AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD . SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlcaV knowledge of optometry, to ronder you the very best service pdsslble, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. Olin MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIAL REAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. Ji.C. No. I Kggs. pur doz. 45c J doz. for $1.25 Creamery lliiller. per II). 40c I S II). box .. .. . $5.20 liripping, laket tlits place oT luril, 2 cukes .... 25c Fresh Meats at Reasonable Prices Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East Phones 84 and 18. Mothers ! We have good tpialily NAVY SERGE BLOOMERS, 10 In 1(5 years Al per Pair $4.25 NAVY BLUE SERGE SKIRTS, PLAITED Camisole Top, 10 lo fi years, at ....... . . $4.25 ..Smarl Flannel I tresses . . 0 to 1 1 years ' "Be P.O. Box 327. raers 1) Phone 27 Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners OperaliiiK Hie only power cleaniiiK ami pressing t!iiiipineul in the cily. Service and workmanship tin. surpassed, A phono call will itviwz our car. 515,6th Avo. W. Phone 8 A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 RUPERT MARKET BENEFIT ALASKA Happy Day When Poindexter Amendment was Defeated says Alaska Fisherman . , The Alaska Fisherman, published in Kelcliikan, as part or an argument against a monopoly oi I lie salmon fishing refers lo tin halibut business at l'rinee Hit pert as follows: The splendidly jro?spcious eon dilion that how obtains in "flu lialihui fisliiiig fniliis'iry slioulft awaken thepruple of t lie Tcrrl- lory lo lite fuel t lint the same eondilions dial prevail in iiali-Inil fishing can beTiiadu to apply to other branches of fishing aim I here is no good reason why thti should not apply. You cannot loilay find a sin- trie li ill i I hi t fisherman .w is dis satisfied witli conditions Ilia: govern his hranch of fishery bu on the contrary every nuiiuu lisherinan you meet is loud i his words of approval of thesi conditions. There is no monopoly in th halibut, fisliery either in fisliin. or marketing, ah iiaunui i- sold in open coiiipelHhe inurke mil as Hie demand for this fisl is slroujt good prices are paid I: the fishermen for their, ualeli. Fortunate Day II was indeed a forliinate da' for Hie halibut fishermen of tin Norlli Pacific when the Poin dexter ameinlinent lo close I In market al Prince Hiiperl an. ereale a monopolistic market a Kelcliikan was defeated in tin U.S. Senate. II was also a for lunate day for llio town of Kel , ciiikau, as (lie contentment will (lie present coiidilious on 1 1 1 pail u f the halibut fislie.rinrn i-evidenced in the increase of trade al litis port. A satisfied con- IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III 11m- Matter ut I hi' AumliilMraUoii Art. ami hi tin' M.itli-r of tin; :lati' of Cliarli- JtlT. M-.IM'U. Iiillal'. TAki: MiTICK that by Urili-r of 111 llmwr I'. Mi ll. Vwmif, Jiiadi- Kit Kill il;i f February, m4.", I n a'ilnleil Ad mliilAlralur id lliv eMail- or the Ian-:liarleit I.aer, ili-t-eao-il, anil all I'Jrlli -Iwvllilf rlillni alfjIiHl the' .tail) l;il- ar hereby required tu funilMi saiiti-, n. Tlv i-rlllwl In lis-, ihi or In-fun- l: day or Marrli. lUi.,. and all iartie In ill-bled to Hie Mid estate are ri-iiliri-il I. pay the amount of Ihelr liiflrbti-rtm-ss I me' furl liu I III. MJltMVN A. WATT, official Adiiilnl'lralor, l'rinee lliipert. II.' Ii.iliil ihl- ?ll dav of FrliniHi-y, II).',. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III I In- Mailer of Ihe AtliiillilJtralloii Arl: and In tlie Matter or tin- F.Malr of V. Wak. nolo. Ien',ied, Inlelate. T A k F. MTli;F. thai by order or Mi Honor F. Melt. Yoinnr, made Hie Hill day id February, IUJ&. I was aMliiled Ad-inlnUirator or lh t-KUte of the lalx Y. Wakliootii. deeenni-d. mid all piirlli" havlnir rlaiiiH aKalnl the i.ild ertale nr -hereby required In riirnUli arne, pro-erlv verified lo lie', on or before ilt day of Marrli. Ifij:,. and nil parlle In ili-bled to the Mid eilale are required I pay Ihe amount of llieii- ludebtediieiiii lo rue rui t li w I Hi. MIIIMAM A. WATT, orrirl.ll Adinuiltrnor. I'l-lnre Unpen. II. i:. Paled Hits !Ml da:, or February, lOii:.. Sunrise Specials MOUSSELINE Don'l juilue Ibis Silk by Ibe price because it's worlb imii'li more. ;iti iuclies Swis-i .Mouse-liiii! Tor Dresses or Hlouses. One boll only. Very Special, per yard $1.25 WEST OF ENGLAND STORE Smith Block DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per SaoK HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenuo. Phone 680. Night or Day. WI BUY BOTTLES. 1599. You can now have thcworlds'strqnc- est, swiftest and most popular Portable Typewriter, Remington Portable (Made in Canada) sent to your, home immediately on payment of $5 down. Further payments of Jo a month will complete purchase. For further particulars of the Rem ington Portable, which has the reg-ular keyboard and other features of the Standard Remington, fill out this Coupon and mail it to-day. McRAE BROS. Prince Hupcrt Representatives. Remlnston Typewriter FtBfur of Canada. Limited Prince B ii pert Iealerl MeRae Rrs. Please send me partkulara of th Iteminyron Portable, Including plant of purchase. ' N'anie Address nled people is the object oi ivil governuienl and ihe purpos- jf laws 1s lo hriii; about Ilia. ocial run ililion. SHE'D. READ IT Author Seventy thousand copies of niy last novel were sold M'foic publication. Fair Critic How fortunate ! 'If course your publisher didn't .vii si e money trying lo sell it ifler puhlic;i!iou. AS GOOD AS BROADCAST Flora Yon haven't announced voui- enjiaginiMil yel. have you? DoraHaven't I just told you? SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vnr.Hitt. unreserved. aurveyed Crown binds may be ire-emitel by Hrtliah iiilijH-t8 over 18 years of ur. and by alien on declaring intention to l.erume l!rltlh RUbJects, conditional ut..n residenc. occjp.itlori, jid Improvtinunt for uitrlcultural ilirpoaes. Full Information concernlns renur .fltloim reardliis pro-emptlona ia Kiven in Itulletln No. 1, tin nil Seriea. "How to J're-?mpt Land," copies of ihicli can be obtained free of charx ly nddreoHine the l)eiirtment of Liinda. Victoria, U.C.. or to any Government Aent. lCecordH will be Rranfd coverinB only land nuitable for usrlcultural .iiriM)si-s. and which is not limbor-iHiid. i.e.. carrylnR iwer board feci per acre west ot the Coaat Uance and 5.000 feet per acre east or leal ltanue. Appllcalloni! for pre-emptions r to In- iiddresyeil to the Uind Com-mlKxIOner of the Iand itecordlnu Dl-vlaion. in which the land applied for Is situated, mid are md an .printed forms, copies of which can lie obtained from the l.and Commissioner. I'ro-eniptlons must be occupld for rive years and Improvements mad" lo value of J10 Per acre, including clcarini! and cultivating at least flva teres, before a Crown (Jrnnt tn b reet-iveil. I' or more detailed information sen the llullelln "How to fre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applloilions are received for purchase of vacant ami unreserved Crown lands, not belnn timberland, for aKr(cultural purposes; price for first-class (arable) land Is (S per acre, and second-class Uras-Ins) land $2.50 per acre. Further Information reRardliiK purchase or lease f Crowt. lantls Is Riven In Hillletln AO. JO. uann Berirs, i uivumc Ijease of Crown lJuids." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on, timber land, not exceeding 40 acrei. may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment ot stumpasce. HOMESITE LEA8E8 it , -..1 nrt rc.,llni 20 acres, may be leased as homesltes. conditional upon a dwelling bln erected In the first year, litis bln obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land baa been surveyed. LEASES For Rrailna; and Industrial . purposes areas not exceeding MOjaeres may be leased by ons- person1 or a Company. . GRAZING Under the Oralnf Act ths ProT-Ince la divided Into arsiln district and the ranxe administered under a Grailnc Commlasloner. Annual RraxliiK permits are Issued based on numbers ransed. priority being given to established owners. Htock-ownari may form aiHKlatlons for rang management. Free, or partly frss. permits are available for settlers, canpers and travellers, up to ten head. THE DAILY NEWS REV. W. E. GALLOWAY ADDRESSES TEACHERS OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS A meeting of Sunday school teacher was held last night in the Presbyterian Church to bear an address by Itcv. AV. I'.. Calloway, field sccrelury oT religious education for Alberta and Hr'Hisli Columbia. Ilev. 11. H. C.ranl. M.D., presided. Mr. (ialloway stressed the fuel liial tbe Sunday '.ebool teachers ranked anion); Ihe makers of Canada. Folluwjus the address there was a genera I discission of tiilday -school work which proved very instructive. About '15 teachers were present representing tlie Haplist, Salvation Army. Presbyterian and Metlio-lisl denominations. Mr. (ialloway left laler ror Anyox ami will lie back Tuesday, remaining; here for seeral days luring which he will address (ho boys mid 'girls in Hip respective rroups. One oT the primp meets tonight I o hear Ihe report of Jack Stephens on his visit lo Victoria as representative of Prince Rupert' al the Hoys' Parliament. METHODISTS ARE MOST NUMEROUS IN CONGRESS WASHINGTON, leli. Uli. - Mori; (ban !KI net- cenl of the 'lembers of the incomiiig con press are ndlicreni. or some re ligion. di'iiomiualioii, accordiup O a slutemenl fti'i n i the Hoard of Temperance Prohibition and Public Morals of Hie Methodist ipiscopal Church, Wasliiiiplun, !.C, wliieh ha just completed in inveslipation. "Methodists lead in both the .-cnule and bouse," says the statement, "with Presbyterians and' Hpiseopalians followinj I'lo.-ely. In Hie house of repre sentalives there are HO Melho disls. and'i? in the senate. Thr tyijshyJf.'rlans. ( have , 03 members . of ?lhiHrirusri ami Ihcre are II V ... . I'resbyleriaji senators. Ihe I-.pis copalian number "i repi-eieula iives ami T-i senators. Thirty !wo reoresenlatives are members of Ihe Itomaii Catliolic Cliundi with four' seiiahirs of thai church. There are eipht Hebrews in Hie bouse and none in the senale. ADDRESS IS GIVEN GIRLSJN TRAINING Miss Jean Kler Speaks to Tvo Groups at Methodist Club Rooms Two grimps or Hie Canadian (lirls in Training were given a Ileal at the club house in the .Methodist Church last night' when .Miss Jean Kier ol the pub-lie tichool staff' gave a mosj in-leresting address on "Iteligion in Present Hay Poetry." She referred lo Ihe older poels anilihen gave examples from Hie poels nf today showing Ihe general trend ol religious thought and giving examples. Keen interest was shown by the youn.g people in Die address which was much appreciated. BEARS WERE NUISANCE WOODS OF MINNESOTA Interfered Great Deal With Campers and Others and Often Became Thieves ST. PAir., 1'i'b. JO. The niis-eliieoiis black bear has heroine so iinuoylug lo si'HIers. lonr- isls. campers, villagers and olbers in .Minnesolu's vast inr- "sl lauds thai he has bi-eu made Hie object or proposed A hill introduced in Hie M in-1 nesolu 'Legislature would appropriate money "ror Ibe relief oT individuals ror injuries suffered lo Ilieir persons and properties bv reasons of attacks from bears." Pinlcr the pi-oleiiiou oT a slale law Ibe bears, according lo ame wardens, have rapidly increased mid these ofrieers liken their number lo .Minnesota's ruinous lu.ilOO lakes. l-'lour. vegetables, jams, rruil and older delicacies brought into Hie woods Tor litinuiu coiisump- Hoii ofrer the greatest leiiiplu-Hons In (lie bear family, game wardens says. Last siilunier the wild ; hurry crop was exceptionally piinr hi .Miunesotii and Ihe hungry lieaix freuuenlly pried the screens or doors from fruil sum-m,er cabins tu help themselves. JAPANESE AND THE FISHERIES Attempt Bcinn Made to Allow ; ThosovHere to Work but Provent Others from Coming A special desialch lo Ihe 'iiii-oiiwT tsliir by Hruce lliilebin- nn who represeul.s (hem nl (H- iwa says: '."' A iiroiuisnl under wbieli (Jan-. obi would not restriel .laiiaiiese a . I II ft t . . J in ill iiruisii Miiumioa, ysuiiij: bidiislivin feduetioTfii Itiriner-ijii iiiinuiiir yi in or crysiilloTi Til gen eral .lajianese iniiiiit-M alion is be- uk eniisiilered by legal repre-senlntiM's. or Japanese NshiiiK Iiileresl's liere, it was learned to- lay. This plan Is beiir-' strj-sp'sleil us ii i-csti ill a n iriim Jlrilisb Columbia iiiemlers ol' he House or Commons fhul the fish- rmen's latest iielilions nonius! reduclions in the fisliin-jr liceuces Will not have iiiueli elleet. Japanese May Argee Hrilisli Columbia members who have been informed of latest le- elopmeiils believe Hull .lltianeso fisiieriuen of I lie eoasl would I utterly accept any arrauiieineiit ; liy which tlie Caiiiidiau goVeni- iiieul would nbamlon its policy' of t-uilually eliiiiiiiatiiiK llieini from Ibe fishing business, evcrti though Ibis arraugemeiil in- oled a reduction in immigru- lion. It is understood thai Ibe fisli-j eriueii s represenlalives will cou- ult with tlie Japanese on the question further, wild u view to making a eouereli) proposal If Ihe Canadian government, if (ho fishermen are raxornhle to tl.e ilea. Wlielher Hie Caiiadiau and ,laj'anee goveviunetit would con sider tlie sclieiiie i no! kiiown. Adverlise in Ihe Daily .News NOTICE. l TIIK M TTKII OK AN IM'l P'.ATIO.N ! fur Ihe liie of. a fn-li rerllflrali- ol j title for l-iils llilrt (30 and tlilrly-om-(31 , llhirk eisi ij.. seclluii rue ("'.! City r ITUH-e liix-rt. Map 9J3. Sallfriry proof of Hie Ion mil d-utriirlloli nr Hie l'.erlin-ate ir tllln rover Inir lis- alHite IjiiiI- luolnir been priHluri-d lo Hi"' II Im my InlriiUon In lue. alli-r tin-! i-iplralliiii of one iikhiIIi fnm I In- flrl I .iililli-;ilhjii iH-n-nf, a Troll Orllflmte nl' lllle in llii' iianiH nf f dwanl II. riem- ' fur lli- Mid land, ulilrli Certiorate ol lllle I-. Ihe aoiti June 1013. and I-nuiiiberi'd 3U83 I. li. r mm:i.hh. IteirUlrar ot titles, ijml liPiriMrv office, I'riih-e lniert, ll.i.. Janujry 3lli. ttiT, LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lstit Land; in skeena i.aim mi-trn-i, iirruriiinir in irlil or I'rlii'-i- llii-rl. and ultu.lle l innliiiali-lv two mile siii lli-ast Juiirlluii of I In- Skeena and OrMall llivers on tlie Kkeena lllver. ! lake Notlre Ihll IJeortrr; 'Krluell. ofi I'rlnre Hiii-rt. ll.i:.. iM-eiiiUiii nn-rrlMiit. , iiili'ml to Mpl fur r rriiiiolun lo lear, the fDllnnlMir di-nrrltied land-: t'.iiiiiiiietii-iiiir m a l"it planted on tin- son III side of Skeena lllver, Ihi-ni-e mititli I v"l i rhaih; llienre ilttiiMl 10 ihalin; tin-lire tiorlheast t rtiinin; tlieni-o nurtli-wrl to chain ilonir lln- bank or the; Skeena lllver In the point nf ronimenre-; ment, and conlalnliiir l! arrcs, more or less. 0KOII0E 0. FMZZFI.I., .Name of applicant. :!-( Jaiiiim-v lli. io LAND ACT. Ill skern.i l.ninl PNIrlrt or I'rlm-e Inipi-rt , llfi'i-rilliiir liHIrlrl. i TAkK MITICK lh.1l lii-orifi' l.lllle. or Trrrai-e. II.''.. iri-i-iiMitlin IiiiiiIm'iiiiiii. and r.. I,. M. lllirirey. or Terrsee, ll.i:.. wen ' luiiimi iiiiiiiii-iiiiiin, I in -t m I to aiipi.v ror H-riiil4lnii In inrrlie f In- rulluwiiix iU-oi-rllii-d laiul, Tor file Coiiiiiii'iii-lnir al a Im-t pl.niliil al soiilli; end nr I In ni I MUmli'll m-ar inoillli nr kit-siifiikallimi lllver and l.vlnir '! lunik or Mid river: lln-nt-a rollnwlnic tlmrn linn iirmind lliiiuf In point of niiiiiiii-iii-i-iiient, rontaliilnir !!.i rre. nmre or less. riKonni: utti.k nd CLAIItE L. M. Oir.r.P.Y. inrill4,il j Dr. Martel's Female Pills Rsts sitiited nstura thouisnda estailaitbalf century. eorrocUna cauie. buildinr up and treasthaninr orsani. rclievinir DKLAYKI). and PAINFUL MENSTUUATION. NKK-VOUSNESS. IiACKACHE. DIZZINESS, etc. nndamrrrouidniiri. Bold only in Sealed llinsa-Cover Tl S BOX with oqr iinatura. DruaTitta everywhere, or direct by mail, rlaln package S3 00 Kekkerkeclrt RemeV Ce.. 71 E. Fin I St, Teroate.Caa. Clrcatar wilts rtsewt Rinso saves your strengths your time and your clothesl The first really modern Lrtrr Bfu. LimilrJ. Toronto Laundry Soap tit KiRje. WESTHOLME THEATRE " onlyht Only, 7 and 9 p.m. Gloria Swanson in "Wages of Virtue" A fti.-rmaliiig iiilviiiliiic-niiiiiiiii t' ill (In t ,u: I Purvign Legion. A thrilling love slury, Mi ;; ; ;. maiiee, a sparkling comedy all rolled iulo m.r Tin ,, of sin art1 death, tlie wages ol' virliif are- w li y inilesloiie in (iliu iu's (Iriimalic triiiinph. Not ip licr a- Hie mor little llaliaii (iirl who le um In ! ii ruinous regiment, (iloria. funnier itud mo li nilig than ever. Superb cast, (iloria Kwan-ui lb i . NorniUti Trevor. Paul Panzer, Aruiaiiil Con irAinhricouii ami oilier-. FELIX COMEDY CARTOON FOX NEWS-GAZETTE 3Cc and 10c aw m mi mi acaiaB m m m mi aaYxoi m. jm i mt ti LADIES OF PRINCE RUPERT yon arc inilcd i see irv Spring and Summer HATS V I line just icleivcil a huge sliipnieid in Hi previiililig .sliailes iinil styles. Sec our windcv We have aho reicivcd a large hhipno'ii ami House iJiesses, Hie price- ol which will luirchuser.' JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 645. GET IT AT! 7th St. and 3rd Art. HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 BULK COCOA ii His. for 25c new U: 3 Diningroom at a Bargain 8 Piece Hardwood Suite - - - 8 Piece Fumed Oak Suite - - - 9 Piece Hardwood Suite - - - 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Homo Furnisher Suites $100.00 $120.00 $130.00 phone 20