Candy Special I ,T;. upry 12, 1925. Built for the Typist-Preferred by the Typist lYRITE for ten minutes on the new Quiet 12 V Reraiftgron, and you will find a responsive-,. a flexibility, a wonderful correlation between .j, hand, and machine, which, heretofore, have ud enly in your imagination. ; ; is is the result of what vc call "Natural i.tucV one of the many remarkable irr.prove-t.., in the New Quiet 12 REMINGTON :msna:ion if yours for the usk- 'r&JHWyS . 'houi Misiition on your Jwrt. f y F . .'.1INGTON TYPEWRITER )k&H COMPANY' i McRae Bros., Ltd. GmT E.iOKLN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMQUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 2. fui jup Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. !S LTD, THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Ti ;-d and Sixth .Phones S2 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. R uper Phone 357 risk Fro ,h frozen--All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. ' Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockcye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Groy C3d( Shell FishCrabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. "Old English" ! fSKfcAMAM a : ill ' right -i '1' ' .iirl:ii ;:l Dining Rooms '. made ill old-la-luiird kil. Ii'ii cupboard slyle ';'- hih 1 1 1 1 1 fr linen drawer and one deep drawer with n ,ilie "silver' Irny; tUo two side cupboards. 1 i le-leg Table nuninled on enslers and equipped willi I wo seerel drawers, i inr "Windsor" how bark1 C'liurs in each snjle. 7 pieces, $145.00 Erne's Home Furnishings Aicnuo and 1st Street. W Phono 123 eeks Specials For Children, Hurlbut and Chum Welted Shoos 15 per cent Discount. Classic and Packard Shoes lor Children, 2 pair Inr Ilio t onv, phi.- 7.V. , Family Shoe Store Tintnnwil J J Local and Personal j ll.C. Undertakers. Phone it. Ilaynor, Untferiakern, Phono 35 1 See back page, Wallace's Sale. 10 You'll like' our joall Consumers Coal Co; Phone 7. . If Mrs. Ma Pillage was fined $25 in Hie eily police court tliif ii i in i ti fur Intoxication. Jii" MePhec arrived iu Hie dity finin lluletlale on the Cardena vi .-ii'iilay afternoon ami will rc- lurn smith on the saino vesael tomorrow night. Mr. ami Mrs. I, mice Stylos and family returned to Die eily. on tin' Cardena yesterday afternoon itll.'r having spent severul weeks visiiing In the south. I. K. (iordon, proprietor of (he Terrace Hole! is spending the May in lovn. Ho arrived on this morning x iruui anil wil return Iu tin' interior this aflqrnoon. Dun Drown returned to tin city mi tiie Cardena yesterday aflernoon after having spent the Christmas' and New Year holi days visiting at his home in Van couver. S. K. Campbell, manager of Hie Hank of Cb-rhrnerce here, wan eleeled a member of the council of lite Hoard of Trade in" placi of J. V. Scot l .at the annual meeting. PllftTPOMCMKNT: Blk's lloyal Purple Whist Drive and Dane aiitiotnii'ed for Tuesday, Jan. 13 is postponed to Wednesday, Jan 21. K.verybody come that night Admission 50 cents. Provincial I 'unstable J. A. Wil limns, who lias beni transferred from Stewart lo Leila Cool a, was in lite eily on the Cardena yes lorday aflernoon hound for Stew art where lie will make arrange men Is for Hie' moving soull? o his effects. We still have a considerable stock of the following lumber, ttc, to clsar at bargain prices before end of month. Dimension Lumber, planking, shlplap. Drop Siding, double dressed finish V Joint, floerinn. doers, window? and vener, oak and cedar boat lumber, etc. Shocklcy Planing mills. i John l.ockliiirl, eonslruelion engtnerr nnd inurinn surveyor of Ynneouvei' arrived in the. eity on Hie Cardena yesl onlay aflernoon and will rurn -houIIi on lha same vossel tomorrow. Mr. t.ockliart's mission here is in ciiiinet'tion with IUe barge Bingu- mon, wliieh wa in Iruulde off inu port last wees. Having made a call al Claxlnn in mil off a e,rew of men who will reimir the etinnery- whlirf. I iiimi steamer Cardena. Cap!. A. Dickson, arrived iu port from Hie south at I o'clock ycslnrdny ifiiTiHioti, suiling al 8 for Anyox, "I' vvarl .and Alice Arm. The vessel brought I he following jpiw-seuger: for Prince lluperl J. McDougall. J. MePheeJ J. l.ock-liarl, Don Ilrnwn, K. W. Crawford. II. J. Vidley, Mr. and Mrs. I.. H. Itaillie, V. V. Delcourl and Mr. und Mrs. I.ance Styles and family; for Anyox Mr. lleH rental, A. ((..Howler, II. J'orwyllie.. W. Parmlter, W. Murdoek. Mr. and Mrs. lleJdeman. Miss '. Eld and Dr. Harper; for Stewart W. Sonnies and .1. A. Williams; for Alice Arm, Mr. ami Mrs. Heaiiilin. 13ABY'SCOLDS Childn'n's delicate digestions are en ail y amtnrlHtl hy joo much "dosing." still the little ones' cold i:Tjub!e cannot be aeakcted. At tins very first slim of croup.v sore Jwt, or any other told trouble, apply Nicks aKiib ov. r the throat and Chert, - here is nothing to mvallow nu ust rub it on. Colch io over niKht, croun li usually tr!icv:t( it, lfj niinaUv THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREB ONLY THE MOTHER KNOWS ABOUT THE COUGHS AND COLDS OF THE CHILDREN It I" hard Iu kcefi iiiriu Vruiii lakliiK colli; 11"' will run out of il'mii nut pro perly clad, or liuvi' mi too uiu. It clothing; play luu bard and gel om i heated, anil Mil Off loo suddenly ; K' l llieir fec Wet; kirk off Hie ti ll cloth? al lafht. and Uo dozen 'liniKt the mutlii r ran t lrevcul. The iirnii'i't iic or DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP will t'lHM'k tlic i'ouh ui n,id bi'lore any MTliiUa lunv trouble can i , . - -1 1 t develoji. Mr. ' Evm-rtt K. Keeldi, No. 4. Krederli'ton, NJ1., write: "My tittle Imy; aie lUne year, lml a dreadrul cold which left him with 8 Imd roiiKh. 1 tried Dr. Woud'i Norway l'ltip Syriii.. and arier lulnt lhree bottlea li wa? nuniiietely re llvfrt. I would advlae all Inuilierit to inte thb remedy ror thtlt- i-luldrcii as it I an excellent medicine." f or aale at-all druvirtxt ami doalci-a. tftucklrKinsr Sale. Wallace's. 10 HrUee l.illle, skipper of llii provincial ferry; at Francois l.aki arrivtjd m town on this morn ing's train ou business. CP. It. Mleairter Princes .Mary northlmund from Vancouver li uouttioasiern Alaska pons, it due here at 3:30 this aflernoon The, Canadian' lialilmt lioal Hanoco, Capt. A. J-'rebourg, wae laken up on tho dry dock, for an nual overhaul and Hie inslalla lion of a. iiew false keel. St. John CoUhursi, son of Capl and Mr. Jylul OoIIIiui-kI of Ter race, reached the city on this morning's train. He is on ins wa) south to attend school. i A'orman A. Wall, (leveriuueiil agent he re, -ha :beeu appointed conimis).ioner for taking n til davits for suoh period as lie re mains iu the service of the government. II. Ileidetnan, owner of lite (tolskeislt mine, ami Mrs. Ilalde-maii were passengers goiiij-Ihrough ou the Cardena yester day afternoon bound north from Vancouver lo Anyor. ' r II. Huynton 'refwrnedHi Huras Lake on Saturday night's train Mr. Hoynlon has been in chargft of several 'shipment -of livoMlnek Dial have arrived in Hie eily re eently from the inlerinr. ' , It. V. Mc.Naughlon, C.V.H. din- Iricl iiasM'iiger agent, js ejfpecleo back ou m ednesilay nioruHig s train from inn iocs where Ik lias been at Amding a conference Of passenger representatives oi Ihe western region. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason Aibin and 'daughter, Miss Doris Adams, arrived iu Ihe eiy from Smilliers on thin morning's train ami an registered al the Prince lluperl Hotel. They will sail tomorrow on Hie Cardena for California ui ail extended holiday trip. Coastwise Sleamship & Barge Co.'s steamer Amur, Capl. Dun can McKiimon, arrived in port during' the night having iu low iarg'0 Baroda, Capl. U. Fu! ton. The Baroda, which was anchored in I lie slreem this morning, has con) from l.ady-smlth Jtfr here and Anyox. C.X.II. steamer yrirfoe .Inlin is expected here front Vitncouci and Ihe (Jueeu Cbarlolle Islands about 'i Friday morning'," llei ehedida having lieeu advanced a week, the John Itjffl Vnneouver last Saturday night on lime. S!:i Is seliaruletl to leave here on ties ieldVti soulb next SJltitrday Wallace's' Sale. See Iwck page. in SMITHERS l.esler Davis, wliojins followed his I ratio )f electrician In Sinilh-rs ror. the past I wo years, loft for Vancouver last Thursday and iiiicmU to take tip Icctrical work iu thnl'city. Freddie, son of Mr. and Mrs Fred Wa'l son, had Ihe misfortune to bread his arm, last week, wliile he and some of his nlay- TOO LATP TO CLASSIFY TillllD Class Hngineer desires posilion. Best references. Work guiicaiiii'i'd. C. J. Seuk-bill, Smillier-. HI'. t; I A plea-ant evening was spent at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Warner on Friday, when Mrs. A'ariier ami Mrs. F.. Kby. enter, aiiied a ntimlier of their ladv iriends at Itridge. The guest ol louor was Mrs, .1. Mason Adams who Is leAying for the south. The Siuilhers Hoy Senilis Inn' iey learn journeyed to Telkwa on alurday fiflernoon and defeated the .Scout' team in lliat (own iu 3 hockey game by a core of 3 lo 2. A sloiyh load of roolers of Hie fair sex accompanied Ihe boys on Ihe trip and were an important factor in encouraging he local team lo victory. A re-urn niulli lo he played ir-.Stnithers is being arranged for next Saturday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. N. (iolieen eiilerlaiueil a number of llieir ."rieinls rin Saturday nighl, a uiiisl eujoyable liiiie being spent at dancing and mu.-ic. , Friends of D. D. Monro tendered him a surprise . parly al his iparlnienls on Saturday even iirg. After the "host" had recover ed from I lie shock of the invas ion, Hie floor was cleared and a few merry hours were passed in daiW'ing. Mr. ami .Mrs. J. Mason Adams, accompanied by their dauvh'ei Doris, left on Sunday evening- train on an extended' holida' our llirotili coast cities which will lake them down soulli as fai is I. os Angeles. TERRACE NOTES The H. D. Bridge Club met llii week al the home of Mrs Burnett. The Terrace - Kilsunigallum Parent Teachers' Association held their regular monthly meeting Thursday night in Progress Hall. Literature covering a wide range or suiijccls, Had neen ro oked from the central organi- izalinii and Mr. Parsons read a number of the papers of especial interest. The main business of the evening was an auction of trticles coiilriliiilod for the pur pose liy the various meiniiers. 'tr. Bishop acted as auctioneer .mi conducted the proceedings ery wittily. Over 12 was real ized ou the sale. The next nieet- wlll lake place al the school. NOTICE. Tender will tie received l Ihe My or 'rliiiii Inn. fit for the inrfliuc of Lot ill. Hlmk , Section I. v Tenilem to Jie III the orTU'e or the City 'h"k murkeil "Tender for Lot" not Inter than 11 a jo. Saturday, January In. IV3.V K. V. JOM-.S. Cll.r Clerk. M0RTQAQS SALE. T.UK .NoTICK dial under and by virlue tif tlit) uiei contained In a I. Mallei Morliraiie d.iled the ntli day or Annum, IV3I, nun mane nciwcen inr ihju,oc I alr Inn, Limited, nnd Hie lloyal Hunk ol Canada I will nfler for alc at luiblle nui'llun on Tuenday, the Kfllh (lay of January, litis, ut Hie hour of i.3u o'clock In Ihe ariernoun, 10 me premise!, 01 imurn Mi.kuv'iitli Avenue. I'rlnre llurert. li e 'all the itooil. ehallels. fHlureH. ef- reets and ncrsoual nruiierly eonlalneit Iu Ihe said Chattel Mnrmaaei and belnir the ntili.oiH or oie wiHUieoCK name, i.uuiieo, iilnnlele. now n Kotnir eoneern. ineuinuiK iiiii.iv.nvi. ,:i.M dairv cnwit. eaiven. heire'r. Imciikkh, Kurd truck, steam boiler, huinen, wainim. Teed, driumhl Imiwa. and nlhVr neremllle. reiiulred In Hie o lion or a dairy, and also household rurnllure and ironiN, etc. OATKli ut I'l'luee Hiil'ert, ll.C, tblJ 7lti (lay or January, loss. r y ' KVITT I'nr riirllier iiarllelilr- and eumlllhiin or sale ild William; Manson k c.un-aalti, Solldtuu, rilncu llV'erl, B.C. ,lt acai January Home Furnishing Sale DINING ROOM SUITE SPECIALS 8 Piece Solid Oak Dining Room .Suite SPECIAL. $120.00 0 Piece Solid Walnut Hiiiing Iloont Suite. 8 Pieces Solid Oak Dining Room Snile lleg. 'iT0.()0. Salt Price ... $300.00 $132.50 This suite carries a guarantee from 9 Piece Two-lone Oak "William" and Hie manufacturers. "Mary" design. Sale Price .. $218.50 Fumed Oak Huffet. Sale Price .. $45.00 This is a very allraelive suite in the Hidden Oak Buffet . Sale Price . . $48.00 JalcA oak Iwo-lone finish. Fumed Oak Oldong Tahle. Sale Price y Piece Two-tone Walnut finish Dining ... $36.50 Room Suite. Special $200.00 SPECIAL. . 0 Piece Dining Room Suite, Fumed fin- 8 Piece Dining Room Suite, Walnut fin-, ish. Special $130.00 ish. Special $98.50 GEO. D. TITE 3rd Avenue. The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 mates were coasting on llieir leighs. llii! accident was Hie result of a collision. Sieve Tommy, and Indian from ftou:id Lake district, appeared n court before Magistrate Jlos-iins last week, to answer to Hie barge of thefl. lie was found tuilly ou three, counts ainl remanded for sentence. I January CLEARANCE ! SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit Is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sale Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. Helgerson Block. GET IT AT! LOOK THEM OVER. Ladies' Hiibbeo, medium heel only, for 2," Pairs of Ladies' Shoes for ... 25 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords, sizes, for ... 50c . . $2.00 assorled 1 5 Discount ou all Ladies' and Children's Shoes' $3.50 and House Slippers. Men's Rubbers. Heg. SI. 85. Sale Price $1.50 Men's Overalls. Beg. 2.75. Sale Price $1.85 Men's Flannelette Working Shirts. Reg. !?:i.()il. Sale $1.85 Boys' Monarch Sweaters. up lo :M. Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss and dove, 1 oz. balls, four for $1.00 Monarch Wool, down, 2 oz. halls, ;i halls for $1.00 Infants' All Wool .Black. Casjimcre J.'enman.'s Hosiery. 1 pairs for $1.00 Children's Heavy Bib Collon Stockings, all sizes. :i pairs for $1.00 ii balls of Cro"hel Collon, nil shades, for $1.00 yards of Grey Cot Ion, inches wide, for $1.00 I yards of White Fliiunelelte for $1.00 Kverytliing in our store is reduced, genuine bargains in every department iu the store. JA80UR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645 Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST (iel my F.-limntc on your Dental Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK I'licoiidilionally (iiiuiN.lllced. 1 do all my own work. This means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEY" UNDERWEAR, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 PHONE 586 -GROCERS REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS