Mrrh 10. 125. ILORED - iiiit Kasha C.lnlh. Ofl to $32.00 0111 pre irv is 327. Phone 27 flress annels Latest in plaids AND CHECKS I Si liniiiiels for t ft .- ; i inches. id at $2.75 and $3.25 HOF ENGLAND STORE Third Ave. TICE Consumers V' ;. 'i'iii firopory W. uiliiii'i a now Bi r i.-iomecs. l ' .ilt Only. 31 wdi he ne- iy i t irKr't . For w M oi ! if kols a Bit r, in: tin. ikillnr' . inwi'ii, which IAVIIYG OF $1.25 r iii-lii. (iivn r i sallem Grocery Co. Fifth Ave. East Phone 84 and 18. DRY A Wood ; SMALL HEATERS, 1 50c Per Sac leTransfer Second Avenue. I88". Night or Day. BUY BOT1LES. Regis Cafe ce Buperfa Leading t iaurant. ?akry Unsurpa.-d .Third Avenue. INDSAY'Q A ij in ige and storage wii s . W.i lotor Servica. ACTION OF ENGINEER IS Up. HELD BY CITY COUNCIL AT MEETING LAST MIGHT. (r-nnlijuuvl from page one) In si vp Jheso men the preference, prothld I hey have J lie necessary iitalifieal inns. Not Personal Matter (ielltloillOII, I wish On PH1-' pbusiy.e ihal this 4iiiJmn of I liit'iiiix niPn is mil a personal' 'inatlpr wilh hip. The I'.ilv's in- ' jlorosls .ami welfare us a whole Iiiivp nl all limes hern my nnly Inlijeplives, Iml I feel Ihal due Ini this prnlungoil .agitation some' filial 'decision must hi' reached; by (his council as In what pnlfrv I hoy i it 1 nil In jiiii'siie. I helieve I enjoy Hie respect iiihI ((infiilcnce nf 1 lie majority nf I lie .niPiiiliers of litis council ami jjIpihI fur Hie couiiuucil cooperation in Hie inlerosl nf ell. Honey generally. t Itespeclfiilly sulimilloil, I'. W. I'HAHKON, City Knginoor. ATI ci' Ihe lollfr had U in read, Ahl. Me.liir.lie ami AM. AlcKee.h-llie moved Ihal il he referred In Hie Hoard of Winks fur reporl. 1 Ali. Casey look exception 10 I his course being fnlinweil. In-? asuiuch as Hie inallcr liail arisen through inslriicliuiis Dial Ii.kJ ln'i'ii issued hy Hie Hoard of Works, he was of Hie opinion Ihal no progress could he made iiy referring il hark to Hie hnani. Mil her Hn Hoard of W orks or Ihe city engineer were out of oriler ami il was tip, lie. fell,, In (he council In slanii hy Hip llnanl oT Works or ilo otherwise as il ileeineil ivisahle. Continuous Agitation The mailer had ilevelojieil, vAhl. Casey i-nilllllUOil, through cou-linuotis agitation mi the jiarl of the Hoard of Works during Hip past Iwo years thai, jireferencp he giten in employment In rori-deiil workmen ull (limps twin? eiiial. The city iiigineer had laken continuous issue with Ihe illnaril of Works, giving as-JHs jri'iisniis Ihal resilient iiipii were not ijiialifii".!. As a mallrr of fact, positions had been given lo i.Nm- wiihonl Joking the Hoard of Works into, inn and the cily ptigiuppr had ahsolulclv refused to enmnly with the wishes oT the board along llipse lino.. If II was Hie ofiinion of the majority of the member of the 'GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. oTHK K Ivmphv ncn lint on til Atti-r Hi'- I Alii il lit Marrli ni-xl. Uh iinOrr-nnioil inu'iuH In 1iiI.v In Ihe I liuf.r :nilnil llnnnl rm I Mii-ii-f III iwixvl nl ervmlM' tM'Inr pnrt nr Ihe biillillnr knnwii It nin e IliiiH. Hlliiali' nil i. Mall. Sir. 1 1. M a 1 1 . oim'ii Clmrliillr Islamls. In Ihf piwiiu I llrillsli iNiliiinliia, tm. Ihe sli' nf liwr 1)) Ihi- icln- or by III. Drl Ul He rr niil'linipUnn nil !Im (n-Inlw jmlMl till I Oil) lir r,r Ffliniari', 1 99.. MIIS. M. I.. r.U.NM. Owiwr. iillriil LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to PurcniM Land In "ln-oni l.nnd l.isirlrl, n: rrlnrr limrt liprririlinir plslrlrl. anil sltuatP ppnulinnlilv ihip ami mn- half iiiIIp r .f salviis Station, un Salvm Miami, Sk'en l"'". . ... . rakr Tinner mat iiuimir i-rsvin, ui my r.arlrlnn SI., lliiiu.iliv, nrriiratinn l.oriT. IntrniM lo aiily for prrnilinn In Hi lia llio rnllnwiiir rtpwriwii iann: Cniiiuirnrlnir at a pnl piamrii 11 inr niilhMt nirnrr nf Lot 4K0S. mivhs Mlancl: llii-nri- u.iith'i'iilirl . ainni lliutrlv Kim yarns; turner linruieny ! priitlm.lli'ly Hi.o yarcM; Ihrner in.illiwrn rrly Apprinlniiilet.v Him yard; tlirnri niitlM-rl.v Him yariU, In point or iirpinnin inprllnr mi Hial IMirnnn or saivin isianv wrut or ami poninininir 3in aerr. innrr or lr. TUOMIM M 1 1.1.3 An'jntfnr urni't." I LAND ACT. nairv In Skrma l.aml I.Mtrlet nf Prlm-r Hiiperl iieriiriiniir iiirn-. TAKK M.Tiri: Hint Oeorr l.ltllr, Tenner. Il.i' . nnatmn liiHtl.friii.-iii. anC I.. l. (llitur.v, nr lerrner, ii.i... im-i-u pntlon liinihrriuan, inirml lo apply "rm permllnn In pnrehar Ilii' fnlliiwliiir ne ii'rineii ihiiiis. inr iiiiniirnii sm-; I'r. nl A niL.I nlltnlA.I II I IMtll ' .1MIIIIM IU III" . ". mil nr Miami iiUiialiil m'ar luotilh nf kit. iiniknlliiin lilver iinrl lylnr near went Imnk or alil river: thener rnllnwlnit shnrr MlK. .irniiiiil Itlanil to point of rnniinrnecineiit ennialnlnit aeiT, tnnrr or le.. r.Konr.r. UTTI.K ami CI.AIIIK I.. M. Oir.OFY. pplenl' . i Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners f)pprllng the only power p.lcaniiiff and pressinR pmilpiDPtil In llm cily. Sor-vicn umj workmanship un-NUrpused. A pltntip call will bring our cur. 515 Cth Ave. W. Phone 8 eilguuM'r or making Hie ehoue of men, for whose work lie. was held responsible hy city eoiincil. Ile J.ciev4nl IJiat the ejly en-gitiecr rlioubl have Ihe privilege of .-cli'cliiii' his iiwu men ami that Hie Hoard of Works, in is, suing such ;in order, liad al Ic.Kl been indiscreet. -erennally, he had always round the engineer i-ntirleoiis mid he believed thai lie was an ellieieul ollic.iaJ, lie did not believe Ihal il was fair i,. ii... ..........:l ii, ..i ...... hp i Hum ii iu.ii .iiij iJauiP-s ipp snoiiiu eiiiieavor in iiinu ine council on a mailer of Ibis kind without first, having ohtainivl Hie approval of the council. Aid. 1. arson said Ihal. as a inember nf Ihe Hoard of Works, he had found himself cnulinually bombarded by ciliens properly owners almul Hie matter of cily employment, lie had found that IliialeiK were being given preference lo local men in spile if suggestions that had been made by the mayor ami aldermen lo the cily engineer. Friendly, suggestions nol having hepn( listened lo, the Hoard of Works Had issued lis order of last, Thursday nighl. The eily cn-sineer was not in harmony wilh the Hoard of Works or Jjhe cily, council. II was imnorlunJ, ho fellhal Ihere should, lie peace and harmony. Engineer SpaaJts The engineer was then hoard. With referencp lo James Hochratie, this man had started working for the cily a year ago al r.Oc an hour. In the fall lie Had ieen made a slrawjioss al j 7 till'. He was a capable man wilh experience ami he did nol see why he should he llirncd out. Mr. I'enrsou said Ihal his entire eiiiieavor had heeu to obtain results for the city, lie .lid nol ;iiow l'liil .Macilnuabl hut stood prepared lo give him his cIjuiicp hough he hud never vol asknd him for a job. The engjuciir fell Ihal, since lie was lo be held responsiblp, he would like lo have Hip jirivilege of jucking bis own men, (riving iirpferojioe, as he had always ilonc, lo 'cily men. All rlraw bosses, he an-cried, ,i ad hoiin worked up in Die service. Mayor's Position The mayor thcji liroceedinl lo give, ;i lenglliy aceouitl of Die sil lialion. "The cily ciigiiicpj' tells you,' Mi Worship suld, "Ihal he has Iried o carry oul Ihe policy nf giving pre fern pre jy Ihe home residents. I will say Hat fooled thai he has mil lone so and I hat i Hie reason dial 1 1 1 1 m climax has now been renchr ed. Now he comes along ami writes Ibis Cily ' because, ho Is not allowed In do as ho hanged THE DAILY NEWS PA3E TTTE "RUB IT IN" To Remove ACHES PAINS RUB Zam-Buk in to relieye the sharp twinges of rheumatism sciatica or iumbago. Rub it in to ichLig fcicki, stiff joints and r jnusclts, idtonjprecold-on-the.clust. Zam.Buk does f&r more itil good tha poaauaui 1'itiraeuU. Its penetrative pain-killinf essences gtt nfht to the root of trouble,; .soreness, congestion, welling kad inflammation, in a wonderful, wjy, I'm Ztm-Huk for ll fu, eurkta rul Iiivmi. Utrveii-riurinil jtuil JuUi-i.-A u4 uin ripii Lultlin Liiivi. )w U-i ll v'-tt. ramBuk Alto fer eozema, pimples, rethee, bad Ug, piles, poitenaei sveuiids, eta., coiiiii-iJ Ihal the Jlnanl of,.nis w;ilk Ihe slrvcls wliilo out-' was oul or onJer Jhen Ihe hanrj siilers jfej the worJi. if Um coun-, shouM he jjislnirjoil to e Ull. eil wnnls iu- :, sl:ilo nf .liT-iii-u ji)n the other hand, if Jhe .usi- o fojilinue J have not Iiin more1 lion of Hie IJiianl of Works was hi s.-iv Iml I imm no iKiiniinn ileeine.l tlii'it il shnuhlin sayinfe' Ihal jl is hipli lime! lie ami IJie ej'ly en- Wc knew where we are at anil' Hineer iiislrucleil In in.ceeil wliplher or nol we.;tre In slaml alnnw Hios. linos. II wiis now hehiiiil Hip JlnanJ of Wiirks amf tip to the council In ileciile ile- 1 1 reshjejil wmkin?: jijiin. Il' 'n"''l'- seems Jn Hie a lUee stale of, AM. MeMnnlie look Hie Ham) affair wUou we have lo -ajinil' Ihal, when the Hoard or Works that wo nro jmwerjess amj that issued an order Hial a cj-rlain our local workins nieji are In U man should Jie .lisehar-d frnin judged incapable Jiecause a ore-' his posilinu, it shnuM al J'asl man sizes Iheui mi in his iniiul' reiurl Ihe matler fuljy to Hie wilJioul evpji sivinff I hem a Iry-couucil iriv igr ils reasjjns for oul." ' such an instruction J.ei n r is- Would Foist No One "'J'''1, The mayor eonlimiod In 8l,alo ... . d' Stephens that he had never tried In . fois. Mejiljns looked upon ihr u(Jp ou city ouginper and matter as a sermjjK one but, i,aJ nvi.r UIJllu(, innu,.nco. since H had einaiialed from the, o,.rljaJISt lu endeavor 4... work Hoard oX Works, he c-ouJd nil i iat.IJIOII jolltIy wjlJ; lU(, vity see Ho.) .1 would wive any pur- Kjn,.,.,-, i, ia, J.Wlo jenipn' pose lo kp;i,J il hack lo litem. ajntr lhM. illMi h, u,iocAi Alemhers of Hie Jlnard or Works U) ,,,, Jow,.vn. Dial the were pres.v.1. fiu was the -y ,.M1Mei J)il(i ,U) rii:hl j (Up engineer. Ile Hinughl Ihe whnlo ul(M. alu, Ml la, jt wit(. lfJ luesliou uiigiit he fully ami Jirn(, 1Jla a liaU was cIJp.J. "I-or freely discussed ill Ibis Nine am ,Jy ,WJ, Iia., a j(l ,UJ, jo0(liJ Ut a velHcmpnl reached, lie looked . tiu. avva'y f, IIualion wJump on Hie order as one atTectin the 4.j)v 4.,Jal)'Pr is .iij.Pi'ior to elicieiu;y or H,e cily cnsinpprsiIJS in ,uln;r iwi , .lparlmenl as it deprived Ihe L0,incil Imi li. ooei il,.. work thai was ilnuc-hy the Hoard of, Works last Thursday niglij." Alderman McMordls . Aid. MeMordie wished lo make il (dain lo all that he had al ways stood hy Hie principle of giving tt 'preference in .owiploy- niPiil lo local ciltzi-ns.; , year Iip jlid not know of a .siugle easel j where a man had liecn jiul up jhy Ihe liiurd of Works Hial the1 man had nol Iippii taken on iiy I Hie city engineer. A far tliwhrane was eoncprnpd, the Hoard of Works should give I heir reasons in calling for his dismissal. If ;iol, lie fell, ihal he should he retained. If (wo jobs for rlrawbosse were open, lie lliouglil tlie cily engineer; might listen to (he recoiiiuieniJa-Hoiis of I ho Hoard of Works. Aid. Larson poiuled oul Ilia! al least one member of the iloan'' of Works had declared that Hochrane was an inellicienl slrawhoss. Alderman Casey The sit nation was a knotty' one. Alii, liasey saw. ..iiip pii- gineer had stated his position iml Ihe Hoard of Works had shown it position lo bo contrary. Milher Ihe .Hoard of Works was incompplcnl. or the city CMSnieei; was always al (lag ger's point wilh the liiiard. I was up lo I lie- council in put in a hoard of works cp.nsenial lo lite cily engineer or get another city engineer, lie (Aid, Hasey), Hip mayor and AM. I, arson had been given lo understand by Hi-cily engineer Ihal they were incompetent lo make suggestions. "As long hs I mn elected, I will discharge my duties as I soji fi I and I will buck up for no cily engineer Jhough I will be ready DOES EVERY MEAL CAUSE YOU DISTRESS? IF IT DOES YOU SHOULD TAKE BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. M. P. Miliiditr. Uatrr llmlw.r, .VII., writes: - "I wan irnulilri) with my Mniiiri for Nnino time. ,am everj tliluif I me sfi'iuej Ui ill.ilress un.. I tried many tlirrei-enl ;iie(JlolH', liul wlllH.ut auy l-. Mill. Finally 1 wa aitvlsnl tn try ll.ll.H., nij after luivlnir taken never! Iinltlen I iciiinplelely irllevwl of my Iroulil". I rail now en l anytlilnx 1 vvll), tlianks lo" Itiinlnek IIUmiiJ lllllcr Hit9 Hut stoinai'h Itiln pi'ifrrt uliapr ly pruinniiiifr proper ilOresilfin) ami dnrliiff the fH i year Jl lias been nn lh markel lim mail reputation, feirfiil tn mine, fur relieving alt stoiiinrl) trmililes. Put up only l.y Th Limited, Toronto, Ont. T. Mlllmrn Co. Were the "Good Old Days" Really Good? you hear an old-timer sigh for the days of " his forefathers, smile quietly to yourelrand think of this. The ancients got along without automobiles, soap, stoves, tooth-brushes, window-glass, breakfast foods, telephones without practically all of the things we consider the bare essentials of life. There never has been a time when life bettered itself so rapidly and so consistently as now. New conveniences and new comforts are continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit. In order to reap the advantages that are yours to-day, you must read the advertisements. They bring you news of all that the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier, your home life more pleasant, your clothing and food problems less difficult. They keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores. They tell you not only about the goods, the styles, the varieties and prices, but also where and when these things are to be had. The advertisements are messages from 'the business world to you. Heed them. Don't overlook the advantages that are yours Read the advertisements 1 - i j 1 lo admit my mistake If it is shown Ihal I am wrong-. I will never,, however, submit to caling whaj I hcjieve is a worthy ambition in order lo satisfy the cily engineer. I am ready lo inovo that thirty days notice be riven Ihe city cngiiiPPr In find a new home and ihaUwp gel -i! pew engineer who will be ready to work in harmony wjlh llio council. I am prepared firsl. however, to sive the cily cn- guippr the cliance lo reiraci tins iellpr." AM, Hlephens fell. Ihal auy ntliCKHV.shnuhl'thc. given Ihe chance to defend such charges as Had upon inane agaiusi ine City engjnoor. Uaynr Newton agreed that such a chance rhould be given. Away off Track "I am .unalterably opposed lo the principle of lying Ihe hand if our cily nlliriuls," declared Aid. Stephens, "ami I Ihiiik we ire gonitis a long way from ihe beaten I ruck, when llio Hoard of Works resohes ilsclf into an employment ag.icy." Aid Slcphens fgrllier stated Ihal oiily Iwo months ago Mayor Newton bad agreed that, ..Mr. Pearson was ip tins ciiv cngineei ino city had hud n years. "Only as far as his own work was concerned," interjected His Worship. Aid. Stephens then proceeded lo interrogate Iho cily engineer. "Have Sherman or McHonaM ever been on your- payroll f ,askc VlI u ...... . ... it I r, "No," replicdilthcenKirioed, Jtf ' "'Have I hey ever applied for work?" "No, Ihoujli Mr. Sherman spoke about it once and when I offered him a job al line an hour ho refused lo nccepl It." "Have you oilier men on th present .staff capable of being advanced?' "' "Yes." AM. Stephens tnalnlalneir thai well pleases, letting home real (continuod on past) six) r, Two March Specials! CHESTERFIELD SUITE i only. Three Piece GheslcrficM Suite, itpiioMerftl In Hlue and fiohl rigtired Tapestry. , $175.50 BROWN WICKER SUITE only, V'tMirce Piece Hrowti Wicker Suite done in prclty Fliiwcroil (Cretonne. $93.95 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Rupert Phone 123 Fish Fresh FrozenAll varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle-'fhltl Brand'1 Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish HerrJngr Salmon, Black Cod, Orey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Rupert, B.C. P. r w