THE DAIL7 NEWS 'AGE SIX Everything Tastes Better Buy a 15c tin of 0X0 Cubes and just see what wonderful richness and flavor these handy Beef Cubes give to stews, hash, meat-pies and savory dishes. You will want no other reason for becoming an habitual OXO-user. But if you do The Great Economy of 0X0 Cubes will convince you that they are as necessary to your household as bread, milk and cheese. They enable you to use "left-overs" from yesterday, and make them into tempting and dainty dishes. That's "Why 0X0 Cubes arc Great! Tins of 4 Cubes - 15c. 10 " - 30c 3rd Avoniie. Tommy Tomklns Taint Book Free Thousands of children throughout the British Empire are being amused and instructed by this book. Send four 0X0 Cube wrappers and Ret a copy for your boy or girl. OXO Limited, 232 Lemoine Street, Montreal. CUBES The Great Bee! Economy WINTER Steamship Service 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT Mils from rrlnie llupert FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, imei'im:liale vw.iiits rarli Friday V.uu a.m. For STEWART anil ANYOX THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" llim PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER; via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENOER TRAIN8 LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.1111 p.m. for Prlliir Glome. EDMONTON WINNIPEG, ill poiiili asl:rn Canada, Uollcil Stales. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tickal orfict, 628 Third A, Prinea Rupert. IcanadianT Vacific WYdiii'tiday, 1 1. uo pi" fortnightly for Phona 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway March 6, 16, 27 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle March 10, 20, 31. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Qutedalc, Swanson Day, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Linos Full infornialiun from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Crime llMprrt 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alart Bay, TUMdty, 5 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, ttTEWART, Sunday, P.M. For ANYOX, PORT I.IMPS0N and Naaa Rlar Cannariai, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Annua. t. Bar.nlay, Agant. Prlnc Ruparl, B.O. tssx GEO. D. THE The Quality Home Furnisher ACTION OF ENGINEER IS UPHELD BY CITY COUNCIL AT MEETING LAST NIOHT. (continued from l'aye five' il whs mil lair lu no out nito I lie highways ami byway a ! fc'ivo belter jobs when Iliere with men already in lln cily' employ capable or rilling those posilii'iis. ,li ilu so, would bo iidlliiiiK loss 1 1 1 ,-i 1 1 paiiizansliip. Committees would llius bo given license ami oily ollieinls would bo given m chanee. "I am slill nT the opinion llial llin cily engineer h j trying In do lln' best lie I';"' mi j Hit cily, llial he is conscientious land llial his system nl" employ ! men! is sound." i Gcttlnq Results AM. Stephen said llial only lasl week lie liail .cause. ex ! iiniiiiii Hie public -works payroll. ,()ul nT I men employed, lie had fi.imil only IN were single. "Anil only through otir persistent fighting is llial showing possible," said the mayor. "Ami I should say Mint you are getting results," answered Altl, Stephens. "Partly, only partly," replied His Worship. "1 have no hesila-: Hon in saying llial I am .'rowing sick anil tired of continued pleadings wilh Ilii" cily engineer anil I waul lu know if the council has anything lu say in the inat-ler in ipiesliow am mil guius !o sit ipiielly hy ami lei (he city . engineer come along ami nuiiiiy lour efforts. IT I lit Hoard of i Works cannot gel en-operation from Hie city engineer ami if ! anybody moves a motion that ! ! he discharged, 1 am going lo vole for il." : AM. Stephens again asked Hie I mayor if he llioiighl it was fair In pill men outside the present j force into the jobs of bosses when there were already men working for Hie eitv capable of rilling siieli jobs. Not Getting Justice The cily engineer again spoko. He said llial there had always been a scarcity of men for cily work up In Hie end of the fish ing season last fall. This ipios-I ion had come up since last September. "Mr. Mayor. I do not ijiiuk you are giving me just ice when you stale llial I did not en deavor lo ro-nperali!. I chal lenge anybody to say that I did no give a chance In everybody who came In. me. I think you Uo me an injustice." "Why did yoit not try lo meet lln" recomiiiemlaf ion of the Hoard of Works?" asked the; mayor. 'Tirst I waul my men tried and if Ihey are competent I surely will lie willing lo give litem a job," replied Hie engineer. Contrary lo the slalonioiil, iinaiie i iy 1 1 1 engineer, uie mayor i said llial the iiiesliou had been a hot lied of trouble all la! I i summer. j The engineer said that if any I men had been turned down, there i must have been good reasons. I lie slill stuck to Hie opinion llial (there were not a lot of men involved in I he complaints of I which he had heard so III lie. j Supports Engineer ! Aid. MeKeclinie though! it was iloo hail thai Ibis mailer had been brought up in the cily NOTICE. m tin: Mvrmi or an ai'I'I.ic.viion fur Mm Usiic nf it CitMi tlrrtlHraU' t ! tilli. fur IMa llniiy Clil) and tlilrly-oim (Jli, HliM'K feiMi (71, scriMiii live 'II, l ln i,r erli Ilni.i rl. Man Sallcfai-liiry imKif nf the lo anil tli--striictnui nf the llcrliriciilc of tllh covor-Iiiii tin- aln)V land li.olnif heon piiMliiriil tn in It i m v Inli'iitlim lo tsxnt. aflrr lli; f.vplralion of oiii' month from Ilii first iiiilillcallon licii-of. a fifuli ci-rllflcalc of tltln In tin' 11111111- of Kduaril II. I'lerio. for thi! h.iIiI land, which Ccrtirirate or llllf la (I in (I lli! 30lli June 1013. and li nuinliciril 3U83 I. II. F. MACLEOIi. Itr-irUU-ar ,ot Titled. Land llciclotr.v Offlri', I'llmr lli(A-t. Il.i:. January sutti. I5 SPRING STOCK OF CURTAIN MATERIALS Just Arrived! Nets, Marquisettes, Madras, Cretonnes IN NEW DESIGNS. l; Season's Latest Dress Goods IRISH WOVEN LINEN 35 inches wide. See Our Window for Engraved Oriental Brassware. Phone 20 &TonsgM Il la ton od atrtngthtn organ of dljaation and elimination, tmerovo ppitltt. top sick hoadachoa, roliovo bll-iouanoat, corrttt conatipation. Thay aet promptly, ploasantly, mildly, yaf thoroujhly. Tomorrow Alright Get a "Py rw 25c. BOX - Dniulat ORMES LIMITED council. I'eilians. Iliere was a lol lo lie said on liolh sides. Per haps the cily engineer hail no! employed some married men but he must be given leeway. If ho was not cpiifidenl of the men under him then I In- work coiibl not gel on. "I would not run any job myself ir I did mil control the men who were under me." declared Aid. McKechnie. Aid. Itrowti. thought lhal local men should lie given me pre ference but he was also of Hie opinion t Hie city engineet should have power- lo hire and fire his men as he saw fit. II was not fair , lo ask the city engineer lo lire a man in wiioiii he had confidence, lie though! the principle id bringing lln men' up from Hie ranks was a sound one. The (rouble bad arisen, perhaps, because the men had approaehed Hie mayor, aldermen or 'foreman when Ihey should have gone to I lie elly cu-giiieer. Attack Falls I'.Mii essiiig Hie belief Dial lie knew mure about' the cily public works Ihriiuiih his experieiin of manv years than lln two previous speakers, Aid. Hasey moved lhal the cily engineer lie iveu thirty days notice ami that the council advertise for a suc cessor. I His was seciinuiMi ny Aid. Larson. This was in amend ment In the original motion thai the cily engineer's lellHr be referred In Hie 'Hoard of Works This anieiidiueiil was lost, only the mover Jitld seconder 'voting for il. "Now il would seem lo me," said Aid. Uasey. "lhal the next lliing In do woiild be to make a motion repudiating Hie action of lite Hoard of Works for in lerforing. ' The board as il now stands is incapable of tillcrim-thc situation. You had bellei make provision lor a new board of works. Personally, I do not feel like wasting my lime with ft any further for I can do nothing and everything I suggesl i deemed In be wrung." The mayor fell thai, I In sit uation being such tl was.-J there was nothing else lo do liu1 pitch Hie whole Hung into Hie hands of the cily engineer and nlmil lhal the council could do nothing. Cannot Sec Point .N'cillier Aid. McKeehiiie or Aid. Jlrown could see I lie mayors iioinl. Hicalise the council had IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill I In' Mailer or the Ailinlnllralkni Act and In tho M.iltri' or lln- K.tali' of II. J. Hen lll'll. Ilen-asi'il. Inti'.tiltr. TAKK MITICI". thai liy Ordi'r or III Honor F. Mi ll Yoinnr, niudi- Ilii' Ulli ihiy of Fi'hriiary. I!r,. I wa ih.IiiIiiI Ail-inliiUlriltor or IIm- i'lati' of tin- l.i ! II. J liciiiirlt. ili'i-i-awil, ami all partie h.iv- llllf ilalin analn-t I In- iald i'tatn an linrhv rrdiili-fd to fiirnlll nanii' In nir proiierly vcrirhil. nil or licfon' tin Slat ii;iv of M.ii-i h tji:. mid all narl p In- (li-i)li-d to the katd i'lali' an- n-niilri-d to p.iv tin' amoiint of thi'lr Imli'lilcilni' to mi' furtliwltli. MlllMAN A. WATT, orrirlal Admlnl'trator. lialPit llil ?ll ilnv of FHirnarv. tuft IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III Ihi' Alalli'i- or lln' Adinlnlitratloti Act; and In Ihi- Mailer of Him Kulali' of Chalh-H l.avi-r, lieii.aM'd. InliUlc. TAKK MiTlcr; lhal h.v order or HIi lloifir F. Met). Yoinnr. inadi- Hi" iUi day if February, lUSS, I u ariioluled Ad mltil'lralor or tlm 'lite or the lain ;iirl- l.aH'C deeeaMMl, and all iarllex hailnir ilalin- aaalnt the aald 'tjle are herehy reiiulred to rurnlfh name, properly verified o me. on or liernre 'J I st day of March. Dj!l. and all purlin In dehled to the Hlil elnle are reiiulred lo imy the aiiHUint of Ihelr lnilebledne4 In mi; torlimllli, MlllMXN A. WATT, Aihnlnltralor. I'rinee 1 1 ii I I-1 . II. I. Iiated thl 'Jll dav of Filiruai'.v. IU'j:. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hlgrson look, PRINOE RUPERT, B. O. Offlct Hours, 9 U 8. Phon 888. Optn Evtnlnga Only fr tpelal Appointment. mil aioii'iivfil oT oiii' iii'lion nr tin1 I'.oiinl oT Work was no rit- on Mini il sliniii throw up iis arms iiml iiiil. I would Miigtrt'.il ilnil I'illu'r Alii, llrowii or AmI. MiMciMinii' taki niv lilari on lln llouril of Works," sail Alii, r.asiy, "lir- rnusi jiii'V Know so omen nior tliiinl lln work than I ilo.- tlioiili I linvo Im'imi on tin lioanl for iMn or I'liriu ytar.s. Tin mayor imiuiml if this win AM. Casey's final fi-olinji. AM. iusiy ri-jilii-if llial lu would like lln mailer In ride for u few lays so that lie illicit think it over. AM. Stephen raised I lie iues-lion as to the disposition of the engineer's letter. There shoiljii he a definite undrslnmliii'-r reaehed on lite mailer therein involved, lie would move Hi.)' tin order of I he Itoani of Works i tic mil endorsed. Askiii" tin eilv engineer In heed, "willi your usual sareaslii smile," what lie was now ahoiil to s;y, AM. Uttsey deelaied llial he had si-en men working utnlei I'oelirane on Mays t.ove l.uele so thiek thai Ihey were in eaeli ilher's vvny ami Hint lhy had mi tools. Hi would say that Ihai was wilful waste of money. Kvery day he saw ilefi-cls and In would insist that in future tin eiiKineer siiluiill n inoniniy ens sheet. Aildressiiifr Mr. I'eaisnn, Aid. Casey said thai lie had lo. ill eiiiifidenee in him mid I"'- lieved thai lie would Just as sour make a holeli of it joli as n Mono showiuir under nresi-nt eoinli- iiiiei. A Low Charge "I feel that you have made an awlnl i:har.M.," replied .Mr. Pearson. "I have a profession al slake just as mueli as Ilii.- eouiieil has a reputation ami when you make the aeeustitiofi that I would ilellherulely make a holeli of n job in order to ttei even willi a l.almr council, I think thai II would he heuenU: me lo answer such a eharj-'e. I is an aeeusnlfnii (hat I mysell wmilil mil make aalus! Hit worst friend. As far as tin ilieideiil on Mays Cove was eon cerned, .Mr. Pearson said Ilia lln' men Ii.'hI only lieen (here fo a short lime one afleriloon whil' wailing In lie lakeu lo amilliei jh. AM. Stephens felt llial. in view of the iiiiimenls and slalemeiil' llial hud lieen niaili' hy the mayo and at least one ahlermaii, the elly engineer was to lie eompli-nieuled on his eoniliiel wliiiili eoinpared very favoralily willi lhal of olhers at the hoard. If I he siilril of (he Hoard of Works was such as had heen manifesleil I I he sooner then) jvas a ehane Hit heller. AM. Itrown ileclaiTil thai he was mil in sympathy with AM. I'asey'n remarks ri'siiiiliiii the eily engineer and lit slronvtly re-seiili'd such remarks hein maile. The discussion closed with lln: referring of the city engineer' leller to the Hoard of Works after AM. .Me.Mordie had sii ycslcil that, inasmuch us the Jiiajorily of I lie council hiiihin limaleil lo the Hoard' of WbrkM thai il felt it mistake had been made, il would look heller to re fer lite mailer back lo the lloanl of Works lo be Iliere njscimleil instead of having Hid council reject 'I lie action. Aid. Perry, eliuiriiiun of the iioaru oi won., ..was not pre- seul at Hie meeting. Tufdar mprirn rfmovai qait of High Class Jewellery Stock Owing to lack of space in our temporary quarters, wo are forced in ,a.. ---vv II . enormous stock, and wo have decided to throw the entire line on the market at which will astonish you. Now is your opportunity to buy good reliable. Watches, Clocks, Diamond Pnctt other Precious Stones, Rings, Broaches, Pins, Necklets, Pearls, Sterling Silve r Glass, China, Sliver Plate, Cutlery, Toilet Articles, Jewellery, Club Bags, Suit c Ladies' Handbags, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Razors, Brassware, Novelties ' etc " tremendous saving. What we want to drive homo is this THIS SALE IS ABSOLUTELY GENUINE THERE 13 NO CAMOUFLAGE Wo are the oldest established jewellory sforo In the city and we are not mitt' The prices on all goods are marked in plain figures as is always our 'custom originally checked from the invoices. You can thus see for yourself just what ih' regular price of each article is on the price tag. This will give you an idea of th price reduction. Come in and choose what you require while the selection is at best. Satisfaction guaranteed as usual. 1 Diamond Specialist Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 0 p.m. CONSTANCE JaTSgT " Her Night Of Romance' Lloilllie Ii.n-k attain 'pieaililip,' l u.l just liow fiiiiny love is. Mere - tiouiii pejiiuesl show, llniiie mill see linv. -In When Hie liglit.s wore low. Il's llie bif-v - iiiituy u moiiii. II frnl nil Nv York yllip- I tilhiliiiK. spiirkliiiK, liiiiiesl-ii-gooilne-- linifrh till vniir sides ai'ln ami you'll Hume uiul Wiileli I Ki n Cuniil do hi inr I liiivv funny il is lo lie in lue. Don- t Itniiuhl Column, Jean lli i-holl, Snlic Hi 'i Snxu, Imiily l'il.riiv ami iilliei-. UUnribUT . "I nu vviiLnuu i," in i minnnunHL urn Smith Block. Phone 575 Helgerson Block. 35c and 10c CHARMING COM for JUST Ladies ARRIVED Tliiv !iti in CHARMOREL, VELRAYE, CUT VELOUR, VELOUR, 2YBELINE, VELOUR (PniNCE OF WALES) COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 645 DENTIST Dr. F. P. KENNY - 3rd Ave. and 7th St Better Health Improved Appearance Absolute Satisfaction Hv reiiliieiiij,' broken iliiwn anil ni' suit HHTTKM MASTMIA'I'IU.N. Heller ,M. MK'JTIHt MTItrriON. Heller Niilnlmi' " IIKALTII, mid Heller llenllli insiiiT-IIAI'l'IKIt LIKH. Dr. H. L Ale Vl": Ilki'W "liKTTKn xande Evening by ApP'"" phon 1 DENTIS (iol my Hsliiniile on yuur ltJlliij' nu CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDOEVyonr lliiciiiiililiuiiiilly (iiianiiil'-'-11' 1 do all my uwn work. Tins i"'11" EVERYONE PERSONAL SERVICE TO