n li Hp f it .'0. 1025. THE DAILY NEWS RNMENT UQUun saw.. for nu .fftre-ITION OF ,,.rE. i . , that ""I K is IM, .; thf nnilprslRnec ' "V l i Vtflii-r Control 111 ",H'.J Vl'' premise in .. In n-'i". ', '. i,n,,n an ,,rl " '"v., unmed at trr. ' '. ;n me city or it r .'Hic 11 it t li i.niniiinm, i .fin" . ,i. i ... lots seven- -, lh.ll One (I), 1 uiTAfi 1 1 1 1 r in 2" i.'n d.-.-4l.-ff In tb. ..." ' .rmv ill in' -ny . . ..... a fur we 1111 ."" .' ,ii li "I'd ill ' " H1 aw v -itwt n. casley. own premises. II. r., tin 01 h i,.l Mftiiaarr Applicant, Ument liquor act. in nr APPLICATION FOR BEER i.ivfci'-- , lip- t Ill IK' 'II thill nil li"' 111) UllllerSlRIICll I in i.iqimr control p in n !'' I' premises ii, a l- Miimir Known m' ...!' ' in ih iVn v ;; li":.'- iii.ii-1 1 lii'il ns Lots mill !.' '"''' y (.fl.-) ' i III IMIII l II Ml :i IMI ,ri i.. Hi" I ' II "I I IIIIT -isii-ri'il mac or tii. i lirRiiary or-Tti i Itupert and i. iiip ,ii 'if beer bJ' ; till IPC'1 WUIIC Kir ""I Irnment liquor act. S OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENVfc, hi'-'h ''i tint on thi' 1 Mai ,i li t the iiwlurolriif'rt ip, li Kir Uipinr contrnl j . -i : -in ''i l" prcinlsM i - w in.,1 ,iii himwii an ,irv ., i niaioii ai irn . ..i la Mir ily i'f Prim ! k t Hi., -ih r.nliiinliU, Iiik: ili"i HiI as l.ola niiH--n ! n in . in H lurk ri ' ,-: ill one ' 1 1, Cll k:hti iruinr i a i'phik- nmn v ' in 11 in mi i.nun nn: at th. ,n "I lrliwi lln- Sll:- ili i llif nlM'li IhiIIIc ihiSk' a inr iiip aip nr Hip 1 III 111! p"P!IIIM'. I . :r. li :;ii -i, n.i... inn r.in Mil A. M. IIOSS. XaiiaKTf runt I.pspp f New l:inpnHN Hotnl MiplK'ant RNKIENT LIQUOR ACT. I OF APPLICATION FOR BEER il: iti r LICENSE l t- 'h r .'.' that on thp ' Mil - hp Oil' llliilpflrilisl i:y. I hp i.tqimr Durilnil niiii i , imi' n iri'llilw Hip lii. ulinr k mitt ii a :tr i ill Hit '(iriKT fit ! i: ii Hit ll; land OF APP1ICATI0N nil V, l t l Litinat. 1 11; ami I Plop ((!,. i . Si'- iinn Oiip ac'cirflinr lo tie! i'. .an li'pi,-iiPrt in Hip al Hi. i itjr r' r t: !:.:iiiIitp(I jnr tin'. f t ir In Ihp niipii Kt'Br,',l,' tt.i.i en, naiMIri". and Prnnrletni.. r Savoy IIoipI, ( MmllmnM "NWENT LIQUOR ACT. F '"I'ON FOR BEER 'VlPIlJt, " nw'i, ".'". '? iiiKli'rmrnnil hi-ciH i,.""' . '-".ninr Ciniirnl rm r,r .1... . r:r r "i tin-inup S"""i. imi.... Jin i 91 riv,f, Iiurrnr k!'"wn III llnnl ir,;:?. M "(it Plf"'k Nn- lull l.i I i-ilf' ITIni'l llll!.rl I Mm ii fiir tLn, I'r"vlnre or " ,u' ii., iTPhllsp,. III ll.l. . 1 "'ITlPlur anil Mnimrpr. 'nniipnni NMENT LIQUOR ACT. ir,ri'"r::,y mvpn ii,t .... " ' v 1(",h . Vr. ",l'ertinii.il llr'H i Li1'11!11, fl'inirnl pm'Tit, nti iiiiiiu. i... 111 M .i...". n,l Pi,'-',"1'"" Vha'rhii L""."'!1 nt ''Oft !' Snli.ii.rJ:...:7 . Hlnik flll'IV. lIl'KUlr.. ...''"HI ( I'llllHllpil l.i I t If Ills- ,, "."" H i.iii.r"":0"!'H-rt, .v..r ,, o!'n,'N'K hicks uirl f:i'iiipiii, iintpi. Applicant. IMPRESSIONS OF THE EAST W. E. Williams Tells Gyros About Recent Trip to New York and Other Cities Thai a spirit of he rn-worsliip inherent in llir American people. was a factor llnil was responsi-! I I fur llii" aernmplishmenl miracles liy t luis peoples was one of the Impressions gained hy 'i. K. Williams on hjs recent It'ill I'll I lie liilil Mm five I'liil.l --- - - ..... '.,,, l.,tll,f ill an address delivered las night. Tlio Unili'il Stall's coun- try advertised its great men on' every litniil ami, try lining so, in-spiled ils citizens In greaL accomplishments in ejiiiilafion of them. Mr. Williams fouml the American people not of a miserly naltire. Instead or merely investing Ih Mr money they mnile iU wi.rk. t here was nn such! person iiiere as the gentleman i In.' ri Mil fAkiid in ti ,c il.,...A ...JL. . :.. hup r, u. . mi .juiiipemi eoiintrje. Kvery- ETFR BI.AftK, iiiul Mummer lotilral Hold, ppllrltlt where one wen,l in the rily or New York, on which Mr. Williams no:!::! nn ihp iiriiniu.i , ... . . . , ... .. ! i t:, a, iiii iiiih oxerwneiin ine visnor l-'STolJi. iiiil tlatiarPr n tl.al nn Hip 1 1 i' iiii(tcririip(l i ix l.Kpmr Cimiiiil " n .pi ,.i ii, iirrmiMsi ill' ii-;;iilinr kimwii as I' 1 II luM A-PIHIP. In IlllpPfl. 'TilVllM-p r ':iiii thp i.iihU du-lli: ri 1 anil rmiriiwn .pi'iimi nn,, . t " Bi i orn nr (MP t r n ,..,. tt a. t .:v fur iiip sale nr i i iii. ....... , t.. i 'li tli-ii that nn tlio Kill- IIMllP.ilB.lii.it lll I. Inn ill' I'iiiImI lllllllllllir IrtliaU ti .aw "fiprri. iTnvlnrc nr " x (hiriT ihri-p (M,, ' ''i I'rini liiiM-rl. ihp ,,, ,, " ""'l' "r limn S,, ',; i , 'x-wmrN orrii'D m hk il f i'1"'! '. n,,l niimliprpd I, inn tflllU .,H "ih-iiliiptl(in nn Hip There was more useful and vain luxury in that city than anywhere clc 111 ''ar' H tuu "'""'.v ni'ived in al Appiicaiii , IVIWENT LIQUOR ACT. Ik- -t FOR BEER linosi tuciiiiceivaiiie volume. Mr. Wlllinrns whose address was mi "I digressions fiained in the I'.ast." also dealt wllji the city of Montreal and Ottawa in a humorous vein, lie described in an inleii'sttnjr miuiner how he had spent New Year's live in the former city, lie had never wil-nesseil such a celehrallon As was staged in Canada's metropn- n Innen meellniy nf Ilie elnh and H.i th . Ik 1 ,1111. r . virv UMiTF.n. W am- Mnnaapr. NnpllPn "NlflENT LIQUOR ACT. P ,4"II0N FOR BEER It was he regular monllily there Weil' present the follow ing guests: V. V.. Molierlson. ) Harry llirch. W. K. Williams. Alex. Mix. Jack Itarusiey. and .1. .1. Miildoon of I'rince llupert; fi. 1'.. Ilayward of I'.ilinonlnn : ('.apt. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE m iHin-yv HIvpii tlml nn Hip Till ilil.v nr Murrl. ni'XI Hip nndpralfrned 'intuiKlio tn ul'ply I' i Urn I.Uiimr liliiitml IlKard fr ilcvnxii in- rp!1!'! in pn'iiiKr lii'iiilf purl nr Hip liullilinn kimwi n-I'rlnrp HiiMTl Hotel, iIiiiiiIpI al IhP rnr Hit nr Si.riilid Avi'Iimp mill Slvth Slri'i't. In Hip cay nr I'rliii'P lliipert, I'rnvliiri' nr llrlllsli CiiIijiiiIiIii; iipnn llin IhiiiIn (Ip M-rllH'il an l.nu thlrli'i'ii HI, nnd rmirli'i'ii illi, in II k pi'vin (It . Spi-tlnn niii- 'II, In thi- City nr Prlnni Itnpprt, ai'mril-.lilt tn ii ri'rlprpd map nr plan dppnlii.d In tlio I ii ml ItptlMry orrii'P nt Hip CIIJ' nr I'rlni'p. linpi rl anil iiunilipri'd 3, rnr tin-Ktlli- nr Iienr liy Dip rlusa nr liy Hip nppn Lollln rnr I'lSi.niinpllim nn thn prrnil"i'S. h.VITn ni Prlnrp llnpi-rt, II. C, this Mil day ur Frnruary, tuui. pnti:i: itiifKiiT hotei. COMPANY, LIMITED, I'rr: II II, nni:hpslr. Mima nor. vppln'ant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. MlTICK la hprphy lvon that nn Hip 1IH dny nr Mnri'h noxt, Hip imili'i'Hlirnpi liitpiid In npptv In thn Llipmr Cuiitrnl liciiiid rnr n IIcpiii'p In rospprt nF proniHPH lipinir purl nr tho linllilinir known a TIip llnyspiirl HntPl, eltnntpd In thn tnwn nt llaysiiurl, li.c., Iipnn Hip hind dPSKMbwl nil Lnl nrty-tlnw (S3i nnd finy-fniir (SI), in lilnck pIpvpii (tt. ncrnrillnit In u rt'Ki.tlPi'pd map di'iHiKltcil In thu , Land li'-RlKlry orrice. at the city nr Prlnrp llnppi't, lor Hip anlp nr lii'i'r liy tin' Rlnia nr liy the open lmitlp pir LMiiisnniptlnn (in Ilie premise.". HVTK1I lit IMVKpnrt, B.C., till Oth (lilt ir ri'liriinry, liuri. (MIlS.i M. A. Dt't't'l. Owner nnd MnniiRPf or liaycport llnlM, Applirant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE l IipipIiv Riven Unit nn nr nrier the mill liny nr March next, Hip iiihIitmIkii.'iI InuinilK to nppl.v to the LKlimr Cmilrnl linnril rnr n Uppiipp In reaper! f pieiiilxpn liPinir pari nr Ihe tinllilliiR knnwn as i,nieen's lintel. Hituilti' nn l.nl ti, Main Street, Masett, yiieen ClmrlatiH laluiida, In Dip pi'ovim r luitlsli Cnlunilila, rnr Ihe mile nr liner liv the Rlas nr hy the npen lit tin rnr rnnitiiiiiptlnii nn the pre-inlp Dated thl. 1 till, (tn v nr February, 104S Mils. M, L, HI1NN. Owner, Applicant. OUfar-eyer Recme cat IS for I I Because It is: ) I II our anil JimI I 1 1 ' 11 safe and clean 11 II pconfitnirxl II II tfsytokeep II 11 easy to order V St. CharlM Recipe V Book Fre-VrHt ine Doracn o. (h Limited A (( Vancouver. 11 j vc.-i-t4y ilenlt i'incipally, there were out- " " slaniling imlicalions or how y'u'iH rgennt Itusscll or wealthy people ilisliihulcl their v,i"l,,i: ' MniTison of Sunny-nionev r.ir the henent or the race Mr- M,,',i" ""I". at lar.'. Tlie Americans con-!""' (i,n ,",ri,t, on.nre. se-siilereil theniselves the freest 1 Hl"' ll"''-' as commu-people in the worl.i; 'liils might i"ily Milton r.inmiles, not he so hut when ninelv per!1'"''1 I'r''!"l,,1' w" ' emr cent of the imn.igrai.lsoming"" 'l,,ir"' 'f McXaiipli-into the country pase, Ihej1"' Slnllie r I.iherlv on enlerin in. I T,M' f,ul, l'nIoI to change thr 10 inejr mini or nreams an nn-foinrellahle impi'essinn was left Willi them. It was an impres. sion Miat Inspired its own fulfilment fn their ilevelopinenl as loyal citizen. I here wti niucli of the American spirit that Canadians might well emulate. .New York, Mr. William saiil. was h city of many superlatives. 11 had the greatest population for Ils area of any plai'e on the earth. There were more Jews llieue than in Jujea ami us many Irishmen as in the frisli Tree f:.i-i ii. a avpiiiip. Tlin'r!. in tin' '" n Manhattan Island ui'rriu-1 uere was inure vo nine or im i . ing Mian anywhere else in (lie wnrhl of the same size. The architecture of the city was of Midi magnitude that it seemed liour of meetings from in the evening lo 1 o'clock noon on seconil aird fourth Wednesdays. ESCAPE FROM ANOTHER FIRE Smlthers Dwelling Threatened But Timely Action Stopped Ravages of Flames SMITlll'.US, Feh. 2ti. Another fire in Smilhers was narrowly averted on Tuesday morning when an4overhealed stoie pipe started a Idaze in the home of J. Jl. Kirhy. Mr. Kirhy, who was in his kitchen at the time, was startled hy a heavy puff, followed hy lhij noise of -ii picture fallinig from the wall and on coining into Die living room was surprised lo see flames spreading from where the pipe passed through a partition and already was half way across Ilie ceiling, l-'urlunalelv a fire extinguisher was handy and with this he was aide to cheek Ilie flame, which had also spread lo (lie hedroom until his appeal fur help had hrougiil Ihe neighbors In his assistance. Had Ilie fire broken nut a few minutes later, Mr. Kirhy would have left for his office and Smilhers would have been minus a nice lillle dwelling. The damage done is fully covered by insurance. MISS JUDITH LAMBLY AND WILLIAM STEPHEN MARRIEDJESTERDAY Young Couple Will Make Home at Lewis Island After Honeymoon at Terrace A ijuiet but Interesting wed-dinfc was solemnized al lle Presbyterian Manse al fi o'clock last nijjli! when Miss .Indillt l.ambly, daiisditer or Mr. and Mrs. 11. !".. l.ambly. Lewis Island, was linlled in marriuire lo William Stephen, son of Mrs. I. Slepheii, Third Avenue West, Itev. Mr. JI. H. (iraul onicialing. ThercKisler .wa signed by Laurie l.ambly, brother o,f Ilie bride and Miss MnroHiy Slepheii, sisler of the brideyroom. After Ihe ceremony a wedding breakfast was served nt Ilie home of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs, Stephen left on the easlbound train last niglil for Terrnco and upon Ibeir return will reside al Lewis Island. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnoe Rupert Will F. Thompson, .). H. Frail; cis and .laMies II. Illake, Victoria; A. .1. Oafcley, M. F. Myjene and Sliinley II, Carey, Seallle; W. .1. Timtick, Mrs. W. .1. Mniitb, .1. W. Schoonover, N. Murcbin and (icorge Slrachaii, Vancouver, F. I. Kenny, city. Central I. Milgram, Vancouver; .M. A. Krallz, ScatlU'i O, Ilardal, G.N.Il. EGG PRICES ON DECLI1 Spinach Arriving and Good California Cabbage Potato Market Uncertain Oranges Firm l'gg prices arc down this week. Shipment to the Kast have ceased anil, consequently, the local Itn'tish Columbia market is absorbing all supplies. California cabbage is arrivincr trt good shape. Heads are small but hard and green. Spinach is again on the market. Imported slock i selling at '20c per pound, flhiiharb is also being offered. m Imrifig the past ten days, a couple of carloads of Terrace potatoes arrived for the local market. IM-ices are a lillle easier hut there is no certainty as to the future. There is jh informal ion about root house stocks but there are known lo be a number of 'interior 'shipper who have good supplier Orange prices are firm and no decline js in sight. Itelail prices prevailing here today are as follows: Butter Hrookfield, Shamrock and Wood- land,' lb. H. d D Plillon, Hi Kraft Norwegian Goal . . Xapoleon I.imherger Itofiuefort lid am, Ih. Swifls' Ittitlercup, lb fiorgonzola, lb. ... . I I.C. Fresii F.xlras . . . Local I'ullets . .., Local New Laid . . . VegetabltT 45o in Vanderlioof ... ... ." j.,c Lard I'tirc .4 Compound ; . , ; , Cheese Albej-la solids Ontario solids ... . IV.C 25c 30c 35c 45c C0c 70c 75o 45c i5c "5c Eggs H.C. Fresh 1'iillel f S0c U.ti. Fresh Firsts .'.tic -. 50c ,50 c C5o tiieeu I'eppers, Ih. ,.. . . w 75c Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs. .. .. 35c I'olaloes, Woodcock, 100's 3.75 1'iilaloi's, Siniiheo, loo's, 83.50 Potatoes. Terrace, 100'., 3.75 Walla Walla Onions, 4 lb. 25c Walla Walla Onions, .saok 5.25 fleets. I lbs. ... ....... . i 25c Meets, loo's 1.50 Carrots. 5 lbs ... 25c Carrol, ton's i.oo 'lerrace llulebagas, (1 lbs. .. .2.c lltilebagti, Kill's ... ?2.50 I'anli flower, head .. 40c to 50c Cabbage, Calif. ... J0c and 12c California Head Lettuce !2'ac. In 2tc Oarlic, imporled, per Ih. ... 50c Mexican OiililooC Tomatoes, Ih. , ... . t . . 50c Hiibbnrd Squash, lb. ... He Celerv 25c In Inc. Ilrtissells Sprouts, Washinglon Hi ; 35c Fresii Sfiiiiach, lb 20c Fresii lllinboib, Ih 25c Fruit Applos, Yellow Newlons SI.23 Afiples, Winesnps -l.75 Oranges, Snnkisl, do.., 25c In !)0c. Lemmis, Snnkisl, dnr.. .. .. 40n Itananns. lb, .. .... .. iSc Ornpefruit, Florida ..I; for 35c Comb Honey ... ... .,. ... 10c, P.xtracled Honey, per lb. .... 25e Coiv m tils, each . . , . . . . , . .Prunes ., Apples .. Dried Fruits Dales, bulk, 3 lbs. . Males, Fan! Males, Dromedary . niaced Cherries, lb. Ilaisins, hulk, 2 lbs. Ilulsins, package, lb. Spanish, Cluster Ilaisins, lb. 45e Siinmaiii Cluster Ilaisins, lb. 25o Lemon and Orango Peel .... 35c Citron Peel ... ... .... 50c Hlack Cooking Figs 25c and 30e, While Figs, 2 lb. for 35c nurrnnls .. ..v. 22jc ... .. .. 20c-25o Peaches, peeled pricols, lb. . 4 t 4 4 f I Nuta Pecan ... ... ... , ti Mmoiids ... ... MiiHinds. shelled Valencia,. !M. I 4 25c 40c 40c 25c 75c 25o 20o 25o 25c 30c 45c 25c COo Almonds, shelled Jordan.. $f.00 rtrrtxila and rillertn 25o Walinils, California No. 1.. DOc Walnuts, Mnnolitirinn 25o Wnlnuls, brnkn shelled ... 50c Walnuts, shelled halves ASn Chestnut, lb. ... .. Peanuts, roasted . . Irouiul Almonds .., Almond Pusle ,,. ., ., 8uor While, per 100 ... , Yellow, per J00 ... ..... Flour Flritir, 4.0's, No. I Jivo.nl .. Pastry Flour, 10'a ... 40o 20c . 75o , (iOu ift.no 7.60 ?3.on , 75o new rervlce CANADA'S NEW LINK WITH ALASKA - Mi f ' ' ' f V i ft, -' W ??.'" SV sr. T is not many years 8'nce Alaska was one of those countrV-s whose geographical location rat indicated with a grandiliuan: sweep of thfi arm northwards. It has always been a land of myster?, lomance and adventure. It hnr. provided the tljcine for the thrill-i(ig tales of noveliits .anil the stir-linir DOt-ma of northprn hairHs. Huf even thoflgh the days ti the therh-ako and the sourdough (s done, the brief but active span of the Dangerous Dan Magrews and the Lady lull's, matters of historical refer-en?e, the lure of Alaska has noL waiiij, but is as appealing aa ever to tne Hearts of men and women wherein a bit ' Of romance lurks, and that means to everyone, Alaska Is no longer a far off country. It Is s very nrar neighbor to Canada, It will be even nearer this summer. Mr. J. K. Dalrymple, Traffic Vie-President of the Canadian National Hallways, has announced that commencing on June 22nd, the com-jiany will inaugurate a weekly : teamship nrviee between Prince j Kunert and Alaska and that the , oll-burnhrg pteamships, "PHnce' George" and "Prince Rupert," Go'ng northward the ships wjll-i reacr. rrince Kupert at u.ao on Wednesday morning, following the Monday of mailing from Vancouver, nnd tourists wijl be given an . op-' portunlty to See something of this new Pacific port, as the Steamer Pastry Flour. ID'S . . . Fish lied Salmon . . . Halibut, lb. ... Smoked, Kippers, lb. . . . Kippered Salmon, lb. ., Smoked' lllack Cod, lb. . Finnan lladdiisr lb.. , ., Salt Mackerel, lb,,-. , ' 4 . . . . . . Ueef, roast prime rib Lamb, chops , . . ... Lamb, shoulder Mutton, leg .., Lamb, leg ... Mutton, chops .. Million, shoulder ... ... Feed - Wheal, No. 5 .. Oalsi ........ . Mran . , . . ... ... .. !j3.1l 25e! 25c j 15c ( 25c! 20o 25c 25c, Laslern Sail llerrinp, 2 for 25c Sail Codrrsh Fillels, lb. .... , . 3 Op H(viunejs,SaU Cod btJcifif.jILi.'Sc Holland twrnms, .per ko -31,05 Meats Fowl, No. I,' lb. .... . . ,V 30c Iloastng Chicken, lb. 40o nnd 45e Ham, sliced, firs I. grade. ..'.,.0c Ilntn, whole, first grade . . 3ftc Hacon, back, sliced . . ..- 450 IlaconV side .., . 35c lo 45c Ayrshire Jlacnh, lb, .. . Veal,- shoulder Voal, loin ... VeaL- leg ... Pork, shoulder Pork, loin ... . Pork, leg Ileef, riot roast . 350. 18o 35c 25c 30 35o 35c .4 ... 1 0c to 1 5o Meef, boiling 8o to lOo Ueef, steak .... ..... 25o lo 35c 25c 45c 28c 33o 453 35c 22 c 100 lbs. 4 93.25 . . ..I .. .. . . $2.35 Shorts . , . . 2.U Marley ... .... .... 3.25 Poultry Mash 3.!)0 Special I'ggmash 9l.no OAT ARRIVALS Arrivals from (be south oft the steamer Prince Rupert yesterday uflernoon included: For Prince Rupert .1. II. lllalo, Capt. Francis, J. II. IIoc- Some of the scenes along this magnificent s?a voyage are i.:iown in the photographs' (1) A. new of Skasnar. Alaska, where visitors will he t'ireu ample time to see this famous town ana alo ta visit White Horse and the Attin Lake district. (2) A beautiful sunset scene i n the Ljnn Canal, which, the fteKmRhips Prince P. u pert and Prince George will thread on their journey into the Land of thu Midnieht Sun. (3) The Taku Glacier, one mile wide and nintty miles lung one of the largest ani roost' heautiful glaciers in the world. (4) The Prince Itupert, vhich. witn the l'rlnce tieorce, will be used in the Vancouver- Prince liunert-Alsska service this summer. These boats are nil-burners nnd are amone the finest anpn'nted vessel in the Pacific Coast' seftlce. Inset is one of the carious totem poles to be foand in the bninens cert ion of Wranifelt, Alaska. waic.1, haye already established a : reputation as being among the does hot continue on its northern lest-apnointed vessels on the Paci- trio until four o'clock thnt after. n - Coast, will be engaged in this j noort. After passing Old and New Metlnktla and Port Simpson, an old Hudson's Bay" Post, calls will be made at Ketuhikan, a typical Alaskan town built, at the foot ef 'the mountains. Proceeding' from- that point the steamships 'will touch at Wrangell. beaiitifully situated near the mouth of the Stikine River and 1 kiir.' Miss Vniiji Uorvik, Mr. l.ind-say. S.. U. .Carey, J. Sclioon-Dvei;,,.r. A. Siriillt. Mr. and .Mrs. .1. Field .Irang HUi.inysiilej ;. NNV F. .Ttniiniisiiit. JL. 'KIHortj Jltv aipl Mrs. '. IT.! (laldehviMid; and .i-hit d, Jl W. ifr Tiiilliek,; Ml'. W. .1; Smith and ' i'ta iia h I er, . , A. ) t;(Ui . Mr. anil -Mi's. 'lV.Vi.. MtrkeiV;- U'Ojrtl-inej Mrs. iv. .;oi.,. A.;...I.'(;(iolejy; f. W 'Marson;,..' 'j'.. MePhcrsoti '(Vifnilef limit) , 0 F. JIay,vai(I Mrsi W. W. Anderson and Miss II. Anderson. For .'Stewart' J. Ilaininock, J. II. Mrysdabv If, Hlaxloh,. II. II. .lohnsim, Miss Hilda Walton and Miss Mildred' Asserliml.. For Anyoj ll.' ll.. 'I'ewsley, fi. A. (iritlilbs. ..Mark ModsOit', I, W. Nunii, II. Wilfianis, llobert Simmons', fi. .Samuelsoii ' and.. J W, Miliilrisli. LAND ACT. Notic ol Inttntlon to Apply to P'irch Land. In Skeena Lund liliru'l, Prince Itupert llis-nrdliiR lilstriit. ami situate on Jsliinil in Skeena lllver Immediately pirn Hi or Salvus Island. TAki; MiTlcL thai ImiiRla.'i S. Clarke nt UnriMtiy. H.C. nrrnpallnn salPMiian,' IniPiul.H in apply rnr liTinlsslon la pur ih.ise Hip mllnwInR (lencrlped lands: ciulinienrliiR at a pusl planted on the pasleily end or the Inland lvlnir Inline. dlalely nouth nr Salvut Inland, nald (take beliiR plained al the extrpme eaM end of uid Imliind, and eoniainliiR all of said Island. Thi Make Is plumed 4110 yards directly south nr snlvns station and run-tains Hie name or liniiRla s. Clarke, and naked hy spent Tiiomaa Mills, ami cnn-lalnhiR 301) drrea, more nr le, IHll OLAS S. CLAI1KE, l'er Arpii! , . . THOMAS MILLS. n!'d Janinry l?th. togs. COAST LAND DIITMICT. RCSARDINQ DISTRICT Of COAST. , TAKE NOTICE" that Pnieiric, Mills, Mm-lied, of Vanenuver, Brlilsh Cnlnnibta, I'ulp and Paper 'MinufsPtiirera. Intendl to apply for a lease or the followlnR deserlliPd lands, in Coast IHstrlrti tianan J, In the I rovliiee or Krltlsh Coliiiiiliiu. and belnR a water lol 011 the west aids nr Uimsttis In-li'l, innre puuienliirly desrrlliPd as rnl-Iowh: Cotniiipnrlnr nt a imst planied on hlnh tide linn on ihe wesl sin ire u: Cisisln Inlet distant southerly aloiiR same 300 rt. from thp xotilheasl corner ot Lot 1 4 Iia, Const Mstrlrt, Iljnse 3 thence north 4.ldeR.K a dlslancp nr n.HftO rt,. morn or less, 10 the southeast corner or Watpr Lot 1 100) tucace Doitu 47der.3'V. along possessing Many associations with the period when Alaska was a Russinn possession. The next point touched will be Juneau, the capital of Alaska, and a modern city with good motor roads and many points of interest, including the Mendenhall Glacier and mines which have made this country famous. On the way from Wrangell t Juneau there will be an opportunity to see thfe grandeur of Taku Inlet and the famous Taku Glacier, over a mile wide and 90 miles long. ' The ships will arrive at Skagway. at seven o'clock Friday morning and will remain there until seven o'clock Saturday night, thus giving i ample opportunity to passengers to see this famous town and to visit White Horse and the Atlin i Lake District. On the south-bound , journey the steamers will reach Vancovvep at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, making a complete ten-day round trip. In addition to the Alaskan trip, ! the ,tri-week!y service between I Vancouver and Prince Rupert will be maintained and also a semi-weekly service to Anyox and Stewart on the Portland Canal, which service has been in effect for some time past. The establishment by the Canadian National Railways of this Alaska steam-boat service will meet :the demands, of many tourists, and will be a fitting climax to the famous Triangle Four, comprising Jasper National, Park, the Rockies, the Coast .Range and the water voyage through the "Norway of America." II11' mm tli boundary :(iT said .water lot lliiu, rtlMatire nr SS5 rl. tu th snnlliwe! (rti-irer nr .iid' lot 11iv; thenee rollowlnir the hirh tide line xoHtherly a dl.l.mre ot 1,111111 rt... morp ,nr les. t. lh point nr roiiirnmieeineitl, rirtiUmlnx 711 arres more lir Ip. liilKi January, Oth, ,tnS5, X PACIFIC Mri.LS FlMlTF.n. . Bjf. -JAMES il.. LAWSOM. A.Mant secrplary. '.' i3l standard ILink lliilldinR, .- Itii tlauinRS strept. West, . VfqiW(Hivpr. B.C. LAND ACT. Notloa of Intantlon t Apply to Purchas Land , . in- Skeena Land niMrlct, o? Prlnre lliipprl Rni'nrilliiK nlMrlrl, and situate appr.Hlm.itPljr one and one hair miles West nr Salvns statlnn, on Salvns Ixlaml, SkPPiia m.er. Take Nntlre that Pnrtnlf Larsnn. of 4443 CirlPton 8i,v nnrnnhy, oempatlnn LnRrer, Intends 10 apply for pprinllnn 10 purrhaH1 Ihe fnllowlnR derrriiipd land: CommenrliiR. al a post planted at Ihe oiittiwpit corner or Lot 4803, Salvns Island; thence anuthwestprly, approxl-niatPly sun yards; thpnee northerly ' ap-prntimatPly ' sun yards; thenee iiorthxvenl-erly appro.vlinately son yards; thenrn southerly smi yard's, tn point nr lipRlnnliiR. cnmprMiiR all that pnrtinn nr Salvns Island west nr Lot 4S03 and rnnlainlnr 300 awes, more or leas. TIIOMAs MILLS A Rent rnr ,. nunoL" i.Anssox. LAND ACT Notlco of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land In Prlnrp Itupert Laud District, lie-cordliiR District nr Prince nupprl, and sit-iiatp at liarnard Cove, Princess Boyal Island, B.C. Take .Nntlre that Snmervllle Cannpry Company Limited, of Vanenuver, B.CM In-lend to apply ror permission to lease lh rnllnwlns ripscrlben lands: CnnimencinR at the head nr Barnard Cove, princess Pnyal Uland; llienre east rive (81 chains; thenre .north rorty (40) chains; thence wet len (tni chains, more or Ipss, to low tMiier mnrli: thenee smith almiR low water mark In tmlut or ennimpnceinpnt. and eoniainliiR ririppn (t acrpa, more or less. 90MEn.VII.LF CAtNEIlT COMPANY LIMITED Name of Applicant. W. J. Jerrersnn, ARPnt. Tatpl rvppiTihpp ith. I84 LAND ACT Notlc of fnterrtlen to Apply to Laaa Lane In Maseti Inlet, (.nippn Charlotte Islands Land District, BecordlnR District nf Prince Ituperl, BX,, and situate about nne inllo south nf Bos Island, Massell In let. and In Vnstaltnn Bay, on tlntbpr limit .No iTlke Notice that EtiRene II. Simpson, nf Massptt. B.CM nrrupatlon Cannerv Maner, Intends to apply fnr permission tn lease Hip folNiwIna dPscrthPil Isndsi coninipnetn at a posl planted on Ihe wssl Ide of Teslalton Bavi thence south K chains; thence east in chains, thenot north s phnlni ihenpe west to rrmlns, and ton lalnlnR ii acres, more or less. EUOEPjE H. SIMPSON. Name of Applicant Dated Dce.mo I Oth, (.,