuild-rr ilicin lo ocriijty," S W'fiiiil.i, Mip ir Hip (Uilaavy :i' Soldier f-rlllriuciil Kl II I I V IIIIItT UUtVll X 1 I'll 1 irvii iiaj ii irvJ i n v C oum to hn Snont In thn Placo MONTOX M;,r. til. 'Ed '" I'Iiiiiiiiiii-' to spend liiiiiRiuni dollars in Iwo - : pulilicily. Al a ineel-"r li iiiiimi or hade it li'cldril Iti nl once eommeiiee a fnii, liy i.nhlie. sub. ''"'ii aii'l already several " pi iinlsed $1,000 each III (lie M'lirlllC. "' piuii r campaign is In 1 ' In Ilic central and mid i Mine- wiili a view lo "un," farm selllers bir Hu " v iifiiiind Kdmonlon and II I C I i.in,il,,l ... i ' "'.. in,; I rial reiihe MKIi UK Dei rcr nv as A US. FEDERAL JUDGE Ham Bah I -o,vJ -wiiw HUUMOU tor r'i or Hoaboas Corpus Is Hold Fop i i i.i Mac in v.. ..ii ' 1 1?" COIIlOS ' fil... I in Vi ""ii me rnhl , "ii nisi ncceinlier " iieiiiei ,v r,.ii,.,.l '... in ....lOt .- "VI I'l'lOlOMLT . iiniini it.ti i . . "KU'.v. Willi miner in iv ir r.,un,i.t i i , ..,i, JUII ii ii- iii. 1. 1 r i. t... cMriiuiiinr I he cily advertise fur a successor to hini. This million which was presented in the form of an aiueuilineul failed lo receive Hit; support of Hie council, however, only Hie mover ami seconder olini-' fur il. The whole mailer, which en (riiKed I In couiiiil in a dUcussiuu which I.ihIciI for inure than an hour and a half, was preeipilab-d on Hie receipt or Hie followm;; leUiT. fruin-it' ".Mavm- noil Alderman, Oily Hall. - Jenlleineu: The rnllowiuif i a copy (if 'I wrilleii order viveu lo me al the ini'i'liitlf of Hie Hoard (if. Works, held Tliursday evening. .March 5. Th" Hoard of works inslnuils the Cily Engineer lo enaiif W . II. Sherman and I'hil McHoitald as slrawbosses, one oT lhese lo replace .las. Cochrane, present slrawliiss on work at lloolh Sch onl. Resents Interference This order was given' after one of I he many k-nglhy discussions regarding Hie engagement of-biilli laborer' ami slrawbos ses, in which I maintain Unit il . .w ln.1.1 resoolisihlc fur Hie Since 'oiitlllg here iwo ye.iinj ago, I have been garnering iu- .I i ....iiit.-iI siinervision of ' I1"11" shown parlieular apiuuue nn this class of work and for Hien ability lo . handle men- Hoard of Works bus insiriicicn . . i i .. . i . ...i ..... ,1 1 Hie In llisliliss .ias. i.i.. iii.iM-, could not see Iheir way lo go all Hie dislance wilh the Progressives, sometime. perhaps only a shorl distance, al all events Ihe Is one of my mosi euicn'in -","-;(rreated bosses, and lor no apii.n i i (;im reason wlialever. n,, in k on l he ciMinlriic-liun of Mm1 teiniiii.tl grain cli'valdi- at I lie intiutli Murmi I'.ri'i'k is now gcl- lillj.' Hill) flill Mllilll' mini KKDil liroyri'ss is' ri'inirl-i'il. A ilmilili- .tliifl is 1m1-infi cnijiliiycil in lninvriiir Ilic travel and sand acrosfi lite liarliur from.. Mi.1 Nirlioll I'.ivck and, yim- li'lil.l). a ilnlllili'. Mlilfl wan muI mi the tidi-waii-r fxcavalion. ' Hon. Ccorgo P. Graham, Minis, tcr of Railways, Tells Why They Vote For King Now to Play at Winnipeg Next Stage of Allan Cup 'Socles gelher ami perreelmg am oi -a . ,. (M nH. IH,vt stage Izaliun which- woiiui give Alliin Cup series. , pic or Ibis cily full value joi every dollar expended. My work peaks Tor il-fir. imriug nirs..' 1 . . til... f 1 Iwo years I enjoyed ine ilence ami eo-operaliuu ol eacn council ami I am prepared lo slake my professional reputa tion on Ihe work nrroinpnsueu. and challenge comparison of cosl wilh any oilier eilie of Wesleni Ciinatla, under siniiiai roii.lilions, bul if council is going In force me lo engage any man whose only iiualifiea-lion is Hint or "obi linier." properly holder," or being "marl-led,"' 1 can only say thai I will l. iniiiliti. to assume the respnn- sihilily of Ihe cost. I have at nil limes been ready and eager (continued on page five) , i 1 ; 1 :i -! i ' : PROGRESSIVES ARE LIBERAL i M T. A. .Mar. 10. Iii a siieecli in the House of hiiiiiidiis lion. . I', (irahain. iniiiisli;r rallwas, spoke of the leifdeney on the nail of I'rustreai'iww to sdppiirl Hie Liberals Tu thci IlllllrtO. . '. ., T .lHKiJCttrJ..j,. . JlUMfrJrfrKil2P('slh.if"hnitwti-r made," said .Mr. (irahum, "thatj In VAXCUl' VEIL Mar. 10. The j r.oleniair Senators, the amaleur : hockev champions of Alberta, FRENCH EXCURSION Ihe mem AGAIN THIS YEAR uoverninenl went furlher than; the lion, gentlemen opposite. Special Train Will Carry Party and conse.pieiilly ir Ihe Progress, 1q West 0yep Na,,ona sives voted at all Ibey - woublj "cs have lo support those who eanie nearer lo Iheir ideals. I do not, see how a Progressive could g0; MOXTHKAL, Mar. 10. Me- and ask Progressive eleel-1 cause ol ine success wioru ias- Iheir stumor f he had -year aiieniie.i ours mh.'i dm nvlhiiiK else. COLEMAN WINS HOCKEY MATCH!; as "La Liaison I'rancaise" llev. I'alher J. A. Ouellellc director or the Missionaiy Colonizers ami organizer of lhese study trips has decided lo conduct a similar xeursion Ibis year for the bene fit of such individuals as are interested In a survey of the col onization work being carried on in the west. As was Ihe case last year Ihe various points on a special train over Ihe lines of ihe Canadian Xalioual llailways, arraiigeineiil.s Ho this end have been ellecieii llnsslaiul, the .Hrilisdiuiiroush the a hockey champions, in 'colonization second game by H lo I, there co-operalioii of the and development Meoarlmciil of thai company and by winning Ihe round by 1.1 o..,y ie intermediary of C. Price r.oleiiiaii now plays in W mnl-(jTeii, or ONE CAR OF HALIBUT SOLD HERE TODAY AT MUCH BETTER PRICES (Inly one car load of fish was sold at I lie. exchange loday and Hie price is back lo normal, Ihe highest paid being l5.U0e. All were purchased by Ihe Canadian' Fish Cold Storage Co, The following were Ihe salest Amerloan Superior, 1 1,000 lbs.,, at 15.00c and Sc.. Canadian Trump, 1,000 lbs., ul ll)o ami (l.r.Oe, Nautilus, 5..000, al:13ivuud Jc. commissioner, ,l,c eollahoraliu nucllelle in (our. with Ihe plans EFFORT TO SETTLE who is Father for the NOVA SCOTIA STRIKE SYONKY. Mar. lo. In an ef fort lo scllle Ihe miners' strike ... bv negotiations. Hie Empire Steel Corporation offered lo Withdraw the leu per cent wage decrease demand submitted lo Xielt Murchie is sailing louiglil for Vaneoiiver where he will al lend Ihe funeral of'Jils brolher, Archibald Miirelifjv'.Vwho was killed in' a IragioilmbUup ulTalr in Chicago last salgrday. , TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with nrwly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding nwwhara at Anytlms. . Hotel. 3rd Ava. parties. PRINCE RUPERT For rat"s, apply to Boston and vin ok. drill, Third Ave. VIDECK, Ppod. mitt Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 657. 16 1-.. . . I il I 1 Ul , XV NO. 38- mo Libra . PRINCE Ilbl'KItT, ILII, TL ESDAY, MAItUU 10, 10525. ViiUrdir'i Circulation 1613 (trut KtlM, 472. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ...... -ir "t ii,.,r: fi. . vm -t . , , ii i " Jirni 1 i w m m i i ii i uxvmxux TfiMD k niermTDcn iM rrvDT umvnuiij ivitiu u mjuTLiLU 111 LUiri OiniFR FTTIPMPNT ROAPD IQ R&INfW MANV CPTTIPDC TCI PAMAnA ctwn or Dtieineer is Upheld by City Council at Meeting last night nu .. r ar r i a.iasaa . - a a m m ICIII1UII w"wwr w ww .wfit.vwu. w w w w 6uf Fais fo get Support; Talk of Resignation Sli; i ji differences of opinion arose nl last night's, council i. ..i, .'...in ,i it. iti i ii i Mj.fiimii nv i.mmi.v mr i,iii ii.'iiiii l"l' ."..,,,- ,. v.... ........ the 'tli' engineer other as lo lire nn'l Imms being ciu- i-il I'1 lir I'lly engineer ill the engaging mnl placing of iim'H lie nnl-nle woik of Ihe public works dcparliiicnl. Some ..I ....,., ..,..1 !, ti I , , I 1 1 it ., 1-.. , -, t'L c -.,... . I. ...... I ... I ELEVATOR WORK IS IN FULL STRIDE 0 I ml cr When IviiiK Till - loinli vu reopened rccenlly by Howard Carler. Ilns holograph was taken showing the henv wooden galesi being unlocked and reinoveil from Sell's loinb, which is used as n l.jboralorv Arrests Made in Connection with Winnepeg Coal Scandal Charge of Fraud is Preffered llie I'tdwive party nas lavor-; WJXMPKIi, .March 10. - (ierufd II. .Melons find l-Ved ed ll.is Kowrmiieiil. Well, real y j. .jj, officials of Hie Canadian Coal Sales Company, fleorge ll,ul" Edwards, duel fireman ol Tuxedo barracks, and .Serjeant C. J. heli II. and I mn in earnest m simp-oii, who checked Die coal as re.'eied, were arresbyl last thai. The pioffieivc. ineasure.'4llifrll , ifl.gcd Willi fraud anil false preteices in coniiei-liuii or litis Kuverniiienl, Humph eall..wj(h s,,. f ,.oiJ, lo -Vi.rK.nt. A lloal Cunilhission ed Liberal, are still progressive.' m.,.Mlv ii,jmj into the sales. ra ffreai inany-oi mem, aim ui- llioiif,'!! on occasions (he Liberal aoxerninenl and its supporters "... . . . I itfn Tin1 I i I l . . . i . I mil in mini-1 "' - " ' llie W(ii i K""" ' tiered by the interference or any member members of Hie ouneil us'lii Hie personnel ol my urgauiaiiou. The issuing of ibis oruer is limdly opposed ami very u"- morali.iiig I" my "u'iii 01 making nppoinliiicnls. I have iilwavs chosen my slrawbosses 9 t - l r......i iii.. uoi'kinen wiio nave :i icMeves was released on vsiMi.OiHi bail and Anions and Iwo others sUi.llUli eaih. ! OR. SIMEON IS NEW ) GERMAN PRESIDENT I F. R. MARX PREMIER I5E1H.IX, Mar. lu. Ur. Simeon was definitely designated today by Ihe Iteiclislag as iicling pre- sldeiit ot Ihe lieriuan re- public. J". II. Marx was elected premier. CUT EXPRESS CHARGES DOWN traveller will proceed to lheTwcnty-flvo Per' Cent Reduction on Fish From Halifax to Canadian Markets Hue reason for Ihe slump in Ihe price oT halibut here recently M-eitis lo have been Ihe reduction in Ihe express charges on fish landed al .Nova Scotia ports de signed for sale at Montreal and Toronto. For some lipid past etrorls have hern made to secure i retluctio.u in express rales-from Halifax bul II was only at - Ihe llrsl of Ihe inonlh Ihe merchants were notified That il was Income into force. While Ihe new rale is of ad. vantage lo Die fishing industry of Ihe Atlantic ports il acts ileleteriously lo Ihe Pacific fishing industry, as -Montreal and Toronto lake part or. llio caleh from here. VOTED AGAINST BEER Another King's Tomb Found near the Pyramids in Egypt Supposed to be 6,000 years old hat it is liopcil will jriiv'e lo lie tin loinli of S(Micfi'ni7"a Kowirijni iriKiiinff uhout 'i.DUO years liefure (Jhrisl, has heen ili.TOvercil mnr I lie (ileal I'yraiijiil.s liy Ilic Itu.luu llarvard ex-ieililion, wliieli ha luen working ii) the vieinily for several eais. Tin! IuiiiIi was (inly uioned on Sinnlay and Ih'c daikiie!j:j is so (oiiiilelc anil the stale of Ilic exeavaled rock so perilous Hint milch preparation must be made before a thoruuph exaro-inalion ran In- inade. I.()N)U, Mar. Id. EfryptoloKists awe iliat if Hie tomb hound near Hie pyrauiids of ji' ia proves lo be Thai of the I pliaraoh who imniediitlely pre-j ceiled Hie renowiieil jiyrainid builder I'heops, its iinportance is I greater Hiaii Ihal of Tutank-lianien. because Ihe conlenls, ) which would be thousands of (years old. .may throw light on a emole and little known period. ART EASSON IS HONORED Elks Were Out In Force at Fare-wo', I Banquet In St, Regis Cafe Last Night Td lunuir oue of -thek -most noiiuliir mid energetic inembnr.s of several years' standing, local Elks to the number of solno forly-five sal down last night in the si. Ilegis Cafe al a farewell baiitiiel in compliment (o Art Easson who leaves lonishl for Vancouver whence he has been Iransferred in Hie service of (he Hoyal Hank. II was an enlhusi- aslic ariair even inougu me piril was tinged wilh a general reeling of regret al Ihe Impend- ina: i enariure ol one who uas made so many lusting friends in Prinre Ituperl. L. Murray Fuller, exalted ruler or Lodge Xo. Hi H.I'.O.E., was chairman and loaslmasler. After Ihe splendid supper, which was opened with Crare pronounced by llev. Or. II. It. Hranl, chaplain, had been dispensed wilh, Mr. Fuller spoke briefly in proposing Ihe loasl lo the guest of honor. This was observed in a most hearlv manner both in speech ami song. Mr. Fuller pre sen led Mr. Easson a hand some gold ring inoiiiiled wilh'-a ruby and inlaid wilh Ihe Elks' emblem. Among Ihe speakers were llev. Or. (Irani, Hen Seir, W. E. Williscroft, Charles Foi- som. I'ele Solem, Fred (Mlhuly and others, all of whom extolled the virtues of the departing member and expressed I lie general Ycgrel Ihal was Tell on Ihe occasion of his leaving. Mr. Easson replied lo the honors that had been done him in a neal speech. There were, he said, a hundred ami one reasons why he would like lo remain in Vrinrc . Ituperl bul. one stronger lliuii Ihem all was taking him south. Thai was' to be wilh his .mother. He .amused his audience by singing his own song till, 'All Oressed I'p and Xowhere To Co." Among those who contributed lo Ihe program which was in progress from l unlit l..m were Ihe Weslholme Orchestra, E. Sabmirin wilh solos, and Harry Asl'oria wilh impersonations The affair liroke up with Hit comnftinily singing or various farewell songs. CHILDREN KILLED EDMONTOX. Mar. 10. Ulider MOXTIIEAL. Mar. 10. WilT Ihe Alberta local option law the Ham Mcdralh. eleven years of villages of llenlley audlslay , yes-J age, and Samuel Milligen, twelve, lerday voted against granting were killed by .a locomotive at beer licenses. J House's I'olnl yesterday. NOTHING YET ON ROUTE TO PEACE RIVER Hon. Charles Stewart Says h Favors Whatever Experts Say But Government Not Committed OTTAWA, Mar. 10. The gov ernment has not yet made Up its tivind in favorer any of the suggested routes for extension of 'he Peace lliver Hailway, Hon. Charles Stewart, minister of tin) Inlerbd'r-itiJ'iViiWid "0M-"tKerii Lliedy. Progressive inemJier for J-'ilmonlnri in (he House of Corn-tjions yesterday nflrrtioon. Mr! Kennedy tpioted an Ed monton paper as saying the government favored Mountain Pass. Air. Slew-art safd he personally favored whichever routo 'he experts decided on. ASK ROAD TO CONNECT DOCKS City Council Forwards Request to Railway Company to Link up Waterfront , report from Ihe board of winks recommending Ihal the, "aninliiiu Xationnl llailways bo isked, through W. 11. Tobey, divisional engineer, to construct a highway along the 'railway grade between J In. (i.T.p,. anil' jrovern-inent docks was adopted by tho eily council last night. The mailer hail already been uken up wilh lion. T. O. l'at-tullo. local member of the provincial government, who informed the cily that nothing could be' done by Ihe gov eminent since such a road would have to he over railway properly. Ihe cily feels that more di rect access between Ihe two wharves is necessary. A NTI-VACCIN ATION MEETING OF PROTEST Students Excluded from Normal School at Victoria, Cause Gathering VICTOUIA. Mar. 10. A meeting of proles! organized by anli-vaccinalioii enthusiasts was held here and passed a resolution against Hip action of the provincial health -department in refusing admission . to the .Normal school al Victoria of fifteen normal students who refused lo hn vaccinated under an order from Or. IL E. Young, secretary of Ilia board. There was talk of lakint? a lest case lo the courts. The cily council last night finally reconsidered and adopted a bylaw providing .for the tem porary borrowing of .hesuin of 7-; mill 1