For Flavor insist on "SALADA" TEA. The Daily News .lMUNCE RUPERT - URITISIl COLUMRIA Member of .Audit Bureau of Circulations. daily KDlTipn mi- tin ii I. i ion is oeraiise nc aiwavs lias :i . I ere is soinrlhing be told Iheni that mislil AhmIv liere. ' ' ' ' ...... "V..'. II.! I . . 'Thre are some things we need to burv flfounil BAsg Always ftesh and pure. Sold .only in sealed aluminum packets. I'ujijished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. R PULLEN, .Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery. by mail or carrier, per monlli ... $1 Hy mail hi n, parts of Hie Urilish Empire and the. United Tu all oilier countries, jn advance' per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 no 'blales, in advance, 'per year e SSO.OO ZttDMojiday, January 12. J'Ji'fl. Bad Taste In .Journalism. For one of (lie largest newspapers in the province to speak of a piililic man as an old 'woman in one of its leading editorials is anything hut good taste. Possibly the man who runs the fun Column might, lie ;dlowel such a liberty hut surely nut the editorial writer. Yet that is what happened in a recent number nf the Vancouver ..Sun. That paper tries to ridicule the newly-nppoinletl agent general and in doing so hesmirrnes its own reputation. In these, days of journalistic latitude, there must he a limit to the hounds of indecency. F. A. Pauline was speaker of the Legislature prior to the last election and lie held that position' almost without criticism'. It was a difficult one hut his tact and fairness carried )iim through. Now lie is .assailed liy the Vancouver Journal ju a most indecent manner, just because he does not happen to live in Vancouver. It lias become now that any person outside of Vancouver gelling a -public appointment must espei;t to. be attacked by the people or newspapers of our big neighboring city. Leave Route To '" ' ' ' Engineers. . The conference on the Peace River railway decided to leave the matter nf route to the engineers and after all that is the only rasoiiable tiling Co do. We know little of it except what the engineers tell n. The difficulty is that engineers are often bjosed by political .considerations and may not realize economic values. Kngjueers. "will have lo pwivide the data on which the railwaynieu will decide whal route shall be taken mid .doubtless they wjll be, in consultation with the politicians because they will liave to have stale aid in, Ihe. building of (be line. Value Of -Sport To The .World. John (Jalswortby, the famous novelist, ays: "Sport which still keeps a flag of idealism Hying; is .perhaps the most saving grace -in the world at the moment, with its spirit of rules kepi, fl ml regard for the adversary, whether the fight is going Tor or against. When, if ever, the fairplay .spirit of sport reigns over international affairs, the cal force". which rules there now will slink away and human life emerge for tie, first time from the jungle." Of course sport has nfher uses but the training in obedience" to law ami consideration for opponents is one of the most .important. ' . , ' ' Don't Stand Around Waiting For Things. Dr. Clejn Davit's the other day said some verv .pungent tthings piessugr Victoria fnrililv- -it -'.' ' i "iijioiob iiini anjiiouv mil himseir; or he stands around wailing fur a job to come to him instead .of going after the fellow to give him a job, "Hllsincss ineO mid eilv fe:i,liw ! v;.. I. 1.........11 1. eno.l to.dhe fact that this is nj, i,ge of publicity. Time was wlnu , . a business man simply hung h sign giving b ness. Hut (hat was a century. ago. To allenipt lo do htisjnes today without publicity, In attempt to bring prosperity lo Victoria without telling the world nbouDall the wonderful things we have , here is like winking in the dark." mm m Hills r Underwood London Diy Gin The Cjw .you rjll mIc , for, again the standard .of purity .for .over .160 years. $3.25 A BOTTLE The Gln jor you it II. fif .U. 'SffSSSSSS. This advertisement is not published or displayed Lbjuor Control Hoard or by the Government Urilish Columbia. 1 mm B6 of the I The Man in the Moon P.YS:- SOMK people's iilca of "rash ami carry"' is Id Keep Ihe rush in I heir pockets u n.i I ask the si ores In carry IIiimii. IT would Im all Henry Kuril "Urn'' plans have a lialil J A KM says hair because 1 1 hat way. girls Ihr right In call because his of halefiing. wear men' (iOSlf1 (il.l dear II was .n nice -,l kissed' Ihr lillle l.aily twice, lint, she was sore, For ilnn'l you see, I sliniihl have niai'le,.' The number three: j TenYears Ago ; ) in Prince Rupert . J January 12, 1915. .Mayor Xewlmi was warmly conjrraliilaleil at last, niglil's council meeting hy AM. Morris- iey al liis liavii.' been re-elccl";l chief magistrate hy acclamation. II was anoiiuneed al night's rnuiieil 1 1 1 1 i i i r Massell, Jan. J-'di'lor, Daily Xews. SKIDEGATE INLET huMiril like il early in Hie .Vcw Year, there would he a further "reduction 'in light ami power rales. The city during 1 1)23 showed a surplus nf if.'7,0l(l.(i() of revenue uver expenditure. The rev enue liitnlled .0."8.3a. In the Letter Box o , .BACHELORS ENTERTAIN I. to Hie people of Victoria, lie preaches to two thousand people i i'I-c''n,n,'s Haclielors' M" Club, n"w now thai every Sunday evening in Victoria's diiggest theatre ami hundreds;1"11'" w" lvUy a h mi iiirnen in n Silt: litil hiill to sleep, ,inl she roekeil liliu, I lie saiil not a peep ,s she pill 1 1 i til In sleep, I il I ii slumber so deep Thai I waleheil her with She put hipi In sleep Willi a right In Hie Jaw! saw; awe, linTi. A very enjoyable social even-iug-.-.was mil on by the Haclielors Cluli in Mr. Lumls' Hall-on .New Year's live, and al which every householder in lint!) IMkalla and Massell were represenled. Also a very jolly crowd arrived from Tow IljM to spend the evening with us. These young joy hunters braved broken down bridgriO washed out culverts, unit riding on trucks, the flours of which were al liine.s washed .with the floods of melting spiiw water and fain, in their efforts to get to Massell lo help us snend Hie last few hoill'-s of the old year together., as well as Ii. usher in the new. ' ( The liarhelnrs' .Cluii leilYy the. old timer, Mr. ('has. Spruce, cer-lainly jjave everyone a very enjoyable time. Ami il is Hie sincere wish of everyone that I lie il is and ono of Jliem is crepe' .hahgj'ng. ' The repe liaugtM5- sits ju !f,,,,''aged ) his slnre. hnd wonders liV biii.iis..biesiH 'coble to Jiinv -He' . criticizes the railroads, the goyrriinieiil,"us eitipi')'es. iits' vvlfe'' ny and fnwl Tutiiilt' lii his .1 eiit'iriinmiitil ii f! I.. .. i in .... I lii I.:.. stilt. ii.- ' i . i . i.. . , .1 01 oiinr- lijg asset Jn our ciiiiiinunity. An The Government "spoiler" was iere lasl week staled this tplet would be a good resort for "Tubercular patients" ae. l js Hie "driest place on the coast." K Wiggins and It, Ilolieris were ilowii froin TJ'ell mid spent Hie liolidays in Skidegale. (ieo, Mrllae has returned home i may .the .spirit .that' it has devel-i oped lie strengthened ami en in this .New Year. .S'l-riTHill. to his bungalow "llluenose" tin ceieliraJe Hie holiday season, af Ter an absence of many months. HOTEL ARRIVALS Pclnce Rupert F. W. Crawforil (i. I. Kislier. (0. S. Williams, J'. V. Dolcourl and .1. Uicklinrt, Yunenuver: ,'William Wliriiig, Htnmfnrd, Conn.: Mr. ami ilrs. 1'. I. Aiken jiiilll St. John Collliursl, Terrace; Mr. and .Mrs. ,1. .Mason Adams .and .Mis.s Doris Adams, Sinllhers. Central I ,C. '(iordichuk, Vaiirouver; Mrs. N. Ciiii.elt, Hlewarl; Mrs. .Nations,. city; dlruee I.illle, e, Lake; II. MrCreaily den, C..N.II, and turns Itu A. V Advertlce In the Daily News as- . .:. WEEK' AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "tiuuardeil, Woinen." "Fast" erie; No. 5. Inleniationul .News. Wednesday and Thursday "The ileckless Age" Comedy- Cartoon Fox SeWsIniife. Friday and Saturday "Ileau Uruinniel " Topics of the Day. '",' . , : STORY OF GIRL'S FALSE IDEA OF HAPPIiNESS . Ilehe DanieTs. Ilieliaiil Dix anil Mary Aslor ai-f IVaiurnl in Hie principal roles of "Cux'iiarileil Women.'' an Alan Crnshiinl l'ar- UIIijjuiiI produel io: '., ailapleil from the Saturday Kveijujf Post serial. "I'acb." ; The slfiry Jias In do witli a young; rellow who, tliniuii a UiomeiU of cowui'ilice on Hie lial-Hefiehl. feels he owes - a great ilebl to the young willow of 'his hiulily who iia.l ilieil 'out there while he hesitated. The girl, without the res! rainhiK hauil of a iiusbaiul to -ruiile her. has ruineil her repulatinn in the eyes of society and is rapidly plufitriug liorseK into perdilion in tier blind uest for her false idea of liamiihesS. Hebe Daniels nlavs lasljn,,. jri uvptn llanniii!:. and "'"jlllichard Dick is the bny.Dnu'-'la Alhriglil. Miss Aslor luis I lie role of the oilier if 1 1! wliuiuj Allo'ighl really loves. Ilinuh lie sari'il'ices liimself hy doing whal he believes lo lie his duly offering All's. Itaniiinu the protection of his jiume . What does Helen, do'.' That's the tiueslion "t'nguai'iled Women" is answering for hundred of Inns daily. THE RECKLESS AGE IS FULL OF EXCITEMENT Picture Here In for the Mid-with Action mid-week showing ab the Wes-a,ivalu.iMv Cavalcade sounds holme, is i( ujud. Joyous whirl ,..,,.,.,. am ,.;,,.,.,.. r higrli society excilemenl audi ii,..,...! nf Hie redouhlahle Denny mingles ' ......m .oir ,,..., ... ' . comedy and thrills ably swift moving . i ------ i. in a t reniarK-1 noising welcome as Hie King's story; with a1 favorite regiment. the Trmlh lillle if everything Denny famous for. lie slages a fis all I'll'- in l ive W'ii the girl 111 f ! ! 1 in t' W I K of C.illctt's Pure H Flake Lye In the tm dishwater when i gfi cleaning greasy pots H Im and pans. It will H Wi save ycu much hard i h. iauor. mi I m MAfiF "IfsT f AMAHA I 1 WQI " f-m 111 VTU VlfM I itr-Ti Ml Hussars, sweep into view, their 'l hrillianf iiuifornis il:iliiiL' In llm as iiiriiung as any "Hie sun ani Mlj( bealtier Pushers." steeds wearing years ago, high-spirited Die colors of I lie siory is nn ailaplalinn ofiroyally. I'id. I)err Hirers' Saturday; "l(. j,,.,,, (lf (,.nni!, aM1 Kveninst Post story "Love Iasur- .shouting .or the populace the mice. and l)enny:. as an insnc-i ,,,.0,.,.ssi(m swings bv, uulil Ihe mice "Irouhle shooter." is .ns-;,.yu ,.,,.,1, i.pjnjf H. King signed I,, the strenuous task fl,iinselr ,raw uu in all its glory, witching over the romance j.f a 'n,ix scene, truly impressive in nobleman who has taken out a ns, beauty and-realism, is only policy aimsl failure, lo mnrr.v ;,. f 10 IllaI1y elahorale. sel-iin hen-.-.. A hlackmail plot, ,al have lieim reproduced, a thief-, a Ihrealened in eau' llruiu I," from Ihe iireacii !M;omi-e sun ami com- ,,1,. Ilf (jy,,. yMl f ical i ninnlii on- nod o rap it w, jV(,, THE FAMILY HERALD a great hundred CALENDAR IS READY t he t'auiity Herald and Weekly Star of .Montreal, lias commenced the distribution of a neauliful calendar for IH?r wilh a picture subject eulilleil: "The Sale of Old Imbbin." The pub-'isliers announce llial the calendar will be sent free In each subscriber whose sulisrripl ion is entered for W25. The Family Herald Calendar has been greatly admired by those who have received advance copies. Professor ,l.ilt. Iteynolds, M.A.. president of 'the . Ontario Agricultural College, said ill a rcrenl letter: "I am sure " The' Sate of Old Dobbin' will lie welcome in every farm boine to which il goes." When fuie considers that the cafemlar is given free in addilion to fitly Issues of this big 72 page weekly, for, which Ihe subscription .price .Is only two lnl- irs, one marvels .al, Ihe value received. Tie Family dlerahl and Weekly Slur ,has always been nolcil for its superoxeidlence as a family and farm paper, fls low subscription price and gene.rous premiums. .1. L. Christie relumed iiiorning train 'business trip up mi this from a brief the lint). Monday. .Tu!iunr.v I?, 19 RRITISH rOLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produced .Minerals as follows: Placer (iold, $70,trtS.2,T; Lode Hold, 1 ! : . 5.1 1,0.15; Silver, .frtn,.i:i2,0.1.r.; Lead, .$58, 1:12,001 ; Copper, t7!),(U0,50S; Zinc. s?r !O'i,7.50; .Miscellaneoos .Minerals, $,10S,257; Coal and Coke, .$2.10,1)08,1 Dl; Jtuihi .,)(? Sliiue, Hrirk, Cement, etc., $:'!'. 1 1 5.2:1 'i ; making its Mineral Production to the cm! of 1H2.'1 show an ; Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Pec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of this, Province are more liberal and the fees hrwqr'than llmsr ()f any other Province in Ihe 'Dominion, or any colony in the Urilish llmpire. Mineral loratious are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. . Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, IJte security of which . guaranteed by Crown firants. Full infornialioii together with Mining Itepiuds and .Maps, may be obtained grali- t addressiiig THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. himself! How lie extricates himself from his laiigleiWweh makes one of the years, but liveliest rouiedies in slill rramuieil will) sui'li thrills as Ihe halite, a daring automohile drive ami oilier adventures. BEAU BRUMMEL IS COLORFULJOMANCE John Barrymore as the Famous! Dandy Seen Here at Week End Calais in t MOO ! A picturesmii' riot of colorful romance. Hut a slreel in (Calais decorated to pay homage to the King of Kngland beggars description. Such a scene is pictured in the production, "lleail llruiumel," Ihe romantic drama of , history thai will be shown here al the week end with Hie great John Harry- iuiore in Ihe slurring role. Flags flying, houses festive. week1'"1 ,,yu "'' i-,Mdeslones themselves reflecting the holiday 'spirit of the occasion, six liuii- Iri'd peasants 'Iroiig line Hie I'lie lleckles Age," IIipLi.,,.,1 ii. .i,mI,...i .i ,.i Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20, COO Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 STARTING WASHDAY with the hardest part clone.. That's just what our "Thrif-T-ser-vice" offers. This low priced service d6es all the washing the hardest part of your work, and irons the flat work besides. You can pack your boiler and washboard away in the attic and when it comes to ironing youll have only the wearing apparel to do. And the cost is hardly more than for Wet Wash service it's only a few cents a pound. Thrif'T'service c a pound 5c Per Pound Plus 1c Per Piece CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS. SenJitJ, TVo more af this JVo more of this 3 82 Wo more of this Just A farnou Bourbon Whisky as noted for its antique maturity as for tts purity and smoothness. Bourbon in fact and qualily.bachcd rmr,?.(!TIUD IN B3ND UNIEn i FEDERAL COVEPNMEI.'T SUCEaVISIOJI Awakens Old Memories" Crow I I J. 'I wwrnrniMii mi ...... vmuMnnnuMoi pm,,,,,, or displayed by liquor Control board or by the Government of Urilish Columbia. llio